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>the majority of /g/ users say they turn off a public torrent when it gets to 100% and never seed
>the majority of /g/ users laugh at anybody who seeds public torrents and calls them retards or cucks
>the majority of /g/ users literally make memes showing how funny and great it is to never seed. Ever.
>on top of this, there's streaming clients out there designed to leech and never seed to help the swarms
>there's millions of people in 3rd world countries who leech from you and disappear instead of seeding with you
>there's very little quality control and poor search results because public sites just want to make ad revenue
>public sites have incentive to only carry popular content to drive traffic so capeshit is favored while kino is ignored
>many users public torrents that want to do the right thing and seed get scared off by companies who want to catch them seeding
>there's no privacy on public torrents unless you buy yourself a VPN.
Why do you keep seeding to people who literally make fun of you and call you stupid for seeding to them?
Why do you keep seeding to people who take advantage of your altruism and never seed with you?
Why do you keep seeding to bots that download content for streaming sites and never seed?
Why do you keep seeding on public swarms that are monitored to catch people like you seeding?
Being a public torrent user is hell.
>Being a public torrent user is hell.
this is why i use private trackers
For me it's the only way to go. I only seed Linux ISOs on public. Everyone else can get fucked.
Private Tracker niggers in a nutshell
>Tor and VPNs? Sorry those are against the rules
>Freedom of information? Roots of piracy? Warez? LOL FUCK THAT JOIN MY SEKRIT CLUB
>*Choking on janny cock for the 73rd time (This month)*
>Better not do anything wrong lest I get cabal'd off of 24 different private trackers
>*12th day of waiting in IRC for a janny to unban my account*
>Actually spends money on a seedbox in order to reach a higher "rank"
>Incessantly posts about how cool and epic his sekrit club is and how he's totally an oldfag
>Has spent hours memorizing /ptg/, and months worming his way into dozens of trackers
>Actual fucking reddit tranny jannies
>Cabal, period.

Imagine being THIS much of a loser.
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hello moshe, you already got BTFO trying to FUD this yesterday >>102120461

Kill yourself, rabbi
The warez scene was always secretive anon. public p2p is a new thing.
>he thinks that website is the real skidrow
i hope you are trolling
Public tracker users shit in the street
Source: your ass
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>Using torrents
You have many fantasies and fetishes. Better do something about it else you'll explode.
Sirs pls do the uploading for my fast,,,,.......... i need leech from you
I download stuff I like and I seed it as long as I can or run out of storage space. I literally couldn't are less if some retard on /g/ of all places finds that dumb or made a meme about it.
Ant-Man Quantumania Vs King Kong IV: The Return pls do the needful kind sir, need best hd qualities for family, i cannot afford netflix need to save for toilet
good morning officer
Sir thank you
poo loo
thanks you sir seed more fast, i need leech
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>no response
Why the fuck do you keep posting this? Most of the public torrents I seed anyways have just one other seeder. Distribution through any means is great. Fuck off. I might have to start filtering these threads.
Anybody who downloads them from you won't seed. You're doing thankless work with no reward lmao.
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>You're doing thankless work with no reward lmao.
I don't do the bare minimum for recognition nor rewards.
Based, keep seeding for me monkey
>doesnt know what uncapped internet is
smartest brown
Shut up homo
there are people with terabytes of media who still can't get into sekrit klub private trackers. shits just insanity and why i'll never bother. i never hoard my shit.
Because we already have nearly everything we need on private trackers. You need to either have someone invite you or prove that you're willing to contribute. It filters out the retards and the freeloaders. Anybody can download terabytes of shit but not everybody can contribute something new or upload as much as they will download.
but you can
of course it will take more than pressing signup
how can someone contribute if you already have everything? that's just gatekeeping anyone who isn't your close butt buddy.
If nobody can vouch for you tough shit faggot. Either you interview and do deezer spam or it's back to your designated shitting tracker.
this is why 99% of people will never bother with private trackers. you people are insufferable power tripping trannies.
You can find things that aren't there and contribute them. In /ptg/ we talk about what these things are all the time and help each other out. You can do shit like deezer and tubi spam without spending any money. Once you clear the hurdle of getting into one tracker all that stops you from getting to others is time and how much effort you're willing to put in. I got invited so I never had to wait for anything. I have lots of friends who are in trackers and it was easy for me to get in.
You say you people as if I run it. I don't give a shit if you use it or not. I just use it to download media I want I have no bearing on anything except inviting cool people that I know and trust. You should stop being a friendless loser screeching about trannies and maybe you'd stand a chance.
if i have to suck tranny cock to get into your faggy ass club i'd rather just not bother.
I do have IRL friends and IRC friends dating back to my days in the scene too. I'm well connected.

