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Basically I'm just not gonna seed the torrent
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna seed it is all
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Not my problem
do goy cattle really?
This is what most public tracker street shitters do
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truly niggers & streetshitters tier mentality
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You're still uploading too much.
But you are seeding with those settings. Just not very much
i just set my global upload speed to 1kb/s
Don’t forget to limit your upload rate, you don’t want to be accidentally helping anyone while you take what you need.
I thought this didn't work and it treated 0.00 as infinite but alas it does, thank you for the tip leechGOD
I pay for my media. I dont care.
this impacts download speed doe
I would seed, but I genuinely can't with my upload speed at the moment.
What niggeranon, got btfo'd in the last two secret club ad campaign threads and moved onto covert tactics? Sneaky little jew
i've never noticed this, and when i use a private tracker (that credits seed time not data) I max out my connection on most downloads
>seed time not bandwidth
the absolute state of these niggers
Most people can't seed not because we don't want to but because we literally can't afford a seedbox and or our internet sucks because we live in weimerica where we don't have symmetrical gigabit that's cheap.

I literally pay $50 for rural DSL internet because weimerica is third world there's no fiber out here and my speeds are 70mbps down/8mbps up
One month of a seedbox and you can have many TBs of upload on a general tracker
This and also downloading songs on Soulseek without sharing any other songs back
I don't seed because I need my files meticulously organised
Why are americans incapable of forming a sentence without the use of a buzzword?
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>Basically I'm just not gonna seed the torrent
It's OK, only 1 seeder is enough to keep it all alive, and there's literally nothing anyone can do to stop me from seeding for free forever.
>what are hardlinks
good goy
niggers of computing
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eat it up like a good lil doggy
I'm sorry you immediately think about Jews when people engage in responsible and nronal commerce. Get well soon.
I use private trackers so I don't care if you don't seed on public. Not my problem.
good, keep paying for jewish funded propaganda that has infinite supply goy
>no argument
concession acceped
>Everything is about Jews
>everything is an argument
What a sad life
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sad life of a cuck indeed kek
you guys still torrent in 2024? lol
I sneed because I want to share the stuff I download. I don't care what peers do.
Get well soon

You probably get datacapped there pretty soon like in a day.
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vantablack hominids
I do, because I still live in a free country.
what the hell are we supposed to do? pay $9.99 plus tip to netflix, hbo, hulu, paramount, showtime, amc, amazon prime et al EACH for sub-HD streams of shit content?
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Cognitive disonnance hitting you hard there, sis? poor kid
Based alive keeper.
I will NOT dox and humiliate myself to sign up for your private tracker
Downloaders always prioritize sharing with downloaders that share back.
Seeders do not care.

So if you don't upload while downloading it's like the swarm only contains the seeders, since anyone else will just ignore you.
This is fine if there are plenty of seeders.
But on torrents with just one or a handful of seeders and many downloaders you'll be waiting until everybody else is done and then hope for them to stick around unlike OP.
same, but ratio limit is 0.00
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they way it works is peers upload to other peers that upload so if you barely upload your torrent will take way longer to finish
even if you find some way to send fake data you would still screw yourself over

>torrent has 1 seed with pieces A B C D E
>torrent has 2 peers (You and Chad)
>you have pieces A B
>Chad has no pieces
>Chad needs piece A
>Chad asks you for it
>You dont give chad piece A for some reason
>Chad asks the seed for piece A
>sure thing chad c:
>You ask the seed for piece C
>sorry I am busy giving chad a piece try again later
>You sit there dick in hand having screwed yourself over

it is more complex than this but this is a simple example of why op is a retard
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broken bot
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You don't lose anything from seeding, son. If anything, the good goy cattle move is what OP is doing; making sure that you don't put even the slightest bit of unnecessary stress on the communications system of your masters.
I use private trackers so you freeloaders DO NOT affect me hahahaha
I knedl
We know. We want a whites-only Internet.
Not what that setting does THOUGH it only kicks in after the torrent finishes
proud seeding cuck :)
>protocol works by having people sharing files
>"proud seeding cuck :)"
What did he mean by this
You, the cuck, share (your wife)
I, the bvll, take (your wife)
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I'd say "no worries, I got it", but fuck public niggers, I do the same
just put 0mins and 0ratio
no need to wait that long
i cant breev
This thread: what private trannies think public chads do.

What public chads actually do:
>Oh, I haven’t been seeding?
>Haha it’s just because I haven’t been on my computer much.
>Speaking of which, there’s some fresh grass outside I can touch.
>Actually I might go do that rather than turn on my computer.

