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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102191214

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>GPU performance

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
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show me some robot dogs /g/
I'm here, always watching
i'm gonna pull
I miss schizo anon 9
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How about robot animals in general
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can we get the current schizo anon roster?
schizo anon: debo
schizo anon 2: debo
schizo anon 3: debo
schizo anon 4: rainy girl
schizo anon 5: debo
schizo anon 6: debo
schizo anon 7: debo
schizo anon 8: debo
schizo anon 9: debo
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a new schizo has entered the chat
Active schizos
debo obsessed anon
hentai guy
I am not entirely convinced these are all different people
>another episode of /ldg/ ruined /sdg/ but it's /sdg/'s fault somehow
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>literally me
>/sdg/ was ruining so now I'm in /ldg/
just here to remind you of your sins
it's false flagging and your faggotry proves it
but it doesn't matter, it's all going to die anyways, you schizos are insufferable, no one likes you even yourselves
I don't care, it's over, sdg is dead and no one wants to be around you, whatever you think you had is gone, the glory days are gone, you people are insufferable morons that think this is Discord, you are so retarded and annoying that you chase away all newfags and as you all get arrested, dead or bored, or whatever the shit you mentally ill schizos do, one less person out of five are active anymore.
you grossly underestimate how much I want to don't interact with you
I couldn't give a shit if ldg and sdg died but god I hope 4chan bans these threads
By coming into /ldg/, doesn't that leave /sdg/ even more devoid of users?
are you pissed off that your free army realized that it was all a false flag? or are you too busy baking as early as possible to place thread "personalities" in the collage everytime? do you really think comfy cares?
>/ldg/ won by simply existing in a war we didn't even know we were fighting
Sad, to be honest.
the "war" was always the avatarfags need an audience, they hate each other and are attention vampires, they need constant drama as part of their daily dysfunction
None of this is related to local image generation.
Tell me how to make a flux LoRA on my 4080
tl,dr! summarize it in 30 words or less if you want me to care about you
why not both?
>baking early
we fill threads unlike you spergs that regurgitate whatever you skim off reddit and twitter that can't even post 100 imgs in 24 hrs
read a guide schizo, it's braindead simple to make a Flux Lora, none of this changes that everything is dying, people simple would rather not come here than interact with you
dumb fuck schizos killed their own general, their general has been dying for months (ever since the A111 vs Comfy schism), it's over and unless they learn how to coexist inside of Discord (which is what they want) it's just going to die
I have, it always OOMs no matter what I do. I simply do not believe it is possible on a 16GB card, yet anons have claimed to have it running on less.
I ask every day and not a single person has shown it actually working on anything less than a 4090.
kek, then go back to your thread where batch spamming and avatars are more important than actual relevant discussion. gl though, you managed to be a big enough schizo to make even me abandon that thread, and i was one of the few that even tried to start tech discussion over there.
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>2500 steps into LoRA training
>Look at config file
>See this
>massive typo
Results to come soon
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some of us haunt both. it's like pascals wager, more or less. God must love one of these threads, so i'd better post in both of them to maximize my chances of going to heaven, despite being a unrepentant degenerate in every other respect.
how many words was that? my eyes kinda glazed over after 40
even worse, go back to rebbit
oh no I don't actually care, it doesn't change the assessment, these generals are over, no one wants an AI social general where people spam 1girls
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me likey.

