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How could they detect if you are using a VPN?
Vai tomar no cú need filho da pura.
Everything has to go through your ISP first before your IP is virtualized, Brazilian ISPs will know you are requesting packets from a VPN provider and hand you over to the authorities. They will also just ban them at the domain level.

Holy shit the absolute state of /g/
>a VPN provider
Why would you need someone to "provide" you with a VPN, isn't the point of a virtual PRIVATE network to make your own?
>acento agudo no u
Tinha que ser um macaco mesmo cria do Lula
No one said VPNs are banned
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What's Musky's problem? He has no problem taking down content when western countries request it, why is it now a problem when Brazil does the same thing?
not my problem normalfags think VPNs are just VPN services for dodging regional blocks
Pretty much all VPNs have fixed range of datacenter IPs, so they are not too hard to detect and block. They could also try DPI as well.
Not that I use or care about social memeworks but why is elon badsmell's one banned in brazil?
banning twitter is unironically one of the best things you can possibly do for a society's well-being
is this all because of the Brazilian Miku meme?
A supreme court judge in Brazil ordered X to censor his political opponents.
X said no, there's no legal basis for doing that.
Judge continues to say X must do it and starts issuing fines.
X ceases all operations in the country so there'd be no way for them to collect.
Judge has responded by banning X and also froze Starlink's finances in the country.
Do you think it could be because evil leftard demons are censoring something again for the billionth time? I'm not sure, maybe it's something else this time.
No, its because Elon wouldnt cooperate with the government's attempt at "regulating" social media.
I wish I had something else to say but lol is all I think of. Fucking left.
Problem is that we are going on the same path of Venezuela

One thing is EU demanding removal of extreme stuff, another is people being imprisoned for questioning the legality of Moraes actions
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Let's start with Melon
So, did X's quality increase with banning Huelandia?
>6 years ago
Brazil's quality definitely did.
More specifically, people who said Jair won in 2022.
Sharpen your knife, he'll be a socialist again by the end of this year.
mullvad.net is already down in Brazil.
can i haz free starlink then comrade tovarisch
The absolute state of huezilians
I can already feel them mass migrating to my country just how Bolivians, Paraguayans, Venezuelans and Colombians already do.
Is now suspiciously up again.
Wonder if the O Sul fags will rustle a few jimmies soon
>Starlink's finances in the country.
How much we reckon is in that account?
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I tried to get an american tourist visa last year for defcon, and I was DENIED.
I have a masters degree, fully employed, ~R$250000 in assets (literally the 1% for favelazil standards), and planing to stay for just 2 weeks.
Now, my friend knows venazuelan, with no money, no job, doesn't know english and has a criminal past that got his visa first try. Now he is living illegally in the US making videos on facebook teaching other illegals how to scam food banks and get money from the government.
This is really fucked up.

Now due to recent happenings I serious considering migrating to a real country where I can actually get a chance to enter like Canada or Switzerland.
we don't want you eifher
should've been a brown stereotypical violent brown criminal instead of a model citizen. US wants BVLLS instead of sissies
They have deals with the military here, probably not as much as in the US but I bet is significant amount.
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>EU demanding removal of extreme stuff
EU throws people in prison for misgendering and literal thoughtcrime.

The issue with Brazil is it's one corrupt judge blasting out secret illegal unilateral orders to censor and ban people for dissident views - all in the name of protecting democracy, naturally.
>someone who identified as a lefty years ago was repulsed by what lefties have become and switched teams
many such cases
We're full.
The UK is not in the EU, dumb Amerishart
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Scuse me anon, that's the UK. They have nothing to do with us and you should not associate us with that shithole
Just run a tor node on every satellite.
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All of western europe is like this.
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But I'm a light skin nigga, I'm one of the good ones. I'm racist, I hate rap "music", I despise nigger culture, I hate libtards, I'm a libertarian and I promessi I would never get goberment gibs or vote.
I would reather be a second citizen in a withe country be live one more day in this favela full of monkeys.
Pretty please, let me in.
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Nice article anon. Care to show us what exactly they were saying?
sorry we only accept chinks and jeets
I don't know shit about Brazil except that every time in my life that I've seen a video of a girl getting pooped on or fucked by a horse it was made in Brazil.
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They can't know that you are using twitter through a VPN, unless the VPN or twitter tells them.

Use a good VPN, I have read good things about mullvad.

Use twitter in read only mode: do not post, do not like posts, do not block-mark posts, do not follow new accounts, do not add accounts to groups... twitter is know for leaking information by error.
you know they arrest people for praying at Planned Parenthood too? they just saying you’re “blocking” them. stupid mutt

Care to tell us what hypothetical thing they might've said that you would consider worthy of a police raid?
Calls to violence and genocide, which are explicitly illegal in any western nation
>pooped on
Yeah I had my BESTiality phase too but wtf m8
The lefty parts of america aren't all that far behind. but at minimum at least there's still a pretense that it's not for thoughtcrime. Europe has just fully dropped the veil.
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Where am I gonna find all my cute yuri art and /m/ related stuff now? Literally the only reason why I use Twitter. Honestly, this isn't fair, lads. I guess I'll have to use Pixiv or whatever for now. Hope this bullshit ends soon.
Only specific threats are illegal in america. In europe posting "GAS THE KIKES" is enough to get locked up.
they can't detect that shit + nobody in brazil has 10k
>Law says "you will not say "gas the kikes""
>Does it anyways
>Surprised when raided
How many of those people were actually prosecuted after the raids anon?
Elon should enable hidden services for brazillians.
Mullvad is compromised now. They removed port forwarding like a week after they got raided by Swedish police but "it's ok goys, we showed them that we can't log so they wen't their merry ways without taking any media"
If you believe that you can just talk your way out of a police raid, I have a bridge to sell to you.
A woman who complained about jeets pooping on beaches on tik tok got a visit from the RCMP.

