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Team work edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>102132819
first for NIGGER
Zoomerfag here- did working in tech ruin your passion for it as a hobby? Or do you truly do what you love
I gain skills but am too tired and out of time to do it as a hobby.
Destroyed it as a hobby. In my free time I garden and build things.
That sounds good
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>"je'taime! Crois en toi mon cour!"
>"I love you! Believe in yourself my love!"
Oh, that is war. Get him good and make him regret his life decisions.
I want that fat nigger raped and gored
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>The developer should fear the QA.
I see what you did there.
I have no idea how anon didn't cause a scene in the office, I would have fucking yelled and told the entire company about it. Then I might have done illegal things on top of it.
nope still coding in my free time regularly
programming is an art form to me
I would have followed him home and filled his house with mosquitoes and wasps, and his yard with the kind of mint it's impossible to get rid of, and hidden speakers that intermittently broadcast late-night/early-morning subliminal messages in his own voice with AI telling him to pull off his skin and that blacks are people too

probably would have thought of some more shit after the first day too
He already said it was his first day and didn't want to get a reputation as a whiner. Plus it's a short term solution with no long term ramifications. What he's doing right now is the developer equivalent of a waiter shoving dog shit into every dish that comes out of the kitchen just before it reaches the table, but only on your shifts so it looks like you're doing it.
Until I was ~30 I was ambivalent about programming and never did it on my own time
Then something switched in me and now I love it bother as a career and hobby. No idea what changed. It was like overnight brain development
How do I handle a "junior" that likes cowboy programming, does only half baked refractors, and doesn't like reading documentation?
The boss doesn't care: "you guys can decide
among yourselves" and the other coworkers don't have opinions.

I know, why should I care when no one cares? But I like writing nice code, if possible. Should I fix his shit and rewrite/refactor the shit he writes? Should I engage in office politics to pressure him to be a better programmer? Should I "take" ownership and get a stamp of approval from the boss to micromanage the whole codebase? Every option is investing more of my time into cleaning up his shit.

BTW I already sent my CV via referral to FAGMAN and I hope they answer soon. Odds are not in my favor as they get like 300 applications per posting here in Yurop.
>just switched jobs
>"what if this is the job that exposes me for the FRAUD that I really am"

When will this feeling go away?
when you're genuinely better than everyone else. we are all narcissists and narcissists inherently have that swing between "i am a god" and "i am the lowest most retarded worm imaginable", when you get good enough the latter neurosis just stops being tenable and it's all upside.
why don't you just not approve his PR
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>Be me, full-stack senior developer, trusted and respected in the company for years
>New "trainer" (i.e. not good enough for dev) hired, some lanky retard
>Thinks he's somehow not useless because he worked in "automated testing" (like holy lmfao)
>Autist as fuck, he was only able to make friends with the lead QA (also not good enough for dev)
>Decide to be nice, go through the normal initiation routine anyway so he feels like part of the team
>Not even anything harmful, just ate his sandwich for laughs
>Wasn't even good, just some weird-ass shitty roll for bread, soggy because his dumb whore wife put the meat right on the bread
>He didn't even play along with the hazing, instead he just kept quiet and ungratefully virgin-walked back to his desk
>Fast forward weeks later
>Every single time he goes out on-site he fucks up our product with stupid user/pebkac errors, right in front of the customer
>Doesn't learn anything, keeps making the same dumb mistakes
>Causes outages every week
>Complains to his fellow "glorified helpdesk lifer" friends in the office about it
>Starts emailing our director and pushing blame on everyone except him, the person who actually keeps fucking up
Fuck this shit, I'm taking off 5 weeks. See how far they get without a talented 10x dev on their team who actually knows what they're doing. Fuck you, you lanky fuck. Next time I'm in the office I'll eat your fucking food again just out of spite.
Just don't approve his sloppy shit if it can at-all impact you (like if you own part of the codebase or you'll be responsible for oncall when it breaks or if you have significant equity in the company). Beyond that, fuck it. You can comment on his PR but not worth the trouble to teach a tard otherwise
That new guy sounds like a fucking retard. I bet he'll troon out any day now.
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But that's John Travolta
We... we don't "do" PRs. As the project is behind schedule, like always, we commit on main. The external developer included. This junior colleague has the paper hat of "delivery manager" so he decides who does what and which stories are for the sprint.

On the last project he worked on another part and not the area I was developing so it didn't work me much.

I guess it's either stop giving a fuck and just try to do my thing and when (not if) it burns, it burns. I will keep sending CVs on the side.
So you're scheming to undermine your delivery manager. It sounds like you need to have more respect for those above you. He's getting things done, can we really say the same for you?
This is my first office job, so I have a dumb question, but will I get in trouble for like using my work computer to say go to youtube? Obviously I wouldn't go to 4chan or like watch hardcore porn on it but is SFW internet browsing okay or are they monitoring like every second that I'm not actively working
lol he doesn't know I'm a ex AT. That bastard just thinks I'm a dumb guy in a fancy tie who talks to cutie office bunnies all day at our client companies.
Yeah, he gets things done, I'll give you that. Like a whole react component with 800 lines, duplicated code instead of generic subcomponents, 15 levels of nesting, etc.
The business is happy because it was quick. Then I get assigned a ticket to implement a "small feature" based on that shit. And I take more time trying to fix the shit and understand the business logic.

Thanks for reading me. It helped me put my thoughts in order. Either I stop giving a fuck and coast it or I should fuck off. Trying to change the environment when the management and coworkers don't care is futile.
Based understander, good luck out there
>As the project is behind schedule, like always, we commit on main
Awful practice. No quality control means no future guarantees. Also,
In my experience it's rare these days for people/bosses to give a fuck about that. I have multiple monitors and one of them always has some twitch or youtube thing up fullscreen. Like a decade ago when GDQ used to be good, everyone in my area would have GDQ up on their monitor while working, fun times. Nobody cares because it's obviously just a secondary-monitor thing for background entertainment. As long as you get shit done it doesn't matter.

