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Level editor Edition

gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg
Render bugs: renderdoc

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags

Previous: >>102150640
>cant even make a webm that doesnt fuck up on most devices.
orange crab is such a bad language using it is like undoing all the work you did to make a game
there is nothing fromg with yuv444p
meant to type wrong idk how that happened
I downloaded what was posted in the previous thread. Why didn't you complain then?
Works on my computer
that's hilarious anon
>phonefag outed
Caught with this lingerie down!
the absolute state of this fucking thread, so this is why the thread dies in euro times, it's either death or permanent shitposting
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What are you working on /gedg/?
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I have abandoned my last game and am currently brainstorming my what next idea to abandon
were you abandoned as a child so now you abandon every project as a cope mechanism?
Imagine if C++ was just C but with namespaces and class system that only had member functions (no constructors, destructors, inheritance, or RAI). Then it would actually be a good language.

Today I'm going to get some work done on my game for the first time in a long time.

Works on my machine. Is this a M*c problem? I hope not because Apple users don't deserve human rights.
>Imagine if C++ was just C but with namespaces and class system that only had member functions (no constructors, destructors, inheritance, or RAI). Then it would actually be a good language.
kek, no. I have no excuse, I just suck at sticking to a project because I suck at coming up with ideas I actually want to stick too.
>Imagine if C++ was just C but with
But that is C++? You take C, slap everything you can think of on top of it, and then proceed to only use the bits you want to use. Especially if its a solo project, no one else is going to sneak constructors or whatever into your code.
1. Nobody will buy your game

2. Nobody will play your game

3. All the mandatory thousand plus hours you are going to have to put into any game just to make it playable for release will flop and get 5 reviews on steam after it makes $100 USD.
C++ still has a shitty build system. Zig had the right idea with both comptime and the build system. Imagine having to learn multiple shitty scripting languages just so you can glue and build your project in the first place
>and get 5 reviews on steam after it makes $100 USD
god I fucking wish
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>those digits

You only live once.
>Works on my machine. Is this a M*c problem?
doesnt work in firefox on android either, but it does work if I click share and pick mpv, so its not the hardware
>C++ still has a shitty build system
Okay, ya, you got me there
>1. Nobody will buy your game
Ok and?
>2. Nobody will play your game
Ok and?
>3. All the mandatory thousand plus hours you are going to have to put into any game just to make it playable for release will flop and get 5 reviews on steam after it makes $100 USD.
As long as one person had fun with it, it'll put a smile on my face.
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>As long as one person had fun with it, it'll put a smile on my face.
C++ also has the shittiest language server of all languages, even the new memelangs lol. Clangd JUST got the ability to switch between header/source, but there are still no quick actions (like generating implementation of a function/method in header (even eclipse can do that). Or the stupid clangd keeps inserting #include <cstdint> whenever I use uint32_t, even if stdint.h was already included in header file, or even worse when it is a C project so <cstdint> doesn't even EXIST. By God, clangd is such garbage
>C++ still has a shitty build system.
Give Xmake a try it's really good.
Surely one day someone will make "C++, but good". Kind of what Jai claims to be? If it ever comes out..
Jai is proprietary garbage that paid shills shill. C++ is fine as a language, it just needs waaaay better tooling (including LSP)
Build scripts and cross compilation with Win64 as the target.
is it possible to do smoke and particle effects in html canvas? i want to make a point and click adventure game
You can but it can get slow if you aren't using WebGL
Switched to quantized vertices. It's just 20 bytes now and I still have 2 bytes in padding that I could use for vertex color once I need it. Split it into two streams. Did some optimizations, And culling is now implemented as iterator over scene nodes so I don't need to allocate memory for visible objects. Only for ROPs.
you can use modules in C++ today with CMake / modern clang / modern msvc / modern g++, not having to create separate header files for everything makes the language feel a million times more modern
maybe i am getting ahead of myself, but would it be more performant to use transparent pngs for the smoke or steam or whatever and animate them instead of trying to do actual particles?
no, using webgl and doing it in a shader is going to take advantage of the actual gpu and be way more parallel, doing it in a canvas is going to do cpu rendering, which is fine for a small particle count but performance goes to shit for large particle counts
Unrelated question, but I remember there used to be a c/c++ general. Where is it?
Sure but until we get a good LSP that will actually fix their bugs we will continue to be forced to use VS or QTCreator for serious projects
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>not having to create separate header files for everything
I have a confession. I have just been writing everything in the header for years, even without modules implemented240vn
I use CLion but you should try compile_commands.json, CMake can auto export it for you. It was reasonably fast last time I tried it.

your compile speeds must be insanely slow
I'm glad you are all suffering for using c/c++. Fuck all of you.
>header files
imagine living in the fucking stone ages, why are header files still a thing? you can shit on memelangs all you want, but the fact that they don't have header files garbage and all the shit that comes with them makes them instantly better. stop eating shit
who hurt you lilbro
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what do we thing about our yesdev king?
>your compile speeds must be insanely slow
I thought that would be annoying when I switched to header only. But I never noticed it being an issue desu. Small code I guess. Or high tolerance for longer wait times
It all happened during a linux conference.
>dog kills
why are all developers either pajeets or trannies?
>dog kills
holy based
he's just an australian
I hate facecams. Shits rude and I dont want to see it. Sucks that facecams have caught on in the programming vids too now
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the project is public so you can skip the formalities
i wish i can be as cool as him
Alright, fine. I'll make a game and mog you all. Just have to learn C# and Godot; it won't be hard.
t. Senior React engineer
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Got object sorting done. Thank God for the isometric projection saving my midwit ass once again.

