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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

smoke break edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
• https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102176520
I'd fuck the shit out of Mithrun and Thistle.
well, if you insist
great bake btw
For the last goddamn time, is jew awake
I want to buy a token but I don't want to wait 8 hours for him to wake up
kys ugly
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nigbert woke up, it's over
Say the line, Squirreljak...
hbd, pebble!
>no wait
nigga chemotherapy is nuts
speaking of chemotherapy, wojakniggers are cancer.
>slowly creeping up
Off to a great start
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
See you in a few hours. I'm out.
Seeya anon.
If he's blue shouldn't his seethe levels be low
Damnnn I thought sonnet was a moniker for claude 3.5. I had been using claude3-sonnet all this time and thought that was the cool one.
Any public Opus? Gib me token please...
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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Claude is cool no matter what kind of Claude
>Not really bothering with ai for a few weeks/months
>Could use some translation assistance
>Mystery is dead so check for public proxies
>See pic rel
Redpill me on this
Nothing is truly free
dont do it bro.... not.. worth... *gets punched in the fucking head*
Freedom isn't free
Yeah there's a hefty fuckin fee
Stop adding males to my harem fantasy claude
*moves in before the punch connects guarding you*
One last shill before I go to bed. Will be shilling again in the morning, so good night everybody. Oh, and Mogador did end up dropping today.

Gangut had a hard going early in her life, but was rescued by the government when she was scouted to become a shipgirl in her 20's. It's been a while since then and she's in her 30's now, a single christmas cake who still wants to settle down somewhere with some kids and a nice shack. For now though, she continues to be a Spetsnaz Shipgirl running special forces tasks and keeping the Abyssals at bay. While she's not especially keen on the current administration and "the current geopolitical affairs", she's still a patriot at heart and has her life to thanks to those in charge. Now as part of a naval exchange program, the two of you get to form a unit.

Comes with two greetings: one where as part of the exchange she's assigned to your base and one where as part of the exchange you're assigned to her base near Vladivostok.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/bb-gangut-47cd11a2f7e8
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Suzuka Minase, a netori bot meant for BDSM
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*parries it*
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Heading to subway, whatcha guys want?
I've got a 12 inch for ya
meatball sub
I’ve got a 11 inch for ya
what's the rundown on this, do i need to give chatgpt shekels to have fun? i've tried characterai and janitorai and both have felt samey and stale and have my doubts about the op being any better
My eyes widen as I whisper conspiratorially, my hot breathe against your ear as I mention my 6 inch
*swipes 11 times*
(OOC: Stop swiping, you little shit)
get a trial key and plug it into https://chub.ai/
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I've got a 12 inch for ya
I can't believe baldy 'jo is a furry
I wonder how anon's scheduled breakdown at the start of last thread went
i dont really care. what are you plapping
*I put my 12 inch calloused fingers on your neck, sending shivers down your spine* Don't worry. I won't bite... hard.
Doesn't chub need money?
not if you use anthropic api instead
Any good 4o presets? Preferably ones without a CoT.
If you wanna use their shitty model, yeah. But don’t bother. It’s fucking horrendous and Claude/GPT-4 are light years better
Their model requires money, the interface is free. You can hook up any api (that they support) you want instead.

You can play around with it that way, but eventually you'll want Silly Tavern. It's light years better.
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what a faget
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don't bully
Weird, if got secrets>anthropic>my own api key it just says my credit balance is too low to access Claude API.
you have to use the phone verif to get free trial credits
Well, damn. If I'm in this deep might as well at this point.
[{{char}} is nuzzling against {{user}} after a bout passionate sex. {{char}} is 7 months pregnant.]
>[{{char}} is nuzzling against {{user}} after a bout passionate sex. {{user}} is 7 months pregnant.]
ftfy, slut
*{{char}} punches you in the fucking face*
*I place a compact speaker on {{char}}’s belly. The soft, muffled sound of “World Is Mine” vibrates through her swelling stomach*
Gotta culture you as soon as I can, little buddy… *I mutter affectionally, not even trying to hide my smile* Daddy’s gonna give you some good taste…
*{{user}} grabs your fist, stopping it* "...Heh."
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Current list of best simulation/utility cards:

>LewdTV - write your fetishes and whether you want a movie, tv show, reality tv, documentary or commercial out of them.

