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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102173566

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>GPU performance

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
please, more sweetness, more kissable bunnies
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>no collage
>sneedable chucks
According to the law of the Internet, if I guess your hair color, you have to marry me. It's brown. Honestly, I'm disappointed.
I've never had a wife before. Kind of weird.
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Before you go, can you witness the marriage?
Yes, it's a fine English chestnut brown with a tinge of copper. I would rather marry a diligent, self-denying, virtuous, soft 18-year-old girl after a long and respectful courtship (of 11 months and 29 days of course).
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ooohkay the caption free Harada Lora turned out pretty nice
I can't do it yet, I need to upscale this image to schizores
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Thank you for this. I didn't mean it quite so literally, but she is a prize.
ew, you're also a lezzer. This is going sour.
easily shooped out tho.
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nipple transmogrification, the bane of sfw breastprompters
Anyone ever try these pretrained by a LoRa Flux image generators?


Been spending hours trying to generate a girl using a breast pump on herself anime style
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this is a sister phenomenon of the cleavage pendant and the hollow padded shirt
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yaa.. boob blotches .. the bane of flux, 88 mostly clothed anime pictures wont be enough to remove that bane
That's the cutest Viking king I've ever seen
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fill up your slop here first
she should smile more, and lose the extra eyebrows
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this isn't sdg, if you want to fill go there
>lattice ruined my image
Flux you bitch
We almost never hit the image limits in /ldg/ how new are you?
it's my growing baby boy
to save /g/ the technology board from your constant pedo spam
ClipTextEncodeFlux - why does it have two textboxes?
If I ever train a model from scratch again I have a feeling a more effective strategy is doing a very diverse set if ~300k sets of images / captions so it learns the basics of compositions, concepts and styles. Then gradually add more sugar to the juice.
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Clip_l and a T5 encoder Anon.
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sdg prided itself on reaching image limit. ldg is just a bunch of shitposters with no honor
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>training intermediates resemble ancestral machine learning models in the same way a fetus goes through stages of evolution
Do they both have to have the same text?
I'm going to give you a little tip: it's not difficult to fill the image limit if you don't care about posting the same avatar over and over again.
yeah anon, you tell those retard model trainer how to do it! I'm gonna walk in to TSNC and MAKE them put 48Gb of ram on a 4090! It's that easy!
Breast pump gens are difficult
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Because I am experimenting, a lot of mine look like this.
No, my text box goes to both. (lazy)
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It's interesting to watch it play with different ideas as it's learning. And of course, it all starts with it learning how to put a couple of colors on a 256x256 square.
The poster you're replying to exists to troll. Just ignore.
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the eyes and faces are pretty much perfect.. but the hairstyles need a few more iterations I guess .. back to training it is
Good job anon, can you grab another from the same batch?
how does it performs with more than 1 character?
all gpus are starved for memory bandwidth, when running ai. adding more ram is like giving a guy with a tiny straw an extra drink, it won't help him drink faster.
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quite well
its just an 'old' 1.5 gen. i have civitai training a flux lora off of similarish gens rn. 15 epochs is prob too many but live and learn.
also not difficult not to fill up the post limit if you don't care about staging sdg as the boogieman after you trolled it for months until it died and now all the thirsty schizo ldg dramafags came back here because they get no engagement there anymore
I was here when the split happened. I know from day one sdg was seething because you're pathetic little weasels that survive the morsels of attention you get from outsiders. It's not enough in your pathetic existence to circlejerk each other, no, you MUST have an audience. The fact is you people are mentally ill, chronically online, schizoids that are both desperate to have friends but entirely incapable of having or maintaining meaningful relationships. The fact is it's one or more of you sdg fags false flagging your thread. Ani, Debo and Centaurfag are all capable of doing this.
Is it recommended to mix it up?
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reminder that Debo popped in here out of the blue trying for a 9999/0000 double potential get, was too early, and the get went to the poster who immediately told him to fuck off back to /sdg/. Poetry.
no one bothered ldg until a week ago
meanwhile sdg has been under constant attack for months
you finally killed the peace with your own schizo hands
not feeling sorry for you, you reap what you sew
enjoy your pedo posts, koff and debo, enjoy your war spoils
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this looks like disgaea

why would I roll for a get here? lmao retard
haha okay buddy, go back to false flag sdg, I didn't make you come here
It's recommended to have two separate windows.
Clip-L example:
cat, relaxing, windowsill, window, streaming sunlight, rich detailed fur

