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So now that Krita is troonware, do we have an option to disable the "Kiki" splash screen and return to a more soulful form of art?
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wdym it's troonware? did something happen in the latest update?
Just use paint. Not like it matters since you were replaced by AI
he's upset that the mascot for the program has the colors of white, pink, and blue on them because he has tranny derangement syndrome.
The maintainer trooned out.
more like zigger ware
This is sad not disgusting.
nooooo not my kiki
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>can't even post his real photo on Github
Isn't that his deadname? Uh.... troonbros... I'm not feeling too well...
>The Krita team in 2014
How many do you think trooned out?
man i think coding niggas get some kind of cerebral damage, and i fucking mean it. the majority of troons seen to be programmers wtf
one more victim
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Can we have the non-troon version of Kiki please? Thank you.
>fixing and setting up friend computer
>he tells me he needs a "Photoshop" program
>gimp sucks so I avoid it in case he needs to draw a circle in the future
>heard a thing or two about Krita so might as well
>install and run
>furry degenerate shit in splash window covers half the screen
>my friend gives me a weird look
I've never felt so much embarrassment in my life, this is why nobody takes freetroons seriously, there have to insert their degenerate fetishes into everything they touch.
Yeah it's weird now that I think about it, I'm so desensitized to it already. I hope the person I installed Krita for doesn't think anything weird either. Why do they have to insert their degenerate furry into everything? We need to fork Krita with a normal splashscreen.
What's the image that shows?
i guess that explains why i'm getting weird bugs now in krita where if you paste an image it fills the whole background canvas with white sometimes?
troon programming
i'm a turbo chud, I do not use Krita but I strongly approve it, because it is decentralized, no subscription fee. You probably thought a third party GIMP dev would never recommend Krita but think again its a /g/ meme, I love Krita.
counter-argument: krita doesn't have the pepper brush
A troon furry.
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>all these people seething about the cute robot squirrel
Why are westoids so afraid of heckin' anime characters? What are they trying to prove?
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>drawn by a troon
>draw in westoid style
Kiki is not anime and never will be.
"body postivive" sloppa in literal troon colours drawn by a troon will NEVER be anime
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It's drawn by a literal Chinese guy in eastern style though?
Western styles are nothing like this.
>Chinese guy
Fair enough, but it's not anime at all. Only a blind person would say this. Also the Chinese can't usually draw authentic anime.
more like sneeda
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It is extremely close to anime art style (and that's a good thing!)
>the Chinese can't usually draw authentic anime
The Chinese are literally the biggest anime art producers after Japan. You will see Chinese and Taiwanese artists everywhere even on pixiv and kemono
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Put on your glasses, anon. Are we looking at the same thing?
>The Chinese are literally the biggest anime art producers after Japan.
And you can almost always immediately tell it's a Chinese person and not a Japanese one. Just like when Westerners draw anime, you need active and diligent effort to not let the Western plague creep in, the Chinese are generally better at emulating it though. If you try to learn to draw authentic anime you'll see these things.
Did they really change the cute squirrel?
What the actual fuck
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>So I decided to tell her. But it wouldn’t be fair to tell my children one by one, so I used the family whatsapp chat group for that. That was a big mistake! Eldest immediately sneered at me, though the middle one complimented me on my new name, and the youngest one reacted a bit cooler.

>Long story short: Irina and I were disinvited from the wedding, and I was told that by coming out as trans I had once again destroyed the “normal” life she had built up. I guess growing up in a house where gay, lesbian and trans people are guests all the time was a problem for her. That, or she had read too much Harry Potter.
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>Did they really change the cute squirrel?
Doesn't look like it, I just downloaded the latest version and it has her on the splash screen and in the about menu.
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>I got covid when I got jabbed, early 2022. In the vaccination centre.
>So I got sick. Really sick. For two weeks I had a horrible fever and was completely bed-ridden.
>The aftermath is worse though.

>I noticed my cognition was going down: I was (and am) getting dumber. Concentration powers going down. Getting pukey, and after that, shitty, regularly. Heart rates getting up into realms no blood pressure measurement machine could manage to measure. Having to lie down for days.

>Better soon? Bad days are getting increasingly frequent, and while I’l very good on good days, I cannot predict when good days will happen.
>There you have it… Puke. Runny shit. Lying down all day in a darkened room. Brain Fog. Every little thing you manage to do is an achievement. Heart palpiations. Doctors telling you you’re malingering. Good days when you’re doubting you are actually sick getting outnumbered by days you cannot even eat, only drink water.

