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I have an announcement to make: The Beyerdynamic DT990s (and 770 variant) are the perfect headphones to have. Not only is it clean-sounding and responsive, it absolutely blows everything out of the water in its price at under 180USD.

Now hear me out, those with $800 or higher set of cans: this isn't about your "if you like an inferior set of headphones that are not perfectly flat response curve then you're an idiot", because this selection isn't about you at all. Kick rocks with that line of thinking.

From this point on, I'll be speaking about my current headset, the DT990s. I will let you know if I mention the DT770s in context.
Currently using a Fiio BTR3K to power these, but do have a Steinberg UR44 USB DAC to compensate for those that think the little bluetooth thing that could, can't

For this price point, nothing around it compares. Its rating is 81 in Rtings.com in Neutral Sound which at its price point is nothing to sneeze at.
If you check at Mid Accuracy deeper inside of the review, 9.1 (for the DT990s and 9.4 (for the DT770 Pros, which happens to be THE #1 as of today), basically the cream of the crop, since most sounds you listen to, from warbly synths, pianos, voices, guitars, etc., is right there in the meat of the middle.

But besides being cucked by reviews, this set of headphones just sound good, especially compared to every other thing in existence among its price point. Whether you believe reviews or not, that Mid Accuracy is noticeably and objectively better than something like — let's say Audio Technica MT50. NO mud whatsoever. You can hear with near perfect clarity the position of where everything is in 3D space. The way it's supposedly colored (for those snooty audiophiles that think you should only like COMPLETELY FLAT headphones), the higher frequencies are a bit harsher and louder than flat. Yet, that only enhances the soundstage on these things!
It has a pretty regular frequency range, from 20Hz to 20khz. But the way the bass feel with these, basically eargasm tier. Not too exaggerated, you can feel it ripple through your spine but only when it needs to.

Not only that, it's relatively easy to repair and replace parts on it when it inevitably sits needing it after 5 to 10 years of use. I can say, I've had issues with the DT770s and the plastic enclosure around the driver cups (both broke on me already, I have to buy the second's replacement) but I'd STILL trust these over any other headphone out there.

Also it's a headset you can buy new straight from Scamazon or wherever brick and mortar store carries headphones. Micro Center in Atlanta has had these, as well as the Guitar Centers and that one music store that just recently closed down (I cannot for the life of me remember that Guitar Center guy, but hats off to him recommending me THESE for the purchase. I didn't last 5 seconds of Dankpod's Scarlet Fire, I wanted them right then and there). Can't say the same for the legendary Sony MDR sets.
Buy an ad
I like my Shure SHR440 just fine.
I have the 990. The sharp upper mids pierce my ears especially on hihats.
Sounds like they're working well, then.
What's the point of headphones that are literally a pain to use?
i have some cheap akg k52 that some head fi user praised after swapping pads and adding resistors, the bass is shit so I just eq them.
I'm gonna buy for listening to music and gaming since my airpods turned shit.
I have the 770s you posted. They've held up for years, and I was able to replace the pads and headband relatively easily. Only complaint I have is how loose the clamp has gotten after all this time.
Fuck these, just buy a used pair of DT48Es, they'll never break. but if you have a large head like me don't bother they will clamp so hard you'll feel like you're getting permanent brain damage
it's literally a monitoring headphone, and not even meant for music listening
Accurately representing the instrument they're playing?
There is nothing accurate in how DT990 represents high frequency sounds.
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lmao even
Show me better at that price point. Keep the build quality in mind.
the new DT770 Pro X I got are great.. are they the THE best ever? Idk .. they definitely among the best I heard tho. My Avantone Planar are collecting dust now as are my audio technica ath-m50x. I miss the openness of something like Sony MA 900 on them, but closed is just better for sound editing and bass .. so the DT770 Pro X are my daily driver now
it's a 40 year old monitoring headphone, it doesn't even have detachable cables
even a cheap standard neutral one like the good old K702 would be better than this
>it doesn't even have detachable cables
the new X release has
>Beyerdynamic treble
pure fact
Is it because they're from an era when people had to deal with muffled shitty analog sources?
shure 840a closed
hd600 open
and like dozen others
you are joking right?
The plastic of mine broke and they don't offer any replacement parts, so if I'm lucky I can let them repair it for probably a way too high of an amount and if I'm unlucky I might have completely broken headphones in a few months
my hd800s shit on the dt 700 pro x.

if you think those headphones are good you really have no idea.
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For me it's the and a x3 dac for my phone's and amp for PC
My DT770ProX has detachable cable.
To listen to ze music you MUST buy inaccurate headphones that alter the signal more, because the way music is mastered is clearly disgusting.

