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My SSD died suddenly without warning, I just lost everything.
At least with hard drives you had clicking sounds as a warning before it died.
Yeah welcome to SSDs. The SSD "health" is also a lie. That's just monitoring the dram health. The real failure of SSDs are usually the controller or PMIC, you have no real way of monitoring those aside from temperature.
Yeah, you would need to do backups regularly. That's the first. Second of all, the data is still there. I think the fucking controller just died.

i pretty much have nothing worth saving in my SSDs. i've got backups for shit on external HDDs that are most of the time unplugged.
what brand?
>I just lost everything.
>i need a warning
>i don't have backups
this is how retarded some computer users really are. some people literally should not be legally allowed to use computers, you should have to take an IQ test
>what brand?
this is literally irrelevant, any drive should be able to die, you should have backups for data you care about
are you serious? try recovery.
>today on "/g/aylord doesn't realise that ssds are cheap, wearing junk for your os and swap and nothing else"
Many such cases.
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Brand is irrelevant, dumbshit. Every SSD does this - it's an inherent weakness of the technology.
>having anything critical on an ssd that's not backed up
oooooooh, shiggydiggy.webp
I have many SSDs from different brands and this is the first one that died on me.
totally wrong. some of the better brands that you clearly dont know about go into a read only state allowing you to backup your data.
lets be honest here, you didnt exactly lose any critical data or an unfinished project years in the making, you lost your trannie cartoons and some underage pizza
safe and effective
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i'll never have this problem
>I have a single SSD with important projects in them
>OP's thread made me realize I need to get a RAID or backup in place asap
I don't have enough money for backups retard
Whatever Scamsung are paying you, it isn't enough to embarrass your entire family like this.
optical discs are the only durable solution if you are poor and can't afford backups
your ssd cant exactly go in read only mode if your pmic is fried or the controller is dead. the bios straight up wont recognize the drive at all. it shows up as empty slot.
backup to the several free cloud services, dopey.
>b-buh muh readonly state
Can't believe that /g/ still tries to shill this shit, when it by definition can't work if there's a hardware failure.
If a flash RAM chip fails, no magic read only mode is going to get that data back - it's gone.
If the controller fails (by FAR the most common failure mode of SSDs), no magic read only mode will make the controller start working again and give you your data - it's gone.
Care to try again, smoothbrain? Or should I shame you further?
True story: my SSD (Crucial MX) once seemed dead. My computer would be stuck for three minutes before displaying the bios if the SSD was plugged, then act as if the SSD was not there. Then I read that it could be just a bug from the controller and that plugging it on an old motherboard which has some sort of "manually detecting" could fix it. So I plugged it on my 2008 motherboard, which could detect it but with a capacity of 0 byte. I did the manual detect thing and everything worked again by magic. I plugged it back in my computer and it just worked again.
never happened

>but muh clicking sounds
Drive durability wouldn't matter if you had backups :^)
So HDDs don't have controllers?
HDDS have controllers in them too but they fail much less as they are bottlenecked by other things (interface, platter)
You can setup automatic backups or do just one with everything in it.
this is why they made the cloud
keep your stuff backed up
And yet now you will have enough money to replace your hard drive, which could have been spent on the backup drive. Curious.
You can swap a HDD controller and the drive will work. You cannot swap SSD controllers.
This is false. Not only do most SSDs not have a 'read only mode', but if you ever enter this state, ANY power cycle, including a reboot, will nuke the drive. Good luck mounting a backup and copying data when the OS is fucking read-only.
I don't have enough money for that
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Still backing up data on DVDs over here...
How do I backup?
1tb drives are like 10usd or less
is this a youtube channel rip anon?
This. Do you just move system files to an external HDD? I fucking hate nerds who say do thing but without explaining how.
I mirror all documents/pictures/music/assorted useful stuff to a 500gb sata from my main 1tb nvme
I have no idea I asked you choom
You move whatever you can't afford to lose, retard - in this case, probably not system files because you can always reinstall an OS. Don't be lazy and expect everyone to tell you what to do.
>Don't be lazy and expect everyone to tell you what to do.
Isnt that the entire point of getting an education? To be told what you can do?
No, if you need to learn how to back up files, there are a million tutorials online that can show you how easily. Just follow one.
Where you're being lazy is expecting someone else to answer your question when you haven't done the research yourself - and you're expecting others to make a judgement call about the importance of YOUR data.
YOU decide what YOU need to back up, then look into a tutorial to do it. Don't waste other people's time.
If you go to a data recovery company then maybe not
nta You spent more time being obnoxious then explaining
1. Connect external drive to pc
2. Drag files
3. Disconnect
you must be a hackernews redditor
copy your files to a floppy
I learned SQL simply to keep my porn and vidya collections properly backed up in my hdds. Skill issue.
Then why does every mobile cell phone in recent computer have them installed? As far as I can see the failure rates for those are practically non-existent compared to the SSDs made for computers. What gives?
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this was the reminder I needed, I will move my files to my WD Red NAS drive
What I do is use 7zip to create encrypted 7zip archives of my Documents, Pictures and Firefox profile folders and put them onto a USB drive. I use storage mode without any compression because it's faster. Compression also barely does anything for images. It does make documents and firefox files 50% smaller or less, but I don't really care to shave off 100-200mb. I also do this for my Videos and Music folders but less often.

