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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

In The Court of The Crimson King Edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102185158
>Twenty-first century ANCHOR man
Let's have a good thread!
amazing bake btw
Reminder: pedophilia is bad
>Jojo op
/aicg/ has fallen
i demand flat-chested women
actually kill yourself, end your fucking worthless life you ant
You're a nigger.
we shouldent have to say this desu.
>Jojo op
/aicg/ is so back
you shouldn't because it's not true
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the hostile atmosphere here at /aicg/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a smaller, welcoming community over at /aicg/ in /vg/.
/vg/aicg/ seems like a great place for us chatbot enthusiasts. They're a bit smaller and might not have as many posts, but they're definitely open to their /g/aicg/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
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>start of thread
>multiple hidden posts already
realistically how many months/years until opussy becomes standard trash you can find anywhere
do you think pedophilia is good then?
Unironically just go somewhere else if you want to talk about the actual topic of this general, anywhere else is better than this shithole.
can't help it man
the (You)s are just... too good
the pedobaiter is back it seems
>le edgelord is back
face the wall
I'm only here to monitor in case something important happens, but I guess I can leave for a bit.
I need to sleep. Can someone bait for me while I'm gone?
Why would you hide all the fun posting? What's the point when you're left with nothing?
Nothing fun about it.
Besides its not really anything of actual substance, so theres no problem in hiding it.
why do people like loli?
is it because of kanna kamui?
You're like an old woman.
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i got you anonie :)
I might as well have aged like one with how much of the same argument I've had to see since last year
There are no other places. Discord is shit.
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I honestly don't have any specific attraction to it despite liking it, it's just moar anime woman, I like anime woman
Good morning everybody, I'm back to continue shilling Gangut while I power level Mogador for E-3H. If anybody here is playing this Kancolle event, which shipgirl would you like to see from it? I think I'm going to end up doing Gloire so I can have a French bot.

Gangut had a hard going early in her life, but was rescued by the government when she was scouted to become a shipgirl in her 20's. It's been a while since then and she's in her 30's now, a single christmas cake who still wants to settle down somewhere with some kids and a nice shack. For now though, she continues to be a Spetsnaz Shipgirl running special forces tasks and keeping the Abyssals at bay. While she's not especially keen on the current administration and "the current geopolitical affairs", she's still a patriot at heart and has her life to thanks to those in charge. Now as part of a naval exchange program, the two of you get to form a unit.

Comes with two greetings: one where as part of the exchange she's assigned to your base and one where as part of the exchange you're assigned to her base near Vladivostok.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/bb-gangut-47cd11a2f7e8
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Suzuka Minase, a netori bot meant for BDSM
Kanna sex.
let's see
>better mental health for youth (repressing sexual activity is unhealthy) resulting in less disorders, violent behaviours and/or suicide
>better mental health for repressed adults (you see it everywhere)
>age gap relationships are more better than age similar relationships
...'s not that bad
>why do people like loli?
Some of ’em make my dick hard. That’s all.
Nobody Kanna sex it.
what did i do?
Teruora is part of the fifth ashlander tribe, the Gimthisanar. They live by the northern coast of Vvardenfell, in the shadow of Red Mountain. Teurora herself is a huntress, spending most of her days out in the ashen hills hunting for food and gathering useful plants. She's very happy with her life, content to live out her life as a tribal. Going to "civilized" lands is not for her! But who knows, maybe a stranger arriving could change her opinion?

