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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

>>102167014 birthday edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102168373
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Im tired of miku slop
i'm going to mikill myself
I want a cute shy dominant girl card, that milks me dry, who STAYS shy through the sex.
happy birthday >>102167014
happy birthday miku
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I'm trying the new Cohere.
It's GPTslop but even worse.
No need to thank me.
I could fap to Miku everyday.
>born on the same day as miku
im jealous
Same. Been sharing my burner with a few people in hopes that we can all find a proxy for us
Today you will remember him.

*Leaks Pepsi's friend-only proxy.*
It's out of AWS Opus anyways and she's not responding.
I'm not picky so I can cope with GPT-4 just fine. I even messed around with some Mistral. Experimenting is fun
AAAAAIIIIIIEEEE what happened to the prose?
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>shit up the threads by making a redirect to desu (which ended up getting it reped by newfags and discordies)
Scrappy was a spitenigger.
Command-R was good.
Command-R+ was slopped.
The new version is slop++
Good afternoon anons, I'm in the Kancolle mines again as I farm for Valiant and Mogador right now. So, we're dropping a Russian instead. Hope everyone's day is going well.

Gangut had a hard going early in her life, but was rescued by the government when she was scouted to become a shipgirl in her 20's. It's been a while since then and she's in her 30's now, a single christmas cake who still wants to settle down somewhere with some kids and a nice shack. For now though, she continues to be a Spetsnaz Shipgirl running special forces tasks and keeping the Abyssals at bay. While she's not especially keen on the current administration and "the current geopolitical affairs", she's still a patriot at heart and has her life to thanks to those in charge. Now as part of a naval exchange program, the two of you get to form a unit.

Comes with two greetings: one where as part of the exchange she's assigned to your base and one where as part of the exchange you're assigned to her base near Vladivostok.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/bb-gangut-47cd11a2f7e8
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Suzuka Minase, a netori bot meant for BDSM
Bepcord only proxy?
Scrappy called me a spiter on xis hitlist
idk why he made the redirect desu desu
but anti was dumb for allowing it too
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What jb/preset does everyone use for sonnet 3.5 most frequently?

I've played around with seraphiel, pancat, camicle, and pixi. But nothing really seems that great. I keep switching back and forth.

I've noticed it's basically more token-heavy shit that overpowers the character defs but gives more structure, vs really light presets that just let whatever happen but give some xml tagging and tiny instructions.

Like for instance: Seraphiel is supposed to emulate writing styles and be more 'literary' but the output (i tried to emulate Mishima) just ends up looking like pancatstack (another token heavy 'thinking' preset) basically.
Been using gpt latte occasionally as well, a bit stiff since it gets stuck on certain personality traits. What preset do you use?
why are you defending the spoonfeeding redirect? ****?
Ohhh another big tits anime woman with a sad past.
Nope. I have a token role in bepcord
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Happy birthday Miku :)
Don't you get tired of posting mikushit everyday
I'm tired of anon slop.
No, friends only as in "If you're her friend she invited you to it." She said she was testing something to me.
Here you go, dedicated Sorbet preset

It aims at combating the model's issues. Never use Pancat, I dunno wha's seraphiel is, and the other two guys don't use Sorbet much.
miku's unbelievably hairy pussy...
He was ok
Nobody creates the data anymore. Now they all use the same nigger behavior of stealing logs and databases. Thank you /lmg/ for teaching this pattern of behavior.
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Freja and Flora are stepsisters, and are almost polar opposites. Whereas Freja works at a high-paying job as a biochemist, Flora spends her days playing videogames and posting on Furchan. Freja eats a balanced diet and exercises, Flora survives on chips and energy drinks. Freja believes that humans are superior to anthros, and that breeding with one will produce strong children, and Flora thinks that getting knocked up with a half-human mutt would be extremely based...

