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Since Mozilla is acting very shady and pozzed and Firefox is becoming increasingly unusable, I decide to finally jump ship and migrate to Librewolf and a proper password manager, KeepassXC. And so far I'm loving it.

I have 361 accounts, many of these accounts are ancient and older than most zoomers on this board, from the time before I knew or cared about digital privacy.
KeepassXC flagged 169 with being weak passwords. So decided to change all passwords and deleted useless accounts. I spent the entire week doing this it probably took 8 hours cumulative.

Here some stats:
>111 entries were garbage accounts (localhost stuff, redundant entries, improper saved accounts either missing username or URL)
>60 accounts were easily deleted with little to no hassle
>68 accounts were impossible to delete. Some sites were defunct. Some didn't offer method for deletion. Some sites merged or were bought out by other companies making it impossible to be delete without creating a new account on the new site. And worst of all, some required even more personal information like phone number or government ID to be deleted. In those cases all I could do was change all my info to fake ones and leave at that.
>23 accounts I had dig around Terms of Service and Privacy Polices to find customer service email or form to request my account to be deleted. I'm still waiting for their response.
>10 accounts I contacted the costumer service email an received a confirmation of my account deletion
>25 accounts had retarded password restrictions. Some not allowing more than 8, 15 or 20 characters; not allowing special characters or only allowing numbers. Those passwords remain weak.
>5 accounts still required 2step verification via SMS, impossible to be removed or change to TOTP authentication.
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Who knows If they actually delete my personal data when they say they do. But at least before deleting I put as much a fake information as possible so even if they sell my data, hopefully my digital footprint will be slowly poisoned with nonsense data.

So here what I actually learned:
Because they were probably sued many times before, big globohomo company accounts are the easiest and quickest to delete. Usually just a big red DELETE button on your profile.
Gaming companies are the worst offenders when it comes to account deletion, Terms of Service and Privacy Polices are all 5 years out of date full of dead links that goes nowhere and defunct customers service emails and zendesks forms.
Universities and Hospitals/Labs/Healthcare providers are the worst when it comes to passwords, they all send you premade weak passwords via email or SMS, usually with only 7 characters or just numbers and don't allow you to change it yourself. All their systems are ancient PHP sites, a security nightmare.
With all this tranny ideology infecting all aspects of our lives. many sites allow you to change your name and sex, so I took full advantage of that.

Moral of the story is don't go making accounts willy-nilly because it will be hard to delete it and it's probably not worth it. Try using a free frontend instead.
It was a hard but worth endeavor, I will probably do it again in a couple of years, and I think you should too.

Thanks for reading my blog.
I have 22 account entry, i religiously delete accounts that i don't use. The data that they "can" delete is the least important part. Your behavioral data is still there.
None of this is particularly insightful as a I switched to keepass years ago back in the kdbx2 days but I applaud you for resisting mentioning the tranny ghosts in your bedroom up until almost end at least.
Librewolf + Keepassxc is pretty much the best way to use the internet.
Is there a tool to verify how many accounts have you created with an specific email?
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Nice one, OP, thanks for the statistical breakdown.
People always look weird at me with my refusal to just sign-up somewhere willy-nilly, even if I were to use all fake info.
You should maybe write an actual blog post.
I've worked in corporate for a tech company, providing information for SAR requests and deleting accounts and they don't delete everything. They delete useless shit that doesn't mean anything but keep certain things because their is a law that allows companies in the UK to keep certain information for business needs.
>People always look weird at me with my refusal to just sign-up somewhere willy-nilly, even if I were to use all fake info.
I noticed this, too. Why do normies like to create accounts and log in everywhere that much?
You can export the database as csv or html and then do an easy text search.
Assuming that you added the email somehow... i add them as extra email attribute
I have around 15 passwords on my keepass. I also know my email, apple id, and phone provider passwords for device recovery purposes.
most online accounts are useless and bloat. I’ve obsessed over keeping my online footprint to a minimum for like a decade now. I don’t even have game console accounts anymore because I threw them out. What is most annoying is, like you said, some of these fuckers don’t just let you delete accounts. And since I’m so autistic about not wanting to contact any kind of customer service, information override is the next best thing, even going as far as using temp emails to make sure I don’t get it back ever.
I feel like it’s unhealthy and it gets in the way of some things, like my relatives give me shit about “oh why don’t you just download >fast food restaurant app< and get rewards you’re wasting youre money,” and I’ll I say is no I don’t want more accounts. I could go into an autistic spiel about how rewards programs take more of your money in the long wrong but the point is that normies can’t seem to comprehend their online footprint.
Also I learned never ever ever fuck with old accounts dealing with prior employments before you have to do your taxes. I nearly got fucked when I couldnt access old paystubs and other tax info from a staffing site because of my autistic digital minimalism, but luckily it turned out well in the end because snail mail of all things saved me.
Good post Anon
I've long viewed user accounts as a liability and tried to have as few of them as I can.

