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Basement edition

previous: >>102009773

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Sorry for the late reply.
I'm running ubuntu 22.04 lts hwe and my 5900x idles at 30w on the latest bios. Maybe the bios made the difference, as b550 is still getting updates and the latest microcode was from June. My UPS reports around 100w total idle, probably 15w is accounted for in my router, ipmi device and other external devices, my 6 3.5" enterprise HDDs idle at 26-27w (added up all the idles based on datasheet), and my GPU idles at 13w, so now we're at about 70w for my 5900x system. 15w probably belongs to the mobo+m.2 nvme, hba, so 85w or so.
I *might* be able to lower it, but 30w package is low enough for me especially since my power is cheap and I would rather not lose performance.
>downgrade pcie speeds
Not an option. Isn't it supposed to dynamically adjust based on link state anyway? According to my mobo manufacturer ASPM on amd b550 is automatic with pcie devices that support it.
That's why I said server with quotes.
It does, correct.
Post racks
Where is the best/cheapest place to buy used enterprise drives?
I would assume it would be some Chinese site, but the shipping might be dodgy.
call college/uni IT departments and tell them you build free PCs for niggers
Just bought 4 of these. Can't wait to receive 500gb barracuda drives!
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What's the best way to run torrents with vpn on TrueNAS Scale?
>Just bought 4 of these.
Those look great, nice
In principle setting up TalosOS is easy, the documentation for that is great and the distribution is innovative, but dear god if something breaks you'll be worse off with documentation than if you had used a normal Kubernetes distribution.
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Help i'm being filtered (lol) by Opnsense
i'm trying to access the webui admin from the WAN interface (actually it's just another LAN, not the actual WAN, but it's WAN from the router's point of view).
At this point I have this rule that's just "fuck it allow everything", but it still get timeout when filtering is enabled. (disabling filtering with pfctl -d let me access the webui).
(the router is in a proxmox VM with two bridge as interfaces, if it change anything)
Are the slim DVD drives on Supermicro servers able to be replaced with an SSD?
Disregard, I think I've found the solution I was looking for. I wasn't using the right search terms
Interesting that it'd be a hot-swap kit instead of a "permanent" one, but it'll do the job
>Adding my own router after the ISP supplied one might also work, but then I'd have that device running for almost no purpose at all and I don't know what kind of problems that might cause.
I do this by setting the ISP router to bridge mode and then my actual router does all the work.
Never had problems on this front.
>bridge mode
Not the same thing. Not all ISP routers let you do that. Anon is talking about double NATing.
install qbittorrent from the truenas scale apps, then in the web ui you can add a proxy.
i use PIA because they dont care about torrenting
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>NTA, avoid WireGuard. Experimental protocol, no native integrations in operating systems and unsupported in enterprise firewalls & operating systems (which you can use at home affordably).

Nobody in here listen to this mong. It's as experimental at btrfs. Which is not at all. Unless you are retarded and autistic and your entire world view is opinions on top search results linking to stack exchange links from 2015.
However, this is difficult for autistic people (no offence to them) to recognize, unironically, because for them only their own definition counts. Next thing you know, Anon will come around the corner and tell you that the CVS (Concurrent Versions System) no longer exists... meanwhile the world already skipped SVN and everyone is on git.
It's so hard to convince enterprise retards.
Ironically the meme in picrel is wrong. Autistic people pretend they are immune to marketing, but they are not immune to marketing that preys on people susceptible for overpriced "enterprise" solutions.
Which works mostly on fear based incentives for unrealistic scenarios inexistent in home labs.

Guess what MTBF (Mean time between failures) means. So a 1 million hour MTBF doesn't mean your drive can either last from 1 hour to 1 million. most will even die before half.
It really means if you have 1 million drives, one will die each hours, purely statistically speaking.

Now these idiots really think it works like this. IT STILL doesn't. It's gauss distributed no less.
My drive has no issues and 50,000 hours uptime. Why did it last so long: Easy, even HDDs have annual write rates as per spec they can tolerate, same for reading. So what does read and write do? It generates heat and wear.

The MTBF is a useless terms, as it covers ideal conditions. You cannot predict covid with it, that year when everything was online, surely more drives failed. It's a worthless spec, only covering highly simulated conditions. They will die gauss distributed on your specific use case
Immune to reddit's /r/homelab mini PC marketing.
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true immunity is only baremetal on clean debian/gentoo/arch with self installed and configured services. any ready distro with gui is handholding for babbies.
thanks, i havent bought the drives yet, still shopping around. but sounds like im definitely gonna want to go for Dell drives then, even if it costs me extra.
does anyone go all the way and have a Libre home server?
.... doesn't Wireguard run in Linux kernel space? Is that enough of a "native integration" for him? I guess not, if it's not blessed by Dell EMC themselves, or something.

Of all the things to build an identity around, being a true believer in the preachings of dinosaurish oldhead corporations seems like one of the sadder ones.
is there a good enough way to check for disk health?
I got a 18tb disk and I'm running badblocks, but I'm reading the test runs for 55+ hours on 8tb drives
I dont have all this time
>It really means if you have 1 million drives, one will die each hours, purely statistically speaking.
technically, MTBF is a quantity regarding the mean of the distribution of failures, you cant make any statements about the shape of that distribution just from the mean. if you had a million drives that died at a rate of one per hour over the course of a million hours, that would represent the exact same MTBF as if none of the drives died for the first 999,999 hours, and then all of them died in the last hour.
>doesn't Wireguard run in Linux kernel space?
Yes, which makes it problematic for RHEL and probably why the enterprise schizo doesn't like it.
Don't care. I'm having fun.
smartmontools / smartctl
What's a self-hosted audio streaming solution that also has a mobile android auto-compatible app?
You're probably looking for a subsonic compatible server, subsonic, airsonic, navidrome (no doubt there are others) and there is a large range of apps that can work with this api, some of those support android auto but i haven't personally used so can't recommend.
This, personally I went for Airsonic + Dsub (free on f-droid)


Followed this. Works perfectly with the tunnel using PIA.
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Post your uptimes!

Mine sucks because I just swapped out some hardward, but I was sitting at 270 days before this.

I bet some of you networking chads have ridiculous numbers.
So you are telling me what I wrote about dynamic loads and reality being different from idealized lab markers? Well thank you a lot for paraphrasing it in you own words. Anything else you want to parrot back?

>if none of the drives died for the first 999,999 hours, and then all of them died in the last hour.
no, that is retarded
Uptime is a meme.
Safety also is achieved from reboots,
as modern threat actors could be as shortlived
as existing only in random access memory.
Regular reboots are a feature.
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>nobody on /hsg/ likes to have fun. comparing uptimes is fun for me.
1 day because I pulled the wrong plug yesterday
Anons, should I use Podman instead of Docker?
Running rootless is a big pro.
/hsg/ hasn't been fun for a while. at first it was just people setting up home servers and learning as they go
now it's all enterprise-this, enterprise-that
we get the occasional new person getting into home networking in general and when they ask a question they tend to get kicked down for not using enterpise stuff
it's all so souless now
I've just started evaluating the last few days, so far so good.
I've used podman for a while to do webapp development, no complaints whatsoever.
People tend to dramatically underestimate the extent of advertising that is done on /g/ and 4chan in general.

I believe that it was found that 4chan tends to be one of the most effective places to spend advertising dollars in terms of conversions (to a website, to a purchase), better even than reddit.