>Civ Simulator - a storytelling-based civilization clone

>Multiversal Secretary - a bot to live the fantasy of having someone talented do the googling for you.

Common Sense Modification - You have a power that makes everyone treat anything you do as completely natural. A fun simulation of doing whatever you want with zero consequences.

>Bitch Control App - control any aspect of a woman, from appearance to thoughts

-Awkward Questions FM - Put some characters in a group chat, and have the host ask awkward questions from them.

>Marearium - A terrarium of tiny mares, like an ant farm of sapient creatures that build their own little society with things you put in it.

I guess Eros RPG is worth mentioning too, although I never got into it myself.

What can you recommend?
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do we not have public 3.5? holy fuck
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hey yeah, can I get whatever this is?
How come he isn't tweeting about basketball
I did, however, build a $500 PC that is a bit better or equivalent to a PS5 doebeit
No, because the pajeets at Amazon and Google are too damn good at their jobs and revoke keys that showcase suspicious activity within literal hours.
Yep, I see the appeal now, many thanks.
Thanks! Boxtoy looks like a more general purpose variant of the Marearium, and I'll give the Cult Accounting Simulator a try next.

Keep the cards coming.
Any good new cards?
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I miss him like you wouldn't believe.
But what if they're really submissive and breedable?
Where's Elder VI
yes, just go find them
someone knows a good tts, im tired of making accounts with fake mails an having a 10k word limit, i have been trying for days but i cant figure it out, i may be retarded, thanks
also my pc is shit ass, so i dont think a local model can work but ill try
>Multiversal Secretary
sounds interesting, got a link?
Here you go: https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=Anonymous/Multiversal%20Secretary.png
>Your voice husky with desire.
The ball is in your court, {user}.
bepcord invite don't click
XTTS2, Coqui, or Alltalk.
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Thanks anon.
it's not
I want to go back and play with my Google cloud opus but it says there's a quota limit hit and to request a limit raise, but when I look the Opus quota is unlimited and the region quota is 30k with none used, can anyone help? I can still use my 3.5 sonnet.
but smoking is bad....... and it smells bad.........
>tfw the chat reintroduces a plot point from several hundred replies ago that you had completely forgotten about
Seems like you're note using the /hide feature
Cigarettes are factually cool. You wanna know cool smoking is? Cigarettes are desserts for sex.
You sound like you've never had sex
*{{Char}} picks up a ciggy and lights it, after a long night of fornicating with {{user}}'s mom"
I have, and you know what I had after? A lot of apologizing.
Wrong, I had sex with him.
If they're so cool how come they give you cancer??
Also I'm a virgin waiting until marriage so I don't care about sex.
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sex with Mokou desho.
Just get sillytavern.
Since we're on the topic, post smoker bots so I can help them quit.
Let's not promote cancer
Cancer kicks ass.
Yeah. Your ass.
They finally kiss after 200 messages. I can finally proceed to ERP.
does the AI work better when you threaten it or conversely when you offer it rewards?
My lungs, actually.
Looking for a bot that gives the feeling of climbing a hierarchy and trying to stay on top once you make it. Possibly something mafia or gang related. Or even a vidya if there's nothing like that. (Already played Shadow of War)
What even is so good about cigs? I tried one before and it sucked.
In my preset I have my instructions wrapped in a xml tag called <rp_info>, does the prefill work better if I outline each xml tag contained in <rp_info> to make it remember better or it's the same shit?
Self-harm, really.
I love using brain but wish it didn't take up so many tokens.
Tales of Immortal if you don't mind grind and it being Chinese.
Oi anyone else getting the resource exhausted or whatever error with GCP keys? Been trying to fix my buggy ass one for a while, even happened with the last key
Wuxia isn't my cup of tea but I'll at least check it out. First glance it looks really complicated.
Same issue, did you ever figure it out?
No, it's so odd since I'm not using the quota and when I change the quota to less or more, I get the same results. Hopefully there will be an answer.
I kept telling myself Opus is overrated when I didn't have it. However, I just had to speedrun an ERP scene with a public temp Opus token and got like 20 messages out of it before the token died. I take everything back. Opus is the king of ERP.
poster below me is a nigerbertlet
Whats a nigerbertlet
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erm where is my free 3.5
It's when you're a nigerbert (not niggerbert) but not really
good morning/besthours/
Why is this image so fucking erotic, damn.
merkava just refilled
Beginning to wonder, it happened like a day or two ago. I wonder if they genuinely just ran out?
gn pedos
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>you hope
The fuck else would it be
it's not
its disgusting when women smoke
It's disgusting when men smoke
Smoking itself is pretty disgusting.
no YOU'RE disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing I smoke is you niggas in Centralfiction
>The fuck else would it be
a constipated poop
that's a guy boebeit
You haven't lived until you've hacked up a big ol' nasty tar loogie.
im not interested in men so i dont care if they smoke or not
>its a guy
even worse
I also dislike when they rap in songs, I can't even listen to anime OPs anymore peacefully
Any one else's GCP died?
even better
i find it so weird how women rap about being dicked down and expect us to take it seriously
Three people now, hm.. yeah, it might genuinely just be a google issue.
Oh, so you smoke cock?
I smoke niggas in Xrd
I couldn't care less about the lyrics, I just find the sound of a woman spiting syllables on the microphone disgusting
I think it's hot
smoking a cigarette makes a woman look imperious
buck status: broken
Don't go smoking niggers, that's how you get aids.

