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don't see one of these in the catalog
also what fucking choice do I pick here? win-vk seems like the natural pick but my GPU is actually working so hard now that my laptop fan is spinning up all the time, normally it's quiet when I have d3d11 selected.
shouldn't Vulkan be better?
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Vulkan is newer and uses more GPU so enjoy the extra resource usage. Just use d3d11 if you don't like that.
hey it's for normies like me who don't want to go super autist just to watch the animays
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>update mpv
>now takes 2 seconds to start instead of 1
thanks trannydevs
Whatever provides the best performance to quality ratio, bro.

It's what I also used before switching to base mpv. I quickly realized I prefer manual configuration through config files rather than through a GUI.
Anyone figured how to stream properly from youtube and to cap the resolution as well?
>cap the resolution
yes. check yt-dlp documentation. example: only 360p videos
Already figured it out.
It just didn't work before. It would just show a dark MPV never loading anything, something changed in an update.
This is better
You can install from scoop
Would it be possible to build an extension for mpv that allows you to toggle between 2 or more media files at the exact point in time that you’re currently playing at, while it’s playing back? Or would it be easier to learn ffmpeg and work with that?
if i understand you correctly, that sounds trivial and doesn't even need to be a "plugin". just write a small lua function that reads `time-pos`, then executes `playlist-next`/`playlist-prev`, then seeks to the read `time-pos`. after that, and a couple of key bindings that call that function.
>better than anything
NTA but you're a fucking retard
Oh nice thanks!
What are your settings to correct low volume dialogue and loud action/music when watching a movie?
yeah kys
>best toolkit is bad because im a troon
Good like
Why are you so emotional about media play, you whinny bitch
is it multi-channel/surround audio?
Are you going to cry?
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Hi. I want to transcode a video using ffmpeg to H265 codec, but with one caveat. The bitrate should never exceed 5000kb/s.

I want the best quality, and time is no issue. So if I can set the render speed to go slow, that would be ideal. Also is 2pass recommended?
Yes, AAC 5.1 for most of my movies
use d3d11 on windows. vulkan is fucky and haasn isn't interested in fixing it because le driver fault.
It is true that mpv has a high barrier of entry, but it is an artificial one. Once you take the small step of opening the config file in a text editor, it’s all downhill from there. It’s far more comfortable than any GUI, which is essentially just interactive documentation. You might not agree now, and that’s precisely why you feel you need a GUI, and I understand. It’s hard to make that initial step, and I’m not sure how to make it easier for new users. However, a settings GUI is not the solution. It's not something you need to edit daily, and during normal operation, there’s no need to use it.

Yes to 2 pass
just use handbrake or vidcoder (if you are on windows)
handbrake is malware use megui
What are some mpv trvthnvkes that only powerusers are aware of?

I'll start with a couple easy ones:
>mpv scales HDR content in gamma light meaning that everything is colorimetrically fucked, use an autoprofile to enable the sharpest and ringiest scalers possible because it actually doesn't matter
>hwdec is not necessary. hwdec is NOT free, and can actually be less power efficient than software decoding in many common scenarios
>mpv is prone to missing vsyncs and stuttering regardless of your refreshrate, this problem is not solvable unless you use --video-sync=display-resample or --video-sync=display-vdrop
>--scale=oversample is literally programmed incorrectly and does not match the behavior of similar algos that perform linear interpolation on overlapping pixels
Try this:

-af lavfi='[pan=stereo|FL=FC+LFE+0.5*FL+0.5*SL+0.5*BL|FR=FC+LFE+0.5*FR+0.5*SR+0.5*BR]'
soon even the official windows builds will be bricked by the optimization autism
Is there a way to stream a playlist of videos to Twitch like the 24/7 streams of Trailer Park Boys and Game Center CX? It really can't just be pointing OBS to a MPV or VLC window can it?