But maybe wait a few weeks to feel out the vibes there, and prove first that you actually get stuff done
Okay I just want an easy data entry type job I can work part time and Indeed sucks because of the spammed fake jobs, someone tell me which company is hiring that I should apply to directly.
I used to work with a guy who would come in stoned and sit and stare at his monitors for an hour. The monitors were turned off. Nobody cared.
Destroyed it thoroughly. I still home lab, do CTFs, etc, but it's solely to familiarize with brain-numbing work relevant projects.

Same as anything, if you enjoy a burger don't get a job at the meat works.
Gamedev killed my gaming addiction
Depends on your manager mostly, previous role had one of those "I have your soul for 8 hours" types who'd peek over cubicle walls to catch people on their phone/browsing.

At current place, I have any number of Pajeets watching Indian soap dramas on their second screen, no one gives a shit.

You're new, toe the line for a little bit until you get a feel for what their take is.
i never had it as a hobby i only cared about the money. i ended up liking it anyways but there's more money in financial and government grifts.
no they won't care typically unless its egregious.
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fuck around and find out. assume that every mouse movement, every key stroke is logged and monitored. don't take chances unless you truly don't give a fuck.
How's everyone using AI in their workplace? I started copying code and telling it what I need, and it works awesome but I think I'm gonna get caught if I keep this up.

Do y'all not GAF and still do it? Or are you vague with your prompts?
i can't find a use for it
I'm a computer programmer and a cubicle dweller
I disabled spellcheck cause I'm a steller speller
when I write an email that includes an attachment
I never hit send before I've attached it
I did an internship as a tester at one of the biggest national bank here
Sometimes I would go to the programmer division and they sit cramped together in a small desk, like shoulders meeting shoulders. 3 in 5 people has their chatgpt tab open.
>been awake 12 hours
>already going to bed, nothing better to do
>day was a haze
>can hardly remember doing anything
wouldn't be surprised if i wake up 40 years old
good evening sirs
Well shit I still need a good job and I don’t have the body for manual labor…
>Either I stop giving a fuck and coast it or I should fuck off. Trying to change the environment when the management and coworkers don't care is futile.
Quick learner. You love to see it
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>watching this ycombinator video about measuring user retention (with cohorts)
>my app has no users and retained none of them
You are given an undirected weighted connected graph containing n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1, and an integer array edges where edges[i] = [ai, bi, wi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi with weight wi.

Some edges have a weight of -1 (wi = -1), while others have a positive weight (wi > 0).

Your task is to modify all edges with a weight of -1 by assigning them positive integer values in the range [1, 2 * 109] so that the shortest distance between the nodes source and destination becomes equal to an integer target. If there are multiple modifications that make the shortest distance between source and destination equal to target, any of them will be considered correct.

Return an array containing all edges (even unmodified ones) in any order if it is possible to make the shortest distance from source to destination equal to target, or an empty array if it's impossible.

>here's your interview question for an entry level position, bro
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good morning sirs
I don't give a fuck and just ask it whatever. It only really works with very precise asks and at a granularity which isn't really giving up my secret sauce away. Like I was using it to to get XGBoost working, which only has a C API (unless you can use Python) and the documentation is shit. But it was able to generate a C++ wrapper class for me piece by piece, was able to generate a bunch of briefly-described unit tests given one full one, etc. Things still needed a bit of tweaking but saved me a ton of time
this is the line Mistral says over the radio after you kill her in Metal Gear Rising
his eyes looked slightly off, might have bell's palsy
I saw the same one earlier today
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Math is gay. Now can I go back to huffing glue in the IT office?
Threads morale seems pretty low lately
N-space nodal analysis is a PhD level mathematics problem.
I've been doing this for like three years man.
I keep running out of YouTube videos to watch.
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Embrace the soup pill before its to late.
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>recruiter on Indeed finds my resume
>they ping me for some shit job in some backwater dump in North Carolina
>politely tell them i'm not interested
>they forward my resume to the hiring and SUBMIT AN APP AS IF THEY WERE ME
>i assume to farm commission off of me
>now have an interview scheduled for tomorrow for some shitty company offering 80k less than what I currently make in an absolutely shithole city
>now have to autistically decline the interview that I didn't even sign up for
well, that was a first.
That stew looks delicious.
I think this is a max-flow problem.
you had adhd look it up.
i watch garand thumb at work
sir please redeem the job
You could always go the government route, won't make the mad tech money until you "retire" and return as a consultant but you get to do nothing all day and I have a garage full of tech that I saved from an annual toss into a skip bin.

Although that said, the years in government I did were what killed my joy for it all so who knows.
I was laid off today after eleven years at my startup. I've never felt so bad in my life.
gentlemen, it's been a long week but it's finally here
the day of the fry
if its still a "start up" after 11 years its not going anywhere
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Where did the years go
depends on the culture of your office. watch what your coworkers do.
are you me?
Ambivalent, if it didn't pay what it does I would probably do something else, but I enjoy learning things. Just team dynamics and the amount of bureaucratic bullshit involved with getting anything done is bad. It wasn't always this way, startups are much better.
Yes. I love spending money though.
it didn't ruin my passion but it definitely tamed me working on side shit, when you get older you start to do anything NOT related to tech. But you never really loose the passion 100%. It just gets zapped from you.

