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Reminder there are more Linux users than Windows 7 users now. Linux's market share is 4.5% while Windows 7 is 2.9%. You're more likely to encounter penguin chads than baby duck virgins on the internet now. And its only going to get worse.

Firefox is stuck at version 115 on Windows 7 while Firefox 129 is out for Linux. You get more CSS features in newer versions of Firefox so you can create more dynamic pages. Soon low paid webdevs will consider supporting Windows 7 will not be worth the cost and will tell you to upgrade to Linux or to go to your local best buy to buy a Windows 11 Co-pilot plus pc.


And don't try to get away with random github browsers or buggy extended kernels, you will upgrade and will be happy.
>You're more likely to encounter penguin chads than baby duck virgins on the internet now
Yeah because unlike you, they're employed and have a social life
Is there anything that got better when it went mainstream?
Fuck off.
What exactly is your point? You would have to be pretty retarded to go onto the internet with Windows 7 nowadays.
>work and social life
lol, lmao even. 7niles and freetards are equally pathetic but unlike 7niles, freetards can at least use a working web browser.
reminder that windows 7 schitzos dont let anyone spy on them so you would never know how many there are.
My brother in Christ, those subhumans literally use 15yo windows versions, on which they often disable all security measures. They are trivial to compromise if targeted individually.
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copium, win7 will always be peak windows
Yeah, ok, cool... Now, show me a step-by-step on how to install W7 in my B650m motherboard.
this is what i was thinking
7 ducks basically combine the worst of freetards and windows and add their own shit cherry on top the shit cake.
locked down proprietary OS, you'll get sued if you maintain a leak, cant even tinker like freetards
no security patches, CVEs out the ass
atrocious hardware and software support
and for what? because baby duck can't move on from old user interface
>anything other than spermium/firefox esr requires 10 different chink drivers and kernel patches
more like peak of obsessed faggotry.
Most of them are like that because they are tech-illiterate poorfags who are too poor to upgrade and too tech-illiterate to bypass hardware requirements/switch to linux, so they just spend days overdosing copium and crying that everyone owes them infinite legacy support. Some of them probably were touched by their father figure in their childhood and deadshitos 7 was not obsolete at this time, thats why they are so autistically obsessed about it.
Nice VM, retard.
Dumb AI poster
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You vill updoot , you vill consume ze AI art und you vill be ze happy.
>t. updooter
Until they open a site that instantly tracks their OS
lol, lmao

this install took me literally an entire day to set up, faggot
simplix update pack + modded ethernet drivers + vxkex just werks, only problem is no wifi because there's no drivers for AX200 cards
Came here to say this.
Unlikely windows 7 users will ever be able to have a working browser
As a professional webdev I don't even consider things with less than 5% market share anymore. I wasted way too much time and money on stuff like that in the past. And it's always the baby ducks and some shitty indian no name browsers that don't support new features. Go fuck yourself.
Switched from 7 to Linux Mint a few months ago. No major problems so far. Was getting anxious about the lack of security updates. And some new software not working. Now i don't have to worry about Microsoft adding some new spyware every time i update.
Reminder that 98% of the software I need still run perfectly on Windows 7 while barely 10% of them run on Wine at all.
I'll "upgrade" when new version are really an upgrade, not a shitgrade.
>linux is getting too popular
what's our next move bros? I'd switch to OpenBSD if it had a Bluetooth implementation.
>Linux's market share is 4.5% while Windows 7 is 2.9%.
Take indian subhumans off and Linux's market share becomes 1% while Windows 7 stays 2.9%.
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>He's counting android devices in his stats again.
lol openBSD is kind of shit. "security focused" and still has no mandatory access controls
>barely 10% of them run on Wine at all
Name 9 programs that don't run on wine wincuck
FreeBSD is probably usable. I haven't used it in a long time.
Worldwide desktop Linux market share is at 12-13%, those 4-5% OP is talking about are already western market share. Seeth, cope and dilate
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Yes, baby ducks are indeed poor subhumans. Most of you daily-drive something thats really obsolete, from c2d to sandy bridge era. And yes, linux is way better option than deadshitos, since in 2024, installing it with all the necessary firmware is done automatically and you can actually use normal, modern software, including some proprietary products. Meanwhile deadshitos struggles to run a modern, working web browser.
>this install took me literally an entire day to set up, faggot
I refuse to believe that someone is so pathetic that their spend that much money on a computer only to gimp it with deadshitos. Unless you are truly the final boss of all 7niles and you used mommy's credit card, in which case you should kill yourself asap.
>simplix update pack + modded ethernet drivers + vxkex just werks
No retard, if your setup requires 20 different hacks to work, it is anything but that. Meanwhile installing a just werks distro requires no tinkering and will be done faster.
>I-I have no deadshitos drivers for wifi, so I wont use it
Thankfully the GNOME devs do not give a single shit what migrant newfags think.
>Implying that a fair share of 3rd worlders does not consist of 7niles and XPedos
lol, lmao even.
>64gb ram, i9, rtx 3090
>literally a top-of-the-line pc when i built it a few years back, cost €5k total
cope harder