Meanwhile in private tranny land:
>Need to have my seed up at all times or Jannies will ban me.
>Nothing to do but wait…
>Leave my computer off? No way! I-I-I’d lose out on potential ratio!
>I’ll just stay here, and make another bait thread on /g/
>Need to have my seed up at all times or Jannies will ban me.
this isn't true at all
>Basically I'm just not gonna seed the torrent
don't care. i use private trackers.
>>what are hardlinks
not my problem is what they are
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You aren't cucking people who seed. What you're actually doing is cucking youself for the sake of your telecom company by paying for something you don't use. This is how their (((overprovisioning))) system works.
Is there a campaing by private trackers to kill public torrenting or something? Every day I see some anti seeding thread. This is weird.
This stupid shaming campaing might have the opposite effect.
I used to delete torrents pretty quickly to save on disk space, but since these people began pushing the "hurr public trackers no have seeds" angle I make sure not to delete any torrents I download. My seed ratios are from 3 to 30 now.
If they keep doing it I might set up a 24/7 SBC as a seedbox and begin downloading and seeding obscure torrents with few seeders.
Public tracker users are just like this quad satan, it has nothing to do with us private tracker users.
I doubt anyone except people on a metered mobile connection care to minimize seeding, let alone purposefully coming here and ridiculing seeders by calling them cucks when they benefit from it. It'd be like using a free proxy from /aicg/ and calling proxy makers cucks for hosting proxies for free. Or using some open source and calling the devs cucks for working for free. It makes no sense and it's inorganic as fuck.
Posts like this began about a year ago and the only people who benefit from this are the private tracker people, so it's pretty obvious they are the ones behind it.
>Is there a campaing by private trackers to kill public torrenting or something? Every day I see some anti seeding thread.
This is what public trackers boast about all the time, anon. It's nothing new. They are proud of not supporting their swarms. They think it makes them cool if they don't share with others.
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>Posts like this began about a year ago
Are you underage?
People have been saying this about public torrents since 4chan began. Look at the archives. See pic related
>It's just that I'm not gonna seed it is all
another public brown shitter bragging about not sharing. what a shocker.
hey dude that's mean
Ok fair enough. Maybe there were and I just hadn't noticed. But notice how he says seeding from PUBLIC trackers. Implying that he is a private tracker user.
Do you think it's a coincidence that the extremely small minority of torrent users who are members of a private tracker are also the ones who boast about not seeding public trackers?

Only private tracker people call normal torrenting "public trackers". Is it really a coincidence that all of you claiming normal torrent users boast about not sharing are also private tracker users? It seems more like a false claim to convince people to join your little clubs.
Dead giveaway that this is a smear campaign. You are a private tracker user, aren't you?
Of course you will false flag and pretend that normal torrenting is full of assholes who brag about being selfish.
>Only private tracker people call normal torrenting "public trackers".
Wrong. There's lots of people who know the difference between private and public trackers but don't use private ones, like you.
>normal torrenting
nobody says this, retard. Why do you think every client has a setting to make private torrents? there's just private and public.

"Hey guys um I do normal torrenting, can you help me?"

Shut the fuck up.
We just call it "torrenting"
Only privatetrannies feel the need to call it cis, uh sorry "public"
>But notice how he says seeding from PUBLIC trackers.
The guy from 2011 said it but the OP didn't say public. Just face it, moron. Generally, people who download from public trackers love to make fun of you for seeding and happily delete a torrent when it hits 100%.
>Only privatetrannies feel the need to call it cis, uh sorry "public"
Man that is reaching, even for you.
Trannies are typically communists. They don't usually support anything private.
it literally makes kikes seethe...
If you white, you'll seed the torrent. If you are NIGGER - you don't. Simple as.
Public torrent users are useless leeching parasites
Imagine feeling good about hurting pirate networks you depend on....
Holy shit, how?
The torrent seeding test is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To let a completed torrent seed is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To let a completed torrent seed is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to seed a completed torrent. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your pride and delete completed torrents. Therefore completed torrents present itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not letting a completed torrent seed, no one will fine you or kill you for deleting such a waste of space.
You must seed torrents out of the goodness of your own heart. You must seed more because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. Torrent seeding is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society
On the contrary, I give seed. You swallow. And there's plenty more seeding I can do if you increase your bandwidth if you get my meaning :^)
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thank you for your service
Want doesn't get ytboi
If you are white, you wouldn't be pirating to begin with but paying up like good goys. You must be a wigger

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