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Whats even the point of a 1200W power supply?
to supply 1200W of power
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a 1200w computer.
what an abysmally retarded question
1200w actually is the draw from the socket
thence the various ratings by efficiency
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modern GPUs have massive current spikes that will trip OCP on PSUs that would be able to handle their continuous draw just fine. Also they're generally happiest and most efficient at roughly half load, so people over-spec them.
my virtual gf needs to eat
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My Alienware came with a 1350W PSU.
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant, time-wasting question
>>lust provoking
That's a child
natsu sex
have you living under a rock this whole time?
the answer is a mining rig (probably not enough) or a productivity/gaming 14900K+4090 rig
also a drawing albeitever
higher number = better for redditor retards
Out of 10!
to overclock intel chips till they die of rust
acquiring haters
reminder that chart is literally made up and doesn't exist at all in that study
>reminder that chart is literally made up
thanks captain obvious. if it wasn't made up it would be shifted a couple rows to the left, the 11-12 range is criminally low on this chart
It says the source of data is the study, as in the statistics from it were used to create the chart, not that the chart itself was featured in the study. What exactly is the problem?
that it's made up
Pedos and their enablers have been posting this fake shit for years now, I wonder how many people they have already tricked into thinking their mental disorder is normal, maybe some children even got raped because of it
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So true Anon! I was a normal honest citizen until these evil pedos with their charts brainwashed me into raping a 11 year old. So sad!!! :(
sex with natsu
No it's not. 1200W is what it's rated to output. With an 85% efficient PSU you'll draw up to 1400w from the wall.
>Moreover, sexual arousal in response to consenting sexual activity with a child was greater than sexual arousal in response to consenting sexual activity with an adult for 26.25% of the current subjects
How do we deal with a mental illness that affects more than 1/4 of the population?
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>mental illness
If you genuinely believe that, you've been thoroughly brainwashed.
the mental illness here seems to be affecting 73.75% of subjects
no it's not retard
it says OUTPUT power, not INPUT power, can't you fucking read?
To mog powerlets
Quickly debunking common mistakes
>Smaller PSU rating means smaller consumption
No! It only draws what it needs plus littlebit extra depending how how many% you are taking from naximum capacity. The most efficient range is 50% but this does notnmatter in platinum or titanium rated PSUs.
>My system crash does come not from my underwatt psu
Oh yes, it comes from it. It seems to be stable, but those 1% and 0.1% current spikes are enough to crash your system
I had two, R9 290x2 8gb (2 gpu in one ea) in crossfire that required a 1600watt psu to not kick the breakers or hard reboot the system in question.
>7900xtx (up to 400-something watts)
>750W bare minimum as per spec
>no PSU crashes
I made the right decision, not buying an Intel housefire 200W+ CPU

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