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what bothers you about linux the most?
is it the community, lack of software, the looks?
stuff with gpus in general. wayland vs x11, trying to use dgpu on a laptop, nvidia
the lack of usecases, desu

The lack of a good just werks distro like Mint but with KDE.
Cant you use KDE with Mint?
Installing KDE desktop on top of the existing one? Sounds like a bad idea.
kde neon just works
idk about the community, the only "Linux community" I frequent is /fglt/
it has all the software I need, I don't get the complaints on this front. If it's muh games, proton exists, if its muh important business stuff, it's all web-based now anyway.
Linux looks decidedly better than Mac or Windows so long as you avoid KDE and GNOME. My only complaints there are GNOME's retardation infecting GTK (for example, CSD)
How so? You can switch to the one you want to use
Please tell me if Im ignoring something here

Ages ago I had Lxqt with (if I remember correctly) cinammon installed together with no issues, I just had to pick one at the start of the session
Well I have seen the unanimous opinion on Mint's forum that doing that is a bad idea, but I don't exactly know the reasons. Mint only offers legacy GTK desktops and all the graphical utilities they offer might not worth smoothly on a Qt desktop. I don't know. If I'm going to tinker like that I'd rather just install Kubuntu and desnap it.
I hope you have a TV loicence
lack of fraction scaling
im not a brit, im ukranian and i torrent everything
Redhat and "the looks". Redhat is a cancer where every solution is one step forward two steps back. The looks because there's no real native GUI standard.
that's fedora kinoite and aurora
Nvidia and GNOME practically boycotting Wayland with their actions.
X11 being a PoS for the modern world.
Being another battlefield for cultural wars.
Interesting, I didnt knew about that... Thanks for the info, last time I used mint was a couple of years ago so Im not aware if it has issues with different desktops, I just assumed it wasnt the case

I tried to search briefly about reasons too but all I see is the same as you; that its a bad idea and that it shouldnt support KDE (apart from neon). But why not? I understand the Qt thing, but it cant be just that right?

I always thought that installing specific distros only for the desktop was silly and a waste of time but I guess in these cases its justified
no patented codecs = not just werks
aurora fixes that
honestly nothing that doesnt also apply to the other major platforms
all this woke crap with sjw's like ebussy when all i want to do is make gegl plugins for gimp and have fun
>use mint
>want to install dolphin emulator
>it's not in the repository
>it's not verified on flathub
>I basically have to learn to build it from source
it's the little things
not keen on using something I have never ever heard of from some unknown developer
it's kinoite with batteries included, the shit it adds is documented in plaintext here

sudo apt install /path/to/deb-file.deb

Simple as.
>not verified on flathub
i don't get why devs aren't getting their shit verified or why flathub frontends don't offer the option of looking at the manifest like the AUR so you know what you're getting
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Kek that's what broke my opensuse system in the first(and last) time I tried kde
>Try to watch a movie
>No codecs? The fuck
>Install them
>Everything seemingly fine and working
>Get a system updoot notification after ra while
>99% of applications started segfaulting at launch
>what bothers you about linux the most?
The woketards ruining project en mass, if linux hasn't taken off is solely because the whole linux community spends more time infighting to see who's more mentally ill, special attention to the gnone community.
Plus, if you've got the linux foundation that literally spends like 1% of their money on developing anything linux related, it doesn't help to further the OS as a whole.
Dynamic linking. More of a C problem, but still. Makes distributing software a pain in the ass.
GNOME developers making dumb selfish decisions that affect every desktop linux user to some extent
yeah i hate that shit. is it relevant if you give it to some complete normie and they use flatpaks instead though?
Well flatpacks don't need you to edit config shit and add pacman with a high possibility of nuking your system just to play a fucking video
i havent had a problem playing back basically any piece of media in years and years on debian. granted i dont download a ton of videos but ive yet to be surprised
binaries being only available to flatpak.
those idiots expect you to have this cancer installed like it is standard or something.
In Mint, you can simply double-click on them in the file browser as well.
Compatibility with certain hardware on popular laptops that are not from Dell or Lenovo.

Also would be nice if most distros had better power management profiles by default, if I want linux on a modern laptop i don't want less battery life than on the "inefficicient" windows 11 install.
No alternatives to common programs like Irfanview and Notepad++ and overall bloat/inept devs. Also corpo cuck culture among users. I cant believe how brainwashed is this community.
I've been using multiple DEs on debian for years. Never had any issues. I have Gnome metacity(classic), JWM, xfce, i3, and the new version of gnome all at the same time.
Graphics related shit and software (games) compatibility. I use headless Linux on my server and I'm quite happy with it, it's not quite perfect but it's most certainly good enough to the point where I'd never even consider using anything else.