I'd rather workout or read or do stuff outside.
Please god let me get this job
Ha, you, me and every other burned-out tech dude who went from wondering at their first PC to wondering if the Unabomber was right about everything.
denounce him
Every single sysadmin/it person I know wants to save up enough money to buy a plot of land and disconnect from the world entirely.
My company decided to introduce PIP out of the blue. It's not even an American company. Too many coasters and benchwarmers spoil the market.
>my startup
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waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh i need it to be two weeks from now already
In two weeks I go on vacation, so I agree. What's your reason?
(new) job application
i like my current one, but i am tempted to explore
>be on oncall rotation
>didn't really learn the system I'm supposed to support because usually I'm working on a adjacent system (which I know inside out)
>get paged today, join the triaging call
>have no idea wtf I'm doing
>people asking me what I can see in the logs, I tell them what I see but I have no idea if its relevant
>suddenly someone else makes a breakthrough, says its unlikely to be the system I'm oncall for
>thanked and told I can leave
another job well done :^)
Holy reddit
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I will make wifeanon's sandwich for work, it sounded delicious and absolutely no one is going to be touching my food.
Apparently wifeanon's wife is some sort of bread goddess so yours will only be a pale imitation
how do i go back to my childhood and choose a different career path?
Why can't you evil incels just congratulate her for getting creampied?
No. When it doesn't suck away my energy for everything I still program in my free time because the stuff I do at work is pretty boring.
why did your faggot ass even screenshot this
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Have to pee in a cup in an hour. Wish me luck bros!
>why are men like this
Why are women like this?
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>guy in the back being ignored
You know he's the one pulling all the weight and doesn't complain because they're the closest thing to friends he still has. Don't ask me how I know.
>google recruiter called
>said new job opening but you need to be good at leetcode
>asked how much time you need to brush it up
>hasn't been touching lc for over a year so I said a month
>see you in a month then
am I too optimistic?
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How do you deal with relentless, passive aggressive stakeholders?
I sometimes get tickets from these and they are never happy. The ticket must be attended ASAP, if not, he will send emails with a list of demands, with a shitty tone.
Other stakeholders are great to deal with and have patience and understanding regarding how swamped we are, but this faggot is insufferable and sours my mood the moment I get one email or notification from him.
Fedex lost my laptop. If my start date gets pushed back, can I sue them for lost wages? I need money.
Is Scala still used or is it dead? Debating whether to pick that up to boost my resume, or to opt for Go or Java
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>initial phone interview at big tech
>hr lady says she has just a few tech questions to filter for basic knowledge
>"whats the big O of sorting an array of numbers in ascending order?"
>quickly blurt out O(n) because muh bucket sort for small variance in the numbers and drop my spaghetti trying to finish my answer with "but you probably expect O(nlogn) in the general case"
>worried that in my infinite autism I ended up effectively giving the wrong answer to the question to a non technical person who could only really check against the written down answer
did I fumble? she said I progressed to the next step but I'm worried that she's just enthusiastic and I might still get rug pulled because of my autism
combined with the fact that I misunderstood another question and gave the wrong answer because it was sorta ambiguous I'm kinda afraid that I look like an idiot
>frontend dev
>personal page looks like shit on iPad
No you're fine. You sounded like you knew more about it than she did, which is the correct answer.
If you are worried at all get hydrated. Like hydrate hard.
>Why don't engineers do the same fake nice BS that retarded women do for each other?
The men's reaction was more honest and respectful than any woman's.
God i wish networking had clean cables like that image you posted. They all look like this and no we never have the time or downtime to fix it.
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You are the dumbest retard I've ever seen in these threads. Why do dumbfucks like you get jobs and I can't get shit after a hundred applications.
Autists like the ones here cut the point and leave nothing unanswered. Its why most of them are even working engineering and tech. They need answers, fuck you for being wrong it needs to be fixed now.
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You got meme'd on fren
That's a curry yo
Quick call
Mob session?
Someone at one of my old jobs used to say "yt". I found out later it was short for "you there?" I would ignore those messages for the longest time because I didn't know what they meant.
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WFH developer/programmer/coder guys: how many times a day are you distracted by coworkers/boss messaging or calling you? Are you allowed to have an extended "deep work" period where you turn off all notifications?
I'm not doing shit today
Dead. It's only used by the odd Spark shop (most people opt for python or sparkSQL), or some shitty startup ran by a resume-driven development tech lead who doesn't understand the business value of high market share technologies and last mover advantage.

Java roles are very comptetitive though since there are so many devs. I'd opt for Go. More niche, but still very enterprise-y.
>the odd Spark shop
Yeah most people just use pyspark, you're right. Spark SQL is kind of a pain though
Anything you'd recommend aside from Go and Java? At this point I'm just accumulating whichever high-paid skills I can to put on my resume.
Depends on your background and level of experience.
Yeah, me either. That's the deal. You make me work Fridays in the office? Well guess what, Boss? I got everything done by Wednesday. I WOULD do more and get ahead, but you made me show up, so now I will slack off and sandbag my timetables.
Fuck you.
me too (because I'll be spending all day in meetings that prevent me from doing any real work)
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Just got a junior backend job in this language. Am I fucked in terms of job prospects since most backend jobs use Java and not Kotlin?

I can always bullshit that I used Java right?
If they use Spring, it shouldn't matter. If they use some gay shit like Ktor or http4k, then it's just unfortunate, but not the end of the world.
its quarkus
Meme framework that will be considered obsolete once virtual threads maturize. But at least you'll be working with microservices (presumably).
Mine is also in RTO protest.
>make me work 3 days in the office
>the other two are now defacto long weekend days where I'm just tethered to teams

Based if those meetings are also visible to the money dispensers. I found I was ending up in meetings and doing stuff that nobody knew or cared about. Hopefully can find a more rewarding job soon.
It's over for me I guess. At least I'll gain some backend experience.
Getting desperate so I changed from casually looking to immediately looking on my LinkedIn. Also fucking removed temporary and contract posts since that kept giving me some weird and unrelated jobs.

