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Why do phone companies always ruin good (for smartphone standards) camera hardware with awful postprocessing?
Because you can't have nice things
Lust inducing image
Does this creature have a penis
That's unironically a man
But stock looks better than gcam??
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That is a man
>Why do phone companies always ruin good (for smartphone standards) camera hardware with awful postprocessing?
Because normalfaggots do not pixel peep, print, or look at their photos on large screens. The oversharpened aislop is designed to look good downscaled on a tiny phone screen.
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Pic source please?
It has a tail and that's what's important
>she's actually and unironically a woman
galleries on sad panda, not even the SLIGHTEST hint of a cute bulge
Link to her panda page?
sticc body really only works in anime
>face is blocked in every image
I already closed it, just search for her handle
this is wholly unrealistic, i have a friend who is exactly that, he can't run
Reminds me of that Wagashi doujin series...
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>long fingers
>square shoulders
>neck hidden
>entire face hidden
>flat ass angled away from the viewer
>completely empty room like some kind of serial killer
>wearing a skin colored body suit to make chest look flatter
>oversized serial killer nitral gloves
>leotard intentionally tucked to create a faux cameltoe
>knees are shopped

141% a man.

t. professional trainspotter
fat people can run just fine. but they can only run 1 time before totally fucking up their knees and that means they wont stop until they get what they want.
t. has never seen a woman
So good...
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>141% a man.
well, ok, he could probably do a dozen metres if his life depended on it, but his knees and ankles are totally fucked, he wouldn't be able to walk for a while afterwards
im saving that image, i just want you to know that.
>master forgive me but i'll have to go all out... just this once
WMAF relationship is most common interracial relationship in USA. It's not BMWF like you may think. Just a tiny bit of stats they don't want you to know about.
Double check e-hentai, aint no way its man and she's nude.
>WMAF relationship
Premium ones or just cheaper ones?
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>It's not BMWF like you may think.
I'm neither an American or a nigger/niggerlover. I don't care about nigger-related statistics
yeah i looked through the pics and these are not hips of a man
also lol at the self-harm scars, figures she would be mentally ill; probably has high body count too
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>literal body of a 10 yr old boy
the fuck. people getting off to this?
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Most cosplayers are alcoholic seamstress's always broke and living in there boyfriends house to afford more expensive fabric for very little payout.

