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Do u think tech is ruining social fabric of life
once you're 18 you're legally considered an adult so just press charges on them
drop out of college run away start a new life
tech isn't ruining it has already destroyed
get off the computer get off the internet go outside
stupid rdt poster
Is ruining? Has ruined.
Just install fake gps
should've used chatgpt to reply to parents
Cock Carousel.
i dont blame the parents this retard probably isnt to be trusted.
Yeah, well, the industrial complex also shares blame.
Yeah thats a slut alright. Girls need to be kept tracked of all times or they will turn into whores. Ideally they'd be married by now and not going to fucking school so they could get their share of cock without whoring themselves out at parties but society got brainfucked by feminism so much that we're in this situation now.
Good luck going to college without parents support lmao
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Yeah yeah, cock carousel. I hear the goddamned *word*. What are you saying?
>Good luck going to college without parents support lmao
I worked full time and got a BSEE just fine
maybe don't be a 3rd worlder with nigger IQ needing you parents to survive
She does sound like a dumb slut. Parents not wanting their daughter to get hollowed out is understandable. All the tracking and setting a bedtime leads me to believe her past actions proved she's not smart enough to look after herself.
>Muslim immigrant problems
I'm surprised they let her outside the house. What a whore
LOL not if your parents are immigrants. They will kidnap your ass and put you in a literal cage

She's lucky she wasn't covered with battery acid
It's only delaying the inevitable; she's a lost cause. Parents probably caused this to happen because they were too heavy-handed.
Just Muslim Things

women need to be controlled
>controlling behavior makes me anxious
Female lies. What she really means is
>I'm anxious that I'll be found out and further shamed

The good news is she still cares what the parents (and their social circle) think of her.
Cock Carousel.
why do americans treat 18 year olds like literal children nowadays? is this gen x parenting?
>blaming tools
normies applying tools in retarded ways are the problem as always
I think what is really meant is that it's embarrassing for someone nearing their 20s to still have their every move dictated by their parents.
Can you make friends with anyone when you have to ask for your parents for authorization every time they want to go somewhere?

Remember chuddie, a waste of life you may be, and Walmart shelves you may stock, but for real people, university is not only a place of learning but also a place of networking. It makes it easier to find a job when you have a network of peers to rely on.
Of course, you're just a waste of sperl who mades his own life more complicated through laziness, and expects everyone to do the same. For shame, chuddibuddy...
if she is a woman BASED
if he is a man CRINGE, he will become Elliot Roger
have sex
i'm just going to put a guess and say they are asian parents.

Western parents are fine with their children going to university just for socializing (and they are right, socializing is more important then being actually competent in this dystopia)
Not one word about paying the tuition herself
You are so right, but incels will start using whatever "argument" they see fits their crap, even fallacies, specially fallacies, and when it doesn't work they will start with dumb memes.
wtf u talking about, every incel is blackpilled and knows "learning" is totally useless compared to being a socially active person.

Noone will hire a loser incel that passed every exam with max grades over a chad that scraped trough uni and can rizz men and women alike outside of extremely autistic jobs where you have no human interaction.
Ooof, this thread reeks of incels.
Believe it or not it's connected to porn and the weirdo bible thumpers that started trying to ban it.
that's not being blackpilled, being blackpilled is that they already kicked the ladder and we didn't make it. Doesn't matter how much rizz you got now.
it is, i agree if you are an loner incel at uni its OVER becuase you already lacked the necessary social development normal people have.
But it doesnt mean that you cant recognize how normies are better off socializing over learning
im agreeing with you dummy, im saying that whoever answers to your original reply "Of course, you're just a waste of sperl who mades his own life more complicated through laziness, and expects everyone to do the same. For shame, chuddibuddy..."
will be an incel saying otherwise with shitty "arguments"
She probably already got fucked like a pornstar
I knew a girl who kicked me out of the hotel we rented together for a convention because her parents found out and didn't want her to be alone with a man. We had no sexual interest in each other and were just rooming together out of cost and convenience. We were well into our 20s when this happened.
If you pay half, why would you let her do that?
What a cuck
Women are only good at deception and that's just what she did. First she told me she got a separate room for me and to give her my room key and she'd show me where my room was. She woke me up at 2AM to do this, so I wasn't in a clear state of mind. The moment I left our room, she closed the door. I could have requested another key from the front desk but at that moment I knew I was dealing with a psycho bitch and decided to cut my losses. We had also arranged for me to drive us both back home 8 hours away, but after that stunt I left her to find a way home herself.
>Request another key
>Confront her
>Make her pay or someshit
>Don't drive her anyways
Come on anon, if someone is an ass you gotta fight back
I told her through the door that she was acting immaturely for letting her parents control her when she's an adult. She said that if I stayed, her father would literally fly down to us that very night and murder me. I don't really believe that but the thought of forcing my way back into the room and trying to sleep around a hysterical woman while her father berates me over the phone doesn't appeal to me. I had family living 45 minutes away so I just drove there to sleep during the convention. It wouldn't be worth it to heckle her over the money. It had already been spent on the hotel and there was no chance I'd be getting it back from her.
And you reek of onions.