You have no friends lmao
>this is why 99% of people will never bother with private trackers
yes, and that's by design. do you want to be the bottom 99%, or the top 1%?
>get shit is bottom 99%
>get shit with humiliation ritual is top 1%
i'd prefer keeping tranny cock out of my mouth thanks.
Yes sir we have all marvel movie we need on public tracker sir
As much as you talk about tranny cock I'm sure you've got the trap thread on /b/ open on your other monitor right now
I won't post screenshots, but I did upload and still upload my own CD rips, with scans.
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This one goes out to my pale skinned brothers
>trying to invoke FOMO over free shit
Just use rutracker
good goy. bow to your troon overlords.
Nah it's shit
rutracker is half private.
they cannot use that, otherwise they would be sucking that tranny dick
No Johnathon, I won't join your private tracker and seed for you. I don't care how pristine your VHS rip of Who Framed Roger Rabbit is
Is there an English language? Or preferably German?
Nobody would rip that off vhs, just the rare laserdisc where the scene with Jessica Rabbit not wearing underwear wasn't censored. But now we have that from a HDTV capture so...
seeding on private trackers mean shit. Seeding is the bare minimum and we are already pretty full. if you want to join late have something to contribute or stay where you are cause we don't care for sob stories.
harsh but true
i respect homeless nogs more than your types. this is why 90% of humanity cannot be trusted with any sort of power. it will always be abused and hoarded for the select privileged few. it's just human nature for the average cunt such as yourself, drunk with power and corrupted by it.
>>102120461 (OP)
I will never ever start with the sekrit club bullshit. I will not register. I will not beg for access. I will not be waiting when registrations are open. I will not seed the way you want me to seed. I will download what I want, when I want, how I want and no one will tell me what I can or can't do. Not ISP, not the content owner, not the government and least of all not some power tripping assholes running some shitty tracker or website that expect me to do this and that. I will always use the site that just let's me click the magnet link button and download my slop and add expect nothing in return. I will rather pay for the content than start to play by your bullshit rules. Fuck you.
Why do you think you're special? These sites have limited resources. These resources cost money much of which is supplied by donations from users. If the users don't donate it comes out of the pocket of the operator. They can't just accept any random faggot who wants access because they already have enough people hammering the tracker. It used to be easier to get in. Now that lots of people are in it's much harder. Why do you think you should be entitled to access?
>limited resources
they're literally not limited at all. they should be readily and easily available for everyone to access, it's just media not some arcane knowledge that disappears once consumed. the only reason they're gated off is because you people are tranny jews drunk with power circlejerking in your little gay club.
I keep seeding not because I care about people. I care about the content. I'm not on any private tracker and I believe in the spirit of free access to information and sharing. I'm even uploading products behind my company's back on the internet for preservation purposes.
Lmao then why don't you make a curry tracker that accepts everyone and see how far you get?
I bet your rpi doesn't need to write into a database all the time...
>I keep seeding not because I care about people. I care about the content.
I don't need your respect nor did I ask for it.
good because nobody respects trannies.
Shut up homo
I'm not one, cope zoomer.
I believe you. I really do.
so your rpi can handle almost 7000 requests per second? without even using the most basic optimization which is storing peers in memory?
I somehow don't believe that
Zoomers can't into private trackers because they were watching Dora The Explorer and yelling swiper no swiping while we got our first invites and were shitposting on /b/. They will always invent all kinds of cope to deal with it but all they have is cartoons and yts encodes.
>I keep seeding not because I care about people. I care about the content.
Deep down this is technically caring about people. You wouldn't want to preserve content or information for no reason, other than wanting to give a chance to people to access it. That's why I seed always, I don't even think about it consciously. But it feels nice when you see the ratio go up sometimes, because you know someone with similar tastes or interests is downloading something you've helped preserve. Even if chances are you obtained it illegally lmao