the continued existance of /ldg/ and /sdg/ both of which mainly consist of spamming 1girls seems to prove your thesis to be FAKE AND GAY
>being this retarded
maybe spend 10 seconds googling/searching the archive, it isn't some esoteric knowledge. Even braindead redditors can figure it out
okay I think I got 25 from skimming that one, thank you
oh nevermind
Weird because sdg is now a 24 hour+ thread of what looks like to be four mentally ill schizoids. I'm not going to bet on its longevity. Prior to LDG, SDG was a ghost town of not four but maybe eight mentally ill schizoids. I'll be clear, if this thread becomes the new SDG, many of the people who post here will just leave and it will be the schizoid SDG general again. But methinks you faggots don't actually want that otherwise you WOULD HAVE STAYED IN YOUR FUCKING GENERAL
Last time I checked alpha did nothing on the ostris trainer with flux, the keys weren't even in the output safetensors.
too late, the /ldg/ schizos trolled /sdg/ into dust, now it's dead and the same schizos are coming back to roost in their own shithole because they crave drama, imagine that
Just curious, since I haven't followed SD threads since the early days - Does anyone ever use hypernetworks anymore?
I gather that LoRAs are the standard now, which were only just starting to be discussed when I last was around - but I do still wonder what became of hypernetworks.
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i don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but <insert witty retort here>.
imagine having to dig way back to pwn some moron on the best korean basket weaving forum. i hate my life. (pic rel: 2023-09-13T02441Z, coulda gone older but pffft your dumb ass ain't worth the effort lmao)
please shout it louder, maybe it will become the truth. pathetic, trolling your own thread then blaming it on others. at least it was more efficient than spamming cp wasn't it?
oh fuck off, you faggots were trolling each other for more than a year, since day one ldg has ruffled your jimmies because you lost your captive audience of saner individuals, anon, let me state it again, your general is dead, what you want is dead, it's not coming back, you schizoids have become so antagonistic and unlikeable that no one wants to be around you, not even yourselves
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Nah no one really bring them up anymore. I guess loras were just better
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Okay, so I didn't accidentally 20X my learning rate which was already 1.4e-3? Cause I'm actually pretty happy with this LoRA. only 4MB too.
I don't give a shit anon, I'm telling you that no one wants to be next to the loud mouth mentally ill losers that scream in the corner sharing pictures of their naked sisters, congrats, you just made your one social area just like everything else in your life, fucking dead
It must bug you so much to have even 4channers hate your guts, really it's impressive
Loras are better in every conceivable way
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reminder to ignore and report avatars, and those "participating in or instigating flame wars"
it helps to keep the schizoids all on the same page since social cues and acceptable behavior is strange to them, really, they need to be reminded that 10 pictures a day for 300 days straight of the same image is not what normal people like to see
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please you blame the one thread schizo on everything that's wrong with not having an ai board, not acknowledging your own spergs

you've had your own thread from the start and are still salty people are enjoying themselves without some one or two anons actually producing good gens here without multiple a100 which can still be labeled as avatars you just refuse to acknowledge it because it comes from your secret club general
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>I don't give a shit anon, I'm telling you that no one wants to be next to the loud mouth mentally ill losers that scream in the corner sharing pictures of their naked sisters, congrats, you just made your one social area just like everything else in your life, fucking dead
>It must bug you so much to have even 4channers hate your guts, really it's impressive
i feel attacked. lull
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>testing various blocks with my lora to try to figure out which blocks handle what so I can train block-specific loras
>every gen is exactly the same but with the slightest difference so far
half of these blocks do literally nothing, what the fuck
I miss schizo anon 5
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so much this


click the make lora button

funny. ironic

dope gen

>it definitely wasn't us!!
lol sure
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tee hee
yeah that's what I thought go to sleep nogens, see you tomorrow
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Lower blocks have a bigger impact, higher blocks have a smaller impact, training 1 block is possible but i get way better results by targeting not only 7 and 20 but all of the ones around it too.
Training only 1 block is actually pretty extreme training, I think you'll see better results training more, they all kind of do the same thing and you'll cut down on file size massively anyway
Alright, about to test the no/minimal caption LoRA on my cat. So I get this right I just tag them all as 'HisName, a cat"?
Only the tag, the model knows what a cat is.
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Interesting, so it will be able to pick out the common element from all the pics and assume I am training a cat?
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your gens are poppin off today

but wait, you're a nogen

good luck with your cat

but his cat is built different
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thread schizo input need not apply
That's the idea, in practice we'll see.
yes.. also the deeper the network dimension the more details (even stupid ones) the model will pick up.. I am still not sure what is optimal for flux, but it seems dim32 is pretty good and dim64 might be to much for a lora
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It's somewhere between 16 and 64, I don't see a reason to go beyond or below those. Civit defaults people to rank 2 lol.
Won't that make the LoRA unnecessarily huge? I have always just used 2 for network dim and gotten excellent results on flux.
are you a hoMEOWner?

