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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: 6.4~6.6GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101574793
me on the left
Lillith-sama stop shitposting on 4chan
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Is there any way to return QuickLaunch to Win11 taskbar without third-party software? I've tried ExplorerPatcher but it changes too many other things while I want to only get this one (and maybe return the old file explorer if it won't remove tabs in command line)

Why does the post prompt say "Uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed"?
I'm not in incognito mode.
Hello friends,

Can Windows 10 be emulated in VirtualBox installed on a Windows 7 host?
If you can get Virtualbox installed on 7 then you should be able to install a 10 VM on it fine.
So, unless I install over 192GB of RAM, why would I use Windows 10 over Windows 7 with Windows 10 inside of VirtualBox?
Are there compatibility issues with the emulation layer?
Well if you want to use 10 inside of a VM on 7 you'd probably want GPU passthrough for a more close to bare metal experience.
>GPU passthrough
How does that work?
Watch a Youtube video about it
Is it hard to set up?
Well for one you need two graphics cards in your PC.
Could I just allocate a discrete GPU to the guest OS and use the integrated graphics for the host OS?
I think so but it won't be the best of experiences performance wise.
Why not?
If the graphics intensive programs are only kept on the guest OS, would the performance really be gimped?
sexo with shamiko mama
Sex with Shamiko’s Mom
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Any recommendations for a third-party program that can let me select different files and easily create a new folder with them inside? I used to have on windows 10 but I forgot what it was. I'm on 11 now.
I recently put together a new PC, installed windows 10 and pirated photoshop CS6.
Photoshop is installed on my nvme and despite that is being slow as shit and I'm not sure why. Could it be the program or something else?

Also I'm using a logitech wireless G305 mouse and it occasionally jumps across the screen when I'm using it. Not all the time just occasionally but I know it's going to be a problem when I start gaming with it. What would be causing this potentially? Is it a driver I don't have installed that I don't know about? Is it just because it's a wireless mouse an I'm fucked? It shouldn't be this bad....
Probably for cookies.
How do I rectify it?
Does anyone have a downloadlink for W10 IoT 22H2 build 19045? does it exist at all?
Specifically just 10 IoT and not IoT LTSC? Massgrave has one.
Ah, thanks. I'll run with that for now. Ideally though, any expectation that build 19045 will see an LTSC or not?
im about to build a new pc, should i try out the w11 ltsc or continue with w10?
The last version of 10 LTSC (which is 2021) will stay frozen on 21H2, so no.

If it's new parts then yeah try out IoT LTSC 2024.
is there any benefit to w11 if the cpu is regular one with all performance cores?
Well if you don't have an e-core CPU besides that it has a couple features like DirectStorage, Auto HDR and native HTTPS-over-DNS which 10 doesn't have.
I'm guessing you don't have an e-core one because of all the stupid shit that Intel's been up to, right? Ryzens seem to be the future for now.
its ryzen yeah
>Do you purposely keep it away from those things
Yes, mostly due to security concerns. But it's also good for controlling distraction.
>If on weekends it lets me forget about work and stressful shit
>If on workdays it lets me focus only on it

I know it may sound dumb but it works for me
>The last version of 10 LTSC (which is 2021) will stay frozen on 21H2, so no.
>very strongly prefer to stay on W10 for software compatibility with SCADA programming software
>but need build 19045 for Apple software so I can sync my iShit
>prefer not to run in to EoL W10 updates within a mere 2 years
Is there an alternative to using razer/logitech software for their hardware?
There's X-Mouse Button Control if you want to change what your mouse buttons do without using a closed source control panel.
At this point you might as well use IoT LTSC 2024 which is frozen on 24H2 but with an 11 backend instead of 10.
IoT LTSC 2024 has no restrictions and acts more like 10 then it does 11 besides the 11 UI/SFX.
awesome, thanks brother
Any arguments in favor of waiting until october for the official release?
Can I change dpi settings as well?
The open preview that massgrave offers will turn into the retail version after the October update comes through
>I know it may sound dumb but it works for me
No, it sounds great.
What do you use on your work computer?
IIRC it's just buttons sorry
>What do you use on your work computer?
Debian Bookworm on a Ryzen 5 2600
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oh i just noticed the w11 ltsc isn't even officially out yet, i will not be beta testing beta OS
The one that massgrave offers is of the retail line, not the preview line.
so just through the regular windows update channel with little user interaction, great
I'm ok with diversity as long as it's based on meritocracy as well and not only on skin color