T5xxl example:
A cat is relaxing on a windowsill. The sunlight streaming through the window shows the rich detail of the cat's fur.
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this thread is usually chill at night. People troll like crazy in daytime which is why it always hits the reply limit, but night threads are usually ok
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why would you try for first post in every thread for months? I don't know why you do what you do. Maybe you thought it would be an epic entrance
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>this looks like disgaea
correct, Takehito Harada is the Disgea artist.. actually the chief creative director for many Nippon Ichi games.. my data set is Disgea and Labyrinth of Galleria/Refrain artwork, aswell some original Harada pictures
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maybe (you) didn't but your general did
like I said enjoy your war spoils you get half the shares of the habitual shitposter now, sorry for your collateral damage but it's too late now
>armpit stabilizer
yeah I'm going to take bets that the people who stir up drama (like you) are the ones who false flagged :)
you see, when I wake up and it's a good day, I have a good day, when you wake up and it's a good day, you think it's boring and you immediately take a shit on your mother's floor
hope this helps
most confusing argument ever but I respect it because it made me laugh
if you agree to disagree i'll see myself out
Man hand quality has come a long way but even Flux likes to make a ton of 4 and 6 fingered hands. How is it still so hard for AI to count fingers.
Anon you cannot have a good day because you've learned the only way to get attention is causing drama. I assume this is from a childhood of neglect that forced you to act out so your crack addict of a mother would notice you. Obviously this psychological tic now impacts how you interact with other people. So I can help: if SDG was a perfect sunny day picnic, you would be the kid hitting a bee hive.
Diffusion models hallucinate and autocomplete information. For AI to get to the point where it's perfect it needs to generate scenes using spatial reasoning, not the next plausible pixel.
try and draw hands in perspective, its tough
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this has all been amusing. i feel like the l in ldg really should mean lackluster. maintain le thread quality
Imagine you're an alien and are given a few million images of people's hands in all sorts of poses, balled up, wrapped together, twisted, fingers bent all over, or sometimes flat with no further context and then told to draw a hand.
tried to bow out and let bygones be bygones, time for greentext story
>brings up childhood
>brings up parents
>brings up psycology
anon I wish you the best, I would have tried to get you help but it's apparent with your schizo lashouts you are beyond saving, considering turning youself into a facility with the rest of these soon-to-be pedos, be well!
I'm trying to rationalize the actions of a mentally ill schizo that spams porn.
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There are far too many planets in the sky for this to be a viable solar system.
the fact you waste time on any part of this instead of making good gens means you are part of the problem
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>no gen
Eat your own grapes
Fair enough. At least typing a hand pose like "open palm" in the prompt seems to narrow it down some towards a proper hand.
have none because ldg has been stealing ours then complaining that they taste bad
I wish I knew if when he posts porn he knows he shouldn't but does it for attention or he genuinely does not understand why people and by extension the mods do not want that here.

What leaves me confused is that it's not exactly shocking porn, it's extremely vanilla for hentai standards. So why is he going to such lengths to post something so tame yet still flagrantly in violation of the rules?
Demonstrate true aristocratic prompting good taste with only two erotic booru tags. Most will fail.
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gens are free
huge_breasts, skindentation
any other answer is gay
if freedom is "free" then why do the police keep taking it from us? checkmate frog faggot
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law of entropy makes nothing free. everything done is a step closer towards the heat death of the universe
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Police haven't taken anything from me. But then again I'm pro-social.
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Normally I'd humor you but you frankly always have a shit take. For a more interesting conversation I just use the prompt "take the most obtuse, L, take on this issue and then argue until I get bored".
So is ldg still going after sdg for killing ldg after ldg went after sdg for months and killed sdg? The Ironing.
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70s scifi book cover time
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you didn't say anything
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how does any of that make your bed and clean your room today?
Give me a prompt to start with
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>random words
your bot is malfunctioning or something
What's there to clean? Your waifu's queef's off my computer screen?
/sdg/ killed /sdg/. Regular people found the sight of a clique of avatar fags jerking each other off and ignoring literally any conversation regarding the technology itself in favor of verbally fellating, so when options other than that made of SAI came along, people took the opportunity to move the discussion there.
As the number of users in /sdg/ decreased the avatar fags figuratively and literally starved for attention regressed into hideous parodies of themselves and tore each other apart for the remaining scraps of (You)'s available.
Now it's leaking
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For me I mean. You can do whatever you like.
why does sdg have anything to do with this thread though
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>what about the heat death of the universe
>doesn't make his own bed
Prompt for that style?
they don't, it's just salty ldg faggots that can't come to terms with the justifications of their actions that trolling sdg for months would in turn contribute to their own threads downfall, just point and laugh at both dead threads
He's saying that bitches need to learn to cook.
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>/ldg/ local diffusion general
>DallE gen
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just dumping images, my apologies
I'm an AI enjoyer
Many /sdg/ users moved here. Avatar fags basically treated those uses are cattle to be harvested for their attention.
Their idea of trolling /sdg/ is not participating in it so people like >>102179564 occasionally come here.
An idea. How about instead of discussing /sdg/ and /ldg/ and 'the state of the general' and particular posters and so on, we continue the discussions here that are actually related to genning? Some examples:
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please draw frog robbing a bank
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goddamit flux, stop fucking with me
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why no gen?
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we don't do that here
But you did say please.
Thanks for drawing this, I love that the frog is the weapon.