Now to add doors and then get working on objects that can be placed on counters and tables.
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Keep seething dogcel
please enlighten me about what webm format to use. I use libvpx-vp9 since it gives the best result.
Ask me how do I know you use anime avatars online.
Imagine being subhuman trash
dog fags and cat fags go hand to hand with trannies
anti animal faggots go hand in hand with subhumans and barbaric non-civilizations
I'm not anti animals, I'm anti animal fuckers and faggots.
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why are you racist against canadians?
i don't like chinese people
Game story idea: literally just copy paste the narrative of ancient Rome with the names changed. It's better than 99% of game story slop
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Asset pipeline.
>defining what an asset "is" and its metadata (unique, modular, instanced, name, path, etc.)
>file structure for an asset
>layout and map assembly via USD so have a universal description of a map
>custom DSL in F# where assets are objects stored in a db instead of in memory
>C# filesystem tools to scaffold templates, etc.
>python importers/exporters for DCCs and Unreal
>USD asset resolver plugin (no work on this yet)
It's honestly a mess. Here's the set I'm working on
lol, lmao even
>tidy outliner
Keep it up anon
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My directX 9 shaders won't work on AMD but I have an Nvidia card
AMD's GPU ShaderAnalyzer doesn't find any problems so I'm kind of shit out of luck
Does anyone have any advice?
You're developing on an nvidia PC, but your players are getting issues on AMD cards? Is that the problem?
AMD doesn't play nice with DX9 at all.
Other than buying a cheap AMD PC, all I can suggest is renting a cloud computer

I mean, I'm forced to do it since that's what I'm working on. I'm trying to use USD to avoid relying on the engine's editor to build the levels, as they're pretty poor compared to DCCs. I feel like a define the set / layout each prim / sublayer each assembly structure should work pretty well
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>I feel like a define the set / layout each prim / sublayer each assembly structure should work pretty well
Yep, it works great. Besides also being super clean
so you are a tranny, got it
post your work moron

If you can upgrade DX to at least D3D11 do that and then use renderdoc. Usually when you get these vendor specific problems its because you're relying on UB. Like a variable is used without being initialized, so it just works on Nvidia because they initialize it to zero but on AMD its random values and it fails. Every time I've had a "works on nvidia but not amd" shader issue its that.
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How do isometrics usually deal with tiles overlapping? I seem to be losing pixels per tile resulting in visually what is 31x15 tiles rather than the expected 32x16.
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typically you account for it, so normal tile only has 2 sides with actual outlines, the opposite sides are blank. you do the same with normal 2d grids
but that's only for the grid, normal isometric maps tend to not have such grids in the art, they only highlight edges and overhangs.
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I wasn't planning to have edges visible, its more for checking how the tiles are being rendered. I just fear its going to cause issues down the line since the tiles rendered are slightly "lesser" than what the actual tile is.
I'm guessing I need to somehow introduce a tile gap variable here to stop it from overlapping with other tiles? Adjusting the tilesize to be 33x17 from 32x16 leads into broken rendering (see image)

    public static Vector2 IsoToScreen(Vector2 iso)
Vector2 screenPos = new Vector2(
(iso.X - iso.Y) * tileWidthHalf,
(iso.X + iso.Y) * tileHeightHalf

screenPos.X -= tileWidthHalf;
screenPos.X += 16*tileWidth; // hack: half map offset since no map holder yet.
screenPos -= cameraPos;

return screenPos;
>Switched to quantized vertices
explain further
if you want to be nice to more people I guess libvpx-vp9 with yuv420p instead of yuv444p as the pixel_format
In case he doesn't reply, quantizing is another word for compressing. Quantizing vectors is pretty common in networking to free up bandwidth for example. Instead of having 3 floats to describe points, you round them off either to whole numbers or to 1 or 2 decimal places