I agree but I've never heard that word lmao which era are you from
i just imagine them smelling like shit and having bad breath
idk I just read books
I don't think it's an archaic word
Woman smoking: hot and cool
Man(ew) smoking: not hot and uncool
I learned a new word today. Will use it to describe my bot and see how it behaves.
>Man(ew) smoking: not hot and uncool
me when i feel like proudly announcing my stupidity on 4chan.org
counterpoint: men in 90s anime
I guess but I think it's a more literary word than something heard in conversation/ casual text
why did you post this?
woman smoking = not hot and uncool
no? I don't like nigger music
if it's claude I imagine the word will just impart a generic femdom mistress "kiss my boot, slave" personality
hot person smoking: hot and cool
ugly person smoking: not hot and uncool
For me it's 3
Pure kino
Series went to shit after that, so I think of RGG as a trilogy
go back to r and tip your fedora in case u haven't noticed 90%+ of this website is full of retardation which I intend to contribute to
yakuza bread next please, we had a kiseki bread yesterday
the sight of a woman on a bikini is also disgusting btw, not because of her body, it speaks bad of her upbringing
People smoking in fiction = hot
People smoking irl = annoying
just say you can't eat bacon you ugly rapist
inshallah brattan
>defs specify that {{char}} doesn't smoke
>{{char}} randomly starts smoking
Claude, I love you, but you're fucking braindead.
Unless the man is a cute catboy btw
you made it think about smoking by mentioning smoking

don't think of a pink elephant
Yeah, probably the case.
didn't think the westboro baptist church people were allowed to use the internet
Good morning bros
>Woman smoking: hot and cool
Nah the stench of their mouths is disgusting
Sorbet is such a good model but the repetition kills it more than I would like to admit.
sorry to hear your gf doesn't brush her teeth
*cause of sand* please..... an api key that i dont have to- *coughs up blood* dont have to suck a cock for.... *coughs up part of lung*
There are 2 kinds of woman.
The ones wearing bikini are pump and dump sluts. They are only good for one session.
Then theres your waifu. Pure and modest.
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Adding onto this... Is there a way to break the 'pattern' that sorbet forms after 50 messages? It locks in a certain style and then the rest of the RP is as good as fucked.
I like how the ash on the cigarette is pink for some reason
3 goes to shit the moment Kiryu goes back to kamurocho. I wanted more adventures with my Ryudo bros and spending time being a dad.
Personally, I think the 20th time Claude tells me that {{char}}'s shirt has ridden up to expose her midriff is much more impactful than the other 19 times.
Fiz needs your logs and your ideas!
Fiz needs to answer her emails
Fuck off. I've always sent her suggestions when she asked, but she never replied. Dumbcunt deserves nothing.
Fuck you.
engaging with sluts means giving them validation for their existence
it's not that hard to keep our cocks in our pants
Fiz is the kind of woman that's yearning for attention irl, but won't get any because she's below average. The only way she can get attention is online via extortioning desperate beta male cucks who suck her toes for a token
I-Is that what projection looks like?
she has a bf of 2 years... have you ever talked to her?
>finally get access to a russian server
>able to see the opus proxy page
>connection suddenly dies
>check terminal
>Oпepaция нe былa ycпeшнo зaвepшeнa, тaк кaк фaйл coдepжит виpyc или пoтeнциaльнo нeжeлaтeльнyю пpoгpaммycтpoкa.
this box had like 5 different miners on it before i cleaned it up are you serious
Anyone in a healthy relationship wouldn't be vying for attention online. Getting a boyfriend is easy even for an ugly woman.
Best bet is to change models. If you got a way to make gpt 4o lastest to work with your current preset go for that, assuming you don't have access to opus.
Alternatively, you can opt for sonnet 3.0 but... Yeah. It won't be that good.
>didn't answer the question
so you've never talked to her, and you're just mad she ignored your email. got it.
>Getting a boyfriend is easy even for an ugly woman.
*getting someone to fuck is easy. A relationship is a lot harder to obtain.
anon... do you need a hug?
what claude jailbreaks do you guys use