>t. south american brown skin
The version of IoT LTSC 2024 that was leaked a while ago off a Chinese Windows forum was from the closed insider preview branch, while like I said the one from massgrave comes from the mainline branch offered to OEMs.
says it's preview for oem's
Window fuck yeah
Basically just don't install anything that you can't verify the hashes of through the Visual Studio platform, you can make a free account to view the hashes here - https://my.visualstudio.com/downloads
I think W11 IoT LTSC or whatever the fuck it was is completely unverifiable and it's still shit anyway, so yeah you'd be beta testing. Feel free to give it a spin in a VM, but don't listen to other retards in this thread.
>inb4 "my epic Ruzzian hash databa-"
don't care, ignored
Yes anon the spooky rUsSiAn hash scraping site that massgrave even links has hashes that arbitrarily aren't real because you said so
>spooky rUsSiAn
Yep right on cue as expected and the same phrase as always. Your post reeks of ESL and I bet you typed furiously while you frothed at the mouth.
>massgrave even links has hashes that arbitrarily aren't real because you said so
I'm sure you'll be able to verify this on Microsoft's official file list then
Version: Windows 11, version 24H2 [26100.1]
Filename: 26100.1.240331-1435.ge_release_CLIENT_ENTERPRISES_OEM_x64FRE_en-us.iso
Checksum: SHA256 - AAA4BD3254C1AF5F9CE07F50DB68FDEAD7A305878F2425C059ECD6B062A855B3
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win7sisters we're so back
The fuck version of 7 is that
So a Twitter person found out how to run 7's explorer.exe on top of 10, huh? I'm guessing it's kinda fiddly when they had to do.
is it possible to change a regkey each time an exe is started without prompting me about it?
.bat is also an option but I need to run the exe w/ command line parameters (like in properties>target) & dunno how
This is peak autism and I'm here for it
i don't know how i've managed this but some how i'm an admin but i can't do certain admin tasks anyone know how to fix this?
After my weekend with Win7 + Supermium I've come to realize that it's perfectly usable for people that just browse the web and occasionally plays old vidya. Unfortunately it's no longer viable for any serious work.
If you have an old 7 machine you could easily use Supermium or Thorium to continue using the internet with it, but why bother and just install IoT LTSC 2021 on it. And replace the HDD with an SSD while you're at it.
>If you have an old 7 machine
Yup, Phenom II, been shitposting a lot 'bout it
>you could easily use Supermium to continue using the internet with it
Already did that, it's amazing. The problem relies in non-web applications for productivity like design, development tools and other shit
>but why bother and just install IoT LTSC 2021 on it
I already have modern boxes with modern Windows/Linux
>And replace the HDD with an SSD while you're at it
Yup, Win7 is running from an SSD, blazing fast
Well if it's a hobby thing then do what you wish I guess. I can imagine running 7 off an SSD to be incredibly responsive.
Also have you looked into VxKex? It's a 7 kernel extender that allows certain 10/11 programs to run on 7:
>Also have you looked into VxKex?
Interesting, will check it out. Thanks.
Ahh forgot to add, I also have XP under the same SSD and it's even more responsive, feels like running from RAM
The original git for it was actually randomly deleted kinda recently so this is a reupload. Some are saying that MS themselves banhammered it because it allowed you to continue using 7 in some way.
Oh I see, how interesting, with the ability to run VSCode you can use Win7 for programming and a VM for execution/debugging of any language. Very nice.
Not really relevant, but what browser do you guys use? I've mostly used Mozilla on my W10 laptop, planning on trying out Librewolf for my W11 PC.
Librewolf isn't really that different from Firefox. It's just Firefox with a bunch of privacy/telemetry settings pre-enabled/disabled and UBO added as a standard module.
I use Firefox by the way. The only other browsers out there I'd willingly try using are Brave, Ungoogled-Chromium or Vivaldi.
I switched to Vivaldi. Everything actually works properly for a Chromium browser. Every other browser has various issues that drive me insane. Brave has MPO issues on Windows which causes hw acceleration corruption. Firefox has god awful font rendering and inferior hw accel performance to boot. Edge is hyper aggressive with its annoying UX.
I see. Are browser benchmarks like Speedometer 3.0 a good parameter to compare browsers? I tend to saddle mine with extensions and scripts, so I feel like speed is the only thing that matters.
I don't like using Speedometer because its a synthetic benchmark for html5. A browser is more than just html5. It's a subset of multiple hooks that need to link together simultaneously and shit can break or hit the fan quick in a chain. Like my MPO issue with Brave isn't going to show up in Speedometer but it affects literally everything I do from alt tab to clicking a tab.
Does anyone know if there's a way to automatically clear history when you close the browser?
You need to be iot oem to be able to verify this with microsoft. Direct oemsoc links (now expired) were once posted by massgrave to prove authenticity.
I like Vivaldi because it carries on the spirit of the old forward-thinking Opera from the 2000s, even made/run by the same original CEO.