As far as mesh quantization, there's a paper here
and a glTF extension here
Can your game run on a 486?
The fact that he mentions that it's 20 bytes per vertex now also matches the glTF code
>As an example, a static PBR-ready mesh typically requires POSITION (12 bytes), TEXCOORD (8 bytes), NORMAL (12 bytes) and TANGENT (16 bytes) for each vertex, for a total of 48 bytes. With this extension, it is possible to use SHORT to store position and texture coordinate data (8 and 4 bytes, respectively) and BYTE to store normal and tangent data (4 bytes each), for a total of 20 bytes per vertex with often negligible quality impact.
Is there any compiler (doubt it's possible from software though) or CPU architecture that includes an instruction to force branch prediction? Like
if(ptr != nullptr) { ... }; // always assume ptr is valid
FInding some good pictures of CRTs are hard to find...
likely() and unlikely() are a thing nowadays, they're not portable and each compiler has a specific name for them.
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I'm enjoying making models.
This is pretty. I don't know how else to say it, other than it's familiar.
is this /agdg/ without the incessant schizo nodevs and pedophiles or is it just the general thread for enginedevs
It's the general thread for engine devs but you're welcome to post anything game related
how do i get my gf to get a fucking hobby so I can spend time on mine?
Got a little done today. Organized the code. For some fucking reason I was using a second vertex buffer instead of push constants. I don't know why I'm like this.
remove the fucking if-statement if you know the pointer will never be null, wtf
don't reply if you don't know what you're talking about
Oops I'm missing the keyboard

for enginedevs, languagedev, gamedevs. We can be autistic some time so be aware.
Another isometric chad! What'cha making?

>How do isometrics usually deal with tiles overlapping?
By drawing them back to front. And when you're making your tile sprite you have to conscious of the part of the sprite that will be drawn over.
ok, kiddo
Your question is founded in ignorance, though. Maybe articulate your thoughts more thoroughly if you don't want everyone to think you're an absolute idiot.
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I lost the files for this i still mourn my lost files
I even spent some money on a 3d model of a tennis court and had made her booba jiggle when she walked. All lost. I don't want to work on yotsubee i want my files back.

100m+ downloads for this saar
Congratulations, you've cracked the code.
When you stop obsessing over success, numbers and statistics, the work becomes more free and enjoyable, the outcome doesn't matter, only the process and delivery, and most of all, consistency. You'll build an audience doing just about whatever, as long as your output is consistent and constant. You are not the only human with your likes and dislikes, as long as you put yourself out there, the right people will magnetize towards you.
XMake is good. DESU though cmake with CPM.cmake is not bad though. Worth investigating if you must use C++ or cmake.
try converting them to modules and report back
Wanted to make something 2d after working in 3d for so long, so naturally i'm just going to make some sort of dungeon crawler inspired by diablo and others.
So guess there's no helping the overlap then, my autism will forever be triggered by this lmao
there's something off about that computer. can't tell if it's the lighting or weird shadow angle
>year of the lord 1973 + 51
>C fags STILL figuring out build systems
Can't make this shit up
At this point CMake is so ubiquitous that anyone not using it is just a contrarian retard
I'm at the phase where I know exactly what to do, but have no willpower to do it.
Better than having no idea about the game, but still. Feels bad.
I should point out: I also know exactly how to do it. It's literally a matter of quitting procrastinating
I'm currently trying my hand at making a 3d game using Havok.wasm and three.js. The idea is to use webGPU and three.js's new custom shader language made from WGSL for the graphics, and havok physics to try and get a high performance engine FOSS engine that the game dev writes with JavaScript. I plan on using node.js and uwebsockets.js on the backend for high performance while still using all JavaScript. The database doesn't matter too much since it'll be mostly in memory, so I'll probably just use mongo for loading and deloading the character settings into and out of memory as well as the auth system.

I'm probably just going to do a basic VR chat type game where you walk around and talk to people and go to different worlds. Then maybe make actual game play and stuff.

Proof of concept someone did with havok/three.js/tsl/webgpu

why the fuck are people making shit in web browsers now
Little baby is too young to remember flash
In what world is JavaScript high performance
Isint this just sims 1
What the hell, this general actually stayed alive? I thought it would die within the first week. Nice, might come here soon

You aren’t entirely wrong, it would be better to early return on a nullptr (when possible) than have the entire function inside the if.
>tweet doesnt exist
>using havok ($50k indie license) for a toy project
hmm could this be ai spam to pump up 4chan numbers? nah
It's not performant. That's why people have started instead of trying to use JavaScript for everything, looking to use JavaScript as a wrapper. For example the havok physics I mentioned from earlier that's written in wasm but used by JavaScript outperformed the Godot and Unity out of box physics.

As for graphics, WebGPU is just using the Vulkan API for rendering, unlike webGL it uses the GPU as the name implies.
Havok is free in the web browser. The Babylon team ported it in.
not using javascript at all sounds ideal
why do autists get so triggered by Javascript? relax bro, it's a programming language it can't hurt you
Then don't. Not everything is about you.
Success breeds jealousy. Gamedevs hate that their shitty indie games that have 4 sells on steam can't compete with the webChads making 6 figures after doing a few Udemy courses and following an Indian guy on YouTube.
There’s just no reason to use it unless you are making a website. Using something like Emscripten for C++ will let you use that to make a game that can run in a browser, so why use JavaScript and get both a worse programming experience and worse performance?
Web tech is an affront to nature
I can understand making web games with Unity, but willingly dealing with this stuff as a programmer? Just why
>a worse programming experience
Hey buddy why don't you give this a try and tell me what you think? A guy made a library for three.js called physical that lets you use the havok.wasm plugin easier, and as mentioned before it gets great performance and is free for the web.