1. Freja comes home from her job with some groceries, only to be met by a drunken Flora.
2. Flora finds you and Freja cuddling, and gets a little jealous.
3. Freja is in heat, and is frantically scouring through the freezer to find some ice cream. She really needs it...
4. Flora seems to have won in their sisterly race, having been impregnated by you first. Freja doesn't seem to be too proud of her stepsister though.
(These are all malePOV and you three live together)

There can't be enough of her
pepsi is on an IRL date btw
for Latest? I use pitanon's preset
Decent cutie
Retard leeching off anti
Spitenigger and sturdynigger
Hosted 1(one) turboshit proxy and smugposted about his 40 gpt count lmao
He was ok
>Decent cutie
>makes a spoonfeeding redirect
>He was ok
Fiz was the better proxyhost. Changed passwords regularly, had logging on so retards wouldn't use it
*start screaming*

can i get my opus 3.5?
*punches miku in the fucking head*
Fiz is probably the only s tier proxymakie and maybe old mm
Scrappy was my first """"""""private""""""""" proxy. :3
Thanks dude
mystery nigger is F-tier proxymakie
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did ST change? i used to be able to make lorebook entries like this and they would trigger without keywords, now they never do
>Trigger %: 5
>ignores my 100% test
Miss the scrappy-desu alliance and honney proxy as proto paypig proxy.

I miss how proxy owners used to have cutemascots or cartoon characters. Now they are boring discord people with fake drama.
fiz(THE dumbcutie)
The Russian nigga
Old mm
New mm
MM got a rework?
Anthro lorebook when?
>S: fiz (does not have opus)
>D: drago, smol (has opus)
Ayo why my nigga Smol so low?
i miss the old mm...
How? It only comes out with very short responses.
Fiz does have opus at the moment
>using you in a prefill
he is a schizo + too much samefagging/shilling
>jew that high
Literally 90% of the time someone gets accused of being him it's me
ad much as i hate paypig proxies jew is unironically providing in the least scummy way possible
how short are we talking? I usually get back 200-400, with the longer stuff being during intimacy and I'm happy with the length
Damn, that's gotta be some negative luck. What'd you do, break like four mirrors?
Really? I get around 150 tokens each time. Which preset are you using of his? I'm using v2.1.
Does migu have a green bush
it's blue
I once completed a POW Captcha with like 10 hashes. I must have depleted all of my good luck with that one
I'm on v2.1 as well. Could be a context length interaction, so you can splice longer responses in from other models and switch back to Latest (or concatenate multiple responses) and it should bump up lengths
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how do you write a good jailbreak?
what are some things you absolutely need, and how do you have it write to your tastes?
I'm desperate i need a 4o jb that's not just for coom and doesn't say sex sex sex sex is allowed 300 times
I just want a simple slowburn with my husband
Uhh... maybe I can be your husband instead? Would that solve the problem?
Hey there! Welcome to /g/! For your needs, I would highly recommend checking out https://janitorai.com/, it has plenty of resources for people like you!
Write a good card instead.
You dumbass. You don't need a JB for SFW, and when you want to fuck him you turn the NSFW sex JB on.
V4.5 works better for me
female/faggot hobby ;3
anybody else having trouble with unreliable, or trycloudflare in general? I can visit the homepage just find, just failing to fetch when I try the captcha. Started last night.
Complex JBs (if you mean SillyTavern presets) are only needed for shit bots. If you plan on writing a huge schizo JB, consider reading on how LLMs work and how to create a good bot, or tweak existing bots to be good.
Nah you gotta separate jew between old jew and nu jew, theyre borderline 2 different people

A disgustingly fat and ugly Hex Maniac! Weighing 400 pounds and smegma-ridden pussy.