ffmpeg will cut the stream after each video which is annoying. I want it to be continuous.
>The bitrate should never exceed 5000kb/s.
You didn't mention what bitrate.
For overall average bitrate, use 2pass, otherwise, check out vbv options in x265.
Note that instantaneous bitrate is not a thing in video codecs with frame relations.
>ffmpeg will cut the stream after each video
what does that mean?
cut it how?
share your setup?
It will stop the stream once the video is done playing. This wouldn't be a problem but it resets "time streamed" and you would have to reload the page.
not a problem with my youtube client
MPV, FFmpeg and YT-DLP thread and my post could only pick two referents there, MPV and yt-dlp.
go away stinky
yt-dlp isn't designed for live streaming and has terrible defaults
MPV uses yt-dlp
her youtube client uses mpv!
>get reply notification
>no replies
must've been a hidden chain I guess
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Absolute fucking insanity!!!
It's not a decoder issue and I doubt it's a matter of hardware being too weak.
Can anyone else try this encode?
Base64 magnet
use VLC

im not even kidding
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What's with libplacebo and vsync issues?
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Many such cases.
[ffmpeg] av_log callback called with bad parameters (NULL AVClass).
[ffmpeg] This is a bug in one of FFmpeg libraries used.
[ffmpeg] av_log callback called with bad parameters (NULL AVClass).
[ffmpeg] This is a bug in one of FFmpeg libraries used.
[ffmpeg] av_log callback called with bad parameters (NULL AVClass).
[ffmpeg] This is a bug in one of FFmpeg libraries used.

Should I care about this?
diff --git a/libavutil/vulkan.c b/libavutil/vulkan.c
index bb8e7ae786d5..d069cae152ee 100644
--- a/libavutil/vulkan.c
+++ b/libavutil/vulkan.c
@@ -1102,9 +1102,6 @@ int ff_vk_get_pooled_buffer(FFVulkanContext *ctx, AVBufferPool **buf_pool,
ff_vk_free_buf(ctx, data);
memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));

- av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Allocating buffer of %"SIZE_SPECIFIER" bytes for pool %p\n",
- size, *buf_pool);
err = ff_vk_create_buf(ctx, data, size,
create_pNext, NULL, usage,
>applying patches
Ughhhhh should I care about it or not I just want to watch some kinos tonight
it's just warning that ffmpeg tries to print debug logs without a proper context. it's completely harmless and cosmetic issue
This is completely not true at all. In fact, d3d11 and d3d11va are just pure garbage in comparison to vulkan.

Outside of the fact that shader compilation takes an abysmal amount of time due to having to go through the d3dcompiler (which is bad because literally everything rendering related in mpv is a shader and not a built-in GPU function), d3d11va itself is just so crap that it's prone to hanging or having erroneous audio underruns just by seeking. Vulkan in comparison is just much snappier and even though the hardware decoder is slower in some instances, it runs HEVC HDR 4K30fps video just fine and doesn't suffer from most of the issues that d3d11va does.

t. life long wincuck who shits on loonixfags daily
kek, dumb troll, you're too obvious I'm better at it
>and not a built-in GPU function
because they are too lazy to use apis and libraries
nu-mpv devs can't code, libplacebo is garbage
thoughts on vvc
is there a way to get mpv to delete a video (so you can move on after fapping)?
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Did someone figure out how to get this to work
with the latest webtorrent-cli?
mpv /path/to/video.mp4 | rm -fr ~
>nu-mpv devs can't code, libplacebo is garbage
We're accepting pull requests :-)
you don't, you rejected directx api in libmpv
>you don't
We do.

>you rejected directx api in libmpv
For good reason.
>we accept pull requests
>we reject them for good reason
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>We're accepting pull requests :-)
>>you don't
>We do.

>>you rejected directx api in libmpv
>For good reason.
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If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it.

0.29.1 is highly vulnerable. I suggest you change your ways and update now.
whats the plan on vdd?
I'm dragging the url of a youtube video to mpv and nothing is happening. What could be the cause? I have both yt-dlp and ffmpeg in mpv directory.
>What could be the cause?
using a web browser to browse youtube
How else should I do it?
i use my own desktop youtube client that uses mpv to play videos
can't use gpu-next because of these
gpu is slower
works fine here
libplacebo strikes again...
why does resolution under display of stats.lua different between vo gpu and gpu-next? resolution on gpu-next from after window resized/fullscreen but not with gpu