And would you look at that. This SHA-256 is exactly the same as the one on rg-adguard. Get fucked.
I don't have an answer for you, but what logistical difference would there be from just creating the folder first and moving the files second? Is it just an OCD of yours or something?
I'm a settingsfag and like tons of options for customization so I'm using Vivaldi.
>You need to be iot oem
So the hash is not publicly accessible as I already showed
>Direct oemsoc links (now expired) were once posted by massgrave to prove authenticity.
>Link expired 5/27/2024 8:27:04 AM
Where was this link posted??? Sharing a temp access link that's open for 5 minutes, months after the ISO initially circulated... yeah bulletproof authenticity.
Just to be clear, Massgrave is an excellent resource for every other item which can be independently verified, but rg-adguard and it's 60 mirrors should never be viewed as responsible sources of verification for anyone who respects basic security principles.

Of course you're here to suck this guy's dick 4 minutes after he posts, you live in these threads anyway.
The pastebin still up 2 date? Really wanna get adobe stuff but i wanna be sure that cracking with monkrus or GenP won't get some spyware installed on my computer.
Consider this:
>Previous method
- download official binaries
- modify amtlib.dll with a 1-2MB exe
- done

>Methods now
- download whole binaries from some absolute WHO (lmao)

Make of that what you will. Personally, I wouldn't be running any of that shit outside of a VM.
Let me correct myself, It seems that GenP is functionally more like traditional methods I mentioned. However people have been reporting a lot of issues with it get detected. I'd definitely go with GenP out of the two. DYOR on the source code: https://github.com/wangzhenjjcn/AdobeGenp
wrong link https://github.com/cw2k/Adobe-GenP
stupidest question in the world, but the rentry says:
>Cannot activate older Windows, any Office
but then you click the github, and first thing it says is:
>A Windows and Office activator
i know the rentry was last updated august 2022, so is it safe to assume that "MAS HWID" can now activate office?
is that w11 enterprise iot ltsc 2024 any good? i want to play games
No, MAS's Ohook module is what you use. It can activate any Office 2013 and up.
>is that w11 enterprise iot ltsc 2024 any good? i want to play games
No, it's a buggy preview release that is unverifiable without OEM access to hashes. Create a stripped down iso using a standard edition or do post-install debloats. Official W11 IoT LTSC release is October, so not too far off.