There's a ton of different examples if you look at the top including physics tests, car stuff, chess, materials, towers, explosions, first and third person players, etc.

One guy used it to make a type of Valve/Half Life type example.


I'm hoping maybe I can make something like Gary's mod for us and /v/ to play that's open source if you guys would like to ever give it a spin. I'm pretty good with multiplayer and auth stuff thanks to my web experience, but modeling and design isn't my thing.
God, I love C++ so much, they say it is bloat, but my program runs faster than theirs. How come?
Your program can only print ’hello, world’
Keep telling yourself that
>Garbage collector? OOP? That shit is so slow!
>No, my game doesn't run in old hardware, just buy a new computer!
>my game runs faster on older hardware, just downgrade your computer
Can see on my server that some valve employee is currently playing my game to validate it for steam. He's been actively playing for 40 minutes. Should I be worried? Thought they'd just check that it minimized correctly, wouldn't process input through the steam overlay, stuff like that. How much are they actually testing?
whats the problem bro did you do a heckin racism in your game?
What if he's just really enjoying it?
hopefully they're getting serious about cleaning up all the low effort slop they let on Steam
sucks for you but great for the customers
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Is it better now?
Isn't like all the best games ever since the 90s made in c++
iirc they also check of the game can run for a while without a huge memory leak or crashing.
it's fascinating that the millions of shitty games that steam pumps every single month gets to be audited by an actual human being. even the shittiest most obscure game got a player.
I would hope they check to see if a game is literally malware before thousands of people download it. virus scans won't do shit.
Any day now I'll actually make a game...
Yeah I've heard that sometimes they play it for hours to check if the content matches the description
nice physcs everything clips through the walls
it's impossible for them to read every single line of code in a submitted product, I also imagine for AAA projects they can't demand they get access to the code
My game is 350000 lines of c++ spaghetti, good luck.
windows by default think your game is malware until enough people play it and then it chills out.
very annoying.
im learning about shaders, but i am used to using hsv for colors in photoshop. it makes more sense to me to rotate the hue instead of tinkering with rgb. but im looking online and it seems like shaders use rgb and people have to convert back and forth between rgb and hsv. does this have any significant overhead i should care about? should i try to get used to rgb?
Fuck anon, this is my problem exactly. Just my mapdata is 14k+ lines... it's basically a giant txt file that stores all the map tiles and their info that's loaded into the game... is this too much? I hear entire projects being less than a thousand lines of code. I'm getting up closer to 20k now. Again most of that is just armor/clothes/item/npc/map listings, does that justify it?
It's not a problem as long as it works for you. If you're the only programmer, go nuts. Beautiful code isn't going to sell more copies of your game.
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Not that impressive but I made an analog clock to test line drawing.
Cute and fun! What did you write it in?
Thanks, I'm using C++.
That's not my account, it's the account that tweeted. Blame Elon. It did the same thing up here >>102211826

It's almost like it's just a demo page and not a finished product you goofy nigger retard.
You're ready to solder cpus.
>Blame Elon
I think you are blaming indian coders, and I won't tolerate a RACIST in here. Sure, his name even sounds indian ha-ha. We all know what you're up to.
That's what I said. Blame Elon for hiring filthy curry niggers.
It's computationally expensive to convert hsv to rgb and vice versa, just get used to rgb for most cases, unless you have some specific reason to manipulate colors in the hsv colorspace. All blending on the GPU assumes you are using a linear rgb colorspace.
Post your homebrew V8
/agdg/ are the most miserable, combative, insufferable, no games, think they're smarter than everyone else while not doing any research about what they're attacking you over, losers on /vg/

You guys are alright though.
JS gets a lot of shit while people rave on about Python. Never really liked Python and stayed away from JS due to all the shit you hear about it. Did a couple of chapters of Eloquent JS and now I think it's pretty based.

Also I think dynamic langs are better suited for gamedev in general. Just use a high perf lang for the core and then script the game on top of it.
but havok is trash
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Today i will dev again and there is nothing you can do to stop it
A small mobile game about a magic tournament.

First attempts of sketching the witch and a finite state machine coded so far.

Thinking about doing a small webcomic. It probably aint gonna help much, but it cant hurt either.
I'm making a game in unity, it's pretty fun
Cool. How does the data get transferred from Scheme to C?
NO you have to proooocrastinate!