Rate my config.
this shitty twitter maymay triggers me. it should be "it's what? over" not "what's over? over".
Vat are u bloody saying sers????
rate my mpv super settings
it is not, stop using a shitbrick for a GPU
so now that we've established gpu-next is trash, what do we do now?
>Muh 1 alligator 2 alligator thre-
This >>102122753 or just have an RSS feeder reader deliver the URLs to you because fuck browsing YT and their advertising agenda
>I'm triggered by that anons maymay that he brought from elsewhere.
Thats the goal of that maymay. It's to trigger your autism.
Only autistics will know this feel
yeah, this was extremely evident to me when I asked them a question in IRC about an option and some core code, and none of them answered. they literally had no idea what it did. That's when I got officially blackpilled about mpv
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based, time for vlc to take back the top spot
Does anyone know a good way to configure mpv to use different input schemes for different filetypes? I want to use seek n on my arrow keys for videos but playlist-next for images (which are otherwise set to infinite duration via a profile). I have tried sections but they don't apply + are deprecated anyway. Should ideally trigger from a conditional profile.
in the conditional profile?
Already tried that before I asked, but just to be sure I tried again, it does not apply (made sure with a + show-text). When googling around earlier I saw an issue that concluded the same and raised sections as an alternative, but those don't work at all either.
Can i ask this thred for build advice if its video related?
Weird, I don't use it but it seems like it should do exactly what you want. I'd classify it as a bug, but eh. I guess none of the devs use it? It seems niche.
Anyone got an idea?

Essentially I want something headless to continuously stream a playlist of multiple video files. I wanted to run this on my Raspberry Pi. Having a GUI and pointing OBS to MPV/VLC takes too much resources apparently.
Yeah, it's weird. Ideally I'd love to just change keybinds via profile or load overlapping configs like input.conf overwrites the baked-in defaults. I'd make it myself if I had any clue about programming. Guess I'll see if I can hack something together in lua at least, thank you for your time.

Shot in the dark but can't you merge the playlist in a temporary single track if you are already using ffmpeg anyway? Though that might be resource intensive as well.
I remember years ago (2017?) when we only had opengl and angle on Windows, shit sucked kek.
Works on NVIDIA
What is up with mpv that makes sharty troons seethe so much?
i thought mpv is made by troons for troons?
Sure thing sharty troon
input-commands="load-input-conf '~~/input.conf'"

profile-cond=filename:lower():match("%.jpg$") or filename:lower():match("%.png$")
input-commands="load-input-conf '~~/input2.conf'"

might look ugly but seems do the job
troon vibes
>profile-cond=filename:lower():match("%.jpg$") or filename:lower():match("%.png$")
Why not just use
it's all males and a literal troon that develop it, every single one of them has an underage girl shitty drawing at their avatar, the rest didn't reveal their irl faces they could be troons as well
the main dev has been hospitalized at a mental institution
just want to avoid using legacy auto-profile
What do you mean, like a pipe?
Fair enough. Maybe I should change my profile to do that as well.
wm4 goes by Vanessa Lang nowadays
i just found out you can resume positions in playlists when used with watch-later but i don't think mpv can save internal playlists by default so i wrote a script to do that
such a nice qol improvement
I'm being completely unironic here, use
. It's much faster and does not have audio underruns when doing exact seeks.
Trying to create mpv video extract for webms. Setting ab with L key and press F7. It outputs the file and says all-ok but it's only 600 bytes of some kind of data. Anyone know why it doesn't work?
F7 ab-loop-dump-cache "dump.mp4"
did you know if you press shift+i and then 4 you get a list of keyboard shortcuts over the video you can scroll through with arrow keys?
why not just use https://github.com/ekisu/mpv-webm
stop linking this broken shitware
are you perhaps retarded?
>89kB lua shit
Install the bitcoin miner
>broken 2-pass
are you? learn ffmpeg
Should have just said you are autistic
Should have just said you're retarded. Buy an ad.
Looks the kind of ugly that works. I will check it out when I am on the right box again, thank you for the input
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how to disable hwdec for h264 10bit, it's a bogus videotoolbox support

it will disable it for 8bit avc as well but oh well
OP here solved it with run ffmpeg script with ${path} and ${time-pos}. ab-loop-dump is not working.
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what is objectively the best osd color?
white or tan

anything else is eye cancer
What the FUCK is this fucking GIBBERISH?
Speak English.
There's never been a point in history where anyone needed hardware decoding
it makes my cpu fan quiet which is the only important thing
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clsid2 (the current maintainer for MPC-HC) browses /g/ frequently and is possibly responsible for many shitposts/psyops regarding mpv and other related programs. This revelation is possibly as significant as that one time madshi was caught browsing and trolling here.

>08/25/24, 3:47AM (UTC)
An MPC-HC thread was made on /g/. Thread: >>102068948

>21:49 PM (UTC)
There was an anon having subtitle rendering issues with MPC-HC, where the anon had very clearly overridden the default ASS style of the subtitles without realizing it. Post: >>102081428

>22:07 PM (UTC)
clsid2 opens a new issue in the MPC-HC repository.