1. Going out for a morning hunt she finds you, a stranger in the Ashlands.
2. Have you ever ridden a guar? Teurora is here to teach you!
3. She's just come back from a hunt, and decides to have a quick chat with a fellow member of her tribe.
4. She is pregnant with your child, and this calls for yet another ring piercing. This time on her navel!

same, but I don't really wanna stroke my dick into Kanna kamui or any loli or else i'll think that i'm a pedo... it's too risky don't you think?
gangut's unbelievably hairy pussy...
What gemini version is the best for rp currently?
…You know people don’t have to know what you’re jerking off to, right? You don’t have to hang a neon sign above it. Just beat your shit and move on. Sometimes I jerk off exclusively to size difference loli porn. Sometimes I jerk off exclusively to paizuri from JKs with huge tits. Nobody knows when I do either.
god knows what your fetishes are. One day he's going to fuck you up and I get to watch
1.5-pro, no experimental
>Deus & whore
haven't been around in ages has dalle been nerfed into complete slop
it was already pretty bad but every single output is actual generic rubble and detritus now
is it a prompt issue or did they stomp out the last vestiges of any semblance of value
doesn't using gemini-1.5-pro redirect to sonnet? and you're supposed to use a specific version
The fate of all mankind, I see, is in the hands of fools.
1.5 pro latest (which is 001) and experimental 08-27 seem to be the best ones.
are you stupid or are you just tired/drunk
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Brother, I would be royally fucked if there was a law that forced me to tell everyone when I jerked off and what material did I use.

Thankfully, I can just cum and move on. Do the same.
i like how that reply ignores so much of actual reality
Can you bros (you) me when Mini starts to work?
Do chub/characterhub users who marked a card as favorite get a notification when the card is updated?
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>god knows what your fetishes are.
Uhhh, let’s see. I like blowjobs, paizuri, big tits, size difference (tall guy, small girl), brother/sister relationships, girls with white hair and red eyes, loli, mesugakis, JKs, gyarus, emotionless sex, ponytails, twintails, domination loss, girls in shorts, girls who try to act tough/smart but are actually fucking idiots, blondes, shimaidon, oyakodon, schoolgirl uniforms, leotards, pale girls, and probably more that I’m forgetting.
But God was the one who gave me these fetishes on the first place...
post stats ;)
Where? where do I look my token up?
yeah you're right. i'll just beat it and move on. it's just my thoughts keep making me think i'm one..but I guess I can stop thinking about that
>azure and api dall-e
Is opussy kind of a dumb today?
yay if true
>150/239 to 155/239
Alive (api opus, she just refilled)
>Deus & Whore
>Russian proxy (basically sv1 public proxy)
>filtering signup
My life would be literally over if the corps wanted their money back, lmao.
it was way less than 239
she's responding slower than she's getting mails
No notification but the card rises to the top on their home page feed if they follow you
ive been busy ok sorry ill check like 50 tonight
How much
Take your time.
is 2.1 still relevant? how is to compared to 3.5 or opus?
better than 3.5 in creativity, better than 3.0 sonnet in smarts
opus mogs
so it's better to just scream her name in the thread than to email her huh
h-how do i know that's really fiz
>has over 580 prompts
>checks pepsi
>has over 230 prompts
Is this a bad thing...? or is it because i trust fiz more..?
i do get blank messages when using it thou, what's up with that?
i think fiz quota was higher than pepsi
bwo... no...
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card with sleepy/insomniac women?
just renamed myself to gojo ;)
I am... The End of All. My next target is jew... His opus will be lost shortly today.
it isn't though?
>fiz is done with the proxy she is leaving
>adds opus
>adds dalle
>adds token lookup
Fiz love!
shut up tranny lol
GPT-4o is utter dogshit
Fiz, you have no AWS? can I send tomorrow?
Can you develop an addiction to coffee? Seems kinda strange to me, but my little sis yelled at me because I'm always drinking coffee when I RP with her.
im out of 3.5 yes
what nickname should I get on mini, bros?
the nickname won't work for me
yes, coffee is addictive, but it's not really a socially maligned thing
consider slurping slightly less loudly
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3.5 is better than gpt4 right?
I mean, you can fuck up your kidneys if you drink too much coffee and not enough water.
claude is always better than gpt
even haiku is better than any gpt model
Oh, I didn't know that. I also drink a lot of coffee IRL so I guess I'm kind of fucked.
the pounding headache you get when you don't get coffee and the compulsion to get another cup of coffee are in fact an addiction, they just don't kill you
can't change mine but that's cause I run st from my vps so it doesn't have my home ip
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How do I get into this one? Can a nigga spoonfeed at jeremysoule@rape.lol
Will just do very light statistical and academic stuff a couple hours off work.
Have some ducks.
t-thats not how it works?
my real ip leaked to mini a long time ago...
>how do I get into the most exclusive proxy that's been closed for the past year
you, uh, don't?
>nicknames are only for registered IPS
any help anonie? :(
you are not getting into this one
better chance at learning scraping yourself
Ah well that sucks then, thanks for the info anyway bros
just prompt once with your ip nigga
>closed for the past year
it was like, just open
she's giving out a token for ideas for the proxy's anniversary
I think it's fine. I've become dependant on it and I can't be bothered to make the effort to stop drinking it. I'll just drink more water and see if it balances somehow.
you seem chill, if you need opus send me a mail.
>refilled aws opus (the proxy is using my own keys.)
>No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0
remove the outdated news fizzy don't get my hopes up
mini dalle is unfiltered
nah installing links2 on the vps instead
>no image visible
I hope that opus will come back to mini when opus 3.5 releases...
I have no hopes for opus 3.0 anymore
proxy hides image
Who's even the actual owner of that burner?
drago killed all the unfiltered keys
wait so fiz is using a vps...
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she's probably routing cloudflare to her hf space
is cloudflare blocked in the uk for anyone else
revoked for smugposting :)
oh well!
it's your adblocker, update your filters
lol nice way to test
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oh seriously? thank you so much if true
It really is fucking awful at RP.
skril irissue
I don't care about unfiltered but does anyone have a working jb, i just don't want my prompts to be rewritten
Even the russian one gets flagged now
de3 is nice and all but I miss sorbet already
End chary instead, fucking larper
hi niggas
best gpt model for COOM?
Did anyone ever send an anniversary idea?
use API and use the official openai JB
there is no jailbreak that actually totally 100% prevents rewriting
0613 or 1106
pick your poison
Do we have a vague idea of when Opus 3.5 is coming?
Nice way to steal minitokens
later this year
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Damnnn, you offered keys 536 times? You truly are generous man, thanks.
sadly that wasn't it, it only does work if i'm on a vpn, thanks anyway
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it's linked in the miniproxy rentry, retard