Same reason why people like women with braces. But the reality is its all crap. She can accurately cosplay shit big deal so can 100 other women with better bodies. Give me a woman with thick thighs, a nice waist and big ole titties atleast.
i bet it would feel really nice to hit her with your fists
imagine just snapping her spine over your knee or breaking her forearm just by clenching your hand hard enough
she's thin enough that it feels feasible but not emaciated like that one skelly bitch. it's a perfect balance of small and weak yet meaty enough to make a great punching bag
in short she's built for ryona
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I prefer using a nailed baseball bat.
take your meds
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Her fanbox in sad panda
It should be illegal to cosplay/ero cosplay if you look like this
wait where
imagine kicking her legs over and over, holding back just enough to not break them. making her stand up every time she falls, helplessly quivering and shaking like a newborn fawn
finally after enough abuse she can't take it anymore. she collapses on the floor and pees herself
you simply observe for a while as she's sobbing uncontrollably, taking in the view. and just as she starts thinking the punishment is over, you walk up to her, grab her by the arm and pull up, making her stand up AGAIN. round two bitch
this is what true happiness feels like
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Newfag begone
I already found it. she looks so weird
The scars look so weird, like why is she cutting herself? Is she a masochist?
I avoid all girls who have scars. usually it's the typical "hurt myself" scars. those girls usually have massive mental issues.
it's just a girl thing
lots of them do that idk why
Where do I find cute petite girls that cut themselves?
She edits her photos.
at conventions
at your university
there are dozens but their mileage may vary
Some of the photos are heavily edited unfortunately.
Kill yourself, AI pajeet
>Greek toes
0/10 would not suck
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>Does this creature have a penis
>That is a man
>she's actually and unironically a woman
>141% a man.
It's just a little bit of banter, sir. Can't handle it?
I weigh 380lbs, I can assure you I can run.
t. artranny (comms open)
how hard can you tug your penis? i want the girl in the op to sit on my face
i sometimes tug on it so hard i rip the skin
i tug it all the way to my ass to get a flat front to look like a cute girl
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total artist death
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That pic with the ruler
my friend's bigger than that
No woman could pull off looking this feminine, not in Satans earth. That's a man.
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>she cosplayed my wife
brb now I'm hard
Why couldn't she just have a penis?
what the fuck is that room on the right? it doesn't look like a balcony or a shower so why the glass door?
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could be a bathroom, a dressing room or something like that
Imagine saving pictures of some tranny/mid that won't even show it's face pretending to be little girls. You guys are fucking losers man.
>bathroom or a dressing room with a fully transparent door
i don't know about that one man
This thing has been malnourished since before it hit puberty. While most of its body didn't develop or grow, the huge fingers and feet don't lie. It's a male.
>desktop pc
that's 100% a man
pretty sure bathrooms with glass sliding doors are common in Japan, I see them all the time in doujins
Looks underage.
my daddy taught me how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth
it's a studio apartment split with glass doors for a/c reasons. left is bedroom and windows.room she is in is living room and kitchenette with bathroom beside the front door on the right. pretty common setup, just a long room.
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Oh shit she cosplayed Momoi too?
Damnit now I gotta see these
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>in short she's built for ryona
No cock? Not a real woman.
i can tell you don't look much at kids. she looks more like an 11 year old girl. there are BIG differences
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pretty faithful to the source material then, thankfully
it was on her twitter, I haven't seen the sadpanda gallery yet
that's the point
Is this the cosplay thread?
that's what most people that spend a lot of money on a phone want.
i refuse to spend more than 300$ on one.
Selling pics of yourself nude or in cosplay for strangers on the internet is already a sign of mental issues.
in the first place there is no such thing as a mentally sound woman
The closest one can ever get to a mentally sound woman is a man in thigh highs.
Lack of Y chromosomes.
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>i can tell you don't look much at kids
yeah no shit, fucking pedo. your kinds should be hanged from the tree like those fucking trannies.
A tragic birth defect.
i just want to marry and start a family. i don't think it's that bad
>looking at a child is now considered a crime in ameristan and punishable by death
anyway, i'm going to rape you tonight
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>being this american unironically
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okay you have convinced me. go rape kids then.
That's just how puritan mutt brain works:
> see a petite woman
> this triggers suppressed desires
> immediately imagines raping a child
It will take a while before mutts become sane, if ever.
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puffy sleeves erotic
i want to caress her tiny arms through those oversized cute sleeves
My hands are the size of her torso
What part of 'boy'pussy don't you understand?
She's cute. I hope she stops with the self-harming :(
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It's funny as shit that this is how Gooks think they look like. Shows how they've gaslit themselves by drawing themselves as Whites in their cartoons.
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You know why. No one wants to look at a downie flat face.
>sports team
None of them are japanese.
>professional trainspotter
More like professional retard, you should be able to see that's a woman from her crotch alone, she doesn't have a bulge
her pictures don't look natural at all, something really uncanny about them, like looking a doll
she's very underweight, definitely not a child, the thin and bony arms/hands don't look child-like at all
i didn't know skin could even be that pasty, i thought she was wearing some kind of full-body white fabric like some of those anime costumes, but that doesn't seem to be the case
all in all a bit too weird for me, just makes me sad
ngl looks like a literal troon
>she's very underweight
or you're just an American who's used to looking at fat chicks everywhere around you and she's just fine
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Nah, you're forgetting that person is mildly anorexic. A guy at that weight would be even more masculine.
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Fuck you /g/, i just wanted to talk about technology.
i rabu my station
They're just edited photos, some of the ones on sad panda looks very uncanny.
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>Japan isn't an ethnostate

Nice backpedaling, chuddy

Heavily photoshopped + camera filter + anorexic
She is not anorexic lmao. Skinny maybe, definitely not anorexic. But really hard to tell how she is in RL considering AI filters that can change body proportions and everything.

I did myself laugh that her body is literally that of a child sex doll's I've seen, but she's real, I knew a girl with a medical disorder that lead her to have a similar body type.
>full-body white fabric
The self-harm scars look like cloth folds and rest is just phone camera smear. There's no evidence of any photoshopping beyond censoring things. Tons of closer up photos in the sadpanda fanbox.