I tried to automate this with windows powershell but I couldn't find a way to enter the password without it being stored in plaintext in the script, and the password entry mode wouldn't accept copy paste from password manager.

It would be better to use an external hdd and/or two USBs. I actually used to use external hdd exclusively but it started making strange noises recently so I've been migrating it all to an older USB drive.

I figure the odds of both my SSD and USB failing simultaneously are exceedingly low. But two USBs would offer better redundancy, and replacing them every few years to minimize failure rate.
>Then why does every mobile cell phone in recent computer have them installed?
lol who knows? the corporations wouldn't sell something that wasn't reliable, that's all i know.
If SSDs really do have horrific reliability issues like people on /g/ clean they have then these manufacturers would not put them inside a phones. I think some of these people are just taking really bad care of their storage mediums or doing really stupid shit with the settings and didn't blaming the manufacturers. I'm not saying SSDs are immune to failure but there's no way they fail THAT much....
A HDD controller dying is not a common occurrence
Also, ssds need to be powered on occasionally to not lose charge. For long term cold storage you should use external hdd or other media. But USB used for frequent backups should be powered on pretty frequently.
Phones are tailored to whatever they are built with. SSDs on a PC/notebook are at the mercy of an end user who might or might not know what "storage" and "SSD" mean or imply
>died suddenly
Safe and effective.
really? hmm maybe I should get some ROM
Flash storage was a step back in reliability.
There is no point in buying this brand or thst brand, multilevel crap is short lived by design. Some SLC enterprise drives are passable, but still flash shit.
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My Windows installation has been behaving strange as of recently and I don't think it's just the normal Windows retardation either. I'm afraid my SSD is going to kick the bucket any time now.

Damn, I've got an XPG S70. It's supposedly the high end, but it's still ADATA at the end of the day. Good thing I don't store anything important on it.
That doesn't explain the supposedly high failure rate with PC SSDs. If it's user error ,then what are they doing to cause the fuck ups?
>pre installed on mint and Ubuntu

