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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>102088243
I am currently just following a textbook to review and fill gaps in my knowledgebase with c# and angular.

I installed angular material 18.2.2 in my client part of my visual studio solution.
The pre built theme I chose is not getting registered at all.
And I checked everything, seemingly everything in order.

I am ignoring it for now, but I suspect it might have to do with the ordering of component library and css->scss migration.

Need to try it out with the next project when I am through learning DTO and Code first database shit.
fullstack tailwind has helped me by leveraging my fast iteration quick drop out response with our serviceless customers experience in mind of the ai chain
File deleted.
I've nevet touched webshit in my life
How do i set halloween theme on 4chan if i have the css file and .gifs
Is Lycos broken?
Whats the easiest cheapest stack to use claude to make a site where people can search and add items to a database. Also where should I host it?

I'm kinda braindead so appreciate the help
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Did you know that Gin, the Go framework, uses code from ByteDance, the Chinese developer of TikTok

How worried are you about Chinese code? Consider:

>Chinese government hackers infiltrate at least two top US ISPs
Are algos and data structures really important if I just wanna do front end?

Firefox is based btw
Depending on your application’s needs, etc, you could explore using DynamoDB global, and lambda@edge functions, if latency is an issue. Aurora has a global option for Postgres if you’re willing to pay for it.
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Can you use wsl2 vms to simulate distributed systems?

Im trying to run master/slave ansible on the same machine using wsl but i get the same ip for each one of them. Do i need a full vm install using virtualbox for this?
Do search engine crawlers index content fetched and added to the HTML with Javascript?
>Do search engine crawlers index content fetched and added to the HTML with Javascript?
yes, crawlers use a headless browser during their rendering phase but this doesn't mean it's good at doing so, plain static HTML pages are best if you really care about it being indexed perfectly
claude knows python best
and claude seems to really like creating flask projects. you can probably host it on digitalocean if you tell claude to spoon feed you how
what's the best lazy UI component library?
everyone keeps jerking off to shadcn because you "own it" as if 99% of the web didn't look exactly the fucking same. I don't want to customize shit. Just give me something that works and looks like an actual designer built it.
>If you have a TRUE need for NoSQL, go Cassandra or DynamoDB. If you just want to use Mongo because you don't want to learn SQL, git gud and stop shitting in the streets.

Listen here you retarded nigger. Not only is Mongo more popular than Cassandra, it also is twice as good at reads. Cassandra is better at writes, sure. But reads are way more important. Think about what he asked, he wants to make a 4chan clone. 4chan uses a Json API and people lurk 4chan way more than they post, and everyone posting is also reading and updating nonstop. Mongo is way better than Cassandra for that, and pairs very well with express. Both mongo and express are very good for people just getting into JSON API making. Take your contrarian retardation somewhere else, the ME*N stack is extremely popular and efficient while being beginner friendly.

>what's the best lazy UI component library?
>everyone keeps jerking off to shadcn because you "own it" as if 99% of the web didn't look exactly the fucking same. I don't want to customize shit.
>Just give me something that works
Literally the "just werks" is the reason I like Shadcn. All other libraries always had some issues doing what I wanted to do, and modifying them was a nightmare.
express is dead. fastify is the modern version.

hono kills em both. beautiful, minimal framework
Hono is bun shit. Use hyper express if you want something identical to express that isn't part of the bun meme.

Bun's http speed comes from uws.js, which uws.js itself called out that bun used them but it's way faster on node. Uws.js just calls to the uws c++ library anyways.

Hyper-express is made from uws.js while still being on node. The bun Jews scammed you buddy.
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Lmao uws.js took it out, probably because the bun creator was posting crying tweets after they wrote that in the readme. But it was there.

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>express is dead
He's speaking out his ass, express is still very popular. One of those tech bros that always follows the most cutting edge technologies because a YouTuber told him to try the new shiny toy.

Express is fine for like 99 percent of websites. And it scales up easily, not that most sites will usually hit the request per second limit of express. And as others point out the biggest bottle neck is http.

But if you do need maximum performance, you can keep basically all of your code base the same switching to hyper express instead of express, which blows hono and fastify which he mentioned the fuck out.
sveltekit + supabase cloud + deploy on vercel
easy way to implement oauth 2.0?
I'm trying to create a forum site, struggling with user authentication and authorization bit.
>page 10
I have a great idea for a website which I'll give to you guys for free, so hopefully you'll make it

4chan without anime, racism, weird sex fetish shit, pointless bickering, and other crap like that

So you can have the sort of conversations that you'd have at the pub with your friends
jews would target it, hard
nevertheless I agree, it's a great idea, just that you'd have to overcome so many obstacles of all kinds that it would be unreal
And is still outclassed by Postgres, you turbo gorilla nigger
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how do i get my desired layout using bootstrap4
its making me want to kms because either the navbar goes above the sidebar or the content is no longer centered and has a million pixels overflow on the right
maybe kys is a good option.
keep it simple
- 2 divs/sections
- left one is sidebar
- right one is nav + content
simple as
>look mom, I'm legatekeeping!
>I'm unemployed btw
yeah, I wonder why
what else do I use then, o wise one
I'm already using django
Maybe you should get fucked
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>is still learning react
>The newly recruited Product manager/Teacher wants me to build a fullstack social media websites in 2 month.
How do I even finish something like this? Abuse Claude as much as I can?
How is full stack open for a newbie?
Already familiar with programming in Python/Java as well as data structures & algorithms.
This would be easy to do with just HTML + CSS :P
2 months is plenty of time if you're going to be developing 8 hours a day, don't sweat it, and focus on learning/doing
also with bootstrap
        u, _ := url.Parse(endpoint)
q := u.Query()
q.Add("to", lang)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
body := []struct {
Text string
{Text: text},
b, _ := json.Marshal(body)
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", u.String(), bytes.NewBuffer(b))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Key", apikey)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

var result interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&result); err != nil {
final, _ := json.MarshalIndent(result, "", " ")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", final)

