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Indian IQ runs American tech industry. The vast majority of tech workers are Indians. That's the only reason why Tech ISNT shit. The vast contribution to AI development comes from Indian tech minds that are doing the grunt work. The dunning-kruger failures of 4chan who could never even hope to come close in accomplishment with their low IQ, project their own incompetence on high IQ Indians who actually keep the digital world running
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>Indian IQ runs American tech industry. The vast majority of tech workers are Indians. That's the only reason why Tech ISNT shit. The vast contribution to AI development comes from Indian tech minds that are doing the grunt work. The dunning-kruger failures of 4chan who could never even hope to come close in accomplishment with their low IQ, project their own incompetence on high IQ Indians who actually keep the digital world running
Why did hitler take their symbolism? Did he want to make a german toilet revolution? Make jews shit in the streets?
>Indian IQ runs American tech industry.
damn that explains why the US is so shitty nowadays
unironically low
You can correlate the worsening of tech as the final throws of manufacturing were offshored and they let in all the h1bs for menial tech jobs. Call centers for banks to whatever else utilized these poos as well. If they weren't brought in they were offshored to India Philippines Indonesia whatever dump that was given the okay to abuse for a dollar.
he didn't - swastikas were used in european art since neolith. the "stolen swastika' is but a rrat
The pajeeta at work has made one (1) commit to the git repo this month. It was a one word spelling correction.
Indians run American tech companies
Chinese run American physics and math papers
Whites run big pharma, election vote rigging and censorship technology
>Says Indians run the tech world
>Average IQ in India is 70
>Still won't poo in loo
Sure thing shitjeet
that of course explains why everything is shit.
the swastika entered india with the aryan invasion of india (the first of many), described in dyonisiaca - then came heracles, then alexander, then the mongols, the mudslimes and brits.
>proudly cheat on exams
>don't cheat on iq test, no, that doesn't happen
why do you post the same threads on multiple boards, theres a /pol/ thread up with this exact same op.
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Retarded. Whites don’t immigrate to their own country. High IQ Indians in America are self-selecting, if you have a higher IQ it’s easier to leave India b
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>using the (anti) racist ai as a source
transbians are the highest iq population by far
Hitler flipped to a random page in an encyclopedia and chose the first image he saw as for the Nazi symbol.
That sounds fucked up but also why did she have to go to fucking India of all places if her priority was a lone woman's safety? Pick anywhere else
Why are there Indians working in manual labor jobs in America?
So, straight men?
Indian tolerance for shitty jobs runs the American tech industry
specifically ones autistic enough to transition
Let me guess... You support both unlimited legal and illegal immigration?
>The vast contribution to AI development comes from Indian tech minds that are doing the grunt work.
The supermajority of authors on relevant AI papers in the last ten years have been Chinese, European, or Jewish. Honestly I think I might have seen more useful Arabs than jeets. Stop lying, if that's possible.
>Make jews shit in the streets
This would have been an unironic improvement for many.
He didn't. The Swastika is literally from europe. The oldest known record of the Swastika is from over 10,000 years ago in Ukraine, probably created by the ancestors of the Yamnaya people whose descendants traveled to India to shape modern indian culture
When I search on google scholar I add "-india" it helps improve the results a lot.
good morning sirs!
Who is your oshi?
Every fucking time I get an Indian as tech support I add 2-3 hours to my service call and start calling any future sites I have in the day to cancel, postpone, or pushback because I absolutely will not get anything done in time and will have to push through to call the American help desk to solve any issues in 15 minutes.
>That's the only reason why Tech ISNT shit.
It's shit. Because it's being made by shit. It can literally only ever be shit
>Studies the creations of non-Indians (99.999%), predominantly white and asian invention, then speaks of superiority.
>Uses AI babbling that sources Forbes' misleading claims with a disclaimer that basically says it's Forbes' perception.
Relax, brother.
[bad news] for OP, but the number of high IQ whites in America drastically exceeds india's.

"""Whites""" are carried hard by Jews in this case. Funny how Jews are suddenly white when it's convenient for the chud's narrative.
""""High IQ"""" indians are carried by cheating and nepotism in all cases. Funny how street shitting subhumans are suddenly smart when they get placed to run another company into the ground as a diversity hire.
>"""Whites""" are carried hard by Jews in this case.
History says otherwise. A vocal minority of jews have a sorely misplaced sense of worth.
The average IQ in India is 76. No country in the world has an average above 115 and I think maybe 1 has 112. Immigrants do tend to have higher IQs because of the selection process for citizenship, but this is still an awful cope. Also Indians are just annoying
She asked her travel agent for recommendations and they literally said to go there. She made sure multiple times it was safe for lone women and they repeatedly said yes.
Indian immigrants USED to be selected, so I'm sure they used to be of high quality. But now every saar fresh from the Ganges is going to be comparing themselves to them.
>look at study saar indians are high iq saar
>Funny how Jews are suddenly white when it's convenient for the chud's narrative
That's weird, since Jews are suddenly white when it's convenient for (((their))) narrative too.

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