This is a cope used by scam companies to scam you into buying inaccurate gear.
Beyerdynamic? More like Toomuchtrebledynamic!
didn't the DT 700 pro x fix the piercing treble issue for the most part?
and doesn't an EQ preset fix it on the 770 anyways?
>my 1800$ headphones shit on these 140$ headphones
Anyone know headphones that I can use both with bluetooth and also with my PC (no bluetooth)
picrel + EQ is endgame
>didn't the DT 700 pro x fix the piercing treble issue for the most part?
>and doesn't an EQ preset fix it on the 770 anyways?
Sure. Won't fix the hinges being breaking-prone, or the toxic dye from the headband leeching into your scalp, or the earpads wearing incredibly quickly, or the cable failing because it's not detachable and it's badly designed.
Not even once.
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what am I supposed to buy then
every other headphone is either open back, 800$, sounds like shit, or has even worse build quality with no replacement parts available anywhere (looking at you k371)
let's say I need a sub 300$ (and that's stretching it btw) closed back headphone that sounds good enough, is durable, has replacement parts available (at least the fucking pads you know) oh and that it's comfortable for wearing long periods of time, forgot about that important one that beyerdynamics seem to be very good at
what is this 250 vs 80 ohm stuff? what did you pick?
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i've used the DT770s for 14 years and can confirm all of these issues. you can do a detachable cable mod, buy a better headband, and buy stronger 3d printed sliding hinges. the velour pads you just have to replace every 5000 hours. i love them so it was worth it for me
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that amp is actual dogshit
How about you get a job so you can afford your own place.
>nitpicks random issues that 2 people on the whole planet have had
>can't even find anything about it on Google
>the headband can be easily replaced with third party ones that are made differently if the original one has that problem for you
>they make one with detachable cable if you are a retard
>look guys!!! these are trash!!!
>just wash them bro
Washing them ruins them.
Terrible fucking headphones.
haha very funny
now answer the fucking question
where is rattlinghairondriver.jpg?
it's funny you omitted that since it's one of the few issues that are actually common
>nitpicks random issues that 2 people on the whole planet have had
No, the broken hinge issue is extremely common, Hans.
Er, I mean Muhammad.
Enjoy your 0.01 Euro for your shill post.
>can't even name a single closed back headphone that's better
alright keep coping
I've been using the same headphones regularly since 2012.
All original parts except for earpads, which have been replaced exactly once.
Its longevity has been incredible. The reason why it has lasted so long with all original parts aside from a single earpad replacement is I didn't buy Beyerdynamic trash.
I picked the 250 Ohm for the DT990s, and the 80 Ohm for the DT770s. I've only had two devices that weren't powerful enough to drive the 250 Ohm DT990s, to be fair.
>doesn't even say what model they are
I guess another coping retard
I have the DT 700 Pro X and I really enjoy them. I'm not a super critical listener (at the moment) but they sound great to me.
I have just a few complaints about the headphones. Firstly, the cable outer material lends itself to twisting easily, a braided sheath would have been a huge improvement.
Secondly, a small crack has appeared in the shell initiating from the cable input traveling to the inside where it meets the cushion. I think the crack has completed its path as it has nowhere else to progress, but still I'm not happy about that.
Finally, it would have been nice to have a better carry case than the basic drawstring bag it comes with, but that's not a big deal really.
You know, other than having terrible fucking build quality, earpads that are useless within six months of regular use, and awful fucking sound, Beyers are pretty good.
Sure, they literally get nothing right at all except comfort, but they're actually good because anons shill them or have buyer's remorse and that makes them good.
Akg k245, if you like bass, or k702 with mandatory bass port mod even if you don't like bass because their stock bass FR is too weak for whatever genre you are listening to. These are the only headphones you need, every other thing is overpriced shit of the same or worse quality. The only thing to add to this is that i haven't tried the k712, but they just seem an overpriced version of the k702/701
The ONLY thing that matters for headphones is comfort. Which is why I use R70x, I can't live without the wing system. Used to have AD700s, but they eventually broke on the plastic. If these broke I'd buy another paid of wing system headphones to replace them.

