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>tencent has 105k employees
>google has 182k employees
>apple has 161k employees
also these numbers are all before the mass tech worker layoffs. their operations can be handled with couple thousand of developers. why the fuck they hire so many people?
Secretly they're government jobs programs to make the economy seem better. Many such cases
It's a chinese company. Scale it down to US population, and they have only like 15k employees.
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>their operations can be handled with couple thousand of developers. why the fuck they hire so many people?
if someone is on your payroll theyre not creating disruptive technology that could fuck you over
Please understand, women, niggers and Indians need jobs. They have to hire hundreds of thousands of them or else they be racist and shiet.
It's China we are talking about. They are not worried about DEI. They are worried about the Triads.
A bugman living the wagie life, regardless of its performance, is a bugman that won't consider becoming a career-crimininal.
Is that moot
Mass lay offs boost stock prices. It's basically like ballast tanks on a submarine, if you want to go up you just blow out water. If the cost of hiring useless workers is lower than the stock price gains that can be had by firing them, it's the correct business decision.
because our entire society (and china's) is based on people need to work to justify the food they eat. most people dont have profitable skills, so we print money to give them fake jobs
You missed the most important part. The only reason we give them fake jobs is so that the people with real jobs don't revolt or quit their jobs.
retarded OP, you know that includes all the retail workers, admin and finance people, procurement and supply chain teams etc etc
not everyone in a tech company is a cooooder you sheltered fuck.
go outside and touch grass
>Believing that mass layoffs really is performance based and not because muh HR stacies have corporate drama trying to do retarded powerplay bullshit
Oh sweet summer childo... get off sucking your mom's deflated titties and go experience the real world
My manager tried to tell me they did layoffs to be nice to the people they fired because that way they'd get a severance and be more hirable.

I told them I want to know which upper manager screwed up the budget and ruined the lives of the people they fired.
They're fake people. Ever wonder why real useful jobs like mopping the floor is never even talked about in this realm?
Idk about tencent. Talent in China is cheap though.
Apple's numbers probably included Apple Store employees. Corporate might be a lot less.
Google needs that many because think about how many products it's involved in:
- GSuite (docs, sheets, drive, photos, gmail etc)
- GCP (dozens of SaaS products)
- YouTube
- Maps and Earth
- Chrome
- Android, Pixel phone/book, Music (a whole Apple exists within Google)
- Ads (AdWords, AdSense, AdMob, Doubleclick)
- AI (Gemini, Waymo, Deepmind etc).
- Voice and calling
you can fire some from google but not from tencent or apple both are much more productive
> inb4 twitter
the team was replaced with jeets who had to run a finished product not that hard to do but you are seeing how it shits itself daily.

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