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Who's collected the trifecta?
>don’t use internet and send stuff via mail with invisible ink
>burn all files
ok lol
veracrypt instead of luks KEK what a retarded image KYS
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>At least I'm anonymous, right?
>veracrypt instead of luks KEK what a retarded image KYS
Good if you need plausible deniability or want a stronger defense for a legal case.

>Baiting this hard
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Now go to anything above that
for me, it's tails
Quickly losing utility. Flew too close to the sun and while I respect their move to say fuck it and go ahead anyways I doubt it will save the project.
LUKS is superior in a scenario where privacy and confidentiality matter.
Good enough assuming you know what you're doing.
>Flew too close to the sun and while I respect their move to say fuck it and go ahead anyways I doubt it will save the project.
What are you even talking about
>plausible deniability
or just fde with luks

veracrypt method has been known since it was added, wont do shit

steganography with tmpfs is superior anyways
What you don't know about the delistings, fewer and fewer merchants/services accepting it through their payment gateways, yada yada?
Not that anon but what happened
lol, u aren't gonna make it, truecrypt devs bailed after being forced by the government.
Extremely short summary is a few major exchanges started delisting/watch tagging privacy coins due to the EU's MICA bullshit, a few coins complied in one way or another while others like XMR said fuck it we'll get delisted, focus on DEXs in future (afaik could be wrong on that detail) we're not going to compromise on our users anonymity at all which is based but has in turn lead to quite a few payment processors refusing XMR payments which is really just a damn shame.
>or just fde with luks
No, stop talking since you got no clue. LUKS will give away that you got an encrypted partition and you have to enter that specific password. Veracrypt will give away you have an encrypted partition however, you can have a decoy partition you can enter and the feds won't know that the password you gave them was not for the correct partition.

>What you don't know about the delistings
Not XMR's fault and it handled them well in the past.
>fewer and fewer merchants/services accepting it through their payment gateways,
Fewer? No. There are not a lot but the number isn't decreasing. The only thing that took a hit is onramping due to the closure of localmonero but the mechanisms used on the site are still easily available.
>There are not a lot but the number isn't decreasing.
I was affected with two hosts that forced me to swap XMR for something else first or switch to another privacy coin which funnily enough they still accept even today. Not a huge hurdle or anything but it isn't helping adoption either. I'm not hoping that XMR dies at all, the opposite in fact, but I think their stance while, as I said already, absolutely based might not have been the wisest decision from a pr standpoint. Maybe long term none of this will matter but right now it sucks.
>Extremely short summary is a few major exchanges started delisting/watch tagging privacy coins due to the EU's MICA bullshit
Lol don't pretend like the biggest exchanges cared about XMR before that. They had paper deals before and that's well known.
>XMR said fuck it we'll get delisted,
Yes, because it's the entire point of the currency
>focus on DEXs in future (afaik could be wrong on that detail)
Has been in the works before and apparently right around the corner, which is why the admins behind localmonero closed down the site without a bad conscience
>in turn lead to quite a few payment processors refusing XMR payments
Like? All payment processors I heard about always refused XMR or are specifically built for XMR. Also you can still easily get gift cards.
>Good if you need plausible deniability or want a stronger defense for a legal case.
Not at all. VeraCrypt is known for having this feature so it will be obvious that you have hidden volume. Even worse if you don't have it, because you will not be able to prove it and you will be prosecuted for not disclosing password to volume which may not even exist.

It's better to use LUKS with detached header or plain dm-crypt. It's available on most Linux distributions so it doesn't look suspicious at all. With plain dm-crypt you can hide data on random offset and nobody will be able to prove that your flash drive wasn't just overwritten with random data.
>steganography with tmpfs is superior anyways
Can you elaborate or give any examples?
veracrypt glows
>Not at all. VeraCrypt is known for having this feature so it will be obvious that you have hidden volume.
Anon, the feds can estimate you have a hidden volume, as long as they can't prove it you're legally alright.
>paper deals
Then why didn't Monero take off after Binance delisted it you copewad

And payment processors refuse Monero because it's annoying as fuck to accept payments in. Most merchants don't want to rent out a server, block storage, and diddle with BTCPay configs just to get Monero working, or scan the entire blockchain just to find one transaction.
>No, stop talking since you got no clue. LUKS will give away that you got an encrypted partition and you have to enter that specific password
remove the header then its just random data

hide information in generic files and decrypt into ramdisk, then reencrypt back into generic file
What makes monero more anonymous than bitcoing? Can you buy monero anonymously without the exchange being able to tie your credit card to your wallet number?
>t. doesn't know how plausible deniability works
Bitcoin is not anonymous, Monero is
You can trace each individual transaction down to the mining origin with BTC, you can't with Monero.
>Bitcoin is not anonymous
How so?
Public Blockchain
And how does Monero solve this?
>Then why didn't Monero take off after Binance delisted it you copewad
Why should it?
>'Some exchanges lied about how much they have so I will buy now'