>ToDo: Rename "default style" subtitle menu option to something better
>There are too many idiots who enable this, apparently not knowing what it does, and then complain about subtitles being rendered wrong.

>22:38 PM (UTC)
The anon resolves their issue by resetting MPC-HC to default. Post: >>102082107

>22:39 PM (UTC)
One minute later, clsid2 makes a second post regarding this issue about renaming the option.

how to add mka audio track in mpv. when i drop it video closes and mka starts
Works like a charm, thanks Anon! This is the exact kind of magic I hoped for posting, I had already given up on it and coped into just binding Ctrl+ but then saw the thread was up again.
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thanks, but i’ll still be using mpc-hc+madvr
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>vlc plays everything perfectly
>what is shader compilation
also unless VLC4 decides to ship pre-compiled shaders, this will be a problem on there as well
install 0.29 it doesn't have this problem
Could be the same issue as
Can you link sample?
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No luck? I know pcgen exists but this is purely related to video drives and what kind of hardware i should get. I really need someone who understands this, blu ray ripping. Anime releases, encoding. Etc.
why is there a need for a general for an unpopular video player?
there isn't. /g/ needs an MPC-HC general actually
why would you need a general for a video player everyone uses with intuitive ui and all questions you might have are answered with google?
to discuss new developments, updates to various DirectShow renderers that MPC-HC supports... general autism... there are many reasons to have have common forum to discuss stuff, and unlike mpv, MPC-HC actually has a userbase
>consider trying --profile=fast
stop jacking off to configs and start jacking off to your animays
>new developments
I don't think developments from 2014 count as new anymore anon
I'm white doe.
those colors blend in with any light color though
just use youtube red
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vlc is trash
mpc is trash
mpv is king

don't @ me with your inferior and shit opinions
is mpv the best option for old laptops?
i use profile=fast
use mpc-hc it's faster than mpv bloat
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Nvm, i fixed it
You're always better off just asking your questions than asking if you can ask them Anon. Gotta tickle people by the autism.
mpv opens the videos faster
Don't feed the trolls
>bogus support
wdym? how does 10bit decoding work then?
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it's artifacted / wrong colors, it looks the same when opened in quicktime but it warns that this media is unsupported
10bit hwdec works with h265
try create auto profile with condition checking pixelformat, make it switch off hwdec on runtime.. hwdec-codecs option doesn't seem to cover that.
weird, I've never seen something like this with h264 10bit hwdec.
is it on apple gpu? can you link a sample?
funnily enough ive seen this occur on both mpv and vlc, but not mpc-hc
>is it on apple gpu?
no, https://files.catbox.moe/ar3q3x.mp4
I asked before and got no (you)s. I want to know also what someone answering me knows as far as the topic. Do i need 4k for anime? i need two slim line and slot loading blu ray drives to fit my non atx case. The pioneer ones for 150 are said to no be able to rip the latest 4k with makemkv. My goal is to not have to fuck with my build too much after its done. I dont want to buy disk drives for 150 dollars a pop and have them not be able to rip anime in 5 years, how is the anime ripping process? Is there any chance of 4k anime? Either way i want to understand if i am making the right choice for drives

What about chipset and cpu? I hear 10 intel is best, which is fine by me.

This topic has the two slot loading drives.
hmm, looks exactly the same w/ and w/o hwdec on the apple gpu. I guess it's a driver issue.
maybe they added 10bit h264 support for apple, does it look ok on quicktime too?
>does it look ok on quicktime too?
nah, quicktime can't open it lol
Just found the cause myself. The displayed value comes from video-target-params properties.With combination of vo=gpu and profile=fast, w and h value from original resolution of video, but gpu-next from display resolution, which is the correct one. no issue with vo=gpu and default profile.
>make it switch off hwdec on runtime
adding hwdec to an autoprofile is the most cancerous thing possible, and it's impossible to check to pxl format before window creation.