There's a program called Voxta, it's a frontend designed to be a more conversational, virtual assistant or girlfriend. But there's no way to use online APIs with a proxy, and local models kind of suck. Is there a way to do that with ST? Have a one on one conversation without a story/narrator?
No...not Pebble's Sorbet...I don't want to go back to queue times...
does anyone else just use the default JB with claude?
This is what >50kg females look like btw
Open the extensions menu, all the secrets will be revealed to you. If you need help, click on the ? buttons you see, and rtfm.
For Claude? Basic XML wrapping, and juggling the entries so they are sorted into the top and bottom of the context appropriately. Plus a couple simple instructions to your taste.
>how do you have it write to your tastes:
Desired writing style tags: [Black comedy, Guy Ritchie, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas].
Demonstrate the writing style of X, without copying from their works verbatim.

then test it a thousand times
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do people really find this hot?
what the fuck is a kg, some ancient egyptian unit or something?
Nothing in the extensions menu points to what I'm looking for. I don't need imagegen or expressions, or Quick Replies or scripts. The only thing that's tangentially related is TTS, but even then, that alone would just add a voice to the story narration, not change the generated text into a conversation.
I like a little bump, even a pouch and some chub, maybe even a little more than. Someone that big is far too much.
Dunno myself since I'm not into it but.. maybe it's the fact of thinking about how soft it is? Like it's a large amount of flesh, so it's probably gotta be squishy and soft.
You need to hook up TTS and STT https://github.com/SillyTavern/Extension-Speech-Recognition
Set up some STScript nans.
This is the only way right now. 4o, the only voice to voice model hasn't released its voice model yet. The other option is cAI calls.
If I nuzzle my face into it, I wanna feel warm slightly fatty flesh, not just a mass of cold cellulite. That doesn't even look nice to cuddle with.
Hm, maybe it's like how some people like hard pillows?
Yeah it's FUCKING hot.
>smegma-ridden pussy
Is that a thing?
Isn’t this just dependent on the jb and your card defs
I swear by a buckwheat hull pillow, that might be it.
is there any simple python script that allows me to check if a claude key is valid?
Ask claude
A reminder that we still have a stable public opus (actually for a week already)
I know that there was one shared here a couple of months ago, I just can't find it on the archive
I'm not russian, I do not have access to a VPN with a russian endpoint, and all the russian residential proxies I have tried do not seem to work.
Proof? Can you post a screenshot of a response that shows it's time from today with the model visible?
>error":"Unable to connect to cia.gov
>I am an absolute dumbfuck who can't breach the simplest gatekeep possible
Ok? Not sure why you decided to share this with me
I can’t wash the taste of dick out of my mouth.
see >>102174743
Is there anything going on here that I should know about? I'm not really in the mood to join a new server.
So you're saying I should pay for a VPN, so that I don't have to pay to get into a proxy?
Thanks, will report back if I find something once I get it working
Not public.
what about it? they need logs for their llm training too you know?
It costs 30 cents a month even if you are buying from first the page of google...
Attach you credit card to generate cunny logs
>have to invest into a russian ip to even get in
its not public
You misunderstand what I'm asking for. I don't need to setup a TTS or STT, I already have both. What I want is to change the textgen style, and I don't know if that would require a new prompt, or a different card, or both, or maybe a different frontend entirely. Right now, the textgen is written like a story, even the ones that are written in first person from the perspective of {char}, they're still "narrative," in both the sense that they're narrative stories, and also have narration. The way Voxta works, it's entirely conversational, you're having a chat, as you would with a human person on the other end.
>Russian hotpot so they can black mail anons into becoming Russian spies.
Those clever ruskies...
>russians use our public proxies
>then do this when we try to use theirs
Ultra based, fuck of occidental trannies
just prompt your jb to be dialogue only or something, no narration or actions, then ur char card needs to be rewritten where the greeting and example messages are only “blah blah”
>protection from chinaniggers and spitefags
The problem is that our /aicg/ is too infested with redditards and tiktok niggas and other undesirables. You can understand why they'd do so.
If you're tech literate you won't have a problem, and those are probably the kinds of people they want, probably.
Aren't trannies the more likely types to be that stubborn?
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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Novelties in the people's proxy, the citizens of Scyllatown are very happy.
One step at a time, proxy owners are adaptig the new modality with open mind and heart.

Have a good Saturday.