I might suspect that besides the general dogmatism festering in the human population in the highly stressful 2020s environment, much of this content consists of advertising. Covert, overt, or otherwise.
sup anons
managed to migrate my daily Debian to the server and use it with passthrough
in the process I learned to manage efi boot devices

so far so good, i got
>rx470 gpu
>2x usb 3.1
>audio & input through usb

what i couldn't so far
>passthrough 3060 along with rx470 for anime tiddies
>>102044551 (me)

Bandwidth between my workstation vm and my nas vm

Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 16.0 KByte (default)
[ 1] local port 49488 connected with port 5001 (icwnd/mss/irtt=14/1448/350)
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 1] 0.0000-10.0076 sec 19.7 GBytes 16.9 Gbits/sec

was expecting more tho
Does anyone run a VOIP server?
I have FreePBX + MicroSIP configured with Flowroute but am curious if there's something better out there.
Windows clients. Mac OS / iOS clients. Android clients (no app downloads). Enterprise scale management tools and configuration. FIPS-mode and certification for the U.S. government.
The lack of these and Red Hat's positioning to have WireGuard available in "tech preview" only puts WireGuard firmly in the "experimental", not ready for production use cases category.
>I bet some of you networking chads have ridiculous numbers.
One of my firewall at home isn't even plugged into an UPS.
Don't (You) me for CVEs.
Give it to me straight bros
nut vs. apcupsd vs. powerpanel personal/pwrstatd
I have a cyberpower cp1500pfclcd. Nut has the wrong stats so I can't get power usage, but shutdown works. Powerpanel both shutdown and the correct stats exist, but it's not as robust as nut. Haven't tried apcupsd but it is supposedly compatible.
Official windows and ios clients exist afaik.
You can setup IKEv2/IPsec tunnels in Windows without installing extra clients, that's the integration. (Management of them is via startup scripts however, not via a GPO.)
WireGuard does not have an integration.
You said clients in >>102045052, not integration.
US? serverpartdeals
anywhere else either dont bother or find a dell/hp distributor, they often have extra disks on hand practically brand new

>its as experimental as btrfs
wireguard is a hell of a lot less "experimental" than btrfs. btrfs still doesnt have working erasure coding.
idk why you went on a rant about mtbf but ok

30 minutes
I just got home and the shitty rcd socket my networking gear is plugged into tripped again...

its fine when enterpriseschizo is sleeping/stacking shelves at bestbuy
Used to be ~1 year but recently refactored the rack and had to unplug
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nut for sure

>Does anyone run a VOIP server?
no but if implies using one of these then I would get into it
Don't forget it's an election year. Actual feds and shills are a constant nuisance but in times like these 4chan just becomes borderline unusable. I haven't visited /hsg/ for a while and came back only to find that enterprise shizo shitting up every thread.
Was this made by you? https://gist.github.com/jithatsonei/b5e5e80f68980aa27a5f35cf2a9b0a62
Going to install a basic home network inside a busy rental home.

Question: Unifi U6Pro or TPLink EAP660HD for it. I'm a LAN person so don't really fuck with Wifi all that much with the exception of my phone. I've used both the UBNT and Omada controllers and both seem fine. Anything you recommend from a landlords perspective for installing in a house regularly populated by idiots?
For me, the choice is easy.
SInce Ubiquiti is not on this chart, I am assuming its trash. This is helpful.
short term lets? go with the tp-link
I've been out of the game on all this new technology. Apparently the EAP660hd uses a qualcomm chipset which should make it good. I just want something that is easy to remotely manage and stable to feed normies their neftflix slop en masse so I don't get called at 1am because Cuties stopped streaming or some shit. The connection to the house is top tier (1.2 GBPS 24/7 - I tested it for like 3 days straight and didn't even flinch).
just turn off your phone outside of office hours
I just saw is default in Fedora Server. I'm gonna try.
>no internet connection
>landlord doesnt answer
Welp, time to reset the access point
I'm trying to install a torrent client, specifically Deluge, in OMV7 but I'm stuck. I managed to get it installed in docker-compose. I managed to get it installed but when I try adding a torrent it does not work. I get a timed out error. I don't think my OMV is connected to the internet.
Does anyone know how to install this properly? I really would like to have my NAS setup handle all my torrenting.
just mount it high up
make the PID and UID have permission to write/acces the given folder
I think I did that. I checked the id of the user by using id user and I got the GID (100) and UID (1000). I put those numbers in the docker-compose file.
Am I doing something else that's wrong?
What's the difference between the 12 different versions of this drive? Does it actually matter which one I buy? https://serverpartdeals.com/collections/manufacturer-recertified-hdd?pf_t_capacity=capacity%3A12TB
I tried it for a while and found the transition to be a moderate pain in the ass for no practical benefit
did you use the admin id?
Oh, no I didn't. I used the created user one.
Let me try that but later. I gotta eat.
If it works, thanks. If not then I'll be back.
i used this vid a few years back when i had omv setup on a pi to test things out so, i think you can follow these steps too.
im now running Truenas Scale and i find it much better than OMV
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On an enterprise drive, what's the difference between "512e SATA 6Gb/s" and
"4Kn SATA 6Gb/s"? Does it matter?
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Brand new to the whole website thing. Purchased my domain via porkbun.

How do I do picrel and have multiple A, and AAAA records with the same host (domainname.wang), so I can have answers with the appropriate IPV4 and IPV6 IP's?

If I try to add more than one manually, I get an error that the hostname has already been used, but clearly it is possible. Like if I were hosting my site on github pages I would need 4 A entries, and then if I wanted to do IPV6 I would need 4 more. At least that is how my retard brain understands it.

Can someone break this down barney style for me?
Not everything supports 4k sector size. Some disks are 4k, and of those, some can be used in a mode which allows them to emulate 512 for broader support, called 512e.

I have some ultrastars that are 4k, and some hardware that doesn't support it, I was able to use a tool to swap them into 512e mode, If you need 512e the data sheet for the specific model should indicate if it can be swapped.
Thank you
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I guess you could make it work, mine looks like this and a PC microphone. You can rent phone lines for 50 cents a month and half a penny per minute. I accidently added a toll free number today.
For $6/year? Cheapest phone line I'll ever own.
Thanks, I'll take a look
reporting back, while everything works without major issues, the latency is noticeable when daily driving Plasma 5, when switching virtual desktops there's some form of frame drop/latency. With the same GPU and the exact same software I get zero slowdowns, latency or frame drops under baremetal.

I guess that's expected due to the nature of the setup.

Maybe I'm just too autistic about it but it's kinda off putting

grep -i FAILED  var log auth dot log

I think it's time for SSH Guard, not that it would help much. Whoever these faggots are, they have a HUGE botnet. Is this normal?
>Is this normal?
Short story: Yes.
how can I get started with home server when I only have an ipad pro
>Just bought 4 of these. Can't wait to receive 500gb barracuda drives!
Thanks! =)
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first, your original post was already being pedantic, so dont get upset at me for pointing out how youre wrong. its not even that pedantic if you consider that drives are often installed together in batches, so you cant always expect the failures to be randomly distributed.
second, why are you accusing me of parroting you and then telling me im wrong? the total amount of time between failures is a million hours, and you had a million failures, so the MTBF is 1 hour. it doesnt matter how the failures are distributed, the MTBF is always 1 hour.
Yeah ended up using nut, turns out I can get the stats I need with nutcase.
One of these days I need to setup one of those proper homepages with all the stats/info like homepage, uptime kuma, prometheus, etc.
did CoCalc get rid of their docker image recently? the github page 404s but i cant find any news about it.
what notebook software dp you guys use/host? CoCalc looked pretty sweet but unfortunately it looks like small-instance hosting isnt an option for it anymore.
How much ram for a 50tb pool?
thoughts on used M1 mac mini as a home server? They idle at like 5w
The hardware is nice but the OS isn't designed for server workloads, I've read [citation needed] that macOS' TCP stack isn't as performant as Linux's, anons feel free to correct me on this one

I forgot ssds went up in price recently so I'm compelled to buy another u.2 disk instead of an m.2 for a low powered experiment I'm doing. The system definitely won't have sufficient cooling so the u.2 disk would not be happy sitting in it's 10W bath.
>found a random sata m.2 lying around
>slot is nvme only

USB 2.0 is better for this situation, 3.0 likes to overheat and you don't need 3.0 speeds when the only thing it should be doing is loading to ram and saving your config.
Obviously make a backup of your config and especially your encryption keys somewhere else.