very smug and very cute
that code looks so degenerate, so this the power of functional programming?
What does Japanese cartoons have to do with it?
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What did froggy means by this?
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functional programming can be expressive, but it's so ridiculously slow and convoluted
it's a mess trying to make sense of something you didn't write yourself
I like fp for utilities, you can get a lot of work done with very little amount of code
>/agdg/ are the most miserable, combative, insufferable, no games, think they're smarter than everyone else while not doing any research about what they're attacking you over
I thought you were describing this general.
Is this F#?
Can you fuckers help out a mathlet?
In this configuration when the player is stationary I can move the camera around
All I want is to rotate the player in the direction the camera is pointing towards when moving, but rotating the player also rotates the camera? I have no idea how to make it work
I could, but then you will never learn, and it will get harder from now on.
Nvm, i just figured it out
ok, since wanting to see any 32 bits float lighting, in the fucking /gamedev/ general, apparently makes me a schizo, what about a nice sky, a nicely lit scene, etc.?
what do you mean by 32 bits float lighting?
Why aren't you developing in Zig?
google cross product and video game camera tutorial
Japanese cartoons site!
You had them parented together didn't you
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the issue is that it's not even intuitive, you can see the defined name of a function but once you read the body it's just a collection of cluster fuck.
things also tend to blend in together I can't even imagine the pain of doing this before syntax highlighting was a thing.
I was really interested in functional programming because it lends itself to rule based game engines and board games, but I'm not autistic enough for this.
I was until I discovered Odin.
No, the lighting is different on every single part.
I'll check to normalize the textures. It's mostly the crt top that is really bright compare to the other sides.
it's complicated, it's a technical thing with many implications, I'll try to enumerate a few, you can stack blending modes and layers with better results and in a non destructive way, that means the light is "preserved"
another side effect is that you can have special image files that have a wider light range, by that I mean darker than 0 and lighter than 1, that will help when creating light effects. Some anon insists that that's "HDR", but I think it's the other way around 2bh, it has a lot of technical gotchas to achieve this workflow, so it's a bit complicated it's best to find a good guide
Lisp is the type of language that makes me feels smart when I write it but is a pain when I have to look back at my code.
Same. Odin is basically Zig without the shitty parts. I do miss comptime though. The verbosity is through the roof with zig.
You all don't know what you want, and in time, will return to C#.
I use it daily at work. It just weeks but I like to explore a bit whenever I get time. So Odin it is for now.
ngl but if I was not so autistic about wanting to be low level, I would use C# + Monogame.
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kek the site aint always up

Many schemes like Chez and Guile were made with a C ABI-compatible foreign function interface. So the language has features that make linking to C libraries possible. Guile is especially strong as an embeddable language. I might like to dip into using Guile on the server at a later point in my life.

In the case of chez, which is what I was writing in see

What we need is a language of s-expressions but no garbage collector. Maybe something like cake lisp? I think the guy who made it was on the right track.

JIT compiled and native-machine compiled lisps can be speedy though. Lisp being slow is kind of meme because people look to the past a lot or conflate the many dialects together. In particular, lisps like chez and sbcl are made to be performant. But of course, I'm going to let C handle custom data structures and the more performance-intensive code.

So based. Someone should make a game that behaves like subtle malware, but only on a random assortment of modern processors.

Hey, that's my code :D

Sure little buddy. Any day now ...
Jesus Christ now I know what you’re talking about, even if you yourself don’t.
Pictures normally have 8 bits per channels. You’re talking about 32 bits per channel, like EXRs, but you’re mixing up different concepts because again you don’t know what you’re talking about.
The fact that you can blend colors has absolutely nothing to do with not depth, but with the colorspace.
You’re mixing up bit depth and colorspaces.

GPUs already work on linear and only apply a gamma transformation during the tonemapping stage. It would be ridiculous not to do all the passes in linear.

And being able to go past 0 and 1 is HDR, that’s what it means. Engines already go well past 1 before tonemapping.
Unreal even has a few quirks because of that, and it’s one of the reasons why I changed the bloom shaders.

As far as not using 32 bit channels, they do. The standard vec3 used to run all calculations is already 32 bits per channel, it’s 3 floats

There’s nothing wrong with what you’re asking, it’s how it works already
I haven't touched C# since I was doing XNA tutorials and I never looked back. I don't see the point of it except when you want extreme portability. and after watching this talk
I stopped caring about unity all together, if you're hitting performance issue on a 2.5D game with physics when you're not even having thousands of objects flying, you should rethink your life choices. polishing turds is a waste of time.
where's your game we're still waiting
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C# is more than unity.
Here it is bro.
I've made it work on VFX editing despite not fully knowing the whole of it, it gives amazing results
do you have something of the sort worth showing? it doesn't need to be from your projects, but it would be cool if it is
Just for the record, so we’re clear, engines only go back to 8 bit channels after tonemapping
Internally they work in vec3 linear (32 bits per channel linear)

Engines that support HDR screens will apply a different tonemapping, and instead of 8 bits they may go to 10 or 12 bits per channel (the bitdepth of HDR screens)
>And being able to go past 0 and 1 is HDR
You do mean "in engine" HDR that changes the exposure as you play and then outputting to 0-1024 white-black... right?
>C# is more than unity.
I mentioned XNA for a reason, and Terraria was made with it, I curse microsoft everyday for killing XNA, it was perfect (other than the weird asset pipeline). it worked flawlessly because it was just directX. I never survived the switch to FNA/Monogame because of shitty openGL drivers.
something of the sort like what? shader code?

