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"PHP? Lamborghini" edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>102055144
jQuery is (could be) the future
I sure hope not

Even though React is slow and bloated, I think I still prefer it to jQuery

Of course vanilla is the best but sometimes it doesn't make sense to invest the time needed to make something good with vanilla JS when you could make something more quickly with React
jQuery already improved js once, we'll see if it does so again, ths time around
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Is it possible to achieve this sort of highlight with a textarea tag? The highlight spans multiple lines because word wrap is active but it's actually a single line of text. The use case would be distinguishing actual new lines from word wrapped lines
And I forgot to unsage
nope, textarea isn't styleable at all. you'll need to use a text editor lib like tiptap or lexical (those libs utilise the contenteditable attribute under the hood).
Damn. I guess the only workaround would be a word-wrap toggle so you know what is a line and what is wrapped line
Dead thread today
and don't forget that react is securing your job: all the shitty code that you produce thanks to it needs to be maintained and/or rewritten in the newest meta-framework every six months or so.

vanilla js is a job killer: you don't need no maintainence, you don't need no upgrade, you don't need to worry about compatibility. and that's exactly why the american democratic party is opting in to banning vanilla js. for every line of vanilla js that you write, at least two greencards will be handed out.
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Any of you used Gin or Fiber?

I might try Gin
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Why do mods love php so much? What's so special about it?
Do they? I don't use it but some people like it, eh, it is what it is
Why does nobody want to talk about web dev today
start a framework flamewar xDd, I swear I hate retards
I didn't start one though did I you fucking idiot
no comment
Can someone qrd/redpill me on this php dude? What’s with the lambo memes I keep seeing? For all we know it could be rented or leased or bought with a loan
apparently, he's the creator of Laravel, a framework built on top of another framework (simfony), it has a lot of built in stuff and solutions, kind of like rails. Excellent documentation as well
the lambo is a gift from cloud services. they make so much money on people who use laravel, that they gifted it to him for free...

you basically can't find any slower framework than laravel. maybe some python framework is slower, but doubt it.

and yet that guy with the lambo hypnotized everyone to still use it
So he got rich off of supporting people/companies using the framework I assume, right? That’s pretty rad

>the lambo is a gift from cloud services
You’re telling me cloudfare gifted him a lambo?
the point is not to do it fast, but to do everythin out of the box, easily
I have no idea how he made the money, but there's definitely a lot of work put in laravel by the devs
Everybody knows that every PHP dev drives a Lambo

I'm not defending Laravel specifically because I don't use it, BUT there's the age old question of whether you should use a high-performance solution which will take longer to build, or just use something easy like Laravel/Rails/Django which will allow you to make your site in much less time. You can optimise later if needed.
I didn't say Laravel is high performance, I'm saying it's an alternative to high performance solutions which will take longer to build
>or just use something easy like Laravel/Rails/Django which will allow you to make your site in much less time
.net is much easier and has better libraries than laravel, it's also faster...

pls just stop coping. all laravel gives you is a build in user model and a login/register view. you can create those withint 15 min in any framework.
Echo is all you need
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he made laravel to be free then upsell specific services like auth, deployment and a bunch of other shit. biggest sales are SME PHP agencies who does monthly subscription on business tier
sanctum and passport are in the docs, so I think that means they do indeed provide auth stuff
What is "bloated" about react?
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Are tierless languages still a thing?
is there a modern language to write front end and back end in just one language?
How can I get a job doing web dev? I'm about to graduate with my bachelors in computer science and I have nothing lined up. Don't need anything crazy, just $70k/year. I'm in California
net/http is all your need
Yes, the framework is free but you will get a hard upsell to all kinds of paid services and courses.
How do I learn css? Every resource I’ve used for learning frontend uses pre-made css which seems to be how websites actually look nice but how do I even learn how to use css itself to build my own shit?
I have like next to no front end experience.
well build simple layout websites with html and css, then more complex ones, and that's it, look up other website's solution, specially those that are simple, it'll help you understand
Do I learn html, css, or js first? I’m getting conflicting info. People say js since it’s the basis of everything and it’s complex, them html and css. Others say bare minimum html css stuff then js them complex html and css stuff. Others say complex css then js then html
Besides those I meant.
C# .NET with Blazor. Compiles C# code into WASM for the frontend
Any language you can compile into JS or WASM which is basically any language. But that isn't really the problem, the problem is that none of the libraries will work and the concurrency primitives will probably be broken.
I literally said I wasn't defending Laravel specifically so maybe you should actually read the post you're replying to before accusing it of "coping"
>Any language you can compile into JS
I I know
I should had ask if a language that compiles to html, css, js and a back end language all in one exists, that's what I'm looking for.
I just find React sites (X, Reddit) pretty slow compared to SSR sites.
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Every time you ask yourself "How do I learn something?", you should punch yourself in the face until your mammalian fear-response system starts frantically answering "books, books! read a fucking book!".
Do you know whether every site you use is react or not?
I heard Reddit actually uses web components now
Whats good practice to do for your index html page? What tags and other stuff do I need to add in? For example should I write the authors name and date of creation of the file?
LOL, none of that shit matters any more. Just be luck enough to make whatever slop the algorithm is funneling the plebs to today.
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Expo/React Native is pretty neat nowadays, had a shit time a few years ago upgrading react native versions but holy shit now all you need to do now is change a version number and all the versioning upgrades are done for you
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Learn a good amount of HTML and css first. Then move on to JavaScript and you'll have to keep learning more HTML and css naturally as you build things. (please do build things, don't monkey binge YouTube tutorials)
If you wanna do front end, JS DOM manipulation is essential and does require to know a fair bit of HTML.