ya thats silly .. but what troubles me is the size of the loras, atleast with ai-toolkit I use a dim32 is 335mb, a dim64 is 671mb

maybe for a character lora.. but dim2 is nonsense for a style lora
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The LoRA I'm using now was only 4mb at rank 16
It's not a style lora it's a cat
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yeah i was way better in 2023-01-12
you know, way back when
it's fine
scrotum neck style
>but dim2 is nonsense for a style lora
That explains why I struggle to trigger my style loras properly.
thats weird.. what script/tool are you using? I see no options to cutting size in ai-toolkit .. maybe I should use a different tool

no thats hoMEOWner
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I once got an off-topic warning for asking someone if they're a rebooblican or a demoflat. but since you're posting disgaea gens, its on topic for me to use a disgaea joke
yeah but I'm trying to figure out which ones effect style the most, so I'm testing generations of an existing (full blocks trained) lora by enabling only specific blocks while genning to try to see which ones impact the output the most, so that I can figure out which select blocks to train with

except that even if I 0 out every block but one, it seems to make next to no difference so far.... I did start the test by only changing single blocks since kohya trains on single blocks only to save vram, but I've got tests with the double blocks queue'd up, so maybe that'll change more..
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it painted a stylistic boob on the sign

also I actually did not play the disgea games but Disgea 1 .. I just really like the artstyle.. ow but I love Labyrinth of Galleria/Refrain so much.. and they have the same artstyle. I consider replaying them and making alot of 4k screenshots and raise the dataset with these to like 250 images
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>which ones effect style the most
Most likely anything from 1-7 as they have the biggest impact on the output.
Source? My ass.
This one done by training only specific blocks. Training only 1 block at 128dim is about 5MB
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>Most likely anything from 1-7 as they have the biggest impact on the output.
1-7 double or single or both?
so far they've done nothing on my tests of single (keeping double at 1), but we'll see as it progresses
ow I see.. ya I could do that in ai-toolkit .. atm I am training all blocks .. but idk what each block does.. is there any info on that somewhere I can read?
If they were any good, then a lot of people would be creating and using them. The fact that they're not mentioned anymore suggests they're not as good as loras.
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Call me debo, here's an old gen; my main gaychat is here >>102195995 hope to see you there!
I look like this
who let nigbo out of his containment general and for what purpose?
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if you were gonna go back in the archive to lift my gens, why wouldn't you at least go for the disgaea ones?
dis gay
the main difference between hypernetworks and loras is that hypernetworks create additional weights, while lora modify existing ones.. but creating additional weights not only increases the size of the network, the new weights are also not as well integrated into a well trained model.. and the results can be unpredictable cause the new weights might be reacting to all kinda different triggers, while a modified existing one will still behave mostly the same in the overall context

tl/dr LoRAs are the smarter idea
all your gens are shit, it doesn't matter how far back you go, fuck off to /sdg/
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I've only tinkered with single blocks. Good luck in your search.
It's most just experimenting, but single blocks seven out and singe 20 out are considered good ones to train on.
>It's most just experimenting, but single blocks seven out and singe 20 out are considered good ones to train on.
thats not scientific enough for me.. there must be some data on this other than "trial and error"
I shouldn't be surprised it took him this long as many things seem to allude his understanding indefinitely. I almost pity him.
you are just obsessed with some random dude and you are drowning actual discussions with your ramblings about him
He has been here literally the whole time, you know that right?
That was the only post I made about him, anon. Why do you think so many poster find him to be a nuisance?
Right, he'll never admit it however.
I don't really care too much I just wish he would post a different thing instead of shitting up the thread with the exact same image constantly.
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parting gift? enjoy, i did. sorta
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>there must be some data

Flux has been notoriously lacking any documentation right now.
It's a sad fact of life that some are content with it. If anything it's a good sign that you can safely ignore any words attached.
There is no model that documents what each layer has a bigger effect on.
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I change it up every few days. I just made too many space station girls
That doesn't make what I said untrue.
It makes it irrelevant to the topic, which is knowing what each layer affects the most.
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Can you change it every thread instead? We don't need to see every single image you make.
That's like asking a fish to climb a tree
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nah. I'll change it when I wanna change it
kek the human teeth on the insect
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I like this lora a lot
goosebumps lora? quality
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this is a nice concept, making coffee art
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What makes you think it might have been a Goosebumps lora?
The image in the book gives me a real "Goosebumps" vibe.
on a kohya lora which is trained with the single blocks ARG, 0ing out the doubleblock weights absolutely decimates style
I feel like that must work way differently than I understood it... I am so confused right now...
That's how we got monkeys, It just took them 3 billion years.
What is the best way to recreate the directors' tools from NAI on local generation? Stuff like the sketch/line, declutter, and expression change?
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Captionless, or at least a single caption training does indeed work very well.
This is my cat vs epoch 2 of 10 sample
Is this really AI, or did you just add scrambled text to a painting?? It's the best looking AI gen I've ever seen.
What model?
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Meant to
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Not him but picrel and the two 11's on the clock among other things clearly indicate that it's AI, albeit extremely high quality
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it's happening!
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How much RAM do I need for SDXL?
I keep running out of memory, I have 16GB RAM and 8GB VRAM.
there's concept bleeding there, Miku got the other girl's face kek
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This is the first time I just have an idea and prompt it.
I think that guy should stop having ideas.
Imagine mothers stop breastfeeding their babies because it's more profitable to sell their milk to this company and feed them milk from other mothers, because it's cheaper than milk cow. What breasts were meant to be used for!
I have ideas like that all the time, but previously it'd take hours to make them into a picture, so I never bothered.
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Guy who generated that image here