Tried out the 598s in between and they were junk. Nice sound, but awful comfort.
ITT: Shills of competing brands trolling each other garnished with a couple random anons
I'm not actually a shill - that's why I didn't post the headphones I own in >>102170012
Now the guy pretending Beyer's build quality issues are not extremely well-documented... that guy is a shill.
quit samefagging and give us some alternatives already
>Washing them ruins them.
Why would washing ruin them?
Don't tell me you tried putting them in your washing machine.
>Akg k245
discontinued, plus no oem replacement parts available
having to mod them is a deal breaker for me
try again
Try it. You'll see. It irrecoverably alters the texture.
>at that price point
Why, are you poor?
How did you wash them?
>I'm not actually a shill - that's why I didn't post the headphones I own
yeah I know 10$ headphones that sound amazing, have exceptional comfort, indestructable build quality, replacement parts available for cents directly from the oem
but i'm not gonna tell you what it is because i'm not a shill alright!!!
>implying more expensive headphones are better
what's there on the more expensive side? chifimans? oh yeah great build quality
how long have you had them and when did the crack show up
thinly veiled advice bait thread
>so you can afford your own place
unironically just moved in an apartment I paid in full and my neighbors ended up being utter retards
not op
and yeah I'm actually looking for advice because it looks like the dt 700 pros are the only headphones that don't suck, but when you ask one of these "beyerdynamics suck dont buy them!!!" retards for alternatives they just never answer, i wonder why...
funny how they are managing to make me want to consume this product even more...
the americunt will now reply to your post with "stop being a yuropoor" or something like that
time to move to that shithole called US just so you can enjoy open back headphones in your boring ass suburbia
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i wish /g/ gave even 1/10th of a crap about speakers that they do headphones
that's because good speakers are easy to find, good headphones are not.
That's because /g/ is a bunch of shills living in their parents' place making $0.01 per post like >>102169791
>asking for a better alternative is somehow paid shilling
keep going with your delusion
after years of falling for the audiofool meme i realised that headphones dont fucking matter, they all sound different to eachother and its all a matter of personal taste. only autists think otherwise
This the real trick is finding a good budget amp to drive them
In my case old dth550 x3 and denon 5.1 do a fantastic job hell even cheap gook amps do running off batteries
you just discovered hot water, congrats
literally anyone in the hobby knows that it's personal taste and all headphones sound different, that's the fucking point
some like headphones that follow the harman target, some like dark, others warm
there are definitely good and bad headphones when it comes to each sound signature, not to mention, more expensive headphones with better quality drivers are much easier to EQ to your preference while cheap ones usually have too much distortion for that to work properly
audiofoolery has to do with the retarded lossy vs lossless war, or thinking that different dacs sound different, talking subjectively about headphones has never had anything to do with it
>the real trick is finding a good budget amp to drive them
or you could just buy headphones that have high enough sensitivity to not require an amp...
funny you reply to an "audiophilia is a meme" post with this, having to buy an amp to use your headphones is like the ultimate audiophool retardation
My amps run the htpc sub the car speakers whatever I want
I got started in htpc car audio first so I don't really give a fuck about audiophiles wank all my speakers amps etc are cheap car amps sound just as good and cost 1/1000th as audiopedohiles wanker shit especially the bigger speakers like subs
...why did you suddenly start talking about speakers
are you schizophrenic
I've had them for about two and a half years, I don't remember exactly how long the crack has been there but I think it's at least six months if not a year.

