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Why is there no good linux desktop environment in 2024?
> gnome is shit
> kde is laggy
> rest look like windows 95
>>> rest look like windows 95
yeah, that's a good thing
Windows 95 looks like shit.
It's clean, professional, unobtrusive, classic, simple.

UX people hate it because it highlights that their latest meme ideas are stupid. Developers hate it because if something is finished, then they have nothing to tinker with. Neither of them can show off the pointless annoying crap they like to make, things like transparency and animations. Moreover, both of them need to annoy users and create churn if they're to remain employed. They hate the idea of something like the Windows Classic UI that just werks and doesn't need constant changes and updates.

This is, of course, why this is the superior UI, compared to GNOME, KDE, Mac, nu-Windows, etc etc.
there are no good desktop environments for other systems as well
because none of them are professionally developed by a team of professionals
why should a server os have a good selection of des?
Windows 95 was great
I'm just going with away for security
make your own
or try cosmic
contribute to cosmic
you can (really) help
Because they're all hobbyist projects made by amateurs. A server OS has no need for a polished GUI.

In other words; you get what you pay for.
>pay nothing
>get a superior UI
I always thought there was no such thing as a free lunch, but I guess there is
I just use i3.
It looks like shit though.
>caring about muh looks
you sound like a woman
also, windows 95 had a great ui, as did windows 2000. it all went to shit with windows 8
Windows 11 is very good.
It looks better than any of today's trendy UIs, precisely because it lacks the things that make modern UIs suck so much.
>rest look like windows 95
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You have to be 18 to use this website.
Does XFECES even have scaling yet
Case in point.
Show any regular person who hasn't been feeding OSS propaganda for years your shitty linux DE and windows 11, and they will prefer windows every time, since it's the objectively more aesthetic DE and because their taste is not overriden by their hate for windows.
>show a windows babyduck windows and they will prefer windows every time because windows is what they know
>muh babyducks
everyone accepts your concession
do you know how many people saw Windows 8 and then Windows 10 and said "eew, fuck no"? Most of them, because I had to help a lot of them avoid forced W10 upgrades and switched a few to Linux, where an old-style DE (I used Xfce) was a big selling point for them.
Nobody likes Windows 11's UI. People just put up with it because they think they have to. The same could be said of the OS as a whole.
I like windows 11 UI. What's there not to like?
Openbox doesnt look like windows 95
neither does bspwm or i3
It does though
I havent used windows for over a decade now. Is it not possible to replace the shell on windows 11
like you could with other versions of windows. I think I remember a shell replacement called Aston
Also BB4Win (Blackbox for windows)
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What the actual fuck am I looking at?
forgot to say there were a couple of other shell replacements as well but I forgot their names
this is so cool
Oh I remember a shell replacement called windowblinds, apparently it works on win 11
August 8
oops sorry about the namefagging I was trolling someone on /b
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>install wm
>configure it to your liking
its that simple
dwm is a wm not a de
so is i3
so is openbox
win 11 is an os not a de
op is a babby wants mr jeet to do it instead, pls andastand
>kde is laggy
What's your hardware? I don't have this issue.
it's simple, GNOME and KDE people hate desktop users. You cannot seriously explain it otherwise.

Also wayland fractured everything to hell and set everything back for at least another decade. Soon it'll be gnome or nothing and tbf I'd rather use nothing.
>kde is laggy
I feel ya OP, but if you're not using it on a raspberry pi it's pretty good
LXQT is my goto in your situation
Gnome has unironically the best UX I've ever seen on a computer de, it's a real fucking shame the people behind it and how they're somehow devolving the fucking de and still have the hubris to ban you for pointing out their bullshit.
I don't see the gnone foundation existing in the next 5 years at this pace, especially looking at this past two weeks happenings.
How is Cinnamon like Windows 95?
>Gnome has unironically the best UX I've ever seen on a computer de
I've given Gnome many chances and I still do not see how it can be a good UX let alone the best. What are non-Gnome users missing?
I don't
that is the point, you viscerally look away from disgust at the window "decorations" and rice and focus on the task instead. multi-tasking is also ADHD and all the tiling shit is a stupid meme for people who need to edit 4 different config files to move their programs around

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