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>digitizing a book
>have to turn the scanned pages into a PDF
>start sweating and shivering
>use img2pdf to convert it to a PDF
>whew. one step done
>try to use ocrmypdf to add OCR tex-
>image format error
>I start seething, staring at my computer in awe
>how did img2pdf fuck this up?
>duckduckgo the problem
>nothing comes up
>I feel defeated
>yet I remember that there is but one more challenge remaining after this one
>I will have to make the first few pages counted in Roman numerals and the rest in Arabic
>look into editing PDFs
>give up
It is truly a nightmare. Fuck you Adobe.
Skill issue
Literally just works on ABBYY finereader and Acrobat x
>just get locked into my closed source subscription model, goy
PDF format was never intended for editing. You create a document in another format and only export it to PDF once editing is fully complete, whilst saving the original document in case of future edits.
the 'original format' is on a 100 year old printing press
Both of those programs are literally freeware for personal use, go choke on a cock
I meant edit using Word, LaTeX, InDesign, Scribus, whatever and export from that to PDF, but don't edit PDFs themselves, that's not what they're meant for.
Do you expect me to typeset a 800 page long book via LaTeX?
Why not?
Too much effort.
Is it really, though? Make use of templates.
Maybe one day when I'm very bored.
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PDF won

My startup is responsible for working primarily with PDF files and their metadata.

It honestly a clusterfuck sometimes, with different methods of encoding information.

If it wasn't so complex,my business would be easy to build, so I guess there's a technical moats there h-hehe.
>duckduckgo the problem
>duckduckgo the problem

if you want it done right, then yes. groff mom also works well.
I have a secret program for you:


When I worked in central London, the whole office IT department had this deployed on everyone's machines. I've never seen it mentioned ever, but it's free and it works exactly perfect with no hitch.
>it's free
It's proprietary, and has a history of bundled adware.
I never paid a cent for it and never got even a prompt for an ad.
It's PROPRIETARY, therefore non-free software.
Lurk 2 years before posting again.
Open source freedom is irrelevant if you don't want to modify it. I can't believe people actually use free to mean freedom, it's almost like trolling.
Except that for the most important features are locked behind a pay wall such as OCR
>Open source freedom
pdf is a proprietary format by adobe to force you to by acrobat.

unironically mac os is the best os with pdf support.
Stallman is a paranoid schizophrenic, he might be like Ted Kaczynski if Ted was actually into tech. When he gives speeches about mobile phones etc it sounds like the unibomber manifesto. It's genuine concerns but amplified to a bizarre unrealistic level.

I like some GNU stuff, but I don't care about whatever philosophy, just whether it does what I need done better than the competition, and the price. I've used this particular software to Ctrl + P turn .doc files into PDF files for over 10 years. I don't even really think about its existence. Though nowadays I think the ability to "print" documents as PDF files is quite universal.
isn't pdf vector
use epub you faggot
>PDF format was never intended for editing.
yes it was, you dumb fuck.

based on postscript but with many other extensions to it implemented by adobe over the decades. their support for scripting has led to the format being a #1 source for malware infections.
They both have ocr out of the box.
You have to pay for the OCR on both
You don't you retarded ass. You can pirate them, therefore they are freeware.
Absolutely. Every academic institution that is worth a damn uses LaTeX. And they use it for papers, books, journals, you name it.

>Too much effort.
The fuck it is. You set it up once, then you just focus on writing with a simple plain text editor. The beauty with TeX is that you can swap templates whenever you want and render your book in any format you want.
WTF have you been using so far?
kill yourself you useless waste of iar
HTML makes PDF and other e-books formats obsolete
You get abbyy with almost with any printer cd
Let me guess, you momma would beat your ass if you got a virus on her compooter so you only use appstores lmao the absolute state of /g/
Not pdf fault if some freetard ocr software cant read images.

Numbering pages is easy too if you have pro software or know how to use pdf program libraries.once again, a hard task with freetard software.
Have you ever seen a book from the 50s? You do realise I would have to go page by page, fixing the formatting, italicizing words, making others bold, fixing inevitable OCR mistakes. On top of that, I'd have to digitize the typeface. This whole process would take half a year at least.

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