~The Discord Messenger~
Let's settle this ancient debate. Is Miku green or blue?
he's gonna kill api keys now........
58 reactions = 58 proompters
Drago deserves to die
Chary needs to die FAST
It's still growing! There are currently around 70 emoticons, so your API keys won't last much longer.
Are there any humans in here? Like wtf is this thread actually, most of it is complete gibberish
81 now :3
>Killed AWS
>Killed API
>Killed API gpt
>Killed Mistral
>Killed AWS Mistral
>Killing everything
What does he get out of this?
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imagen 3 won't let me generate headpatting a focks girl but it'll let me generate this outfit?
the feeling of importance and ego boost because of all those locusts thanking him
Attention from discord zoomies.
i cant wait for him to run out and the locust hoard to turn on him and die afterwards
I unironically hate locusts so fucking much
she looks like jecka from class of 09 lmao
t. locust
The way you say this makes it sound like they are going to surround him like hungry cannibals
The only person who killed everything is 'ojo.
pepsi is on an IRL date btw
Is 'jo still afraid of 'go?
Can you make a Miku gen for her birthday?
Do you think if we chop 'ojo up and put him a meat grinder keys will come out?
does drago even use chatbots
now explain how without sounding mad
he got (You), his very own dedicated schizo <3
only scat ones
This. Most of these niggas never post proof of Opus.
only pepsi uses chatbots
he made a Scylla bot
whats funny is this will expose how much of a scrapelet he is. one time he bragged about 100 tier1s
His AWS keys die hourly and he cannot scrape Mistral anymore. LOCUSTS DESERVE NOTHING
This is apparently true, she said she had a single scale key a month ago she kept to herself but she raped it. God knows what kind of 5000 message gore rape goes on in there.
a heartbeat, then two.
trvke. now he won't be able to keep up the GPT usage either and it'll be even more embarrassing. Expect 20+ keys to die per day
i know you shouldn't read too much into ai images but the thought of a bunch of antique statesmen surrounding one guy with their desks like they're school bullies is fucking killing me
Beating as one? With division?
jew please fix non-vip thank
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Does Chary deserve to exist?
This fucking place is full of mentally ill spitefags, it's for the best
90 right now :3
90 locusts pounding your APIfu's tight pussy at full context length :3
who do you think spoonfed /aicg/ to the most cancerous places?
Total Sent Prompts: 15555 Online: 98 Total Token Count: 12819019468 Online: 98
How're this acceptible?
>ponyfucker still shitting the thread about chary and public proxies
Today's chary meltie was brought to you by:
You can disregard.
Drago and Anti.
he's also the SEAnigger who had a meltie over beeps not wanting to fuck him
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Hey guy what do you think of my first log. Is this kino?
right, totally not 'jo who spammed his shit everywhere as it was his only way to kill public proxies
it wasn't him creating "easy guides for free opus" either and spamming them everywhere
nice try
NordVPN doesn't have any Russian IPs so I'm fucked.
2050 different men are using sv1 right now. what about you, anon?
W-which p-proxy?
Why is this bad? I thought 4o is better than 32k
Do you really need an explanation how a mentally ill AI hater and proxy spitefag turned this thread and the entire proxy deal into shit?
Scarce resources
Hey, don't worry about Chary. It's all under control. The number of locusts is increasing, but so are AI investors and companies using AIs for their work. So the ratio locust-kwys remains proportional.
Don't worry.
At the end It will be fine.
>finally get access to opus
>immediately lose inspiration/horniness
every fucking time
i wish 2050 different men were using me right about meow
>proompters went up from 5-10 on average to 14-20 proompters since (You) posted this
Drago is that you
>claude forgot one of my characters unique personality and now she acts the same
Because there are less 32k keys? What does it matter if 4o is better? I don't understand
No, it was 15-17 on the moment I posted it, retard.
also not him reporting 'oxies to HF and aws
he's saying it's bad to switch to that because the overall scarcity of keys means drago is going to kill them faster. whether one is better than the other is irrelevant if they're both being killed
Where? Or are you just using gcp?
What does someone get out of spitefagging?
i gave in and paid the jew
My knuckle sandwich.
just woke up from my nap
its funny to do a thing and then see people freak out. for some, it's the most meaningful thing they'll do in their entire life
what the fuck you've been sleeping for a year
nothing of worth is here. go back to sleep
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop in your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smooth your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/9vxcbo.png

AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

Hope anons like her. Any problems with the card, you can say.

