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>work requires me to install shit with npm
>can't get npm to do anything
>always get picrel error

>use something else
Tell that to my boss. I have to use this.
works on my computer
It's my piece of shit distro that's what it is. Linux Mint: never again. I'm going to Manjaro kek lmao
Through trickery most foul. I'm a tourist btw. Not a habitual /g/ poster. So yeah, I'm employed.
its you being mentally retarded, how are you unable to resolve a filepath
get off this board now, normalfag
Gentoo doesn't have this problem.
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>struggling with baby first distro
>errm unlike you i have a job m'okay

LMAO pottery, GO BACK
>everyone laughing
>not 1 faggot knows how to actually help
You guys are the ones known for being unemployed, not me
Distro is irrelevant, use a container.
have you tried restarting the terminal?
Explain how like I'm a retard with brain damage. You mean use Docker?

lmao I've even tried reinstalling node and npm
what filepath?

sorry for never using node before
Yes, Npm is bloated cancer, less than Python but still enough to be worth putting it on its own tard box so it doesn't shit the bed. Plenty of guides online of how to setup this. Hardest part is learning to make a dockerfile.
it seems like the core node runtime needed for node itself can't be found. theres a 99% chance op did something utterly retarded, like drag and drop the node executable from a thumb drive onto his laptop and tried to run it, or something similarly dumb.
Nigga use nvm to update your node version
>theres a 99% chance op did something utterly retarded, like drag and drop the node executable from a thumb drive onto his laptop and tried to run it, or something similarly dumb.
It's Linux with internet, so I wouldn't do that. All I did was something like
# npm was giving OP error
sudo apt autoremove npm
sudo apt autoremove node
sudo apt-get install nodejs
# npm still giving OP error
>doesn't use nvm, and also lacks any semblance of basic troubleshooting skills
many such cases
kys you retarded gorilla nigger
npm truly sucks
they could learn a lot from maven
>use node.js from 2017
>end-of-life was 2020
>guys why doesnt software from 2024 target this?
based retard
It's not my fault apt installs old software. Is this all unironically because my nodejs is old? Btw I'm not 'based' because I'm not intentionally choosing outdated versions (in this moment)
You don't install npm with apt. Holy shit. What is your job title?
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Senior Platform Developer
$350/year + free benefits and travel
>he installed nodeJS from his package manager
fuck off p*do
I'm starting to understand what I did wrong. I trusted apt
ALL pedophiles are retarded!
uninstall the version from apt and get the version from the nodejs repo.
>node 10
Is Ubuntu's fault, really, whom Mint uses. They half ass the packages on their repos to shill Snap.
It's a deprecated repository. You're shit at computers.
You have to install nvm so you can switch between nodes
I knew that. I was just expecting Linux Mint to be better. That's what I meant when I said it's my distro.
The fact that child diddlers on /g/ call others subhuman is the definition of clown world irony. You do realize there's not one thread in this cesspool without an unironic pedo surfacing right? Jannies just don't care either.
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I've unironically been using apt-get over apt for years because it looka cooler
Theye both pull packages for the same shit, Ubuntu's repos are just becoming half assed as they push their Snap shitware.
Gonna try and fix this by cloning from Github on my Mint server, and also by migrating my primary development environment onto Manjaro. So long Debian. You've been great.
>10 years old node version
>something does not work

he literally got filtered with the fucking program
>/g/ supposed to be the smartest board
>thread meltdown over beginner level node.js
this is why teachers need to give cs students a week to install an IDE
You also need to install a bunch of crap when using Go, Rust, Java, C# etc. Don't act like that's a node problem, that's a web-dev problem. Also, you probably installed node from scratch, I recommend you using some external program instead of raw dog node. Try FNM or NVM. Are you using bash?
I'm trying to help, but OP needs to learn to be humble.
That's /g/ for you. A bunch of pretentious faggots. God I hate web-dev, but when I needed to do that, it was easy as fuck. Just installing fnm solved most of the problems, although I'm not a big of 3rd party applications.
>that's a web-dev problem
wtf is this nigger, you will need to analyze each new cmake every time you package a c/c++
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open google dot com
type "node js"
click on the first link which is node.js official website
click download
select "Linux"
do picrel
everything works perfectly every time

are you retarded?
are you so retarded you got angry at the easiest to use software for children?
did you not try to google your error?
did you not try googling "how to actually install node js correctly on linux mint"?
did you make this thread for fun?

thank God you don't have to write C++ for a job or something

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