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How long until they until they create some kind of test tube Indian that can perform at a sober white man's caliber?
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Let's see if they can make one that's as smart as a drugged out white man first.
t. Functional Drug Addict
what do you "self-medicate" with
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Mainly Adderall in morning and Opiates in afternoon/evening. I also smoke a lot of weed.

At least I don't drink r-right?

I'm pleased with where I am in life right now at the age of 27, but I also know I could have been an incredible person if I didn't get into drugs.

With that being said, I hold a job with 170k/yr + bonus and the company would be in some deep shit if I just ODed one day.
>drugged out
>white man
you're not white, nigger
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Maybe I'm mulatto since I do drugs all day but also have a reasonably good job
>have a reasonably good job
That's until you don't gather up enough organs Pedro
how do i climb up to half your salary? i'm a total broad spectrum loser at 25, making like $30k stocking cereal boxes full time, NEETing was preferable. I don't even have a high school diploma or a driver's license or a car.
Can you recommend any particular courses or materials from your schooling? I want to get the fuck OUT of the retail food service nigger rat race cess pool ASAP
I'd say get some certs but at 25 it's just over for you.
>get certs
what do these little flimsy pieces of paper actually do
They show the employer that you're not an imbecile retard and that you actually know a bit in X field. They're way more cheaper (in america) and faster than university, the only downside is that you might need to work for free for 4-6 months before getting a real job but imo it's still better than uni
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At least I got /fit/ too despite my drugging
They did it 16 years ago.

>His name is Benny Lava.
>Minor Bun Engine made Benny Lava.
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I went to a reasonably good college, but ended up dropping out.

It sounds like you are having a very dysfunctional life. I am sorry to hear that. First you must focus on your mental health, then income, if possible.

To be honest, look into learning a trade. The meme welding, but also stuff like CAD, building erection, plumbing, electrician, drywall installation/carpet installation/ etc. I recommend those before you can get the pay you want short term, and you can make your own business if you want to try to get to millionaire status someday. No one will judge you in those communities for not having a HS diploma. They are often good, honest people in these blue collar industries. Automation work replace them either. Even just a simple construction job will help you network a bit. If you're just a somewhat intelligent guy, you can advance quickly in responsibility and in payment in these sorts of occupations.

Good luck anon. Don't lose faith in yourself. Blue collar jobs are respectable. They're physically demanding, but you can get to a leadership/management position and then it wont be backbreaking. You'll get ripped too so you may get some pussy.
is it too late or treacherous to get into any kind of computer involved sedentary occupation? i've spent pretty much all my life indoors eating junk food and i'm 5'6" and 120lbs. i just don't know if i have the body
Holy shit dude I'm indian and I'm still taller than you. Just kill yourself at this point and leave the jobs to me
>I'm indian
Based drug addict. Hope you don't die and get clean some day.
t. neet failure
death to all jobsniggers. you are still a drug addict piece of trash. no amount of wageslaving you do changes this fact
damn my sour-grapes-o-meter is in the red
damn my shit-in-pant-o-meter is in the brown
Please create also one for slavs. We white western european devs can't take this shit any longer.

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