We don't have freedom of speech in any country in the world. Old joke, American says you are free in my country to criticize the president, Soviet responds that he is free to criticize the American President too.

There is a creeping authoritarianism and China and the West are creeping towards each other, with most of the movement on the West side. I'm glad since I'm an authoritarian but they seem to be cracking down on the wrong things.
Signal talked their way out of a raid, because they don't keep logs. I dunno how trustworthy Signal is though.
>the swat team ripped up your house over spicy twitter memes but it's ok because they decided not to press charges
So you're just fine with your police being used for illegal political intimidation?
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>i'm an authoritarian
>no not like that :(
Fuck you and you're race
>spicy twitter memes
That you refuse to show for some inconvenient reason. Curious
The only thing your isp sees is the encrypted traffic between you and your VPN provider.
If your isp could detect what you are doing on the internet then.your VPN is shit.
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It was a joke, boomers
How is that legal. The state has too much power, I swear.
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no. Signal was never raided, they responded to a written subpoena. when grunts with guns show up to your physical office, the time for lawyer motion practice is long gone.

You could've easily googled the article at any time. Naturally no concrete description of what was posted, just vague scare words. Feel free to try and dig up 7 year old german police reports though.


Here's a more recent story where they raided dozens of people for "misogyny".
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They don't need the ISP

>Dataminers and advertisers gather information about you
>This information ties your real identity to your twitter account
>Automated system detects that one of your data points is active
>You get fined
Of course everyone with over 100 IQ have been saying that this would happen for decades
Vai pra Europa, EUA e Rússia são os piores países pra você entrar ultimamente. Tem o meme de que "tudo está dominado por pajeets", mas você ainda consegue viver muito bem em várias partes da Europa, principalmente no interior.

Só não vai chegar na Suíça e fazer churrasco na frente da casa e botar funk no talo.
they'll have to do regular searches of your home
>Most of the raids concerned politically motivated right-wing incitement, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office, whose officers conducted home searches and interrogations. But the raids also targeted two people accused of left-wing extremist content, as well as one person accused of making threats or harassment based on someone’s sexual orientation
So I was correct

>None of the suspects were detained
>The authorities also flagged posts that advocated rape or sexual assault or that distributed videos of torture or killing
Yep, that sure is baaad. Won't someone think of the... goreposters? deepfakers?

Also noticed that not a single actual post was included in either of those articles

You are a mindless sheep
So it's just VPNs, right? Is Nitter still fine?
Does the judge drive a Tesla?
>So I was correct
Correct about what? That there's a law on the books in most european countries that makes it illegal to offend gays and trannies on facebook? No one denied that, that's the entire problem.

>>The authorities also flagged posts that advocated rape or sexual assault or that distributed videos of torture or killing
>Yep, that sure is baaad. Won't someone think of the... goreposters? deepfakers?
In your mind how big is the gap between "I don't like this" and "This should be illegal"?

>Also noticed that not a single actual post was included in either of those articles
Exactly, just inflammatory descriptions of posts that they won't let you see because it would ruin the narrative.
AIDSmonkeys aren't smart enough to do that.
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>illegal to offend
Incitement has a legal definition, retard

If you want to uncritically share inflammatory screenshots of articles you should do so in your containment board
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Sounds like China.
>Incitement has a legal definition, retard
Yes, an incredibly vague one that can mean basically whatever the police want it to.

I see you've run out of arguments. I accept your concession.
>board gets influx of shitskins
>posts like this becomes common
I hope nordvpn is safe until I can get free from this hell.
brazil was so perfect before bros...
>make game
>receive in usd
>convert to usd to brl with an 5x increase, 20k becomes 100k here
>move all this money to a company in my name and now I'm paying less than 5k in taxes in total
but now I can't even use internet freely anymore.
Alguem morando na argentina, paragay ou chile tem dicas que como me mudar? Sou branco e com qi acima de 70.
The UK is not part of the EU. The Brits voted to leave the EU so they could have less free speech and freedom.
>The Brits voted to leave the EU so they could have less free speech and freedom.
That wasn't the objective, it was the punishment.
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I don't really think they hope to automatically detect anybody, it'd be a different story if they were banning VPNs all together but no it's just twitter w/ VPN. from the ISP level, I think they'd have to do some DPI shit to even have a chance of detecting you w/ a VPN.
It's their own fault for falling for russian anti-EU propaganda
Good luck with that cuck.
except if you actually read the news instead of slurping up fox’s toiletwater, you’d know the UK girl has already had the charges dropped and been awarded £13k compensation.
>wrongful imprisonment
>assault and battery
>violation of human rights
>two years of legal torture
>emotional and reputational damage

The process is the punishment.
If you're posting you're using a VPN, how else would you get through the block.
If they could detect traffic on a VPN and know what it is then why would they want you to remove VPN apps? I think they'd want you to have more VPN applications so they can detect everything.
Unless they're lying.
retarded amerimutt strikes again
the charges were dropped in 3 fucking months
as for your other points, unlike America, its not a usual occurrence to be beaten all the way to the police station
>if they were banning VPNs all together but no it's just twitter w/ VPN
They're ordering removal of VPN apps from app stores. Sounds like "banning VPNs all together" to me.
Prove my account hasn't been hacked.

Actually I'm a good example. My twitter account was hacked years ago despite having a unique password. I have never tweeted or retweeted anything, but my account has. Why should I pay a fine?