I refuse to put up the "open to work" banner. I don't need to make myself look anymore desperate than what I'm already at.
Junior data monkey but I'd be open to pivoting into dev jobs at some point if that ever becomes a more lucrative option
>I refuse to put up the "open to work" banner.
Good. In this weird tinderized job market it actually hurts you, or so I have heard.
>ew he's not already in a relationship?
>Why would I date him?
Can't help you much with the data stuff, but things like snowflake, dbt, and apache iceberg seem super hot based on all the job descriptions I've read during my job hunt.
Thanks anon
I'm sure they'll find a new ick with my profile.
>doesn't want contract work? what a weirdo
>why won't he take temp work?! such a loser
>he's actively looking? DESPERATE!
>I'm sandbagging but I want to be noticed
You don't get both. You're either the bootlicker or the sandbagger but you can't do both at the same time.
Do recommendations on your linkedin profile matter?
nothing matters on linkedin until it does
Nah I was the bootlicker and it got me shit. Now I'm the sandbagger.
I'm asking for the third time, hoping I'll get some answers this time.
> Be me in Belgium
> Working for small consulting company
> Fullstack Spring/Vue.JS dev
> Want to become independent
> Want to keep the same client
> Daily rate is 650€
> I'm not supposed to know
> But I know
My boss accepted but he wanted some time to "check the rates he pays for me".
Anyway, my question is, when the negotiations will come, how much should I keep as minimum/maximum. What percentage should I let him take since he got the contract with the client (which is a national tv channel).
I don't know what that is.
Rape mob session?
>HR calls me into the office
>It's ANOTHER rape mob session.
should i make a linkedin? right now i don't have one because i'm schizophrenic and don't want to feed the botnet and/or dox myself. but i also want more money... i dunno. maybe i will just be very selective about each company that i apply to
LinkedIn is basically a place for the HR roastie to check if you are a real person. She will also try to find your Instagram or Facebook accounts and see if there are any red flags.
For seniors it is also a place where recruiters unironically approach you. The senior market is still hot as hell and you can even find remote jobs easily.
Just ignore them as much as possible. If they want to cry wolf on the urgency of every ticket, then nothing's urgent. If they're a bitch to you they're probably a bitch a bitch to everyone.
i cannot take another fucking hour
my company seems like one that wouldn't mind me taking off early when I clearly don't have any energy left for work, but at the same time they have time tracking software and my assumption is that if I don't track the hours set in my contract I'm opening myself up for termination
You can restrict your lastname to the first letter and hide your profile photo from people you're not connected to. Stop being a luddite.
>managers micromanaging again
>falling short on KPIs but do good work so nobody can complain
I still like my job, but the change in management really is pushing me away
i didn't realize you could do this because i have never used it before. i don't use social media. like i said, i'm a bit schizophrenic about this sort of thing. comes with the territory, i guess
I deleted mine because they had a bad data breach.
It has yet to negatively affect my career.
You guys said after getting a job i would still have time for my hobbies. I abandoned unity for the sake of becoming a webshitter with laravel and now every time i get home i feel the urge to punch my laptop. Tech makes me sick to my stomach.
my workplace is hiring indians
pray for me bros
I don't think I'll be able to make it through today. It's only 10 am and all I can think about is killing myself.


Completely killed it for several years until I picked up a new language that I dearly love and did some fun throwaway projects in it. However that has greatly increased my suffering at my day job.
>Get two texts from two different companies about positions I've would've never applied to, but they are ready to take me to the next round for an interview.
Anyone else getting a lot of these? I don't ever remember running into this before with my previous job hunts.
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>Company is acquired
>New CEO doesn't care about modern tech stack
>No raises for us this year
>Some devs on death march, about to quit
Any tips, bros? I like the company and I don't want to start looking for a job again, but looks like the situation can get worse soon.
The ones making the most money for the less hours will be the ones to win in tech. Hint: it's never the grunt workers.
>new CEO chasing out the framework-chasing no-skill updooters
Sounds like a good thing to me.
rate cuts mean job market/hiring will probably be pretty good q1 next year could probably get a significant raise?
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>6 months into OE
>no one noticed
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is it a bitch move to change jobs if your "stakeholders" are a bit of a bitch? they throw out expectations and shit out of nowhere without requirements and they get insanely bitchy over any little setback. kinda don't want to deal with them anymore but I'm feeling a little guilty for trying to back out from my team because of this.
no raise is literally them saying to your face that you are worth LESS to them than when you were hired on. a 3-5% raise is them saying to you that they feel you have learned NOTHING over the past year. that your skills have not improved at all, and you provide no more value to the company than you did a year ago. you should be getting >=5% raises every. single. year. or else you're getting fucked over
>you should be getting >=5% raises every. single. year.
In this economy?
You're dreaming.
nta but... anon, if your employer doesn't match your salary with inflation, you are becoming poorer.
This board truelly is filled with unemployer ni/g/gers and wage slaves
I think my mouse wrist rest hurt my palm. Knew it needed replacing but man didn't think it'll cause this much pain. Got rid of that fucker.
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I'm about to start my new job in a little over a week and. What should I do after coming off a year sabbatical to prepare for the daily grind again?
Fully remote position so I don't have to worry about travel
Get out quick. The worst part isn't even the indians it's the insufferable white coworkers who remain in such an environment, the most manchild of manchild. It's only tolerable if you work remote and can do most communication over text.