>just werks distro
>"just werking"
Imagine being this buckbroken over a few faggots using an older OS.
> you can create more dynamic pages
Most modern sites could be implemented even in IE6, all these modern features are just bloat.
They're not bloat. They make the site dynamic and holistic and stuff.
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>You're more likely to encounter penguin chads than baby duck virgins on the internet now.
nature is healing
I'll still use windows because it's the most comfy for me.
>Reminder there are more Linux users than a microsoft OS from 2009
what an accomplishment
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>using Android's market share to support your disingenuous narrative
Android is based, your tinkertranny distro isn't.
7keks and Freetards are opposite sides of the same coin: unemployed Dunning-Kruger retards that'll never amount to anything in their lives.
Windows 10 is still king in both home and business environments.
Imagine being this retarded
They might "run," but they sure don't run properly.
>CAD, DAWs, VSTs, Adobe, even basic ones like Foobar2000 crash when it runs into a conflict with Linux file-naming conventions or CUE files that aren't just right.
>Linux is so bad 2.9% of people would rather use Windows 7
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>Reminder there are more Linux users than Windows 7 users now
>Firefox is stuck at version 115 on Windows 7 while Firefox 129 is out for Linux
r3dfox is 128 on win7 and it's way faster than official bloat
> you will upgrade and will be happy.
haha no
Erm... you mean Windows 11, smart guy? Doink!
>IP: Bangalore, India
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>applying 20 different hacks just to keep using a web browser on deadshitos vs getting actual work done on linux
That baby duck logic is so odd to me.
pic related
For Chrome users its even worse. Windows 7 users miss out on WebGPU and CSS sub grid, css nesting, zstd compression plus scoped styles. Not all of these can be Supermiumed or Polyfilled so Windows 7 users will be excluded from the next generation of web sites. As baby duck computers start dying of old age and no signed drivers for new parts stops them from keeping using Windows 7 the vast majority of web devs wll treat Windows 7 users as bot traffic and will block them as malware.
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uhhhh....thanks but uhhhh....basically....I'm not gonna switch or upgrade! ugh I know!!! I'm sorry!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
>*GH janny abandons hacked browser*
>*updates silently like a little bitch"
Your operating system... it's missing something.
Ah, yes, of course!
a thread died for this.
>Verification not required.
The internet is gay anyway. Them breaking my ability to access it would be doing me a favor. >>102175480
Looks like shit, like it belongs on a cheap tablet. A bootleg MacOS is your idea of elegance?
>not the win7 logo but soulless flat shapes
It looks like a tablet! That thing people enjoy using! I hate things other people enjoy! I'm special! I'm special! Everyone look at me, I'm special! I use a 15 year old operating system and post pictures of it online for attention! The internet is gay by the way!
>What? I cant even access mongolian throatsinging forum from deadshitos? I-Its okay, I-I don't need internet in my basement anyway. I-I would rather stay offline to use le evil tablet ui.
>*phoneposts anyway*
>The internet is gay by the way!
correct. https://youtu.be/PCSRAlywKlM?si=z8NclkOKLNiV5EEp
>It looks like a tablet! That thing people enjoy using!
So you agree that it looks nothing like how a proper desktop OS should look?
There is no essence of the desktop computer interface. There is no "proper look" for a desktop operating system. What you're asking me is, "so you agree it looks nothing like Microsoft Windows 9x"? And the answer is yes. One of the reasons GNOME 3x and on look the way they do is because Microsoft threatened to sue Linux DE projects (excluding KDE because they're buttbuddies with Bill) for using their patented original features (start menu, window buttons and their positions, etc). Everything you think is "proper" to the desktop is just what happened to be conceived by Microsoft employees a few decades ago and has now been SURPASSED and DEPRECATED by the GNU/GNOME+Linux experience.
look at how badly the windows 7 UI mogs the gnome faggot new world order uninspired upside down soulless sodomite UI
Who fucking cares, Wine is massive bloat anyway. It's better to run Windows in VM instead.
By doing a shit job at copying MacOS for decades? By not even having thumbnails? lol.
GNOME doesn't work anything like MacOS. Have you used either? GTK4 programs look nothing like MacOS programs. Have you actually made a direct comparison?
No, I do not. I said this because you guys always obsess about mobile UI, as if it was the satan himself. And whether you like it or not, you will use it one day, since people wont maintain hacked web browsers for your deadshitos version indefinetely.
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Looks like a Mac to me senor.
It looks like fuckin flatshit garbage and I don't like it, simple as.
The dash is not a dock you fucking FOOL. Its primary function is the management of KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS.