you dont NEED hwdec for 8-bit h264 anyways
>Do i need 4k for anime?
>Is there any chance of 4k anime?
A number of anime movies are already available on 4K BD.
Can't help with the rest, sorry.
Give it to me straight. Is mpv my best option for media playback on Android like it is on desktop?
mpv isn't even the best option on desktop
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yup, you are right. its bad, can't believe I just triggered infinite loop there.
thanks na-na-hi
what is the best on desktop?
>inb4 shitpc-hc
mpc-hc is currently the most feature complete video player ever since it came integrated with mpc-vr and libass.
How can a player that has not been updated in 20 years be the best anything?
Absolutely delusional.
last update was yesterday
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>Due to a lack of active developers, the player is currently in maintenance mode. This means that there are no direct plans for adding any big new features. Development is currently limited to small bug fixes and updates.
>all the "features" it has mpv can do as well but better
>main dev of mpc can't even be bothered to write commit messages

lmao THIS is supposed to beat mpv?
When's 0.39?
name a single big feature that is missing? if you cant then just shut up. mpv is still playing catch-up with decade old software
name a single big feature that is missing from mpv or where it is playing "catch-up"
mpv is completely broken when trying to playback optical media. this is embarrassing. mpv doesnt deserve to even call itself a "media player", its more like an "mkv player"
Why are you guys even arguing?
mpc is a windows only player so by definition it is for retarded wintoddlers who are too stupid for anything else. It literally aims to be a replacement for windows media player.
This is not even a discussion.
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Give Nanahi push rights!
mpc-hc has nothing to do with wmp, nor does it share any common code with wmp. next misinformation.
In theory it is but Android hwdec is trash (it fucks up the colors) so you should avoid watching stuff on Android all together
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oh no mpc sisters, our fisher price player???
mpv idiots actually have no reading comprehension
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It was direct copy. Funny how people like this interface to this day, while it is not even comfy... nostalgia I guess.
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>mpv is go--
that looks horrible
Works on my machine :-)

v0.38.0 :-))
>v0.38.0 :-))
this but unironically
t. nanahi
this would be a catastrophic mistake and it would lead to many CVEs and backdoors targeting specifically mpv sisters
Why did yt-dlp start asking me to pass cookies every time I want to download something? Not only that but I can't do it without closing the browser I want to pass cookies from
>youtube serving 240p with the unthrottled ytdl-format again
Any known issues with the new auto playlist? Considering dropping autoload and switching if there's not.
works fine. i can now officially use mpv with no scripts
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Why is hwdec=vulkan marked as a "safe" whitelisted api in the manual?

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --profile=high-quality --dither-depth=no --gpu-api=vulkan --hwdec=vulkan --screenshot-format=png

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --profile=high-quality --dither-depth=no --gpu-api=vulkan --hwdec=no --screenshot-format=png

== different md5 hashes for screenshots taken at identical timestamps

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --profile=high-quality --dither-depth=no --gpu-api=d3d11 --hwdec=d3d11va --screenshot-format=png

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --profile=high-quality --dither-depth=no --gpu-api=d3d11 --hwdec=no --screenshot-format=png

== identical md5 hashes, completely lossless file format conversion

wtf?? how could mpv lie to me like this?
The only important feature mpv needs now is native motion vector interpolation like SVP.
yt-dlp is terrible for streaming
my youtube client with its own extractor doesn’t have this problem, always gets 1080p60 unthrottled format
No one cares troon
I cared, I asked

ikatube daisuki

new saar code just dropped
$ mpv --vo=help
Available video outputs:
gpu Shader-based GPU Renderer
gpu-next Video output based on libplacebo
vdpau VDPAU with X11
xv X11/Xv
vaapi VA API with X11
x11 X11 (software scaling)
libmpv render API for libmpv
null Null video output
image Write video frames to image files
tct true-color terminals
caca libcaca
drm Direct Rendering Manager (software scaling)
kitty Kitty terminal graphics protocol

i'm retarded. can someone explain to me why there's a kitty option. i know what kitty IS.
all of the terminal vos are memes. they should be removed so that the bloat can be culled
How do I deal with HDR files with ffmpeg?