Add a static route to the 'lan' side of opnsense on your main PC and use the lan-side address to access the webui. Might also need to add a firewall rule for your specific PC too and switch a setting, so even if you do the route, you still need to be on the lan side to change this behavior.
I usually forget to re-add the static route whenever I reboot my pc. And I must've undid the setting that allows WAN logins, so now I get to troubleshoot that.
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I got spooked by my pfsense box playing its boot music
You need a single record with multiple values likewise, example.com and paste in all four ips into one A record. Do the same for AAAA.
sell it
You could try installing Asahi Linux. Still alpha quality, but the OS and software should be better suited for server needs
Don't know how it'll affect efficiency, though
>Don't know how it'll affect efficiency, though
apparently efficiency in Asahi is as good as macOS
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In reading the TrueNAS documentation I'm starting to get how L2ARC and SLOG don't really work the way one might assume at first.

Before delving too much deeper into this, am I barking up the wrong tree if I want this sort of behaviour from ZFS?
>main storage array consists of mechanical drives, which are kept idle for the sake of minimising power draw and noise
>new data or changes are stored in an SSD cache/write buffer, then flushed to the main array at a time when it's scheduled to be woken up (eg. 7AM daily)
>the system should try to pre-fetch related files in RAM (maybe also an SSD read-cache?) when the array is required to wake due to an otherwise unexpected read request
SSH exposed to the Internet is not normal.
No, that's not a server.
> a server needs to idle at least 100W
No, it doesn't. It needs server features and compatibility with software.
Anyone upgraded their shit to 10GbE recently?
My ISP started offering >1gbps plans and I want to upgrade my equipment and servers to handle it (currently all 1GbE).
For servers I just need recommendations for a decent 10GbE PCIe card that strikes a good balance between heat and cost.
For my router, I think I just need a new one, so I'm also looking for recommendations on a good platform for that. My current router is an old Wyse thin client running Linux with an extra 1GbE card plugged into its m.2 port, but I doubt 10GbE m.2 cards are widely and cost-effectively available, and I can't replace the onboard 1GbE port at all anyway. Plus it gets to like 80% CPU usage just handling 1gbps (I have a lot of iptables rules). So, good relatively small form-factor and low power-consumption device that I can turn into a router while also having a PCIe port I can plug a 10GbE card into? I'd rather not use something that's marketed as a router and runs its own shitty router OS if I can avoid it.
>For servers I just need recommendations for a decent 10GbE PCIe card that strikes a good balance between heat and cost.
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Running an Immich server for my tech illiterate parents, the server is a 4 y/o dell laptop but it's running out of storage.
Should I buy an external hdd like a wd mybook or install a m.2 ssd?
I love you, Home Server General anons
>the server is a 4 y/o dell laptop
It's a laptop, not a server. Be honest.
every modern computer is a super computer nowadays anon, stop being such a bigot!!!
Now if it were two laptops. THAT would be a server.
Three really, don't want a split brain scenario
>Is this normal
disable password authentication
i run sshguard as well but thats to save my logfiles more than anything else
>HUGE botnet
its called china anon. you lose absolutely nothing by rangebanning all of china.
What the fuck are OEM epyc cpus? Like the 7k62. Are they made in a Chinese fab? How? I cannot find any info.
I have a few services running on proxmox, and I'm wondering what's the preferred way to back them up:
Backup the vm's themselves using pbs, or backup the services databases or whatever they use and send it as a tar to a minio instance or something like that.
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What are the implications of running my firewall as a VM on my ProxMox server? I don't have a separate system that can be dedicated to OPNsense. I assume I'd have to plug my modem directly into my server? Is that safe?

Additionally, does it make sense to buy a router and wireless access points separately, or should I go with the normie AP+router combo?

I'm moving into a new place and want to set my network up right
You can run a firewall as a VM, but as you're asking I wouldn't recommend it as an easy solution that you can feel confident in.
Personally I use a prosumer router (think EdgeRouter, MikroTik) the firewall is more than capable for my needs, with a separate AP.
The preferred way would be whatever works, as long as you can restore from it.
A full VM backup may be a bit simpler, but it comes with additional file size requirements. Backing up the service itself requires a bit more work (as far as setting it up and restoring it is concerned), but you don't have to care about the underlying OS.
If you have the space, going with a full VM backup will be much easier.
>What are the implications of running my firewall as a VM on my ProxMox server?
As long as the server is properly secured, nothing to worry about.
> I assume I'd have to plug my modem directly into my server?
Yes, if you don't have a managed switch capable of VLANs.
>Is that safe?
As long as the other machines don't have access to the interface connected to the modem, it's not a problem. This of course assumes you have more than one network interface on the server. If you don't, a managed switch capable of VLANs would come in handy.
>Additionally, does it make sense to buy a router and wireless access points separately, or should I go with the normie AP+router combo?
The combo makes sense if you have no plans to upgrade either aspect in the future. Or if you have a tiny area to manage.
When you're dealing with a larger area that needs more than one AP, it's better to use separate devices. The router isn't always in the ideal spot for an AP, so this also applies if you have a single AP but the ideal position is away from the router.
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>static version
they're definitely not made in a chinese fab
most likely just cut down from other skus for yield reasons, amd likes to do that
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I hate having to wire those
PiKVM is pretty cool. I can expose a random ISO as a USB device to boot from it. Shame the mini PCs I use as servers don't have ATX in order to control their power though.
>the mini PCs I use as servers don't have ATX
i bet they do
please clip your nails evenly and remove the black cheese
Just use a key and disable password authentication.
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those are the easiest things to wire though
building RJ45 ends or even doing a rack mounted patch panel is more annoying than that
what is the catch with the EPYC cpu and mobo combos im seeing all over ebay?
is the real world performance just like bad compared to what it looks like on paper, crashing, or what? seems like there are some ok deals there
no big catch I'm aware of, the supermicro H11SSL and H12SSL series motherboards are popular with people who want lots of slots
I guess it could be this? A lot different from what I see online though. Also the manual of the motherboard is pure ass
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so i finally wanna build a nas.
the first thing i decided on is the case.
im going with the sliverstone CS351.
im having choice paralasys though weather to go with intel or amd.
ill run either truenas or openmediavault and the nas will be used just for storage and not for applications. im running that stuff on my proxmox pc.
what would your reocmmendation be?
im looking at an r5 4500 and a b450-M motherboard 16GB of ram and probably a sata hba and a sfp+ card.
everything together roughly 500 bucks including a modular atx powersupply.
this does not include the hard drives though.

im open to suggestions. the only think im relaly liking in this build is the case.
pic related.
cool I posted a similar pic a while ago when building some UTPs
imo if it's just for storage, some low power intel is the choice here because it idles lower, and you still get the full extensibility of x86.
>what would your reocmmendation be?