I absolutely agree with you on that statement
Post your headphones and recommendations. We're dying to know desu.
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look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!
headphones are the poor man's speakers
which in turn are the poor man's concert hall
unfortunately audiofools have never recovered from this
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>it doesn't even have detachable cables
Cirno's does!
alright, you are in fact schizophrenic, thanks for confirming that so I don't waste my time any further
>running dt770 250ohm and fiio e10k for 1.5 years
>chinkshit ampdac dies on me
>decide to invest in a good amp and skip the dac
>amp arrives, turns out the line out on my motherboard is fubar
>fuck it, get atom stack
>stack cost more than the headphones now
it is what it is, this is a dark and dangerous path though
erm,,,,buy an ad
>running dt770 80 ohm
>don't need an amp because i'm not stupid
not my problem
are these the 770 pro x limited edition with black edt770 pads or what
dt770 pro is nice yeah but hyperx cloud ii is still better for the bass
No comparison with a 770 or 990 tho.
Just normal DT 770 Pros with the black pads. It has "Limited Edition" embossed on the sides which is still being sold 4 years after I got it and from looking online doesn't actually mean anything.
Mogged by a large room detected
are the earpads holding up well after 4 years? how many hours of daily use
it literally takes 5 minutes to pull off the back grill of both cup, 2 screws, peeling off the sticker covering the bass port and reassembling it, have fun getting your wallet raped for a comparable alternative only because you are an insecure faggot afraid of breaking things just by looking at them
>discontinued, plus no oem replacement parts available
they are still available in some websites, plus you just said you are incapable of taking off even a fucking cup cover, so you don't need spare parts apart from the cable and the ear pads that are also compatible with the other models
I've got 880s, I like em
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I didn't read any of your text, but if they're good enough for Taylor, they're good enough for me!
I use them about 8 hours a day. After 2 years they were getting pretty worn out and after accidentally shrinking them in the dryer, I got replacements which were so much better. After another 2 years it's almost time to replace them.
>trusting women that wear headphones over their hair
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I love her so much
>it literally takes 5 minutes
ok so after reading this, I was like alright lemme see if these are actually decent and... i was asking for closed backs and these are fully open you fucking retard
>they are still available in some websites
I'm struggling finding them available for purchase anywhere in my country
>you don't need spare parts apart from the cable and the ear pads
you are missing the point, oem pads aren't sold and the chinkshit ones fuck with the sound
I really like my DT770s. They do have a weak plastic part that broke quickly on both sides for me, but it was easy to fix with cheap parts from ebay.
Do you think I'd notice a significant upgrade moving to the 990s or similar? I don't think I've ever tried open back headphones.
open backs do have a better sound experience to them honestly but the lack of noise isolation makes them useless imo
for what?
for using, all of the sounds of the outside world come in and violate your hearing
what sounds?
DT770s are for listening at home
Thanks. I do like the sense of isolation I get from my 770s and worried I won't like losing that. I'm still curious about the improved soundstage and such that you can apparently get from open back.
I have a reasonably quiet listening environment but there are still always some general sounds from the rest of the house or the noise of the city that I like to shut out when listening to stuff.
keyboard, mouse, computer fans, anyone walking or talking (you do have a family, right?), air conditioning, etc
you can always just buy some on amazon to try and return them after a couple days of listening
>buy some good speakers
>use speakers when everything is nice and quiet
>use headphones when it's noisy
open backs are a meme
I'm an amerimutt living in a shoebox, I can hear the entire neighborhood.
Don't you guys all live in single family homes with 50000 sqm/sqft/whatever backyards?
I thought noisy neighbors was a privilege reserved to us yuropoors in commieblocks
>Don't you guys all live in single family homes with 50000 sqm/sqft/whatever backyards?
I wish.
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I have the 700s as well. I spent a while comparing them to the 770 Pro and 770 Pro X LE in the store and it was close but I ended up preferring the 700s enough to feel that it was worth the extra money. The better mids and less treble suits my music taste better and I found them more comfortable than the 770s, plus I like the styling more.

I will say that things can be very dependent on your audio source though. I was only able to compare them using my iPhone with an adapter and I found that the 700s really "woke up" when plugged into my audio interface. It's possible that I might have felt differently about the comparison if I'd been able to try them that way with some EQ etc.

Or in apartments where they can't crank shit up. I'm about to move into one, after a few years renting a guesthouse where nobody cares about me playing stuff through speakers at modest volume, and that was one of my main motivations in getting good headphones.
>I found that the 700s really "woke up" when plugged into my audio interface
cool, a retarded audiophool's worthless opinion!
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DT990s distort horribly if you try to EQ them into playing sub bass.
Convince me to buy these instead of HyperX Clouds.
shes using them not because theyre good for listening, but because they were designed for headphone mixes during tracking in a studio. theyre closed back so the sound doesnt bleed into the mic

open back headphones like sennheiser HD600s are more appropriate for listening, and used by mixing and mastering engineers when working on songs
Almost every headphone I've tried apart from my old AKG 240 and almost as old Portapros fucking hurt my ears with trebles.
Is this some sort of cultural thing they force on every headphone? Why do manufacturers think making hihats cut your eardrums is a good idea?
>Why do manufacturers think making hihats cut your eardrums is a good idea?
my best guess is because audiophools think that it makes the sound more detailed or "higher resolution", therefore more treble = better
Probably the reason. It's beyond disgusting.
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Another fucking post where i find out that a random piece of tech i've been using for years and thought is okay is actually amazing, but then also actually doghsit. And it devolves into cope&seethe shit slinging from both sides because it's also a highly polarizing topic in autistic community X for some fucking reason.
Here's my expert opinion
They sound cleaner than anything i had/tried from a regular electronics store and they arleady beat all of my previous headphones on longevity, they're alright.
No I will not buy a 7000$ amp/dac to feel the difference.
you now have tinnitus
Outside of the piece of shit headphone slider plastic thingies breaking, I really like my 990 pros. Just printed up some new ones, also had to print up some for a buddy who I recommended them to.