Why is making http requests in Go so elaborate? There should be an easier way to translate the received info into JSON without using interfaces and sending requests without making structs.
that's precisely how I feel about that syntax
>domain price increase begin today
Thanks veri(sign)
needs 3 divs for some reason because the individual containers don't respect widths
<div class="parent-container d-flex" style="height:100vh">
<div class="container p-0" style="width: 100px">
<div class="sidebar">...</div>
<div class="container pr-0">

it works like this but feels a bit janky
Is it any easier in C/C++ with just the standard libraries?
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const obj = {
'A nice method'() {
return 'Yes!';

it's all so tiresome
learning all this voodo incantations from scratch
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obj['A nice method']()
: Yes!
I can't see your image so it has no effect on me

You're genuinely a child
const unemployable = true
let butthurt = 9782
while (unemployable){

try doing something else with your time, perhaps working on your portfolio and applying to job openings, good luck, perma-butthurt anon!
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NaN == NaN // false
obj[NaN] = () => 'nyce'
obj[NaN] == obj[NaN] // true

>obj['A nice method']()
>: Yes!
>obj[NaN] = () => 'nyce'

is this new syntax? when was this added?
The real question is should you use the function keyword
const obj = {
niceMethod: function() {
return 'Yes';

Or use an arrow function
const obj = {
niceMethod: () => {
return 'Yes';

I guess with the arrow function you can write it in one line if you want
>supposedly can't see image
>browsers image board
>calls other people childish
>calls anon unemployable
>while browsing a freakin image board
Something like 1996 or so.
Whenever people point at typescript and say "it can do everything that javascript does" you simply got to point at this, because making this work in typescript is fun.
>tries to gatekeep
>I-I'm n-not b-butthurt u-u a-are
>NaN == NaN // false
No need when we have isNaN

const a = NaN, b = NaN;
console.log(isNaN(a) && isNaN(b)); // true
what is it useful for? I've never seen that before and I've been jsing for literal years
Maybe we should tell you to kill yourself since you told another guy to do so just because he's using Bootstrap
look, I cannot help you with your butt, but maybe it would have helped you to get just a little bit into gatekeeping when it comes to your butt
Have you? This stuff is useful in many ways. Like accessing shit from within html or when doing meta programming.
it's normal, you're unemployable, and you're trying to gatekeep... from outside the door, typical retard behavior, just tell your mom that you're going to need one of those retard bucks from the government, good luck
I get it you're assigning a function to an ojbect's key, still haven't seen that syntax before, threw me off
>Maybe we should tell you to kill yourself since you told another guy to do so just because he's using Bootstrap
Why would you do that? Why should I? I am not the one who is using Bootstrap, anon is.
Man react is so much simpler to angular. This framework is making my head hurt.
So you are still calling unemployable - in a fucking thread on 4chan?
Because he's an idiot, and if you want to enable him then you're an idiot too
look I'm really sorry for you, but you're acting like an absolute nigger, so eat a dick
>absolute nigger
>eat a dick
Now we're talking. I can totally see your true colors now. You're such a good person compared to me. I bow before you.
>making this work in typescript is fun
What are you yapping about? Both work fine out of the box.
const obj = {}
obj['test'] = () => 'test'
// Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type '"test"' can't be used to index type '{}'.
// Property 'test' does not exist on type '{}' (7053)
You've declared obj to be an empty object and you're surprised it's complaining..?

const obj = {
"test"() { return "test"; },
"test2": () => "test2",
"test3": function() { return "test3"; },
[NaN]() { return NaN; },
}; // nemas problemas
So this is actually an important question: there’s a massive difference in scope between the 2.
Am I insane to want to deploy this for our website?
that distinction is lost on most react andys
is there any recommended procedure for parsing through the content in a <script> tags when trying to parse through a scrapped html page? There is an object here which has all the data I need but its a pain to try to get the regex right and even if I get it right it wont be 100% reliable
there is, but I don't recall what was the difference in detail
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From my studying all object property keys are transformed into strings, so NaN becomes "NaN", valid
arrow function takes lexical scope, takes the this of lexical scope
function keyword had no this
see >>102189053
I want to build a server-side generated marketplace like eBay or depop. I don’t want to use anything like next.js. If I need anything like react I’ll use it on a per page basis. I want as few dependencies as possible. I’m debating between go, vanilla php, & express.js, in that order. Django and Rails are too slow and bring in too many dependencies. If you too were autistic, what stack would you choose for something like this?
what's the point of using this in a function though?
function test() {
this.x = "hello!";

function inner() {
return `${this.x} world!`;
let notherinner = () => {
return `${this.x} world!`;
new test();

>TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x') inside inner()
>all object property keys are transformed into string
Mostly correct, but there's an exception for Symbol.

Mostly it's for when you want method-like functions: you want to dynamically refer to some unnamed thing.
thanks lads
you guys should find a different career. you can make fullstack apps with Cursor now
>Django and Rails are too slow
Too slow for what?
use sections and similar html tags for the content, only leave divs for strictly layount, it's the proper semantic way, don't get divitis just like me q;^p
They require 2x-4x more resources than go or node
why do you even need a DB? What would you be saving a 4chan clone. Why not just pull the data through their API each time?
What you’re describing is a 4chan client not a clone
Arrow functions do not, and cannot, bind to the “this” scope. They’re technically inferior.
oh ok got it. my bad
Node isn't significantly better than Python or Ruby in that department.
You can easily get 50MB~100MB of RAM usage with the most basic bitch Node server.
Yeah I know it has issues with memory leaks as well. I’m leaning towards Go and trying to stick with the stdlib as much as possible. I want as little maintenance and lock-in as possible. Something I can vertically scale until it’s worth hiring or selling.
>If you too were autistic, what stack would you choose for something like this?
I'm basically you and still went with Rails. It's slower than those, yes, but the amount of shit I've gotten done in such a small amount of time is insane. It operates like a SPA, but it's server side, and I did nothing to configure that behavior. Unless you're going to make an app with 100k+ concurrent users, Ruby or Python is probably fine. And if you get anywhere near needing to spend hundreds of dollars per month on a server due to Ruby/Python, you're very likely going to be earning 5 figs a month off of that amount of traffic. More importantly, pick the one you actually like using and just start. You're using this decision as procrastination because you know it's going to be hard. Just start, homie.
>Being a ramlet
how would you guys handle ephemeral live chats? I'm thinking of using an in-memory database to store the info for the duration of the live stream
You’re probably right, I just worry about the longevity of rails since the ecosystem is moving so fast to serverless saas crap
Could just do a socket room system and save the chats in memory with timestamps. Then when the stream ends save one time to the database the entire chat at once. Then when someone loads old chats you can just serve the video plus the chat_replay.json to make them only show if the video time is past the chat time. The only issue would be if the server fails you lose that chat memory unless you have a timed backup system so they can only lose an x amount of the chat.