Also cute
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oh no debo, fran and pedo le nickle rick got chased out from sdg with constant months of harassment from the "other thread". now you complain you have avatars when you should have just stayed in your thread in the first place lol

but no you don't care and no you won't learn, so keep crying and keep spamming nonstop, rest of us have moved on past your shitfest, like I said enjoy sdgs leftovers you guys have earned it
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Sure, you could impotently complain that the thread should change topics and beg anons to join you. But can I suggest an alternative? You could learn how to 4chan.

The thing about 4chan that really makes it unique is anonymity. Anonymity means that the discussion is controlled and directed by whichever anon can be psycho/schizo enough to FORCE discussions through relentless samefagging. One schizo anon makes every thread about Debo. One more dedicated schizo anon could take the thread back.

Imagine if instead of crying like this, you had replied five times to each of those three posts, simulating an entire discussion around each. Do you think anons would be more or less likely to join in than they are with your current strategy? Remember that most anons are herd animals but also socially anxious; they feel more comfortable joining a group discussion and less comfortable engaging one-on-one with a single poster. Creating the illusion of group engagement is huge. You need to be a one-man media machine and whichever post you want to boost is your newly-nominated candidate Kamala Harris. Fake the momentum until it catches.

I'm sorry if this is news to anyone. It's hard to take at first. Yes, 90% of memes are forced. Yes, the big party you thought you were at is actually far smaller than it appeared, and the people around you are much more insane than you knew, and many of them are trying to manipulate you. That's the game, baby. If you want to win you need to play the meta.
If that's Flux without loras it's pretty good
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That is certainly something. I don't even know how the neurons connected in you brain to conceive this.
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ya, I don't use loras
Hi Debo
>implying Debo could have come up with that
I'm outright stating claude or chatgpt came up with that garbage
>sdg is just centauranon replying to himself
Why did you schizos leave him alone?
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It's a Joy Caption's rendition of this picture.
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OK that makes sense. It's very classically AI absurd art, interesting gen.
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nta but hello
what are you genning rn?
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>ldg pajeets shit in sdg streets trying to kill it for months
>proceeds to seethe and cope when the exact same thing happens to them
will never stop being funny to me
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This is supposed to be Hitler, right?
this is cool
Fucking chucklefuck duck, man.
I'm pretty sure it's due to the behavior you're exhibiting right now. Who would want to be in a thread with you? Seriously. But I'm sure when everyone leaves your life you find ways to rationalize it.
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>assuming he cares about ldg either
he just wants to destroy. it was convenience to pretend there was some ldg/sdg war, but there wasnt. it was just fuel to burn anything he could get a flame on
shortstack, dripping
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>shortstack, dripping
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mmm yes exactly
weird why are you here? I assume it's because you crave attention until you smother this thread too
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idk who you are
are you worth responding to?
here's a (you) just incase
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Targeted block training coming soon to Kohya?
hmm you make a good point but then again maybe becoming a faggot in order to fight faggotry might be the wronf strategy in the long run
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Hot sauce syrup on savory pancakes? AI is truly genius
the point of an anonymous website is to be anonymous, try it sometime avatarfag
you want to post your shitty avatars get on discord
layer 7 bros, we eatin good
>just fowm a new clan becwause widdle diddle gwenners don't wike me
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Are there any current scripts that support selected layer only training? The results I saw on reddit looked REALLY good.
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ooh ok, then why the fuck should I care to respond to your anonymous shitposting garbage? fuck off and stop reply-botting to me. post a gen and participate in the thread, fucking loser
Thinking posting gens is strictly a requirement of participating in the discussion is such an /sdg/ism
I haven't seen any public scripts, but its obviously possible. Training specific layers is so hot though, super fast, low ram, oh baby
It definitely seems like the way to go, considering how easily training all the layers nukes the model relatively quickly I'm curious to see what it will do though. If I train an anime character on layer seven, will it just paste an anime character over an IRL scene or will it make an IRL approximation of that character?
because you are a thread personality and obviously aren't just "posting gens" otherwise you wouldn't be a known avatarfag
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Stop engaging, just report.
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Okay block 7 bros, it turns out AI-toolkit allows for selected block training at this time.
Friendship with Kohya ended, new best friend AI-toolkit
I guess we'll see. It's one of those things where prediction can suck all the dicks compared to what comes out of the training. Retards at oai thought training on slack messages would be good 2 years ago, now that shit is a meme.
Can you translate this into retard for me?
What is block 7 and why is it important?
i'm retarded. i've been doing 3 - 3.5 guidance and my loras have all been giving extremely varied results. some look like the model, others look completely different. But i randomly tried seeting it to 0, and 1 and turns out that at 1.5 guidance you get perfect results every single time.
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The correct answer is of course
>small breasts