This is true. However it may still be a fair market rate.
Powell has already folded and is cutting rates, you lost.
12:30pm. Still haven't left bed. Just jerked off
>how many times [ ... ] are you distracted by coworkers/boss messaging or calling you?
This rarely happens.
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>. She will also try to find your Instagram or Facebook accounts and see if there are any red flags.
Is not having an account in any major SNS a red flag?
>time tracking software
You mean like Oracle where you just "8<tab>8<tab>8<tab>8<tab>8<tab>" every week or does it actually total up how much time your IM presence indicator is green?
You're definitely committed now that you've let your boss know you're thinking about it. Hopefully HR doesn't wig out and terminate you.
Do a quick tutorial project in your field to get the gears turning again.
This is good advice. I did a programming competition just before my current job. There are almost always short gamejams these days.
hours per task, you must start the software when you work and stop it when you take breaks or log off.
You need a fagbook and instagoy at a minimum. And you think that's bad? The Proof of Relationship is the worst part of the tech background checks. They want to see screenshots proving you've had sex in the last year. The fact is, incels are a liability in this day and age, especially when programming has never been easier and Chad can use chatgpt to be as productive as a single autist with no gpt.
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Tech workers official sandwich

>camembert, gouda, edam
>fried onions
>roasted peppers
>a sauce that is a mix of mayo, pepper, lemon juice, buffalo sauce, cayenne and paprika
set up a cron job to start/stop the software
I do this, I literally cannot imagine what function it serves
For the autists in the thread (the majority of you) this is bait. HR is retarded but they're mostly just apathetic. They don't do this.
I only have a github with a reimu profile pic.
Taxes or something. I don't think the people approving it really know either.
This is 100% accurate, which is why I picked up Instagramaxxing as a hobby around 2 years ago. My linkedIn profile pic is also very dashing which I think helps get past the Stacy's who are typically in charge of recruitment.
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>no one responds to me again
>Other days, if I post something emotional that allows for a cheap jab by a potential janny, that's when I get a (You).
>But if I ask a general question, no one responds.
I'm definitely shadow-banned from these threads.
I have not posted to Facebook in the nearly 20 years since my mom made it for me when I was 13 and no one cares.

I still have braces in my profile picture.
Facebook is for boomers. Should have clarified, you don't need that. Whoregram is still relevant (solely for proving that you're not an incel like the other anon pointed out).
What did you post? Maybe no one cares.
I guess I post pictures of my yacht there like once a year but I really doubt they check.
Na been loving it more, albeit I probably have more unique experience (basically fell from junior/mid to tech lead since it was a 2 man team and the other woman in charge accidentally got preggers, leaving me to take the the reins).

I get to develop random stuff in downtime and get praised for it, but I also learn more for my personal projects (ie CI, venvs/poetry, mypy, tooling, good code practices, etc).

It’s a win win, and worst case if the period is slow, paperweight on the spacebar then play games and have a wank if I feel like it.

I did mechanical engineering at university (artificial difficulty as a degree), so working in programming was an objective improvement, literally work less than first year of uni, it’s great
If the HR recruiter is a whore, she'll check.
It must be like how men become dads then suddenly they have the immense desire to improve their house.

As far as I can tell, the white man has these periods:
>Need to read: early 20s/developing
>need to breed: late 20s/established
>need to supersede: 30-35+/should be family man

We aren’t Africans or Indians, we have an inherent desire to build and improve our surroundings. Why do you Europeans fucking love lego and Minecraft.
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>Someone with the job title Recruiter viewed your profile. See all views.
That's why I'm really happy I moved into a vehicle. Improving the place you live in feels so good and you can't really do that with a rental.
How dumb would it be to start a master's degree and find some student job until this swamp market recovers? Worst case scenario I'll pivot into data science/ML scene if the market's still fucked.

I'm out of options bros please fucking give me an idea what to do.
I'm always enrolled in these ed/x "micro masters" courses so I can put on my resume that I'm "pursuing a micro masters degree at MIT."

I don't think most people know what that means but it gets them pretty excited.
Your question is two:
>why is my junior a junior?
>why doesn’t my manager understand how code ecosystems work?

Latter is because they’re a manager, don’t expect them for help.

As for the former, as someone who went from being bullied by a senior for being a junior, and is now the tech lead (women in tech are cunts, luckily susceptible to being pregnant, so she fucked off), you can’t blame a junior for being mentally a teenager, the only thing you can really do is bust his balls in PRs until he learns.

It’s effectively like teaching a kid to respect his environment, at first they are apathetic and immature, reckless, but later on they mature and learn.

Just bust his balls in PRs, give him chances, and for the love of god actually explain the issues (my senior was a cunt because 99% of issues was because I didn’t know what I couldn’t have reasonable known).

They will learn, just takes time, we all went through it, pulling the ladder up behind you is an action only boomers and Indians do
I love how everyone just assumes everything will "recover."
Maybe this is the end for you, ever think of that?
not dumb, those seem like fields people without degrees/masters can get into.
Is this a trolley test between having the retard or the cunt?

You two sound like a match in heaven
god is dead
Yeah everyone's been acting like the US economy would recover after 2008 and it never really did, they just ignored the parts that got left behind.
Programming in general ruined mine.

I can’t even look forward to updates because I don’t even have the normie nonsense of “wow they changed so much”, instead it’s “they literally changed 5 variables and added a simple function”.

People say webdev is the the biggest kindergarten for programming, but gamedev isn’t more but definitely more extreme. Somehow people can code in C# or C++ yet struggle with basic concepts
To add to this, it depends on the metrics of employee turnover (TO) and employee competence (C).