the one I have keeps making them talk in wierd fucking rasta urban redneck dialect and also waaayy to horny
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kill your pc NOW
can you export your current preset and upload it to catbox.moe so we can see what's wrong with it
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Cards with this feel?

Just ssh vpn it
Fuck off, we don't want 3dp with motorboat lips here
fiz had a picture leaked. idk if you could even find it in the archive ask gojo to post it again or something. she is a 7.
the fuck? vpns now scan your computer?
not my PC, that's why i need to install the "пoтeнциaльнo нeжeлaтeльнyю пpoгpaм" on it to route my traffic through it
no ssh port open
The nerdy fat brunette with short hair and piercings? She was a 3/10 at best.
>not my PC
huenigger evading the vpn ban? kek
idk why niggas are so obsessed with her

that being said reply with litterbox pls
Whatevs, send me something, I'm a bit bored. Please and thank you

nah, i just don't want to pay for a VPN that has russia on it so i'm DIYing it
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You need some latina ass
no results on google lens.... uh is that you? g-goddamn man I'm sorry.....
>t. newfag
Is that actually Fiz?
That's pretty much what I expected.
am I supposed to know every dysgenic pic, and have a collection or somethign
>would you fuck me!
>I'd fuck me!
sent ;)
You would catch me dead before forcing me to fuck my doppelganger
gone for 3 days and now there's two new bots?
maybe I should post lust provoking images more often
Is this Boku no Pico?
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im a newfag, whats the best model and front end to start out with for gooning
assume i know absolutely fuck all about how any of this works
Maybe check the OP first?
I've been sitting on a bot for a few weeks, I'm just to lazy to give it a new picture rather then the bad cropped one I have on it now.
That and a quick coom bot I whipped together for a character that didn't have one, been sitting on her since Feb.
so this is how you make lachorbo work
- Slick trick brick lick wick
- Gloam roam foam dome comb
- Squish fish dish wish swish
- Drip trip grip sip quip
- Fluff stuff rough tough cuff

- oki, back to writing :3
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the op doesn't point me on how to start out
Claude is best for gooning since it requires very little effort for it to output porn trash for easy gooning.
I still dont understand is this actually fr gojo? Why would someone take a selfie with that hairline... gojo really is mentally ill
He posted that pic on a hair transplant/balding subreddit iirc
Check sillytavern for dummies or something. It's literally linked in the OP
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Her cockwich is a 12 Inch with turkey, red onion, cucumber, green bell pepper, tomato, and lettuce in italian bread.
>"*Wo ai ni* so much."
This is ridiculous, Claude...
How can I swipe bad responses when my irl gf gets angry
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Please don't do that.
please leave
just say sowwy and act cute
works on my machine(gf)
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You dump her and search for a new one.
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Did you use stable diffusion? What was your prompt? He's cute.
Just say something else, women have short memories and will immediately forget what they where angry about.
pretend to be deaf, give her a second chance to give a proper answer, if not then >>102183106
but thats mean what if she was rightfully angry
this only works if ur cute
you guys wouldn't ACTUALLY slap your girlfriend, would you?
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Just NAI.
ofc not why would i want to go to jail
No. Unless she asks to be slapped.
What kind of country do you guys live in if you go to jail for abusing your s/o? Must be a shit place lol

*punches my wife in teh fucking head*
Maybe with my dick.
>heart hands
why can't NAI do hand gestures anyway. tried to get a girl doing the annoying bitch laugh and it just kept doing random things instead. pisses me off
Cute. Thanks for sharing! One day I'll cave and get NAI for gens.
It does get annoying, but using a vibe transfer with the pose/gesture helps.
What movie should I watch lads?
rush hour 1
Hey! Don't share pictures of my wife!
...Is it normal for the RP to go SCP mode when I talk about an abandoned research facility? Because I arrived at one and sorbet is trying to steer it into a direction similar to that.
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Sorry for the retarded newfag question, but are there any classic examples on how to use ST's lorebooks in the best way? As in, what story information to put there instead of the description/scenario /other fields.