>It looks like fuckin flatshit garbage
And whats wrong with flat design?
>and I don't like it
One day you will have to use it anyway. Be aware of that.
Flat? Shit? In what universe? Skeuo is visual vomit.
Fair, of course the newest rendering APIs won't work on old drivers
>CSS sub grid, css nesting, zstd compression plus scoped styles
What the fuck are you talking about you retarded schizo, of course those can be backported
good post saar, 0.01 rupees have been deposited to your account saar
Flat chests. Flat desktops.
The year is 3024.
no one asked
hence the reminder
wow congrats to the linux userbase for beating out a fucking 15 year old os
top kek
rent free
Got any more buzzords, faggot?
Still not "upgrading". Feel free to continue to seethe in your indian mudhut.
looks like shit
rent free
The Chinese rail ticketing system is in Windows 10.
All I hear is quack quack quack
Newer Windows is worse. Newer Firefox is worse. Newer Linux is worse. Newer hardware is worse. You literally waste to get worse experience.
Stop posting from the rice fields, retard.
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die mad freetroons
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Imagine hobbling your computer because you first saw Aero Glass when you were four.
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Imagine not owning your PC.
Imagine geting actual work done on your computer. Must be hard for NEETs still using XP and 7.
Critical infrastructure is still running XP or even lower lmao. Imagine wasting your life on a fake job.
>names only 5
>none of them are relevant for PC usage
>of course he is a CAD engineer AND a graphics designer, and does both on his personal PC at home
always the same with you wincucks
You never owned your PC at the first place, XPedo. Both on software and hardware level. Unless you melt our own silicon and do everything up to OS level yourself then you cant really say that you own the PC, since at least one of its components would be someone's intelectual property which is licensed to you. If by ownership, you mean being able to run software locally and offline then its still possible on latest windows 11, unless the developer of the specific program that you want to run decides otherwise (can still be defeated with cracked version though).
>only some programs work on wine
i accept your concession
Ancient computers used to control industrial machinery and ATMs, that still run on deadshitos are entirely different from a NEET basement dweller running it on his PC. In the former case, those computers do only one thing all the time and they usually dont even have to connect to the internet. But our personal computers are supposed to change all the time in order to adapt to the needs of modern world and actually connect to the internet. Most NEETs on 4chan are too poor to upgrade their hardware and really dont like changes, since for most of them, nothing really changed in their life since they turned 18. Therefore they are pathetic subhumans who cant be taken seriously.
Name one thing you need now that you didn't need 20 years ago.
You said 90% don't work, you named 5, that implies that you only use 5 or 6 programs overall or you simply lied
I own my PC. My entire setup can be re-created without internet connection. "Your" PC can be taken away from you any moment.
>you said
this is my first post in the thread
Not him , but remind yourself that ITT we discuss deadshitos vs linux. I would say you are right if we were talking about modern windows vs linux, but ancient windows versions cant really run most modern productivity software either. In context of CAD on linux, you can at least run freecad/openscad (yes I know, those are not well suited for profesional work but good enough for hobbyists) or run some autodesk software in the browsers (like tinkercad or fusion360). You most likely wont be able to do the same on deadshitos.
Why run modern software when you can run good software.
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Updooters are literally dumber than gamers. Reject pajeet/DEI-ware.
CAD software, Circuit emulation, Matlab, Decent hypervisor, I can do this all day. Are you like middle-aged NEET or something to ask that kind of questions?
> "Your" PC can be taken away from you any moment.
Not really, since you can still set up Windows 11 without MS account, which I did. You can still use that kind of setup just fine, even with no internet. You seem to have no idea what you are talking about, schizo.
CAD software was invented in 2024, you heard it here first.
Because I am not a NEET dipshit and I need to use modern software to get actual work done? I cant imagine myself using some ancient version of inventor or autocad from early 2000s just for the sake of weird childhood obsession that you guys cant leave behind for some reason.
>I NEED a subscription to do the same thing people did before I was born
KDE looks just as good as Win7 Aero so I'm happy
Sorry, my KDE crashed before I could put a period at the end of that sentence.
looks the same but has so many retarded bugs that it may as well be a gold plated dog shit
Doesn't look as good as 2000 though.
>CAD software was invented in 2024
No retard, you are factually wrong. First version of inventor was released in 1999. Autocad was launched under its current name in 1982.