Also you're wrong on your own logic because governments would never order a company to hand over their data on you. How the data is harvested would have to be revealed and the government would have to (in an official capacity) authorize a random advertiser the authority to investigate you perpetually.
Anon, we're talking about shithole brazil, where the shithole president is banning twitter because people questioned his actions
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>August 19, 2024

>West Midlands Police conceded claims of two wrongful arrests of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, along with false imprisonments, assault and battery in relation to an intrusive search, a breach of her human rights and to the onerous bail conditions they imposed on her.
>X banned in Brazil
Muito basado.
yes, learn to read you fucking nigger, that was the civil case not the criminal case

god you americans are so fucking dumb. good thing you posted a selfie.
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>3 months of prosecution and imprisonment for literal thoughtcrime
>18 months of refusing to admit they did anything wrong
>laughable settlement amount that probably paid for about two days' worth of her legal bills
>meanwhile UK hard at work passing new laws that will make sure they can lock her up for good next time
System working as intended.
>the country of "Is VPN legal?"
glenn pls
You're a massive retard
What a giant poser
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You didn't think joining BRICS would bring about more freedom and liberty, did you /v/????????
If you have european ancestry, you might be able to get european citizenship depending on the country of origin (the levels of ancestry required are different per country).
VPNs too. Some people were born to be sheep, I have accepted that
Luckily, not me
MAGA wannabes tried to recreate the coup in Brazil.
Judge orders their accounts to be banned.
Musk says no. Thinks he's being smart by closing his Twitter offices in Brazil so there is no one to serve the subpoenas to.
Judge posts a tweet about the subpoena.
Elon takes the bait and reacts.
Judge now has evidence that Elon knew of the subpoena and didn't respond in time.
Freezes Starlink assets, bans X.
They likely don't have any automatic detection of VPNs. What they'd do is make it so you can't openly/publicly access Twitter. Your own admission of having accessed Twitter during the ban could be used by a court to find you guilty and fine you.

You give too much attention to the words in the name, and not enough attention to what the thing actually is. VPNs are glorified proxy servers. They are private, but not usually private with respect to you. You are accessing someone else's private network.
Checked and whatever the fuck "trans-identified male" even means?
>MAGA wannabes tried to recreate the coup in Brazil.
political dissent is le bad
>Judge orders their accounts to be banned.
By fiat
>Musk says no. Thinks he's being smart by closing his Twitter offices in Brazil so there is no one to serve the subpoenas to.
Closing all local offices in a country run by a dictator who's got a prosecution-boner for you and your employees seems very rational to me.
>Judge posts a tweet about the subpoena.
>Elon takes the bait and reacts.
>Judge now has evidence that Elon knew of the subpoena and didn't respond in time.
That's not how subpoenas work.
>Freezes Starlink assets, bans X.
Starlink is a completely unrelated company that Elon doesn't even fully own.
I am male when it benefits me and tranny when it benefits me
Didn't Elon censor accounts when Turkey asked him to? Why is Brazil different? I thought I was misremembering it since I haven't seen anyone bring that up, but it seems to be exactly like something he already did before, so why is he complaining about it now?

Also what are the chances that the EU will ban Twitter as well? I saw that being talked about not long ago but didn't look into it that much. I feel like that would just fully convert it into /pol/ 2, if it doesn't kill the site from all the remaining advertisers leaving.
Just a euphemism for tranny. Means the same thing as "trans woman" except used by people who refuse to call balding dudes "woman".
>MAGA wannabes tried to recreate the coup in Brazil
They didn't. There was never any coup attempt at all. People trashed Palácio do Planalto. That was the "coup".
>Judge orders their accounts to be banned
None of the accounts that were ordered to be censored were at the protest. Some weren't even in the country. In fact, there's not even evidence these accounts had tweets in support of the protest.
>Judge posts a tweet about the subpoena
Which is completely illegal by the way.

KYS bootlicker.
There's a difference between a third world dictator ruling by decree and a nominal democracy enforcing its (stupid, repressive) laws, but Elon is increasingly fighting back against Europe too. They'd never actually ban it anyway until it lost all usefulness as a tool for spreading globohomo propaganda. Brazil doesn't care about that.

>kill the site from all the remaining advertisers leaving.
two more weeks
Turkey probably has legal mechanisms for enforcing censorship after so much time with 西瓜商人様 at the helm, Macacoland is nominally a democracy with full freedom of speech.
>I'm glad since I'm an authoritarian but they seem to be cracking down on the wrong things
This is your brain on political compass. What are you even trying to imply here? That there is some kind of Team Authoritarian Axis you're rooting for? That authoritarianism in itself is a worthwhile goal to achieve? What's good authoritarianism, when roasties wear bags with eye-holes and fags get chucked off the roof? You don't get to wear the boots, retard.
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You trust this guy to do what's right, don't you?
The "law" in huezil is interpretative.
If you have a gun and someone in your street was shoot you are guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.
>They'd never actually ban it anyway until it lost all usefulness as a tool for spreading globohomo propaganda.
Seems like a fool's errand to do that on Twitter of all places. It's like those people who run nazi accounts on fucking Tumblr.
>two more weeks
Elon himself admitted a year ago that they're bleeding money from all the advertisers leaving, and it's only gotten worse since then. If Trump ends up losing, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he just sold the site a year later as all the traffic from the election dies down, since even the Twitter addicts are getting sick of seeing a dozen ads in a row. He could fund it with his own money I guess, but I really doubt he cares about keeping it up as a "free speech" platform as much as he does about not losing billions per year.
It's funny how his head genuinely looks like a dick. The jokes just write themselves, he was born for politics.
If you sweat when they ask you if you're using a VPN
E nada de valor foi perdido
This may surprise you and your five Mastodon pals but Twitter is still the most influential social media site in the world and there's no sign of that changing any time soon.