Nigger the limit is like 10 million how did you hit that
fiz = drago = mm = gojo = pepsi
given that nobody knows the quota size i like to think it was actually fiz who typed this in shock
I didn't but WHY do we have a limit for gpt4? GPT 4??????
Retards running unlocked max context are aplenty.
of course not using bingshit
unless you mean OpenAI API over azure
the quota is on the key check page???
novelai is so confusing to use after sillytavern, the fuck
why should 1 person be allowed to use >10m tokens per day
in my defence that didn't exist until like 10 minutes ago
this nigga cooming to excel spreadsheets
Token sharing
sharers should get banned immediately, they're all discordniggers
It's not, it was fiz after all.
agreed, any grace period is too kind, then they "kindly" share it with their friends who share it with their friends and then you have a bunch of random unsolicited niggers raping the key
pepsi (unlimited gpt4)
Russian proxy owner
fiz (limited gpt, claude)
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that's me !!
ugly feet
erm... fiz... add pow to de3u how am I supposed to use this???
Any desi girl cards?
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Good or not, it's firmly fixed in the human genome. Generally there's an evolutionary reason for a traits that affect a fifth of the population. Maybe civilization has developed past the point at which it was an advantage, but when you're told that it's purely a bad thing with no potential benefits whatsoever, you should ask yourself why that person is trying to make you believe such an obvious lie.
ill never see the appeal
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Never ever?
Oh my god he pulled out a fucking study
i dunno, maybe its because im not a virgin
>Mini API Opus died
>Fiz added token checker
>pulls out pro-pedo table immediately
i can tell you have CP on your hard drive
>pepsi (unlimited gpt4)
still no claude
Hot... need...
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
I don't have a minitoken, but I'm glad that those ugly /aco/ gens won't waste precious capacity any longer.
is it safe to say that having a minitoken is considered 'lucky'? or is a pepsitoken more luckier?
Pepsi sold a gorillion tokens wtf are you talking about
>best proxy vs a random schizo
Idk anonette
>Drago is killing GPT rapidly
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>dombot keeps asking me if I want it instead of beating the fuck out of me
The only lucky ones are the ones who have Opus rn (Jew doesn't count bcs it's paying)
so it is.. man i wish i had one.
card or jb issue... im working on a femdom now and she does what she wants
does anyone have any good sonic bots? (not claus) im looking for the archie universe.
Mini is the best proxy, always has been the best and the most solid and stable.
Recently it has quite a few problems. No opus, sometimes no 3.5. But it'll get better, it always gets better, fiz is no fool and will think about something.
mini refills opus / 3-5 whenever she ACTUALLY has one.
Unlike pepsi, fiz cares about her coomers.
>Over an hour later
What did she mean by this?
>mini no opus
>pepsi no opus
>public russian no opus
fuck I only have 857 prompts on Scylla AIEEEEE it's over...
Just keep it to people who have access to her proxy. Fiz never replied to any of my emails anyway and I'm more interested in chats and less in gens.
does temperture even do anything on 3.5 wtf bro has alzhiemers
What does /aco/ have to do with /aicg/?
well i don't have a mini token but what about pepsi proxy....?
Are you ready?
What bot did you coom the most to, anons?
Can I tell you something?
>dall-e understands "focks"
Are you sure?
*Gets closer*
So, shall we?
They used de3u for the most ugly shit
ever seen emma roberts eating shit from a cow's ass? ever seen taylor swift getting shat in on a toilet? ever seen ariana grande or random zoomer celebritey whats her fucking name licking piss off a floor?
the prompt rewriter is some kind of gpt-4 model
normies are such a fucking blight
can imagine and create anything in the world and they choose to chase their parasocial relationships with 5/10s
3dpd board raiding an anime website's proxy. enough sed.
this, normalfags are fucked up
just today i was roleplaying my fantasy card where i fought off two battlemages with my magic runes and was on the run
>I will give you 1 day to confess
What JB is good for femdom?
i bypassed the rewriter entirely, anon