GPT begone.
So... it looks like dated shit?
No such thing as dated. There's only good(old) and bad(new).
Install XFCE and Chicago 95 simple as
Hmm... nope. Windows 7, the MS Windows workflow, skeumorphism, they're all deprecated.
I never paid a single penny to autodesk myself. Normally, your university (and later your employer) is supposed to pay for that, unless you work on you own. You can get still get most of the software from Autodesk for free if you know where to look. Some of their programs are also free for students and they dont verify it very strictly. There are plenty of ways to get this software for free.
>To do the same thing people did before I was born
Most of you never did a single, fair 9-5 work day, to begin with.
Modern designers physically can't draw skeuomorphism. Or even proper human anatomy. The competence crisis is huge.
Deprecated president.
>NEET tries to conjure reality
>He fails like he usually does in real life
>NEET claims you are LLM
Never change, /g/ .
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>I get paid less but it's okay, my company buys me pizza
At least I have someone to buy it for me, you stinky , lazy NEET.
Your company pays for my retirement, son.
Expand your context window, stupid LLM. You'll have to keep at least two posts in memory to reply to >>102183421 appropriately.
Wont happen if you were slacking off your entire life.
GNOM workflow a shit
Sorry, my KDE crashed before I could proofread my post.
You actually have a mental disability if you think loading gigabytes of JS frameworks to load a blog makes it "holistic." You can make a functioning website for mobile with like 3 lines of media queries.
>Dabbing on 7 tards
>Using telemetryfox as your selling point.
You blew it OP.
True. They should all just install GNOME Web.
Why use the internet? Your ISP steals your data. I go to the library to do all my research. I also don't take federal roads becuase then they can't get me on interstate commerce laws.
KDE is worse than Win7. Pretty sure average KDE dev never used this system and copy gimped features straight from Win10 and Win11. Also KDE plasma is 100 times more resource hungry than Win7 despite looking "the same".
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The usage of older systems is relative to how much your personal projects is dependent on legacy software.
I use win7 for personal projects and linux to interact with the normies.
It is fine using legacy systems if your project demands it, but you should not use them to interact with the normie world.
But nothing is dumber than using bleeding edge microsoft, google or apple products to do anything at all, if you use anything from either of those for personal use (if it is just on a job of a company that you don't own, that doesn't count as personal) than you don't deserve the air you breath.
ITT: People suffering from UDS (updoot derangement syndrome).
There is difference between updating system and programs. On Windows you can do that separately, so you are not losing much by not updating system because you can easily update apps to newest versions.
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No reason to "upgrade" for me besides few incompatible stuff.
As zoomers continue to forget what a computer is that windows statistic will soon be zero
That would also apply to linux if you remove the android numbers.
>copium, win7 will always be peak windows
you stupid baby duck retards literally say this about every single windows. xp was peak, 2000 was peak, vista was peak, 7 is peak, 8 is peak, now 10 is peak. its' only a matter of time before everything is deprecated and windows 13 is out, and you'll call 11 peak. GAS WINDOWS USERS IN THE GAS CHAMBER
>i must remind people of this thing they didn't ask about and don't care about
>i make remind threads because im a spammer
After you beta test something for free it becomes peak. Thanks for playing.
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Is there anything more pathetic than being a 7nile in 2024? I can't even fathom how miserable and hopeless your life has to be to end like this.
>vista was peak
>8 is peak
people who say that don't exist anon
you saying 7nile is more pathetic because it doesn't work phonetically like Cnile
>2000 was peak,
>vista was peak,
>8 is peak
Do you even have one singular brain cell? Or is it just an empty cavity like that French postal worker?
I was on macOS when Windows 7 had it's time. I'm on Arch now and occasionally use Windows 11. I don't miss it at all
dunno what this means, i use my software, what am i beta testing? also, what's wrong with beta testing? the software works and if it doesn't you or someone fixes it. are you ok? do you think beta and alpha software shouldn't exist? i don't get your point. you sound like you're new to software and computers in general
Nothing wrong with beta testing, this is your purpose in life.
7niles and XPedos represent the worst attributes from both freetards and Windows users. They are eleutheronamiacs who Dunning-Krugered themself into thinking that they have enough knowledge to tell people how software should or should not work, and the same time, They are as tech-illiterate and as ignorant as your average normalfag that uses Windows.
get reminded faggot
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ye, okay, so why seething?