Don't listen to retards telling everyone to use rg-adguard to verify this specific iso, I've already shown that it's officially unverifiable here:
Is good.
thank u anon, i will stick to normal windows then.
if that means it can get office now, that's good to know. thanks
Your description is vague and rubbish. It could literally be dozens of things and you clearly haven't even remotely attempted to troubleshoot your no doubt shitty Windows install.
>CS6 under utilizing hardware due to incorrect settings RAM, GPU, CPU allowances etc
>generic Windows mouse drivers fowling with Logitech ones or Logitech ones aren't even installed (do not allow Windows to install drivers by itself for anything)
>observe hardware behavior in some form of hardware monitor to see if CPU spikes or such are causing this issue
>don't use garbage bloatware like ANY manufacturer RGB software and instead use OpenRGB. Don't like it? KYS
>roll back to driver 552.44 if you have an Nvidia GPU
>look at the event viewer to see if there are any events that correlate with your bugs
>properly restart your computer using "Restart" and not "Shut Down"
Is it possible to set manual updates on win11 IoT?

The guide shows how to do it on win10, but win11 has different options.
>.exe and/or .msi

>.sh scripts

I'm having a hard time understanding programs/apps in Linux. With Windows, programs are installed via exe and managed/removed in the programs list. But Linux has so many installer types, and programs may or may not be listed and aren't as easy to uninstall? How do you make sense of it all?
Firefox (Win10, 11, and Android)
Been using it for many years. I had to add Brave because Firefox broke upload image functionality in eBay.

On a separate machine running Winhoes 7, I use Supermium.
only distribute deb or rpm, everything else is bloat
I strongly doubt that the few W7 users on /g/ are running the OS on spinning rust.
sh scripts are the Linux equivalent of .bat scripts, .py scripts are Python scripts (not Linux exclusive stuff at all), try sticking to deb packages and flatpacks.

Also, distributions get various installers, like apt in Ubuntu (some webpages mention the older version: apt-get)
Whatever info you look up regarding Linux, stick to what is relevant to your distro first and foremost.
Windows programs aren't always compiled into binaries (.exe files), like Stable Diffusion as one example of something without an .exe installer. Then we start getting into how Linux and Windows overlap.

And make sure you follow guides and directions related to your distro, or you'll get confused and run into errors and stuff. It's not hard to get the hang of.
how do i enable windows spotlight on enterprise? i like looking at the various landscapes
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Should I have any of these selected when flashing to usb for a clean install on a new PC?
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Fucking HELL. Why does MS do this? Took me forever to figure out why I couldn't access my network shares until I found out that I had to add a value in the registry. Why did MS take this little text out of the LTSC IoT version which broke a major feature?
Hello, I am a retard and this is the first time I'm doing this, but I have a prebuilt with windows 11 and I want to switch it to 10 ltsc. I'm curious, about the windows key activation.

If I wanted to switch back to regular Windows 10 using the iso from microsoft, will windows be activated with the regular key stored on the hardware already?

I assume that for 10 iot ltsc, you are going to need to rely on MAS?
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non-ltsc enterprise has the same values

Windows 11 to 10 does not work very well. Driver incopatabilites and CPU's with little cores don't work great on 10. Just wait for 11 LTSC to be released later this year.

Accessing my network shares works out of the box on regular Windows 10. The LTSC Iot version came without that hex value and I had to add it manually.

Also if you are going to do this, backup your drivers through the command line.

Windows 11 HWID will most likely not work on 10. Just install 2012 LTSC IoT and activate with MAS.

Once you activate it, you can install the iso again and it'll be activated through hardware ID.

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Does this matter for a clean install with two SSDs? They're going directly on the mobo and will be behind a heat shield, and installing one after the build's finished and the OS is installed could be very annoying.
Any good free Wireless survey tools? IE: Checking which Wifi channels are the most congested, analyzing wifi to benchmark your own signal, etc.