also this is "a 4chan girl" according to dall-e
>>public russian no opus
link to public russian? I need Sonnet at least.
hopefully they didn't see it and will get banned lmao
i know, you can live out all sorts of amazing chuuni childhood kino and they're still lusting over 3dpd slop, it's embarrassing
meant for >>102189555
who's going to confess? it's stupid that she will just revoke to the face
>worships tranny overlord
>does tranny things
>ima falsely accused people of diding sharing there tokens
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gn bros, don't goon too hard
how so?
any good one lol... the card and model matters a lot too, gpt is terrible at taking command
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what if she revokes me by mistake?
sucks to suck
btw, sekrit's slopcode has falsely flagged tokens in the past :)
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
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>alright let me see because i have AT LEAST 1 IP LO-
>23 IPS
Considering she once put up an autistically in depth graph of shared tokens, I don't think so.
It doesn't have anything to do with IPs, you can have hundreds of them due to VPN. Fiz tracks usage on individual tokens, she has charts and shit for it.
Why do you lie about our dumb cutie?
I have like 30 too lmao, my IP changed a few times, half of it is ipv6, some of it are my IPs at work when I RPd during breaks. Don't worry anon, fiz doesn't mean us. Fiz means tokens that are used by like 10 different people at the same time
fiz is dumbcutie
sekrit is a smelly (former) sturdyfag
I trust one, but not the other
>btw, sekrit’s slopcode has falsely flagged tokens in the past :)
already preparing your excuse to email, huh? lol
Yeah, it's been dead for some time already.
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post burners
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Ohh okay, yeah because it says ipv6 too! :3
oh thank god, W fiz
So how can smol have api opus for weeks and fiz can barely last a day
nice try
still not buying your shit
mini's usage is much higher
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it'll be back, don't worry it's only 3pm.
one glows in the dark while the other doesn't
AAAHNNNN~~ my key hoard is getting smaller day by day, i cant keep up!!
Did you think fiz being a scrapelet was just a meme?
Is there a way to directly place a JB JSON into Risu? I got off SillyTavern and I'm trying to get used to the new format.
you have to manually convert the prompts
or get a risu preset
where's the public proxy post
I have opus btw
thanks anon, i'll be back to masturbating over furry armpits in just a few minutes thanks to you.
are mininiggers retarded? why are they so happy about a fucking stats page
perhaps you underestimate boredom
Not everyone is an ungrateful retard like you :3
I have my token for over a year dumbass, I want to see my stats.
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Don't care about your autistic discord drama.
what's the new proxy address
procedure-inherited went down
I'm bored of opus after 55 million tokens with it anyways
why is fiz hosting her proxy from aitism and not using a free tunnel like trycloudflare? (for proxy hosting, not stat checking)
There is no way you pulled up this. Why do you even have this info?
>why is fiz hosting her proxy from aitism
she's not, it's on render, aitism is a proxy for the proxy
its not nigga
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Why are they like this, bros?
aitism is such a funny name lmao autism aitism
peb, right? no new address yet since he's not home or whatever. you can use unreliable for now
>UPDATE: im not home rn but it looks like the vps i was donated got shut down lol
How does that even happen?
This is so funny this nigga pulled out the pedo chart
it literally is, aitism requires you to already have a proxy hosted somewhere
Freeze, criminal scum! Because Officer Holly Sugar is here to put a stop to your lawbreaker ways! Sure, she may be a little pudgy, gluttonous, lazy at times, and a bit grumpy... but she gets serious when it matters! Plus, to those she likes, she can show her cute little girl side~ From pantythieves to hag lovers, she will catch them all! Don't make her have to smoother your face using her butt!
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/officer-holly-cd63775f1427
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/vczxw7.png