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we love you too anon
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Crop. to. content.
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>anon why do you live in a concrete room with no floor and tapestry? eeek, your PC is so loud!
good idea actualy
looks pretty decent.

i found a n100 board that has a 10gig ethernet port.

does one of those sfp+ ethernet modules work with regular ethernet?
i have no idea if it does but if it does this looks like a good board so i can get one of the sfp+ to copper modules and then just plug a cat 6 into it and to the board.
>does one of those sfp+ ethernet modules work with regular ethernet?
10gbe copper sfp modules get very hot anon
at least the ones you get cheaply
i use fail2ban and geoip filter rules on my vps
but i guess it's time to close the port and only ssh over vpn
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Isn't it nice?! haha
>so i finally wanna build a nas.
the first mistake.
>ill run either truenas or openmediavault
the second mistake.
>im looking at an r5 4500 and a b450-M motherboard
the third mistake.

You seem to be clueless, and introducing notable risks for your data availability. Forget this DIY route of yours.
i like tinkering though.
this nas will be only really for media and not critical data.
alright it's time to stop your epic troll routine
get lost faggot your shit is getting stale
When would you pick Ceph vs Lustre? What's the pros and cons? Not finding much info on Lustre online, but seeing that it supports RDMA and is geared towards HPC is pretty attractive
I can't speak for Lustre but I can say that running Ceph with Rook on Kubernetes has been great for my home lab.
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is jellyfin pretty much the way to go if i want to be able to download shit onto my windows computer and have my mom be able to watch stuff on her lg tv over wan? sure seems like it but ive done little research into this stuff
radarr/sonarr for downloading jellyfin for watching
right true. i mean honestly, it would be even better if my mom just had a laptop i could install popcorn time onto, and just plug that bitch into the tv. look at all this shit you have to set up otherwise
Can you elaborate on your setup(how many nodes, what OSDs, network setup, etc)? Is your setup hyperconverged(are you running your kubernetes cluster on the same nodes as Ceph)? What kinda performance are you seeing per container and overall?
They're very good at transcoding apparently
I wish we could ERP on trash later tonight.
just get me on discord, you know who i am
actually nm, popcorn time sideloaded on a firestick is the real answer. had no idea firestick could do that
4 nodes
16 OSDs
Gigabit network
I don't measure performance except that it's subjectively good enough for my use cases in the last few years. My needs aren't great but i do the usual stuff like downloading, transcoding and streaming linux isos
you mean
> trans
> coding
What is the lowest power consumption device you would consider a server? Some Dell poweredge or something?
is it safe to log into kodi with my google drive credentials? will someone steal my login or give me DMCA strikes?
depends entirely on which addon you use
probably not though
16 OSDs total or per node? Are they SSDs? I'm surprised you're getting "good enough" performance on a gigabit network.
16 OSDs total. 4 SSD, 12 HDD
I was concerned about the network when i started the build, would be relatively cheap to upgrade (at least to 2.5G) but it just hasn't been an issue. YMMV
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im finally taking the time to disable password ssh on my machines. this look right to you guys? anything else i should do? is it cool if i leave sudo on?
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>is it cool if i leave sudo on?
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Tried two separate sets of SO-DIMM RAM for pic related.
1 Stick does nothing, 2 sticks and I hear the expected beeping three times on an interval, which must be some RAM issue.
It's a cool ass motheboard, but picky as fuck? Don't see a QVL anywhere for it. Going for a set of MTA18ASF4G72HZ-3G2R which (according to crucial's compatibility check) should work.
>is it cool if i leave sudo on?
yes, if they get in far enough to exploit sudo its already over
i dont trust it and just use su with root pw stored in my brain
>i use the same password on my machines for both root and the main user
>i use this same password for all my machines
>i use this same password for the host
>i use this same password for my PC(s)
i know better, but fuck it feels like such a hassle to have different passwords for all that shit. at least i dont use it for websites. most of em, anyway.
it is a hassle, especially if they are just local machines. I would just stick to same password, or use a password manager and copy paste (a smaller hassle, but still a hassle)
At this point, I have a simple jump server that can only be accessed by hardware key and passphrase. From there I can ssh to any server as root user. Got some auditing/alerting on the jump server, even some active response shit with wazuh if a login is made at times where I would never login (bound to a custom schedule I can edit quickly if I do need to login).
Do any of y'all have experience with QNAP's consumer JBODs?
>At this point, I have a simple jump server that can only be accessed by hardware key and passphrase. From there I can ssh to any server as root user. Got some auditing/alerting on the jump server, even some active response shit with wazuh if a login is made at times where I would never login (bound to a custom schedule I can edit quickly if I do need to login).
neat stuff, anon!
i think ill stick to the same password, at least for now. the only external inbound traffic i have is wireguard, and im pretty comfortable with that. i think a much bigger fish to fry is that my wifi AP is on the same vlan as all my important shit. i should fix that at some point.
These things, I mean
Hard to go wrong with wireguard.
As for the AP, if it supports VLANs/trunks and you can create multiple networks on it, then you're good to go.
I have mine on my management VLAN and it has networks on non-management VLANs.
>As for the AP, if it supports VLANs/trunks
nope, its some TP-Link junk that i got at a goodwill for like $6. really i shouldnt have used the term "vlan", i just wanted to signify that everything can see each other and i never put up any firewalls inside the network.
ill invest in a real switch one of theses days.
This is almost what I'm looking for. Does anyone know if there's a cheap Chinese board with 8*sata 3.0 and ECC?
and micro atx
My advice is 1. use a platform that isn't a decade old and 2. use an HBA to get the SATA ports you need
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I'd like my wired devices to be assigned IPs with their last octet in the range 10-100, and wireless devices in the range 101-200. There is no practical reason for this other than my organizational autism. How can I achieve this?
Your router almost certainly has a management page somewhere wherein you can manually set the IP address for each device
How does that image have anything to do with what you quoted?
Yes but I want DHCP to automatically hand out the majority of the IPs. I don't want to set the IP for every device
It might be possible, but it will depend on the specifics of your router. E.g., you might be able to create separate VLANs for wired devices and wireless devices and assign each VLAN to your desired IP range, if you don't want to do it manually.
Try to find a Ryzen 4650 or a 4350. According to anon, it should have better idle and you can use unbuffered ecc if you wanted to. I think the 4500 is a 4600g with the igpu fused off so it doesn't have ecc support.

Presumably you already tried each stick solo?
You didn't accidentally get a type of ecc that it can't bother with right?