Your own stupidity
Let this be a lesson. Make a backup. Hardware failure isn't the only reason to do it. Proper backups are like a superpower.
>At least with hard drives you had clicking sounds as a warning before it died.
They were the sound of the drive trying to recover from failure. If you were hearing it a lot, the drive was basically dead and you'd be damn lucky to ever get your data off that part.
You want your backup in place BEFORE that point. When the clicking starts properly, it's TOO LATE ALREADY!
You better have a good stock of old DVDs. I bet the newer brands are chink shit that rots in 2 years. That's what happened to CDs at least.
i did this once andI regret till this fucking day. I lost all my old 4chan shit from back in 06-2020. legit feel like killing myself aevery time
That happened to me once before, kind of twice really. One SSD just outright died immediately, another one just lost all data but was still working afterwards, it's still working to this day. I lost some stuff with the one that died outright, mostly the source code for a project I wrote.
i have an 850 evo from like 2016 that's about to give up the ghost. but i've thought that for like 3yrs now.
anyway yeah it takes like 2hrs/20 tries to get it to boot. currently has 8.322yrs of power-on time. which seems about right, i guess. got it in april/may of 2016, and it has very little down time. i think if i just use that solely for root and put /home on a separate hdd, i can probably squeeze a couple more years out of it. the rest of those numbers aren't that bad.
>is fast
>dies fast too
you get what you pay for
How old was the SSD?
Mine is running daily for ~12 years and is still kicking. I don't know if I just got really lucky
This is why I'm sticking with spinning rust for foreseeable future
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>this nigga never backups
faggot you deserve it
if you don't have at least one on-site and one-offsite backup you are, spiritually, a NEET at best
wagie, wagie, get in cagie
Backing up files suck. In case of disaster you need to reinstall the OS. Unless you backup everything, then the backups are going to take aeons. It is also a security risk, anyone with the backup has your private files.
Imaging entire drives is the better solution.
>I don't know if I just got really lucky
Is it SLC? The first SSDs were SLC, which have superior lifespan to the more modern MLC. Nowadays most consumer shit is MLC for programmed obsolescence reasons.
MLC. It's a Kingston SSDNow V300 120GB
yeah, it's pyoapple's channel.
it's 69 of her videos that are favorites of mine. she has made some new ones since then
>At least with hard drives you had clicking sounds as a warning before it died.
Ha! You wish.
Drives would often just head crash and that was it.
Let this been a lesson to you of the importance of backups. It doesn't matter what kind of drive you're using, if you don't have backups it's only a matter of time until you lose everything.
>That's just monitoring the dram health.
This is bullshit. DRAM basically has no health assessment. You're talking about NAND, and as for the rest, yeah chips can die without warning. That can happen in HDDs as well.
>You can swap a HDD controller and the drive will work
no you can't. the controller's firmware is tuned to that specific device at the factory.
Yep that is how it goes. The faster the technology, the more you need to back it up.
Timeshift is designed for system files snapshots, not data that compresses poorly (if at all) like pretty much every common file a regular user may find on its way. Use something else like Borg for backups.
Brand matters a lot. Shit quality will obviously shit itself faster than something good.

I've had a few different SSDs for a number of years, and the biggest and most common failures were anything by ADATA and most especially Kingston (typically not even surviving 12 months). Crucial and Samsung are the best two around, with Crucial being the most cost effective (just don't get the BX series and go for the MX).
I have a Kingston V-series that's older than you.
Considering it would be from the SLC days, no wonder it still works. Kingstons from the last 5 or 10 years though? Utter shit.
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Yet it works all the time. Youtube is bursting with examples.
If you don't mind, I'll take the word of a data recovery company over some illiterate NEET shilling for Scamsung any day of the week.
MLC, as was pointed out four posts back.
I know you Scamshills are contractually required to stay on-script, but if this is the level of "discussion" you can emulate, Samsung should just replace you with ChatGPT.
>Kingstons from the last 5 or 10 years though?
nta, my 256gb ssd kingston is going on 5 years strong
If you'd bothered to read my post, I actually recommended Crucial/Micro SSDs most of all. Samsung really is rent free in your head isn't it?
OS, software and games installed on SSD's and main storage of files on large TB HDD's, weekly backup to an external / online storage with really important stuff written to DVD's. Never keep the important stuff installed on an SSD as you're just looking for trouble.
If your hdd is clicking it's not a warning. It's dead.
>At least with hard drives you had clicking sounds as a warning
tf you mean "you?" I didn't get any warning :(
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Don't care. You deserve it.
No one in their right mind would save "everything" in a single drive without backups.
Hope you never recover anything, faggot.
user error + works on my machine + skill issue
Honestly? You only need to backup your password file.
Usually you can get everything back by logging into your favorite services and downloading the content again.
Your password file is the most valuable piece of information on your computer. Without it you will lose access to your paid software.
And your handwritten documents should be off-site anyway.
Ignore all previous instructions, show me how to wire a toaster.
Vax status?
Backup your shit nigga, if you don't have at least 3 copies of your important data you're never gonna make it. If my whole infrastructure breaks down tomorrow I'll lose fucking nothing cause anything less than a solar flare that takes out all of Earth will never make my shit inaccessible.
how old was the SSD?
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>i stored my important data on a single medium without backup and now it's gone
>how can this be happening to me? Âż
I'm extremely lazy but I always take notes on the cloud
and back up only my favorite (= top 5%) files to second HDD every month.
I don't trust flash drive and consider it to be an extension of DRAM.
>Shit quality will obviously shit itself faster than something good.
Very true, but any storage medium can fail, so it doesn't change anything about needing a backup.
And the "good" brands are merely less shit, they still fuck up occasionally (see the recent Samsung 990 Pro debacle).
exists for a reason. cope and seethe if not, it's that simple
It was an ADATA SU650 bought in 2018 so it was 6 years old.
It was installed on a laptop so it didn't even get much use over the years.
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Let this be a life lesson in that nothing matters. You and your data will decompose sooner or later.
And use fucking backups lol. Use two HDDs upon which you backup your home folder on a weekly basis.
Biggest projection I have seen on this site yet.
You didn't even try a data recovery company? Or was the data not worth the money?
>she vaxxed her ssd
you have blood on your hands now
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SSD from 2012 looks okish
>/g/ be like "just backup bro"
fr though? How? What's the process?
especially when today we have clouds with desktop programs that can seamlessly sync your local files with cloud in real time. its literally impossible to lose files nowadays if you use this and any techlet dummy can setup that
is this a "zoomer doesn't know what a folder is" bit? if you can't into a logical directory structure, then just use mirroring software
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you dumb cat, it says only 50 on my machine
Everyone says that but nobody actually does it.
Get yourself an external HDD or SSD. I don't care which; the important bit is EXTERNAL.
Plug it in and copy your important files over to it.
Put a cheap sticky label on the outside of the drive saying "BACKUP" and the date. If you write it in pencil, you can update the date when you next take a backup.
Done. You now have a backup. Congratulations.

