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the only two distros that matter (for home users)
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the only one*
>look mom, i posted it again
I would go Debian accross the board, but my gaming rig is stuck on Arch, since a few games crash often on Debian for some reason.
I have no such issues on debian after installing proprietary nvidia drivers
Speaking of which, I've seen a lot of folklore that nvidia drives are some kind of hellish nightmare on debian. Which makes me convinced nobody actually uses debian because it's literally just
>add non-free+contrib to /etc/apt/sources.list
>sudo apt update
>sudo apt install nvidia-detect
>install whatever package it recommends from the repo
just wait 4 more years for the bug fixes arch already has
I'm on AMD (7900 GRE).
I just installed Bookworm, and manually got firmware from git.kernel.org and unpacked it to firmware directory.
>sudo apt install firmware-amd-graphics
Neither of those are desktop distros. Mint is made for desktop.
you wish, even my non techie boomer dad runs gentoo. i set him everything up and teached him how to install and uninstall shit. he loves gentoo and is happy how much faster it is than windows. nothing ever broke.
>i set him everything up
>teached him
>nothing ever broke.

Saar did the needful.
Why would installing the firmware package which is older than the release date of the GPU do much? Also, getting them directly from git is easy to do and takes no time anyway
debian in a nutshell
>Also, getting them directly from git is easy to do and takes no time anyway
The point is that it's a bad idea to do this with debian. Every debian breakage thread of all time always happens because people are impatient shits and install system software from third-party sources instead of solely from the stable repo.
Gentoo is the closest thing to what I want, a stable rolling release distro (instead of a bleeding edge rolling release distro). If debian testing didn't do pre-release freezes it would be the perfect binary distro.
It's literally just copying files to a directory. If the package manager overwrites the files, it is fine. If it doesn't, it is also fine
Based. Debian and Arch (with thier non-systemD counterparts) are the only good options.
RHEL is for enterprise professionals
Debian/Ubuntu/Mint is for normal people
Arch is for people who don't mind fixing their own systems. It's also the one trannies flock to for some reason.
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debian just works, paired with xfce for maximum comfy
I think mint xfce is the less shitty of all l00nix stuff, tinkering the ui makes it gain quite a bit of sovl
I wasnt going to update for 4 years anyways quite frankly.
>for some reason
debian is utter garbage. I dont know why retards in here praise It so much.
You get to skip 4 years of bugs that way too.
>provides 5 core utilities for a package manager
>dpkg, apt, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic,
like bro, make up your fucking mind, just pick one and deprecate all the others already,
Jesus fucking Christ.

Also they are all slow as shit
Debian is for servers, just use Ubuntu Like a normal person.
I really don't get why people use Arch. It's got the worst package manager, no community support, and lots of retarded devs.
It's really just the memes isn't it
> just pick one and deprecate all the others already,
They are just frontends to the apt libraries. And you forgot Gnome software center and the KDE ones
>Also they are all slow as shit
Because they actually do sanity checks, unlike arch trash
Also how often do you install or update packages? Takes maybe 2 minutes a week with debian

Once again an Archfags arguments are debunked as nonsense
They are dudebro npcs
Actual trannies use gentoo
Not according to the trans distro poll. Arch was drastically ahead of all others... Every time I code I think of "programmer socks" and it puts me off, and by the same token I feel put off of Arch.

Chris Titus uses it though and he's cool.
Was that just total responses, or was it normalized? Arch in general is very popular
Arch is for developers that need to test new bugs. Debian is for everybody else.
>he fell for the meme
Arch is literally the only usable desktop distro.
cope harder
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have sex
Pure copium, arch was unstable like 3 years ago, unless you're using some bleeding edge DE like hyprland nothing breaks anymore
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Yeah, lots of things changed in those 3 years, Arch is now built with stable packages only by trusted developers, and partial upgrades finally work
Oh wait I'm lying, it's the same shit as a decade ago
please seek professional help,
you fucking need it
I tried to, but the arch community wasn't professional.
I use Arch Linux (Endeavour OS)
arch is my first installation, been using it for the last 4 months, the only thing that broke was libvirt. and that was something i could work around "kinda". It's comfy, revived my old pc. simple as.
>I use Debian (Ubuntu)
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>I stepped into the minefield but didn't get killed by a landmine yet, so they are not real
That relationship is certainly not the same.
I use Debians parent distro, Ubuntu.
Based. Only use arch if you need newer packages instead of shiny new stuff syndrome