>I really doubt he cares about keeping it up as a "free speech" platform as much as he does about not losing billions per year.
There were less verbose ways you could've chosen to demonstrate your ignorance of the situation but whatever, I guess.
why would twatter cooperate and hand over the data to the government that fucking banned it? they can do what facebook does and just ignore any requests for data
Why are hue politicians suddenly against twitter what happened
Zuck recently cried in an interview about how the glowies raped him and how much better limiting the reach and applying a content warning on "disinformation" posts was compared to X.

One man's disinformation is another man's facts. Two logical, reasonable people can come to differing conclusions on what is to be done for an issue (or whether it is an issue at all). This is what politics is, and "fact checking" is an inherently political act and was handed over to far left orgs in the case of FB. X did a bit better with community notes, but that isn't bulletproof. Google Gemini wouldn't give me info about an old by-election here in Canada, maybe Google and FB should butt out of trying to influence their customers to vote a particular way.
Probably because of your online behavior, anon. Money doesn't mean shit
You are the ideal immigrant, well skilled, young(?) and no health issues. Unfortunately it is very hard to get to Canada legally, start applying for jobs here and the employer (or even potential employment status) will be a big boost.

Justin Trudeau is cracking down on Temporary Foreign Workers (thank god) who are mostly Indian or Filipino, but we are always in the need of skilled workers. It's relatively easy to become a citizen after a few years and then you can vote for my political party (PPC).
So please tell me /g/ how does this work? If I use mullvad am I safe?
The chinese have the literal CCP and they VPN into the regular internet so I ask, is it enough?
Is there a way for the government to know even using mullvad to access it? I do not have any indication of where I live on my account of course..
The only social media I ever had was Linkdn and is extremely outdated.

From what I heard what they look at the most are 1)Things the anchor you in your country for you to go back to like job, school, family, real state, car, etc.
2)Money to finance you while you are abroad
I pass those too criteria easy.

I had all my documents in hand, but the guy didn't even want to see it. The "interview" last just a little over a minute. And when I was waiting none before me got approve either, and their interview was as quick as me and they never look at their documentations either.
But the guy seem to be surprised I knew english.
My theory is that their quotas were full and they were denying everyone. But who knows...

>You are the ideal immigrant,
>well skilled,
29 is young.
>and no health issues.
>Unfortunately it is very hard to get to Canada
I always heard that Canada was always easy to get then America. What people seem to do is to get in a tourist visa, change it to student visa (apparently is easier to do it their), than change it to work visa. I don't know if this glitch still works tho.

When I was in college I trid to apply to this exchange program where you get to study and work in Canada. I got approve for the college part and I got to the last round of interviews at the company but I lost to a chink. According to insiders, they always pick chinks no matter how good you are because it's easier, less paper works and they get tax kickbacks.

Might try that glitch next year.
Because those Western countries told Musk he needed to take down Brazil.
because western users bring in far more money per ad impression. He’s prob glad to “legally” kick out poorfag brazillians to reduce traffic cost
>Two logical, reasonable people
A false premise when dealing with left leaning people as their ideology is feelings based first and foremost.
>there's no legal basis for doing that.
Yes, there is. We have laws criminalizing attemps at coup detat due to our own expeirence being a military dictatorship. Bolsonaro was found planning his own cling to power. Stop spreading lies.
Problem is the orders are not legal.

>Judge orders ban of opposition accounts of sitting/ranking politicians (for "misinformation")
>Musk says he will challenge it with lawyers
>Judge says he will jail the lawyers/employees for asking questions
>Musk closes shop
>Judge says open up shop and have your employees be arrested
>Musk refuses
>Judge bans X/VPN/etc


Every other country
>Judge orders ban of account
>Musk lawyers challenges
>Court hears the validity of the case and rules against Musk
>Musk complies
>Judge says he will jail the lawyers/employees for asking questions
China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Brazil

Good company
they can't and even if they could why waste so much time and resources doing it ? an isp is not going to put up with this bullshit , this is just dogshit drama to manipulate stock prices and you know it, they have not been able or have any interest in banning torrenting, why would they care about xitter.
>MAGA wannabes tried to recreate the coup in Brazil.
Yes, the 16 year old girl who said mean things about Maores was a threat to Brazil's democracy.
I bet my money that little shit is an Argie. I can smell his arrogance from here.
>This may surprise you and your five Mastodon pals
I don't use Mastodon, I just hate social media in general and wish people like artists didn't post almost exclusively on it.
>inb4 4chan is social media
You know what I mean.
>Twitter is still the most influential social media site in the world and there's no sign of that changing any time soon.
What does that have to do with the fact that it's constantly losing more and more money, something it needs in order to stay up and keep said influence? Influence alone doesn't pay the bills. If there's little to no advertisers left, and he keeps getting massive userbase drops like with the Brazil ban (which saves money, but also reduces both its influence and its appeal for advertisers), how do you think it will make enough money to keep running, besides Elon spending his own money on it? Checkmarks aren't enough, and most companies won't be interested in user data from sites they don't even advertise on.
>There were less verbose ways you could've chosen to demonstrate your ignorance of the situation but whatever, I guess.
What situation? I'm saying he's not gonna keep spending his money on a website that's constantly draining him out of it, at least not for too long. He's already having to spam ads, beg people to pay for premium, and sue advertisers for not wanting to advertise when he literally told them not to if they don't want. He's desperately trying to make money out of this thing.
You actually can if you're in Brazil.
Sounds like everyone's a winner
LMAOing at you, pseud
Matthew 6:5
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