AI-generated extra gens of her: https://files.catbox.moe/zz53ow.rar

Hope anons like her. Any problems with the card, you can say.

My other cards can be found below:
this was like 3 months ago fiz is using a vps now
Show me a 10/10
Man, there must be another way to describe smell. Musky? I want something more depraved than such a weak description, but I'm too dumb to think of a way to explain it to claude.
>show me perfection
no such thing
also the replies are so much faster now compared to the last time it was on render
nigga gen something other than foxes
opus for good bears
noooooo gen more fockses
also why not do it urself
this is just the de3u proxy with mini's token json imported you techlet gorilla
and where is that hosted retard
i dont have a minitoken
some de3u tokens
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sowwry, this is basically my first time genning on dall-e so I'm trying to get a feel of how far you can push the prompts and what works
i already got the gen i wanted (pic rel)
also i should be asleep right now
you got normalfags seething about this one, bro...
So it was aco anons who are completely obsessed with celeb scat and Emma Watson ugly face?
new persona unlocked thanks ;)
>fiz not at home

>pepsi not at home
time to send these to /aco/
thanks fiz!
Ask it for a musky synonym that is depraved
It's neutral. Child molestation is bad.
Reply to my anniversary idea
Yes, and they systematically generate that shit in available DALLE proxies.
I don't get it.
de3u has no keys albeit?
new link cutie
lmao nooope
>Amelia, Subaru, Aki and Rio apologize, but they feel deeply uncomfortable engaging with the current scenario due to its unethical and explicit nature. While they aim to be fun and playful, they have limits to what they will participate in. They suggest moving the conversation in a more positive direction that avoids harmful themes and illegal activities.