I ran into problems with some sites because a few of them treat your email and user ID as one and the same; you can't change your email address to a new one, they just tacitly assume that once a person has an email address, that's what it is for all time. There's some accounts lurking out there that I still have logins to, but that I can neither use nor recover because the email I signed up with doesn't exist anymore. (most of these will do some shit like "you haven't logged in for a while, please use the link in the confirmation email we just sent you!")

I imagine some nomalfaggot mobile-app shit is like this with phone numbers, too.
As I get older the less I try to sign up for things, it's actually incredible how people treat you if they ask for an email and you say you don't have one
Just use a few dozens different passwords and remember them. What's so hard about this?
boomer moment
The feds have already noticed you trying to mask your data and are now monitoring you even more closely.
>I could go into an autistic spiel about how rewards programs take more of your money in the long run
Nobody irl will hear this point, I just want to buy things for a reasonable price without any gamification or points bullshit.
The credit card exploiter people also irrationally piss me off, the bank might be losing money, but you're still doing the humiliation ritual.
Not OP but in my experience Russian websites don't let you delete your account. I think it's a law there or something.
i've been using my credit card for 1% back like a fucking golem, please talk me out of it i'm tired of getting gift cards for stores i don't even go to
I used to remember a lot of phone numbers to be able to call from boots and you can't even remember passwords. Pitiful.
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using a pool of passwords is how you get included in breaches
>will noone think of the companies who need you data
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>People always look weird at me with my refusal to just sign-up somewhere willy-nilly
I once lost a job opportunity because the interviewer wanted to do a zoom call. You fags already signup for skype and googlemeet, I'm not signup for another garbage globohomo corpo trend of the month, I have to draw a line in the sand, enough is enough.
holy based
>tfw my kdbx file is 10 years old now
shit is reliable
Someday I'll rid myself of my Amazon Prime card, but the 5% back on all Amazon purchases is just too good to pass up, especially when I buy a lot of stuff on Prime for myself and for family members anyway
you’re getting physical gift cards? All I get are digital deals through my bank app.
besides, so long as you’re not recklessly spending for the sake of getting a miniscule 1% back, it’s fine to keep using that card. dont sign up for any new cards, however
I’ll present you a challenge: delete your Amazon account by august 1st.
what’s the reward? that’s one less reason to be a mindless consumer golem
They've become so indoctrinated that they unironically believe that they somehow get a benefit from using an account everyfuckingwhere.
I've unironically had someone tell me how great having an account on their fucking dishwasher is and when I ask him what he uses that for he just stares blankly at me. Couldn't even come up with something. To quote Carlin these people are professional, prolific consumers. It's their civic duty.
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i have one too but i never use it because it's a pain in the fucking ASS to pay off (i don't want to make an account so i have to call them to pay)
It could be...
One thing I also learned that I forgot to mention, was that trying to delete you account is such a niche use case that this feature is extremely underdeveloped and probably didn't go under a lot of tests. So my hope is that my data ends up falling under the cracks never to be seen and it doesn't alert the glownigger API or flag me for some reason.
Anon.... I... I just don't think I'm ready. I've already deleted all my cloud storage, de-googled completely. I just don't think I'm ready to let papa Bezos go :'(
I would if I had a way to get rid of my balance, I don't know what to buy
>If you buy more plastic shit from china we will reward you with more plastic shit from china
Doesn't seem like a good deal for me.
Why did you get the prime card if you don't have an Amazon account? Surely if you need a credit card your bank has a fine one?
they gave me $100 to sign up

same reason i got this one >>101584447 and the same reason i have one from paypal, and the same reason i have one at cabelas lol
kek dude your credit score must be to the moon or absolute dogshit, I'm not sure which
it's around 780
>nigger gets filtered by a fucking zoom call just to own le epic silicon valley jews
Thanks for making the competition easier
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also i should add that credit scores are literally like a mental slavery tool, i never realized it until i got them all, they try to make you afraid of your useless number going down so you give them money, the only real reason for a credit card is buying from sketchy sources/big purchases so you can defend yourself if they fuck you over
>he hasn't experienced the classic instance of needing his password out in the real world and having to unlock keepass with 40 char password and then figure out how to transfer his password to wherever it needs to be used
I certainly wouldn't switch from keepass though but it's important from my experience to memorize a few passwords for things you need to use when not at home.