Even if bugs aren't fixed for a while, workarounds exist and I don't want shit to change where a bug is fixed for another to pop up, making me have to get used to it again. I'd much rather get used to a single workflow than figure out the os after every few updates
Seems pretty similar to me
Then you are retarded and don't know jack shit about various distributions.
No you
Arch is for basement nerds and ppl with specialized needs for their computers. Just use EndeavourOS, it's Arch but less config, literally the equivalent of LMDE for Debian (no, fuck Ubuntu, it's corpo trash)
debian and flavors of
Endeavour OS uses packages directly from the Arch Linux mirrors, with roughly a dozen or so custom packages on their own servers that can be removed without issue. If you turn off their repository in pacman then you will be on a pure, regular Arch Linux installation.

Ubuntu repackages every package themselves, based on Debian. They host all the packages and many have custom patches that are not part of the equivalent Debian packages. It's just simply not the same dynamic.
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mfw we can choose between arch and debian.
is proteus good? it's ubuntu based
Dunno, haven't seen much of it. Best to use the popular distros that aren't corpo backed, popularity means you'll get more bug reporting and fixes compared to loner dev OSs, and community developed means you don't see shit decisions being made by MBA execs on the company causing every user to suffer
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Debian is called Debian because the creator was an beta male cuck, he named the distro after his girlfriend (Debora + Ian)

Later he killed himself probably because he realized how shit Debian is.
he was also raped by cops before he suicided
I dont understand arch popularity beside of memes (and commonly associated with femboy for some reason). If you want to go with home user thing, just go with mint or buntu, its that simple
>Calls himself the OS master
>Can't even master Arch
Just kidding. You make an interesting point. However, EndeavourOS is unnecessary, limiting, and has gross defaults.

>The welcome app
A poor substitute for ArchWiki
Ugly and feels weird. I prefer Chromium.
I don't even use AUR.
Overly complicated Red Hat nonsense. nftables with a nice elegant /etc/nftables.conf for me.
>NVIDIA installer
I have no need for this.
What's wrong with mkinitcpio?
Another "easy" installer that doesn't support non-trival setups, e.g. FDE on a multi-boot system.
It was Debra, his wife, who later divorced him. Much later he committed suicide. Guy had psychological issues, was a drinker, thought the cops were after him....yada yada yada. Guy did some good work, then went off the deep end, and I guess his wife decided she's done fixing him
yeah all those nasty bits you listed I don't care about. If you want to take the extra couple minutes to install normal Arch I don't mind.

I don't mind to take the extra couple minutes to de-retardize the base Endeavour install. Same thing in >>101589007
he end
post fucked up at end im drunk (just like I was when i installed endeavour)

Arch, Debian, Fedora

However Arch is too technical and easy replaced by Debian Sid.

Fedora lack versatily of Debian.
Arch isn't really technical and Debian Sid is more vulnerable.
You also shouldn't be too dependent on Red Hat software.
synaptic and aptitude are front ends for apt which is a front end for apt-get which is a front end for dpkg

they are not equivalent
>However Arch is too technical and easy replaced by Debian Sid.
Maybe, but I care about running the latest KDE, and Sid is woefully behind. I would literally be running Sid right now if it wasn't for that.
It's likely just because of old mesa. When Trixie comes around, it will be perfectly fine for my hardware
Immutable Fedora is great too.
so it's
>dpkg --> apt-get --> apt

sounds like mental illness
on Arch it's just a single binary called pacman,
it does the job and it is fast as fuck
>sounds like mental illness
how so?
You forgot to include Fedora.
what, are you on stable?
Ideally yes, but even Trixie firmware-amd-graphics is quite old
>deadshitos vs tinkertrannyos

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