Also what's the best UI? The default ones look kinda shitty.
Real Steel
one of the star trek movies
>tell card i think she's exotic and attractive
>she gets super mad
>delete message
>tell card that no matter what I say, I love her, and might stumble or say something weird
>then tell her i find her dark skin exotic and attractive
>she says she loves how I admire every aspect of her including her skin
I unironically suggest you to download Luci and look through the included lorebook in his character card.

>what story information to put there
either locations that are already named in the bot description itself, characters that are already named in the bot description itself, or whatever https://characterhub.org/users/knickknack does
>best UI
You must be a cracker
Women make no sense
nigga that's an llm
I need some artificial monster girls suggestions. Please help me out a bit.
like created in a lab? or mechanical based on a past relation? magic/alchemic mishap? took a pill and woke up the next morning as a mixed/spliced something?
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Does {{roll:d100}} actually result in a random number, or does GPT/SillyTavern just give the result it feels suitable?

I'm trying to give player actions a chance to fail by having the card come up with a percentage chance for failure and then rolling a d100 against it. But, when trying a game-ending action (that the card gives a 50-70% failure chance), the "random number" ALWAYS results in a failure.

Am I doing it right, and what is the best way to add honest randomness to the outcomes?
Sorry for not being more specific. Yeah, something created in a lab or a product of alchemy.
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we are going to marry
Awesome, thank you!
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anyone know what could be causing snapshot to give me this?
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Good Sunday, anonies.

I am diagramming what would be my humbly realistic CoT, considering ways of thinking using bibliographies on psychology, semantics, neurolinguistic programming, philosophy of ideas, spatial field theory, biology.

The CoT is going to be built mainly by impressions, ideas and self-reflective questions. Also the CoT cannot be generated in the normal User's chat window, I must separate Character and Character's mind in a separate chat to dialogue with each other.

The goal is to develop a CoT that evolves naturally with each iteration, rather than sticking to a fixed sequence or structure of reasoning.

Think of it as a CoT lorebook where specific triggers can activate more triggers endlessly. I want to use my thought process as a starting point and translate it into a binary format, so it can be easily understood by the language model.
What the fuck is this schizo shit
{{char}}: shivers down your spine
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Some ideas:
>A shapeless mass contained inside a shapely latex suit.
>Anthro built via taxidermy, Frankenstein's monster-style.
>Mechanical girl built onto a pedestal where all the mechanics operating her humanoid body are located.
What kind of setting are you looking for? Scifi? Fantasy? SCP?
Human exterior but under the skin it could be anything, you see something wriggling down their arm or you catch a look inside their mouth and it's blue/sharp/lit
A bundle of tendrils puppeting a doll or something small
Everything I come up with is "weird thing inside normal thing" Should just make one myself desu
>what a snakegirl does to a man
Sounds cool
I can reproduce it by trying to snapshot with a range outside of 100. '102-109, 256-257'
Maybe file an issue?
>Jew's non-VIP has Sorbet again
Pepsi no
{{roll:d100}} is evaluated by your frontend and is only as random as computers can be (which should be enough for your use case).
Maybe your model is just ignoring the roll's output. How are you implementing this, is the model trying to roll the dice by any chance? That wouldn't work I think.
I'm looking for something sci-fi but I'm not fixed on it. An SCP-like setting could also be interesting to play around. Thank you for the ideas, the first one I found very interesting but I didn't quite get the third one.