You can subnet interfaces but that makes it difficult for each network to see each other. Really depends on how your router is set up and if you have it handling wireless or if it's on a different device.
Depends entirely on what features your particular dhcp server has. You didn't bother to mention what your dhcp server software is, so I assume both that it's incredibly basic and doesn't have the feature you want, and also that you're too incompetent to set it up anyway.
how do i get nginx to send me to the pihole web interface instead of this lighttp default page
I do this with openwrt, basically via bridged vlans, you can do it all through the UI
If you are using dnamasq on your router (eg your own hardware and not isp) you can configure it to assign IP addresses by network interface
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went and found this old post just to say that my nginx service failed for this very reason. in fact it had actually been dead for 2 days at the time that i boldly made this post >>101753722, and it took me over two additional weeks to finally notice lmao. guess ill start using that method.
After a few days procrastinating I settup my unbuntu server with samba, got my devices to discover the path, thought I was sitting comfy. 1mb transfer speeds and my openwrt router shits itself after 5 minutes. Now, this is podracing
Easy on the servers.. bugs
I don't know how OMV works. I don't know how to get a torrent client running on it.
If you typed those keywords into a search engine instead of here you might've found a solution to your problem
I tried. All installation guides are from later versions. OMV had a pretty big update a couple of months ago. Deluge just doesn't want to torrent anything. Keeps giving me Error on my torrents. I think I set up everything right. It can write the config files on my folders. pinging google.com on the terminal works and says I have a steady connection on the internet. I don't really know what else.
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well it was a bit touch and go there but i got firefox to accept my self-signed certificates.
What's the point of a home server?
to fish for "what's the point of a home server?" questions, and you fell for it
>android will go to root dns server if local doesn't resolve to ipv6 address
the fuck
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if its sending you to the default page then that means you dont have the nginx config for pihole setup correctly or its not running.

first make sure pihole is running by using the local address, ie, 192.168.1.x:8080 or whatever port its on. if that works, that means its not a problem with pihole

I use nginx proxy manager, and getting a service to work is as easy as adding the domain name, the local address and ssl cert.
I got it to work by making lighttml in pihole redirect to /admin. maybe a clunky fix but it works. how do you like adguard?
I love it, works great. I use it because it comes as a package for OPNSense.
Good evening /hsg/!
What do you guys use to organize photos? I recently extracted ~ 20gb of old photos from CD roms and I wanted to try to organize them, de-duplicate, setup albums, etc.
Any advice?
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Here's my uptime, anon. :)
>buying 100 drives in bulk on ebay
>request 20% discount to reach price target
>seller only willing to go 10%
>decline his offer
back to waiting
I have my main router connected to the WAN and a secondary in another part of the house.

Years ago I set it up so that the secondary one acts as an access point to the same WLAN as on the main router. I forgot how I did that, but I think I can remember that I just followed a guide which had me name the APs the same, with the same password on the same channel. I don't remember enabling a different router mode or anything.

Now I want to access the secondary router's settings, but I don't know how. I can access the main router's settings page. Does anyone have any ideas which don't involve resetting the secondary router (I'm in a different country and only my tech-illiterate parents have access).
apt install uprecords
>What do you guys use to organize photos?
It's finally online again. Net blocks in my country are getting more by the day.
I'm repurposing my old PC for a server/NAS/git host (so definitely not TrueNAS), because the parts used are dirt cheap and I'm not gonna waste my time on that. but I have some questions.
>CPU: Intel i5-7400 @ 3GHz (3.5GHz turbo, 4c, 4t)
>RAM: Goodram IRDM PRO DDR4 16GB 3600MHz CL18
>PSU: Be Quiet! System Power 8 500W
^ haven't fully verified but i'm 90% sure it's this one.
ram is non-ECC (cpu and mobo don't support anyways from what I know), MSI and CPU limit RAM speed with XMP to 2400MHz too.

- does the PSU matter that much anyways...?
- why exactly is ECC ram highly recommended for ZFS? are RAM errors that common?
- does XMP affect RAM stability a lot?
- if I don't care about software maturity, when is BTRFS a better and worse choice compared to ZFS?
- if an ECC RAM stick dies/starts dying can you setup some alerts for that? or does ECC RAM throw a bluescreen/panic if it detects more errors than it can handle?
- is it worth disabling turbo boost for stability or power saving?

even if you tell me to lurk moar or gtfo i appreciate this thread and you anons very much, this is an invaluable resource and THE thread on /g/ imo. i love you all. you make me smile.
also, this might be a bit autistic but any good tips on soundproofing the PC or making the cute HDD sounds a bit quieter? does acoustic foam help? are there worth HDD enclosures that have some rubber shit to dampen the vibrations or something?
dampening the case is useless as you want to dampen the mounting screws with rubber
Quick answers, more knowledgeable anons can go into detail:
In the long run, yes
No, ZFS is plenty on its own for even a larger home server
Depends on your equipment
Just stick to ZFS
I think that's up to the OS. the RAM indicates a fault happened and the OS decides what to do about it
it can be worth it for power saving

that kind of aggressive noise mitigation would interfere with airflow. make sure you have good fans and if you can, mount the hard drives on vibration-absorbing gaskets
People here tend to hate the Linus Tech Tips guy, but there was recently a video where they built an inexpensive baffle/shroud out of plywood (with a few fans on the front side to help generate static pressure and maintain adequate airflow) which dropped the base noise generated by this monstrous workstation PC they had as a test down to inaudible levels.
Different types of wood have their own unique sound dampening properties, and some are better than others at it (eg. I hear Tasmanian pine is good) so depending on what drives you end up buying- if the noise they make is mostly whirring, whining, or clunking you could pick a material that better absorbs that particular frequency.
>is it worth disabling turbo boost for stability or power saving?
do anon prefer separating data and services on different hardware, or putting them all in one machine?
Have you tried not using OMV for your virtualization? It's not a virtualization platform.
Infra services like tier 0 Active Directory servers on dedicated hardware, tier 2 servers on their own hardware in a cluster for security.
Yeah, I think I might just use Proxmox instead. But I hate that I need a SATA port for the boot drive. But if I can't get it to work then I might just bite the bullet.
>does PSU matter
yes and no. if power isnt too expensive then any decent quality psu is fine. if it is then you may want to spend more for something more efficient at lower load. a 200w 80+ white psu can be more efficient at idle than a 700w 80+ platinum.
>why is ECC highly recommended for ZFS
because some guy on the freenas forums said so.
in reality, its only necessary if you write a lot of data to disk. Once the data is written to disk, memory errors are practically irrelevant. This is a particular strength of zfs.
>are RAM errors that common
not really. it depends on environment/atmospheric conditions. if dram fails it'll be extremely noticeable with or without ECC.
>does ECC RAM throw a bluescreen/panic if it detects more errors than it can handle?
ECC can recover from single bit errors, any more than that (such as is likely with dying dram) and you'll get an unrecoverable memory error. its not always fatal.
>is it worth disabling turbo boost for stability or power saving?
stability yes, power saving i dont think so on 7th gen. not sure.
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OPNSense > PFSense
No way. OPNsense doesn't have products. I'd much rather trust Netgear for the success of pfSense than OPNsense's community without commercial success.
>No way. OPNsense doesn't have products.
Also enterprise support with patches and level 3 tech support. all of which feeds back into OPNSENSE
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>got a supermicro cse-815 with a dual processor board for $100
very nice. I plan on installing four 8TB drives, 16TB with parity, for a plex server
Installing redundant boot drives on those can be difficult. I don't like this 1U 3.5" chassis much.
I've been using an old laptop as a server and I've been thinking of moving to a slightly less old and considerably more powerful laptop. Are there any good options for hooking up external hdds to it?
XY problem. What you're looking for is a server. Another laptop is not going to solve your problems.
It would be more powerful. And yeah I know using a proper server would be better, but I have these laptops laying around and I'd rather use them than spend money setting up a server.
The 'best' 1-slot, low-profile, half length gpu is still an A310 right? I'm getting an A2000 eventually but still need a temporary gpu that I can transplant into another machine later.
Last I remember, a Radeon 6400 was trash since it doesn't have any hardware video encoding, and AMD's igpu are getting good enough that they probably don't see a need for low profile cards. On nvidia's side, anything less than an A2000 is overpriced garbage.
I posted earlier up at the start of the thread, but I'm looking at putting in the DVD drive bay a 2.5" dummy drive to mount an SSD. Won't need to be big, it's just going to have TrueNAS on it
I know I've seen this image a long time ago
her name is katka.
she does exhibitionism stuff.
i dont think shes been active in the last 10 years or so.
computers are so fucking boring
Heads up to maybe reboot your switch every so often.
Iperf speeds were 0.00 bits, only ever had that during asynchronous routing, troubleshooted it to hell.
Then I noticed speeds suddenly went a bit higher than 0.00 but still garbage, so I figured the (mikrotik) switch had some hiccup. reboot and it all went away.
I figure it was the temperature, but I didn't get the measurement.
How do I set up a QEMU+KVM+libvirt VM that can't access the home network, can access the internet, but is accessible from the home network? Really don't want to fuck it up, point me at the correct network type in virt-manager at least
>can't access the home network
>accessible from the home network
firewall nigger
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thoughts on getting this case to replace my fractal R5 case? I ran out of HDD bays (10 so far) and looking to by a cheap 24 bay case.

