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Hairy edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Kinera Celest Wyvern Abyss (mild V) - $30
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10
• RY4S mmcx (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101561430
I buy IEMs for the waifu
remember to use EQ~!
KZ is good.
What is the budget king of 2024 so far?
No king, just a lot of very good options.
Xiaomi Piston 3
Simgot Supermix 4
>recommendations above 50 dollars
Do you think we are rich?
Can't believe it, but my measurement actually helped me with EQing one of my earbuds.
$50 or less or no deal
For me Shozy P20.
utter trash
so... is this super mix 4,,,,, this so called harmen .. i keep hearing about
unironically get truthear red and call it a day
Xenns top.
>here is some 3 month mint condition $300 pos for $175, still on warranty
>I can offer you $125 or no buy
>We can meet at $150
>no fuck you
You dumb fuck, you can either have barely used item for half the price that still smells like chinese sweatshop or vomit full price and you are still picky. Secondhand IEM market is a fucking joke populated with broke ass niggers.
to this day still my fav iem. It truly is...the Top
Sidney Harman, billionaire audio pioneer and jewish pedophile, designed his systems for his perverted tastes. Turn the bass down if it's too much f=120Hz, gain=-2dB, Q=0.5.
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top of the line loli techs
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I'm writing this 3rd time this year but I'm finally out of buyfag hellride now with decent earbud. Got that mainstay trio of Wired, TWS and flathead that I don't want to replace or upgrade anytime soon.
see u 11.11
I could not resist bros... Pre-order placed on the DEUCE.
>literally bought shit
>DUDU, Deuce
Pos enjoyers, we are so back...
time to drop the $ for schitt stack
>tea2 for at home deep-canal enjoyment
>QC Ultra for outdoor ANC memes
>Aria as backup/burner set

I really don't need anything else now do I? I feel like I've peaked.
is it just me or are the multicore detachable cables heavy af
Take earbudpill.
Can any anon recommend me an IEM with Aria Snow aesthetic (silver metal casing with pattern similar to the snow). I love the Snow but it is a POS with its piss poor paint quality so I think it's time for an upgrade
for me, it's thieaudio oracle mk3
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My queen arrived
Noble Audio Viking Ragnar
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I hope you will enjoy the company of our Tanch
Wyvern Abyss.
Looks amazing, small and comfortable shell, good tuning, great tips, great cable.
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Budbros, what are some commercial flatheds in $100-$200 range worth getting? I already have Dunu Alpha 3 (okayish) and Fiio FF3S (meh, mostly because of terrible shape and fit).
budchuds getting uppity again, your pos are worse than even headpos and speakerpos
>great tips
ummm no.
RW-3000 on sale
literally endgame bud
He composed ClariS - Irony, the ultimate T E C H S test, after all.
ummm yes.
How cheap should I aim for?
about $150 is fine
stop consumerism
This may sound stupid but we're talking 150 gros or including vat?
I meant net
$150 everything included
you may even get it for less these days
Just got back into iems with a pair of Tanchjim ONE after the headband on my focal elex snapped. They sound great for the price. Can you even get other nice looking 2 pin cables that don't have the annoying over the ear style? I could,'t find any on aliexpress. I've modified some in the past to remove the plastic but I can't be arsed anymore.
Thanks anon. Btw, did yo have a chance to try TGXear or Rikubuds? I wonder how more accessible DIY stuff compares to them.
stupid frogposter
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Final results, somewhat more support for the phytoestrogen laced milk substitute preferences.
no i haven't
My last pos will be delivered today. It feels like graduating out of school.
How the fuck did you get it?
MagicOne coming in very soon, can't wait.
bro fell for the meme
I'm not dumb, I got it for very specific reasons.
state them
1. Good isolation
2. Good shape and comfort
3. Looks cool and will match my cables
4. 1BA so I can get more data for my database, mainly for distortion and what happens with their nautilus system
based data collector
i dont mind the bass so far, it feels kinda like bassy neutral. tho i could be wrong
That's not realistic. If you're going to store it away for your collection, fine. If you're using an iem several times a week, it's only going to last a few years, and then you'll need another one.
Total newb here
I did a thing with my EQ and now listening to stuff has like zero fatigue.
>Went to frequency generator website
>Found lowest frequency I could hear (48hz)
>Multiplied it by 32 (2^5) (got 1536)
> multiplied that by 2 (got 3072)
> then multiplied that by 2 (got 6144)
>Plugged in the three big numbers.
>Tweak them on the EQ
>Now I get near zero fatigue. Everything seems to sound nicer.
Did I do, whatever it is I did, the correct way?
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These are no good at all bro-zu, dame desu. Under Windows specifically.

The Tanchjim Space doesn't click or pop after firmware updates, but it seems to avoid this by muting for 0.1 to 0.5 seconds at the start of tracks. The longer 0.5s mute happens if you switch tracks rapidly with a few seconds spacing.

The Simgot DEW4X is different, it mutes for 0.1 seconds after about 10 seconds of silence, but it pops rather severely at the beginning of many tracks.

I just returned a Moondrop Dawn Pro, after firmware updates it behaved exactly the same as the Tanchjim Space.

The Shanling UA1 Plus also mutes for 0.1 second and it pops. So far the Apple Adapter is the only thing that works under Windows with no muting ever, and no pops.

I'll let you know if I find a dongle that works under Windows. I don't want to use a desktop amp rn because I'm trying to minimize output impedance. Even the 1/4 inch to 3.5mm adapters add 0.1 ohms, that's no good at all. I'm trying to get Klee's voice as transparent as possible.
The starting point is too arbitrary, there's nothing special about the lowest bass frequency you can hear. I put my EQ sliders at defined musical notes so my EQ is more musical. Maybe re-tune a little. C, E-flat, G, and A are good notes to adjust.

just get the DC03 Pro
just read the eq guide bros
Total failure.
looks like a normal cs43131, may have the same problems as the others.
So CS43198 is the answer? Celest released a dual CS43198 DAC
I use it on my windows laptop, has no problems except some initial lag on local files
Avoid brick dongles entirely. They're just big enough for chinks to get creative but not big enough to put anything quality there. Use small dongles with reference DAC implementations like jm20/jm40.
peak dongle-fi
Um CS43198 doesn't prove anything, the Simgot DEW4X is a CS43198. Need to find one where they got all the bugs out of the firmware.

I'll try it if I have to, though I don't like the sound of lag.

I just put a jm20 on order, I have high hopes for it. I'll try to find a jm40 maybe.
bought supermix 4 off of fb marketplace for 100 cad
It's not bad. You could get one for about $94 on 6/18. Probably what he did. He may be a phytoestrogen laced milk drinker, it could be defective, Simgot is still chi-fi, we're talking 10% defect rate same as Thieaudio.
JM20 has the CS43131 click issue unless you drive it above 70/100.
It's the same thing but without integrated amp.
I finna pull the trigger on p20s
Damn, it's ok I have long list of dacs to try. And I'll use a desktop amp if I have to.
If you like bass, do it. I hope you're getting them for $70 or less.
Yeah the linsoul sale is still up, this will be my first planar iem
They can easily be your last ones, get 4.4mm if you have balanced amp. In my opinion they compete with more expensive pos. In my case that peak in highs was an issue at first. I had to try several different eartips.

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