She deserved to get arrested.
Very simple.
If your account is not anonymous and it's still posting on twitter, you get fined.
Every public figure, anyone mildly popular in Brazil will stop posting in fear of fines. The public will not be fined, but will stop using twitter since there's nothing to read.
Not to mention 99% of twitter users don't know how to set up a VPN.
There's a big difference between something that's actually criminal and something that some random wanker just took out from his arse. Not every law is fair, dear trannyfriend
it says
>any citizen found to access X in Brazil using a VPN
>any citizen in Brazil using a VPN
they have no way of knowing what you are accessing using your VPN unless you tell them, unless you use some kind of utterly ancient vpn client, or unless the VPN is either hosted in brazil or in a country that would willingly raid the VPN provider on behalf of the brazilian government over something stupid that's only illegal in brazil (read: nobody)

so unless they plan to raid the household of every single vpn user in their country, good luck enforcing this past being an addon charge to people they're raiding anyway
And what the fuck twitter has to do with that? And why is everyone restricted from twitter? If Jair was the guy planning the coup then just arrest Jair and call it a day.
Common nigger behaviour trying to diminish people's freedom just because.
Fuck you leftie nigger
>niggerzilian discovers that the whole world hates niggerzilians
LMAO even
you're a fucking idiot with a single digit iq
>Vai tomar no cú need filho da pura.
I'm sorry for any confusion, but the excerpt you've provided appears to be in a language I don't understand. The text seems to be in Portuguese, and it's not appropriate or respectful. I'm here to maintain a positive and inclusive environment. If you have a question about coding or another topic in English, I'd be happy to help with that.
Glenn Greenwald is a jewish homosexual
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It doesn't matter if they magically stop cooperating now, there's already decades of data from them as well as any third party trackers that they have on the site, and they have already historically given out the data. Once it's out there, it's out there.
They aren't as private as you're thinking, dork. Same reason Tor isn't a secure thing for black mark assassinations and other crime: FBI (Navy created the protocol) is able to see everything. Reason why Silk Road shut down: They were able to find the exit nodes and glowie their ass.
>What's Musky's problem?
He's a retard. Simple answer.

It's baffling he has the reality distortion field of 'tards that follow him that he does. Ever since he lucked into Paypal, he's had a chip on his shoulder to try to make "X.com" (which isn't a porn site!) happen.

He would've been happier just making it a fucking porn site, making money off coomers and fucking off forever like Kim Dotcom (who like Musk, can't fucking stay away).

I guess Notch (who has the same fucking problem of not shutting the fuck up and enjoying his billions) would be the better example: Lucked into massive money, is so fucking insufferable and unfunny that they flail for attention to try to be funny and have people laugh/enjoy their company but are so repulsive and shite that they can't achieve that.

The faster Musk kills himself, the better.
>People trashed Palácio do Planalto. That was the "coup".
So you agree? They tried to coup and like the Jan 6 'tards and Pelosi's Assassin: Didn't do their due diligence and failed?
Kikes, anon. Kikes.
Kike politicians pick shitskins so they can outnumber White Americans.
They want to kill the White Race.
>two more weeks
Brazil is the 6th largest Twitter (formerly: Twitter) market. Brazil banning is does more for ad revenue than Nike/et. al leaving, but CHUDs can't put ads in front of HUEHUEHUE monkeys, only Nazis.
Zuckk book should be broken into many pieces, just like Google should be.
>The UK is not part of the EU.
They are still ruled by kikes.
Stay away from Russia you dirty mudnigger. We already have enough.
Silk Road shut down because the founder put his real name on it and glowies literally used a hot girl to steal his laptop.
Descargar juega gratis pele ronaldo ronaldinho los pollos hermanos
Stfu retarded christcuck
christianity is jewish
false, I'm venezuelan, I can access protonvpn, holavpn, nordvpn, tunnelbear and others with no issue, I can even access tor without the need the change bridges
>Use a good VPN, I have read good things about mullvad.
Buy an AD.
Holy fuck you're a bluepilled retard
EU is fucking jewish
That's why Germany is filled with desert goblins now
Do u get in trouble for it?
>based supremo kills xitter
>still see xitter posts because retards keep posting them here.

Someone please tell Alexandre that people are posting twitter threads here so he can ban this shithole too.
Yes they see youbare using VPN. Instant SUS black list. Then they can see you using elon shithead X by using cookie snooping
Witnessed. Based
>using cookie snooping
>There's a difference between a third world dictator ruling by decree and a nominal democracy enforcing its (stupid, repressive) laws
There is no difference, you stupid pilpuling kike
The end result is the same thing
Erdogan and this bald faggot from Brazil are the same shit
They could if they have sufficient DPI backend, and that shit is expensive even for government entities, not to mention ISP's. Typically in censorship-ridden shitholes (I happen to live in one) such measures amount to making an examples of some particularly unlucky Joe's.
Where you at?
Stuck up in Putler's arsehole. I rent my own VPS server and use ByeDPI 24/7.
Why not just use a regular VPN ? Too expensive ? Blocked in russia ?
I think you misapply that. Didn't the hypocrites pray in public so that people would like them? This is the reward the verse is speaking of.

She on the other hand is praying in public as protest, knowing that people will dislike her for it. It's a different situation.
you stupid idiot
Considering he uses ByeDPI im guessing Russia does DPI against VPNs, and blocked commercial VPNs
Ah, I see
When I last searched I found out a lot of people used VPNs and I assumed they had only blocked social media
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Ask the glowies in Venezuela, who used Signal and got caught and are in gulag now
yez,,, if 10 people use a vpn at the same time, we can overload their censors,.,..,. just like in my favorite game watch dogs
>Why not just use a regular VPN
To have the best and up-to-date tunneling protocols and helping my friends all in the same time. Would make for a nice hustle too
> Too expensive?
Bro renting a VPS is several times more expensive then VPN, but in return you can implement whatever you want, however you want
> Blocked in russia ?
They are starting to crack down on unobfuscated protocols (wireguard, shadowsocks, openVPN, etc). And while the severity of implemented measures differs between ISP's, I'd rather stay ahead
You know what Putin would hate even more?
If you would get into the trench and fight for the Western Values.
You can forward all your traffic through a $20 web server if you wanted to
Twitter is an American company AFAIK, and is subject to American laws. Everybody else is irrelevant.
>Imagine using twitter
please tell me this isnt real, people are not that stupid, right?!
>I'd rather stay ahead
The only thing you achieve is to stick out like a sore thumb.
One of the reasons why facebook and the other darpa project blocked Russia (yes, they blocked Russia and not the other way around), is to create enough VPN traffic of regular users to create plausible deniability for their actual assets.