I often rely on memory more than the database, it's pretty much what redis does iirc except I use mongo and node lmao
depends on what features id want. if its just a straight up chat with nothing else, id just use websockets and broadcast messages to everyone connected as they come in. if its ephemeral then i wouldnt see a need for users to get previous messages upon connection. if you need moderation features then you could just have an in-memory buffer of messages with their metadata and check moderation actions against it, but that only really works if the buffer is large enough to accommodate chat speed/volume. keeping the entire chat history for the duration of the stream could get pretty large, but if you set up a table for user metadata and one for message/userid/timestamp you could keep the size more manageable.
Actually wait, do you even care about saving the chat to database? If not just don't even worry about saving it in memory either and just make it socket send to everyone in the room every time someone messages.
I'm pretty sure that's mostly just JS metaframework trash, because it's the only way for it to be performant enough. Also, the biggest ones, Next and Sveltekit are both either owned or directly funded by big serverless providers. Severless is also there to run overly complicated architecture at a big cost. You don't need that shit. A very cheap VPS will get you very far with Rails or PHP.

Ruby also has concurrency frameworks that work with Rails that never get mentioned, as does PHP, which gets them close enough to Go, if that matters to you, but even without that I don't think the language will be a bottleneck so long as you're persisting everything you need so that you're mostly just reading/writing, which you should be doing for any app because the DBM written in C will be faster than any language with a web framework.

If you already know PHP, I'd go that route. Developing a front facing site/app with Go is annoying as fuck, because you lose the benefits of a scripting language which let's you ctrl+s and F5 and immediately see the change. In Go you have to recompile, which even with Air recompiling on save it takes a second or two and gets annoying fast, especially when you're doing design work.
I wish. He added other shits on top of it, so I only have 4 hours/day at most to dedicate to coding among other works like learning to edit video
i have something that has been bothering me for the past few days

what really is the difference between webflow developers and front-end developers, aren't they doing the same thing, making websites look nice?
webflow is a no-code tool for building sites, you drag and drop html elements, and style them without writing code
I was thinking of keeping the latest 100 messages, if that
>Actually wait, do you even care about saving the chat to database?
not at all
you guys got me thinking, maybe I don't even need to have a proper history going on
it's not like they'll actually have a conversation there, it'll be pure shitposting and mild interactions with the hosts
maybe just firing messages with timestamp so there's some ordering in the messages is enough for my use case
I want a div that maintains its aspect ratio, i see this kind of works: https://www.w3schools.com/HOWTO/howto_css_aspect_ratio.asp. but the problem is if the window is too wide then it creates a scroll bar. i want to to go no larger than the screen height and instead make bars on the sides
nevermind i found an answer here
If you don't care, just do a basic socket.io chatroom tutorial and see how easy it is.
I'm in year 3 of CS university, and I haven't written any project, fuck
late > never
Yo /g/giggas. I'm currently doing programming as a hobby and have a lot of fun to learn C#. And from week to week I'm more excited about the whole programming stuff. I doing own little projects and working with the books C# Players Guide and C# in Depth.
Should I first focus just on C# or also starting beginner web developmernt like HTML, CSS, etc. too?
There's nothing wrong with learning backend and frontend stuff at the same time
make a phone app for men to take better dick pics with filters and able to add a dog face on the penis and stuff like that, girls love that shit. Dick Pic Studio
actually genius
How is that possible, you should be doing projects even in first year
nta, but a CS dude told me they don't even code there, that it's all theory, off course advanced theory and concepts, but alas
Anyone ever did calls to the streamlabs API?
I'm just experiencing with APIs and shit and work asked coincidentally to program a client to this API.
Anyway, in the form to get a clientId and other stuff, they ask for our app's URL. But I'm running on localhost for the moment. Can I provide that?
If it doesn't work, what other choices do I have? It's a Spring Boot app.
Bumping this thread using qutebrowser on my Raspberry Pi with 1 gig of RAM

I'm only using this browser because other browsers simply don't seem to work on this machine (I tried Firefox, Chromium, and Falkon)

You guys do test against all these browsers, right?
>all these browsers, right
to test is one thing, but to act on it is a whole another story, think that just maintaining FF, Chrome and Safari is a massive task just for a big project.
Some companies commit to this. Very few.
True. I was joking about testing against niche browsers, but yeah I agree with you, ideally you'd test against the three you mentioned, but yeah I'm sure many companies don't - Firefox often gets left out because it has low market share
Fav framework and why?
Prefer not to say. It's my trade secret.
top lmao
angular, laravel and .net
. angular
it was ok experience, a bit autistic about files and all that, just like laravel
so much out of the box shit, powerful in the hands of a newbie that can just read the docs
. .NET
idk, it's good shit, but very verbose and shit, but good shit regardless
created junior-mid level projects with each one of them
Are there actual tools for working with vanilla js? I am absolutely fed up with all the framework shit both on client and server. I have been using vite for hotreload for quite some time, but I am fed up with that shit, too.

Are there any tools, resources for vanilla js or is this so niche that absolutely nobody even bothers?
my ex-company commited to js web components kinda hard, and right now, they're apparently reverting back to react, kind of weird
The thing with web components is... people still build frameworks around them and that is dumb. Don't do that.