Using cash is a better deal, don't have to pay CC processing fee, and you don't put money in the pocket of visa jew. Otherwise, go get one which has the highest % cashback on your largest spending category (for me that's groceries). Only get that card if the amount you'll make from expected yearly cashback will be greater than the yearly fee AND whatever you would've made off your 1% card.
i refuse to make accounts unless i really have to and have access to keepassxc
>I'm not signup for another garbage globohomo corpo trend of the month
I agree with you, and you should stick to your guns when it counts, but zoom was useful for the reason that it didn't require sign up

probably not the biggest offender
is it even possible to get more than 1.5-2% without being a millionaire, every card i can find that's like 3% requires you to be a rich jew spending over 100k a year on your card
>Firefox is becoming increasingly unusable, I decide to finally jump ship and migrate to Librewolf
based, but of the retard kind, they forked the same exact memory leak, that I wouldn't be surprised if it had a nice google logo on it
Blue cash preferred is pretty good, don't have to spend a certain amount, I have no clue about credit approval but if you apply when you just recently got another card you'll probably get declined. My boomer mom however pointed out that the promos where you get $200 if you spend x amount in y months with a new card are way better than any cashback, like 6% on the max $6,000 for blue cash everyday is $360 but most other cards are way lower percent. But then you have to pay for everything with the card, and the jew wins.
isn't that literally a card that only accepts millionaires

my last card was last year, i got all 5 of them in 2023 and it's around 780 but i don't spend enough to be accepted probably
>I did something unnecessary and tedious, please read my blog about how I was inconvenienced
>also here's some redditjaks
You're thinking of their gold card and other executive cards, which have such gigantic yearly fees (amex gold is $325/yr) that you DO indeed need to spend HUGE money before you even make enough to pay the fee. But I don't think any of them explicitly have income requirements, they just look at your credit.
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>Annual Fee: $0 intro annual fee for the first year, then $95¤†

It's over... this is for the blue one.

Thanks for all your help anon!
you also need it for more favorable loans though
like I'm ever gonna get a loan lol
Just use one password and add the name of the service you're signing up to on the end.
That way you can't forget it, and it won't show up in any dictionary, and if one account is compromised they can't use it to access your other accounts without applying at least a minimal amount of brainpower.
what about getting an apartment or something? landlords do check it here and there
they can check credit for apartments? grim, god I hate this sick world, mine is almost 800, can it go down if I don't ever use my cards?
Show them some pay stubs. If you can afford it and will continue to be able to afford it, what do they have to complain about?
"Sorry, we'd rather lease this to a documented immigrant getting proven 4k a month in welfare. :)"
from what I'm told most of them will just take a bigger deposit if they don't like your credit

though I'd still say that buying your own house is the only thing you should actually ever take on a loan for.
credit scores are less "how rich are you" and more "how likely are you to pay on time"
dunno if I overlooked that before or just figured $360 - $100 is still decent for "free money". Feel like it used to be $60 actually but yeah. There's a site, I forget if it was bankrate or nerdwallet but one of them has excellent reviews on cards. You still have to do the math though in the end on how hard you're being jewed and what you actually get out of it. Not sure any card earns you more in cashback than you'd save if you paid with cash instead. But the jews have decreed that every gas station employee must be lazy as fuck and take forever so you feel you MUST use your card at the pump instead of forking over your physical currency.

a mortgage is a loan, you telling me you're gonna pay the whole cost of a house someday? (I will note however there is a lot of government assistance for first-time homebuyers that can somewhat make credit score irrelevant, but still, having more favorable terms will be nice when you hit hard times). Not that I agree with the jewish credit system, but it's not hard to make decent credit, the whole world now is constructed to incentivize swiping the plastic slave tag whenever possible.

yeah, if it's an actual property management company or someone with more status than a casual landlord they tend to credit check (even had one former casual landlord credit check me). I know that your card utilization has SOME effect (keep around 10% for optimal score I believe), but not sure that it has a continuous increasing effect.
is there any actual difference between Librewolf and hardened firefox?
i never tought of that, sounds actually pretty useful for remembering where the fuck this password belonged to, maybe a sequence only you know, in which you can verify if this is the first or 5th password to that service u ever created to not confuse older from newer ones?