Think mine could use some new earpads, any recommendations? Enjoyed the oem pads but wouldn't mind some that look as comfy as the 900 pro x pads.
I like my DT1990. It's like 15% better sound for 400% the price compared to the base 990s though.
Interesting, I was seeing this from an audio engineer's perspective, and also silently agreeing, because with the right number of powerful speakers could factually bring the roof down in there.

Or, to put in other words, there's a reason bands with electric guitars and shit can have live performances with a million people in the audience.
If you're listening loud enough to get in trouble lease-wise at your apartment, you're listening loud enough to cause hearing damage.
I've had loads of pairs of headphones at loads of different prices and I daily drive a cheap pair of skull candy earbuds.
Even the cheapest buds are better than most headphones.
Dt1990 measures worse. Bloated muddy bass and fucked up highs
I don't listen that loud, but even at modest volume some degree of sound will travel through a shared wall and I don't want them hearing anything at all. I play guitar as well and some degree of sound travel is unavoidable with that, especially when playing acoustic, so I don't want to push my luck by also annoying the neighbors with recorded music and youtube videos etc.
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I've been living in apartments for like 25 years and nobody has ever once complained about music being played at a non-hearing-loss-inducing level during the day. It's an accepted part of living in an apartment - dealing with reasonable amounts of noise during the day. Most people understand and accept this.
Now if you play music loud enough for your neighbors to hear at night, that's obviously gonna be a problem and I don't do that - that's when I use my headphones.
I've been listening to music constantly during the day for 25 years though and nobody has ever complained.
Yeah night is the real issue, I tend to stay up relatively late and that's when I really want to crank up music or watch movies etc. I also just really don't like being "that guy" though, and I'm also not entirely sure where I'm going to end up moving, if I end up renting somebody's "mother in law" apartment again or whatever it might be an issue. (Current place gives zero fucks since the owners are musicians and the sons are 30-something drunken potheads who stay up all night making way more noise than I ever could, but I can't count on that for the next place.)
beamforming speakers solve this issue
they're being used in masse at the las vegas sphere right now
So basically the FR is gonna be altered wildly when you move your head even a little.
Would rather just use headphones.
nah its pretty cool at this scale
these are the ones from the limmy having a wank video, yeah?
Cool, but from what I can see you're looking at close to $1k a pair minimum and I wonder how the quality compares to even cheap studio monitors. I've got a $100 pair of Sterling Audio 3" monitors plugged into a $200 interface and they absolutely BTFO any "computer speakers" I've ever heard along with a lot of low- and mid-range home theater stuff.
So nothing on my 50 € (as new) 280 pros (now even better with a pair of chink pads)...
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Could be worse; could be Sennheiser...
Is the issue here just the pads getting nasty? That's a problem with any velour ones, I had aftermarket ones on my M50Xs and they were the same shit, you can just see it more easily on the Beyers. You can get a new set of factory ones if you really want, or for half the price there are tons of options on Amazon, and they're way easier to swap out than most headphones where you have to stretch the pad into a groove.
Recently bought the Beyerdynamic MMX 100 and love it. In general, with few exceptions, buy headphones from a company that makes audio equipment and not one that only focuses on computer hardware and peripherals.
My HD201s are starting to look like that, worse is the cable is just flaking off the bare copper.
HE400s are cheaper and score pretty much the same across the board but EQ better because they don't have massive distortion.
>but muh chinkfiman build quality!
Beyer build quality is also bad.
All brands' pleather sucks. Don't buy headphones with pleather earpads. This is not a brand-dependent issue.
There are better, more durable/long-lasting synthetic cloth materials for earpads than velour.
Velour is very nice... at first... then quickly turns to shit.
Your skin oils fuck up literally every pleather material sooner or later. Doesn't matter if it's car seats, your gayman chair or headphones. That material simply gets fucked by your secretions over time.
How do I solder a new headphone jack onto these? I tried before but the fucking solder won't stick. Please help, they were so comfy.
You could try buying headphones by a brand that isn't shit. Then you won't have cable issues and/or will have a detachable cable.
1. most people still have perfectly working cables after 20 years of use
2. most of their headphones offer detachable cables
keep coping
can't you like go to an electronics repair center of some sort and go like "can you solder this cable for me i'm too retarded to do it" and just pay 5$?
as someone that never soldered anything in my entire life, that's what I would do
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>most people still have perfectly working cables after 20 years of use
>Beyer shill starts shill thread
>it backfires spectacularly
>he's probably going to get fired now
My local shop wanted $80 which I considered excessive
>bending the part of the wire reinforced to not bend as much
you deserved that desu.
Honestly, if you're struggling, I'd consider sending them to one of the people that converts them to detachable cables like the Pro X models.
No... The Steelseries Siberia V2 was IT. Now I can't find it anywhere... it's over.
>I'm not actually a shill - that's why I didn't post the headphones I own
you sound like an absolute retard
use flux/rosin
if the part of the wire you are soldering is enameled you need to burn it off
this is an user error
and this is a fucked wire. not necessarily an user error
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>Harman target
thats funny but the headphone wire on mine is falling apart after 5 years
I need a new headset since my current one just started getting awful interference from it's poor condition. I just need something that goes over-the-ear, has a microphone, fits on a smaller head, and will last a few years. Very basic. I'm not picky with audio quality. Preferably under 50$CAN. Just wondering what you guys would recommend since I've had a lot of better and worse ones all around 30$ and I'd like something that would last longer than 4 years. My current one has lasted for 4 years but every single other one I have had barely lasted a year with the exact same kind of use.
The quality is hot dogshit, no low end, barely any volume.