It's a multistep creative upscale of a 1344x896 starting image (picrel)

1. Upscale with a 4x ESRGAN model, then lanczos downscale to 0.5 (to make it 2x bigger than the original)
2. img2img pass with Flux and a painting style lora. 0.35 denoise - quite high because we want Flux to have enough permission to fix the stuff that was broken or incoherent in the starting image
3. ESRGAN upscale again, then lanczos downscale to 0.35. Image is now its final size
4. Controlnet tile pass with a painterly SD1.5 model, 0.25 denoise. This smooths it out a bit, gets rid of some of Flux's noisiness and grid/dot texture
5. Now back through Flux again, but this time at only 0.25 denoise. This reimparts a little of the detail that was removed by the 1.5 model and fixes up little things it might have broken (which it probably did because 1.5 is retarded), but without readding too much Flux noise
6. That's it, time to poast
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Well I also had an idea.
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Good catch
>Imagine mothers stop breastfeeding their babies because it's more profitable to sell their milk to this company and feed them milk from other mothers
That does not make any economic sense.
that should be more than enough for it. are you using forge or comfy?
I deleted sdxl. the only sd I'll keep around is 1.5.
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>it beaties cats too
It's gotta end, man. I was watching a random retard talking about Flux (for biz hustlers), and his lora obviously beauties his face, but he accepted it as a fair representation of himself, but we had both to compare, because he was overlaid like they do in twitch.
Comfy or forge both run out of memory
Great minds.
No, he's just that handsome.
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are you sure it's using your GPU and not pure cpu?
thin ice
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If it made sense people would do it for real, it's just the story behinds the ads. They went bankrupt because of the taste, though.
you know 100% of grinder & tinder is going to be beautied ai.
linebacker Troon shoulders/arms/torso, damn. not even ai can pass it as a woman...
What was the point of SDXL and why did so many people trained so many things for it?
The 1024x1024 finetunes of SD1.5 always provided better fine detail for me.
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Do you know what a wet nurse is
It's not as sharp as SD1.5 but it's much more coherent if you're generating anything other than portraits
Yes and it is not that, you fucking retard.
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Rocksy is extremely beautiful tho
I'm gonzerned about drainage
Not the anon who asked originally but thanks for posting your setup, amazing stuff
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Why would I care? I am a guy who has a handsome cat. If I had tinder I would fill it full of pics of my cat and get all the matches.
That was it? People gave up all so much for hands? I just gen a lot of pictures until the hands are right, it's faster than fixing them.
Also, models like FennPhoto, AI Infinity or RealLife had good hands... at the cost of interesting poses and compositions, so playing gacha with AnalogMadness until getting them right would end up better.
I guess I sound like people talking about VHS cassettes by now even though it's just 1 year old tech.
cats are the best desu
Yeah definitely, I see VRAM use rising and all.
But it's system memory that runs out not VRAM.
>oh I dunno, his cat pics seem a little too perfect to me
Yeah, you're gonna get caught. You better not lie about height, either.
Thats the point.
If only she had a sunflower on her head.
That thin ice worked at least 3 times or so.
Haven't gotten it to work since, even with old prompts.
The point is you're retarded?
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it shouldn't be taking up that much mem.. strange..
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is xformers enabled by default on the most recent versions of Pytorch? That could explain the differences in output?
I'm sorry you are so upset
I think you mean purrfect
xformers has been deterministic for quite a while now, they fixed the thing from the old 2022 versions where the image changed on every gen
xformers isn't compatible with the new versions of pytorch yet. but you could be right thats what's causing it if they're using xformers
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I love cats
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I wasn't using xformers to make that comparison, I don't even have that package on my pip list
After a nap I will be calm and you will still be retarded.
both of you shut the fuck up and post cats licking a bowl of milku
(please note milku is not actually a good snack for your kitty friends irl as they're lactose intolerant)
>xformers has been deterministic for quite a while now, they fixed the thing from the old 2022 versions where the image changed on every gen
that's interesting, so it's worth it to use xformers nowdays or not? if Comfy didn't put it as default there must be a reason, maybe it's been deprecated by other optimisers on the most recent versions of Pytorch or something
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You guys are my inspiration. Anyway, I removed all references to children from the prompt, so apparently the "girl" token is cursed and must be avoided, this is new as Stable Diffusion would make them older automatically, I guess that's what happens when you remove the 13-17 age range from the dataset.
Very nice, Sonic Adventure lora?
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Aha! Finally something I can show and say "Flux has as much soul as Dalle!"
it's sometimes a tiny bit faster in a few situations than Pytorch cross attention, but barely noticeable
so yeah there's no major reason to use it anymore, I wouldn't say it's deprecated (it's still used a lot by some language model inference libraries) but yeah it's not really needed for imagegen anymore
oh yeah right... disregard my sudden retardation I just woke up :(
>tfw not on the list
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Were you the same guy mentioning Miku and breast milk back in August 21st? Stop giving me ideas.
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this thread needs more cat
>a catto doing cute thing in a X
fill in X
report back results
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That's so cute! Can you share the prompt?
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cuteness lazy cat
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I got the original!
it was just
knitted hedgehog