why microsoft managers seethe about non-existent windows 7 population? is it because we are not sheeple?

microsoft fails because of its own sheeple mentality, not because of windows 7 users.

ill probably make and ISO of my distro in the end of the year. kind of got the understanding what should and what shouldnt be.. ofc, RRRR PHP runtime would be stuffed in there
Windows used to improve so it makes sense that new versions would be 'peak' as they outdid the previous ones. Win 8 onwards is just a constant reduction in quality.
Windows 10 was better than 8 but still worse than 7
notice how you can't explain what you're implying? because if you did everyone would laugh at how stupid you are. what are you even talking about? beta testing what? everyone is beta testing all software all the time. you stupid fucking jew, shouldn't you be in temple right now?
>why microsoft
esl detected. go back to india/china you fucking insectoid
>Windows 10 was better than 8 but still worse than 7
a few years later
>Windows 11 was better than 10 but still worse than 7
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the only time windows 7 is brought up on /g/ is when someone is whinging about people still using it
there's no windows 7 threads being made and no one's talking about it in the windows general, so why do people like OP feel the need to cry so often?
whatever dumb version acrobatics you need to do to sleep at night, you stupid fucking wincuck baby duck loser. windows is a literal virus and you fucked it with your dick without a condom and now you have windows AIDS and you're going to die of windows AIDS falling on the floor gasping for air because your immune system is compromised you fucking retard homosexual windows AIDS faggot FAGGOT FAG black NIGGER faggot FAG
The windows general is just MS marketing bots talking past each other.
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yeah its painfully obvious how fake those posts are
but my point is NO ONE is talking about windows 7 so why do people like OP keep crying their eyeballs out?
I'm literally just posting my opinion about what Windows versions I prefer you retarded gorilla nigger, I'm even planning on switching to Linux Mint when Windows 10 reaches EOL since my PC doesn't meet microsharts ridiculous system requirements for 11.
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>*10 > 11 > lewnix > everything else > 7
you're gay and you have aids, cya
There are literally thousands of cope threads posted by 7niles on desuarchive. are you retarded?
That's a requirement to be a baby duck
We had multiple threads last week
At one point, duckies even starting to evade filters to get that sweet atention.
see >>102192319
>one thread a week at best with some guy asking for help
we cant stand for this!!!!!!!
>You get more CSS features in newer versions of Firefox so you can create more dynamic pages

How dynamic does a web page need to be?
no dude. they literally post a hourly cope thread every single day since deadshitos got EoL. Sometimes there are 5+ threads at once, in which they cry that the whole world is against them because they dont want to maintain software for their ancient windows version.
The faggot is being obtuse you can dig in the archive again but remember. This is a baby duck schizo and you already see the schizo behavior from the previous threads. He just wants to waste your time because he's miserable

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