If you hate putting stuff over your ears, those stupid bone conduction headphones would probably be about as comfortable with comparable shit audio.
Those are supposed to be "pro" studio phones, so should be made to last
Which is why I bought velours replacement and couldn't be happier.
No, they're fucking $30 headphones. Those are not supposed to be pro studio phones.
>post shill post
>people rip your brand's $170 headphones because they're shit
>b-b-but my primary competitor's discontinued $30 headphones aren't durable!
The cable on my right earpad is getting ripped off. Non-detachable cables should be illegal
please don't give Cirno hearing damage
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Yeah it just works even in this condition no buzzing sound at all
Ya they're nearly perfect. However, you do need an amplifier for them to sound their best

That's why the already amp included headphones come close to these in value (not in regards to sound quality though)

Also the cord for these could be sturdier

For the price, I agree, there is nothing else as good as these for the pricr

Best for this price range. You still need an amp though and the cord for these are not really the sturdiest.

The ones that come close are studio headphones with amps built in
its a totally common issue. i have the issue on both sides. thats why ((they)) sell replacements for 30 dollars
unrelated question
does bass boost even make sense for audiophile open-backs? I’m not talking about bass quality or bass extension. I’m talking about the immersive feel and sound consumer closed backs provide when you listen to EDM/rap
It makes sense for everything. But not everything can handle it. 990 can't even handle its own bass boost, let alone EQ.
>it's 2025 but Beyershitnamic is still a thing on 4trans
Just EQ
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audiophiles don’t know what it’s like to enjoy music. that’s why they praise and shill analytical trash like picrel even if it sucks the energy out of any song with or without EQ.
Okay but what should I listen to my ASMR in bed with?
your phone speakers at max volume
>closed back
true audiophiles wont use equalizer faggot
They're that stupid, yes.
thoughts about momentum 4?
ath m40x. Don't get the 50 or above, 40s are still available and better
Audio Technica is trash for anything other than their AT-LP-120, and even that is just okay.
just use a bit of fabric softener you retard
They actually are, and plenty used as such.
What you don't see in studios are 5 figure meme phones
What are the best wireless headphones?
People must understand that studio headphones are not used for music. They're used to make sure the equipment is not malfunctioning by listening to it in real time, formally known as "monitoring". Everything that requires accuracy is done on speakers. Headphones can't be accurate even if you painstakingly EQ them by ear to sound like speakers they won't sound properly to everyone else and they won't sound properly even to you a couple of months later. You'd think that removing room effects makes headphones more accurate but you're not actually removing the room, you're trading it for a tiny room that is constantly changing its shape.
It is simply inconceivable for me to entertain the idea of acquiring headphones priced beneath the $500 threshold; this sentiment arises not from an inherent belief in a disparity of acoustical fidelity, indeed, I am acutely aware that one can achieve sonic parity between a modest $20 earphone and a lavish $1000+ contraption through the artful manipulation of equalization. Rather, I find such economically frivolous expenditures to be highly unbecoming, as I would assuredly be struck by a profound sense of existential aversion, akin to that of a hapless swine wallowing in its own debasement. Indeed, even the mere contemplation of subsidizing auditory devices at a paltry $500 feels akin to flirting with impoverishment; one can hardly deem oneself respectable while indulging in such plebeian pursuits. Consequently, I am compelled to posit that those who dare opt for equipment beneath the $500 mark might best consider an alternative exit from existence, while I shall steadfastly remain in the exalted company of my Sennheiser HE-1s, the epitome of auditory indulgence.
Airpod pros
If it doesn't distort and bleed into higher frequencies, yes. Planar magnetic cans have obscene bass that makes your average closed back seem thin. Some even have the punch on drums and other transients. It's why people buy them over dynamics. Sub frequencies actually feel like there's a sub turning air into a liquid.