Would you like us to round-up all the incels and chuds and put them in concentration camps, your Highness?
You mean know
It is obvious but people are too greedy, lazy, and unimaginative to do anything about it
After reading the og thread it looks like she's 17 and a very good student. There's basically no way the parents can protect her and certainly not like this. This kind of helicopter parenting will be entirely counterproductive.
I know we've gotten used to it, but there's just some times where calling something the "original gangster" version of something just sounds stupid. And this is one of them. The "original gangster reddit thread" isn't a description that makes sense. Just type "original".
Anyway, of course she's going to say she's a good responsible student even if it's not true.
no wonder why muslim women prefer BWC over tmp (tiny muslim pecker)
this is why you dont use proprietary software
What prevents her from just cutting ties and living her own life? Oh right she can't live on her own, she can't make her own money, she is completely useless, yet she wants only the best of everything. Woman moment.
It does look like she got into some kind of prestigious college or something.So I'm inclined to believe that part of the story.
you guys are having incel spergouts because you believe this is a woman. Think about this, your parents are capable of doing this to the extreme this person's parents are. That means the government can, private corporations can, pretty much anyone can. Does that not creep you the hell out because it does for me. This shouldn't be allowed, plain and simple. It absolutely is OP. Can someone be truly free if they're being tracked at all times? You're basically under house arrest at all times.
Pretty sure she can find "sponsor" in a day. If she can't live without clubbing that means she wont mind fucking and sucking for money and place to stay. She should be 18 soon right? That's also covers networking, it's better to stay with experienced, older man with various connections than party with some clueless zoomers.
You know even the most prestigious colleges will let morons in as long as they're the right skin color, and can afford the tuition somehow, right?
My parents can't, but that's because I bought all my own devices. Anyway you're preaching to the choir, maybe you should pose that on the thread to at least TRY and make some of them think about how that's not actually okay despite it being the norm, but most of them will try to come up with some kind of mental gymnastics even resorting to doublethink to make it okay for Google to do it.
For a guy that post would be pretty insane. But for a zoomie 'woman' they need to be treated like a toddler. A few too many nights where they're up past their bedtime would eventually warp into an unwanted pregnancy (from a nonwhite), several STDs, at least one drug addiction, and extremist left ideas.
The die is cast with this one. She's already raised wrong. I would have given her a gap year and had her work, and take student loans. I'd help her pay the loans later if she doesn't fuck around, but she has the choice of fucking around and staying enrolled with debt. Teens often aren't ready for college and don't take it seriously.
Well, that's on him for being a retard who can't keep his phone in his room.
Yes tech, social media especially, cause
>massive loneliness
>women being more hypergamous, leading to lonely isolated men that don't want to work anymore and shoot up schools
>misinformation and identity politics
>people being stressed due to constant content to keep them watching ads
>soulless consumption of more tech gadgets that will be outdated in a few years anyway
>subscription based shit by startups to steal more money from you
You should really ask yourself if tech makes our lives better at this point. There is so much money by gamblers put into this who want to make more money that it reached a point where it's no longer sustainable. The world leads less tech.
The OP is at Yale and move in day was August 18. She has been there 10 days and already sneaking out to go clubbing. This is beyond a lost cause and the parents ruined her somehow. Bet she's majoring in liberal art shit too.
The parents ruined her by being too strict. I've seen it many times. My friends with strict parents immediately got on drugs and weird lifestyles when they got the tiniest bit of freedom.
holy based
1000% a woman.
>Do u think tech is ruining social fabric of life
It kinda does. The thing that I hate the most is how every messaging system stores all of your messages forever. So people can cancel their acquaintances for saying some dumb shit 10 years ago.
No, i think it is useless eaters like you and the leddit cringe you posted, why are "ruining social fabric of life", as you so hysterically put it.
>mom calls
>but i be clubbin (she's white)
>i don pick up her shit
>she callin the dean on my ass
>damn how do i be healthy an sheeit?
i hope she gets raped
Wouldn’t it have happened anyways. I think around 13 parental influence diminishes and societal influence skyrockets
It’s the perfect addiction- follows you everywhere but won’t actually kill you. Poor Gen alpha kids.
based as shit
>his wife has a car
Lmao, cuck

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