[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 000001af225028c0] error reading header
NVM! just upgraded my ffmpeg to 7.0.2 :)
you can interpolate frames with fsr 3 and dlss 3. svp is deprecated
mpc just works
mpv is full of bloat. mpv gender confused soidevs can't write efficient code
[thumbfast] Subprocess failed: killed

what broke in mpv?
They are self contained, doesn't really affect anything to have them.
Is it GUI?
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Is there a method to upscale video using ffmpeg?
>not even on the AUR
>archfag is too stupid to just download and run
not surprised
>application so cloned it didn't even make it to the AUR
>dude just download and run this mystery binary
they will remove it soon because it is broken. there is an issue about it on gh by based nanahi (best mpv dev btw)
is ikatube dev here?
why can't I middle-click or shift+insert to paste stuff?
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any idea how to solve this font issue?
it's written in my own gui toolkit and only more common cua keys are implemented for now
use a more complete font like https://files.catbox.moe/i4smrm.ttc which is the one used in >>102151017
why does mpv trigger people so much?
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nice, thanks
is there rss feed for subscriptions that works?
default just works
y no madvr and crank everything up to max
>no hardware decoding
>eats of 50% cpu/gpu
>everything looks over sharpened and deepfried because of shitty sharpening filter
>doesn't play next file in directory
>ACKs itself when the file ends instead of staying open
yeah but please.. Go on about how default just works..
>>no hardware decoding
>you don't need hardware decoding
>you don't need hardware rendering
>you don't need on-board graphics
>you don't need multithreading
>you don't need parallelism
>you don't need LUTs
>you don't need a GPU
There are lots of rss feeds.
>you don't need battery life
mpvtroons are pathetic
>mpv has -100% life expectancy compared to VLC/MPC-HC
>so do mpv users
many such cases
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I got an HDR monitor lately, running on standard HDR10 in windows. I've noticed that some video files look really good, but some look way too dark and are not dynamic at all.Is there something I can look at in the media info of the file? Obviously I avoid everything that isn't "HDR10 compatible", but sometimes 2 files with the same string in the "HDR format" will be day and night in terms of how well the HDR comes through.

For example: video 1 says:
>Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, Profile 8.1, dvhe.08.06, BL+RPU, no metadata compression, HDR10 compatible / SMPTE ST 2086, Version HDR10, HDR10 compatible

Video 2 says:
>Dolby Vision, Version 1.0, Profile 8.1, dvhe.08.03, BL+RPU, no metadata compression, HDR10 compatible / SMPTE ST 2086, Version HDR10, HDR10 compatible

Video 1 looks really good, but video 2 is way too dark and washed out.
maybe YOU don't need it, but i sure as hell do :<
everybody needs hardware decoding

i dont care how powerful your cpu is

decoding vp9 and av1 produces so much heat and cooler noise that its literally impossible to impossible kinos otherwise

your gpu literally comes with hardware to make hardware decoding free

just use it

mpv is trash
>to impossible
to enjoy
I switched to cpu decoding and don't notice anything. What kind of cpu and hardware are you using?
>don't notice anything.
stop watching 1080p24 h264 tranime and come back to the adult world where we're not stuck on two decade old codecs
>he fell for the HDR meme
you deserve everything that is coming to you
SDR is more of a meme because it's a "standard" that was created with ad-hoc justifications
Yeah? how so?
i converted mkv, webm and mp4 files onto mp3 but they don't have covers, how can i make it so that they come with a cover?

for FILE in *.mkv; do
echo -e "Processing video '\e[32m$FILE\e[0m'";
ffmpeg -i "${FILE}" -vn -ab 128k -ar 44100 -y "${FILE%.mkv}.mp3";
any cool new prs to keep track of now that rtx superres is in
You mean take a screenshoot of a video and use that as cover album?
yes yes! im working it out by using chatgpt i got it.
Here you go, ASMR?

# Check if a file was provided as an argument
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No video file provided. Usage: $0 <video-file>"
exit 1

# Get the input video file

# Check if the file exists
if [ ! -f "$VIDEO_FILE" ]; then
echo "File not found: $VIDEO_FILE"
exit 1

# Get the filename without extension
BASENAME=$(basename "$VIDEO_FILE" | sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/')

# Generate a thumbnail
ffmpeg -i "$VIDEO_FILE" -ss 00:00:01.000 -vframes 1 "$THUMBNAIL"

# Extract audio and save as M4A, then embed the thumbnail
ffmpeg -i "$VIDEO_FILE" -vn -acodec copy -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (Front)" -attach "$THUMBNAIL" -metadata:s:t mimetype=image/png "$AUDIO_FILE"

