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Saars... It was supposed to be our turn...
Why didn't they do any research first before making such a huge commitment?
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Only other country with the population of China and cheaper
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>Apple manufacturing moving back to China
>meanwhile Scamsungs, Xiaomings and Lootorolas are still made in the land of poo and have been for years
>i-doddlers beedeefoo#

Samsung bros...
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Pajeet Defence Force on full throttle. poo in the loo, faggot
>worse than gut-oilers
true, these Andjeets are everyone
>Indian factories have low iPhone yield rates (only about 50%) and hygiene issues, including high E. coli levels.
and samsungs/xiaomis (the phones /g/ recommends and defends) have been manufactured there for years
My Samsung was made in Korea, don't buy poorfag models I guess
>Noo, we need indian nepotism, sir
>We dindu want vietcong nepotism, sir
Got them well served, honestly.
>made in korea saar trust me saaar
The day of the flush draws closer
>they can barely speak English
Doesn't matter lmao. APPLEL gonna be booted out from China soon.
How were they supposed to know that poojeets couldnt even assemble parts?
the indian factories make the A and M series for the indian market, I assume it's similar for the laptop factory
A Samsung factory worker has posted on /int/ my friend
lots of indians post on /int/
Not for much longer. Even the Google Pixels are being made in India as of the latest model, and Samsung will do the same soon.

Only in certain threads, thankfully. Poo in the loo posts are constant and Indian is pretty disliked on there (they also tard rage pretty hard about poo posts or caste stuff).
Retard prolly doesn't know some of the Samsungs are made in Vietnam like the last few LG models.
Last trilateral summit with China and Japan had Samsung promising to open China factories. And sell China exclusive phones like the old days of android T9 premium clamshells.
My Fold 6 says it's made in Vietnam
it's insane just how little self-awareness 'jeets have
Because it'd cost them more to manufacture in Korea. Just like how iphones aren't made in the USA, so do these korean chaebol phones.
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Can you actually get fucking e coli from phones
We will inform the HR about this, Mr Brandon sir.
Oh wow
E. coli doesn't usually survive long on surfaces (most sources say it dies after an hour but it can persist for nearly a year and a half) but if there's high concentrations of it from filthy unwashed pajeet hands then it means other things will be there too, not just e. coli. For example C. difficile can easily survive on surfaces for half a year. That's the one that'll give you rancid smelling explosive shits for days, it's nasty.
My phone is made in Vietnam
>samsung s
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Not that I like vietneeks, but damn I'm happy to hear that some jeets got a taste of their own medicine for once.
saars they did not redeem...
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ceo sars...
>Apple manufacturing moving back to China
I didn't know that Apple was made in India. I will move to Android. Thanks!
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pajeets are such lying scum
when are companies going learn to start listening to the instincts of weird internet racists and schizos? we're always right about everything

you don't have to admit you're doing it and face a backlash, just quietly act on our recommendations while making up some plausible excuse
saar i am full brahmin aryan, NOT DALIT DOG, we brahmins speak good english
Uh, they only moved to jeetland once and it was for the iphone 15 and 15 plus productions.
>"saar today we have cow festival we no work today"
>"saar today we have calf festival we no work today"
>"today i work only 2 hours sirs thanking yous"
>"saar today i sick from diarrhea, no worky"
>"saar today countrywide strike because irrelevant politician A said something about irrelevant politician B"
Compared to
>"ni hao, i work 16 hours a day, 6 days a week"

Truly a mystery
Depends on the concentration. I had a brand new Oppo a few years back and fresh out of the box, there was a bit of dirt under the screen protector and it even had some photos on it of workers in the factory testing it I guess. It was bizarre.

I think a more realistic concern is quality control rather than E Coli.
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Cope chinkshills
What a retarded take. You do realize everyone dreams of owning an iPhone and not some cheap chinkshit, right? I'm talking about the actual chinks. It's a matter of price, not choice
I don't know what I'll buy in the future. Google and Samsung both went Jeet last year, and now so is Apple.
I don't really care who assembles my consumer crap as long as it's not the chinks
>"saar today we have cow festival we no work today"
>"saar today we have calf festival we no work today"
wow, just like christcuck holidays
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this. it would be so easy to avoid this entire thing if someone at apple did basic research.
>fly to india
>get out of airport
>see picrel
>go back to airport
The entire point of industrialization and automation is that the people doing the actual manufacturing can be any IQ from 50 Africans to 110 nips
Yet the rejection rate for Indian made phone frames is 50%
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How did they not know?!
don't forget
>"Avinash from devops has legendary diarrhea, epic like a vengeance of Vishnu. entire India site walk out in the middle of work day to his house to wish him good morning and many blessings upon his cow."
please tell that video is AI.
It's legit. Indians also make drinks with cowshit in it, because the cow is sacred to them.
I feel like Vietnamese would have a higher level of basic respect for natives when migrating to a country. I've never heard of trouble from Vietnamese migrants while jeets are universally a plague.
its called subsidies
all the Vietnamese I ever met were insanely hard workers. like one-day-off-a-month hard. they don't integrate much, can't speak local language for shit, even in the 3rd generation, and keep mostly to themselves. but you almost never hear them starting any trouble.
>entire India site walk out in the middle of work day to his house to wish him good morning and many blessings upon his cow.
Damn i wish my coworkers did this for me.

Then they're not doing it right. And i mean the management, not the average employee. It's nearly a given that the average production line employee is a blue retard, it's the responsibility of the production engineers to make a process and production machinery to make sure even a team of monkeys can do the manufacturing.
Never trust the MBA types, they'll penny pinch on the most important bits and then wonder why nothing is working as it should
There's no such thing as an idiotproof process.
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You just haven't seen it
I have worked with a team of 80 year old boomer mechanical and production engineers who made tools. Tools for mass manufacturing, tools that made thousands of parts per minute or even seconds. They were good at making processes and designing tools which were extremely reliable and simple.
It's funny, they were all extremely old and but still hadn't retired because the company couldn't find younger manufacturing and production engineers who were competent

A good manufacturing setup is like a well oiled machine, it's a joy to see
>Demand applicants with experience
>Won't give anyone a chance to gain experience
Many such cases.

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