>high TO and good C
Leave, they will put your balls in a vice

>high TO low C
Same, if the retards are even finding better jobs, it’s probably even worse than the last case

>low TO low C
Good, pretty calm, retard daycare

>low TO high C
Godsend, enjoy life, everyone else is

For reference my work is the last one, as long as you get shit done, the boss is happy, and more importantly in the loop *wink*
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>avoid twg in the morning
>be 10x more productive
funny how negativity kills a man
>search CS concept in yt
>all results are indian spam copying from each other
WTF is with this country? Is this the ONE thing they all seem to be able to do?
When is yt going to add a geolocation filter? Something like '-india' is all I need.
you can take the Indians out of the network, but you can't take the network out of the Indians
Isn’t the standard answer this shit to just find the largest negative then add it to all values, then continue as normal?

Depends if Im actually in an inteview but my real answer would be “lemme spend a morning googling what someone online said the got answered by a PhD trying to stroke their own ego” then implement that. Most the time companies think they need optimal solutions when the average one works perfectly and if it’s problematic, you can always refactor, the bigger issue you wan to do is make sure you can 1) change the code without disrupting the interface/IO, and 2) test that the refactor maintains consistency

My “attractive” answer would be that “I would need to research for explicit methods but I would say that you could either go for a simple O(n) (or so, nobody remembers dijksta off the top of their head) by adding the minimum value to all nodes, run the algorithm, then subtract the value again :-) (don’t forget the smile), there might be more optimal solutions however off the top of my head this is the best one that promotes simplicity, readability, and speed”.

I do know there’s some algorithm that allows negatives but I think it had backtracking so I bullshitted not knowing it by shilling the idea it’s more readable, common, and simple for the code base than being the most optimal.

Honestly most your interview is how good your vibes are, I got my current job because they thought it would be funny I shared the same initials as the last guy (plus I was social). Me not knowing the tech was a gamble but they still liked my vibe, just seem nice, humble, and willing to learn, then knowledge is just a plus.

They know you’re a junior, they know you’re retarded, they just want to know if youll be a cunt to work with or not. Nobody minds helping the nice guy, evens dreads helping the arrogant cunt
Any Indian autists want to explain the difference:

I assume Mumbai devs are fucking horrendous given /g/

My guys work in Bangalore, seem like decent chaps

I know India varies a lot so I want to hear the inter-indian gossip on why X is cunts but Y aren’t.

Go for it lads
Much better.
Thanks anon.
Bangalore is the tech capital of India. It's like Boston and San Francisco rolled into one.
fuggin genius anon
these ideas are why I come here
fucking legend holy shit
>we commit on main
>>we commit on main
I guess if they merge locally that works.
Honestly renting must feel shameful on par with being a cuck (house as your offspring ofc), glad it works for a vehicle though

It’s going to get worse, but I would say a degree barely matters let alone a masters, as soon as I got work experience nobody caredC you’re better off job searching for a year than academic nonsense (trust me, it completely is)

Been thinking this, I wish youtube would provide geodata to be culturist against, but apparently they really make it a pain in the arse to do. Indian content is slop regardless of opinion, wish it could be filtered

Ah cheers, explains a lot, I was kind of working off the logic that the British kind of worked on that area first so the people were a bit more civilised to British customs, but that makes sense as well
Imagine what would happen if someone pushed
a buggy feature on Friday directly to master
Imagine having a cs degree only ended up working in quality assurance. Neck yourself
I spent half a day the other month because of the dumb main vs master rename thing.
>Checkout master to compare with my PR
>"Oh shit I knew Tom's refactor was extensive but I didn't think it was this complete..."
>Spend 4 hours trying to figure out why nothing works all of the sudden.
>Keep pulling master because something must be wrong
>Finally realize what happened around 4:00
>Welp that's enough work for today, time to sign off.
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>gamedev isn’t more but definitely more extreme
On gamedev there is like 100 different aspect to think of and making sure they all connect together. In unity for example. Every prefab, making a custom inspector, connecting the UI, making sure the code you write actually makes the object scriptable, making sure the animation works, and so much more. And thats just 2d. On 3d your workload gets bigger exponentially.

Fuck is webdev on the other hand? Heehee im making a kanban board! Im delivering information between pages! Im making sure everything is SEO friendly! Heehee where's my 200k pay increase?
Next time get an ergo mouse. I recommend xlite v3 or g703.
Wrist rest is a meme. What you need is a large mousepad like at least 50 x 50 cm. This will encourage your arms to move around instead of getting stuck in a tiny square

Do handgrip exercise after working for 2 hours.
Using an MX Master 3 and love it. My wrist/palm base is still sore from the pressure I put on it but it should go away in another day or two. Good thing I'm not stupid enough to keep using the very thing hurting me.