I was gonna try INSSIDER but i dont want to make some retarded account just for that

Extra point for FOSS
Package manager for sandboxing apps similar to how Android works. Kind of garbage, and doesn't actually add security most of the time despite being made for sandboxing (most apps will just blanket add most default permissions anyway). Also inconsistent with any theming/ricing you might have. Avoid if you can.
It's just the entire program (and dependencies) bundled together, like a macOS .app file but worse. Sometimes okay.
>.sh scripts
These are just to run the actual binaries, like a .bat on Windows. If a program tells you to use one that's included, then use that.
The binaries themselves, like an .exe on Windows. But unlike Windows, they usually don't have any file extension, i.e. "ls" in "/bin/ls". This format is standard across many other UNIX's. If using a graphical environment, you usually shouldn't have to run these directly.
This is a Python script; you need the Python runtime installed to run it. If you're running a major distro, this will very likely already be installed. For some reason, a lot of Linux software is written, or otherwise has a dependency, on Python.

If you're a beginner you can safely ignore just about all of these and stick to your package manager, assuming your distro has the software you need. If not, you can probably add a repo/overlay to find it, or install from a .deb/.rpm/PKGBUILD/etc.
More work, retard.
>right click create folder then select files and then move them
>select folders, right click to create folder and move files at the same time

Windows .exe are simply superior. Package managers are dumb especially in the clusterfuck that is Linux. The work decent on Mac though but I still prefer .exe
is 100GB enough for C:?
i want to install all my programs there except for the really big ones like visual studio
seggs with seiko
>trying to automate some tasks at work
>stuck with win10
>can't really install new programs
>can't automate the printing of some pdfs with powershell
this is so niggerlicious. you can do this in one line on linux.
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I wonder if sha3 and ram stress tests also score lower.
how do I make my laptop run snappier
i7 8850H, not new but not super old either
already has a ssd
32gb of ram

it's showing its age and I don't want it to.
what do?
Install 64GB of RAM.
Select the bottom two
If your laptop isn't "snappy" with those beefy specs then your Windows install is probably just bloated to shit and maybe needs a re-install, or a full shut down.
Install the programs you need through Scoop. No admin rights required.
that might actually get me fired. i'm just a secretary. it's just really fucking frustrating that windows can't do what unix has been doing since the 80s where you can just pipe files to a printing program.
How do I remove Windows Defender?
Powershell can pipe
it can

yet windows doesn't come with all the utils needed to print pdfs from the shell now does it???
ionuttbara's Defender Remover
oy vey
is youtube working like shit for anyone else?
Working fine for me.
Anyone know how to obtain a certificate to make watching streamio via local hosting not throw a warning?

I don't know much about SSL or whatever it needs. If I try to connect to my local computer via any means it says the certificate is invalid and it warns me that continuing might be dangerous. I've never seen this happen before. I'm on Windows 11 btw.
what browser?
You have to get yourself a domain and then setup letsencrypt to generate one for you, they expire so you'll have to setup a job to automatically renew

>inb4 can I do it without a domain?
its running like shot for me on brave
the page keeps freezing
What the fuck. Why was it working perfectly fine a week ago and only throwing me errors now then?
I hear that Brave is having a little trouble on Windows with HW acceleration currently. Try disabling it and see if it feels better.
Most likely the certificate is self signed and there's a chance you might have added to your trusted certificates before renewal
it seems to happen when i enable the enhanced h264ify extension, which allows me to get hardware decoding on my old laptop, so the problem might be related to hardware decoding indeed