I have put quite some time into them recently and I gotta say that I am really impressed. Stuff makes sense, once you drop all the other shit. They're perfect for bridging the gap from html to js if you actually care for doing things vanilla.
They allow me to simply solve the problem at hand with whatever solution works best in the moment and that feels strangely natural to me, especially considering that all the framework and pattern shit that is being forced upon us leads to dumb solutions in many cases.
I just use next js because I don’t like react router. Other than that I treat it like a react app
Does composition make sense with web components? My head exploded when I tried to make components made of more components, I think that was the wrong approach. What do you think?
to add to this, should a component be a view, or a view made of big ass components like let's say a sidebar and a navbar, etc, but nothing under that level?
I use web components, like I would use html elements - except that I have to define the behaviour myself. Like label and input elements for example. Is that composition to you? Certainly not in the sense that it is with react or something, but you do not need that with web components. You do not need deep nesting at all.

>should a component be a view, or a view made of big ass components
They can be both, it depends on what you need. But a sidebar is not a "component" to me.
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Is it, dare I say, over?
the speed at which you write code shouldnt be your bottleneck
I'm really enjoying Hyper Express. The HTTP being near identical to Express's was fine by itself, but how ez it made auth in websockets and how the websockets worked sealed the deal for me. The speed bonuses were also an obvious plus.

If we're talking about favorite frontend framework alpine is nice. Wish it had some kind of built in virtual scroll I could use with x-for is my only complaint, other than that it's perfect.
Pretty sure webpack supports vanilla js, so that works fine
Hey everyone I've been transitioning from web dev to game dev slowly. I'm really liking Three.js and doing a beginners crash course on using it and GSAP for 3d websites, but will transition into game dev later once I got a good grasp on 3d and graphics rendering.

I feel like learning a new field from the beginning can be overwhelming, however I'm looking forward to later when it comes to stuff like online multiplayer and servers because then all the stuff I learned from web dev I have an advantage on over people who are coming from other fields due to perfecting the craft of sockets and auth for years.

Wish me luck.
webpack is exactly the stuff that I am trying to get away from. It's a highly complicated mess.
IMO a bundler should work like this
bundler index.html index.bundled.html

Just do that one thing an nothing else.
>perfecting the craft of sockets and auth for years
noice, good luck
ey wat u call me gringo? i work harj, u no call me webpack ok?
dios mio

do gotards really?
nobody cares about your toy projects
See here: >>102187802

With Go I'm sure you can get some library to make it very easy
>tfw the absolute babe rplies in dm with "yes, master"
pure coom fuel
all you people out there
>no, you cannot not use a framework
>you will only create your own one!!!
>that's bad, mkay?
>trust me bro
meanwhile me in my own projects
>I will not import any library, without adding my own abstraction on top
Use the Stylus addon and add the css there. You'll either have to host gifs somewhere or convert them to base64 and use that in css.
>express is dead. fastify is the modern version.
Is the Fastify API any different than the Express API? I am making a new application, should I switch from Express to Fastify?
your toy """projects""" aren't nowhere near close to real, commercial applications, you stinky unemployed jeet
Where the fuck are you seeing ads in Stylus?
as in selling your personal data to highest bidder
you sound quite frustrated, buddy
Source for this claim? And is there an alternative to Stylus?
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nvm there's hope but i'm reluctant regardless
actually i changed my mind it still has spyware
I'm not going to say it's impossible, because it's obviously not, but typically the people arguing this just simple don't even know what they don't know, and think that successfully using a router and templating for an SSR app, or making components in vanilla JS means they're doing the impossible and don't need a framework.,,

Are you handling:
Rate limiting? Standard http headers? CSRF tokens, or other XSS protection for SPAs? Sessions? Protection against session hijacking? Password salting/hashing? Browser history on nav for SPA? Validations? Sanitizing user input? Communicating with your DB (even raw SQL requires some kind of DB library to connect to it)? DB worker pools? Side-channel attacks? DB race conditions? Request context timeouts? Graceful shutdown? Logging?

And this is just shit I thought of after rolling out of bed. I know there's still a bunch of shit that I don't know about, too. Again, it's not impossible to do all of that yourself from scratch, but it's incredibly stupid to waste time doing that if you have a real application you're trying to make, because you're going to spend months on things that have been solved by entire communities auditing solutions which were built on the backs of incredibly smart people's research with extremely domain specific knowledge (browser security, or DBMS, for example) a long time ago. It's a fool's errand.

This is why everyone says the shit posters like you are only building toy apps. You likely just have no clue the vast amount of shit that you don't know about. Unknown unknowns...
Self taught dev here.
I need to handle some http requests, responses and callbacks through a client and a server available through a Rest API.
I'm unexperienced on this subject (http as a whole). I got the basics I mean but I'd like to master since I don't think there's self respected backend dev out there who doesn't know his shit about http.
Where can I find a complete teaching resource on the subject? Even a book recommendation is welcome.
How much are you willing to pay for a resource?
How many users have you got?
Hmmm 20/30 bucks
Launched ~3 weeks ago an into the low 5 figs.
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Any tips for setting up network among vms? Any solution will do. Ive been trying to communicate virtualbox vms for 4h without sucess. Almost buying another notebook so i avoid handling all the wiring.
My pc wont run ubuntu on vbox so im trying to use debian. Now i need to setup the ip and all that.

I also tried putting together 2 alpine linux in docker without sucess.
tech stack?
very brief product overview?
The source I used was around that. I got it on Udemy but it's cheaper here.

fuck off brad will you charlatan scammer
Call me a retard if it's a retarded question but is the teaching "langage agnostic"? I'm a Spring Boot dev (Java). I realise HTTP is implemented the same way everywhere but if there's a similar course on Java, I'd be more than happy to take it instead.
You realize Brad's GitHub is literally in the OP and has been for years right?

All languages have different webserver frameworks pretty much, but if you're interested in learning concepts and practices it's agnostic in that regard, I carried it over to other frameworks I used. The only three languages I've used web servers for are JavaScript (my favorite by far), PHP, and Rust.

Despite the tranny memes, actix web and axum from Rust was pretty fun too.

If you know C++ however, I used a library called uwebsockets.js that's fun but you can use the c++ version which is just uwebsockets. Don't let the name fool you, it's both an http router and websockets.

