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Stable: https://mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: https://mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts:

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):

Configuration Files:


If you're having performance problems, try:
is the best way to manage scripts just downloading them and copying to the mpv directory? nothing like a package manager that would automatically install/update scripts declared in a config?
>update to a5937ac7e357fecb309ffb4b017ff2f6b907bb26
>having --gpu-api=vulkan in the config now completely breaks pseudo-gui mode with window flickering
wow thanks!
someone was working on something like this

though keep in mind it seems to be abandonware and the warning to not use it is still there. so your mileage might vary
git clone script
git fetch -p
run every sometime

uh.. wintards?

close and delete branch
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What's the meaning of this? Which of these did MPV chose I don't quite get it.
Strictly speaking different codec (it's just Dolby patent ever-greening), but same decoder.
Actually that might be wrong... figure it out yourself.
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Did I do this good? I have no idea what MPV means by 6>8 other than it detected I have 7.1 in system mixer but the audio file is 5.1... so what does it do? Does it actually do nothing and the remaining channels are just empty? If that's the case then my picture is the proper path no? Force HeSuVi to treat the input in the mixer as if it's actually 5.1
ive never seen that menu in mpv before. anyways ffmpeg has an upmixing audio filter which will fake 8.1 for you
My screenshot was not the one I wanted t o share but it included that menu as well, making it clear it was HeSuVi.
I've tried the filter to downmix, the result is utter dogshit. Never again.
I still have to rely on third party solutions to prevent the peaks either way.
i dont think mpv provides a filter for downmixing so im not sure what you mean. mpv either relies on the decoder or your system mixer for downmixing. generally speaking if you want to avoid both of those in mpv you'll have to use the --af=pan filter to downmix, which also allows you to fine tune the channel mixing.

either way, im talking about upmixing, since you said 6>8 channels which means your system is 7.1. in which case you have to use --af=surround then define channel count since i think surround defaults to 5.1 if you dont define a layout
>bt.601 exclusive fullscreen
>in 2024
what the actual fuck? imagine using memeland
You're utterly confused and incapable to extrapolate. Nvm this is a pointless discussion, take care.
? i dont use windows shitware so im not sure what you're complaining about.
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Why not mpc-hc? It isn't written by weeaboos by basement.
>check mpc-hc contributor list
>3 of the top 5 contributors are furries
>check vlc contributor list
>all of them are french
there's no winning unfortunately
Is there a cool lua script to select two subtitles at the same time and adjust their position on screen ?
doesnt mpv already do this without a script? there's an option for secondary subtitles and you can open two sub tracks at the same time
how to with socks5? yt-dlp works but mpv doesn't
It does indeed but afaik, you have to use the terminal and manually input the subs you want to show. I'd like to do that with a simple keyboard shortcut.
Maybe something like :
j to select first sub
shift+j to select second sub
shift+ctrl+j to adjust position in the window
I can't play or download a vimeo video because of the the video's "privacy settings" - does that mean it's region locked or something?
hit g and shift+s. it will pull up the console to select a second sub track. so no need to use the console
>so no need to use the console
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Build me an autistic conf file for absolute best video quality for anime (both newer digital anime and older cel animation if that matters).

I want to use my hardware to it's fullest potential, and I have no concern for power efficiency.

I have a Ryzen 5950, RTX 3080TI, 128g RAM.

I'm watching content on 9:16 4k TVs or a 2:3 4k IPS monitor, if that matters at all.

Bonus points for also building an autistic conf for live action films and shows.

Extra Double bonus points for recommending an obscure CGDCT anime.
it's in the OP
all the cgdct chads use madvr.
i don't have an hdr monitor nor a 4K monitor, should i download 4K HDR10/DolbyVision remuxes or stick to 1080p remuxes? 4K seems to look better thanks to the higher bitrate but i worry tonemapping changes colors too much
looked into reenconding the dolby vision 100 nit trim but pirated davinci resolve studio on linux doesn't seem to work, gets stuck at exporting
my monitor is calibrated and profiled
i don't intend to upgrade until miniled becomes an affordable thing
bitrate trumps all honestly. if there's an SDR 1080p release with shit bitrate but a DoVi HDR release with higher bitrate (regardless of resolution) im always going for the latter. tonemapping is an acceptable compromise because you can fake SDR video, but you can't fake high bitrate.
i want to kiss akemi's tummy
Doesn't work on troonix
haasn, do something

Rate my config.
>what the actual fuck?
I've seen a European broadcast once which was 4K+bt.601 lol
>imagine using memeland
What the fuck is his problem?
>All Librempeg modifications, and any new files not available in FFmpeg, are licensed under GPL v2.
does that mean any codec fixes not allowed into upstream as-is?
Don't quote me on that, but i would imagine this would depend on the specific component/file. If it has a stricter license (e.g. GPLv3), then Paul doesn't get to legally liberalize it anyway. And if it's under a less strict license (e.g. LGPL), then fuck them, GPLv2 away, Paul.
Also, librempeg IS the upstream here. ffmpeg will have to act like a downstream.
clsid is too based for this world. imagine if anyone in mpv had the balls to just tell retards to fuck off

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