On a desktop PC meant for actual GUI usage, it's not quite there. Driver availability questions, retarded default behaviors, screen tearing, random GUI stutters, questionable support for video decode acceleration in common shit like browsers, performance questions and all kinds of shit like this which I have personally experienced. Now it seems like the Wayland faggotry is seething and swirling about too, I haven't really fucked with it myself too much but by the sounds of it, it's not quite there yet and apparently there's only limited support for NVIDIA cards or something too. I have actually used desktop Linux for software dev for quite a few years, it was acceptable for that use case because all I ever really did was work with text essentially.
how its been designed around shit hardware from 15 years ago.
how long can it really take to get fractional scaling and consistent mouse sensitivity across different screen resolutions working?
feels like day 1 shit to just make the operating system comfortable to use.

also the shit default settings on nearly everything (file managers being the biggest culprit).

the culture of forking everything and having lots of programs/tools that do the same thing and are 90% working rather than just getting something finished.

I have been impressed by how good out of the box popos is for gaming, though,
kde is underfunded, their entire yearly budget is like 300k euros, yet are responsible for the large majority of the software that is permanently running on my computer
300k euros is pocket change for large companies, even putin runs kde but nobody hired a designer
windows just works and i get a licence for 5$ on ebay.
also i heard you cant watch netflix on linux
stuttering and screen tearing. why doesn't smooth scrolling work on firefox? why does it make the cpu spike? why can't linux handle simple stuff like scrolling the web?
I'm fairly sure even on install you have the option to check the boxes of as many as you want and it will just install them all
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how GTK and GNOME got sabatoged by ebussy and co.
>qt and KDE
not the same and is c++ hell, KDE is unstable
>EFL and Enlightenment
you are an insane masochist if you want to use that, Enlightenment only works well on Bodhi linux (and even then it's a forked version, Moksha, iirc it's also available on Artix)
>people complain about fragmentation of the ecosystems during the unix days of the 80's
>immediately recreate it in linux from the very beginning
This is Linux's original sin and you won't convince me otherwise. It wasn't something people knew was shit with 15 years of hindsight, they already had that from the unix days.
skill issue. works on my machine. etc
>what bothers you about linux the most?
Red Hat
Lack of transparency in the use of funds of open source projects (most of the money is no used on software development)
Retarded recommendations for new comers
The LARPing communism of it all
Too much fags and trannies in it
License retardation
The Linux community at large may not be great, but on average, I've found it to suck much less than the Windows/Android/Apple ones.
(Tho I can only judge the Apple community from the outside, as Apple products tend not to be suitable for my use cases.)
>lack of software
If you need Adobe stuff for your job, fair enough, but most of /g/ aren't artfags anyway.
No strong opinion on that, as I hardly even see my gooey - just Terminator, Firefox, and my graphical programs.
>what bothers you about linux the most?
Apart from distros like Gentoo and Arch, there's simply not enough support for installing your OS from a command line. My primary issue being the lack of file system support (e.g., mount options) in Calamares & other installers.
dependency hell.
just fucking ship the libraties with the binary. i don't care if a 30KB file has 5 copies
what's the use case for your inquiry?
overabundance of loud, pandered-to minorities
also GNOME and KDE
RH may suck ass but the ecosystem is less fragmented now because of them
Permissions. I've had to drive 6 hours to a remote server because fucked permissions locked out the VPN tunnel. Awful... Driving all the way then having to troubleshoot a Linux server.
maybe if no distro can just work with KDE that's a KDE issue and you are asking for impossible to happen, you dumb kshill fakkot
Mint had supported KDE edition for years and they ditched it for a good reason
yes. you lose access to a few mint built 'just works' tools though.
>it's not verified on flathub
huh. that doesnt stop stuff installing.
>what bothers you about linux the most?
That I can't use it on my working PC and have to use shitty Windows 10 22h2 which is filled with crap because retarded monkeys who work as system administrators can't configure domain and group policies despise all the instruments Microsoft gave them.
It's all the homosexuals
Retards who keep on mixing politics with linux, it's like they seriously got no personality beyond that
That's including you faggots.
I don't have any serious gripes to mention. I guess device manufacturers could support it better to have better
how did my post contain politics, ebussy and his group are driving gnome and gtk into the ground. nothing to do with "politics"
>if linux hasn't taken off
In where? In the desktop?
This isn't an issue with woke tards, this is because Unix/Linux is irrelevant in the desktop. This problem comes from the 80's.
Ten years ago it was fault of niggers. Twenty it was fault of Microsoft. The real fault is that nobody used a UNIX/Unix like system in home computers and Unix/Linux does not have any killer app like Windows (Office/Games) o macOS (Art/Design/Music production software)
I just skimmed through the thread looking for buzzwords like "ebussy" "woketards" troons" "faggots", my bad if I got you wrong
The uber autism about proprietary software. Its gatekeeping new people from linux, because they think shit doesn't werk. If there is no alternative foss shit then just add in the proprietary stuff to make shit werk and put a checkbox for fosstards to not install it in the installer.
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understandable have a nice day
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As an artist:
>lack of corporate software like PS, CSP etc.
As a gamer:
>lack of modding tools for games, some games requiring a lot of work to get working, lack of native support and anti-cheat problems
As a desktop user:
>A lot of things that compound, mostly the constant "this is a work in progress" that permeates everything, bugs, all the Linux music and video players genuinely suck, it lacks nifty small tools I use on Windows but can't find similar on Linux, the lack of good GUI firewalls, all the random packages you are forced to install because some program has some stupid dependency, both GNOME and KDE being good in some ways but sucking in other different ways so you never quite feel like you have the whole experience

I've been using Linux since the days of the first releases of Mandrake Linux which is like 2003, currently using CachyOS. The GNU/Linux desktop experience has gotten really good, especially in the last 3 or 4 years but it's not quite there yet. Also the whole obscurity of some of the parts of the system where you really don't know what it's doing, that still puts me off.