I can't suggest anything for Java, I haven't ever used it. But honestly I always suggest that express course I mention because it teaches fundamentals and principals, I carried over the logic when I was using axum and you can learn how it all works well enough to redo it in the language of your choice. The current library I'm using is hyper-express which is basically just express but faster because it's built on top of uw.js.

Oh, and fuck PHP.
>You realize Brad's GitHub is literally in the OP and has been for years right?
And? This general is for unemployed retards like you so that does not mean anything.
>This general is for unemployed retards like you
nta, but there's plenty of employed people in here, maybe if you absolute retards would stfu with your stupid nigger shit you could even read their posts
Java has been made obsolete by Go, everybody knows it
Question lads, do you think a laptop like this is good enough for web dev:
>Dell Inspiron 14
>Intel Core i5-1334U (2c/4t performance, 8c/8t efficiency)
>16 GB RAM
>512 GB SSD
>£450 ($590 USD / €535 EUR)
good enough
sure, good price too, wouldn't hurt to get more ram and storage though
What's a good free resource to brush up on algorithms? I tossed my textbook from CS.
Storage is fine because I can use external storage, but yeah I looked at the RAM and that's the max, so if I want more then I need the more expensive "Inspiron 14 Plus", and the RAM is soldered...

I like the Framework laptop for its upgradability but it's definitely more expensive. Maybe I should just keep looking at different options.
>Maybe I should just keep looking at different options.
that'll never hurt
>Installing things on Linux is easy, it's just "sudo apt install thing"
>Here's a long list of instructions for installing our thing. You have to install the .NET SDK first for some reason. Oh and for no logical reason, you have to install an old and unsupported version of the SDK, not the current one.
The 16GB of RAM is fine, but I'd try for a better processor if possible, preferably a modern AMD Ryzen.

At work it's the commercial IDEs & Docker which are demanding for performance/resources, not the actual programming language or our web-dev code. That's for Java & PHP anyway.

If you're not using JetBrains IDEs or Docker it probably matters less.
why would someone need this?
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My dad is doing my django+react project for my degree because I am too stupid to do it myself.
He knew nothing about django or react before he started and now he is almost finished with everything. I am such a failure compared to him
Sounds like a case of learned helplessness than anything
Express will do just fine.
Just go to mdn docs, they have good stuff about that.
i am lmfaoing @ ur life
I upgraded to Vue 3.5 and it's pretty based. Script performance is 15% faster without any breaking changes. I might I actually change my mind of moving to SSR; it's already getting pretty fast.
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I need a bit of advice/guidance here.
I got a new job as a Senior Front End dev at a new company but I think I might have sold myself a little bit too well because they decided to make me as the Head front end dev of a bunch of future projects. However I've never been in such situation before and I don't think I am knowledgeable enough for this kind of stuff.

I mean I can make an app if needed but I have worked mostly with projects that have been started by other more skilled devs and learned a little bit of everything but not enough to make huge projects like e-commerce or stuff like that.

So I am a little scared of fucking it up. Now I am trying to learn how to properly use Nuxt and set up jest and all kinds of shit so I can make a boilerplate for all future projects.

Any advice? I feel i have been placed in a position that is out of my league.
Dunno what advice I can give but fwiw I'm a senior dev. I think the most important things you need to probably consider as a front end dev is:

- avoiding installing node modules like the plague unless you have extremely good reason to. You should instead actually read the source code of these modules and, if necessary, just copy paste the bits of code you need in to your own project. Nothing's worse than revisiting a project months later only to find you can barely run it because of your 10000 dependencies.
- Don't worry too much about front end unit testing unless you're testing specific functionality. It's just not really worth it doing visual regression stuff. That being said I'd consider doing e2e testing to test out your most important flows such as payments and running that on a schedule.
- Don't learn libraries/frameworks, you're a senior, you should be learning the concepts behind them. Tackle your own solution at writing a JSX renderer for fun and see how far you get. Try out implementing signals, pub/sub events / state machines by yourself to get an idea about state management.
- Be careful about jumping on bandwagons for the flavor of the month. At your stage in your career you should rather be carefully analysing new solutions before adopting it. Last thing you want is to maintain a project that's built on top of some abandoned tech.
- Read the docs and the source code over videos and tutorials. It's good getting examples and what not from videos and tutorials but you should be at a point where you already know the concepts that those mediums would actually slow you down.
- Defaults are king. Keep things simple. Don't try to do magic stuff in your projects, avoid setting up a bespoke project organisation setup with custom folder schemes or whatever. It just becomes way harder to onboard new devs on to your project and also makes things harder to upgrade.

idk that was just on my mind
api is similar

if its in early dev, I would switch
Hoping one of you can solve a Visual Studio Code problem for me:
const host = {
/** @type {((arg0: number) => void)?} */
func: null

host.func = (n) => { ... }
// ^? Parameter 'n' implicitly has an 'any' type.ts(7006)

Intellisense should know that n is expected to be a number. What am I doing wrong?
oh yeah, also:

- don't get bogged down by benchmarks, no one cares
- DRY is a meme, don't try to over-abstract cause
- preoptimisation is okay actually, but as long as you know
- when authoring your components make sure that you can easily render them individually in isolation so that you can test out the various states that they can be in
- stop over analysing and build shit

you need to make an object type instead of the value type, try something like this:

/** @type {{ func: ((n: number) => void) | null }} */
const host = {
func: null
Thanks, it works in the minimal example code.

Unfortunately for some reason insists that the actual host object is a module and then shits the bed. Usually restarting the TS Server helps with weird bugs, but not in this case. Ugh, gonna convert it to a class.
>Arrow functions do not, and cannot, bind to the “this” scope. They’re technically inferior.