normal screens display 0-255 (8 bits)
HDR displays can go up to 0-1023 (not 1024) if you have a 10 bit monitor

It depends on the engine.
Up until tonemapping, GPUs are made to work with floats. They're extremely efficient at doing work with floats, so they use vec3 and vec4 to represent buffers, right until the last moment.
After tonemapping, the image is converted either to 8, 10, or 12 bits depending on the pipeline.
But yeah, besides the off by 1 mistake, you could go to 1023 after tonemapping if the engine supports HDR output

This is still a gamma corrected output btw, it's not linear.
>I never survived the switch to FNA/Monogame because of shitty openGL drivers.
Why would that matter for 2D? Besides, opengl is more portable. It was alright for terraria and stardew valley, it will be alright for you.
scene, pic I can see of the 32 bit float/HDR lighting in action, meaning the scene
Literally any game

If you mean HDR output, you can't upload 10bit images because jpg and png don't support that. You would have to get an HDR monitor and play the game. But even if the final image isn't HDR, the engine is already running every calculation with floats (32 bit) anyway
and you claim to understand how "hdr" works? a literal screenshot would do
I mean it's not that complex.
Linearize all inputs to make sure 1+1=2, apply a view transform on your viewport (sRGB is the most common one for computers but there's rec709 and a bunch of others) and then once again when you're rendering for your target screen
god fucking damn it
A bit of a tangential statement, but I'm reminded of how Caves Of Qud has performance issues despite being a 2D turn-based roguelike
You don't understand that old computers (reads 20 years old) supported directX just fine but didn't even support openGL 2.0, intel really hated openGL at the time so it was always broken, you couldn't even dream about shaders if you didn't use directX. The issue persisted with intel and "modern openGL" until very recently. And even then games always ran faster on directX.

Terraria was a hit because it ran on absolute shit machines that you find on libraries and offices. The heaviest thing about it was the advanced lightning and it was optional.
I think people really underestimate the power of being able to run on literally every machine on the planet.
when I was doing vfx, I had to render to EXR sequence or whatever it was just to be able to render to normal vid, but the results were worth it
Yeah that's pretty much the standard. I think they usually render 16 bit EXRs though, unlike most engines that work with floats.
I remember watching a talk about Caves Of Qud but I don't remember performance issue, what was the cause? keeping the full game history in memory?
Dwarf Fortress is "2D" and nothing about it is simple, death by fps is real. Rimworld also has similar issue but it's the same cause, never forgetting anything ever.
If I ever made a similar project I'd use an actual database and straight up delete irrelevant and useless history. not everything needs to be saved forever, or at least have them compressed in a database where lookup is mostly const time.
A few years back I used a bloom effect that relied on HDR render targets so the pixel values went up to 65504.0f I think?, but after the effect was finalized it was all presented as normal 8bit RGBX.
The kind of HDR presentation you get on desktops these days uses specific HDR color profiles you need to match your content to.
>I think people really underestimate the power of being able to run on literally every machine on the planet.
If there is something I agree with you is on this. Another game that run in a literal potato is undertale, coincidence? And it was all made in a garbage collected, object oriented programming language. If literal programming illiterates can do it, I don't know why you need C. Smartness should be all about the right compromise, the middle point, not the extremes.
You know nothing. This 2D gamemaker clone of stalker, a 2007 game, runs worse than the real thing. And is not Stalker is the most optimized game in the world.
DF is one of the games where OOP thinking actually hurts it the most, it cannot even process pathfinding in parallel. Don't try to justify them, they just don't know how to program.
I think you also mentioned something of the sort of source footage/textures/images needing to be "mixed using linear gamma", I never noticed this, but I saw that recently in /3/
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that's a half (f16)
One thing I hate about the first bloom implementations, I don't know if you've ever played games from 2005 or so, is that they added the bloom to the scene color so everything became washed out.
Unreal Engine's default bloom works like that. I'm uploading a screenshot from github because I don't have the code here
This is a really bad approach. Lerping works a lot better because you get the bloom without the washing out
Proprietary? Shill? You can't buy or use it even if you want to.
I haven't played it in a few years, but I remember having problems when dungeon crawling below the surface. I also remember frequent load screens with load times that were a bit more lengthy than what I'd normally expect. The game wasn't unplayable or anything so extreme, But still, it was noticible while playing.

>Don't try to justify them, they just don't know how to program.