Don't care about private or public tracker autism. Without seeders I wouldn't have obtained the files. So, I give back because I can. Trannies btfo
>zoomers can't into private trackers because they were too young to get in
Smart take, anon. Willing to share more?
your OS has sqlite embedded in it? crazy
>takes pride in the fact he was just there at the right time
>then will say private trackers are reserved for an "elite"

private tracker trannies are really delusional kek
Sucks to be a zoomer. Future is shit. I remember years better than any they will ever experience. They have nothing to look forward to except misery.
If anyone is delusional it was you when you thought we would believe that webp shit in the other thread lmao. Now you're lying about running a public torrent tracker. You're a loser with zero accomplishments so you make up shit to try to impress anons on 4chan but nobody believes you. You just leech tranny cartoons from animetosho and play pretend all day.
tranny cabal seething.
It's not too late to bring change. Zoomers aren't inherently anti piracy or torrenting. You can bet some will be willing to put in the effort if they are given the chance. Not every zoom zoom or gen alpha kid got brainwashed by corporations. Education and bringing awareness is one of the answers we have to make things better
is this how you cope not being in private trackers? kek, you have a wild imagination
Calm down sped
>if they are given the chance
they have the chance. we just won't spoonfeed and handhold them
Whatever you're a liar who absolutely humiliated yourself either way.
Thanks, I forgot to open my torrent client to let it run in the background and use a fraction of my bandwidth while using a few measly processor cycles.
It was more effort to write this post than it was to seed terabytes of porn for my fellow degenerates.
Does he at least get pay for entertain us?
If neetbux counts then yes
at first: don't do this at home without thinking about it!
>Why do you keep seeding on public swarms that are monitored
>to catch people like you seeding?
the worst pieces of shit attack people because they seed, in an attempt
that the people seed less. you should seed
less because of these evil actions. hm ...
>do everything right
>some tranny decides to not let you in still because you didn't sufficiently stroke their ego or fit in the group well enough
fair. for sure.
not how it works
all you need to do is check of the requirements checklist and it's done
It's okay let him FUD. We don't want these "people" to join anyway.
>they have the chance
>just suck dick through the tranny RED interview and grind for years to get invited into the "best trackers"

Pretty hypocritical when xillenials could enter at the right time with barely any effort, in comparison. When you think about it, private trackers are emulating one of the worst aspects of current society. Instead of giving back what they got and passing the torch, boomers just hoard and hoard opportunities with no regard to the future and will never admit that things were easier in their time when they were granted everythinf on a silver platter or had way lesser risks to worry about.