how is firefox running for you?
i tried it a couple of months ago and at least for me it seemed like it had memory leaks, it would start eating all my ram and slow down
I've used it for years and I've always had a good time with it. I use it because shit like UBO works properly and also on the moral ground of not wanting to give into the Chromium machine.
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Hello all,
a simple question. I've installed W10 IoT Enterprise LTSC.
Had to download the localized (italian) ISO, then used the "temporary" code I found on MAS instructions to make it an IoT version, then activated with online command/HWID, always as per instructions found here. Everything is fine as it is.
Now, a question: If I am to reinstall again, the ISO is not an IoT by itself due the localization language (at least this is what the system information says), when I reconnect to the internet, will the activation be successful by itself or I have to do an activation all over again?
In other words, I am afraid that using the temporary code to make it an IoT will fault the online autmatic activation.
Your current hardware ID gotten from MAS is associated with IoT LTSC, so if you install it again with the italian LTSC ISO then it won't activate. After you change to IoT LTSC via MAS's edition changer via its extras menu or you do what you did and just enter the code into the activation settings it should re-activate if using the same PC.
it seems to be the comments that is causing the slow down if i dont scrool down everything works fine
might try firefox or vivaldi
There's Youtube extensions out there that do shit like disable comments completely IIRC, but anyway.
can i clone a windows (10) install to a bigger drive with just e.g. default clonezilla?
or will it throw a hissy fit if i don't do some special things or use some special software
Yes, it's pretty stragithforward, clone from device to device
Easiest way to clone Windows drives is Macrium Reflect 7. It's in the OP under useful programs.
And how would I go about fixing thet?
might want to follow this https://support.kaspersky.com/cyber-trace/4.3/174127
Perfect. I'll try this when I get home. Thanks anon <3
It's because your pirated software is mining for crypto or worse
alright, thanks anons
macrium looks nice, might try it if i can kick my brother off the other windows computer
otherwise i'll go with clonezilla
Reflect is the most no-nonsense.
you dont need edge installed for the webview2 shit to work right?
WebView2 is a separate thing.
ok firefox is working fine
so its a brave issue
what font do you use for firefox?
the default is times new roman, not a fan of it
I just use the default font it comes with, never bothered me very much.
Maybe change it to Calibre or something? That's a nice default font.
i wonder why that was happening on brave
firefox seems to be smoother in general
I'm also ok with diversity as long they do the job
>t south american white skin
Thank you this is quite helpful actually.
I think you're splitting hairs honestly
Just curious, any reason why you're
recommendng 7 over 8 free?
7 Free has unlimited free uses. 8 Free has a 30 day trial.
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Are you sure about that? I've had 8 free installed for months without any complaining about trials etc
I just reformatted a few months ago I don't wanna do it again
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i don't need this shit running in the background all the time what the fuck
Well I can't think of whatever other reason why your machine doesn't feel good to use when the specs are so decent.
I mean you can always just uninstall it after you've cloned the drive you want to clone.
This is why I prefer clonezilla overall
MAS seems too good to be legit
The scripts literally just use included Windows tools to do what it does. It's just written/combined by some very smart people.
>MAS seems too good to be legit
As long as you download and run it using the traditional method (instead of fetching the script automatically in console) you're good. Have at a look at the scripts for yourself, they're pretty unremarkable, just a lot of clever automation. Microsoft also doesn't care, they'd rather have an unpaid user than no user.
With that being said, I would recommend only the HWID method and if you need to activate a version that isn't IoT [LTSC], simply use a generic activation key and then you can use HWID still. Windows Server still requires KMS methods afaik which I and many others are not a fan of.
>but are the ISOs from Massgrave legit?
Yes, but don't use that rg-adguard rubbish to verify the hashes. Use the official Microsoft file list and match it to your iso's hash with a free account here - https://my.visualstudio.com/downloads
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i'm trying to install windows 10. all i did was put the .iso on a flash drive using the latest rufus version that works on windows 7, install it to an HDD, and try to run the "Safe" .reg file here in safe mode:

it simply doesn't work. pic related. i even tried putting the .iso on my flash drive using ventoy instead, but the default boot didn't work on my bios (was stuck on a grey flashing underscore top left of the screen on a black background), and the "WIMBOOT" alternative boot got as far as partitioning the HDD before upon clicking "New", it didn't provide the same option as rufus did (it didn't make a 50mb or something partition alongside the big one like rufus did), and was unable to continue. the guide says running this .reg file is supposed to disable windows update, but after restarting to boot normally, the error prevented it from doing even that