I saw this on aliexpress for ÂŁ40 + ÂŁ80 shipping. Reviews says its really cheap made and very thin metal
They're in folders now, anon. I'm asking for an application to help sort them in folders in a way that makes sense.
Digikam keeps crashing when I try to scam the directory (A samba share).
Basically doesn't exist. There's hydrus that might or might not work but disregards folders and changes filenames on import. Then there's a whole lot of stuff way worse than hydrus and that's it pretty much.
probably fine, as long as it doesn't literally fall apart it should be good enough for home use

looks pretty long, make sure you have the depth for it

a used supermicro case may be a decent option if you can find one
on ebay its all ÂŁ350+ minimum
might as well get a brand new 24 bay at that price

only downsize of the cheap case is that I'm guessing its going to be a pain to remove and install HDD as I would have to remove the whole bay. and its not hotswapable.
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My exact reaction when I found that out years ago.
I just spin up a new ubuntu server vm on proxmox (they're all sharing resources anyway) and get the application installed on that.
what you've described is a big melting-pot of shit.
get with the times old man
we are using k8s now
Docker fucking sucks. Containers suck ass. Fuck containers
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how much of a bad idea would it be if I use velcro taps on these cages and a extra power supply to the top of my PC case?
What could possibly go wrong?
I fucking hated supporting these through 2022-23. So many CVEs
im Polish forgive me, they're a good company ;-;
>a 200w 80+ white psu can be more efficient at idle than a 700w 80+ platinum.
This confirms what I've read online, I'll definitely consider that, thank you
>because some guy on the freenas forums said so.
/hsg/ wiki says so too
>if dram fails it'll be extremely noticeable with or without ECC
I asked because I remember I had that on an old server once and programs were just crashing or having unexpected outputs sometimes, it wasn't too noticeable. Then again it was an old piece of shit from 2010 and RAM was some DDR3 piece of shit too.

ty for the info!
thoughts on
vm.swappiness = 0
? esp when using ZFS
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Ubiquiti wifi shit is great don't listen to that moron. I have an ACHD and 4 AC pros. I don't need wifi 6 or 7 shit for my wifi cameras and TVs. I run unifi cameras and APs off of all of my unifi networking shit and have literally never had any issues. I have pic related and a 48 port 500w poe switch in the garage for the front of the house cameras. They might not be as feature rich as Fortinet or Cisco, but Unifi is incredible for the home, and small/medium businesses and I'm tired of pretending it's not. I used to be a huge unifi hater but I got a ton of free unifi shit from work and it's awesome lmao.
Fail2ban anon
>esp when using ZFS
you arent putting your swapfile on zfs are you anon
that would be very silly
>she fell for the ubiquiti meme
Fuck fortisneed kill yourself
Kys dduder
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How can I take user input from a (locally hosted, Nginx) webpage and feed it to a bash script?

It's to allow my Samba users (no AD) to reset their own password.
What keyboard is that??
I'm gonna try again with digikam. Maybe it will work.
this is a bad idea though
form writes to sqlite\file
bash\daemon polls sqlite\file
>this is a bad idea though
How so? Is there a better/simpler way?
It's Windows users connecting to a Samba share, btw
>It's to allow my Samba users (no AD) to reset their own password.
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
Well anon, I booted my windows machine (Only machine with a working DVD drive) and am working on the files locally with Digikam.
Thus far, it's working pretty well, better than just explorer.
I'm not gonna try to tag anything, at least at first, but I'm gonna use directories to organize albums, then maybe use exif to embed album names into the files.
Batching converting RAW files to JPG is gonna be the next thing I try.
I'm looking to consolidate all my small devices because right now this is a mess:
> synology nas
> reolink camera controller
> home assistant
> some raspberry pi devices for mini projects

Seems like a small home rack enclosure (say... 19inch 6u?) would be useful so that I can have one power cord and one ethernet cable run to it and handle the rest internally. Anyone got something like this? I'm not sure if there are any brands to avoid or other things an idiot should know before doing this. Any other advice?
Do you run jellyfin/plex on docker or bare metal ?
"Bare metal" in a vm
>so that I can have one power cord
They're supposed to be redundant power supplies. Two power cords.
>and one ethernet cable run
You mean a bundle of 3-5 links per server? Because one will be for OOB management (BMC/IPMI), 1-2 will be for management, and 1-2 for data at a minimum. (6 or 8 links is also not untypical.)

Anyway, the answer is probably Supermicro for any DIY projects. OEM prebuilt servers have better software and documentation, however.