I have no idea how anyone here thinks she's a troon, those shoulders are too cute. HRT is powerful but not THIS powerful.
>that 1680x1050 monitor
Man actually seeing a girl with cutting scars takes me way the fuck back.
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Anon, no human looks like this. Also though I hate linking anything fron xhitter here you go.
Ok some photos are edited lol
>Anon, no human looks like this.
I knew someone like them ...
look up tucking dumbass
anorexic by burgerland standards maybe
Bros, she's literally /ourgirl/!
I added those just to hide her very edited asscrack.
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Hmmm, ok you got me second guessing myself. That pic you posted I'm certain is a sex doll. But rest of the photos? The posing is too good, sexdoll photos never have this realistic posing. The articulation of hands, anatomical details, there's no doll this accurate. Why would a doll have bloody scars ..?
Something fucky is going on though.
>bandaid on bare bald pussy
that's a skinsuit she's wearing
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If this is a doll ...
Where can I buy one
It's not a skinsuit.
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What's the deal with cutting? I have tried to carve out deep cysts because why not DIY it to skip the waiting list like old /b/ and it doesn't really feel like anything, I guess it's okay in a popping pimples sort of way, kinda cool in a "wow you can just remove flesh, isn't the human body neat" sense. Certainly feels strange like root canal. From that experience, I'd presume she's either so turned on by that unusual feeling that she can't find otherwise that she continues to do it, like being addicted to urethral play or something, or those cuts feel like nothing at all and she just thinks playing home surgery is cool, like playing God or transhumanist or something. I'm hacking my body lmao.
haha she cuts herself. i hope she fucks up and kills herself. stupid fucking attention whore.
isn't it whites-latinos for both sides?
ok I'm sold
Looking at the fact that this thread is still up I do wonder, is /g/ just the new /b/ or have the jannies finally offed themselves for good?
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what's the use case of having jannies?
Sometimes jannies are based and leave this kind of stuff up, as it's mildy amusing.
Keeping track of suspicious individuals and forwarding the info to 3 letter agencies.
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Truth is, there was no use case for having jannies from the start.
Don't get me wrong I get more out of these threads than I do any of the other non tech related threads on /g/ but the others at least try to keep a thin veil of being vaguely about tech. Well except for the pony thread that's up right now I guess.
We've always been on topic, this is tech related. Is she a doll, or does her skin look like that due to phone camera processing, the topic of OP? Cameras are technology.
Well cute feet are also technology so..
lol simps

This is why you use gcam with a GOOD config
patrician taste
I want to cum on her cut marks
The saddest thing is caring about statistics ONLY when it fits your narrative, this is reddit normie mentality
There is no such race fren.
What cosplayer doesn't edit their photos?????
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No you just use a real camera. My 21 year old 5MP CCD shoots better JPGs than my S21 Ultra shoots RAWs.
That's not what this is about
I'm shooting raws rn while you're complaining about cameras on 4chan you busted ass bitch
oh yes RAWs is what is all about. shooting raws inside her, that is
Hey as long as you're not shooting blanks.
There is no narrative, there is only truth.
And tiktok zoomers are now buying those at 50€ or more. Sell it and buy an old dslr, with ccd too if you're that into the meme.
Damn, she's a stick figure person.
>penis tucked in asshole
>shooped beyond belief
hope troon an heroes
These Samsung phones, like mine, have garbage processing built into the raw already. You need to not use their native camera app, unless you want their admittedly pretty good portrait mode blemish repairing filter and video recording.
I need more photos of her. Please create a thread with her photos on another board.

I want access to the raw data from the sensor. It should be illegal to sell phones with cameras that only give access to the post-processed data.

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fat ugly bastard hentai is actually quite popular in Japan
>cutting herself
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ugly bastard is pretty based yeah. bonus points if the girl is a loli
I prefer my hentai without overweight men.
Thank you!!!

Raw data from the sensor will allow for the training of better AI models, also some post-processing destroy the original image like the post-processing on human faces or the Moon.
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It's actually the other way around, the stock camera app takes unprocessed RAWs (check settings) while the "Expert RAW" addon actually just creates JPGs in a RAW.
The phone can take technically superior photos than my old CCD, but only in certain situations (zero zoom), and then you have to mess about processing the raw to get even close to the colors and such of the CCD. And the grain will NEVER look as pleasant!
It's just not fun to use when my CCD just shits out perfect JPGs every single time.