i imagine i can just go down the list and disable everything manually, but besides that being annoying, with this being the literal first thing i try, and it failed, i'm wondering if the install is already FUBAR. maybe i can try installing the latest version of rufus (one i couldn't on my w7 install) using this completely fresh w10 install, and put the iso on the flash drive that way, to see if it fixes this? i guess i will if no one replies
Pick one:
a) Windows 7
b) Windows 10 LTSC
c) Windows 11 Enterprise
d) Linux Mint 22
B in a virtual machine as I host it in D
I'm a Linux fag
>maybe i can try installing the latest version of rufus (one i couldn't on my w7 install) using this completely fresh w10 install, and put the iso on the flash drive that way, to see if it fixes this?
i just did this, and same shit. so i guess i'll just go through the list manually and disable shit, even though it's annoying. dunno how i managed this on a clean install on a .iso that has been unchanged since the guide was last edited
K will try, if doesn't work I'll just HWID it again what can I do

Is this shit safe?
Mostly just looking for Solitaire in the style of win7/XP. Not sure why I'd need an installer, but how else will I get the bundled crapware, am I right?
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Thanks anon. I don't know why that worked, but it worked?
I'm glad it worked anon!
Why is Python so shit at updating on Windows? It literally creates a whole new separate installation instead of upgrading existing files. I can understand this approach when upgrading from 2.7 to 3.0, since there will be breakages. But why the fuck do they need to do that when updating from 3.11 -> 3.12?
I'm only cautious now because it's got an expiry date of Sept 24th and gonna have to do it again.
redpill me on W11 aside from looks are there any other major difference
that's the problem with self signed certs
picking through the stremio server.js to see if there is any way I can get it to ignore certifications. That's the main issue I've been having. It works right now, but wish I could modify it to last longer.
The only way is to use plain HTTP instead of secure HTTP(S). And that's worse than self signed.
The correct way of handling it is >>101634794
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Think I found the spicy line I can edit in the httpscert.json file in the stremio sever folder. I wonder if I edit this would it give me a longer certificate.
ohh that should be it! very clever anon
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after stressing about this for hours as a tech illiterate, trying a right click > properties method to gain permission, and trying powershell commands to run .reg files (none of which worked, and i couldn't even figure out how to properly paste the multi-line command i found), i opened the .reg in notepad myself and realized i could just split it up, and narrow down which one(s) caused the failure, if only a single one could cause none of them to work. turns out it was only:

that didn't work. everything else worked. even going to that path in regedit manually and turning "Start" from "2" to "4", it returns an error. pic related. to transcribe it for anyone who may search this:
Registry Editor
Cannot import D:\programs\svc_safe_disable.reg: Not all data was successfully written to the Registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes, or you have insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
, and
Error Editing Value
Cannot edit Start: Error writing the value's new contents.
. other tags: windows install w10 rentry github safe

literally all i did was install "W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021" and run the "safe" .reg file from the rentry. i am at a complete loss as to how i am the only person to face this error for doing so
Setting up Windows for the first time on a new PC and I see the guide suggests disabling TPM/SecureBoot to get rid of the Windows 11 upgrade notices. That’d be nice, but what else does disabling them do? Would like to avoid any futures issues because of something now.
i was able to change the value of the key that caused me so much grief for hours by following this guide:

except, at the part where it says:
>in the "Enter the object name to select" box, type the name of your Windows user account (or your email address if you have a Microsoft account)
i remembered a youtube tutorial i watched doing a similar thing when i was trying to make "svc_safe_disable.reg" work:

and simply typed "everyone" instead of anything specific. i followed the instructions as written otherwise, and it worked. so now i have passed step one (1) of installing windows 10. i remain at a loss as to how i am the only one who faced this error after literally installing and doing the literal first thing on the list otherwise, but whatever, i guess
is there any way to get better font rendering on firefox?
Is there really no way to fix a monitor to a specific workspace so I can freely flick between them on primary but windows on secondary don't move?
You have to mess around with the gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode in the about:config.

One of the reasons I switched to Vivaldi is that I hate Firefox default font rendering.
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>Restart computer
>copilot pinned to taskbar
I will not use your shitty ai Satya. You failed with the Halo one and you'll fail now.
looks = usability
and w11 looks abysmal
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My custom recycle bin icon does not update.