>remove the header then its just random data
Ah yes the feds definitely never heard of this before, even though it's a common recommendation in dw forums
>Ah yes the feds definitely never heard of this before, even though it's a common recommendation in dw forums
you dont have the header so you cant prove presence of any information
since cryptography aims to make ciphertext seem 100% same as pure random

it is way better than your memecrypt malware
also you can unlock luks partitions from rom directly using coreboot with grub payload
so what if its public? there is no personal information associated therefore its anonymous
It's all pointless if your operating system is not fully encrypted or it it's compromised or has backdoors or a hardware level. Use Qubes OS. Do a fresh install every few months or use Tails OS. Compartmentalize. Don't save data. Don't use your devices more than necessary. Have no secrets. Keep no records. Don't install unnecessary apps. Delete all social media. Use a VPN and Bitwarden. Always assume your devices could be compromised. Cover cameras. Don't have anything to hide.
Literally just the argument you had
>you dont have the header so you cant prove presence of any information
Ah, just like with a hidden veracrypt volume, got it

>there is no personal information associated therefore its anonymous
It's easy to use data points to find out what connections you have. You can churn through millions of wallets, the feds will still see if it's connected to a wallet that's attached to you somehow. Sure, BTC could be anonymous if you constantly handle it with utmost care and there are never any leaks but then you massively reduce the amount of possible use cases. Meanwhile with XMR a wallet could have your name written all over it, the feds won't know how much went in, how much went out, incoming and outgoing sources etc.
Transactions can't be seen publicly

You can't anonymously buy Bitcoin anywhere anymore
Interesting, then how are transactions verified?
>remove the header then its just random data
if the data is encrypted using a weak cipher, it can still be distinguished from random data. also in the case fo a weak PRNG, which is just gameover then.
>weak cipher
retard just use aes-xts
>weak PRNG
jitterentropy retard

>You can't anonymously buy Bitcoin anywhere anymore
what the fuck are you talking about KEK

>Ah, just like with a hidden veracrypt volume, got it
retarded techlet GET OFF MY BOARD NIGGER

nice techlet thread btw, theres dedicated privacy and security thread, no use case for this thread it shouldnt exist
no thanks, I encrypt my stuff using Serpent, which has a higher security margin than AEs, at the cost of performance.

Are you retarded? If the PRNG is faulty, no matter how much entropy you feed it, the results are going to be skewed
serpent is made by a jew, it is not more secure, all ae have equal security

>If the PRNG is faulty, no matter how much entropy you feed it, the results are going to be skewed
do you want more?
Why do I keep falling for the bait that retards like you put out? You are a fucking retard, talking shit about topics you have zero knowledge of. Just close 4chan and go beat your tiny dick to some fucking hentai, you worthless fag.
formally prove serpent is more secure than rjindael ill wait mathlet and techlet
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For me, it's the Privacy Trinity, simple as.
>Calls me a techlet
>Doesn't even manage to reply to my post
>Doesn't know about BTC ATMs complying with KYC laws
>Doesn't understand one iota about hidden volumes

Thankfully you can easily use multiple algorithms on veracrypt so you don't have to rely on jews, feds of one specific state etc
>you can easily use multiple algorithms
does nothing, if KPA exploits is found in one ae it will affect all, nice placebo

keep crying techlet and keep making useless threads

nobody is forcing you to buy btc through kyc LMAO techlet cant source from the internet KYS

all information should be free including the blockchain so everyone can see whats going on, enjoy your zero value xmr meme
>does nothing, if KPA exploits is found in one ae it will affect all, nice placebo
No, different algorithms work differently. If you got the master key for all regular door locks, you won't be able to use it for car locks. So an exploit in one algorithm won't magically work in the other. This would only work if brute forcing was possible, in that case you don't need to encrypt anything at all.
>nobody is forcing you to buy btc through kyc
That's quite literally the law
>techlet cant source from the internet KYS
Yeah, because I will need something else that's also not anonymous and if I already do cash-by-mail I can just go with XMR and have actual anonymity and privacy without needing a complicated set up and the constant fear of having messed up once
>all information should be free including the blockchain so everyone can see whats going on
Ok, dox yourself then
>No, different algorithms work differently.
formally prove it then
you have never seen spec of any of the algorithms if you actually think this KEK techlet

>That's quite literally the law
i can ask some random on the internet to send me in 20 btc
its anonymous