Why 6U tall? That almost doesn't exist. What about multiple rackmounted servers for availability?
I have rubber vibration mounts, acoustic foam on the inside, and a foam mat to help with protecting it from vibrations. It works reasonably well.
With acoustic foam your mileage may vary, my case panels are light and do not have much mass and the foam helps with that.
This is literally what /hsg/ is for. With that said, external options to connect hdds aren't super reliable, although when I first started this was the setup I used and I had no major issues for over a year.
There are usb 3.0 or faster enclosures for 3.5" hdds, I just bought a usb 3.0 external hdd and used that.
It depends on what you want, but yes if you need transcoding an a310. I would still consider an a2000 very overpriced, the a310 will still be a better transcoder as well.
I think there are some local image recognition/organization tools, like photoprism or immich, that could help perhaps. I haven't tried them myself.
>> They're supposed to be redundant power supplies. Two power cords.
noted, thanks
>> You mean a bundle of 3-5 links per server?
well right now I got a switch in a corner for these devices and I think it would be a lot cleaner if I could run one cable to the cabinet and have the switching done inside.
Actually there would also be 4 cables running out of it as well for the cameras but those aren't installed yet
>> Why 6U tall?
Just seems like a full-height rack is overkill since I don't have any real servers, only a bunch of devices (at least, right now). 6u seems like it gives me enough place to put everything and also hide away some of the power cables whilst also giving me a a couple units left over in case I want to add a real patch unit or UPS in the future.
Try a 12u rack. I actually have a tripplite 6u rack which is hilarious considering anons claim, and 6u isn't enough. 10u or 12u is still small, and is enough. Here's my rack.
I also got trips so I must be right.
That looks neat, thanks for the help
With that amount of RU's, you're either looking at networking enclosures (meaning two poles and no depth), or mobile enclosure meant for audio equipment or "rugged" use. Or even open styled versions for tabletop usage.
Are most of your devices rack mountable? If not, a simple switch and an extension cord inside a closet will also work for making it more "manageable".
>6u seems like it gives me enough place to put everything and also hide away some of the power cables whilst also giving me a a couple units left over in case I want to add a real patch unit or UPS in the future.
6 units is just one dimension. 19" is another, but there's a third one you're not considering. The depth.
With networking gear (which most of those networking enclosures are for) or panels, the depth is not an issue. But for any computing or storage units, the depth is a major factor whether you can mount it or not.
For example, >>102079918 and the >>102077444 contains 3 networking devices that fit properly within the enclosure. If it was just those devices, the enclosure could be mounted to a wall.
But there's also an UPS and a server, one of which is a lot deeper than the enclosure, which means you can't mount the enclosure to a wall. At least not without making a cutout for the server+cabling+airflow.
However, if your devices fit into that shallow depth (maybe sideways on a shelf), it might be suitable for your purpose. Just need to keep in mind that you're going to be limited by depth if you go that route, which means no devices with a great depth. That includes most rack mounted enclosures and servers.
>Are most of your devices rack mountable?
They're not. I was planning to start with a couple of plain shelves or plates to put the devices in there, then over the years swap some of them out of for rackmountable equipment. For example, my camera controller is some proprietary stuff and will probably remain a standalone device, but my raspberry pics could be swapped out for a rack mount.
>a simple switch and an extension cord inside a closet will also work for making it more "manageable".
Yea I'm taking that into consideration too. My only concern would be lack of airflow
>For example, >>102079918 (You) # and the >>102077444 (You) # contains 3 networking devices that fit properly within the enclosure. If it was just those devices, the enclosure could be mounted to a wall.
>But there's also an UPS and a server, one of which is a lot deeper than the enclosure,
Yeah but anon don't forget you can just put it on a little cabinet thing like I did and scoot it forward and then you're all good. I can still pull the dell blade out to do shit to it and it still all fits :) it's definitely something to consider, I don't mind it being a bit jank - it doesn't HAVE to be perfect.
Sorry for being an idiot, I thought you were looking for a 6U rack server.
Docker/docker compose, just so keeping track of configuration is easy and I can spin up my setup on any machine easily. I think there are even more automated setup systems like ansible and such, but I haven't looked into those and they seem more for true enterprise environments.
>but my raspberry pics could be swapped out for a rack mount.
With some sort of ITX enclosure, possibly. Anything larger, and you're going to come across the previously mentioned depth issue.
>My only concern would be lack of airflow
Drill a hole? Drill multiple bigger holes? Make a hole big enough to put a fan into it (a typical 80mm case fan for example) and hook it up to one of the devices?
Woodworking is going to be easier than metalworking. Doing some woodworking and cable management now will also give you the option of migrating to a rack later on, ONCE you get actual rack mounted devices with their depth restrictions.
Who knows, maybe you might want a taller rack by then. 2x1U for networking devices (switch+router), 2U UPS, 1U for power distribution, 1U for patching, that's already 6U populated. Two storage/computing 3U cases, and you're already at 12U, and that's without the standalone devices on shelves.
I've taken an angle grinder to 2 used networking enclosures, because the case wouldn't fit in otherwise. End result was two enclosures back to back, on the floor. A bit jankier than your setup, but it worked at the time.
Not fitting in the rack is definitely a solvable problem, but that doesn't mean you have to make it a problem that needs solving.
alright I'll do some more homework, thanks for the insights
cause theres a very good chance you'll botch it
if its really a (high trust) home network then it doesnt matter so much
How much administration does a Synology require?

I'm looking for something relatively normie-proof to give to my retired, non-computer-people parents for NVR security camera stuff and to backup their devices, and I know Synologies have have built-in functionality to do all that.
What disk shelf is that?
Do you have an Nvidia GPU?

I've created a bunch of bespoke ways of interacting with my photos, using different processing pipelines and combinations of LLMs, computer vision models, vector embeddings and databases, etc.

If you said a little more about exactly what you're trying to achieve, I could probably give you more specific advice
normie proof but also shit
asustor is normie proof but not shit
What do you mean by this?
I was referring to the 1u JBOD-looking thing right above the UPS
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2.3 MB GIF
>cause theres a very good chance you'll botch it
It is a high trust network. But were it not, what steps can I take to avoid botching it? What are the most common pitfalls?

I remind you, the end goal is for users to be able to change their smb password autonomously (and ideally for the Samba user password to always match the linux user password, for simplicity's sake). I can write the bash script myself and I've used an AI to write functional html web page, I just don't know how to link them together.
Yes, but it's an ancient 970.
>Trying to achieve
I'm trying to organize family photos.
Digikam is proving to be perfect: it deduplicates; rotates images; creates albums based on directory structure; can batch jobs up (for format conversion, as an example); edit metadata (e.g. exif tags).
What sorts of things are you doing with your LLMs?
>I've created a bunch of bespoke ways of interacting with my photos, using different processing pipelines and combinations of LLMs, computer vision models, vector embeddings and databases, etc.
Not >>102081819 but I'm also interested in what and how you do this.
>migrating yunohost install
>300gb backup (compressed to about 220gb) to external disk
>backup restoration is going at the pace of about 1.5gb per second
Is this normal (since the data is quite heavily compressed) or is the connection between the external drive and server really slow? I've just got it plugged into usb 3.0
usb 3.0 is apparently 4.8gbs, but it can be bottle-necked by the actual storage controller in the external. or maybe the usb controller is shit, iunno.
it might also bottle-necked by the storage on the new machine, if its writing a bunch of tiny files to the disk(s).
1.5gps could be a lot worse, you should count your blessings.
Yeah it's not that bad, I was just checking. And I think the thing that's blocking it is unpacking the archive anyway, not the transfer speed.
>And I think the thing that's blocking it is unpacking the archive anyway
maybe. im not familiar with yunohost, is it unpacking the backup in-transit before writing to disk?
oh wait im retarded, of course its doing that. the external is mounted in the filesystem, its not copying over the entire compressed backup.
I mounted the hard drive as the backup folder (which is not a borked way of doing it, it's standard procedure) and yeah it's unpacking from that.
How do I do that? What is the range of IPs for China?
That's a dell r440.
Is there some software that does nat traversal for wireguard?
To be very brief, my pipeline is this:
1. Extract metadata from the image (when, where, etc)
2. Use object detection, person identification, facial recognition, etc, to identify the people in the photo
3. Generate a few different CLIP embeddings for the image
4. Generate a few different captions for the image (e.g. with Florence-2), and embed those captions
5. Use a multimodal LLM to get additional information about the image
6. Store all of that in a database

In addition to step 5 above, I use LLMs for two things: first, I can give a general search term like "The dork in the yellow suit from my sister's wedding" and use an LLM to turn it into the correct sequence of filters and subqueries. Second, I'm working on an LLM-powered ad-hoc album generation feature, but I haven't quite got it working yet.
Do you guys also use enterprise drives for your OS drives?
I want to leave OMV and switch to Proxmox. I love that I could boot from USB in OMV but with Proxmox it's not recommended. I was just thinking of buying a Crucial MX500 because it's so cheap. But I hear that Proxmox eats consumer SSDs. Samsung 870 also isn't considered enterprise but I hear good things about it. WD Red SA500 is my last choice, it says it's an enterprise drive and the same price as the Samsung 870. Which to pick?