There are some drawbacks and it isn't as thumpy as EDMfags want it to be, but they do well for downtuned metal and big atmospheric sub sounds. Better than most dynamic closed backs, at least. There's more to the bass equation, but more audible sub bass is about half of it.
so what do you raccomend for durable pads?
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>when you listen to rap
Those are all headphones with vinyl/pleather earpads.
Cloth pads that aren't velour, or real leather.
I went from DT770s to HE400SE and I prefer the latter
Is it because they're open back? I don't know
>while I shall steadfastly remain in the exalted company of my Sennheiser HE-1s, the epitome of auditory indulgence.
In the off chance this isn't a complete shitpost: How much did they cost you, how long have you owned them, and what has the experience been like?
>THE Best Headphones. EVER.

You misspelled Sennheiser HD 600.
The fact that Germans have solved sound in such a way can only mean one thing: Buying anything else is cope.
The objective measurements dont mean shit for end user experience, because the end user doesnt have reference microphones where his ears should be
Switched from DT990 pro (lol treble) to Audeze LCD-X recently. Bayers even after Oratory EQ are not even in the same ballpark.
Makes sense considering the lcd-x cost like 8 times as much as the dt990
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still using my trusty ATH-M20x
Have we come to a consensus on which general is full of the most clueless retard consoomers posing as experts out of /hpg/, /mkg/, and /spg/ yet?
>Keep DT770s stored somewhere with some sheepskin leather pads I bought on aliexpress for 2 years
>Fake shit on the headband completely deteriorated
>Sheepskin pads like brand new, not a scratch
Holy durability, this is actual leather
Yeah, I used to have a pair, but I don't use them anymore.
Instead I stopped wasting money on frivolous shit like expensive headphones, bought myself a house and now I can listen to anything I want on big-ass speakers.
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At only 10x the cost? Wow. Stupid brown thing.
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All head denters are mogged by fucking $2 earbuds
You found the most retarded target and it still looks bad.
true kek headphones are deprecated technology
>THE Best Headphones. EVER.
Post a better one then
Vidos will mog there too.
>higher frequencies are a bit harsher
I noticed something like that the week I got them(770 80ohm w/o amp) as I was trying out tunes
there's a slight tssss sound at some frequency that can get annoying but it's quite rare and not in music in like
no complaints about anything else besides the dumb pleather shedding off the headband but that's replace bait and designed to fail

i have 3 of these in a box in my closet lol. im going to go back to higher end audiotechnicas at home after i recable and repad them all and just keep them for outdoor use.
my pet rat chewed my dt 770's cable
they are great headphones though
which dynamic open-backs respond well with bass boost from an amp if any? I’m looking for bass/sub-bass and planars are heavy on my head so I don’t know what to do
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>bass boost
I’m not seeking bass boost. I just want to know if it’s possible to reach planar level bass extension using an amp since dynamic open-backs lack bass
You can extend the bass down to 20 Hz with most decent dynamic open-backs with simple EQ.
You would be surprised how negligible the increase in harmonic distortion is on perceived sound when listening to actual content instead of test tones. The effect on audible sound quality is either non-existent or even subjectively positive.

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