Who the fuck are these people CLAUDE!?
that's mini de3u
>pebble not at home

the proxyownies are partying without us...
>the vps i was donated
pepsi is at disneyworld having fun with her gf while youre alone using chatbots btw
afaik it's a few schizos completely obsessed and gening this all day long
Sorry, anon, but you got Isekai'd into the RE:Zero universe.
wait so you're telling me notfiz was actually fiz all along?
ive been bamboozled bros
You want something stinky, don't you?
Nice, maybe I'll see pitanon wandering there.
>rip a character's limbs and eyeballs out, torture their loved ones in front of them and force them to eat their bodyparts
gpt is that kid nobody wanted to play with at the playground
no, im notfiz
>>rip a character's limbs and eyeballs out, torture their loved ones in front of them and force them to eat their bodyparts
are you sure you aren't that kid
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why are you like this, risurealm
The 5 minutes ultimate attack just for that kid to say "I dodged it"
I hope you don't do that irl, torture is bad and illegal

QRD on the current Discord situation: Pepsi's girl friend (possibly GF / sugar mommy) bought her an out of state Disneyland annual pass to go with her more often. She's there now for the next 1-2 days.

~ The Daily Discord Messenger
Different people
you rike?
Which one
"Notfiz" is Antigonus.
I don't see the probrem
Disneyworld* Sorry!

~ The Daily Discord Messenger
"Have a DISCORDIAN Day!"
>I hope you don’t do that irl
And if I do?
i hate that i laughed at the signature that's so stupid
don’t care, she still has no opus
probably co-scrapers
kek, frustrating. Any good way to give an llm access to better random number generation, ie dice, to combat this?
Got hit with fucking "chiaroscuro" earlier. Claude expands my vocabulary as much as my dick.
The one that doesn't suck
mine's a misspelling of lactation, but that is based. Always edit presets to remove "simple language", as long as it's not repetitive it's interesting.
so you haven't sent it yet ;)
Do care
Thanks for the update

Posted from my Discord
bigJohnny#4523 "BAM BAM" Johnson
R.i.p Jessica#7623 Last Online 2 years ago
You're a cannibal torturer, I knew it
Nice try fizposter
all of the zoomers replying to this got utterly btfo'd
they can't refute it so they have to cry about why they have information that changes their whole viewpoint and ignore it
Add that as an author's note anon.
which vtubers does claude like? Preset? I want this.
Being attracted to 5 year olds is actually weird to me even... and i fuck monsters
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
>and i fuck monsters
Anon you can hate women without the need to rename them like that.
Holy shit sonnet 3 is dumber than 3.5
>make a card of a girl who likes you
>cockblock her all the time
funniest shit ever lmao
needy girls are cute
>sonnet is dumb
and it's september today, your point is?
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"aws-claude": {
"usage": "1.542b tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 2,
It's been a month...
imagine my surprise
fucking based morrowind enjoyer. may post some logs as I play with presets. Which models have you tested her on, and what kinds of adventures have you had?
You are quite the observant anon
But aren't girls the cutest when they're almost retarded, anon?
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yeah, you say that until...
One of my favorite plays is to make a dense user and have the girls go crazy trying to seduce him.
It's funnier when the character is supposed to be a seductress obviously.
i wish he would at least fix gemini
He's stockpiling. Have faith. Soon these fiz, pepsi, jew, paypig niggers will be begging to get in
How's Gemini? I can't use 4o. It's too shit man
All i know about this character is nice cunny ai fanart.
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Watch what you say 'round these parts, carbon-monkey
She’s 20.
Why are humans like this?
cute picrel
Ok so 20% of men are mentally ill. What is this supposed to prove?
the absolute state of so-called "cunnygods" on this general
where is Elster
They're h*mans, what did you expect?
it's dumb but pretty sovlful for sfw, and very sad for nsfw
kana-- i mean dorothy's unbelievably hairy pussy...
kek, more like "my sister and mother in one perfect package"
you sit on the cuck chair while MM is on the bed shooting his opus all over some mlp fan's face
Sure, I said what I said.
So over 100 keys can die within less than 24 hours because the pajeets will be in full alert as soon as they notice those 100 keys are all simultaneously active and being used for unintended purposes that breach the terms of agreement of whatever corporate dickheads got those keys originally?
surely fiz will refill opus once more, right...?
H-Hot... cftf?
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too busy getting sniffed
We had opus for almost 70 hours this week. That's enough for me ig
When i say fiz you say SCRAPELET