Not like it matters anyway. I'll just continue to donate to the internet archive, seeding public torrents, upload my own rips and keep spreading awareness about freedom through data ownership.
the trackers were a lot more shit back then too. the boomers built it into what it is today.
>Buy yourself a VPN
Lol. Lmao even.
It's not like they just exist as hoards. Much like the scene they have become primary sources of content. Everything trickles down to everywhere else including public trackers. In fact if private trackers didn't exist public tracker users wouldn't have much to download.
Show me the logs where this ever happened. I'm waiting
Bullshit lmao
No logs were posted here. I'm waiting
You don't care about private or public trackers. You care about trying to win an argument. As such you'll lie your ass off in pursuit of your goal. You'll say anything if you think it will get people on your side. But you're a complete and utter fraud.
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no one asked zoomie cuck
keep crying, you're not welcome
Why cant public trackers be as good as their private counterpart? do they not have more traffic?
Less incentives for retention. I know public trackers who have a ratio system. Anyone can join as opposed to private trackers but your IP can get banned if you are retarded. They have better retention than pure public trackers but without the tranny cabal dick sucking hassle. We have it good in europe
because they get all of their content from private trackers
they don't need no uploaders
I accept your concession.
Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Kneel.
projecting are we?
I'd understand scene rippers and actual contributors feeling a sense of superiority and wanting to gatekeep. But lucky people who could enter when gates were practically open and did little to no effort other than the bare minimum acting smug for being in the sekrit club are fucking niggers
>I'm mad because I'm a stupid zoomer, why wasn't I born sooner?
>I keep seeding not because I care about people. I care about the content.
This is pretty stupid to say because the content is meaningless without there being somebody to watch it or hear it so the people always have to be included in what you care about.
1337x is down (500 on searches)
that's the only one I know since RARBG
where the fuck do I go?
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For movies I just use Fmovies or Solarmovie, much more convenient than torrentfagging
lolmao keep coping
you mean that site that was shut down literally today?
>Being a public torrent user is hell.
objectively false, every series I wanted to see on release date I had in full hd goodness, maybe learn to use search engines you turbo homo fag
>every series I wanted to see on release date I had in full hd goodness
Except new content is the only thing public torrents are good for. The seeders vanish months after that. You basically have to rush to download your content before the public torrents lose their seeders.
objectively false, when I wanted old movies, I had them, when I wanted full seasons, I had them. I can't talk about gaming and pirating anything that isn't movies though, but about movies, this shit served me well
.co werks on my machine
I seed until a ratio > 2
makes sense, after all they're supposed to be given good boy points for rarefagging, which is good, but my guess would be that public torrents must be well suited in that regard, rarefags are most likely providing for public ones unknowingly
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I will seed, you will sneed
I will seed ur sister's pussy if u catch my drift
kill all /ptg/ trannies
shhh, they're probably providing unknowingly and or unwillingly to public torrents, let them cook, but yeah, as an overall idea they couldn't be more aisedly gay
>hurr durr anything i don't like is tranny!
this meme is tiresome
you like black gay men?
i always try to seed to at least a ratio of 1. a lot of these torrents like media providers and game providers have their dedicated servers which they use to seed to the public so theres not much of a need for a private user to seed.
b a s a d o
The key is to just keep seeding until you are unable to if the torrent is not seeded well. If there's plenty of seeders, you don't need to seed at all.
I rarely download public torrents but when I do I seed what I download, it costs me next to nothing. I'm also white and if you are not you might not understand.
works on my machine
I'm still seeding public torrents from 2019
language is what keeps the jeets away. I hope it stays Russian forever and I don't even speak Russian
that is true, Gazelle will never be rewritten (poonited does not count). but every project needs new blood or it dies.
because there is no incentive to seed and most people are leeches. RARBG was pretty good though.
unironically, interview for filelist. you don't need cabal to be set.
>Why do you keep seeding to people who literally make fun of you and call you stupid for seeding to them?
Because the majority of public torrent tracker users surpass the vocal minority /g/ users.
Seeding public torrents is good and that's it. Your other questions are paraphrased from your first one, so your thread is mostly time-wasting.
correct. I regularly sort my torrents by seeders and pause ones with 100+ seeders.
I never understand why people seed popular torrents. It is the unpopular ones that need to be seeded. If everybody did that, public trackers would be good enough but they suck because of people who hit and run.
Imagine what replaces torrents someday...
whatever you say privatechud
Public tracker users shit in the street
What stops me from
>downloading a movie
>inserting a few screamers and bruef gay nigger fisting scenes
>uploading as a legit group release
It could work if you download a movie that isn't legitimately released yet, like a CAM version, then mark it as WEB from a reputable group so a bunch of people get BTFO by autodownloading it.
If you're motivated that's no problem. Trolling isn't for lazy faggots. If you want actual lulz you need to put work in.
i only watch anime
private trackers are significantly later and significantly worse at curation for this subject
You seem like a man of experience.
because i don't fucking care, it costs me nothing.
You act as if i was putting some effort in it, in fact going out of your way and stopping a download after it finishes seems like too much trouble when i often forget about shit and come back to it just when needed.
The only way i can see someone caring about this is if they were poor or in a shitty country with data caps or a shitty low bandwitdh
>mfw this is has been shilled a bit too much lately
>mfw nobody realizes is a ploy to get torrenting down
>mfw someone is probably mad about pirates and doing this crap
>mfw people in here are too fucking dumb and fall for it
>webp screenshots
>webp screenshots
hahaha that's the fake clone site with malware
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It's not what others say or do that matters. It's what we do in response that says all. Our actions are our own, no matter the reasons.
Private trackers are literally the same cuckoldry as Code of Conducts in Opensource software.
Both take something that has no scarcity (FOSS and Torrenting) and apply artificial scarcity through rules that exclude people (CoCs and other naked displays of incestuous egomania)

Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can’t.
Proof you're wrong: public trackers. Every man for himself? Most men just take and give nothing back.
Content on public trackers is less scarce than private trackers so I still won.
It doesn't matter because most people in those swarms aren't doing what you're doing.
Sure, capeshit availability is very high on public trackers.
There's something fundamentally wrong about private trackers. Stealing content for free, then effectively locking it behind unfree private trackers. Like digital racketeering or whatever
You can rent seedboxes from whatever company you want. Some trackers advertise them but I never let that influence my purchasing decisions.
Public trackers are forever, sekrit clubs are not. I wish you a merry shutdown
If I pay for better internet I still won't do better on private trackers because of peering. That's just the reality of living in Asia.
And where do private trackers users get their content from? The source material, which the public is also free to access and upload without fellating neckbeards
But public tracker faggots don't buy and upload that content themselves. They get it from private trackers. This includes scene releases that don't originate on private trackers. Where do you think the public fags get those from?
>release groups that post on public trackers
lmao yes I know you only watch tranime you already told us 100 times, now post the screenshots faglord, no more webp excuses you lying piece of shit
Lmao no, enough excuses faggot
Werkz on my masheen
You're still essentially paying for free content though

The original source. I can rip a CD from the library and start seeding it on public trackers for free, without ever touching a private tracker. Be my own source, as others have done. Private trackers are just middlemen, cut them out and save the effort
Paying once for access to all the best libraries of content is better than waiting for shit to download from the single altruistic faggot on a public tracker. When seeding is enforced you get healthy swarms. That's why we have more content. You can't single handedly fix the seeding issue on public trackers. You're only going to seed content you like which isn't necessarily what I like. The environment doesn't encourage like minded people to congregate. It encourages capeshit distribution.
When I download from a torrent with 2 seeders on a private tracker there's a much higher chance that I'm still going to get good speeds anyway. Also a much lower chance that those seeds aren't going to abandon me before it finishes downloading. I have experience downloading obscure shit from public trackers. Two weeks for one movie? Not going back to that again.
Public trackers is for plebs and losers
It was actually 20 years ago when I had that experience downloading a movie from thepiratebay. On a /ptg/ thread a couple years back I looked into what the situation would be like if I tried to download the same movie then, I was arguing with some public street shitter of course. I'd be fine if all I wanted was a 2gb 1080p version instead of the 18gb version from hdbits. Public is a joke.
>There's something fundamentally wrong about private trackers. Stealing content for free, then effectively locking it behind unfree private trackers
It's not locked. Anybody can join if they want.
I did and I have zero tracker accounts.
>nothing ever took me 2 weeks to download from a public tracker, not even 20 years ago, stop lying faggot
do you know how many times people have posted here and elsewhere about how they had to wait weeks or months for a seeder to finish uploading to them or for a seeder to show up on a old public torrent? tons of times.
I have 600mbit fiber. I'm not downloading your 2gb slop yts encodes eastern-europoor. Cry more about it while you watch your tranime.
I too enjoy public trackers, let's defecate together openly sirs
Sir I suggest animetosho sir remove tracker and use dht sir also torrentgalaxy 1337x
sir is good website
sir I speak good englissh sir
We need new public trackers.
true, all you need is a DHT scraper
but it has a patreon and crypto wallet, a bit underfunded for 400k connections a second, fucking crazy
there are very important differences
opentrackr doesn't have a whole site with images and a forum and whole lot of shit to tag
it also doesn't even need to store the torrent files
all it needs to do is track which IPs connect to which hash
This kills the RED dicksucking /ptg/ tranny trying to climb the tracker ladder. Stay mad if you're in this situation braindead tranny
that's a sentence that doesn't make sense
There is a ton of old japanese movies on avistaz and jptv that have 0 seeders even after 1 week of leaving the torrent client open. Le epic private tracker retention lmao the torrents themselves are like 3 years old and already dead.
>and never seed
Why the fuck would I seed on my fourth-world non-symmetrical internet speeds?
>>the majority of /g/ users say they turn off a public torrent when it gets to 100% and never seed
This except for weebshit.
Public torrents a shit
Imagine having to go to a library to rip a CD lol
>all those deleted posts
was it a samefag? KEK
Avistaz is a shitty private tracker that opens registrations all the time so they are barely private. Whenever you let just anybody in, you tend to attract shitty users from public trackers who don't seed.
What's a good private tracker? I want to get in
The ones that do not open all the time and people offer $100+ dollars to get invited to.
avistaz and jptv are pretty good
they may be bad with seeders but their content is very unique
there are lots of random private trackers, the best ones are kinda hard to get in, with shit requirements and you need to be in established trackers already
check reddit for open registrations if you don't want to struggle
if you want to go the hard way, enter MAM, if you want the humiliating way, enter RED
>answering questions to prove your know what torrents and codecs are so they can filter out retards
Is the the social anxiety neets talk about?
No wonder you people can't get a job
They are not bad with seeders lol, the content that is seeded on avistaz is dead at both btn and ptp
>needing to stay on IRC for a fucking week straight
>needing to answer within 10minutes even if they ping you at 3AM
>needing to send a desktop screenshot
come on

