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a reminder that developers like picrel are the reason why open source is dying
>not reading your blog
>define "drive-by negativity"
>there can be very good reasons for saying things that aren't nice
>why would automation ever require empathy
>stockholm syndrome isn't love
>sure but your system probably won't work for everyone
>never seen it so I can't agree or disagree
>I will contribute whenever I damn please
>Babylon 5
Worst show ever, what a giant retard
lol this guy used to be a senior engineer at github. there was some mild drama after he started blocking everyone who would react with thumbs down to his posts
Open source is dying?
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Emailing developers is absolutely not rude. I put my email in my profile for a reason. I would rather some newbie email me his hand holding request so I can selectively decide how to respond, rather than them shitting up the issue tracker.
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a reminder that developers like picrel are the reason why open source is winning
I don't get it, why would you not want to mentor first-time contributors?
i think the insight he is trying to make is that many people only contribute once, will fewer will come back again. Exponential distribution. So hand holding for first timers should be automated with good documentation and tutorials, and anyone who pushes beyond is who should get individual attention. For large projects this makes sense, imagine trying to mentor all of these people >>101589256
For smaller projects of course you should do whatever you want
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Don't be a wazeter
>first thing is confrontational
>second and third thing also is
>fourth thing is self-defeating
The fuck.
I approve of the glasses placement.
>dogs vs cats
Fucking stupid cunt. GoyHub attracts the worst.
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Do you ever shutdown to re-learn everything?
>never seen it so I can't agree or disagree
eh it's alright, they really flexed the ancient aliens are angels demons thing too hard and it was somehow more psuedo-religious than dune.
Farscape or Lexx blow B5 out the water though
anyone ever written nigger through their yearly contribution?
Did he really name it after himself?
Nah. Its cause you let tranny commies destroy the community around open source and the now rebranded community is a community around the cult of trannyism.
The ngrcoin repo got nuked almost immediately so I doubt they won’t shut it down
Any chud profiles that /g/entoomen know of?
I’m taking of updating my pronouns, what should I use besides the obvious ywn/baw to trigger troons?
Is that cock mongler
He's an enormous faggot but if you didn't like Babylon 5 it means you got filtered by bad CGI so you're an even bigger fag for not being able to see past eye candy.
>muh sci shit show
>consume product get excited for next product
Nah, I’m good.
retard /g/ take. Just ignore it and filter the screenshot threads
>by the way, your cat sucks and my gay space show is better than your gay space show
mental illness, and I hope his wife has his balls in a vice
I expect nothing less from Homebrew's maintainer tbf
open source is dying because rich niggers (jews, rich anglos) want to flood the market with cheap and incompetent labor (chinks, pahjeet street shitters, women, and generally souless normies), driving down our wages, and quality software design.
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>followed by vintagewang
Oh he's a dog person, the worst most selfish kind of person on earth.
>if you can't say something nice: maybe you shouldn't say anything at all
Why doesn't this apply to him?
Half of her repos are some Ruby shit the other half are shell scripts and HTML. Why are Ruby-fags like this?
You're just coping because vintagewang doesn't follow you
I've never seen a face so punchable
>dogs love you in a way that your cat never will
And cats love you in a way that your dog never will. What the fuck is the point of that bullet point? Fucking retarded faggots really do not deserve freedom of speech.
This. I can safely disregard everything else he says.
i feel like most devs realize like 5-10 years into their career that their education is a light skimming of an impure science, so it's encouraging he's figured it out now.
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Dogs don't love you. They fake submissiveness so you don't kill and eat them.

Emotionally cats are more similar to humans which is why they're 99% useless cocksuckers.
>>define "drive-by negativity"
Shut the fuck up, faggot.
>>stockholm syndrome isn't love
is love by definition and by the same logic the love of offspring would be "fake" too
seethe more, but your cat will never love you

thats retarded
dont care
grow a pair
OP is right here
grow a pair
that doesnt even make sense
true, but stop shilling
stop shilling
yeah, surely, because thats how solving real problems work
if its ok for linus (git), then its ok for the rest of us
meant for
I’m assuming drive by negativity would be finding a project, pointing out its flaws, doing nothing about it, then leaving
Holy shit this guy is a twat
Nah that's based. I don't have time to fix your suboptimal tool.
I sexually identify as an attack/helicopter
Indians shouldn't have access to Western internet, desu.
i would like to shut my dick down this twink's throat
>muh sexy fish aliens
doxxing thread, reported
Hi Mike

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