It only sucks a bit more since my palms were injured a few years back and they're slightly weaker than others.
Mx master 3 is like 150 grams. Once you hold a 55gr mouse with smooth skates it will blow your mind.
Maybe get a TFCC band. It helps stabilize the wrist.
>TFCC band
Fucking lol, I can make one. Stupid velcro invention.
Holy shit, why does the hardest part of my job have to be getting through to the Indians. They will baffle you with bullshit any argumentative gap they get.
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>Buying a house
>All savings going into down payment except for 3 month emergency fund
>Start hearing the company wants to cut costs in IT through attrition
I usually wouldn't give a fuck, but now that my bank account is going to plummet I'm feeling uneasy
I can't imagine putting my life's savings into real estate in Mexico 2.0.
Im just tired of paying rent and having a flat full of shitty appliances that I can't even reform to make it comfy.
I ask it awkwardly worded questions that don't result in useful search engine results, but I always double check what it says once I know how to talk about whatever I'm looking up
I felt so much better after getting a house, no shitty landlord that is legally allowed to barge into your place at a moment's notice
Look on the bright side, you've also retained all of them
nta but now every time something goes wrong with your place, it's your responsibility, and you've gotta pay for it. you can't just pick up and leave. and as you've pointed out, you get uberfucked in the case of layoffs. just split the cost of renting a decent place with a friend, man. that's way better than owning your own dilapidated shit hole that you will apparently be unable to afford.
at least you're not bound to them
in my country when you rent an apartment you have to bring all the shit, including a kitchen
you have the option to move easily
Owning the place you live in is amazing. I hated renting. There's something psychological about it.
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So how long does it take for them to clear out all the oversupply of SWEs?
technically retained div/0 of them
Just start prepping 30 minutes to an hour each day. After a month or so, start sending out apps. There's no shortcuts. This is what you will need to do every time you look for jobs. Just bite the bullet.
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Someone has to remind people that coding is a career for autistic nerds and if they want money and pussy they should be a rapper
>the same fake nice BS
>congratulating someone for being pregnant
I can smell your autism from here.
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it's so over.
Property tax sucks ass though. Just tax and utilities is half of what I spent on rent 2 years ago, both in nice white areas.
>Congratulations on being being successfully creampied!
could it be floyd-warshall algorithm?
It's your right to change jobs for any reason. The downside is that the new job could always be worse and there's no way of knowing til you're in it.
I'm contract working as a software dev. I was working at this company for years as a contract worker, but before my contract end they let me work as a dev. I started this new position in July and am ending end of next month. They said if they like me they will hire me, but of course my expectations are low since I've heard that many times before.
But I'm actually not doing well. It's my first position as a dev, and I'm really slow with finishing any tickets. My MRs suck and I can feel myself just rushing to get things done and pushed. I've just been extremely stressed out and I've been doing long hours just to make progress. I've already missed my deadline to complete my current tickets.
No one has said anything, but I am pretty sure I won't get the job. I've been job searching since I started but no luck so far.
Should I just ask what they've decided even though I have a month left? I just want to get over the awkward conversation already. I don't think I even want to stay unless I get a significant increase in my current pay which I know won't happen. I'm too low IQ for this.
this is so me
I worked at a startup where one of the retarded early SREish people refused to use any name but "develop" for the main branch. It was a weekly occurrence to cd to a clone of w/e repo and step on that shit
How'd you do today?
Lol I did this for a month (complete with the "oh fuck if I ask they'll know I've just been sitting here dithering" thing) and then asked. I had to wait multiple weeks because no one even knew who was responsible for it.
Mostly finished my part of a major project (new product, first prototype) but the damn engineer consultant making the mechanical pieces looks like he hasn't even started. Always waiting til the last minute and blaming everyone else for not managing his time for him.

Maybe all consultants are like this? Basically just collecting money with zero shits given unless you complain. This idiot thinks he deserves promotion too.
Are you saying people will have a landlord no matter what? Whether it be some schmuck, a company or the state?
>I'm too low IQ for this.
No your aren't. You can do it. You need to sit down and thing about how your organize yourself and your time.
I didn't hear no bell.
Most consultants behave this way, yes.
Are trainers and QA really that dumb? You have to know *some* coding at least, don't you?
I used to do this when I started, but now I just say stuff isn't working/ask questions asap. I usually don't get chewed out, but if I don't say anything I stress over it.
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This past year of job searching, the sociopathic circus that LinkedIn has become, the endless amounts of truly clueless people who flooded this market both at the bottom but especially at the top, has made me completely hopeless about the future of this field.

I've been considering going more to the research side lately. I have a mutual who is working with LLMs for a large company in Europe, he often tells me about his work life and how there's a night and day difference compared to SWE.

I see pure Computer Science, Data Science, and ML/AI as much more tightly gatekept fields. Less diploma mill people in them, higher standards, less supply of skilled workers, higher demand. To put it bluntly: These are the fields that in 10 years will remain "work from home with cushy hours, high pay, and great benefits, because there are very few people like you who can do this job", while SWE continues spiraling into a dysfunctional clusterfuck with worsening conditions year by year for anyone who doesn't have seniority.
Unemployed and/or dunning kruger boomer detected
lol ok
You should do what you personally enjoy doing and ignore market conditions, because you won't be average at it, you will be an expert.
Pretty much. Without significantly equity you will never get real proactivity from people. Ande ven then some will decide "Ehhh, I've vested enough" and start fucking around anyway.
Nothing is safe. Just gotta stay on the move. By all means move now, but you'll have to keep moving in the future as well
Would it be foolish of me to shill my fish tank based youtube call-in game show to my coworkers?
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>3rd interview yesterday
>it goes very well
>today I look at their job postings and they took down the one I applied to

Oh man I think they are gonna offer me
Very nice. Good luck, anon
I don't get why it is this way, we were clear on the deadline and the manufacturing lead times, the tasks were simple and he gets a stable paycheck to usually do very little most of the time. It's getting to the point where I want him fired because it keeps happening.

True, that can be expected from the deal on the table. For me I take pride in my work and delivering the product they didn't know they need, and sometimes it's a problem being around others who are broken and don't care.
Not if you take the boatpill.
same thing happened to me except they were going on a hiring freeze kek
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lmao that would be funny, not much I can do if thats the case
Is there a reason why education is having less lay offs compared to other sectors in tech?
Should I put /tech/ jobs I had in college on my resume (help desk tier stuff)? I've had the same job since college so idk if that looks to bare, but those jobs aren't anything special with my experience now.
Education is funded by goys and guaranteed by the government. I don't think their money is drying up like the real sectors.
How did you get the interview?
Why not work there over other sectors until the market improves?
>short functions have dozens of confusing comments explaining every other line in poor english
>1000+ line functions have nothing
>ask mentor/manager what the long ass function does
i hate the culture of a certain south asian country
why the fuck do they like acronyms so much anyway
the government rarely cuts itself
why would you be at a start up for so long? was the pay even good? were you even paid?
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No salary raise this year, but it's true my salary in my country is at the top 10% of IT workers, so I can't complain (for now).