And if you're not a hobbyist and serious about becoming a professional web dev:
Once you're comfortable in all 3 languages, give up entirely and change fields because the market is bottlenecked. Hope this helps.
I want to do this professionally crab anon (as a full stack), and don’t worry I’m not in your home country so there’s no need to tell me off by saying to change fields because of your job market.
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why is postman using my rtx 3060
because it 's made in electron. even CLI shit's going to use graphical resources
What are some profitable niches in web dev that isn’t gubberment contracts (I’m not a nepo baby to qualify for that). I mean niches one can focus on in web dev to make lots of money
im learning svelte and dont even know html, css let alone js. shit is so easy
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Guys i fucking did it!

It took a fucking month and sweat and tears, but i got a Full Stack job.

It's still just Junior and doesn't pay that much, but at least it will get me started in the career.
that's why he's homeless
You know, back in 1983 we had to type out the HTML on a typewriter and send it to the end user by fax, and they'd imagine they were looking at a website. Simpler times.
HTML is not a programming language it's a markup language, you do not CODE it anymore than you would say you'd "code" Latex or Markdown.
try building things beyond toy projects
try building something that requires an installer and a license key, webshit
nevermind, I'm in the wrong general
no thx i build things that generate active monthly revenue and updates without relying on the users
you have google ads on your blog?
your brain is too small to understand anyway
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>and don't forget that react is securing your job
even your responses are quite small brained
php powers 4chan
Best argument for never using PHP
based and true. just look at 4chan source code. it's 2 decades of hacky patched code
I refuse to use that joke of a language, created by jewgle at that
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is there anyone who can help me with error ENOENT, I really don't get it

so for the Odin project I cloned through Github and using Gitbash a directory for exercises onto a folder on my desktop and everything went fine I think. I have node.js I am very sure and I installed Jest too I think, however, when I try to run a test for a "hello world" exercise, it says it cannot find the file and I am just completely confused.

I tried looking up video tutorials on the installation process and maybe tips on how to fix the thing but it's all just fucking Indians youtubers with terrible accents, noisy mics and obnoxious music blasting in the background that gives me an actual migrane.
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>third world user
>basic bitch irrelevant opinion
>do you agree?
>hundreds of reactions from the same types
I hate linksharts so much is unreal

hi, xenom
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would be cute if u were a real woman, which u are not, u filthy troon
yeah, it's like only 4chins, faceberg and wordpress, small time. c'mon now
why do php chuds have such inferiority complex? i only answered the question and you have to bring up W-WORDPRESS
How is it a joke? To me it just seems like an easier version of C. So you get good performance for a website back-end without having to do all the low-level stuff you'd have to do in C.
Not gonna lie, I actually kinda enjoy typescript/webdev now.
I tried it like 15 years ago and hated it with a passion. Avoided it ever since.
>What are some profitable niches in web dev that isn’t gubberment contracts (I’m not a nepo baby to qualify for that). I mean niches one can focus on in web dev to make lots of money
Does anyone know if ecomm is crowded?
yes, let's forget facebook, and let's downplay wordpress, bitch please
how to study/do something productive when you don't feel like it...?
discipline, aka force yourself to do it with 0 input lag, if you have the option change your fap/gaming room for a non fap/gaming room so you are less distracted
Realize that if you already don't work in tech its basically over for you. Now focus on learning a trade.
It's funny how 4chan goes on about trades when very few people here work a trade
>Age: 18-34
>Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female
>Education: Majority attended or currently enrolled in college
just because it's over for (You), because you're retarded, doesn't mean anon is as retarded as (You), long story short, 41% yourself
its just larp. Like how on /pol/ larps as violent extremists, but when you meet them irl they are chill high iq rational dudes who are super tolerant
it's ok to use PHP no need to cope nobody cares
I just bitchslap the bitch cause of his whore mouth, no need to cry now
are you this butt hurt over making a measly sum while a guy who created framework off of a frameworks drives a lambo? get back to your drag and drop agency website grind you poorfag
awww so much hate, yet you can't hid your tears, shame really
>one chance at life
>chooses to be a poorfag PHP copium
must be a sad life, is this your maximum potential?
I don't even work with php lmfao, keep crying though
all i see is a raging homosexual with an inferiority complex, fitting for this general
>all i see is a raging homosexual with an inferiority complex
stop looking at the mirror then, look, if you didn't badmouth that made 4chan, facebook and wordpress, maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be looking like an ass clown with his whore mouth just slapped, get it now? No you won't cause you're fucking retarded
all i see is a shit slinging monkey in a zoo. no matter how hard you sling you'll always be a monkey.
Anyone else watching the Laracon livestream? Pest v3 looks pretty fucking lit.
Why is everyone shitting on PHP?
2 threads in a row with the OP menitoning it, and uni js neuron fags feel threatened by non js
I'm employed, unlike (You) retarded nigger who's crying about lacking motivation on 4cuck.