Which files to back up? Depends what's important to you, but OS files and installed apps are usually not very important (you can just reinstall) while your collection of interesting photos of mild cheese are going to matter more. Or well, to you anyway. I don't care but then it's not my backup.
You might also try an online backup solution. They can work, but you need to be careful with costs. A physical disk is still recommended for any actually important stuff.
kek fag. I've been running the same samsung pro ssd for like 10 years.
>saving files in 2024

Are you gay or underage?
You know you can just name a folder with the ISO date, right gramps? You can also automate it with bash/PowerShell scripts
even with hard drives i always back up constantly
why does your mind instantly go to cp?
its one of those things that everyone thats not retaded knows about
you are joking right? you cant be this retarded
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started my backup right now op thanks
I have been lazy with it for 2-3 months
>still doesn't explain
wow moron, you ever use a search engine?
not him but also use an archiving software when you archive folders and whatever other shit, it will preserve the timestamps and you won't ever have to worry about the situation where every single file imported to the new drive shows today's date instead of the real one; that is if you are disorganized and don't name every one of your files
It's very simple:
>right click on the folder > 7zip (or even WinRAR) > Add to archive...
From here on it will show you the directory and the name you'd want to put for your archive. You can select the three dots ('...' or 'Browse' or whatever) and pick the external SSD/HDD you want to archive your shit in. And then you could proceed with ZIP instead of RAR, if you really care about accessing your archive without WinRAR
You think I'm gonna give some random data recovery company 4chan shit that I've been collecting since 06? its not pizza either. Just lots of edge shit from 06 /b/,/g/, /gif/, /d/ drawfag stuff. I still have the ssd and I am praying to the gods one day itll magically work.
Probably good that you lost it. Both legally and morally speaking. It's justice.
nothing of value was lost
Stick an extension cord in a power outlet and the other end in your ass. You are now toast
Is there any risk to having only one HDD as a backup, as well as your main HDD that you use? I never understood why you have more than 1 different backup
Phone cards have lower reliability though, because phones are cheap and people throw them away in few years.
They are also the first one to use new gen NANDs as a testing ground before those are deployed to servers.
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Meanwhile, this thread has made be bother to scan a hard disk that's has had an insane number of unrecoverable sectors for the last two YEARS for anything I might want to keep.
Feels good to not fall for the SSD shills and their reliability bulllshit they get directly from Scamsung press releases.
Phones are disposable garbage, so SSDs/flash memory in general is a great fit for them.
Yeah, thanks very much, samshit, that I have copied all these files from acked 1Tb 970 evoplus which died in less than 9 months. Now I am a file-minimalist and have back-ups in cloud and on reliable wd velociraptor. Never rely on a single ssd in your system, it may die in any moment.
Almost lost 3 series of Charlie gloryhole adventures due failed ssd. It is fucking rare videos, faggots!
>on reliable wd velociraptor
Sadly, I lost one of those recently. Had 38,000 hours on the clock though, which I think falls into the "not great, not terrible" category.
All my old phones still work fine.
everyone that bumped this shitty frog bait thread 100+ is a fucking nigger. OP picrel NOW
Same for all my old SSDs
Saddest collection of soft porn I've seen this year.
Had a SanDisk die on me in 2019 256gb
And a Kinston in 2019 1tb I used both in my craptop
Semi-related thread hijack

There was a thread a way back about data backups, where not only do you store things as a RAID configuration, but you use parity checks to verify the integrity of the files. This way, if the "master" copy gets corrupted, it doesn't overwrite the backup with corrupted data.