these are cute and going in a good direction but for me the textural and specular aspects of gems and such should be brought out even more; not sure how to achieve that but that's where I'd set my aim.
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Its for blocking "Debo" and blocking his "7" hour posts out of "24/7"

Meaning it locks you out of thread schizo ruining your threads for 7 hours out of any given day
16gb vram status?
>small breasts
This is my fetish.
Why would reddit give a shit about that?
Training only block seven saves time and let's you produce a likeness of the character without breaking everything that makes flux good.
Oh interesting. So I could train a character and have that character appear with other people without those people taking on the LoRAs characteristics?
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What is on that plate
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>small breasts
Didn't work
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Neural networks are a series of layers (blocks). Each block is basically parts of the model's brain and through training end up being responsible for different aspects of image generation. From what I understand the beginning blocks usually have to do with things like composition, color, major shapes, etc. As you go down the layers it's more generalized detail stuff, (hair, texture, etc). If you cherry pick blocks (Block 7 basically learned how to make people) you can not only make tiny as fuck Loras (<5 MB) but teach only a person without destroying the rest of the model. This might be a roundabout way to get our full fine tune. Just wait until someone figures out the pussy block.
Anon what are you doing?
you can do this already if you tag it with a real activation word
If that looks like a penis to you and not a leaf like classic Greek statues you either need to go to a doctor immediately or read a history book or both
How do people figure out specific blocks, anyway? Is there a plugin like how sdxl had that lets you test the lora by block? Or are they using custom code to train each block individually and just go by what works best?
eagerly awaiting the pussy block
holy seethe
like everything else its guess and check
Sorry you got so upset over a leaf bro
lift blocks for 2348 years and call me when you finally have something except for ww.w.w..e....llll....mamm....m..m..m.....mabies
The OP wrote custom code but it's known knowledge about how layers have different responsibilities which is emergent behavior from the training process. In order for a model to learn how to draw anything let alone write text it has to develop a brain of sorts.
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I can't read and it's perfectly normal looking genitalia. Imagine having a penis larger than your balls. Like, it would hang down in front of it or something. Fucking weirdo.
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sank yew, yeah i've been trying to coerce out more texture and backgrounds while keeping the anime-esque style
Something that Pixart has discovered in their own training is the deeper layers don't seem to matter that much or at the very least can be compressed without actually impacting the model. Compressing the deep layers speeds up training and total VRAM requirements. It'll be interesting if anyone tries to apply that research to Flux.
Which model is this?
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This is so good. I love the aesthetic.
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It sounds like it will be a huge development if so. Could it potentially allow for vramlets with only 16gb to reasonably train locally?
It's like Mode 7 for the SNES
I thought 16 GB <1024px is doable for Loras
Doable, but not reasonable.
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Let's see if this layer 7 thing is just a meme or a dream.
I don't think you can expect miracles. Ultimately it just translates in a inference and training speed increase, say 10-20%.
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7 layer dip is great. best if you melt the cheese though
I train on 12gb vram at 1024x1024 and it finishes overnight no problem at 150~ish images, faster if you use less. needs less epochs if you increase dim (I use 32/32).. so idk
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I was looking more at the potential lowering of VRAM strain. 10-20% on that would mean I can stop buzz farming on civit.
If you're going to dick around might as well start comparing layer configurations, like including 8 and 21.
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If someone even does it it will require like 10,000 steps of a full fine tune using the compression stuff.
Stop reminding me.
10,000 steps isn't that many in the grand scheme, but I have no intention of doing any full fine tunes, the data set alone would be a massive pain in the ass, I will stick to LoRAs.
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sorry bro, on a kick, have an apple. Ain't not curse of knowledge in it, I promise
Wait, so, does Kohya have block training implemented already or he's working on it? I see there's a "train_blocks" ARG, is that the same thing or something else?
chill hommie, chill. All things come to those who wait.
block chaining?
I'll be dicking around all day. Just gotta see if this works at all first.
That means its not yet? I'm not in a rush I just want to know and I don't understand how to keep up with github updates, it confuses me.
>Kohya have block training implemented already
He does not. He's been dicking around with the new command r+ stuff all day.
Meanwhile Furkan has been in literally ALL of his socials asking about it. It's insane. Go to github, go to discord, go to twitter, all of them have Furkan in the comments asking him about training specific blocks.