lmaoing @ you
nah, no employed anon sounds as butthurt and about to 41% himself like you do
>replied within a minute
Go -ACK! yourself you perma online, unemployed 4troon. Lmao
41% urself
Its been a long time since I touched it but what I didnt like about React is that a framework should be a tool that makes working with said language easier. The fact that you have to really invest time into learning React in order to even use it makes inherently more complicated than just using vanilla JS, CSS, and HTML. On top of that the things it does do not provide value. Its so bad that the people who made react switched the branding from framework to a "js library" to make it harder for people to point out how useless it is. So in the end it just slows down and complicates what should be relatively simple websites.
Skill issue
>What are some profitable niches in web dev that isn’t gubberment contracts (I’m not a nepo baby to qualify for that). I mean niches one can focus on in web dev to make lots of money
If someone knew they’d respond, unless they like to gate keep
I thought X and Reddit both used React because I inspected them with React dev tools before, but yeah maybe they've changed since, I dunno
>spent most of the day trying to figure out RDS proxy bullshit with VPCs
I'm getting paid but at what cost to my sanity
I will answer your AWS or SQL questions until I leave to go to the store to get ice cream.
>I’ve been reading and reading and I’ve run out of stuff to read. What else can i read?
Don’t. Build.
>sell me on using AWS instead of a VPS
I’m not a salesman and you haven’t given me a use case
Why is using pixels for font size bad? What else should be used?
low effort replies are all you deserve
how did the ice cream taste like?

so far 2/4 on my bingo card. Next up:
>something to do with Inertia and SSR
>Pest 3.0
Hello guys, React front end dev here.
I wanted to ask you about phyton. Why would it be a good idea to learn python in my position?
Which kind of advantages python could bring me as a react front end?
You could probably learn backend stuff to compliment your front end. e.g. use Flask/FastAPI/Django to host your API so that your react frontend can pull the data from.
Cool but why not just nextjs express node.. why I would choose Python instead?
No reason other than learning a new language and back end concepts I guess. I'd only reach for python personally if there was something in the ecosystem (e.g. AI/big data stuff) that I could utilise.
Python is the Swiss knife of programming languages, it has a huge ecosystem and it's used in many different areas: AI, data science, backend dev, devops, etc. It's just a useful tool to have in your skillset regardless of your specialization.
You're missing the point. React wasn't invented for your own personal projects or for small companies, React was invented so already established companies could hire less than ideal developers and give them roles where they cannot possibly break anything or mess anything up.
huge big toe. disgusting.
>hire less than ideal developers [...] they cannot possibly break anything or mess anything up.
Have you been on the www lately?
The stuff that people create with react (or similar) is often of horrible quality, slow to sluggish on the performance and is mostly broken to a degree that shit is unusable..
>"angry insect car" edition
why is it that just because you are a typical new rich you have to lose all sense for beauty and style and buy the most angry insect looking car that you can find?
You're retarded. It's very easy towrite horrible, buggy code if you don't know react well.
What's the point in driving a Lambo unless people can immediately spot your Lambo
I read that it's too cumbersome and you may as well just use a framework, otherwise you'll just be reinventing the wheel

My impression is that Gin is good for DX but Fiber is what you should use if you want extremely good performance
Spotting actually good looking cars is not that difficult either, but for some reason basically all expensive cars brands have opted in to making their cars look like the equivalent of a razer rgb mouse.
Good but it gave me a mild stomach ache and I couldn't sleep well.
are you lactose intolerant?
Not at all. But when I'm eating relatively healthy, any massive intake of sugar gives me a stomach ache. It should teach me the lesson to stay the course.
i know that feel
What issues are you having with RDS proxy?
it sucks that I'm almost 40 and still a sugar addict
What is the difference between spamming functions by themseves vs via tasks/threads. Im using dotnet as example, where we have the tasks api for simplified multithreading.
if(someStatus == myStatus){
Dict<task, status> tasks
{foo1(), "execute",
foo2(), "execute",
foo3(), "myStatus",}
//will run the foos using threads
forEach(t => t.Factory.StartNew(t))

Is this only so you can benefit from multithreading? Is this only necessary on something from scratch (csharp, java) and if only using a we framework (spring, dotnet, flask) it will do thesame under the hood?
>Is this only necessary on something from scratch (csharp, java) and if using im using any web framework (spring, dotnet, flask) it will do the same under the hood?

Im asking if when i spam functions in a spring/dotnet/flask/ container it will do exactly the same... encapsulated my function in the base lang threading api, spam a thread for each and so on?
It never fully goes away, but when I just power through and eat really healthy for 30-45 days, I notice the cravings subside.
I love ice cream and I have it almost daily. My excuse is that it is a summer thing. Fortunately I'm not fat despite that. Btw how do you see the job market overall for juniors and mids with half a feet in already?
Likely to start recovering, if it hasn't already. I'm already noticing an uptick in recruiter emails and a bit more mobility. That said, it's going to take a few interest rate cuts to get it where it needs to be. Hang in there - you are going to make it.
r8 my current job stack:
>Vue/Nuxt 3
>entire stack is js (ts) garbage
I hope you can escape that hell one day brother
maximum hopium, I'm already making it in a way but I'd much rather the industry to be in good health. right when the layoffs were happening my company was hiring non stop, mids and seniors, it's kind of strange that such things can take place, I guess it's obvious that working for a company with money out the ass is prefferable in regards of job oportunities, even if the dev environment is kind of fucked up, at least it got my feet in the door
nta, many times the newbies choose it because "do I have to learn a new language?", it's not as hard as it might seem
Hopium is healthy - the opposite of hope is despair, despair is how the demons get in. Don't let them in.
what I know
kind of ok
a bit convoluted, honestly preffer to set up the APIs properly myself, it's less confusing
one doesn't simply unlove SQL
I don't know but the website alone give me extremely sus vibes
mixed feelings
just avoiding aids for a second
what are yall doing?

