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I fell for the trackball meme from another thread and ordered one of these, what am I in for?
Junk. Man, I hate kensington. Usable trackballs start at about 100 bucks or so, Gameball is good, L-trac is good. Kensington, Logitech, and Elecom all have DOGSHIT tolerances and low quality bearings.
The red ball Logitech trackballs were really good, along with the first model of the blue ball wireless
it's usable but I modded it a little, the buttons are quite stiff so I opened it and sandpapered the plastic thinner so it requires almost no force, ez job
Got one by perixx, curious when it will break down.
>what am I in for?
Depends, I've never found the appeal of those kind, I'm more of a thumb ball guy.
A trackball in thumb position is still a trackball. I got my first trackball recently, a thumb one. I've been thinking it would be easier to control with one like in OP's pic, but I never used one.
The best trackball mouse of all time if you bought the one in the picture. I no longer have wrist pain as a total degen who uses computer for 12 hours a day.
Not great, but usable.
You can swap the Elecom bearings for better ones and I've been using the Hueg with no problems, might eventually pick up a gameball though.
>You can swap the Elecom bearings for better ones
I've done this, it's a minor improvement at best. I've only used one static bearing trackball that has consistent performance, and that's the gameball. I don't know how they did it, maybe it's the positioning of the bearings, maybe it's their grade, but it's consistently good.
the wireless ones chew through batteries like no tomorrow.
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I use pic related. This should be the standard mouse used by everyone since it is superior in every way to a conventional mouse. You need maybe 10% of the effort to move the cursor compared to a conventional mouse.
I enjoy using it but I have a couple of complains.
The wrist pad is not comfortable so you want to get another one.
Only two buttons.
Symmetrical button placement is questionable, I end up rotating it to the left.
I also have the cheaper thumb operated trackball from Logitech and it's pretty enjoyable.
The aren't expensive, I suggest getting both and seeing what works best for you.
I have this but on the other side to not use my right hand anymore swapped to ergo Kee kard with custome layout but my right hands seems not to be getting any better even after almost not using it anymore
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If you go that route at least buy a good one...
it might be cheaper too... because they do not waste money on marketing...
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>You need maybe 10% of the effort to move the cursor
I was like that for the first month. Now I feel no difference and if you really need some sniper precision clicks, just use the button above the trackball to slow the cursor down. Pointing out you can do it for the people interested in this model.
Also, this mouse is amazing if you dual boot. I bound its primary mode to Linux and secondary to Windows. Pairing is as easy as clicking just one button, no idea how other mice lack this.
>trackball thread
>no goatse keyboard
>what am I in for?
Are you seriously unable to wait 24 fucking hours and try it for yourself and make your own fucking opinions on the matter?
Holy nigger shit kys
mental retardation

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