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what up my /g/iggas

as all of you may know, the dev market (in the US at least) has fucking been saturated. My friends from T25 universities are struggling to get any internships. The thing is, as fucked as all this is; programming is still the best thing I can do, and out of all the things I can do it also happens to be what I enjoy. I cant stop, won't stop even.

So I realized, this could also look good on a college app even if it makes $0 income. Yea, it's not an original idea but I have a SaaS idea that for some fucking reason nobody else has done (im sucking my own cock right now!) so this either means I have a golden goose or im about to find out why nobody has done it. Yes it has utility, and it targets a worldwide audience of individuals (not companies).

If you have any exp with finding users, how did you do it? Do I buy ads on pornhub or what.
ideas are worthless
if you actually come up with something novel that works big tech will just copy you and make it better (see airpods, smartwatches, home automation)
hmm, so why do they bother acquiring startups then?
>yeah bro, dont try doing anything just rot in my basement like me so I feel better
dont listen to this fat fucking NEET, you're as useless as any startup idea. dogshit.
better hiring results than recruiters.
>Do I buy ads on pornhub or what.
The business to customer model is best if you can self-fund it, yeah. And if I was you I would risk the 0.1% chance of someone stealing your idea and just post it here so we can tell you if it's retarded or not.
ask >>>/biz/
NTA, but how long does it take for a saas to make self-sustaining revenue?
B2B has very high yield though. If you actually have something serious you can have like 15 clients making you 10k.
underage ban
I feel like b2b as a solopreneur is a pipe dream, yeah like businesses are gonna rely on a single dude for part of their infrastracture; no shot.

I could he wrong though. but man how do you handle customer service with that?
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Watch all the Y-Combinator content on YouTube.
Read Brad Feld "Doing More Better" and "Venture Deals"
Your idea could very well be what YC calls a "tar pot idea" so be careful.
Usually no competition (even if it's only partial competition) is NOT a good thing.
Your MVP needs to do something that someone will pay for, BUT it doesn't need to be polished or feature rich. Just get it to where it does something that provides value that is higher than the asking price for the software.
Literally don't worry about scalability; that's a good problem to have you can tackle later.

The startup VC landscape is REALLY good right now for founders. I was just raised my seed fund for my company. There are so many incubators these days, trying to emulate YC and TechStars.

Don't be a solo founder. There are a billion reasons why you shouldn't be a solo founder, but it's easier to just look at the historical data from YC and see that solo founder don't get funded nearly as often.

Make sure you co-founder has a complimentary skill set. Two suits isn't a team. Two devs isn't a team. A suit and a dev is a pretty great team.

It's going to take years if you do it, so make sure you're in a marathon mindset. Don't just work 12 hours a day until burnout.

There is so so so much more to go through, but these are some of the things that stand out to me after my experience as a first-time founder who just got funded.

Also, working with a friend, especially a close friend, is not good. All else equal, always work with a stranger over a friend. I lost lifelong friends during this startup process and it was extremely saddening.

You got this anon! Hope your idea isn't a tar pit idea and I hope if you need to pivot, you'll find your way.
thx for the info :)
>dont be a solo founder
fugg, but the overhead seems so much lower; you'd have full control. what if your focus isn't funding?
dude's talking out his ass

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