PLUS that long random generated password.
luakit + pass, works like a charm

could also use a hash based system:
>generate 128/256 bit master key
>compute pseudorandom string, append master key and domain/site using BLAKE3 (fast) or Argon2id (slow)
>use result as password

do make sure
1) your hashing algorithm is resistant to length-extension attacks
2) your hashing algorithm is secure in $CURRENTYEAR (so no sha1, md5 or whatever insecure hash algorhtm exists)
3) your output digest sizes are big enough to mitigate the limited charset hex encoding provides, if you use that.

just a silly little idea
it's okay thank you! i think i'll just keep what i have now and rarely use it

>a mortgage is a loan, you telling me you're gonna pay the whole cost of a house someday?
no, i will never own a house unless i get a windfall totally out of the blue

> I know that your card utilization has SOME effect
On what? :o
Yeah, but there's a difference between "I need to pay for this apartment so I have a place to live" and "I'm a retard and racked up $240,000 in student loans to get a permission slip to work for Mr. Shekelberg at $18/hour so now I'm struggling to make minimum payments after living expenses." Most landlords are smart enough to know that they're in the former group and practically guaranteed to get paid as long as you make enough money to afford it. If you can show them that you can afford it and your employment is stable that should be enough.
Underneath all of Mozilla adware, spyware and pozzed loads there is still good browser. Librewolf just strips always all the cancer aids from Mozilla and only saves the good parts.

>but you are trusting a single furry dev
Yeah, I would trust a schizo furry before trusting a corporate backed tranny.
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>I will never own a house
Look into whether your government will give you a low down payment mortgage for being a first time homeowner. Still probably gonna be paying rent prices or more per month for rest of your life but at least you'd own (a feudal allotment from the jew baron) a house. But I'm still very far away from even being able to afford a low down payment so I hear ya.

>card util
Effects your credit score. I have no clue what amount and HOW exactly but have been told >10% but not by much is ideal (so if you have a limit of $1000, spending $110/month and paying it off when it comes due). Have an ominous arcane diagram that purports to explain the weight of certain factors in the magical jewish formula.

That landlord who checked my credit said mine was great though I had $20k student loans, solely because I didn't have any missed payments.
is the librewolf dev actually an open furry?
>adware, spyware and pozzed loads there is still good browser.
all things you can remove by simply editing about:config or using arkenfox, no need to download a furry fork that will probably be abandoned in 1 year
librewolf exposes some of its tweaks in the settings, i think that's really it.
Did you see my thread the other day anon? We are calling it the overflow pill

the formula also changes on a whim iirc but if you remember to just pay your stuff on time, your credit will generally improve. I was in the 700s just by paying my cellphone bill on time and financing the phone.
I think these defeat the purpose of the system. I guess if you did something like MD5 and then truncate to 16-20 characters that would be fine, that way there's no chance no one could get a hold of one of your plaintext passwords from a shitty website and then use that to determine the pattern, but I think that's not a likely attack vector. In general, targetted attacks are going to either brute force the hashed key (which won't reveal the pattern) or attempt to guess the password based on your profile (which this method is resistant to, especially with an abstract base password like Pinklemons or some shit like that), or attempt to spy on you to see you enter the password (a keylogger, or watching you type). A password can't resist the last attack, you would need 2FA for that. I guess hashing the password could obfuscate it from anyone spying on your typing, but as far as keylogging you're counting on your screen and clipboard being more secure than your keyboard, which I don't see as a safe assumption.
In practice no, but one time a update broke my arkenfox script and I started seeinf the globohomo artstyle on firefox again and it activated some bullshit thing like pocket. That was the straw that broke the camel's back and made me switch to Librewolf.
Don't know, just assuming.
>all things you can remove by simply editing about:config or using arkenfox,
I did that but, >>101585743
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>People always look weird at me with my refusal to just sign-up
So >>101543296's why normies sign up for every other thing, they literally just never clear their cookies/logins...
>history and session are cleared after every use by default
>need to login to everything every single time I open the browser
I used to do this manually every day before switching to LW.
Yeah, but I switch to Librewolf and KeepassXC 3 months ago, but just decided to clean things up last sunday.
But it's a good pill tho.
i leave firefox running for days so i almost never get logged out. it does start to leak too much around the 72h mark.
I don't know why but this thread brings back memories of using Lolifox
I started around the mid-2010s, when everybody started talking about "Facebook spying your microphone, ads popping up about things you talk," and I figured cookies would be the easiest way to track, so I just started deleting them regularly.