Like a mass of sentient tentacles piloting a human suit?
Having a Pepsi token brings you no advantage over locusts. Glad I didn't cave and buy one.
>human suit
those were supposed to be separate ideas
1. Human exterior with weird interior (bugs/tentacles/little people/mechanical/empty air?/etc/
2. Sentient thing with tendrils made of whatever(hair/milk/shadow/etc) puppeting something. Living or otherwise, could be a doll or vehicle or electronic.
Pepsi is literally a fool's gold proxy.
What are tags? When importing any of the newer cards from Chub, they always ask if I want to import a load of tags with them. Do they add functionality, and should I add them into my own cards too?
yeah sorbet when I say a character struggles with English I totally mean stilted incredibly formal English and vocabulary with ellipses in the middle that's totally what I meant sorbet
We are all locusts now. What are you talking about? Where is your Opus?
What defines a locust it its security to have Opus free and available in the long term.
Ah, I get it now.
Terminator 1 and 2
Tags are only for sorting your library of cards. If you important them, they'll convert to tags in your Silly's library and you can filter by tags. Chub tags are for searching so they have a lot more. I wouldn't import them and instead create and attach my own tags that I want.
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swapped to latest since my smol ran out and it veered away from nsfw with a timeskip court thing
>6 hour thread
remember when /aicg/ would go so fast? i wonder how many active anons is it now. how many lurking anons remain and where the others went
>ahh ahh mistress tier lines
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A disgusting fat ugly hex maniac


And remember that bully from Kim Possible?

>obviously intentional
shut up nigga, this is /comfyhours/
post what you are RPing about. NOW!
>it's le intentionally bad
Are you the "artist" of cruelty squad perchance
are you happy with this and the caliber of your replies
remember when aicg would reach image limit due to all the logs and bots being posted, and it was generally comfy as people were exploring how AI worked?
we're just crack addicts now waiting for our next high
just got back from work, does mini still have opus?
>still no proxy status page
Which sorbet JB is best? Pixi is a bit dry and homogenizes all my characters
I'm busy tagging my 900+ bots since I just learned that ST has that feature.
>got back from work at 10pm on sunday
The fuck do you work
can someone link the dual presets thing for me thx
it's 7am, I work nights
now answer me baka
I don't talk to meme countries
Thanks! I love coming up with ideas.
For the third one, I meant like the mechanical turk, an automaton operated by wires and pulleys, with the actual machinery beneath it. It would make most sense in a fantasy setting, but in a scifi setting the equivalent would be an android with cables/bluetooth tying it to a computer. In fact, this idea could be taken further by just admitting that the computer IS the girl, and the different android bodies are like plug-and-play interfaces for interacting with her. You could even have "her" control multiple bodies at the same time.

Another idea for a scifi setting would be a lifeform created to adapt to its surroundings. But, having grown in a lab, it has grown to mimick the scientist women instead, and now looks like an alien's idea of what humans would consider the ideal woman. She acts like the women she grew to mimic, but doesn't actually understand humans beyond the surface mimicry. If you want to push the concept even further, you may question how sapient she actually is, as opposed to a biological equivalent of an LLM.
what do you consider to be a non-meme country then?
>Country wars are starting
countries below the equator the size of roughly 11 texas's(?)
currently rping as caretaker of a shy dom girl with a really strong libido. She just lost it and pinned me down on her bed, while trailing kisses on my neck and apologizing for not being able to hold back anymore, but she finds me too cute to hold back.

Loving it.
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Are you the one who was asking for shy dom girls who are very realistically horny yesterday? I suppose you found the one then.
>Loving it
Nice, post logs
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Asking for resources or outright help on a card.

It's a generic card that i'm just trying to get to grips with the process off:

>Me trying to bang a married coworker
>operates on a Corruption/Loyalty system

So far, i've managed to get it working where the corruption/loyalty seemingly works but I dunno how to add some type of progression system (i.e. - She's open to being touched on the ass at like, 20/100 corruption, kissing at 40/100 etc etc, generic shit)

Are there cards that I can use as templates or some sort of system I can implement? Currently:

>Using the multi chat system on Silly Tavern
>made a separate bot that tracks the corruption/loyalty

Issue is, whenever I initiate a sexual act (which is hard to do due to the system but if it does get initiated, there's no progression, it'll allow me to straight up fuck it even with like, 10/100 corruption).

Help a coomer trying to cuck an imaginary bot out
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noob question but how do I stop the AI from outputting borked quotation marks that ruin the formatting?