Almost every other recruiter reaching out to me through LinkedIn offered 30% less what I earn right now when I asked them the range. I don't know if it's because I only get reached out by shitty recruiters or the market is so bad I shouldn't even be complaining.
Still, inflation is a bitch and I hate losing 3% purchasing power every year.
DoD is better but sure
Fuck 'em. Paste that chatgpt and have that shit try to interpret their slop
to be fair they sound either like autists or like buck broken wagies. probably both. Any normie office coworkers would at the bare minimum be expected to say congrats.
because boomers like acronyms, and pajeets love kissing their ass
I see you player
I want to be where you were some day
I fucked up so bad doing electrical engineering.
Software guys are getting like a full $100k more than me easy. Some even more. Lol. What a joke this degree is.
they take it to the next level in a way that i cannot fathom
here’s a random line from an email:
>pls SIA this IP for IT
schedule in audio (TL’s note: schedule a teams meeting)
issue point
india time (yes, they really did abbreviate IST)
It's funny.
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If you have a masters degree then working at a college is the next best bet. They pay decent for part time work and allow you to take heavily discounted college classes. But colleges themselves are facing a net loss so those jobs will be harder to get. For bootcamps they are currently dying since most of them are Tech related. For K-12 they do not pay enough period. Most if not 90% of female teachers do it as a hobby towards state retirement since there husbands do real jobs that actually pay them real money. Its the only reason why none of the teachers have bothered with the state not buying them supplies since rich teachers have there husbands to decorate there entire classroom. More importantly working with kids may be shit but teachers are far worse then the students in terms of catty attuited and bullshit excuses for every little thing in there lives. I fucking hated teachers as a kid and as an adult everything I thought I knew about teachers was correct when working for them. Profession for losers and for rich married women its a hobby.

I would rather be a mechanic atleast I can just keep my nose in my work if i did that.
That has nothing to do with what I posted
You stated. Why not work in education until the market improves. This is your answer
You don't work in tech get out of this thread
>implying I'm not talking about sub sectors in tech
Its pretty clear you have dementia. How about get a real job you fucking NEET
>retard quotes the anon that gets it
>Why not work there over other sectors until the market improves?
In what world does he imply any other job then one that is in education?
You seem to have a misunderstanding of how tech works and how there see sub sectors within tech
Did you even read the fucking OP?
>Log into Linkedin
>See posts like the following:
>I walked in on my wife being fucked by another man
>Here's what this taught me about agile
So anon why not work in those other sectors until the market improves?
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Remove yourself NEET
Read the fucking OP
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>Why not work there over other sectors until the market improves?
I am sorry you cannot read conversations in the thread since you are a fucking poo in loo but please pickup a dictionary. You mom might even give you some stickers for your helmet if you learn more then 5 words that day.
Take the L NEET
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>Why not work there over other sectors until the market improves?
Cope, seethe dilate.
Pick up a book retard.
>initial post is demoralization dribble
>shitting himself because he got called out
Your mom is calling you go eat dinner
Your mom is busy right now, you can wish her a happy birth day later.
>"All Others" listed far higher then the rest
Why even bother. Most people see FAGMAN and NON-FAGMAN tech jobs.
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I would slay a man for such a sandwich as this.
He forgot to add that the bread is almost a croissant consistency in terms of fluffiness, with a crisp outer shell.
And while the AnandTech staff is riding off into the sunset, I am happy to report that the site itself won’t be going anywhere for a while. Our publisher, Future PLC, will be keeping the AnandTech website and its many articles live indefinitely. So that all of the content we’ve created over the years remains accessible and citable. Even without new articles to add to the collection, I expect that many of the things we’ve written over the past couple of decades will remain relevant for years to come – and remain accessible just as long.

The AnandTech Forums will also continue to be operated by Future’s community team and our dedicated troop of moderators. With forum threads going back to 1999 (and some active members just as long), the forums have a history almost as long and as storied as AnandTech itself (wounded monitor children, anyone?). So even when AnandTech is no longer publishing articles, we’ll still have a place for everyone to talk about the latest in technology – and have those discussions last longer than 48 hours.
>have job with very specific software 5 yoe
>opportunity comes up for some contract work that pays very well
>we're the only group that has experience with the software
>we somehow lose the bid and are considered second choice
>won't hear feedback until labor day

That means whoever they hired for the work they would rather train then hire us with experience. I don't think I've ever felt more demoralized in my life
The other group is probably doing it dirt-cheap or for free with some contingency for them maybe getting paid later. In my experience when something that bewildering happens it's because one of the other parties is doing something retarded
Life is so gay. I thought I was making smart choices. I thought I was being a chad by picking a classical engineering degree. Turns out I'm just a chud.
fuck this nigger ass life
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But now your a well rounded, ethically educated scholar that has learned how to learn things on there own. However humanities degrees teaches critical thinking better and we can write essays better then you :D. Don't you forget that you needed 2 years of bullshit in your degree because we do not want robots coming out of school questioning science.
I'm thinking of getting a second job on the weekends because my free time is worth nothing to me.
What would you even spend the extra money on anyways?
No idea, I already put $2k a month into savings.
At that point if you are debt free and already have a house put some of it towards it. Then invest this extra money elsewhere. Or save for a house. If my company would pay me to work 6x 12's I would pay off my house in 3 years
I don't really want a house, houses are for people with families and I don't expect to ever have one.
I mean you could save up and work overseas. But without a house you will just eat shit with rent inflation. But hey man that's on you I recommend getting a hobby or if your really bored go back to school.

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