Who are you talking about? That anon >>102218008 was the only one that mentioned DF. Either way, I've only had bad problems with DF when my fortress had too many pets (cats). Otherwise, it ran decently for the most part. I'd say with how fast a turn is in DF, and the fact that turns constantly occur regardless of user input, it seems way more performant than CoQ on a per-turn basis.
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>I'd say with how fast a turn is in DF, and the fact that turns constantly occur regardless of user input, it seems way more performant than CoQ on a per-turn basis.
DF has the advantage of producing the most optimize binary from the get go, so it has that small advantage.
Also, for some reason the dev is a retard who allows third party privileged code to run on your computer.
>allows third party privileged code to run on your computer.
not his problem
>Another game that run in a literal potato is undertale, coincidence?
no, that's just Game Maker using directX since forever, GMS did one right thing and that it could run on literal potatos, and don't even underestimate its scripting language, I've seen some monstrosities loading huge INI files for levels, and it works, it could withstand a lot of abuse before showing any signs of slowing down.
there is nothing special about XNA. it's just bare bones graphics abstraction + math/physics classes. in fact, math and physics classes are more valuable that XNA graphics itself
It literally is xer problem. Can't sandbox third party code, then don't allow it.
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Got myself a basic entities and particles going, along with borrowed sprites kek.
I forgot how much fun and comfy working in 2D was.
Can't verify something? Don't download and run it
Can't verify the street is safe? Stay at your home forever.
Yeah don't live near niggers if you can't deal with them. Same principle as the internet.
No, I think the police can actually contain the niggers, otherwise they don't deserve to get my money.
Then what's the problem when you have windows defender or whatever memeux has
Antiviruses are a meme, that's the problem. Anyway, your mod doesn't need to open files nor ping www.hot-dogs-xxx.ru just disallow it or learn to code.
This is fine until valve decides its not. Better to get ahead of the problem.
Opinions on enet and gorilla websockets for Go browser game networking?
Is this open source Sims 1 or something?
OOP isn't slow and doesn't prevent you from doing parallelism
Stop trolling more innocent people with your 32 bit lighting retardation
Valve has no say on a person going out of their way to download some random file
It's array of structures vs structures of arrays, SoA are compact by design because they don't have padding induced by the compiler, also similar data end up in the same array, it's way easier to parallelize SoAs, Object are so fucking fat they tend to lead to false sharing and cache contention.
It matters here because it's Dwarf Fortress, it simulates thousands of bullshit and the only game over screen is fucking lag.
You're reduce the optimization of a very complex game to a simple loop over arrays
You don't understand what you're talking about
>You're reduce the optimization of a very complex game to a simple loop over arrays
That's what very complex games are. Always have been.
For me it's structure of arrays of structures
No it's never been like that, you've never made a game and you're just repeating the same braindead anti-advice everyone does when they read about DOD on the internet
If you want to reduce optimization in DF down to one thing it'd probably be pathfnding
you're a fucking brainlet
You've never made a game
Do you think pathfinding is a loop over an array?
A* in a grid based game is literally impossible to fuck up, there's no room for improvement unless they've made a horrible mistake.
There's a huge amount of pathfinding optimizations you can do, they just don't involve changing the algorithm
you sound like a broken record parroting the exact same sentence, is that all you know?
I was using Godot for tutorials, got somewhat comfortable with it. But I hate using the editor. It's retarded that so much of it requires clicking little widgets in the GUI rather than just writing code.

Should I switch to something else, like Monogame or Stride? Or just deal with it? I'm an experienced professional engineer, just no experience in game dev.
No, it's all of it. The keyboard and pc and monitor are all different colored textures in different lighting.
im just using the renderingserver directly in godot along with imgui addon for godot
Too low level for now

Idk what this means
Monogame is good
You have to understand most engines are made with teams in mind. I'm pretty sure they all have a primarily visual editor that game designers use.
Are you sure you're not better off teaming up with someone who's more visual oriented, and you just focus on the code?

Another option is trying another engine, but Unity and Unreal aren't much different. Maybe O3DE?
renderingserver is the low level api for godot
imgui is a code based gui there is an addon that ports it to godot
Day 7 of trying to use native webgpu... Shit is so verbose I don't even know...
also: Flax engine
It's fine if there is a GUI as long as I can ignore it. Writing the scene code in Godot is not ergonomic at all, and it feels like you're not supposed to. There will be no team.
is this a good progression? is there anything else I should add to get me good enough to start making my own game? does anyone remember or have that one programming challenge image?
amazing, I forgot the image
That's a stupid progression
Learn how to program in a language -> Make a simple game using a framework in that language
You could pick C and Raylib, or C# and Monogame, or something else
unreal engine doesn't support it
unreal doesnt support it
pain and suffering, but it's literally on the second (or third if you consider title a line) line of the image, for unity if I decide to jump ship
looks like it's a shitty underdeveloped game engine that doesn't have the tools I'll mainly be using for the game(s) I plan to make

if you have suggestions besides "how about learning a language you won't be using in the main engine you're learning, or how about this random small underdeveloped engine!", I'd like that.

otherwise, as shitty as it is to someone who has probably known how to program since they were a teen and doesn't even remember what it was like to learn how to, this is all I can come up with right now.
move make pong above the modelling
finish the "make a" line before starting
why do your webms never work on my s23 ultra
How am I supposed to know what engine you want to use? Obviously you should learn that
Don't spread yourself thin trying to learn programming and 3D modelling at the same time
Learn a programming language, then learn to use a game engine
Unreal is not recommended because C++ and Unreal are both difficult to use, I would recommend C# and Unity instead, but it's your choice
>Learn how to program: Unreal Documentation
I suggest reading, that would definitely give you a hint to what engine I'm using.
it works on my s6 edge plus
skill issue
Unreal uses Java and C#?
C++ is the most complicated programming language that people actually use, and Unreal itself is complicated ontop of that
I would really consider Unity instead for a beginner
Maybe consider you can't even code hello world before insisting on using the biggest AAA engine that's only necessary if your team is 100+. You don't even know what you don't know. You're deciding on a car before knowing what a steering wheel is. In short you're a fucking retard
>all different colored textures
that's kind of the point. it's an old computer so not everything turned beige the same way.