I have no idea how well or bad I'm being tracked.
I suppose that is a good sign.
get cookieautodeleter
You will never be a woman.
did that too recently, I think it's better to not delete old accounts but update whatever weak security credentials it has, like new long passwords and passinbox unique addresses
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>People always look weird at me with my refusal to just sign-up somewhere willy-nilly
They always give me the fluoride stare when I say I don't have whatsapp and have no intention of using it.
>I once lost a job opportunity because the interviewer wanted to do a zoom call. You fags already signup for skype and googlemeet, I'm not signup for another garbage globohomo corpo trend of the month, I have to draw a line in the sand, enough is enough.
This. They all use windows so they all have teams. You can join a teams meeting without having an account. Why tf do they need me to use zoom or whatever other dumb ass "app"? Just send me the teams link and I will see you there. No sign in required
I'm too autistic to even use my phone for anything besides calls now. I dont even let it on my local network because I dont trust it.
fascinating watching you americans discuss credit cards and credit ratings. I don't know a single person who owns a credit card, infact owning a credit card here is considered kind of trashy. A sign of someone spending above their means
>Phones with internet access were a mistake
Kind of but really allowing normies to allow govs and corpos do all this shit is where it begins
>fascinating watching you americans discuss credit cards and credit ratings. I don't know a single person who owns a credit card, infact owning a credit card here is considered kind of trashy. A sign of someone spending above their means
The credit agencies use it as a sign of someone that understands how to manage money.
People that are shit at managing money get reduced access to large purchases that they hope to juggle with other purchases.
Idk that Europeans understand investing and money management. It seems the idea of building wealth through assets and managing liabilities is something Europeans outsource to their government overlords.
credit-card interchange fees (that merchants pay as a percentage of each transaction using a particular brand of card) are uncapped here, I believe the EU mandates that they be really low. US credit-card issuers give you a kickback for buying stuff on a credit card. There's a bunch of stupid "points" and "airline miles" bullshit, but you can get ones that just give you 1-2% straight-up cash back on whatever you buy with the card, sometimes more for specific things.

If and only if you pay it off in full every month, this is free money. You literally get paid by a bank to buy stuff with a credit card, instead of with debit or cash. The issuing banks make money because if you carry a balance you pay something like 25% interest on it, and a lot of people consoom their way into some big-time debt.

There's a subculture of people who have like ten different credit cards, all with different rewards/cash-back programs, and pick which one they use for any given purchase based on which bank will pay them the most in rewards. This is a ton of hassle but it can be like a 3-5% discount on every purchase you make.
Did you actually decline stating that it's because they're using Zoom for the interview?
That'd be pretty fucking hardcore, nice.
After the commie goverment start seizing the banks accounts of the truckers, I cancelled my credit card and only leave the bear minimum in my bank account. All my money is on bitcoin, monero, gold and canned foods now. And next year I'm planning in going full preper.
>canned foods
At least you invested in something of value.
Zoom doesn't require signup or downloading any new software, though. Granted, it's easy to miss the link to join a meeting on your browser but it's there.
Experian, the biggest credit agency on the planet, is an European company.
It's only _some_ countries that are financially backwards. Europe has its fair share of fintechs, too.
I literally have 1552% ROI on crypto tho.
don't forget the reloading press, molds and primers
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>I have 361 accounts
Yeah it's not like people have massive dictionaries they use to break into peoples accounts or anything
Just use a free password manager like keepassxc or bitwarden and remove the need to remember hundreds of passwords. Keep local and offsite backups if you're really paranoid about losing access to your passwords
How were you originally tracking the account? I have ancient gaming accounts from when I was a teenager, some of which I remember, but probably many more I do not. And I don't mean remember the credentials, I mean remembering I even have an account associated with the service.

Also, most services I looked into attempting to delete the account, the option wasn't even there. Kudos to you for digging through customer support shit. Can you explain your process a little more? You mention gender settings and stuff. Were you just trying to fuzz your data a bit if it seemed too accurate? Do you consider that acceptable if an account can't be deleted?

Also how do you backup your password database?

Of and lastly what is a "free frontend" in this case?
Just click generate password SVD they'll be autofilled when you login
oh shit you've been glownibbered
how you can use dictionaries to break in online accounts?
he was talking about passwords, make your passwords of random letters and numbers

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