# Clean up temporary files (the thumbnail file)
rm -f "$THUMBNAIL"

# Confirm actions
echo "Audio extracted and thumbnail embedded: $AUDIO_FILE"
thx i will work with this to figured something out but sometimes it errors.
What errors?
i figured it out, the errors are gone

for FILE in *.webm; do
echo -e "Processing video '\e[32m$FILE\e[0m'";
ffmpeg -y -i "${FILE}" -vf "select=eq(n\,0)" -q:v 3 -pix_fmt rgb24 cover.jpg
ffmpeg -y -i "${FILE}" -i cover.jpg -map 0:a -map 1 -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 2 -c:v mjpeg -id3v2_version 3 -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" "${FILE%.webm}.mp3"
You could have just run it as a script.
looks like haasn just woke up and dumped 30 patches onto ffmpregnate
what do you mean XD its a script.
you run it as an sh file.sh and it runs
I mean use my script as a script and call it from within your script.
€60k incoming
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>configuring software
>actually watching something
retrospectively speaking, this 2015 interaction with haasn is quite funny


why is paul such a qt3.14?
>download latest stable mpv build
>put it in Program Files
>select it in "Open With" dialog
>maybe add shortcut in %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu if you want
Wow that was so hard
>meanwhile, MPChad-HardCock
>double click .exe
>all just works
Well, you can do pretty much the same with mpv, I just pointed out the right way to do but apparently wintoddlers don't like nice things and clean systems and prefer their applications to be run from whatever the fucking place on the driver.
I've heard that swscale is deprecated and beyond the point of no return for a long time. It should have been completely replaced long time ago, but now they are trying to "fix" it.
While putting it like that it does sound simple, you need to understand that each of your steps actually requires many other steps.
Downloading mpv package means you have to decompress it, copy or cut the files and paste them in program files, which alarms windows and asks you for admin rights (this scares normies)
What you describe is actually hard for normies.
Stop being so autistic and learn that not every person out there has the same set of skills as you.
swscale IS shit though
the "fix" is the replacement. they're basically making haasn create a new library that simply shares the name "libswscale"
sar please mergehttps://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/14769
very good looking
the new buttons on the playlist on uosc are kinda ugly and unnecessary. can they be turned off?
also wasted trips
How many years do you think it would take for d3d12va to be merged?
d3d12va is already a thing in ffmpeg
I know. I mean in mpv.
if your hardware supports it you can already use
and it just works
if you're asking when gpu-api=d3d12 is ever becoming a thing, its a big fat no.

the only devs who would bother writing d3d12 interop code would be kasper or haasn. kasper already said he's not interested because he's hopepilled on vulkan (terrible mistake) and haasn only because VLC would probably like to have both metal and d3d12 support
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When I run a yt-dlp command, the Windows Antimalware Service executable starts using up a ton of CPU for like 30 seconds before finishing and allowing the yt-dlp command to proceed. Subsequent yt-dlp commands work without trouble. What do?
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I've read through this entire thread and understand maybe 5% of what is being talked about

how the fuck do you guys know all this shit?

fuck i feel like such a retard
stop using windows
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I understand why there's this stereotype of mpv users endlessly tweaking their configs, but I've barely touched mine in the past 3 years. I don't watch anime much and don't have autism, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I wonder if it is because the way it always extracts the executable in the process. try zip version.
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Sorry, I don't understand. This is my setup. Can I get some more details?
download yt-dlp_win.zip, extract somewhere, then point mpv to the exe, via windows path or define the path in ytdl_hook.conf. zip version does not support self-update anyway.
Thanks, will play with this.
well its actually fine extract as is in mpv folder like your setup. can't confirm your issue as I have antimalware disabled
there's your problem
excellent movie
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Why doesn't Spankbang work with ytdlp anymore? I just want to be degen without using a ".party" top level domain.
hmm, ok. Well, anyway, I excluded the folder containing yt-dlp from search indexing, and just now I found that running a command didn't seem to cause a big hangup. Could have been totally unrelated, haven't tested much
There was a lot of libplacebo and new shader churn in 2022-2023 so I finally went through and cleaned my config up and updated it. Before that, I probably last touched it around 2017 except for any required maintenance.
>scoop install mpv
oh wow
some dude literally made a patch that adds dx12 support but mpv devs rejected his pr
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>Windows Antimalware Service
try running CrowdStrike instead.
how can you switch to a different profile when changing playback speed?
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Bind profile switch to the same button used to change playback speed.
very indian solution
>windows 11
not going to help you hopeless nigger
alright, i wrote a script to do it
freetards can't do a single thing right
the piped rss feed misses videos
Just use Youtube RSS Feed, it works, why are you retarded?
i want one feed for multiple channels, genius
What videos? Piped? I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I just answered the question if there are rss feeds for subscribing.

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