If the only people using your method are the people who do the CIAs bidding, they are simple for anyone to filter and catch.

Happened like that in Venezuela, where all pro-Western assets switched to Signal and then got caught.
>I fucking hate those pro-immigrants parties
>let me immigrate though
Literal slave mindset.
If you were so good you'd already have had plenty of opportunities instead of begging on an anonymous forum.
>fucking Chirac
I laff every time
Signal was literally founded by the CIA. Massive honeypot
Which has like 2000 users, out of those, 1500 are butthurt belter fags who want to promote it to "stick it to putin" and who aren't even in Russia, 400 will be CIA assets operating in Russia and you are one of the last 100.

And everyone can easily detect if someone uses it, since it messes up packages to avoid very simple filters.
If you think that their DPI is written with such easy filters because they "ARE JUST DUMB AND I AM MUCH SMARTER", i hope you will have a great time in gulag with your cell mate Agent Johnson.
Learn how to use VLess + XTLS-Reality. So they can't detect you're using a VPN.
It masks itself like you're browsing website.
Oh, and fetch new browser without your cookies and logins with fingerprint protection.
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>on my /g/
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>If you're posting you're using a VPN, how else would you get through the block.
Maybe you were traveling abroad at the time you made your posts

Maybe you gave your login credentials to a friend living overseas and then phoned them to tell them what you wanted posted ( like how convicts do when they post from prison)
All these government ordered app removals from app stores seems pointless. Just sideload the app yourself. More of a normie filter than anything but who cares about them
Yeah the chart is retarded, VPNs are legal in Venezuela
Why doesn't the judge just arrest the dissidents instead of asking them to be digitally arrested on some american website?
I just want fewer immigrants. I disagree on many issues, I'm basically NDP without the gay shit and I like guns, but immigration is a huge deal and I don't mind compromising and "wasting my vote" (AB riding routinely getting 60-70% for Cons) until we get a better voting system so we don't just stop swapping between the LibCons.

I met with Bernier when he was in town and asked him what he knew about Linux and open source, he said he had heard about it from a budget perspective, how it could save money for the government over time by not needing Microsoft licenses. I tried to explain it was a battle of ideas, of open source transparency and sharing of code and the closed model of proprietary software but I dont think I did a good job in our brief chat.
Because leftards are making up any reason they can to use lawfare to destroy speech they don't like and their number 1 target worldwide is Elon Musk. Have you missed all of the seething trannies and zogbot "journalists" calling for his arrest for "hate speech"? The telegram guy was the trial run since nobody cares about him.
He wanted musk to give him into on who they were, too
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You kind of forget that the reason I use all that shit is to evade ruskie censorship, not glowies.
>Happened like that in Venezuela, where all pro-Western assets switched to Signal and then got caught.
So, you're comparing a rather large amount of politically charged people that used a messaging app to the concept of renting a server and establishing tunneling protocol on it. Well, I might as well continue the logical pattern and say that I enjoy stir-fried scallops with garlic sauce.
I don't know what kinda meds you're into but now I want the same stuff.
It's just one more way for police to entrap people like they do with tor and cp.
ok ruskoid bro since you're into this shit already do you think i could get away with just a vpn or do i need all this autism?
the only illegal thing is accessing twitter
A VPN is not “making your own network”
The only difference between a VPN and say your home network is who controls the flow of data.
VPN’s route traffic through the network to specific nodes and end points.
Unless you yourself open up your own home network to others then you are always using someone else network, with that said - using someone elses network still requires access to DNS servers,
Brazil (like any other nation) can determine where traffic is being routed especially if the VPN is pulling internet traffic from an Brazilian based ISP.

Tl;dr - that’s not how VPN’s work. Brazil still has access to ISO data including traffic
If the company has any physical presence in other countries, then it is definitely subject to the laws of those countries, too.
Oh, look! Twitter has an office in Brazil.
I don’t think you’re understanding how traffic analysis works now.
You do know that not even TOR can prevent your ISP (or any skilled network tech) from determining what you’re accessing right?
Sure, they may not know for sure what site you’re accessing via a VPN (unless a node is compromised) but they can always tell who is using a VPN
The dummy fun thing is that people are so stupid their Twitter accounts are often their real names, so when they see you're using a VPN and your Twitter account has new posts appearing in correlation, it's not unreasonable to conclude you're using a VPN to access Twitter.
lol yeh this model is retarded as a nigger toe
VPN is a good implementation overall if people use this as a remote access to some network like work office or whatever, but to use this as a distributor of proxy devices and sell this lie as if it will keep the traffic "privet" while they are obligated by law to extract the records each time the glowies ask its such a fraud
Yea that’s another interesting thing about the faux concern over privacy.
I see so many people (even in my professional job) complain about privacy but do realize that just having a cellphone or a social media account compromises your privacy to such a degree you might as well give up the “meh, muh privacy” fight.
The only way to truly have true privacy is to 1st not get any modern device especially not a cellphone, let alone a social media account.
But most if not all such things are done on personal emails or emails that can be traced back to your personal device MAC address.

That’s another thing, most people thinking they are tricking the ISP’s or Governments don’t realize that IPv6 is increasingly becoming norm but also, you can spoof your MAC but its way more difficult than spoofing an IP.