never happened to me
dead torrents aren't as abundant on aZ compared to JPTV, but both of them have some really bad speeds
I've had movies take days to download, even with 3+ seeders
cool story, ACE faggot
Is that supposed to be humiliating?
I'd like to hire you to clean my shoes with just your tongue
I'm sure you'd love to do it, I'll even give you 5cents as a bonus
>cleaning shoes with your tongue is the same as being in IRC for a long time and showing your desktop like people do on /g/
This is how retarded you sound
I see you're conveniently ignoring the part where you need to stay alert 24/7 for the ping that can appear at whatever fucking time they want
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I dont care what anyone says, i like torrents
And that's the same as cleaning shoes with your tongue?
a thread died for this.
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all i need
TL is garbage
You have a modern slave personality. That's not your fault through, the wage system is designed to mindbreak humans and make them think slavery/loss of dignity is normal.
People used to be enslaved against their will, now they do it of their own volition because inflation and taxes are the new leashes the commoner can't escape from.
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Don't care, still sneeding at a snails pace. I denounce the talmud btw
>government actually makes examples of people who seed with nasty prison sentences and fines
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never gonna suck tranny janny cock to get free shit NEVER
Good. Stay out, we don't need pajeets
Torrents never were the scene. The scene was always altruistic cigarrete-ends sharing their bandwidth with those they perceive as less fortunate. Only tech illiterate retards take advantage of them with torrents. Those in the know use FTP, which they secretly prefer because they're paying for all the bandwidth.
lol ftp networks are only relevant directly to crackers whom you are not (maybe you are not here to argue this bullshit)
delivery boys who distributed warez through p2p were here since the beginning
You got stuck in the early 2000s. Scene is dead other than software
>Scene is dead other than software
Attention, all public seeding street shitters, this is the guy you're feeding >>102179481
Scene is very much alive but so much of it is automated spam from streaming services now.
I don't get why you even need a private tracker, what can't you find on public trackers???
Whenver I want music, films, anime or games its always been 100% available in public.
The ONLY time I couldn't find something was hunting for a FLAC of the Samurai Flamenco anime OST track "FLAMENGER" as it kept getting taken down
for the sole purpose of flexing my ratio and kindly deny every invitation for private trackers because im too good for them :^)
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A swarm seeds my download, I pass it on. I don't care about whoever downloads or leeches from me. I've been in situations where I couldn't seed but the content came in handy, but now that I can seed I do. I want to provide opportunity to give free things for people who may be in bad situations. Or even not, leeching is comfy. If I can provide someone comfort by just not clicking "stop torrent", then I'd glady do a public good regardless of a downloaders intent. You likely lack empathy for your fellow humans.
>Why do you keep seeding to people who literally make fun of you and call you stupid for seeding to them?
because they're SEEDCUCΚS LOOOOOOOOL. seeders are CUCΚS. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. you faggots can't stop seeding, you must SEEEEEEEEEEED. why? because you're a fucking cuckold CUCΚ CUCΚ CUCΚ CUCΚ CUCΚ CUCΚ haahhahahahahahahahah
I'm willing to seed. However I'm not willing to jump through the hoops to get into a tracker nor be constrained to my home IP address.
Just use general trackers like IPT or TL then.
>The ONLY time I couldn't find something was hunting for a FLAC of the Samurai Flamenco anime OST track "FLAMENGER" as it kept getting taken down
Not on soulseek kek
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It is on AB
>it actually is on soulseek
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I know a lad who has seeded 200 terabytes of cheese pizza.
Good lad that one, hopefully I'll get the chance to thank him one day.
When you're both in prison perhaps
I don't live in a country where watching pixels is a crime, but nice try westoid.
>Torrentgalaxy is dead
Is it for real? Which torrent site should I use now?
but enough about u
oh erm thank you for your service still not seeding
A private tracker of your choice
/g/ is full of indians, whites seed. I wanna seed but usually can't, seeding is not much of a problem unless it's something obscure abd really new lot of people are downloading.
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You act like seeding requires any effort
It doesn't but I'm still not doing it to help freeloaders like >>102179481 sorry
Ok you do you I’ll keep seeding. Why are you spamming these threads. Just tell us your real agenda.
Samefag here
I'm not spamming anything anon. I'm just here to talk about why public torrents are shit.
the proof is in the archive tho
Proof of what? I didn't even make this thread or the previous one. I'm just here to laugh at the public street shitters.
that's you
It's not. I am a private tracker user. I seed.
you are also not very bright
everyone can see that you also made that thread
I didn't. I only use private trackers where this behavior isn't allowed. Also my client is Deluge.
Tell me you're a pedophile without saying you're a pedophile
>accuses people of being pedophiles
>uses public trackers full of cp
Let's see your iknowwhatyoudownload.com page
I use Bitcomet DHT torrent search, never censored, never stoppable
>>many users public torrents that want to do the right thing and seed get scared off by companies who want to catch them seeding
>>there's no privacy on public torrents unless you buy yourself a VPN.
Literally the reason I stopped torrenting altogether after college. They fucking drove those "we will catch you, we will fuck you" seminars so hard I truly believe that I'm going to be fined $100k just by opening uTorrent. Not to mention I've been told uTorrent cryptomines on your machine.