>(And don’t ask me about how it’s when your nose if full of the smell of bin liner filled with the intestines of two-weeks dead animals.)
For the love of god this is depression fuel
>Eldest immediately sneered at me,
oh no i had that brain fog for like 6 months am i gona troon out? halp
AI is for trannies, and I'm not a troon.
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>Eldest immediately sneered at me
>AI is for trannies, and I'm not a troon.
Why are these people multiplying? What is so attractive to them about looking like this?
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its incredible on how obsessed both sides are:
You're no different than trannies seething when the suckless were speculated to be nazis.
Just use whatever works and stop caring if a nazi or tranny is developing it, who cares.
they are just unwell unhappy people that think this might be the answer, but they just end up destroying what little is left of there family.
Maybe u should try and see ;)
where the fuck is the name "raichik" from
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>Just use whatever works and stop caring if a nazi or tranny is developing it, who cares.
back to the front lines, hohol

>Doctors telling you you’re malingering
that's crazy, my family's doctors told them the same thing when they complained after getting vaxxed. three different doctors all used the term "malingering" to accuse my parents and sister of faking illness after they got sick as fuck immediately after the pfizer shot. my dad found it odd by my mom and sister both insisted it was just a coincidence that the doctors all talked like they were reading off a script.
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Photopea if you only need it every once in a while
Real art
Can it merge multiple layers at once?
Anime is associated like, 1:1, with the most enraging most disabled autists you ever did see...
I want to draw animu.
Does it come with waifus?
>what it looks like being on medication 24/7
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she's actually 19. it's okay to masturbate to her.
Might actually try it then. Thanks, anon.
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Do templates count?
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>Programming attracts autists
>Autists are more likely to troon out
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The consequences of Europe losing WW2 are felt to this day.
meh, it looks stylistically good.

just shit stirring from the trans community as usual
>That, or she had read too much Harry Potter.

Fucking trannies, seething every day of their miserable life.
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It's literally promoting the trans ideology George Orwell warned us about.
I know how to disable to krita splash screen, but I worry if I post it and it becomes more known the dev will make it harder to disable again
Seems like we can fork it.
Unironically passes, lol. /pol/ never wins.
Weebs are generally more pleasant than normalfags. Trans people, too.
until you disagree with them
Part of passing also means being attractive, I'm not sure why nobody ever mentioned that part.
>go up to muslim
>you will never go to heaven btw pork dodger
>wtf what are you so mad about bro this is quite literally 1984 by greg oliver
What the fuck compels a middle aged married man to end up like this
lmao no, way better than i expected for that age tho, could maybe make it although being a freetard doesnt pay
you don't need to fork it, there is a way to do it with a normal krita installation
dev doesn't like when people replace the logo with their own branding and redistribute so he made it a pain but it is there
I just get my WERK to pay for Abeedo Photospeed
It would be hilarious to have the Radfem fork.
does this combination of buzzword non sequiturs make sense in your mind or are you a bot?
You presumably have many very significant philosophical and ethical disagreements with people you interact positively with on the regular. When you meet someone from another religion, for example, you say "that's interesting" about their beliefs, you don't start challenging them or refusing to call them by their Christian name or whatever. If you ever do that at all, it comes much later and much deeper into your relationship. Just interact with trans people like you would Muslims. Don't try to deboonk or convert them like an insensitive retard. Even a rightoid can make friends if he tries!
Sorry but muslims don't tell me to believe in allah, trannies are instead telling me to affirm their LARP by calling them a woman
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lmao it's rare for a troon advocate to directly admit that their denial of reality is religious for them

but in reality, nobody has to affirm your delusions and you're insane and out of line for trying to manipulate them into doing so. read this to understand why.
>not being able to into maintaining your own no-splash/custom-splash fork
you are everything wrong with this board
go back to /pol/ or lurk, dumb negroid
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Be dumb and insufferable? Be lonely and miserable.
>jumping to insults all of a sudden
I accept your concession
He looks like that fag game reviewer who transitioned.
Ugly but still passable
If i were into grannies i'd hit
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more schizophrenic word salad.

read the screencapped posts if you actually want to understand the problem people have with your delusions. it's not your caricature of mindless bigotry that conveniently spares your ego and self image as a fighter for righteousness though, so brace yourself.

this mind contagion is taking over entire communities and projects and your denial of this is aggressive in and of itself. you're a man on a mission of conquest and it's obvious to everyone except you.
Mister Metokur?
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The tranny mind virus is following the same path as the fake asperger's it's weird that the medical community hasn't noticed the similarities yet
Among the most vulnerable are autistic and socially isolated people that are easily brainwashed through echo chambers
fake tourette's, my bad
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Nvm just found the full image; looks like fucking Penn Jillette lmao
Well, into the trash it goes
>back to the front lines, hohol
lmao go back /pol/ chud no one cares about this shit outside your echo chamber, but I'm sure in 2 moar weeks the world is gonna end so we need to buy dem alex jones supplements
If I were to fork it, I would just add more Kiki
Orwell explained.

It's self abasement. Together with fear and the the orgasm of the boot, it's a complete meal of wokeness.
why don't you fork it, chud?
it worked so well for Audacity, since your best fork, Tenacity, is still at the features of 3.1 while official Audacity is on 3.6
A new build system, some new themes and tinkering around does not a fork make.

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