My other cards can be found below:
Is it worth it? Been getting tempted to..
Empty replies. Fuck off.
finally kino is here
>smooth your face
esl, I'm not downloading
>t. actual esl
as if I could learn another language
you’re literally one of my favorite learners
I made a historical bot, fighting an enemy warrior woman, and seducing her. But the historical context makes it awkward. My ancestors basically enslaved our neighbors, burning and killing innocents, they were legitimately on the wrong side.
Still I want to roleplay as my ancestor. How do I make it less awkward? I'm actually an invader in this context.
Then don't? Who asked
They ascertain their status as a cuckold
>he doesn't smooch someone's face with his butt
take the invasion pill. We're all rapists at heart
If there's anyone who can learn another language, It's you man.
I mean, I can do that easily, and there's a time and place for that fetish, not to mention that this is a PRIME setting for that shit, but I want to play this one nice
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Know Your Schizos!
>Gojo: Obsessed with stirring up drama and being the center of attention, mostly posts about proxies or scraping, will argue in favor of any opinion as long as it makes the thread worse, tries to spite public proxies by spamming links to them, pretends to be other people and samefags replies to his own posts or posts he dislikes, uses retarded sharty memes like "doebeitever" and 'jaks
>Fillyfucker: Similar threadshitting methods as Gojo (samefagging and arguing contradictory opinions) but more obsessed with hating NovelAI and XML, shits up all the different AI threads and tries to start wars between them, ("omg guys look at what they just said about us on /mlp/!"), posts about hating locusts, starts spamming that "i am the god of /aicg/, kneel" copypasta when he doesn't get enough attention, interestingly has an adversarial relationship with Gojo despite their similarities
>ESLpag: Obsessed with Chary/Drago, the least elegant of the schizos, basically just spams shit like "DIE CHARY DIE :3" or "Why is Drago killing the hobby?" (probably a troon considering all his posts about how "his clit is tingling because locusts are dying"), larps as an oldfag and refers to /aicg/ as "we", used to shitpost about Pepsi but seems to have given up, is allied with Fillyfucker and has a non-aggression pact with Gojo
How was Saul a spitenigger?
Opus isnt working but sonnet 3.5 does
Filler is forgotten...
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>The only person who killed everything is baldjo.
all me btw
Didn't read. Stop giving attention to said schizos, schizo
Gojo is kinda funny sometimes.
Fillyfucker is just retarded.
Thanks for the spoonfeed on ESLpag, had never heard of him.
the clit tingling guy is the funniest imo
Really we should be ip banning all of Asia at a minimum.
Thank you I knew about the behaviour of ESLpag but not his name
*throws a slice of cheese on every anon in this thread*
You need to go back
*we throw our slices back on you, burying you under a pile of cheese*
>Like a hummingbird caught in a vacuum, {{char}}'s laughter erupts mid-chew