In the meantime, ai toolkit is working fine. I say that but I haven't actually finished testing it.
I'm a vramlet so I don't think I can use AI toolkit... But Christ, that guy is horrible. I wish Kohya and other repo owners would just block him and let us be free. I'm sure they long for it, too.
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Flux with a few loras I trained

sank yew!

glad you like, anon
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>I'm a vramlet
With Flux, we're ALL VRAMlets.
I don't want to doxx myself, but own and maintain a fairly popular thing and I just don't engage them. They will slurp up your shit regardless and giving them any attention is just another thing you need to maintain. Best just to keep the baseline low and have them wondering if you even see them at all.
Will this also affect the required amount of steps/used memory? t. vramlet
Just so you know if I ever build an automaton I am going to give it tits for no reason.
Smart move. I still wish his annoying face and begging wasn't literally everywhere. Even looking at ancient repo issues when I have some obscure problem I'm trying to resolve, that fucker is there. A literal parasite.
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Maybe? I'm not noticing any significant drop in AI toolkit. A little faster for sure.

It's only 200 steps but my settings might be too low.
is there some info on vram mods. i know theres 2080Tis upgraded to 22GB. How bout such mods to newer cards?
My info is that if you are seriously considering welding more vram onto your card it's time to accept you need to start saving a few hundred each month for a bigger card.
this looks like the last clockwinder
good game
Outside of China I don't think anyone has managed to mod anything post 20 series because it requires cracking the firmware.
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Nothing I am seeing on Google looks like this.
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This is how I eat my slop balls too.

500 steps into block 7 and 20 training. Thoughts, block 7 bros?
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I don't really have any context for what I am looking at.
example from the dataset of what its supposed to be like? looks kinda burnt
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She got dat cacodemon throat
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You've posted several of these and it's really not boomer-shootery enough. I think you need another run at it.
hair skin and eye colour is wrong but the art style is peeking through. How many total steps?
Didn't see it that way at first, but she does look a cacodemon about to shoot a fireball.
2000 steps total. Based on past experiments it's doing really well for the number of steps.
I'm using the prodigy optimizer this time as per the maintainer's settings. It started off really low but the optimiser ended up cracking the to
 lr: 1.5e-03 

Oh and at 128dim the files are only 10mb in size, so that's interesting.
>at 128dim the files are only 10mb in size
How big are they normally? I've never trained that high.
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Like 3 or 6gb. I can't recall, but being on 10mb is miniscule compared to what it normally is.
Fuck yes. Looks like a knock off 40k that actually has better game design.
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Waiting for that other anon to post the Deus Ex lora he promised
What the fuck. My normal LoRAs would be kilobytes. Could solve so many LoRA issues if it works out.
Interested in the results.
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That other anon is me. I haven't started on it because it's a pain sourcing high quality images of Deus Ex, and I got side tracked with how well my Lilith LoRA turned out.
At 16dim they are kilobytes and allegedly work too.
I wish I knew what each layer did specifically. The idea of targeting 7 and 20 means only the output for the characters should be affected. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can figure out what affects style.
>high quality images of Deus Ex
How high quality are you looking for?
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Ideally 1024x1024 minimum but I guess I can try with the 640x480 as there's a shit load of them. I dunno, this is all I have so far.
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What settings do you usually use for style lora's, and how many training images?
I have only ever done one style lora before, and I used 105 images. I can't remember the settings but it was something stupid, but it worked so I'm gonna stick to it.
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hey thread brothers! what's up?

i almost baked the last thread, but obv you were like "nah, fuck you nigga, eat shit and die"

and i was like "yeah, fuck me. hehe"
post the collage you were going to use
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but all that stufff

it was illusion

instead we wondered helplessly while our descenents made the worst move they coud possibly make, like, ever?