No I like my Canon G5! It's been around me almost my whole life.
I do find it hilarious e-celebs are now making videos hyping this exact model.
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>the stock camera app takes unprocessed RAWs (check settings) while the "Expert RAW" addon actually just creates JPGs in a RAW
I'm going to ask you to fact check this. Maybe you're leaning on ancient facts. With the stock firmware of S22 Ultra, it took genuine raws, however somewhere in the life cycle, Samshit pushed an update that ruined everything forever that persists through the newer phones. They're just jpegs in a dng container. I just tried to take a 50MP raw using "pro mode" instead of "expert raw". Besides looking obviously like a jpeg inside a dng container, Lightroom also reports as such by not allowing it to be used with AI noise reduction.
Wait you're not that thinkpad/crt/sakuyainu/nekomarisa -anon again right? Or just another anon with canon g5?
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This is the phone's 3x telephoto lens in pro mode. It produces 2 files, this is the processed JPG ...
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While this is the dng (Only thing I did myself was change the black level a little).
It's obvious this one has no processing.

Yes lol
Which phone and which firmware?
This is the setting that lets you get real raws from the stock photo app
About Camera:
I've tried processing S23 Ultra RAWs and no matter what I did it never really looked noticeably better than the stock camera processing.
The issue is the absurdly small CCD pixels. Not even the 16:1 binning can overcome the fundamental lack of photon interaction.
I've said for years that a better world is one where phone cameras stopped chasing MEGAPIXELS and used some "perfect" sensor density for the sensor size.

But we don't live in a perfect world, not even a good one.
We live in a dumb one where someone (dumb) sees 48 MEGAPIXELS and thinks "this has to be better than the 12 MEGAPIXELS of the other phone!"

Also Gcam is a hot fucking mess, if you have a phone where Gcam is flawless good for you, many many phones do not.
nice pic
beautiful camera
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S21 Ultra (exynos)
Camera version, claims to be the latest

Modern cameras are all CMOS, have to correct you :)
>I've tried processing S23 Ultra RAWs and no matter what I did it never really looked noticeably better than the stock camera processing.
Are you sure those were actually raw-raws, notice the difference between >>102177248 >>102177259
The point of shooting raw on these phones is to get around the stupid AI smearing.
But it's a pain the ass to get good colors out of these phone cameras, and stock processing looks uncanny and fake.
Yes, real RAWs, as in all the RGB pixels that need to be processed.
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Maybe your S21U predates the Samsung fuckery and you haven't been keeping up to date with it

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Guess I wont be updating this phone. Samsung wont take away my features!!
I was thinking of getting rid of my S23U for a S22U before the update but how do I even find one
Smartphones don't need cameras they are an anti-feature

gooning rn
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stop masturbating, degenerate.
oh yes im almost there a little more please continue im so close oh fuck oh oh ohhhh
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Hey, use OpenCamera if you want true unprocessed dng on new firmwares:
My gcam already does a better job than opencamera, the only limitation is it doesn't have access to 50mp mode which is ultimately what I need
If you can't tell a woman from a man, you don't deserve to know the truth.
give me a harem and I will
What are those scars on her right leg.
what an awesome thread. I didnt realise these dolls were posable to such a degree. Is it even possible to ger these in america still without the moral policing?
If you are referring to sex dolls, there are no restrictions at the federal level. In a few states, there are bans on dolls that appear "child-like", although this is a vague description and most doll vendors interpret it to mean "shorter than 150 cm".
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>medical disorder
does xhe have aneroxia or something so xer body becomes a kind of sex doll?
I'm not certain what it was but she looked like a prepubescent child at age 16, around 130cm or so. Anorexia won't do that to you.
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>October 2023
reminds me of the turkish weeaboo, what was her name again
>that thread
good times were had
Self harm scars anon, you don't want to date or even fuck those mentally ill girls. They're a nightmare to be with, trust me.
Not everyone has a sad panda account.
What does that thread say?
>self-harm scars
my dick...
Yes thats true, dating site statistics show that white men prefer asian women and every race of women prefer white men, except black women. Black women are the most race loyal.
Then why black women have the highest STD rate of any race?
Please tell she's a girl(male)
every single time
this is bullshit
She has borderline personality disorder. Cutting is a widespread coping mechanism in that type of personality disorder. Dialectical behavior therapy is the treatment of choice.
I almost got a doll because of that thread

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