>Using the "this" keyword
What are you doing? I always try to avoid using this as much as possible in JS.
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>he needs more
Did you time travel from 2005?
shut up pussy
WTF is happening with my react app?
VSCode and babel give me errors like "a thing is expected here" without telling me what that thing is and is driving me insane.
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>no red squiggle
Bro, your linting?
Also https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
My picture isn't from a real code editor, it's from a webpage to make code into pretty pictures, that's why there is no red squiggle.
I activated checkjs and now I have 43 issues on the console. I'll worry about them after the two I had at the beginning are resolved, plus I'm off to bed now.
Reading your comments, your issue is that you're trying to delare variables in a class declaration. They're class members, remove the let. Prefix the names with # to the members are private.

just to let you know I have been thinking on using NUxt3 with vue3 and vuetify. IT seems like a killer combo for easy and quick apps.
I was thinking of using jest but I guess e2e with playwright or cypress might be better, just need to learn that stuff first.

also i do need a lib to show off a graphics, for investments profitability and piecharts and shit, any recommendations on that?
>api is similar
>if its in early dev, I would switch
Literally just started on the projects a few days ago. Very barebone backend, mostly focused on the frontend development.
Making a PWA using the Vite+React.

And ChatGPT have been a godsend for speeding up my frontend development efficiency. Before I spent so much time fighting the CSS and not knowing how or which browser API to use to accomplish a task. Now ChatGPT gives me the basic skeleton that's easy to modify to fit my needs.
Anyone use another coding helper? Should I use Copilot or some other AI company/tool? Which AI is the best coder, especially when it comes to JS/TS frontend work?
>Where can I find a complete teaching resource on the subject? Even a book recommendation is welcome.
MDN is excellent for everything web related.

Then ask some AI bot or Stack Overflow if you have any specific questions.
>just to let you know I have been thinking on using NUxt3 with vue3 and vuetif
If you do intend to use Vue, then yeah it's a nobrainer using Nuxt as well. Same with SvelteKit for Svelte and Next.js for React. I'd 100% be using the frameworks here for building out your shit. One warning though if you're using a lesser-used framework in general is that you'll find a lot of half-baked substitutes of libraries that are primarily built for React.

For UI stuff, I'm not sure about your business needs but just beware of vendor lockin especially when it comes to UI libraries. If you're getting figma designs in and need to "translate them" over to those UI libraries it becomes a real hassle.

>I was thinking of using jest but I guess e2e with playwright or cypress might be better, just need to learn that stuff first.

Don't overanalyse. Jest is perfectly fine. I personally find it great for testing discrete functions (inputs & outputs) and to "calcify" any kinds of functionality that shouldn't change. To add, anything backend-related (API routes) is also pretty straightforward to implement through unit test runners like Jest. I'd consider using e2e testing for those business-critical flows, such as the user going through a checkout but probably nothing too much aside from that. You don't really even need the e2e test suite in the same repo unless you intend to do it on CI/pull requests.

>also i do need a lib to show off a graphics, for investments profitability and piecharts and shit, any recommendations on that?
Chart visualization libs are kind of a hot mess right now. There's no real "one size fits all" lib. I guess D3 is the most customisable but so verbose that there's now even libraries that wrap on top of D3 like https://observablehq.com/plot/ and https://nivo.rocks/
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Sirs where i can find shrek2 video game website?
Thanks sirs
people: using AI to create art is bad
also people: using AI to generate websites is smart
Anyone has an API I can train with? Something with basic auth or at least OAuth2 so I can practice logging in and retrieving/refreshing tokens.
>using AI to create art is bad
>t. big jewish media
unironically they'll be the first ones to use AI out the ass regardless, with their copirighted trademark footage, as usual, fucking pigs
>thread is 4 days old
>only about 2/3rds of the way to the bump limit
So this thread is due to take 6 days. Madness.
But I don't want to keep these variables private, I want to pass them to the components
"People" are responsible for everything terrible in the world
phind searches google and is decent

cursor is also good as a vscode extension
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Webdev has been solved
see >>102205530
i was making a static website with astro, it went all very good until i had to put some css in it, and i started going crazy
i tried tailwind css but that shit never works either

where the fuck can i learn how to properly use css
it pisses me off to have to scrape the web for the correct permutation of commands which will give the effect i want
why is css so shitty????
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>use POSTMAN to send thread data over to MongoDB
Webdev is fuckin COMFY
Is Zig better than Go? What are the fundamental philosophical differences?
in next js, my schemas arent getting registed until I use posts requests that cause them get registerd. What the hell I am doing wrong? I have then in my models directory in separete files.

where this issue comes up when ever I try to populate stuff
never mind, that was dumb. I had to import it and then add it as the third parameter.
now to fix more stuff..basically no actual backend is kinda confusing me a bit
>the Go framework
how retarded do you have to be to need a framework for Go of all things? literally the whole premise of Go is that its dumbed down and retard proof
cant figure out how to do deep populations in mongoose. It always results in exceeding stak size
They aren't even in the same category.
Zig is system programming language, it has no runtime to manage memory or threads, it's more comparable to C or Rust.
>literally the whole premise of Go is that its dumbed down and retard proof
What's your point?
That only means Go doesn't have messy features. It doesn't mean you automatically become capable of implementing complex logic, it just means the intern is less likely to fuck up your codebase.
>i tried tailwind css but that shit never works either
never had a problem here, usually the issue is not loading postcss properly or not configuring the "content" paths properly.

>where the fuck can i learn how to properly use css
I now figured it out
just use lean() to make shit work I guess
how do you write next js again? It has changed a lot since I last saw it
are you supposed to do api directory or just call everything on the pages and mutate with server actions?
anyone here ever run their own instance of supabase on a vps? Is it worth it?
anyone building GPT wrappers? how do I actually learn and play around with this shit without wasting money on API tokens? is there anything like Anthropic console but with a few free credits at least?
Try out CloudFlare workers perhaps. They give 10,000 Neurons per day at no charge on the non-beta models, which includes llama-2-7b & mistral
roughly is 400 reqs/day at 1000 output tokens per request
Llama3.1 8b runs surprisingly good locally on my MacBook Air m1/8gb with ollama
>where the fuck can i learn how to properly use css
>it pisses me off to have to scrape the web for the correct permutation of commands which will give the effect i want
>why is css so shitty????
I literally use ChatGPT and ask it to style my code using Tailwind. It is pretty good most of the time, good enough so that I only need to tweak it a little bit to get what I want.

