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Why aren’t you using a server as your desktop pc?
Wtf is wrong with you?
>t. norman
didn't Appoo quit making those in the early 2010s? If I wanted Nehalem-era hardware then I have some in my spare-parts box.
i don't like having a fucking jet engine in my room
theres something called ipmitool retard
You don’t like jets? What are you, gay?
unfortunately many are, i have 4 employyes who are ghey rn afaik
>its 2010
>people tell me to get a homeserver
>get one off of ebay
>it arrives
>connect it
>noise beyond comprehension starts
>entire table vibrates like the computer is dialing a stargate
>fan so loud my ears are orbiting the moon now
no thanks
cuz i like myself
Because workstations are much better suited for that
Because I just SSH into my server.
I dont need that much ram or that many cpus.
too noisy and too slow to boot

I have a dell optiplex salvaged from my friend's work place, that thing was 3 times faster than the desktop i had at the time but now i have a normal desktop 5 times faster

the only good thing about that dell optiplex is the absurd amount of ram it has
I do, my desktop is in a rackmount
my "desktop" is in a server rack in another room. it is connected by optical cables. the board has a ecc and a baseboard management controller but it's a workstation board. i don't have to deal with noise, heat, or weird ass server connectors i can only find on ebay. frankly it is the most pleasant-to-use setup i have had yet.
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Why aren't you using a server as your laptop pc?
Retvrn to mainframes
No one told you to use a Proliant
my desktop is a laptop
i have a server for a renderfarm tho
power bill
my utilities dont even total $50/mo

~t. 11e w/ n5030
I have server hardware. I just can't figure out how to do anything with it.
Are you stupid?
Unfathomably based.
Install fedora, run seedbox, print server, security cams, low res tranny porn streamer
Do you have an external monitor connected to that thang?
servers in the home is a fucking meme, and 90% of the use cases are solutions looking for a problem.
I already know what I would do with it if I could. I mean I can't figure out how to get the hardware functioning. It can't recognize any SATA drives I plug in unless I use a USB adapter for some reason, nor do I have any clue how to access the RAID array in any capacity. It's a ProLiant ML30 Gen9 if you have any experience with that.
What's the difference between a server and a regular computer turned sideways and squished flat? Genuinely asking
An electricity bill that'll eat away all your neetbux.
different kind of hardware, for example in storage and ram. though not completely different
Because a server doesn't have video and audio acceleration, it doesn't even need a display.
I currently have a laptop with windows server 2025 running Jellyfin
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basically just a normal computer but purpose-built for sustaining heavy workloads and extended uptimes. components are more modular and usually doubled/redundant. Special ECC RAM. Two CPUs for workload distribution. dedicated console port / iDrac for remote management.

otherwise, it's just a computer, and does familiar computer things. Windows Server is basically normal windows but hardened and including software suite.

servers do come in a tower form-factor, although less common.
>Carry around a 2-4U audio rack transport case
>Contains a KMM console, UPS and server
Do you really need more?
Too bad the Xserve line was discontinued long ago. Does anyone here happen to have any experience with the newer rackmounted Mac Pros?
How would I fit my 4090 Strix OC in there?
Can you access the iLO?
Haven't yet tried, I'll do it tomorrow. Is that the only way to actually interface with the server? Sorry for not knowing any of this. The server was being thrown out at work and the IT guy let me have it.

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