php dev here
sitting at home on my lovesack watching a show, I’m not going to tell you which one because I don’t want spoilers, on my big ass company OLED tv I told them was a monitor.
occasionally answering slack questions on my phone.

Was given a task that was going to take a sprint. Loaded all the files into claude and gave it the requirements and it passed first go.
>big ass company OLED tv I told them was a monitor
based ngl
>Was given a task that was going to take a sprint. Loaded all the files into claude and gave it the requirements and it passed first go.

>what are yall doing?
setting up requests and clicking buttons for like 2 hours, I wanna kms, but at least I program some days
How are you loading stuff into Claude?
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>alignItems: 'center'
>justifyContent: 'center'
>items still aren't aligned in the center
csstricks entry on flexbox should suffice
if you still have problems beyond that, jsfiddle it
jsfiddle deez nuts
I hope you can heal your terminal butthurt some day
best way to js dynamically load/add/edit forms inputs? and ez to add to my global obj for export import configurations?
planned to make a raw class for that but theres a good lib? i dont care about security nor what the user prompts
Why not MariaDB which is basically the same but without Oracle
I just thought it was funny desu
> finally get to train making http request to APIs
> search for stuff I'm interested in
> everything is paid
> find one free
> need to fill a form with my app internet adress
I just want to fucking train. Any free API I can make calls to on a program run locally? That is not the weather API I mean.
What's the modern stack for .io games?
alright then
I was bored
How can I automatically download all the PDF files from a website? I'm trying to use wget but getting a 403 Forbidden error.

The company's website is in an Amazon S3 bucket. It's not mine, I don't have credentials to it, but the PDFs are publicly accessible and I can freely view them in a Web browser. I can even download one at a time using wget. So this code works:

wget https://horsecockemporium.s3.amazonaws.com/folder/subfolder/file.pdf

But this code returns the 403 error:

wget -r -A.pdf https://horsecockemporium.s3.amazonaws.com/folder/subfolder/

I have tried variations like using HTTP instead of HTTPS, putting the URL in quotes, but nothing has worked, I always get 403 unless I'm pointing at one PDF specifically.
What do you think are the actual problems with js /g/? And how do you hope they'll be solved? I mean actual real world problems, not the usual autistic screeching you get outside of /wdg/
there's also
insertAdjacentHTML, which could also work
dynamic typing in general. It's just kinda annoying to deal with. Typescript is there to solve that though (as well as enums and such).

js is pretty nice for doing simple scripts like DOM manipulation. I don't use Node, I use C++ for that.
JS itself is not the problem, the problem is the entire unstable ecosystem and bloated frameworks. JS is fine if you use it only for simple frontend scripting, like you should.
fuck it, il go with this ancient lib github.com/brutusin/json-forms
Oh I see, those are good reasons to learn python.
Do you think combining react front end with python for data analytics could be worth the time or lucrative?
Or front end and data analytics are two very different paths without any use case in the real world for both combine?
Most APIs have closed up or started charging due to:
1. Pajeets not knowing how to rate limit themselves so they'll write infinite loops spamming open APIs, ruining it for everyone
2. Preventing API crawling to scrape data for LLM training
3. Stopping bots
>I mean actual real world problems
What are the actual real world problems with js in your opinion?
>unstable ecosystem and bloated frameworks
There are few ecosystems that are as stable as is vanilla web tech. And guess what: Vanilla web tech IS a framework.
So what is the actual problem? The lie that you have been fed and that you now believe: You must use a framework. Always. At any point.

One could simply write the damn thing instead et voila - no fucking problems with and unstable ecosystem.
>dynamic typing
is powerful and allows for nice shortcuts.
>is powerful and allows for nice shortcuts.
This is only a pro when you're writing single file scripts that're easy to reason with.
Are you implying, that you are making things complicated on purpose just so that you do not happen to write scripts that are easy to reason with?
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hello I'm from Europe, how do you make a website without using spring boot? Can you even send html to a browser without using spring boot? Beans
I have no friends and I am lonely so I will now make wdg my home and dedicate myself to helping anons for free as if it were a full time job
I've made a website in python which is quite simple, basically just a plain HTML/CSS website that lets you search a database. Learned a fair bit of random things doing it, but I would like to make something... fancier. I don't want 500 libraries and hand-holdy ORMs, just something that's a step up from the basics. Language doesn't matter, as long as I can use SQLite for the data storage.
Any suggestions for what I should use? I'm thinking of just doing a no bullshit recipe website as a learning project.
why not do it for money on youtube/rumble/tiktok? mine these threads for common questions and misconceptions
> Business people promise a deadline for a feature without asking dev team first
> PMs come to us, we tell them it's impossible
> "But anon, this new feature looks a little like feature X, why can't we just re-use the code" even though the requirements are completely fucking different
> "Okay anon, can we promise this deadline instead?"
> Tell them I still think it's too soon a deadline and I'm not committing to it
> Fast forward to today
> "Anon we promised this deadline, we have to finish it before then"
> Repeat for every new feature