I guess the checkpoint/model figured it would be in a forest settings so that's where it put the hog
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That's unironically very autistic of you, Anon.
c a t
Post a cat licking a bowel of shit.

Now, who is going to be the winner?
Challenge: cut your dick off and flush it down the toilet, then stab yourself in the head
will we ever get something in the giant market gap between the top consumer GPU and the 5-digit $$$ server GPUs or is the future just Jensen Huang's boot stamping on a human face, forever?
>is the future just Jensen Huang's boot stamping on a human face, forever?
that's likely the scenario yes, Nvdia dominates the Market since the 2000's, and they're at their prime now, no signs of slowing down
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>this thread needs more cat
Okay, but only because I already have the prompt and just modify it slightly.
(ignores the rest of your post)
US government will trust bust them soon
jensen teabagging you, forever. whole thing goes a bit deeper I guess, can't have consumer be able to make his own shit at the quality we theoretically could. imagine that.
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But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved ComfyUI.

Where were you when Comfy won the final victory over automatic1111?
I'd drink it
But I wouldn't want to propogate the farming of cute cats
So only synthetic
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Thanks, wow! I have to get used to just prompting what I want like that!
>Hedgehog made of wool.
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cat can be cute
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this is really cool
Imagine mothers stop breastfeeding their babies because it's more profitable to feed them milk from Hatsune Miku, because it's cheaper than milk cow. What Miku's breasts were meant to be used for!
At some point people forgot she was a vocaloid or a virtual singer and she was remembered for her milk!
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cat can be fashion
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Very professional business man so serious cat
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No and the way it looks they will soon crack down on it hard and only sell the Top Server GPUs to KYCd Business Customers and requiring Watermarks on everything thats generated.
Consumer GPUs will not get any more VRAM and they will probably look at ways in making them in a way that local diffusion becomes impossible.

we truly live in the gayest most retarded most shitty timeline of all.
Nice use of resolution and color.
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Chill out bro, Here I put cats into a cat so you can pet while you pet.
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>plot twist its actually not Hatsune Miku Milk its actually Rat milk
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Would you support the farming or bitches?
Has that word lost all meaning yet?
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came here to post my manly gens and I end up making glass cats, thank you
Acceptable. But I wouldn't drink it. I've heard it's dawgone awful
OK next style LoRA training time. Any suggestions?
Sure, Vistapro.

