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fine, this is spyware, but what do you use to chat and share screen with friends
Discord is too far ahead to not use. It makes no difference because they all become spyware with enough popularity. Too much money and power to not corrupt.
i dont need friends to be the best
them knowing what you're doing inside the app isn't the same thing as it being spyware, superbrain. use the web version if you're super paranoid.
They literally sell all your chat logs, voice calls and logs of programs you have open to chinese companies. It's LITERALLY in their TOS, it's not even a secret or anything, superbrain.
Why would you lie about something that's easily verifiable?
You guys are my friends
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as opposite to other platforms (hi KDE forums) who instantly remove your account if you are considered alt--right
Spyware this, spyware that, who the fuck cares? You're not that important.
>but muh dayta
fuck off, it's been sold to chinks and jews thousand times already
youre my bestie :3
Thanks nigga, that's hella based of you fr fr
Unironically IRC. I've been hanging out in the same channels for over 20 years (rip Freenode).
>hurr your data is already with a bunch of companies
1. The chats I'll have with my friends tomorrow have very obviously not been sold a "thousand times already"
2. If my data actually had already been passed around as much as your mom then it would be worthless and that means they have no reason to collect it, and
3. If they really want my allegedly proliferous data then they can buy it from all those companies that totally already have it, and I have no reason to give it away for free.
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>just make your own
Was gonna but I have to make money irl. If one of you fags give me Bitcorns I'll finish making this. Extremely decentralized. Servers would be hosted by individuals on their own machine and a central server would only exist to point you to server directory.

I unironically got the idea from all the shitty discord spam threads on this board.
It's not a lie retard
Post the part of their privacy policy that corroborates what you are saying
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I resent this cancer app for existing.
>get into /tg/ shit
>locale Warhammer fags use Pisscord to organize games
>give setup account like normal
>ask for phone number
>can't search for my area's wargaming (((server)))
This is unacceptable. I don't want to give my phone number to pedo kikes. Why do normal fags accept this?
>You guise are mein frens
Ok, but no sex stuff, ok?
self hosted teamspeak server
>share screen
self hosted screenshots and video server

normalfags are compeltely brainwashed use one of the dozens sms verification services
>but what do you use to chat and share screen with friends
Discord. I also like the in app poker game. It's comfy.
That they are allowing themselves to do this does not mean that they are actually doing it. Proof of sale or gtfo.
That's why you don't jump to anything that leaves a dangling hook, you get something open source that you can host yourself. XMPP, Element or whatever.
Also shit, they MITM your messages by design.
>You're not that important
If it can be handled without the active involvement of a human, it doesn't really matter if you're important.
>It's been sold a thousand times
And it will be sold a million times more, up-to-date data is valuable and if you want to deny it to specific people, then that's your prerogative.
Did you even read it? Why are you so obsessed with defending them? Could it be you are getting paid? ;)
>use ICQ
>something better (msn) comes up
>use msn
>something better (skype) comes up
>use skype
>something better (discord) comes up
irc, ventrilo & teamspeak niggers need not apply
you don't have to install it, you can chat and share screen through the browser version
>chat with friends
why would anyone do this?
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>That they are allowing themselves to do this does not mean that they are actually doing it.
>C shart
keep that shit unreleased jeetanon
Anon, on PC Discord is constantly checking a list of apps that you're running. If it's not a privacy breach, then I ask what is.
lol. ngmi.
>he has friends
Well said anon, have a good day.
>'cord is... le spyware!
>nuh-uh, 2 more weeks
kill yourself
What even is the point of using discord? Servers are all dead, hard to get into due to there being established cliches, censorship, and thus, with servers at least, you can't establish any social bonds any more so than you could on a traditional forum, thus making it only slightly better than here. Trying to add specific people on places dedicated to that purpose itself comes with issues, namely that's there's very few places to just drop tags in the first place, they're slow, and things end up falling apart anyway. Element has these problems too, some exacerbated, such as finding specific people to talk to instead of fucking around in a server and hoping someone DMs or you fit in, and some somewhat better like you not being as easily censored, for better and for worse. Honestly, discord seems pretty shitty all things considered, and so do most of its competitors. Some new form of connecting with others online should be made, but it won't, because it's impossible not to make it shit, and that's assuming it will even get made somehow. Fuck this
What are you, some kind of faggot?
GTF-Outta here normalcunt
lol freechode btfo EFNet4lyfe die for irc
You mean for the opt-in feature of broadcasting what game you're playing? Come on, get real here.
I don't share my screen, but you can do it in a browser.
>they all
not if it's open sores
gnome forums also have an auto-ban on lunduke links

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