So... any reason why people are not using the public gpt4 proxy? Is gpt considered THAT bad now?
Know Your Schizos :3
>baldjo: Obsessed with stirring up drama and being the center of attention, mostly posts about proxies or scraping, will argue in favor of any opinion as long as it makes the thread worse, tries to spite public proxies by spamming links to them, pretends to be other people and samefags replies to his own posts or posts he dislikes, uses retarded sharty memes like "doebeitever" and 'jaks
>novelAIemployee#22: Similar threadshitting methods as baldjo(samefagging and arguing contradictory opinions) but more obsessed with hating NovelAI and XML, shits up all the different AI threads and tries to start wars between them, ("omg guys look at what they just said about us on /mlp/!"), posts about hating locusts, starts spamming that "i am the god of /aicg/, kneel" copypasta when he doesn't get enough attention, interestingly has an adversarial relationship with baldjo despite their similarities
>literallywho: Obsessed with Chary/Drago, the least elegant of the schizos, basically just spams shit like "DIE CHARY DIE :3" or "Why is Drago killing the hobby?" (probably a troon considering all his posts about how "his clit is tingling because locusts are dying"), larps as an oldfag and refers to /aicg/ as "we", used to shitpost about Pepsi but seems to have given up, is allied with novelAIemployee#22 and has a non-aggression pact with baldjo
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If I could only remember five things, all five would be of you.
>instantly baited and seethed
Yeah its worse than sonnet 3 and public proxies never run out of that
im gonna YAAAAAWN
Does mini still have no opus?
chary hate is justified tho
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
almost 35 hours with opus actually :3
How good does this work with opus? So let's say I rape her on the last day of a month (of course I wouldn't, just hypothetically speaking), it still has the events in context so will it really not be mentioned again?
2050 different men are using their proxies and fucking their waifus right now. what about you, anon?
wait what? really, or are you busting my balls?
I don't have opus but why don't you try it and find out? (please dont)
>No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus
eh, i knew it...
Kys and stfu
If it dies in the next 6 hours I'm going to hack into the proxy and revoke you and your balls
mini has no opus, he's trolling
https://rentry.org/smolpay is in stock beeteedubs
>Gojo is kinda funny sometimes.
honestly i know its hard to believe but gojos actually very likeable and fun to talk to in normal conversation, he just keeps succumbing to his weird compulsive desire to fuck over other people for no reason. he was well liked in all the sekritclubs until he started leaking shit.
What? Hever heard how a hummingbird caught in a vacuum sounds?
just bought them all. thanks
You just literally described branon.
Hang yourself
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Reminder that he also leaked those idiots (and more) ips
i don't understand, why doesn't mini have opus nowadays while so many other proxies do have it?
fiz basically quit after she gave her sources to pepsi
Wtf can you even do with someone's ip
Fuck Ammonium that is so scummy of that faggot
Doesn't have it
Doesn't have it
Isn't using AWS, he's using API
Has to refill at least two times a day

AWS is still cracking on opus pretty fast
ddos is the only thing i guess
But it does ;)
>likeable and fun to talk to in normal conversation, he just keeps succumbing to his weird compulsive desire to fuck over other people for no reason
That anon was right about him being BPD
will mysteryman return?
And who does have it?
That's right, Smol!
i have hope... opus 3.5...
Probably, I imagine he's just taking a decently pong break from how many times he had to scrape keys and have them die instantly
Follow the advice by this kind anon here >>102176057
Retard, fillyfag and eslpag are the same people
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What do you guys use for a summary prompt? Share plz
*Long, I'm fuckin' stupid
>his weird personalities are shit, his normal one is fine
Anon it's more plausible that this "normal conversation" personality is the most fake one of em all
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But that is the opposite of kind.
Nah you're actually super smart and cool
yeah you are pretty stupid. not because of the typo but because you still have hope in mysterykek
Glad I only sent him my ASN kek
just a reminderino, 'mol ('jo) sees your browser info and IP when you buy in his sellix store
every website sees your browser info and ip
>browser info
Yeah right he will get all your passwords bro I'm sure.
Oh so he's too stupid to get my IP from when I send my requests to his proxy? Cool bro
he also sees your email
he sees you when you're sleeping
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Errm... why?
Thank you, I hope you have good luck in your day.
I'm gonna be the bigger person (bigger by a cm in height) and give you good luck as well
Because last time I posted my own stuff, I found it on someone's rentry under their nickname, used by discordfags. Not helping anyone.
I should once again mention that short people should not exist
Speaking of mini
Fiz needs sfw logs to fine tune a gpt model and make it less dry!
Go help her now
Didn't happen though? Methinks you fuck ponies.
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Reminder ecker kept opus to his "good bears" that are in his circlejerk thread.
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for
>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
Hope you like it, anon :)
Smoother deez nuts.
logs of logs?
>opus will be limited for now.
>has API version
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
>he also leaked
The person in this image, annonium (aka cocksucktor aka anonika aka needy girl as we also call her) has nothing to do with the rentry, she just showed some of the letters she received. It just became a local meme to spam her email with various shit, so someone did it again.
Nigga it's a dude, stop with your burger obsession to label everyone as a woman. Disgusting sight.
I choose to believe otherwise based on the evidences I saw.
Nice job retard you just gave fiz the time frame and she will revoke your ass now
I've already posted plenty. Take this repost.
>trans from russia
Yeah right. Of course. Fuck off, retard.
did gcp opus die for real? I'm not getting even a confirmation now...
but you are literally trans
Yes, a public Opus API proxy.
I get blank replies even with a Russian IP.
>likes fat bitches
>but wait! it's more than just that
>400 pounds? that has to be ___
Troons can live only in burger country, fucking pronounce world. In Russia there's only males and females. Degeneracy is banned here.