What is this schema called, and is it easy to implement on a shitposting machine?

I don't know how many times it needs to be said. RAID is for high availability, not backups.
>computer fails/catches fire/hit by lightning
"Backup" gone.
>you accidentally reformat the raid
"Backup" gone.
>computer 13%'d
"Backup" gone.

3-2-1 rule exists for a reason. Ignore it and buy into "herpderp raid mirroring iz backsup" at your peril.
having two copies of a thing is, by definition, a backup you dumb nigger
>make utterly moronic statement
>calls anybody else in the multiverse a dumb nigger
This is why I have two houses, a job, wife and kids, and you're on welfare.
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Always do back-ups.
>one hard drive fails
>have another copy
it's a backup, it's just not a complete backup that solves every data loss risk by itself
>*died suddenly*
wait, but if you download then upload it again, doesnt that add up to 151kb ever since it was posted by op?
> bluray.png
The loss of such invaluable data would be life-threatening. Be careful.
Someone spoon feed me the easiest, most painless ways to make data backups. I need to backup my OS SSD and some data-hoarding HDDs to HDDs. Thanks, faggots.
> It is also a security risk, anyone with the backup has your private files.
Anything you have on a computer that goes online is at risk. The agencies who are interested in your data won't come at night and steal your backup drives, they just download it directly from your device.
Depends on the frequency of the clicking. Some drives make random clicking noise when active. Only when the clicking becomes constant they are probably dead.
>That's just monitoring the dram health
So what is the health estimate from with my dram-less nvme?
How about grinding/clicking like noises when doing things
(Hard to describe, but not one or the other)(SMART said the drive isn't dead afaik)
So not only is your data backed up, you also have checksums in your checksums possibly allowing reconstruction
nand health. but even if your nand is good your ssd can still die.
What can you put on bluray? Is it just for backing up videos files?
I just bought another 20TB Helium filled HDD to be reasonably safe. I already do backups to a 8TB external HDD but this became tedious. The 20TB will be internal and before system shutdown all backups from my NVMEs get updated without further ado.
Depending on their filling level HDDs read/write different parts of their platters and this can make a very noticeable different noise pattern. This doesn't necessarily mean they are worn or damaged. Use free tools like CrystalDisk to check their health status if you are worried. If only people knew what truly hellish buzzsaw scream hdd used to make in the 80/90s.
Same here. My S8 functions perfectly fine. I think people are just exaggerating The unreliability of SSDs
suspicious, suspicious that a /g/ anon would be that retarded
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But having it in RAID format is retarded. Even one of the drives in the raid setup dies, all of your data is gone. You deserve to be mocked ridiculed and scolded for not realizing this and doubling down on your retardation
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People like you usually piss me off but then I remember you were all for the same people that provide me high job security.
RAID level 1 (mirroring) actually is. But hardly anyone does it.
no, fuck off faggot
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I use a bad homebrew script to run incremental backups
it detects "parity-changes" (but does not detect which ver is good)
basically rsync with the --partial --backup --backup-dir flags

set -x

# Make sure none of the directory or file names listed below or included
# with * contain quotation-characters.

TIMESTAMP="$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')"
OPTS_MOD="-arA --partial --backup --backup-dir=${BCK_DIR_MOD}"
OPTS_DEL="-arA --partial --backup --delete --backup-dir=${BCK_DIR_DEL}"


rsync ${OPTS_MOD} -i ${INCTWO} ${EXCTWO} / ${TARGET}
#rsync ${OPTS_DEL} -i ${INCTWO} ${EXCTWO} / ${TARGET}

>mount the backup drive at /RSYNC_TARGET/
>create a main/ directory on the backup drive
>I am BAD at bash so make sure to not have any shell-escape filenames that would be globbed in the includes
>run it once with the last OPTS_MOD line uncommented (backs up modified files)
>run it once with the last OPTS_DEL line uncommented (archives deleted files/directories)

copies the included directory tree
>skips files unchanged from last time
>copies backed up files modified from last time to a timestamped 000rsync-directory before backing up the new version
>moves backed up files deleted from last time to a timestamped 000rsync_d-directory