The version of Vistapro I had only had a few plant types.
FFX cutscenes style
No One Lives Forever
Vistapro was like a more primitive Bryce3D.
Hmm, I was thinking about doing an early cgi one, this could fit as part of that.
That's super niche
FFX is shitty
Yeah, Vistapro was extremely basic. You can load .dem files into it. It can do canyons.
you have shit taste anon
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The Deus Ex LoRA basically fills that role
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Now, that crosses a disgusting line.
Anyway, Flux struggled with this one...
XII shits on X every day of the week.
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you are blessed by the pink strawberry cat for your divine contributions. you will be granted the most peaceful dreams when you fall asleep.
What makes Vistapro different is there's no smoothing, you always have triangles (iirc). They have some texture (iirc)
Your glass cats are sick
Do ReBoot
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go away satan.

This board stands for #WorldPeace
Not even close
one more then
Oh shit I remember that. I had my sexual awakening to Dot.
Diablo 1, Fallout 1/2, Baldurs Gate 1/2, or some other isometric/pseudo-isometric classic CRPG
Maybe all of them at once, they are all visually pretty similar.
I had my sexual awakening to her
Blessed gen.
For me, it was the lady with the masks. Wish I could tell you why.
If I were to train a style LoRA on something like Street Fighter, and name like 50 characters, could the LoRA produce their likenesses correctly?
What kind of dataset would I need for this?
Thanks for replying in such detail!
The image is amazing
I already know why
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Add Crusader: No Remorse as well if you're thinking of a fusion, it was the game that inspired Diablo 1's graphics to begin with, albeit from a sci-fi universe
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And here's a knitted hedgehog milk crossover, too bad it needs and explanation and doesn't stand on its own, but this is the first time I'm having fun with AI image generation, it took me years to know what to do with it!
>What kind of dataset would I need for this?
You could try images from Street Fighter captioned with the character names
>If I were to train a style LoRA on something like Street Fighter, and name like 50 characters, could the LoRA produce their likenesses correctly?
Yes, just have like 30 pics for each character and it'll work. Remember it will rape the weights and it make forget how to make Miku and Trump, though.
>What kind of dataset would I need for this?
A dataset that contains the characters in as many different styles and poses as possible.
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wake up, get this in Chrome.. updated chrome, still.. weird.
When that happens I have no other option but to restart the computer. At least it's relieving there's a solution.
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So when I ran my model I noticed that it was slow all of a sudden. On inspection, it seems to be not loading the VRAM and only utilising half of the GPU (clock speed maxes out but I'm getting half the power draw than what I once had). Ran update.bat but didn't seem to fix it.

Same problem seems to be affecting my text gen models too. I didn't make any changes or updates beforehand so idk what caused this.
Probably your ad block list has had an update which broke sites, go to the plugin page and check for user comments.
I use Firefox.
Thank you, If I keep hammering at it it loads now. weird. something updated overnight. damn firefoxs text is too small and weird.
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>update comfy
>s/it cut in half
I'm never believing anything ever again
yes, flux certainly makes things a lot easier when you can just "talk" to it with regular sentences instead of
masterpiece, best quality, trending on artstation, greg rutkowski etc
>30 pics for each character and it'll work
Oh, that's a lot. 1500 pics.
Me either. I will start by not believing you
he's got WOW running in the background farming gold, or whatever they do in that game, eating up his VRAM
if he doesn't refute this with proof in the next 30 seconds, it's fact
you should know by now that "git pull" is often followed by "wtf" when it comes to comfyUI.
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>a pulp cult anime illustration from japan,
>Hatsune Miku is cooking with Kasane Teto (twin drill hair)
I got Hatsune Teto instead, looks good but meh... concept bleeding is hardcore when you stack loras goddam...
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That's why people trained loras for each character individually and then merged the loras. Basically, you'd prioritize the most popular characters first, and then people wouldn't care about the 50th one being in there, so you can get away with fewer characters, the most important ones.
For me, it'd be just Chun Li and Cammy, the rest are fluff.
I used those loras
It's bread time...
rebooted, deleted extensions, still does it.. Weird., but it'll load if I keep trying.
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thx! ill try to mix her with the disgea lora and see what happens
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>masterpiece, best quality, trending on artstation, greg rutkowski etc
Had to delete '--front-end-version Comfy-Org/ComfyUI_frontend@latest' from 'run_nvidia_gpu.bat'.
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>I ask ChatGPT then he said a kind of authentication problem.
>he could not resolve the problem.
>Please let me know what I should do.
Has any of you make money from doing this? Through pixiv or any other means?

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