Job pays well but fuck me I can't keep having crunch time right before deadlines I never promised.
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How hard is it to make 4chan on the backend using Node?
Just about to start but I'm worried it will be hard as all I've done is vanilla. I was actually waiting to start Node until all my vanilla was done because I'm not sure how Node is even structured yet
am i able to use onClick as an attribute of an imported component in react? ive been able to pass the component a handler, which is bound to onClick in the component, but using it where i use the component tag doesnt work.
pretty easy, but you'll need to learn a bit about server rendering, basically the tldr to quickly get set up is:

- render a form on the client side for the submission
- when you POST to the form, the node.js server should handle the incoming request and add the post to a database (or even just write to a .json file), start off using Express to help you write the routes.
- when users visit your site, you should query the database (or load the JSON file), loop through the posts and render the page for them. You may want to consider using templating engines like ejs to make this easier to do.
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This is cool
Thank u fren
Sounds exactly like my last PM. That old fuck was so useless, couldn't negotiate anything and just agreed like a beat up dog to everything the client requested, no matter how out of touch the request was.

Also he had no idea about dev time and anything technical. I'm stunned that positions like his exist.
I might give my take another twist later today, I think I know how to improve a part of it
I remember some design/advertisement team on this subject. It said, longer deadlines == higher quality work. They should understand this, an overworked wagie is higher likely to fuck up, halfass or spaghett a solution, which is not good for anyone involved.
page 10 bros...
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Job without a degree still possible?
maximum oldfaggotry
not going to be easy or on a silver platter at all, competition, as in plenty of people applying for entry positions, is a thing
with the extra twist
you now have a dynamic object, the name attribute was missing from the dynamic input so without that it doesn't go in the obj
now if the name is duplicated, which bypasses the object to capture changes beyond that point, not my problem
my guess is that you can do the reverse, from an object build a form, but haven't tested, might be a more straight forward option
Is it safe to use emailjs to receive emails from a form in a react js front end project with vite?
I want to later deploy it on vercel.

storing service id, template id and public key provided by emailjs in .env seems like not safe because it could be read by anyone from browser web developers tools..

what can I do?
It's a public key, what's the problem?
I don't know.. it is safe to share the service id and template id too?
That's how EmailJS works.
They seem to have some measures to prevent abuse of ill intentioned users, but I can't speak from experience.
not yet, person of african descent
Who uses remixjs and what for? Is it a shopify language?
/wdg/ is dead, all devs are dead (or no vacation), I'm that kind of sucker that'd still post while on vacations
i spent 60 hours this week trying to make chatgpt and claude cook me a tailwind app.css. it looks like shit and I wasted my time.
at very least, you know what doesn't work. keep trying with every major update.
If you really really want to use AI stuff for design, I'd be using the image gens and color picking them. Otherwise the closest alternative is v0 but I don't think it includes colors.
Tbh its hard to understand what you're even asking. In C# at least, whenever you start any program, even a web server, there's only one main thread of execution at the beginning. Whenever you call a function, even 100x, they all run on that same thread and each must be completed sequentially in the order you call them. That is, there is no automatic mechanism for creating and using new threads. You must explicitly do so through the Tasks API like you mentioned, or some other lower level method. Its like this because there's no way for it to know when a function call would run long enough for the overhead of thread creation/management/destruction to be worth it.

A webserver framework, like the one you're referencing in your controller example, also has to spawn child threads manually from the initial main thread it started on. It just does this in the background and hides it from you, which is part of the point of it. It may be slightly more complicated than this, but lets assume for simplicity that the way a web server works is that there is a main thread whose sole job is to continually listen for requests, spawn a thread to handle it (the controller call), and then return to listening for new requests. The new controller call thread itself is and always will be 1 thread unless you manually create more. The framework is not going to magically spawn new ones to help the controller do its work unless you explicitly do it, just like a normal program wouldn't, because past what the framework itself is responsible for, there's no way for it to know which of your functions in the controller are long running and which aren't. Hopefully that answers whatever you were trying to ask.
they probably have directories disabled so scrape the filenames to a txt file and use wget on that
this work will still happen on the same thread and is not multithreaded. the tasks library enables developers to use concurrency, which means a single thread handling all of the activities at once.

depending on your usecase this may or may not be helpful to you. in my case I have an application that has to make six different unrelated api-calls. I could call them one by one or I can use tasks to have them run at the same time and then await the combined result
can someone help me understand the issue i'm having with font sizes?

let's say i have this:

body, body a { font-size: 16px; }

then i have a div with some text and a link:

<div>Click <a href="#">here</a>.</div>

now if i style this div like so:

div { font-size: 90%; }

the text will be 90% of 16px, but the link itself will still be 16px

but if i do this:

div, div a { font-size: 90%; }

the text will be 90% of 16px (14.4px), but the link itself will be 90% of 14.4px (12.96px)

how do i make both the text and the link inside that div be the same size (90% of 16px)?
Use rem units instead of percentages, so it bases the calculation on the root element size (which in your case is 16px)
right, that's it, thanks
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off to the KFC
if somebody post a high res meme of the nigra moonwalking into KFC I's be happy
Is Go actually good for general purpose monolith like backends? Or is it mostly just for micro services and systems programming?