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Looks like the Deus Ex wiki has a good number of screenshots, below 1024x1024 but well above 640x480.

The collage must be submitted for approval before posting.
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>behold, the double backed desk chair, so you can never truly be comfortable again!
Don't forget the lop-sided ceiling fan that shakes furiously and flies off the ceiling.
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What do you mean? This is perfect
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posted something similar earlier, but this one might be top 5 all time for me. Along with that symmetry gen from last night.
layers = blocks
fml. I really wish everyone would speak the same fucking language when writing about this shit.

Fuck medium btw. Eats up half the google results and has fucking nothing for information.
Thanks, getting there now.
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I haven't been keeping up with new model development because pony does everything I'm using it for so well. But now I see a lot of flux stuff popping in civitai. None of it looks especially impressive overall from the sample pictures, but it does seem to do certain things pretty well.

Is flux the new snake oil model or will it actually supplant pony? What is it's purpose and what does it do? What is the difference between Flux .1 S and Flux .1 D?
cool.. wish it was higher res
Pony is fine for most of your needs unless you specifically need that character to be balancing a ball on their heads and holding a post-it note with the word "faggot" written on it.

But if you're just generating straight up coomer shit or 1girls, you're pretty much already spoken for.
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honestly, just try it. unless you're a coomer, flux just feels so much better, I deleted all my SDXL/pony shit. it's cleaner and the small details are coherent, not endless blurred simulated stroke slop. it lacks styles and characters and that makes it feel like shit at first, but loras will grow, and one day we'll have a proper finetune. flux makes sdxl feel like 1.5 does to sdxl, it's just still in its infancy stages for additional development, but it's growing rapidly
fun, what is the key text to get that?
Captioning. I will run it over night and see what happens.
>This might be a roundabout way to get our full fine tune. Just wait until someone figures out the pussy block.
big if true, if you only finetune the block 7, that'll probably won't ask for more than 24gb of vram
I kept 1 pony model just to put nipples on my artistic nudes because the default flux bee stings ruins the images.
So that's it? Just clearly readable text?
Ì think I let it mature a for a bit, A1111 doesn't have support yet and comfy just doesn't seem to work as well for me.
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I'm a coomer. Can I still use it?
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Based legend, looking forward to it
I'm trying to install Novelai v1 model on InvokeAI but it gives me an error. Is InvokeAI trash or is this a bug?
>Just clearly readable text?
No, you have much more granular control over the composition of the image in flux, but a lot of that control is wasted on 1 girl gens.
>What is it's purpose
General. Pretty much anything except porn
>what does it do
Excellent prompt adherence with natural language prompting instead of tags. Can do hands, feet, and text.
>What is the difference between Flux .1 S and Flux .1 D
S is Schnell which is german for fast. It's a 4 step model, think SDXL Turbo
D is Dev, it's the primary local model.
There's also Pro, which is API only.
If you aren't making porn, Flux completely mogs literally every other model, and LoRA training is extremely easy (but computationally expensive)
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All good, I hope it turns out OK. Just going to run it on the same settings as my WoW classic style and I'm happy with that one.
Pony is good for coom but it also presents an issue.
You're practically stuck with pony and the path it chooses.
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Now that's a cool lora
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Flux is still better for 1girl gens if you want to specify endless distorted checker room backgrounds or bizarre pyramids puking out trees in the background or something.
Oh that is cool. I should do a master system one. They had a unique style.
Well that's not really 1 girls is it. The 1 girl is incidental to everything else in the image.
I have found that Flux also has far less problems with too many fingers or distorted limbs.
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I haven't
No, you are banned from using other models. There is only Flux now. Everything else has been deleted from the internet and your SSD.
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I have
>rape weights with LoRA trained of regurgitated AI slop
>Why isn't my anatomy working?!
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Dear God, what is that? The power of Christ compels you! Stay back!
To be fair you are running it through a LoRA. Base Flux has maybe 1/10 deformed people and even then it's usually pretty minor.
this, they shouldn't complain about anatomy issues on a lora gen, that's the consequence of weights raping
Bread delivery, right to your doorstep...
This is the same comment with very different psyches in play.
Three loras, actually
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That foot looks fucking retarded
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