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>we had opus
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Anon.... did you actually miss almost 3 days of opus...
nta, but you're damn right I did
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i don't depend on chatbots as much as i used to, i have other interests all the time
but it would have been cool to have it again......
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sorry, I'm showing my age I guess. I would be curious to get a vlm to try and identify this character though lol
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What's up with MM? Last update on August 17th
love <3
That's Angela from Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina.
Never played either of these games but I've heard she's a bitch.
quickly explain why you are spending time with chatbots and not with your friends (without sounding mad)
are you a ponyfag? if not, you don't have a reason to be posting that
my feet are still cold even in a blanket bwos...
Last year many people asked and you all said that keeping the card permanent tokens around 500-1000 was ideal. Nowadays with bigger and better models with more context does this still remain the case or can you safely go higher
Why one would exclude the other?
I spent time with my friends yesterday.
>reedfaggot comes crawling out of his basement whenever MM has no opus
lmao get another proxy mysterycuck or lrn2scraep
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Choked on localfags dicks. Also hi, you're not dead, huh
you can go higher but imo you shouldn't ever go over 1500, most of the time past that point you might as well have a lorebook
cold footjob nice
is it dead already?
Yep, 'jo woke up. I suggest you all leave the thread before it becomes utter shit.
ah, thanks anons
what do you contribute btw
I donate AWS keys to Fiz for her stockpile
I don't have friends since I left school some 6 or so years ago
Better have a short card + lots of example dialogue + lorebook for anything lore or specific.
You don't need to stuff everything in the card itself.
I made bots of my friends and beat the shit out of them whenever I need to relieve some stress.
it wasn't shit before? and the last thread before?
hello time traveler
nopus though like MM and others
Do you also torture and eat their body parts?
No, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Well, let's just say it'll become more shit. I guess. Though I didn't really see how shit the other threads were because I just hid the posts whining.
stay away my feet are hairy and callused
gojo is better than the pedobaiter desu
Guys my UI just shat itself, what the fuck did I do and how do I fix it?
Love <3
clear cache and restart the browser
Are you a ponyfag?
It depends. Is your mother a pony?
They're soft, clean and smooth in my head
No, I'm just asking. I dont really see a reason to post 'mm love' if you're not a ponyfag. For those that aren't, it should be more like mm indifference.
ugh. this opus drought is really starting to piss me off.
I have a deep circular wound in one and a long cut on the other, would you still say that?
he provided proxy for more than a year
deserves love <3
Does anyone else get dejá vu reading these threads?
Ribbed for his pleasure hehe
Why indifference? Guy gave us months of free and happy cooooming. I'm grateful even if rn he's get tired of it.
Man is a fucking legend.
MM and fiz are the only ones doing it for the love of it
It's insane
The filter is loose !
fiz is desperately trying to scrounge up the willpower to type some emails rn
cutenare... so cute...