I like Node and Java since if I need to process some images, I can just npm install something to handle almost anything.
>Parent: Audi AG
lmao. they're literally a fucking audi with a lambo body kit.
the poorfag cope is real
Should I return json responses for everything in my REST API? Including errors? What are the best practices?
I want to get started with WebDev, but only know HTML and CSS. I do not know JS and I've been told it's bad to use it. Should I learn Go instead? I do not understand how Go websites work...
You only need the standard lib in Go, which is nice because it means that you can avoid dependency hell. Python and especially JS programmers know what I mean.
>and I've been told it's bad to use it
the /g/ classic, first time I heard this, it was many years ago, because some neckbeards got busted on tor browsing CP due to js
Go is a great choice for web dev because it was built specially for web dev. It's fast, has type safety, has a great standard library (meaning you don't need any/many dependencies), and a great community.

>I do not understand how Go websites work...
You just send HTML and CSS back when the user makes a request to an endpoint. It's all build into the Go standard library. You can use something like HTMX if you want to build even more interactive websites. HTMX is just a lightweight JS library that allows you to use JS without needing to know much or any JS.
Use this to learn Go - you won't regret it if you stick to it.
you lack basic understanding of the web ecosystem. in the browser side, all u got, is js, css and html. There's no way around it all the shit you want to do to avoid it will be using these for you under the hood. on the back end/server side there's langs like node(js), php, go, etc. Those do not "need" js, because the server side doesn't work in a browser, to put it that way.
you're asking if you should learn a back end language to avoid using js, which is a bit nonsensical, you should try to get a basic understanding 9f the ecosystem first.
google stuff like back end, front end, js, front end frameworks/libraries, etc. Not in depth, just to get a basic understanding
Once that said, u can go full SSR and avoid js entirely, which would be excellent for seo but would limit the interactiveness of ur site if u left js out entirely, things like loading a secti9n without reloading the page would be out of the question.

Too much info for ur beginner ass, just come back when u've digested the basics
> poorfag cope
> over a car built by audi
> that are usually riddled with defects
> that are known to burst into flames because of defects
richfags that don't have severe down syndrome don't buy lambos made after 1998. you will always be poor and shit in the street.
I appreciate the poorfag rage
stick to your topic of expertise: raping children and driving toyota corollas.
Thanks lads. So if I understand correctly, I would create most of my page in Go (or HTML) and it would create a page in HTML, CSS, and JS dynamically depending on what I need?

Related question, if I'm creating a non-JS website, is there any benefits to making it in Go or is it extra bloat?

I will check out the website and try reading more about it too.
You can use the html/template package in Go which is part of the standard library. It allows you to generate HTML pages which you send to the client when they go to a certain endpoint on your website, e.g. example.com/hello. You can style that page with CSS and you can send JS, including something like HTMX which is just a JS library. You can build really really nice SPA using HTMX without even having to raw dog JS. HTMX makes it really easy to swap out parts of your webpage without having to reload everything..

You're just building a REST API in Go but you return HTML, CSS, or JS instead of returning JSON when the client makes a call to the different endpoints.
just learn js, js isn't thedevil
if you're skipping js ur skipping an essential part of what makes a web, not even going full back end would justify that imo, its like a carpenter that heard that saws are bad and he wants to avoid them
Does anyone have any suggestions for the best to parse through the content between the <script> tag in an html document? I am attempting to scrape a site and all the data I need is in a variable in the script tags. Looking for ways other than regex
>learn this oop language no learn this oop language
are you guys dumb? Aside from minor details it’s all the fucking same
>Aside from minor details
not at all, Express, Spring and .NET, similar but yet very different in many ways that are in no were "minor details"
how hard would it be to filter all 1pbtid posts?
There's no need to learn JS and JS isn't 'the web'. HTML is the web.
sure, if you want to have to refresh your page at every minor change
>but muh html modal
c'mon now
go away boomer
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does that mean MAN trucks are just oversized VW Golfs?
this makes me like wolkswagen passat even moar
Ducati is owned by Lambo, which is owned by Audi, which is owned by VW Group

lambos are literally a seat, it's over, btw, seats with v8 bentley engine enjoyer here
>Who uses remixjs and what for? Is it a shopify language?
>no responses
The fuck is this thread for? /o/ general? Jeez
I love PHP, but for the sake of me.etic lulz, someone shop that dude with the shaved legs and short short's lower half on this dude, and put a seat emblem on the lambo, and add meme text, PHP, the /wdg/'s way
ur frameworking is a bit rare, maybe if ur lucky someone will know wt ur talking about
wth happened to ruby? it was everywhere not that long ago
Is Photoshop broken?
Im onnaphone
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people incorrectly decided that they should write everything in javascript. front end, back end, sql statements, html, javascript all the way down baby
>what else
some companies have a huge check to burn through and those paid services are like candy to them
>why should I learn another leanguagie?
we could have prevented this, lets guide and cherish the newbies
once that said, despite all its fuckery, js is a beautiful thing
Did I fucking stutter?