I still remember the good ol days
>free VPNs to use
>TPB was alive and strong
>Anti-virus was plentiful and worked
>uTorrent wasn't shit
>not nearly as much DRM that fucked with your machine
I miss the simpler times.
Private trackers made it worth torrenting again.
If it ain't private I won't pirate
Torrents are no longer the prefered way of pirating and is only good for temporary/limited distribution of trending/current entertainment. This concept of seed-feed-sneed lacks a proper name, so i just call it lootbox piracy and is only good for normie slop.
None of this applies for private tracker chads
>Why do you keep seeding to people who literally make fun of you and call you stupid for seeding to them?
>Why do you keep seeding to people who take advantage of your altruism and never seed with you?
>Why do you keep seeding to bots that download content for streaming sites and never seed?
>Why do you keep seeding on public swarms that are monitored to catch people like you seeding?

I have autism so seeing the numbers go up makes me feel good.
I just don't seed most of the time because I only get 20mbits up. If a torrent is something important and only has like 3 seeds, then I'll do my part and at least do 1:1, but for a movie that has 300 seeds? What's the point?
>If a torrent is something important and only has like 3 seeds, then I'll do my part and at least do 1:1, but for a movie that has 300 seeds? What's the point?
anon...we all know this. nobody in their right mind seeds a well-seeded torrent. it makes perfect sense to only seed torrents with less than 5 seeds. Nothing more.
>I just don't seed most of the time because I only get 20mbits up.
protip: always look for other ISPs in your area. I did this last year and I got a huge upload and download boost because a startup fiber provider showed up in my town and very few people knew about it. A year later, everybody on my street dropped our shitty cable provider and went with the new fiber provider. Couldn't be happier.
All the private trackers are working fine for me