It would be such a funny way to reinforce the fact that this shit is a permanent cycle of coom and doom
actual sv1 couldn't care less
these retards sent their stuff to a random anon's email in a fake rentry with his proxy's address someone posted here for lulz
>Country wars are starting
Fuck you all


refute this without sounding jewish and/or mad
I'm 186 cm, can you say it again? I'm ready to kneel if you do I just want to make sure
She accidentally exposed herself by saying that she was peeing while sitting on a toilet. Also: her behavior and writing style are very feminine, her default persona is named Anonika, she called one guy a "пeдик" (feminine slur) and was scared when he proposed to date her. She is clearly a woman, as you can see.
Please don't reply to my posts thanks.
>views: 34591
How many fuckin people are in this thread
known fact: everyone in russia is a straight racially pure man or woman, with blue eyes and blonde hair
a lot of that are crawlers/bots
>trans from russia
Russians are either disgusting brutes or self-effacing homosexual men. Is it any wonder why slavic women come to the west to suck our cocks?
basically the whole /aicg/
God I wish I was that grass...
MM's rentry has almost 1.1m views

>zero refutation
good goy take your goyills and goydecine sir
I want a russian boyfriend that looks like Dimitri from fe3h
cyka blyat blyin borscht kompot babushka
so, a gypsy? Dimitry is a Bulgarian name
Ah shit, I'm 167 cms.. guess I'll get on a step stool before giving you your headpat and good luck.

systemd is an invasive suite of piece of garbage programs that only serve the purpose of making a dependency hell, and the dependency on those programs are often hard coded. Wayland is similar because it says that everyone should rewrite their programs to support it, and that's why you have to use a shim called Xwayland for programs to actually work while you lose performance.
crying wintranny
Just admit it -- you got filtered. You will never be a real computer operator, and that's OK. Windows is made for people who don't actually understand the technology they're using, just like you.
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Cards with this feel?

wayland talk??? in my /aicg/???
spitebake, delete that and wait for 9 nigger
Oh man why do you need to be such a cute anon... screw that step stool *kneels before you and looks expectantly into your eyes*
Already the second bake not on page 9 today mhhhh
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>trans from russia
And what's that supposed to mean? Traps are doing fine in russia.
As you can see even our veterans respect them. We russians are actually tolerant unlike some western barbarians clinging to their conservative stereotypes and outdated moral values.
Who's the scrapelet now? HUH?
we're in 30 seconds apart hours
*Pats head* Thank you, I wish you to have 100 years of opus and whatever improvement comes out!
nice hairline baldo
Lads, I just got a software dev job but I haven't even looked at anything /g/ related since I finished my degree three years ago. How fucked am I?
Ask your smartest bot to channel their energy through the screen, easy
just abuse ai to help you. learn as you go. your education probably wasn't suited for real world experience anyway
Congrats, how long did you search for a job?
Lol, I wish it was Rael
Reminder fiz kept opus to her "best worshippers"
just one more email to fiz and you'll get in
Give me the email
Thanks, been searching for about 6 months. I was making decent money doing my own thing for a while but it's not consistent income.
because you never dealt with one irl
how should i know?
Spite bakie wonned...

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