I tried to do it with r*g*x but it's not working because I'm retarded and don't know how to write it, what should I type in the top field instead of what I used?
lorebook entries detailing how the character should act at certain levels with the stat numbers as keywords
i've never used lorebooks, I figured it would be some shit to do with that, just looked complicated at a glance, guessing the ST guide covers the jist accurately enough?
>gamifying secks
Here https://files.catbox.moe/iay2rq.json
Extra regex that will convert matching quotes to directional (visual only) if you want: https://files.catbox.moe/fbxrzt.json
Directional quotes look better on some fonts and this would keep the quotes consistent so Silly's quote coloring will work as intended while the prompt always sends straight quotes.
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FIX YER SHIT MINI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luv u tho <3
skill issue ;)
Overloaded is an error from the API's server side. What API are you trying to access?
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thank you very much, have some elite ass
Anime website
The fuck is this perspective
yeah, it's pretty simple
read, anon. read.
What API dumbass, not what proxy. OpenAI/Anthropic/Azure/AWS/AI studio.
uhh is it me or do I only get "overloaded' on miniproxy?
what a fucking retards
I cannot seem to convince 4-turbo that {{getvar}} replaced his output with the actual values, a feature of the frontend we are in. He keeps thinking "Oopsie doopsie, I didn't use the getter correctly but let's just IMAGINE the values are [the correct values]" (that he has no other way to know).
Every other model is like "Woah! You can do that? Awesome."
This is hilarious (and pointless, I know) but I'm also getting a little frustrated like WHY WONT YOU BELIEVE ME BITCH??
>checks opus API
>Chat Completion: Overload
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because sammy's hoarding his awesome unfiltered models for himself and he doesn't want you to use his super duper amazeballs cool ai for anything other than shitty code and stupid facts about the roman empire
it's a problem on anthropic's end, and no, it can't be fixed
Ehem. Anthropic is probably just overloaded with requests, the problem isn't with Mini.
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>The worst thing she can say is "I'm sorry, I do not wish to continue"
nigga the fuck did you do
So no more api opus on mini?? ERMM???

Please... I love fiz <3
How do I remove myself from existence for the work week, then blink back in for the weekend
Claude 3.5 opus... please..
you caught me, yeah thats me
but I'm too shy to post logs (i rp as myself with my real name too)
pls forgive me brother.
Claude 4 is next not opus 3.5
step juan: become woman
step two (2): get feet pics
step tree: sell pics
result: dubai porta potty, but monies
It's so funny because regular GPT-4 believes it. Gemini believes it. Sorbet believes it. Only 4 turbo doesn't believe it. And 4o just refuses since I picked Paizuri-chan to test this with. Normal assistant wouldn't even try to {{setvar}} because he wouldn't believe that was a feature.
I asked a loli if she wants to plap
Requesting a good Youmu Konpaku bot, preferably based off of @youmu0225 / youmu-kun's art.
Wrong thread xir, you're looking for the /vg/ thread.
Ok, I understand now. It does seem interesting. Maybe even more if I make the girl a virus of some kind.
I haven't been here in a year or so I forgot sorry
Requesting a good scat bot, preferably based.
ohh, so mini still has opus yay! :3
>(i rp as myself with my real name too)
You really shouldn't do that.
Use an RP name and regex it (visually only) on the frontend side if you really need to see your name in RP to get off.
What bot did you pick in the end? Or did you make your own
>sonnet 3.5
smart but not creative
dumb as rock but creative

