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Record quarterly revenue of $30.0 billion, up 15% from Q1 and up 122% from a year ago
Record quarterly Data Center revenue of $26.3 billion, up 16% from Q1 and up 154% from a year ago


That's actually insane
4 trillion when?
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I wish I wasn't retarded and knew how to invest
What happens after Azure, AWS and GCP and the rest of cloud providers buy enough GPUs and they don't need more?
Or maybe nvidia is going to keep its GPUs as inefficient as possible in order to sell more and more and more?
>cloud providers are going to stop buying GPUs eventually

In your dreams. Those orders are going to keep on coming for the foreseeable future.
no blackwell
still supply constrained
they have literally no competition

just like when stopped buying new cpus, storage, ram...
Yeah, just look at Intel.
>he thinks gpu's are designed to last forever.
sorry chud, AI XXX format uses gigafloats that only the newest GPU's support.
Brokers welcome retards with open arms. Just look for the most popular broker in your country and you're set to lose your money investing.
They gotta keep building data centers until AGI is achieved, so forever.
why doesn't another company just start making gpus. apple and meta can get production going for virtual reality headsets that nobody wants. surely they can start making gpus?
The leather man has a relentless release pace and a mature software stack built for decades. Almost all the big companies are building their own chips for AI. Mostly for inhouse use or accessible only trough their cloud. They wouldn't dare to challenge Nvidia on the open market.
its not about the hardware its the software package thats unbeatable. Nothing else offers that much flexibility at high performance.
told you, fake good numbets.

selloff soon.

layoffs soon

Looks like those GPU prices aren't going down anytime soon. Thanks a lot you retarded mongoloid niggers who bought 4090s on payment plans.
amd has parity in compute on ddr4 memory. :^) nvidia is spinning tires. Better gpu core? doesn't matter if the ram can't feed the core for calculations.

the reason servers have lots of vram is laziness. The actual gpu can't even gain from 8gb
just get to work modding games to perform better on cheap amd cards.
Like >>102128474 said it's about the software. Steve Apple, the creator of computers, once said it's all about the software. Hardware is just there to make use of it. That's why AMD can't be taken seriously even if they offer better hardware at lower prices. The drivers alone are a hassle. Or even why Apple silicon can't compete with Nvidia. It's plenty powerful but no one uses Metal and there's nothing to use it for, on top of it being overpriced.
lmao nobody actually did this. i refuse to believe people actually bought any 4xxx series or 7xxx series cards. it's like conservative book sales or something. nvidia/amd/intel just buys their own shit and ships it from one warehouse to another. there is no way people are actually buying any of that overpriced garbage.
You think the average retarded consumer can't be talked into buying the latest and greatest gizmo for the low price of $100 a month? Their entire fucking lives are a subscription plan, what's one more monthly payment?
harris is mentally retarded

he's dumb enough to believe a retard can't win in democracy.
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my gf plays hogwarts legacy on my 2060 at 1080p around 60 to 70 fps. there is literally no reason to have anything beyond a 3060.
I've made something like 100% on nvda since I bought into it sometime around Nov or dec of last year
First time following stocks?
>AMD can't be taken seriously even if they offer better hardware at lower prices.
So if I got a new Ryzen 9 based Windows desktop, you're saying its going to cause a bunch of software and driver hassles that I would not have if I chose Intel? Serious question
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>my gf plays hogwarts legacy

*cracks whip*
*ehh hhrm!*

My name's Professor Uncle Ruckus, no education, and I will be yall's defense against the darkie's arts teacher this year here at Nogwarts school of niggardry and bitchcraft.

Foyst order of bizniz, can anyone of yall tell me what the three fiddy unforgivable couyses are?

>*raises hand*

Yes Lil' white girl?

>"Unemployment, Rap Music, and Bike theft"

Das rite! TEN points to Whytepypo-door! I wud also have accepted lazyness, general unrulyness, illiteracy, jungle music, baboonery, and big lip crack pipe smacking. Now I did say three fiddy, so you forgot the theft of TV but that's alright now. You white folks don't even watch tv no more on account on dem computers and shieet.

Now the DARKIE's magic voodoo spell, performed by BLACK wizards, to steal bikes and TV, is the following:


Anyone know the counterspell?
no, he's just a corporate cock warmer. laugh at him because he does it for free. your computer is totally fine. enjoy your new pornbox, homie.
2 more weeks and the bubble pops
I literally just said that I already said this would happen.

You are such a retard you watch mad money and believe biden won the presidency
no feed to wait.

The crash is here.
ut oh
there's no way this is only dropping ~10% after it's all said and done. it's a good start thougheverbeit

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