Also I'm not 100% sure if it's Proxmox's fault for making lots of writes on the drive or if it's ZFS. I don't even plan on using ZFS.
Digikam has some ability to recognize faces, though I don't know much about it beyond it's an available option, haven't used it yet.
The photos I'm working with don't have accurate metadata, not even the file creation date is correct on a lot of them. :( It's making categorizing them a bit annoying, but I mostly got it done, only a few thousand images in more or less organized directories.
>LLM description
That's really cool, anon. Do you plan on selling this functionality or just for personal use? That seems like a product someone would pay to use. What sort of rig is required to run it all?
>But I hear that Proxmox eats consumer SSDs
anecdotal but ive had 6 literally-who SATA SSDs in a raidz1 pool for about 3 years and the wear-out for all 6 is 0%. the biggest factor is how much youre actually using the disks (i dont use mine very much).
oh, and the boot partition is mirrored across all the drives (you cant boot from ZFS i dont think), so proxmox is booting from them.
>ive had 6 literally-who SATA SSDs in a raidz1 pool for about 3 years
That's not your boot drive though, is it?
I am NOT going to use RAID or anything for my boot drive. While I have a backup I am okay with the downtime of having to replace it with my backup. What I am NOT okay with is having to buy a new SSD even if a 500GB SATA SSD is $100 for Samsung or $80 from Crucial or ADATA.
I'll be using a couple of VMs on it mostly. All VMs are also in the boot drive. It's just going to be a regular EXT4 drive. From what I read ZFS is the culprit so I don't know if it's true or not. Since I also read that Proxmox likes to write A LOT of log files (~20GB of log files a day).
>That's not your boot drive though, is it?
read the rest of my post ;)
>(~20GB of log files a day)
you think proxmox is writing 2.5 billion ASCII characters worth of logs? a day?
>read the rest of my post ;)
I am dumb.
>you think proxmox is writing 2.5 billion ASCII characters worth of logs? a day?
I take everything at face value. I saw a youtube video saying that's what it does.
And I just looked at it and I guess I misinterpreted it as log files. But he does say it writes to his boot drive ~30GB a day.
buy a samsung PM863a or something on ebay in whatever size you can afford, cheap and will last forever
>2.5 billion ASCII characters
excuse me, thats 20 billion characters. i converted 20GB to bytes when it was already in bytes.
>But he does say it writes to his boot drive ~30GB a day.
im not getting any of that, maybe he has some weird shit turned on in proxmox or zfs.
>or zfs.
He did say he was using ZFS. So is ZFS the culprit? If I don't use ZFS (since it's really overkill for my use case) would I be fine with a cheap SSD?
I don't like buying used drives for my boot drives. Call me crazy but I just can't. For regular storage drives, whatever but boot drives, nah.
>So is ZFS the culprit?
iunno bro. just google around a bit and see what issues people are having, and how to fix them.
Gonna have to be honest if he has 30GBs of writes per day assuming he's actually only running proxmox off that drive and not a bunch of VMs or containers as well he's fucked up something so far beyond a simple misconfiguration that the SSDs endurance is the least of his problems.
t. running multiple proxmox hosts with ZFS and essentially 0GB/day writes on the boot drives.
The oldest one is running on a 64GB intel SSD that still reports 99% endurance left after 5 years running 24/7.
He also said he has a couple of VMs.
Did you have to configure anything to get 0 writes on the boot drive? Because if so I could probably just boot from a USB stick, freeing a SATA port.
Basically only some logging settings I changed and obviously disable swap. You can disable logs entirely, only log to RAM or if you actually need/want long term logs write them to a different drive or even server entirely (that's what I do).
Thank you friendo. Thinking about it, I might just buy an SSD instead of booting from USB. I forgot I still need to install some VMs.
Only used OMV for a couple of days but now I want to try Proxmox.
personally, I would never buy a used hard drive or consumer SSD, but the savings for enterprise SSDs are so big and they're usually in very good condition, I think it's a pretty safe move
If you can spare the SATA port it's definitely best to go with a normal SSD and if it's oversized enough I wouldn't even worry about running a few VMs alongside proxmox itself on the same drive. Good luck anon.
I need lots of storage so I don't really want to buy SSDs for storage.
I value storage space over speed so I went with HDD for my storage drives.
1TB is probably overkill. I'll just get a 500GB one.
Your first VM is going to be opnsense managing that and placing the other VMs on a subnet.
Technically the services are already on a subnet but virsh makes some default rules to pass whatever to them.

>I would still consider an a2000 very overpriced,
Me too! Miners want $350 for their overclocked used cards and I don't think I spent that much for my main's gpu.

I'm reluctant to spend much since this is an experimental first iteration.
>There's enough room for a full height card put on its side
Fuck it, riser time.

The system should only access the USB at startup to load into ram and to write updates to configs or finalize an actual update to the OS itself. No pointless logging and none of your VMs should be hosted there. Naturally, you should keep a backup of your settings so you can restore them if the USB dies.
Disclaimer, I do not use proxmox but boot from a usb. My containers+vms+logging are on mirrored ssds with data on spinners and u.2 nvme when I find them.

Also used U.2 disks are magic, though getting them connected can be an issue. There are enterprise sata ssd too, which should still have plenty of endurance. They'll have weird capacities compared to consumer disks.
I man 500GB is also still completely overkill for a simple boot drive, if you wanted to you could get away just fine with a 32GB optane M.2 module for the system drive though I really don't know why anyone would do that.
500GB is actually the lowest capacity SSD I can find from a well known brand on Amazon in my country.
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looks like your date and time is wrong
That's a somewhat complex rule, you might have to:
>configure host with a network bridge and behind a firewall
>create VM with network type set to the network bridge
>add the following rules to firewall:
>>deny source: <vm ip> dest: <home network>
>>allow source: <home network> dest: <vm ip>

keep in mind the rules above come before the firewall's original set ot rules
of course ymmv but that's the gist of it
54 years ago was 1970, which is the unix epoch, so its likely a bug with that service manager/gui trying to get the time of failure, getting zero (probably because the service never started in the first place), and subtracting zero from the current time to get 54 years.
do you guys know how to put home directories in a mounted SMB share? the owner and group of each directory needs to be set to the appropriate user but i cant seem to figure out how to get fstab to do that (if at all possible). technically the directories are symlinked into /home/ (the software im using doesnt have an option to move the home directories) so if theres a cool symlink hack i could use, that would also work.
I don't plan on selling any of this. It's all pretty straightforward stuff if you're familiar with the technology. If you just wanted a basic CLIP search (like what Immich does, if you're familiar with that program) you could do it in under 100 lines of Python. (e.g., https://github.com/anonymous-machine/super_simple_clip_search)

You can get away with a relatively old/slow computer if you're willing to be patient. I have an 11600k and a 3060; I did the basic ingest of my entire photo collection in the background while I wasn't using my computer for other stuff, so it took like two weeks.

A basic CLIP search takes a two or three seconds. The more complex LLM-powered search takes a variable amount of time, depending on the LLM. I use a quantized version of Llama 3.1 most of the time; if the model's already loaded, it adds five to ten seconds to the query.

I haven't used Digikam in a while but, if I remember correctly, it scans to detect faces and then asks you to label them; after it gets enough samples of a face, it starts to associate that label with that face automatically, but still requires you to go through and accept or correct each one manually. I didn't use the face recognition much.
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would this grill be a good hdd enclosure for 2x5 3.5" caddies (3.5": w: 10,16cm h: 2.54cm) vertically
it's only 26 euro

lol mods accidentally deleted all of >>>/diy/
Not just /diy/. It looks like they also took out /c/, /cm/, /h/, /vip/, /3/, /aco/, /an/, /ck/, /fit/, and /lit/.

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