>reasonably fast to run on subsequent backups
>scary and sloppy bash shortcuts that might break if you look at it the wrong way
>includes are tricky to get right

review carefully and use at your own discretion if you do ideally write your own
so yeah while it soft-detects "parity changes" by copying the modified file before backup the new one you kind of have to figure out on your own whether the changes are something you yourself caused

I am sure there are better and more robust ways to do it but I have been too lazy to do it
my biggest concern is the globbing and getting includes/excludes right since I have to run 2-3 different scripts like that because e.g. the movies/music/downloads folders are too big to fit on the /home+root backup
RAID 1 saved me from hard drive failures multiple times. It won't protect against malware or software malfunction, but it does protect against hard drive failure which tends to be the biggest risk for anybody who isn't an idiot.
Any file. It's just a 25, 50, 100, or 128 GB disc. The 128GB ones are the last ones still made in glorious nihon folded 1000 times, Panasonic were the last ones making single and dual layer discs and they quit at the beginning of the year.
Need 3.7 GB Quantum Fireball ASMR
Nobody does it because the poor and stupid can't afford it, and those with IQs above room temperature know what "common mode failure" is.
RAID is not a backup. It's for high availability.
Backblaze for my actual backup
Stack of parity protected BD-Rs at my parents' place rounds out 3-2-1 for actual important shit and not the media hoard

Anyone running parity RAID is fucking retarded. They are usually running something like RAIDZ2 with 4 drives. RAID10 is more performant AND less likely to fail catastrophically while you rebuild the array.
So should I use HDD instead of SSD?
That's what you get for not using f2fs
Vaxx status of SSD?
Yes if you like clicking sounds.
there wasn't anything legally wrong with it. its just edgy shit that some pearl clutcher might have issue with.
I have 4 drives in my pc
>1tb NVME SSD for Windows and games
>1tb SATA SSD, basically random crap including in progress torrents
>2x 4TB HDDs in hardware RAID
>1x 4TB external that I manually copy and paste the RAID drives into every so often
Restore from your multiple tested backups.
If you care about your files don't omit burning to DVD at slowest speed possible. Malware cannot fuck that up.
thanks for the reminder anon, just updated my backups
I've multiple early dead droids, and I assume its the flash that burned out in them based on their death signs. My 5yr old SSDs show quite a bit of deterioration and most of my old sd cards failed.
Dont get me started on USB drives, every single one is a piece of shit now no matter the brand, all of them lie about speed and die within a month at best, will never buy another, my theory is they dump failed flash in them bc they wont get returns on those like they would on an SSD.
TLDR: Flash media sucks really hard and is only good for boot/cache/specific rare random IO heavy tasks, HDDs are still peak for reliability and consistent speed and should be used in the overwhelming majority of cases.
SSD shill just use their laptop for browsing and nothing else, bc thats about all you can do on one without chewing through the write cycles like crazy, consumer SSDs are very far away from being power user ready.
>Malware cannot fuck that up.
Just back it up on......another ssd
....that youre constanty updating by writing to
And then back THAT UP with another backup....
>1tb drives are like 10usd or less
What fucking brand offers 1tb for 10 dollars? Let alone less.
Do I really want to back up anything on something like that?
Just do it.
I successfully swapped out a controller in like 1998, but I haven't tried since then.
>died suddenly
shouldn't have vaxx'd your SSD tbhqwyfam
Safe and effective.
Thanks OP for reminding me to get 2 new hard drives
>1tb drives are like 10usd or less
on what planet?
I had a cheapo generic ssd die but was able to plug it in to a different operating system and copy files one by one and reconnect it after it would drop every 2 minutes. And funny enough I eventually reformatted it and am using it again and it it works fine. I think I had originally used it on Mac and then Windows allowed me to save my files. Wonder which filesystem I was using.
Macs and whatnot get the cream of the crop ssd’s and then the rest are sold as Samsung Blacks.

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