>Ok, dox yourself then
you are added to a list at your birth, all information is free
you should be able to look anything up

use case for this thread?
have you considered posting in privacy general instead of shitting up the board?
>formally prove it then
Algorithm A is not algorithm B. Algorithms are defined on what they do. Therefore, two different algorithms work differently.
>its anonymous
Timing attacks, IP, user agent, any provider of such a service is in legal danger after a specific monthly throughput, no way to guarantee that the other party is trustworthy, the payment method is not necessarily anonymous, stylometric analysis of the conversation and the list goes on
>you are added to a list at your birth, all information is free
Yes, one that isn't publicly available. If you consider this 'free' then by your definition every piece of information is already free so you must be for XMR
>have you considered posting in privacy general instead of shitting up the board?
I prefer making fun of you publicly, also I'm not OP. This thankfully proves you're not anyone in any position of power so I can rest easy knowing the feds are still trying harder with their psyops
>Therefore, two different algorithms work differently.
they have same spec, same key size and internal functionality is shared

>Timing attacks, IP, user agent, any provider of such a service is in legal danger after a specific monthly throughput, no way to guarantee that the other party is trustworthy, the payment method is not necessarily anonymous, stylometric analysis of the conversation and the list goes on
academics non sense
has nothing to do with obtaining bitcoin

>I prefer making fun of you publicly
ermm ok psycho techlet
Updated because protonmail became a non profit and signal is the best in class
top 10 malware
>omg-omg dont use veracrypt but use aes ecstasy on niggerfs
fuck off, glowie
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>aes ecstasy on niggerfs
What is this psychobabble
lol yeah

veracrypt is crazy powerful, and it's MUCH better than gpg. gpg is deadly dangerous, becuase it does wot crap, but also, most of the time you have the chance to hand a looooong password over to someone, physically. much better.

Still, imo, hdds of noise for otp is the best the best the best. And, since there are risks with otp, also use veracrypt :) ie put your otp INSIDE the veracrypt container you send.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
what's wrong with using luks?
last bump for interest, reading this thread I am reminded that I need to really read the math books on sci
>or want a stronger defense for a legal case.
??? do you have something you want to admit?
It's plausible liability in this case.
Signal is only good if you add contacts via QR code exclusively. Linuxmint turned to shit it's worse than Kubuntu. Proton is mid. Brave is what I use for porn and this site.
this guy thought he was the smart ass in this thread but got humbled hard by 2 other guys lol
erm formal proofs?
still no proof KEK techlet
enjoy your malware winfag
dont forget tor is cia spy tool
You seem to be missing the point. XMR not compromising is really admirable and based but it's making life much more difficult. It already was tough to use monero but it's even harder now
samefagging doesnt work anymore rajeesh
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>enjoy your malware winfag
cryptsetup open --type tcrypt --veracrypt-query-pim /dev/loop8 device
working fine on my loonix
Until 4chan and Protonmail accept Monero payments theyre clearly honeypots
>paying for 4chan


>Proton and not mullvad
>Signal and not session or briar

Fuck off
truecrypt 7.1a still works
donut care
donut care
I stopped pretending and deleted Tor Browser, no fucking need
Nobody cares
>using 4chan with your real IP
why not? it's a normie site. nothing ever happens here.
>session or briar
does anyone even use those? you can meet an odd normie who has Signal installed, but these two seem super rare.
>Transactions can't be seen publicly
transactions are still broadcasted from your IP and there will be some questions why you are broadcasting a signed transaction from your device "which isn't necessarily yours"
Use Tor then
Other than that there's no good reason to use veracrypt over LUKS imo. You might be less susceptible to the $5 wrench technique if you give the adversary a working password but they likely are looking for something specific so this could not prove enough.
One point I brought up that it's worthy of mention is that veracrypt enables you to use multiple encryption algorithms in a nested way so even if one of them is backdoored or broken the others will still protect you, but I don't consider this in my threat level and I believe most people shouldn't-
>it's making life much more difficult. It already was tough to use monero but it's even harder now
I get that but honestly the way to acquire XMR hasn't changed much considering many exchanges that delisted XMR weren't already a good way to get it. I get the point about payment processors not taking it anymore but I haven't heard of any that took XMR before and it didn't hinder me.
>does anyone even use those?
NTA but I use both. Due to Briar's design it's more fit for people you already know IRL while session is slightly easier to use with stangers.
>you can meet an odd normie who has Signal installed, but these two seem super rare.
Among normies they are, however you might be able to convince some to take the dive. Signal is still handy to give them something to contact you so Signal got it's place but session and briar are more special choices.
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alright i zoomed out, now what?
fancy cryptography

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