Thoughts on "Namaste Frontend System Design"?
>Indian tech anything
It's shit, anon. It's garbage they're reading from another site/video. They have no fucking clue what anything they're saying means.
you must be high on cock if you think I'm photoshopily compose a meme in my phone
they google CEOs, all of them, so they know what they're doing, simple as
>tfw I'm going to have to go back to the office some days a week
>no more halfassing wiping my ass
>no more sweat and shit scent
I don't do it on purpose, but I kind of enjoy it anyways
fuck taylor
buy a fucking ad, cunt
ok so you're google's CEO then, are you?
not sure which web stack to use for websites and meme SaaS projects. I want something that will help my attempts at going solo while also helping my resume for the sort of companies that hire remote (e.g. trendy startups)
I've used it, it's pretty good, but I want something new, and recruiters get the ick from this. Most don't even know it's open source now.
idk no one seems to give a shit about it anymore, all I see is DHH being a provocative attentionwhore. Did turbo/hotwire make it relevant again?
always seemed pretty good and complete to me. I've never had a problem with PHP. But recruiters get the ick.
sounds absolutely retarded to have JS/TS in the backend but I'm tired of fighting industry trends
sounds insanely retarded to have a systems lang in the backend, but I do want to learn Rust anyway
>Go + HTMX
I do like Go and will use it for small APIs, not sure if it's the right tool for cookie cutter webshit though

help me choose
>I want something that will help my attempts at going solo while also helping my resume for the sort of companies that hire remote (e.g. trendy startups)
in my mind, go/.net
because "le good architecture autism" somebody on a startup picking that stack must have
>I want something that will help my attempts at going solo
As someone who mostly lurks webdev and webdev content with a lot of fuckarounditis, ideas and zero action, I picked up Rails about 3 weeks ago and got so much done so quickly that I couldn't stop. I've put nearly every spare hour I've had into it because the momentum was just too great and I made progress so quickly. Every time I sat down, something was successfully added. I'd get board scrolling some app, glance at my open IDE, and just go "I could just do xyz really quick then go back to..." and then just fucking work for 5+ hours.

It is without a doubt the defacto 1 man stack. Turbo is interesting so far, but I'd recommend making the whole app work as a flat out SSR app, then add in Turbo to make it better. "Turbo drive" is on out of the box and makes page loads feel instant because it fetches links on hover and simply renders on click. Stimulus is pretty good, still barely getting into it.

But if you're trying to just fucking make something I don't think anything else even comes close to Rails. Ruby is now my favorite language, and is the least laborious language I've ever used.

>while also helping my resume for the sort of companies that hire remote (e.g. trendy startups)
This is probably not Rails. If my project flops, it's grand enough in scope to get me hired, but most Rails companies are legacy apps that need some mids, but mostly seniors. A few shops that make MVPs may also still use Rails, but it's not worth betting on. For trendy startups Go is very likely the preferred over Node/JS, as companies are now concerned with server costs and the dev time between Go and JS is the same. Rust might also be good, but you need to be some kind of fucking wizard know it all to get hired into some weird/retarded crypto rugpull and be able to build it all yourself, or with like 2 other turbo nerds.
nta, don't quote me on that, but I think rails have some "we're panicking please someone maintain this only dev we had left here's a good amount of money" kind of situations, of those there won't be many of those but they'll keep pouring int
source: my imagination
>my imagination
Mine is my gut. And yes, you're pretty close. Likely not an "everythings on fire!!", but close enough. No one is learning Rails anymore. More people are leaving it, either retiring, or moving to new tech as it dies.
>is rails still relevant
>is rails dead
>should I learn Rails in 20XX??
Are the top searches for Rails. Most of the content for Rails is copium from plebbitfags in denial that it's on it's way out as an employment option, BUT, if you're trying to do your own thing, it's incredible. Those factors I've listed are also likely an easier way in for someone with 0 YoE to get into this field and get to higher paid positions quickly due to basically no talent pool to pull from for these companies.
>due to basically no talent pool to pull from for these companies
yep, that's precisely the point I was trying to make, completely agree
Agree, but I like verbose endpoints
Use Bruno instead. No login and forced cloud sync. Just local files that can easily be synced with git if needed.
>Why is everyone shitting on PHP?
How many people got rich using Rust? 0
How many people got rich using PHP, at least the Lambo dude and Zuckerberg, so 2+.
What's the best location to serve east Asia (Japan and Korea), US and Europe?
I am unsure which location to use. I was thinking US west, seems to be on the cheaper side and low enough latency to anywhere where people have money.
I thought this was the Ruby on Rails guy? He is super into racing cars and stuff, but I guess that's another dude?
>What do you think are the actual problems with js /g/?
CommonJS vs ESM is the bane of my development life. I don't understand why this is so hard to fix.
Buy an ad. Also it's already been pirated, so pirate it if you really want it. Fuck them indians
>an overworked wagie is higher likely to fuck up, halfass or spaghett a solution, which is not good for anyone involved.
This was a bit issues at my previous company. Everything was done as quickly as possible, and soon we just had a unmaintainable mess of a codebase. Then adding new features or fixing bugs took longer and longer, and new features or fixes just introduced new bugs because everything was entangled in one big mess.
Where's the discord link?
here, but the discord is pretty ded
using discord is a net negative for any kind of productivity, g is better for unironically better for question answers
Something about mobile and high resolution independence. em is better because size depends on parent's size. rem is much better because size depends only on the root font size not the parents.

