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funtoo sisters... is this it?

the vaccine claims another
too bad he isnt willing to transfer the project to someone else (like me)

id love to take over the project and make this a leftist distro that is actually usable
never got the point of it anyway
didn't "mysteriously" develop a heart condition and wasn't a victim of """SADS"""
people getting bored and quitting old projects existed long before it became trendy for goyim to inject poison into their veins you know
why cant chuds stop it with the fucking vaxx already?
its been 4 fucking years nigger
anon that's just every other distro
the whole ecosystem is infested with lefties, sometimes even literal tankies
and yet you do nothing to change it and you never will

atleast im capable of profiting from it and advancing racial rights
same. i'm a secret racist doing paid work for the gnome foundation and they'll literally never find me
>muh vaxx
you will never be a man
I couldn't care less if distros are run by "my guys"
I'm perfectly happy to leech software from quite literally niggerfaggots if it does what I need
just thought it was stupid you didn't realize there are already other "usable" lefty distros by nature of every semi-relevant distro being run by lefties
1) despite being shamed, gaslit, and demonized we were RIGHT and we'll never let you faggots live it down
2) we're finally seeing an uptick in the effects. Turns out 4 years of having microclotted slop churning through your veins isn't so great for your long-term health
you do know that the gnome foundation is racist........ right?
a few outliers are nothing compared by the usual effects of vaxxines

chances are you'd be dead if people around you didnt take the vaxx

or are you like trump and other republicans that took the "POISON11!!" but were too ashamed to admit it when asked by a reporter
kek based i do the same at my job
"John He/Him" in monthly DEI zoom seminars in the background while at the same time shitposting about jews and niggers on /g/
how are you any better than a nazi who took the jews to the Holocaust
mention one that isnt in a unusable state like elementary or pointless like ubuntu satanic edition
got the vaxx and got a heart condition immediately afterwards that persists to this day
that's what finally redpilled me out of my retarded lefty stupor
jews may have have fooled me once, but I'll never let it happen again
useful idiots like yourself have it the worst though
after the vaxx was no longer "current thing" stories from acquaintances about their side-effects started coming out of the woodworks
always prefaced by "now, I'm not anti-vaxx, but..."
recently a close friend even got POTS from the Hepatitis vaccine, leaves him bedridden most days
he experienced firsthand how useless the disinterested bumbling doctors are and how insulating it feels when everyone assumes you're lying just by nature of developing the side-effect

i even recently came across old messages my whole friend group and I had sent to our anti-vaxx friend back then trying to convince him to get the clotshot (including POTS friend)
I really owe him an apology, he was absolutely right and I'm glad he stuck to his gut
install gentoo?
I can only aspire to one day be measured up to someone so great
oh sweet summer child kekkkkk trololollooolllolol
we are JUST getting started with vaccine side effects
there is a massive wave of walking dead among us right now
you want leftyfaggot shit you're gonna get the artifacts of such
they're still overall usable though
Ubuntu/Fedora/Mint/PoopOS/whatever are all fairly usable despite what consolewarring faggots will tell you
not for me, but the maintainers are all lefty as hell and the product is mostly usable (even if not quite on par with Windows, yet) at least enough to satisfy your requirement
literally, never got the point of funtoo when gentoo is customizable enough to make it however you like anyway
>I'm going to use a niche Linux distribution that about 10 people in the world use, that will go well and my life will be easy
said no one ever
>waits 50 years
When the actual holocaust happens I will pretend to offer to hide jews in my secret basement but I'll never let them go.
ye, everyone knows it was just another corporate scam, but of course, who would admit it to the npc hivemind
ill do the same, but for women only (obviously)

im tired of my dungeon sitting unused
it was build for sex with cute jewish girls exclusively
Hope your door isn't made out of wood
there was a point where its tooling was better than gentoo but it caught up
why wasn't that just merged into gentoo in the first place? When something is as flexible as gentoo I can't see why you'd need a fork
I feel bad for the golems, but I'm eagerly awaiting the day of reckoning.
let the history books show who was right and who was wrong, and let this event stand as an incident for our descendants to learn from
americans dont read history books
another non-systemd distro bites the dust...
>move on to other things
Is he gonna start yet another source-based distro?
i guess funtoo might've been too opinionated. i think it got git support first which was blazing fast.
because we are to busy writing them, eurocuck
im from turkey you racist fuck
>im from turkey
even worse
Or he might go on to contribute with another source based distro or maybe even a binary one.
which vaccine?
Remember clover os
i do, amazing what one autist can do yet making something better than ubuntu is hard
WTF I love gnome know.
umm transphobic much???
>americans dont read
Not too surprising, considering it was a niche offshoot of a niche distro. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did, I have never heard of a single person actually running it.

To me it seemed like Gentoo but without the customisation. And customisation is the main selling point of Gentoo, which just made Funtoo kind of weird and pointless.

I do kinda worry about Gentoo's future too, even though it's good for at least the next 5 years, probably longer.
>chances are you'd be dead if people around you didnt take the vaxx
No. Even in April 2020 it was clear the virus had a clear cohort preference and wasn't particularly deadly for most of the population.
IIRC initial 2+1st booster were Pfizer, then Moderna
>I do kinda worry about Gentoo's future too, even though it's good for at least the next 5 years, probably longer.
Why? They seem to be going strong, well outside the gradual systemd-creep seeping into even the OpenRC builds, but that's shared across the entire linux ecosystem.
Is gentoo still binary only or can I has binary packages now?
I meant source only. Sorry
there's binary packages now
gentoo is harder to maintain than most distros due to wide range of options that have to be supported
Gentoo is still fully usable in the current year, but you are already starting to see package maintainers struggle to keep up. It is more noticeable with some things than others, but GNOME is like 6 months out of date.

Plus the reality is it's just not gaining any new users. I wish Gentoo did more to advertise itself, right now even serious Linux users see it as that weird old distro that's only for people who want to compile a custom kernel.

A lot of current Arch users would probably be happier on Gentoo, it's just a matter of getting them to try it.
>its been 4 fucking years
Since they started jabbing. Here youre still being coerced and its requiered by some jobs and people still drop dead by "unexplained" heart conditions
I'm not really surprised. Funtoo drove a lot of people back to gentoo when they went to semi-rolling release. No one was interested in portage but with package updates every six months. The profiles were (and are) better than gentoo though.
i tried funtoo back when it had some enhancements over gentoo, like using git for package syncing
now gentoo does and i don't know what the difference is anymore
the "install gentoo" meme probably isn't helping
new users probably think the distro itself is a meme
and you're right, there's probably a good chunk of arch users who'd prefer gentoo, like any of them who believe arch is a minimal distro (lol) for example
it was fun....too while it lasted

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