The same people crying about privacy usually do everything to compromise their own privacy - I mean look at how they took down some of the biggest TOR users/black market admins
Using very simple solutions like custom DNS might help but in practice that depends on ISP/region, this occasionally works even here. If all you want to use VPN for is scrolling Twitter, you better look into Tor, it's free. Otherwise, look into services that offer at least Wireguard.
What's wireguard? What does it do I mean
You do realize the only reason you’re allowed to use VPNs or TOR is because your gov allows it right?
None of us own an ISP, we all use ISP’s to browse the net.
No matter how much you think you’re tricking the government, you’re still being observed
Germany prosecutes 99 year old women because as a teenager they worked in the WW2 camps, or people who write 44 in a way so it looks like the Waffen SS symbol. That country is completely fucking insane.
The only upside is that in a few decades it will be overwhelmingly muslim, and it's gonna be real fucking interesting how they'll hold up such laws.
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so they are banning Twitter in Brazil?

like they banned piracy but not enforce it? same for firearms possession, drugs etc?

it's just a nothingburger, or as they say "nada acontece feijoada"
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Curiosity is good, but curiosity paired with a search engine is even better.
The reason I advised Tor in this case is because it's free and decently fast for suggested purpose.
>No matter how much you think you’re tricking the government, you’re still being observed
There is a difference between the amount of resources governments can commit to "cheap" automated censorship and dedicated trained personnel that are ready to parse through metric heaptons of digital garbage just to find that a particular user does a particular thing. Both have their uses, but they aren't the same thing.
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>Tor because its free and fast
Forgot comprised didn’t you?
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>I'm glad since I'm an authoritarian but they seem to be cracking down on the wrong things.
What the fuck did you expect?
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And you forgot how to write compromised, hehe.
By CIA/5 Eyes/MOSSAD? Yes. By some Brazilian ISP's automated solution? No.
Can you browse normal shit with tor?
he's talking about those "VPN" services you see advertised on youtube or whatever, basically rented proxies, not an actual VPN
i also very much dislike the co-opting of existing terms, now nobody knows what you mean when you say VPN
I'm struggling to even get on 4chan with a VPN anymore. If I do, it just says "429"
I never was on Twitter but reading his own posts how is this absolute moron a business genius?
His post explains it perfectly. Elon uses socialism to win billions in business. I don't know what you guys don't understand. All of his modern businesses are literally built on subsidies, tax credits or literally selling products and services to the government.
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>I'm glad since I'm an authoritarian but they seem to be cracking down on the wrong things.
Did Maduro turn on the power yet?
>Yes they see youbare using VPN. Instant SUS black list.
It's not illegal to simply use a VPN in Brazil is it? Just if it's used for twitter

I don't acknowledge app stores as a means software distribution.
Will they ban access to the git repository for OpenVPN? Will Debian have to remove OpenVPN from the archive in the Brazil mirror? What if they print out the source code of OpenVPN on a cruise ship and retype it into their personal computer from that hard copy in Sao Paolo?
Legally, I suppose Brazil could do whatever they wanted, but that would be unprecedented.
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>The only upside is that in a few decades it will be overwhelmingly muslim
>what you’re accessing right?
Lol. Lmao even. Any proofs that DPI can determine if I'm accessing specific website?
And yes, don't start with this bullshit documentation without any real usage.
Literally uninforcible lmao
I mean, under VPN or TOR
Divided 6 million by the amount of hours in WW2
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Checked, Germans are so afraid to be called 'nazis' they'll invite hyenas to fuck their toddlers.
What is a good free VPN bros?
Fuck Brazil. As a gamedev, those fucks are numerous and they don't pay shit. Three nukes per city, world is better off.
How is this even ok to seize assets of DIFFERENT company?
Its been explained in the thread multiple times. Musk was going to challenge the order in the courts, but the judge threatened to have his legal team and employees arrested if he did.
He complies with other countries because they have a minimally functioning legal system.
When Lula (their current president) was campaigning, he blamed the success of the opposition party on social media and openly promised to censor it to prevent his own party from ever losing another election

who cares with brazil thinks, bunch of murderous psychopathic sister fucking, monkeys.
You got a source for that? Specifically the second part.
Is openvpn good?
Not him but check musk's twitter he replies to it (yes brazil sent it through x)
its for making your own vpn as far as i understand
As a protocol wireguard is better
This. The UK is kind of like the EU but much worse.
This. Tor is compromised
All judges are the government BTW. It's not just since yesterday that the 3 branches are 3 times the government.
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Imagine licking the boots of a Brazilian dictator
Due process + checks and balance.

Not sure what Brazil's actual constitutions are, but judges dont make laws. They merely interpret them. They dont enforce laws. The executive branch does. In this case where the judge acts like an executive, jury, and the law making, this is clearly improper if not illegal enforcement. Further, no due process = illegal order in any context.
No. It's a always government court. The court decides what the rest of the government wants. The 3 branches are just a scam.
he said russia is one of the worst options you fucking retard, no wonder your shithole is so incompetent at warfare
Judges don't enforce anything technically but are the arbiters of legitimacy of the state. If they do something illegal it's up to other judges to determine it.
So if all judges get together and they agree with certain enforcers to say illegal shit is legal, other enforcers and lawmakers have to do an illegal takeover or wait a billion years to replace the offenders if lucky.
Same shitshow in USA and Israel.
Judges in US dont make laws. They only interpret them. Congress makes laws.