Just see how your page looks in mobile view and when you resize the window. If it looks good then whatever.
Just use curl. You already have it installed.
Bun already fixed it. You can import and require in the same file and it just works.
You could make it in an hour. Don't listen to the retard who said all that shit about server side rendering.

Look. You can literally see 4chan's API in this very thread.

Easiest way would be node+mongo+express. Just make a basic post get delete system and use mongoose. You can check user IPs easily enough and just check timestamps to see if it's too late to delete posts.

You should only need a few routes. A get request to all threads, get request to a single thread that populates with replies to it. A reply route. A delete route. You can pretty much use a single model for all posts, no need for a model for replies.

You can do a model for bans too, then apply the ban logic in the controller/routes of the post to tell them either their IP is banned or it's not.

Shouldn't be too hard if you don't need an auth system. You can set the boards in the post model itself. Then have a checker logic to see if the board a person tries posting in exists.

Its all pretty easy.
Bun is a fucking retarded scam and kill yourself for mentioning it in the thread.

It uses uwebsockets.js which calls to a C++ server to be fast, then compares itself to node's built in websockets and HTTP. Except that you can just use uwebsockets.js directly from node and it's way faster, or use a library built from it. It's entire gimmick of "JavaScript faster than rust" was just the serving, because it was using c++ but still slower than just using it on node.

You're a retarded nigger don't shill that pile of shit Bun here ever.
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This is Based.
The core of Node really isn't too much then..
Thank you fren
Haven't been on in a while WDG, decided to relearn typescript and remembered why I hated it and took a month break from coding then went back to JavaScript.
If you want to learn how I did, I got a course by Brad Traversy on Udemy called nodejs master class or something. It was worth the money imo because it taught a lot of good practices like writing middleware and error handlers and proper security. It's got a few errors in it now you can solve yourself due to mongoose changing a little.

Node is literally just JavaScript without a dom. I don't use express anymore I moved on to hyper-express but it's the same thing basically.
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Beyond K I N O
I really liked JavaScript and was hoping it wouldn't be too much different.
Really liked my general webdev course by Rob Percival and this feels like the next natural step.
Thanks again, fren.
This is exactly what I needed, suits my temperament perfectly
Of course. Express+node+mongo are a goated combo. You can make just about whatever you need with it and it's easy to get into websockets if you ever need something more.

I used to use PHP and SQL on the backend but I eventually wanted to make a mobile app and realized server side rendering couldn't really do that. What the other guy said about SSR isn't bad, it's just a 4chan clone would do way better with a json API since that's literally what 4chan uses plus it makes it a lot easier to do mobile.
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I used to use PHP and SQL as well with PHPmyadmin.
I'm glad the difficulty just turned only a bit up from SQL database management to MongoDB management because it's still very interesting and cool.
Once I'm able to start viewing collections I'll be able to remember what I learned from PHPmyadmin and get on a roll.
So epic.
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>json API
This is great info as well
The way it stores data is almost like an array.
Database management really is quite different but still easy in a way
Yeah, it IS an array of objects. That's all JSON is really. I'd download mongo compass, you'll see it is just all JSON and it makes it easy.

A lot of people have a boomer mentality of Mongo different therefore mongo bad. I personally think it's easier than SQL and like that you don't have to set things up, just write a model in the code with mongoose. If mongo is good enough for Coinbase and Wells Fargo it's good enough for me.
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I've had mongo compass installed for awhile but I was perturbed by its difference from PHPmyadmin. Now I think I'll really dive into it!
reminder that 4chan is doing the needful upgrade

Why did you link to this thread
Why use Mongo instead of SQL though
cause he's an incompetent jeet
Maybe NoSQL is faster for certain things, I'm not sure, I guess I'd have to research benchmarks and whatever. But something like Postgres seems to offer more functionality than Mongo so I usually go for Postgres.
Go lang is cool
what stack is he using?
Gin, the Go framework, depends on some code from ByteDance, the Chinese developers of TikTok
What the stack/structure of your application? There may be some good options for you.
If you have a TRUE need for NoSQL, go Cassandra or DynamoDB. If you just want to use Mongo because you don't want to learn SQL, git gud and stop shitting in the streets.
I was advocating for SQL rather than NoSQL though, please read my actual posts before replying to them
>Maybe NoSQL is faster for certain things
yes that is a thing, it so happens that NoSQL, just like SQL has its own set of rules for proper performance
I was speaking to a general "anon", not to you specifically.
Makes sense. Maybe should i learn about that if i can ever be bothered

There's a 50% chance this is true - it's either true or it isn't
>What the stack/structure of your application?
Currently planning to use React frontend with Node and Supabase backend.
Can't wait for the next general to ask my question about my c# and angular stack within visual studio 2022.
It genuinely made me go into a rabbit hole and I could not solve it, even though I checked the usual locations for erroneous package installations (angular/material)

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