>inb4 braindead replies with just use mpv and proton
No shit, you genius.
the fragmentation, having to jump thru hoops to just achieve the most basic shit that i can do on windows with one click.
the constant shilling.
Probably windows only software existing.
There's usually a way to get it to work on Linux, but it's not always straightforward.
Mostly CAD software like the shit by Autodesk, but a lot of more niche professional software is a pain in the ass.
You could argue that it's more of an issue of the developers than an issue of Linux, but as an end user the only thing I notice is that I have to put more effort into getting stuff to work (if it works at all) and Foss CAD software just isn't as good as blender (or even gimp) yet.
unironically this >>101589152

it blows my mind how gnome 2 and the gnome 40 series are the same desktop separated by time. It genuinely feels like the current gnome team is trying their damndest to kill off gtk and replace it with libadwaita because they want gnome to be a special snowflake so fucking bad. Look at all the extra work the mint team is taking up to try to save gtk on their own. A distro team is having to intervene and try to get the gnome foundation from fucking over every other gtk based desktop that isnt gnome.

I truly believe KDE will take over if they keep this up and will become the default linux desktop.
wait how would that even work i thought it was some theming framework (and gtk4 just forces it by default)
> Look at all the extra work the mint team is taking up to try to save gtk on their own.
at this point i wouldn't be surprised if they end up forking gtk3 just to save the toolkit.
libadwaita is supposed o be the gnome specific version of GTK4 with its own look and feel. This is good on paper but the reality is no one really uses GTK4 or are migrating their apps to it. Your path forward as a GTK app is libadwaita if you want to fit into the gnome desktop. This is why all of the major alternative gtk desktops like cinnamon/xfce/mate etc are all still on gtk3.

It's either
>go libadwaita and fit into the gnome desktop and look and function like garbage on every other gtk desktop
>go gtk4 and not fit in with the gnome desktop, the current linux desktop ecosystem giant.
No one wants to use gtk4 and gnome wants to be a special snowflake. More and more apps will eventually have to cave into migrating to libadwaita as gtk3 goes abandonware.

The way forward from this ultimatum is migrating to qt but good luck.
The fact that it is not truly a lost case of a kernel+userspace tooling. It triggers my autism and I have to configure everything to be just so, but to do that to the whole system requires effort, enough to make a new distro out of scratch. It's too much. If I don't do anything I feel like I'm running on a stinking garbage of pre-defined defaults designed for a generic consumer pc which does not suit my machine and silently fucks up in the hardware and securiy. No, a custom-made kernel's not enough.
GNOME and Plasma. I like both but GNOME devs take years to implement new features and Plasma has too many bugs. I hope COSMIC will be good but it keeps getting delayed so at this point I believe it's just vaporware.
There's no need to use Aurora. Just overlay the codecs on Kinoite, or use flatpak so you don't even have to do that.
>boycotting Wayland
How? They're made by the same people.
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>libadwaita is supposed o be the gnome specific version of GTK4 with its own look and feel.
that's way worse than i thought wtf.
>cave into migrating to libadwaita as gtk3 goes abandonware
depends if GNOME loses it's grip on the linux desktop.
>More of a C problem
Could Rust save Linux?
With Microshit mostly everything works.
With Linux something works for some fucking reason then some update fucking breaks it.
>lack of modding tools for games
I can't believe there's no Mod Organizer 2 for Linux. No, the shitty install script someone made doesn't count.
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arch+linux-lts+nvidia-lts+x11+kde 6=works on my machine
also kys name fag you're everywhere

I'm okay with the rest of the bullshit but GTK needs to diaf
everything is duct-taped
you can't even be sure your PC would work fine when you return from work and want to rest a bit
I just don't get why Linux is like this. Even Windows doesn't break as often as Linux when simply updating the system. It's so bad that they had to invent immutable distros.
I hate troonix elitism
All 3 of those + none of my shit works
>what bothers you about linux the most?
incompetent trannies being devs in many places
I wanted to mod Cyberpunk since it runs so well but there's neither Vortex nor Mod Organizer for Lincucks. It sucks big time.
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>what bothers you about linux the most?
All the good tooling for modding quake is on Windows. Linux is a hack fest.
The distributions look like the second coming of Fisher Price OS, but without the UI consistency. Also, can you even use it for workstation applications?

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