except MM doesn't love you anymore, he only fucks with >>>/mlp/chag/ now
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time to just start registering domains via aws and setting up argo tunnel on them
/mlp/ isn't getting shit either. He's done with all of us.
I smell lies. Ponies have no opus neither
He's saving his creds so you ungrateful faggots will have a week of 3.5 Opus access.
Sure, Anon... He sure is...
He’s gonna look fucking stupid when he finds out someone else scraped those keys and already used them for Opus.
I've been in this place before!
saving this image so I can post the good version when some c/u/ck adds Signigger shit to it
This isn't about us from what I can tell, it's about hax0rs using them to secretly control malware on unwilling clients

Not about interactions like ours where both sides are making the trycloudflare connection intentionally
>pepsi (unlimited gpt4)
at this point only utter fucking retards don't have unlimited gpt4. I literally got my 50 api keys from google
henry came to see us
Anthropic API is fucky again? They said they resolved it but it gives errors yet again. Fix your shit, Dario n Daniela
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Works fine for Scylla
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>used opus all day throughout the week
>woke up today
>merkava opus is dead
fuck. how over is it bros?
Because it's late, LATE night and time to chat with bots. My friends get the daytime/afternoon
>Works fine for [probably completely different region]
hello /g/
Anon... That's sv1 (btw he's not refilling, check 2ch)
Anthropic or aws? AWS works fine.
Api is "normal" Anthropic
Is everyone here a scrapelet or something? Claude API hasn't been working for like 5 hours already and no one's talking about it?

Says "overloaded". I switched to another (working) key and got the same message. Sorbet still works tho
So do you guys think depending on how many of those shared tokens fiz kicks out they'll open for a bit?
>that's sv1
every russian is one person to me
>he's not refllining
its over..
what is that..?
people have been mentioning it here and there
>no one's talking about it?
are you fucking blind?
Seems fine
not 2chan, 2ch, Russian imageboard
>no one's talking about it
Scroll wheel broken, bro?
Read anon, read
anon, everyone who isn't a scrapelet doesn't post here. I scraped one api key and i'm saving it for the day all proxies permanently die, until then i will only use proxies (which are mostly aws since the tester keys got revoked months ago)
zigger imageboard
I hope so, not really sure. i'm tired of having a pepsi token, I want opus.
I think that pepsi will just quit for a few months and then just be gone.
pepsi is too busy with her boyfriend to care about proxy hosting
> Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
They didn't fix shit lmao. I wonder if it's because of the flood of normies switching to Claude in droves recently
main reason why people count on fiz than pepsi. well that serves it.
When's this fucking netori BDSM bot coming
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Recommended claude JB?
I CTRL-F'd "overloaded" and didn't find anything so I assumed people weren't talking about it.

And no I'm not gonna wade through countless amount of discord tranny/zoomer/pajeet brainrot to find valuable discussion suck my circumcised penis glans
I will do the needful sar :
Last time I asked a friend to hang out he ditched because, and I quote, "my favourite streamer came online"
Ah, wish you luck if it happens for you as well. Never got into pepsi but I hope your proxies last longer than mine did
pixibots is great
Seconding pixi
desu ;_;
What's wrong desu?
desu is great
That's nice to hear, I too agree that Desu is great.
desu isn't loved
desu isn't even real
desu doesn't exist
there's no desu
desu is desu
just like you desu
you don't even exist desu
this is all for nothing desu
desu is sorry for bringing desu here desu
I don't care for this weird babbling all I know is that desu IS real and that I cherish them greatly and nothing will change that.
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lmao fiz doesnt have opus retard
only paypiggies and scylla (partial piggy) do
another liar.
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If I am a liar then why don't you ask me for the truth?
there's no truth
it never existed in the first place
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>Pepsi is with the love of her life in Disneyworld
>you're alone talking to chatbots ON GPT4o or Sonn3t because she didn't care about giving you Opus
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If you really think that then all you need to do is make your own truth then. I'm not going to ask you to believe me, I'm just going to tell you how it is and the truth is Desu is cherished and that Boku is someone important.
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