I have set my recycle bin icon (empty and full) to a custom one in Windows 10, but now, whenever I send files to it or empty it, the icon doesn't update until I refresh the desktop.

I've tried clearing the icon cache, restarting File Explorer and rebooting, but none worked. After restarting File Explorer, the icon updates ONCE and then never again.
google how to disable it on home/pro and do the opposite of what the article says
>Restart computer
>nothing changes because I use LTSC
Feels good.
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Windows 10 didn't look very good either. I miss the days of Vista and 7. Now those were good looking OS's. The only time Microsoft ever competed with macOS on aesthetics.
Every Windows OS after XP looks like shit.
XP looked like shit compared to 2000 and earlier. Fucking Fisher Price UI.
It also looked like shit compared to Vista, the best looking OS Microsoft ever created.
This is ugly as fuck.
I have to fucking agree there, mate! I miss the old days :(
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>flat colors combined with aero and gradients
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>using the default windows ui
I disagree, the best looking Windows is 2000 Professional, the rest are utter shit
what happened to 'friendly' thread?
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I think almost every version of Windows is ugly because Microsoft NEVER goes all the way with the design changes. They change the explorer, taskbar, and start menu and its all fucking modern then you dive deeper into the menus or open a program and the UI completely falls apart and its some legacy UI or some holdover from the Vista days or worse, the DOS days. It just looks fucking dogshit.
we're being friendly towards each other, that's what matters
It's not friendly because we disagree on what UI looks good?
for old computers is it better to use windows 10 iot ltsc or linux?
The problem is because of how Windows is designed. There can never be consistency because every individual thing in the OS needs to intentionally changed to match the new UI.
Linux is lighter on the machne.
If it's old but powerful enough, Windows 10 IoT LTSC should be fine
we are talking 2015/2016
and arent some linux desktop environments even heavier than windows 10?
Some are yes.
And if it's 2016 you should be fine running IoT LTSC, especially if the machine came with 10 in the first place.
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well after disabling everything the guide told me to before connecting to the internet, upon connecting to the internet (and activating windows), windows update doesn't work. it does list how to enable windows update if you used the "extreme" .reg in the link in the post of mine i'm responding to, but, i mean, i didn't use the "extreme" .reg, nor even the "moderate" one; i used the "safe" one. so i don't know what to do. the guide also recommending i install drivers and programs before connecting to the internet and updating windows (merely due to their placement in the guide being earlier) was questionable to me, but i felt after disabling all the services i was told to, i may as well. but now that technically increases the scope of what might be responsible for this

i still don't understand how i'm just doing the bare minimum, but facing problems. i will try to get windows update working tomorrow
>tfw one of your favorite programs has a ui that clashes completely with windows and there's nothing you can do about it except change programs
what do you use to customize it?
This is me with Bulk Rename Utility. Use it all the time but always flashbangs the fuck out of me because no dark mode. Plus the UI in general looks straight out of 2000.
nice strawman
You don't know what that word means.
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Any way to make the space between icons taller? It looks cluttered like this
it doesn't look cluttered.
Didn't ask
I filtered so many threads on r9k the board is dead, this thread is now my new home. What are you doing on windows today? I'm working on a matlab clone
>What would be causing this potentially
your copy of PS is malware
>is it possible to change a regkey each time an exe is started without prompting me about it?
for what purpose are you doing this?
>but what browser do you guys use?
MS Edge
I've been using Firefox for like 18 years straight and I have no intention of changing it.
any alternatives to speedometer?
I'm looking at the repo and it seems good to me to benchmark browsers
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Firefox. I use Edge as a backup in case something doesn't work since its just Chrome so no point in downloading a second Chrome.
Someone convince me to return to Windows, Linux is ruining my life, please help me
>Linux is ruining my life
You need more convincing than that?
>Linux is ruining my life
what do you currently do on linux? I switched back to windows because all I did on ubuntu was in chromium yet MS Edge on win 10 supported webGPU on the same machine so I switched back

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