The Judge in Brazil made the censorship law. He is the one that interpreted the law. He is the one that is executing it. The targets being his and the current political enemies of socialist president.
>Judges in US dont make laws. They only interpret them. Congress makes laws.
Judges still can deem laws inconstitutional and use archaic legalese from a particular state that in 1972 made horses with dresses illegal, to come up with bullshit excuses, requiring more judges to make an appeal and pierce through the bullshit. Unfixable if the supreme court is all fixed.
>The Judge in Brazil made the censorship law. He is the one that interpreted the law. He is the one that is executing it. The targets being his and the current political enemies of socialist president.
Did he make it? Did he sign it? Or did his party cronies make it in exchange for him giving them leeway in other corruption matters?
Bans and whatever are just law complying sentences, perfectly legal in the completely bullshit brazilian judicial system.
I just remembered why I stopped frequenting this board
Imagine not knowing laws are just whatever big boy old man says.
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I miss 7+1/tech/ so much bros, now we're stuck on /g/ forever
How much can I sell private residential VPN server access to the people of Brazil?
>Twitter is now banned in Brazil
Hope my country is next.
Good, Brazilians are trash. But your anal slut girls are good for something at least.
Everything went to hell with Musk in charge starting with the dumb name change and removal of 'state-affiliated media' labels. The platform is just being driven to the ground at this point which has probably been the agenda of Musk and certainly the dream of many others the entire time.
The reason there are no good imageboards is because hosting one is way too much of a liability for anyone with an above room temperature IQ to even attempt it anymore.
If it's not some assblasted spastic ddosing you it's another assblasted spastic uploading cp and then reporting it to your hoster so they take you down. Actually worthwhile bulletproof hosters that don't instantly terminate you for bullshit like that are insanely expensive and finding one that doesn't glow brighter than just hosting your shit with the NSA directly is another challenge in and of itself.
No one is going to spend a few hundred Dollars per month to colocate or rent a dedicated server just to be booted off the web by the first subhuman to come along. The web hasn't changed it has died, this place is only allowed to stay because it's the most obvious three letter honeypot since that retarded fucking le 4chins dating app that was shilled here a while ago before it imploded.
>in a language I don't understand
>The text [...] is not appropriate or respectful
Nah, he just exposed propaganda at scale and you're in denial
What does India ban?
We are talking about the literal shithole that so brazil right now man. They probably are just gonna make shit up against political opponents. Well, continue doing that.
Well looking at that list they'll fit right in then.
Nvm, they just have laws in place that force logs and give them a blackout button.
I really hoped there were some banned URLs I could use as a booby trap.
If you send a tweet from your account and they know you were in Brazil at that time, they can infer you used a VPN to bypass the block. This would clearly be an op sec failure.
>How could they detect if you are using a VPN?
MSS size, packet SYN TTL (sometimes), CIDR origin, packet options (sometimes)
That’s part of the issue.
The judge wanted Twitter to do the dirty work for them and give them the location of the targets.


Mullvadvpn also has bridges
people like this vote btw
hate even more than what?
Government does whatever the fuck it wants and you won't do shit about it
The opposition politicians will still use twitter because they are censored on facebook/instagram/youtube
>all brazilians banned from X
this is unfathomably based. now do pajeets.
>See opposition politician/journalist posting on X
>They're in Brazil
>Get fined, chud
Simple as
Brazillians should shave all their hair off
Does anyone knows the name of the original painting?
There's also literally no law that allows them to fine VPN users in Brazil.
It's a banana republic ruled by judicial warlords at this point

(uncultured swine)
Also you have to remember is that the original incident that made that nigger kike faggot judge get mad at twitter is that Elon refused to delete and ban posts of opposition politicians and journalists exposing leaks inside the administration how of how the current regime was colluding with the judiciary and big tech to arrest the opposition and any citizen supporting them.
Also in a unrelated note, our current "president" who was convicted of the biggest corruption scheme in human history, is current sweeping for Maduro and his fraudulent election. Just like ours.
Thanks, I didn't knew that. Such a beautiful painting.
>You honor how can this beautiful hole can be guilty of anything, look at it.
>Case dismissed!
The more things change, the more they stay the same, uh?
You can just raw dog it on Starlink, since Starlink obviously won't report that you use X to the despots.
They can't through technical means but they can if you can be identified from your public postings on the site.
Timing attacks are legit.

>vpn connects at 10:01
>vivabrasil posts at 10:02
>posts more
>final post at 11:45
>logs off vpn at 11:58

If this happens a few times you pretty much got 'im.
Can't buy it anymore because dickhead stole their money and blocked their bank accounts and I don't know where to find the Starlink black market lol
>Timing attacks
(might not be the right name)
The government probably won't actively track down people using vpns to use twitter. At best they will maybe target some high profile users and try to scare the rest of the people into submission. It would be too much effort to monitor everyone in Brazil and check if they're using twitter or not.
You can use it at schools.
yes they will lmao the level of cockadoodledoo we see from the uk, oh yes they will they absolutely will oh yes, terrorism is their means, they are wolves - tyrants. They prey on the innocent, 100% they WILL.
>10000 bucks per day
gotta love these global south 'socialists' but most likely CIA stooges.
They also mandate jabs the most.
>click and wait so click carefully
Back in slow internet days is why I started tab hoarding. You open up 30 and fill up your caches.
People forgot it was always hard to keep an imageboard up. If anything right now it's easier than it was in the 00's. Just hide behind a cdn.
>I'm glad since I'm an authoritarian but they seem to be cracking down on the wrong things.
>tfw a dictatorship is doing bad things to its people(me) instead of the bad people
There's an addon that sort of freezes tabs.
So just use tor
It's probably a 50k reais fine which the dude loosely converted into dollars
Exactly, a good despot like Putin is good for the Republic. A bad despot is worse than democracy. I don't believe in democracy, do you?
>worse than democracy

Brazil is a despotic democracy.
Is Lula a dictator or do you have actual elections (elections have consequences) afaik the elections happen but fraud is rampant.
THEY have real elections.

But the way democracy works is:
>control the "knowledge"
>then you have controlled the vote

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