Literally just copy paste your component and ask it to style it using Tailwind in a certain way you want. It is a very helpful tool for CSS.
not really liking that he is pushing his own weird shit in this video
i was not talking about integrating tailwindcss but using it in general. it doesn't solve any kind of problem, i still have to search for permutations of classes to put in tags to get the effect i want.
CSS is just trash
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If I live outside the EU and get a domain from a European registrar, do I still need to pay VAT? 22% isn't that much, but I'd like to avoid supporting the Fourth Reich if I can.
> I live outside the EU
That's obvious. VAT is baked into the price. Sticker price is the final price, not some surprise at checkout.
>not some surprise at checkout
In my digging through registrars, I came across multiple places that did just that. At least they didn't make me create an account first.
If you're shopping as a business, tax is separate.
>If I live outside the EU and get a domain from a European registrar, do I still need to pay VAT?
Usually the VAT is based upon where you buy it, or where your card is registered.
If you pay online you often have to enter an address and country. The VAT is added based on the location you choose.
I guess some cards or payment methods accept a different billing address than what is registered on your card or your IP, but for sure some don't.
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Don't worry lad, I'll make sure to buy EU goods as much as possible to counteract your little protest
Now build an actual back end that does it for you
I can't get this to work :(

Whatever engine I use just says in console not found. I want to try and get Havok physics working and start building a Gary's mod x VR Chat for 4chan but the only library I found that handles using Havok physics from three.js is giving me problems. I don't want to use a JavaScript physics engine, they're too slow while havok.wasm beats out unity and Godot in performance.
It solves the problem of code clusterfuck. CSS is tightly coupled with HTML, so having CSS utility classes in the actual HTML tags makes perfect sense. This way you avoid so many issues projects accumulate over time.
Postman is bloat
Curl is all you need
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Et tu, Brute?
Filter rule
! Unstick the header navbar
developer.mozilla.org##.sticky-header-container:style(position:static !important)

Much better.
I wish I knew curl as well as I know postman, postman is hella powerful
Postman's alright but I hate Electron apps which eat up my RAM. If I had a better computer maybe I'd use it more.
Make one yourself, shouldn't be too hard.
>Write JavaScript fetch function with input box
>Few buttons to tell what you're fetching whether it's json or body or whatever
>Await promise and set a text area's value to the response
>Local storage to save history of body inputs and settings and what URL you fetched and what method
>Do it in localhost

Should take you a few hours tops.
Anyone? Surely I'm not the only three.js user in the thread.
Checkout Bruno. An OSS alternative to Postman. Made by a an Indian.
>CSS Anchor Positioning
Ooh, just the popper.js substitute that I was looking for!
>not supported in firefox
Always with this shit. The L's are neverending.
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Take the final red pill: you don't need to support Firefox

where's Brave
You mean Chrome: Schizo edition?
>dont support firefox
>2% of internet users gather at your front door
>they kick down your door and throw firebombs covered in fox skin all around your studio shit box
horrible idea, consider closing your bitcoin miner browser now
You mean Chrome: Pajeet crypto scammer edition?
I agree with this except the "pajeet" bit because there's no need to be racist

I'm actually posting with Firefox lol.
>CSS is tightly coupled with HTML
It is not, why are you talking bullshit?
>CSS utility classes in the actual HTML tags makes perfect sense
Or you simply write inline styles. Thanks to custom properties being a thing, this can still be done in a "reusable" way.
I fucking hate chrome and google, unironically roots of all evil, with their corpo friends faceberg and macroshit
>It is not, why are you talking bullshit?
It is tightly coupled in almost all cases.

>Or you simply write inline styles. Thanks to custom properties being a thing, this can still be done in a "reusable" way.
Inline styles and custom properties would achieve the same thing as utility classes, except you'd just make a bigger clusterfuck. Inline styles are an anti-pattern for a reason. Also, you'd again tightly couple your styles with HTML.
>Don't do A, because it's a clusterfuck. Instead do B because it's even more of a clusterfuck.
>It is tightly coupled in almost all cases.
Like who says that? CSS is the opposite of tightly coupled. You have to be *very* specific to actually "couple" stuff. The whole point of CSS that very few selectors affect lots of different places. And oddly enough - all the other utility fanatics EXCEPT for you - usually point at this specific fact and claim that CSS is not scoped ENOUGH.

You people are quite literally schizo. You've got all these people on the tailwind page giving talking about how in their opinion tailwind is the only way (tm) to make CSS scale. And then you've got tailwind proponents who will tell you that tailwind is great - except for the fact that you need to add other stuff on top to make it scale.
That may be true but if you're a web dev then you have to support Chrome of course
>Like who says that?
Most developers? People have been doing component-driven development ever since React, or even jQuery components. The entire point of those is to have self-contained bits of HTML+CSS+JS which are by design tightly coupled on the inside.
And outside of those people almost always write CSS specific only for each section/page. Unless you do this with utility classes or components, you'll need to constantly jump between HTML and CSS while refactoring or moving things around. This is tight-coupling by definition.
The more global CSS you have the shittier your experience will be in any serious project.
>The whole point of CSS that very few selectors affect lots of different places
No, it isn't. Unless we're talking about utility classes.
>claim that CSS is not scoped ENOUGH.
It is only affecting the stuff you want it to. If you have no idea how to correctly structure a project that's on you.

Yes, utility classes are much simpler to work with than inline styles. Once you get a job you'll figure that out.
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>having tests
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it's not that complicated
Like this?
I haven't touched node in like 2 years and a half
Node, Multer and Mongoose are the easiest ones I reckon.
Anything else would make me fookin 'ead explode
what am I doing wrong when clerk is giving me shit ton of
>Cookie "_client_uat_10923i192 has been rejected for invalid domain
but the site and everything related to it works? Its getting a bit annoying since its doing it like 100 times in 5 minutes
let's google that
first result https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66802658/react-node-cookie-has-been-rejected-for-invalid-domain
I saw that but that really doesnt help much
neither does your requests
have you ever used clerk?
I use clerk every time I go grocery shopping
just saying that the result would be a lot more helpful if clerk wasnt really just install, put the component as parent and then use it
Inspect your fucking cookies you dimwit
there isnt anything magical that reveals this mystery either
I haven't been here in a while. What's everyone up to?