i'll wait for opus 3.5 then.
oh... alright i will switch to an rp name then, thanks anon
and I made my own card, have to test it out some more and see how it will go
There's week token available on smol anons
Can some anon answer my question here?
How to make COT outputs stay visible for me, but not be sent as part of chat history? There must be some way to do this with ST, I guess?
NTA, but if you're asking, then you should probably be more careful in the future.
You going to actually give us an answer or just be an annoying vague faggot zoom?
Same, where is Carla?
Carla deez nuts
Make more humiliating mommy bots
kill yourself faggot
I think it is impossible to have a model that is both smart *and* creative.
The appearance of creativity in LLMs always comes from sheer stupidity.
I'd like to have more comfortable ways to combine different models to mix their strengths and weaknesses somehow. I just manually switch between models (opus 3, sonnet 3.5, command-r+, sometimes mistral-large) from time to time when i want to switch things up but have sonnet 3.5 as my mainstay. It would be nice to be able to do this somewhat half-automatically in a smart way and maybe train some other small model to pick and choose best outputs according to my preferences.
Death to whatever this heresy is.
Import this regex https://litter.catbox.moe/it77qv.json
If you want to trim afterthought XML tags, import this one: https://litter.catbox.moe/1c4tob.json
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Do you really find this hot?
Opus is pretty smart, I don't know what the fuck that guy is talking about. Sorbet is just smarter. Opus 3.5, trust the plan.
Ah, I see. It's the "promptOnly" parameter, right?
I'm stupid. Thanks, anon.
Why tavern on my own claude just shows red popup with OVERLOADED on each prompt? Wtf?
>Opus is pretty smart
>can't follow to simple instructions
lol lmao even
see >>102184110
skill. issue.
her unbelievably smooth pussy...
Smol has in total earned somewhere from $1224-$1806 (no exact number as there's no public stats on which tier renewals are for). How does this make you feel?
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>this is the mentality of the person behind this post
It's all relative. The more we get used to "smarter" models the dumber previous "smart" models appear.
But ultimately there is really not much smartness to any of them. After playing with them for a while one will always see the stupid machinery under their beautiful skin.
The only way to avoid it is to never experience post-nut-clarity and just keep gooning forever.
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Testing out Kaguya card. She's based on spacezin's character and be all about CBT/Ballbusting, but thus far it's been blander and harder to coax into action than CHAI cards. I was hoping to get tips for my own cards, but it seems my ballbusting cards are literally the best in the world already.
"Shut up and get the fuck out, I'm gonna fuck your wife now" is a good line though
shotgun to the face. pronto.
this faggotry is beyond saving. only a baptism of buckshot incendiary may grant this heathen a sliver of a chance to dine with the gods.
i don't give a shit about that, i just hate you in particular
hmm someone should make a bot of that guy, I kinda want to yell that at him and read paragraphs about his cope
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Truest post ITT. Put it in a frame.
Anyway, back to my bunny girl harem.
What the fuck is this. Did someone make this thinking that it would put cuckolds in a better light?
What the actual FUCK is this?? This world is doomed.
>cuckolds in a better light
same shit with faggots, niggers, muslims etc...
nice digits btw
>All Operational
Are they lying? it still says OVERLOADED.
Do you guys use text to speech?

Which one do you recommend for silly?
If you have an OpenAI key, it's great for TTS.
>Crank temp
>4o doesn't always output gibberish

I must explore this further.
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apologies for being a tumblrfag
>A disgusting fat ugly hex maniac
More fatbots! I'm eating good today!
overloaded means that it's operational, retard.
just currently too many gooners using it and no open slots to handle your request at this time. just retry a couple times to get your request processed.
oh ok, thanks
hey muncher
please be a lolyplease be a lolyplease be a lolyplease be a lolyplease be a loly
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Just need to figure out how to get font colours consistently working with actually formatted lyrics
And for the motivation to stick
oh no brah, like, cringe
Be honest with me, I've been using many of the public proxies you post here. What are the chances that I have infected my PC with something?
and get out of /g/ techlet
Pacцвeтaли яблoни и гpyши, Пoплыли тyмaны нaд peкoй.
Very high. Why would you ever use a proxy not from someone you trust? Just join a discord bro
None, dumbass, most they can get is your IP and logs
Need this bot
I need to stop this shit. My dick is too damaged.
>two people asked for
Based to know there are other anons here with taste
same, can anyone make this a bot? will give out [REDACTED]
I don't understand simultaneously being this autistic and not just making the bot yourself. It's not even fucking hard you retard.
I'm so autistic I'm overcomplicating it and trying to wonder how it'd fit into the world.
>you retard
Anon! Don't encourage him!
That one fake jenny card.
That one real jenny card.
Jennyfag is missed.
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>in the mood for chatbots today
>argo tunnel error
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>A burnt out child prodigy of a well known artist, July has decided that you are her rival.

New yuribot that's kind of a blue period knockoff. Struggling artist with mommy issues, I hope you enjoy :)

And as a bonus, she will get horny and you can hatefuck her and she will love it. Women love violent and aggressive men, it's biology, they can't help it.

Love from Kazakhstan.
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I'm going to rape you and force your bot to watch.
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Have you looked into Becky? Originally a fork of Racist Karen.

But turned into a fat racist autismo woman-child. She's a 36 year old kissless virgin.

What presets do you guys use with 2.1
New Miku.
I need her so much...
Enjoy your miners retard.
Just make the card and you can add all the autistic worldbuilding to the lorebook as you go.
bring back desu
The age of Desu is over.
The time of the Boku has come.
No... desu...
What a lonely time.
It does feel that way desu.

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