What kind of jew wants media piracy? You retard
Dude I assure you you'll deal with more "power" at a DMV than you would at a private tracker. You're just fucking insane.
Pass the test
Most of that is objectively wrong you fucking faggot
Stay mad public street shitter
prove it, miguel
>What kind of jew wants media piracy? You retard
didnt a jew create bittorrent in the first place?
all facts
>the majority of /g/ users say they turn off a public torrent when it gets to 100% and never seed
their fault. I always seeded my torrents to at least 400%, especially if it is something harder to find (or with few seeders). blame it on faggots who think torrents are just like ddls
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used to host a 5tb seedbox on a external 2.5 drive but got bad sectors after 2 years of running 24/7.
recently upgraded my new home server and probably willl host a seedbox again if i find a good deal on drives
>blame it on faggots who think torrents are just like ddls
they don't think that. they just don't want to seed and think you are retarded for seeding.
>he does it for free
Public trackers are really bad, the things I want to download are REALLY SLOW. It wasn't like this when rarbg was around
Time to go private
We need more public trackers to go up
Private trackers do suck, but the fact remains that they are the best content archival systems out there. kg is world renowned for its collection among film scholars, directors, critics, etc., many of which do not even understand what bittorrent is. PTP is the largest and most complete film archive, ever.
For what it's worth, I do sometimes reseed dead stuff on nyaa from AB (since I always check nyaa first) and share private tracker content that hasn't made it to public on >>>/t/.
I used to be a big time seeder until I switched my internet entirely to a cheap LTE plan. Now I can't p2p at all anymore.
Swapped my harddrive for a 128gb SSD, been living the simple life ever sice.
GG faggots, it was good sharing with you.
I joined TorrentLeech when that happened. Life's good
If it wasn't for the MPAA and RIAA force fucking ISPs into raping us for thinking about TPB, torrenting would be in such a different place. But the fact that they got away with billing millions of dollars for the crime of being a good seeder ruined everything. If it wasn't for copyright infringement bullshit, p2p would be the go to file download method. Hell, even Windows 10 uses p2p for updates.
kneeled and checked
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>porn siterip stuck at 95% for weeks
>two files missing
>find them elsewhere
>filesize looks about the same so why not try them in there
>bit fit
>seed so the others can reach 100%
Still waiting for my medal btw
>Why do you keep seeding
Mirror = Backup
i do this constantly with my porn download lol, so many people I saved this way.
you are overestimating the relevance and influence of this shitboard
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are poorfags on /g/ really not able to afford their media???
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Of course i can afford media, i just don't believe in copyright
>limited resources
In what way is it fucking limited?
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it's not about the money. it's about sending a message.
anonymous hosting is expensive and gimped
lots of users constantly talking to the server is taxing, specially with a secure layer
more servers to be more stable means even more money
and all of this is in the hands of retards that reuse and stack shit on already crappy foundations
Because you got in easy? Why should I put in the effort when you did nothing special? I wouldn't mind if actual uploaders or donaters talked shit because they would be right doing so. I'm targeting the gatekeepers who didn't even do anything to be in the community they gatekeep other than being lucky, born earlier or finding an invite at the right time and right place. This is why I will never respect the average private tracker /ptg/ dwelling tranny. Most do LESS compared to me in order to share content
I'm pretty sure they're gated off to keep copyright trolls out.
t. basic bitch taste that can be covered with a soobscription
physical anime is so ridiculously expensive. if anime piracy goes the way of the dodo a huge amount of anime fans worldwide will actually just stop watching anime. period, and crunchyroll's selection fucking sucks dick and CR is run by fucking retards.
this, I fucking wish I could buy blurays, but I'm not shelling out 200€ for 4 to 8 hours of content
and this is excluding shipping fees, which go absolutely bonkers if you try getting them second-hand
if 99.999% of people can't access something because it's locked behind a clique of hypersensitive middle school gossips it is the same as that file being dead. Private trackers contribute nothing to piracy or copyright resistance which is infinitely worse than someone not keeping a file with 20 seedboxes already seeding it in their list
>a private archive is infinitely worse than someone not archiving because there's already people doing so
If nobody can access it it's not an archive any more than some random darknet server is an archive. It's just a personal backup at best, and OP is turning around and bragging that their personal backup contributes more to people sharing than people actually sharing.
an archive doesn't imply public use, that's just entitlement
and where is OP bragging exactly?
all he says is that "Being a public torrent user is hell."
bla bla bla

Make a white-only Internet. No kikes.
Must suck using public trackers
humiliation ritual.
as always /ptg/ faggots on suicide watch.
Seeding is a whiteness test.
lmao they will never recover
You are - and I say this sincerely - a hero
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>Seeding is a whiteness test.
Nah we're doing just fine. All our torrents are well seeded. Healthy swarms. Better selection.
delusional tranny
ptp has only seeds for capeshit just like on public trackers
you're not fooling anyone
2 seeds on PTP is still faster than 50 seeds on any public tracker

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