Is everyone trying to make as much SaaS money as possible until the ride is over?
Cursor is building me everything I want instantly. I barely even work anymore, I just tell cursor what the code review feedback is and it does it for me.
You came here to shill cursor? What benefit does it have compared to just using VSC and running a free local LLM in something like gpt4all?
>inb4 everything is integrated in the editor
I can copy-paste.
Bro, you are claiming that HTML and CSS are coupled, because in your components they are and because people write specific CSS?
>The more global CSS you have the shittier your experience will be in any serious project.
Fun fact: CSS _is_ a design system and if you were doing this shit long enough you'd remember the days when people craved CSS because doing everything in HTML was the actual shitty mess.
If you can't see that
a { color: stinkybrown }
is a design system that does not need additions on top, well, you are simply writing shitty code.
why can you not into REST?
should I just give up using useContext in nextjs server components? I looked up some trick to pass them down from server components to clients but it doesnt seem to work without errors.

does this really force me to either abandon server components or do disgusting props drilling?
If you ever worked on anything other than a simple hobby project you'd know that you can't just hardcode a color onto the <a> tag globally, and you'd know that there are many more complex re-usable components and sections you'd need to implement.
Sorry, but custom components and utility functions are just simply easier to make, use and maintain than some global element overrides and classes you constantly need to keep track of.
>if you were doing this shit long enough you'd remember the days when people craved CSS because doing everything in HTML was the actual shitty mess
It's not 2005 anymore. We don't need to do layouts in tables or use jQuery. HTML, CSS and JS have greatly improved since those days.
How to I emulate a Safari on windows? iPhone users are the worst kind of retards I have to deal with.
>you'd know that you can't just hardcode a color onto the <a> tag globally
Somehow my stinkybrown example works perfectly fine.
>HTML, CSS and JS have greatly improved since those days.
Exactly why adding shit like "utility" classes which abstract away the thing in the dumbest possible way should not be your weapon of choice
you can copy and paste. I used vscode with copilot until a week ago. I’m an expert in both of them. vscode + copilot vs cursor + composer w/claude is like the difference from gpt davinci to gpt4. It’s just another level. I had been copy pasting into claude as well. the jump to cursor has been…worrying. I’ve never worried about my career until now and I’m a principal engi at a major marketing company.

I like that it takes all the code into account. Creates new files and edits all of the files automatically. so if you have separate css and js there are no worries, you just type what you want and it happens. you have to use composer though. chat and inline is ok, but composer is insane.
>Somehow my stinkybrown example works perfectly fine.
You failed to read this:
>If you ever worked on anything other than a simple hobby project...

>should not be your weapon of choice
I mean, I'm not even primarily using those. I just make components where I write regular HTML and CSS. And I use utility classes outside of the components, for example for layouts.
Why would I create various different selectors for elements which use flexbox when I can just imperatively add a "flex" class and alignment/justify/gap classes? Having to jump around from HTML to relevant CSS is extremely inconvenient and makes the code less readable outside of dev tools. Meanwhile if an HTML element has "text-sm font-semibold text-white bg-slate-900" I know exactly what's happening there in the code. And if I need to change the background color I just do it there, where the element is, rather than having to jump onto a separate line of code or God forbid a separate file.
I suppose that you are doing absolutely everything declarative and reactive using some kind of JS framework (because components, right?!) and you dare to switch that around for the one single thing in creating the visual aspect of the web that is inherently not imperative by default?
>And if I need to change the background color I just do it there, where the element is, rather than having to jump onto a separate line of code or God forbid a separate file.
That is a dumb argument. We have not been doing colors in components or html or the actual element selectors since like 2005. So there is no jumping there if you are not doing dumb shit. .color-red is dumb and even tailwind discourages this - but stuff like that has not been a problem for ages.
>That is a dumb argument
It was just an example, anon.
i can't do it
fuck you. it can't be done.
why is go such a fun language?
how come 99% of properties do literally nothing?
I dont know who is more of a retard, your father or you
If I had to do my son's fucking college homework I'll probably kick him out. Sure, some help and advice is good but doing his projects?
Will he also go to work with you once you get a job?
>avoiding installing node modules like the plague unless you have extremely good reason to. You should instead actually read the source code of these modules and, if necessary, just copy paste the bits of code you need in to your own project. Nothing's worse than revisiting a project months later only to find you can barely run it because of your 10000 dependencies
>Don't learn libraries/frameworks, instead reinvent the wheel for every single project
is this a shitpost?
the first one is valid to some extent, but instead of avoiding using node pkgs completely, you should validate that the pkgs you are gonna use are solid and well mantained, and not written by some cuck that will pull the plug when the latest political happening in some unrelated country hurts his feefees or much less by a random pajeet. Only use the pkgs that are absolutely necessary, prefer own written solutions when your solutions can keep up with the quality and functionality that is expected from the project
why are you still using class components in 2024?
been a system developer and I have some experience with backend development and even things like React
however, how the fuck do you get into frontend development aka the design part of it? seeing front end devs turn a figma design by playing around the quirks of CSS is like arcane magic
what's a decent frontend course? or more like, how do you actually learn CSS?
How do you learn to turn whatever mental design you have into a proper CSS style?
is rxjs just like vuex/pinia or something like that?
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CSS is bullshit, you just need to know margin/border/padding and flexbox to be productive.
That's how my course taught me but if you think it'll be better as a function it's an easy change
Been looking at job offers in my city, been noticing how every other offer lists Ionic
Is React Native done? Is Ionic the next big thing for crossplatform UIs?
do you not understand that your city isnt the whole world?
I didn't mean to imply my city was the whole world or whatever you understood.
I am just wondering whether React Native falling behind compared to Ionic or if they serve different purposes
how do I fix myself so I don't embarrass my father anymore?

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