it's a business owner life simulator. think of the sims 2 back to business but with a the sims 1 aesthetic. I'm still working on the build mode.
>Someone should make a game that behaves like subtle malware, but only on a random assortment of modern processors.
I could be wrong but I think it's technically possible to make a game that uses old-school optimizations that run worse on newer CPUs, think something like fast inverse square root. It's not as cool if your program is intentional about breaking on newer hardware. Worst comes to worst, you can always tie the speed of your game to the CPU.
>Learn C++/Java/C#
This needs to be exploded into more specific goals, or just stop thinking about languages and focus on actual goals. You should focus on a single language that you'll be working with for most of your projects, and dabble in some side languages for experimentation, utilities, and scripting. If you're going to do Unity/Unreal, then just focus on C# or C++ respectively and don't bother with Java either way.
java - modding minecraft
c# - in case I jump ship to unity

!DOCTYPE (I forgot what goes here)
<head> <title>shut the fuck up</title> </head>
<p> hello world </p>

also, it's an engine, not an industry secret. I'm absolutely certain that both big and small teams can use the publicly available free (until 100k sales) engine.
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just like make game instead of being a procrastinating faggot
today is literally the day that I decided to get into game dev. I've only "procrastinated" starting for maybe 4 hours, and I wont be starting today because it's kind of hard to play baldurs gate 3 with my brother and mother AND learn how to program at the same time, but I do hae the unreal engine download started and visual studio is done installing.

what more can I do? kick my mom out or say no to gaming with my family?
Learning a programming language, and your first one at that, through a game engine is a really rough experience. Consider learning C++ itself first, such as through C++ Primer (Lippman) which is an extensive overview of all of C++ and perhaps a must-read if you're intent on being proficient at it. If that's too thick for you, try Beginning C++ Through Game Programming (Dawson), which is a bit more elementary, but may be more approachable. I only suggest that one specifically because I found it in a library once and thought it was entertaining and informative. It's the exact same content, basically, but stylized in a fun way.
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kek you're funny for a nodev, I'll give you that. but you remain a nodev, the lowest life form possible.
Are you going to have gay bear sex with your mother?
and tomorrow I wont be a nodev, I'll be "learningtodev", and when I finish the codecadmy course in a week, I'll be "shittydev", and when I'm finished with pong and pac man, ill be "amateuryesdev"

not if I don't accidentally pick the urge again

printf int { "oh my fucking god shut the fuck up"
or whatever.
>hey my visual studio install is finished, I'm planning on c++ because I'm going to be using unreal!
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>and tomorrow I wont be a nodev, I'll be "learningtodev", and when I finish the codecadmy course in a week, I'll be "shittydev", and when I'm finished with pong and pac man, ill be "amateuryesdev"
No they're all nodev (procrastination). Work on a game you want to make and work on it for over a month if you want to be called a yesdev.
My suggestion is more in the direction that learning the specificities of Unreal Engine and C++ together will be unhelpful for your overall learning experience. By having a solid foundation in using C++, you will be better equipped to face the particular quirks and challenges that working with Unreal provides, without getting lost in the weeds of learning C++ on top of those challenges. Please excuse me, I'm trying to be supportive.
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gm, yesdevs
how the fuck is making a game (pong, pac man, simple rpg) nodev you absolute fucking brainmatter leech

>don't learn how to make games, just make yandere simulator 2.0, DONT improve, JUST spaghettify
hey anon, please post you are is's code, trust me on this
This and also my game is 2D. I'm seeing all kinds of engines recommended and I can't decide:
Game maker

Wtf? I just want to code a game with minimal GUI shit in the least tranny language without having to learn opengl et al
Lol you really think that making, pong and pacman will make you a better gamedev? The disillusionment of nodev is quite something.
>using a basic project to learn how to program and use fundamental features of the programming language you'll mainly be using isn't going to teach you how to program in your target language and familiarize you with fundamental features of that programming language

I am also retarded, it's almost like we could be twins! retarded twins!
Bro slow down with the unreal engine. I would highly recommend following a youtube tutorial on how to make a very simple 2D game like a breakout clone or space invaders clone in game maker or Unity.
Then follow a tutorial to make something a little harder like a 2D platformer.
Then make something you wanna make.
All of these should be very small, 1-3 levels, minimal art and audio, and you can beat the whole game in less than 5 minutes. Take sprites from the internet, use royalty free music and sfx. Enemies should have simple behaviors like chasing the player or moving in a straight line. Each of these projects should take you a couple weeks to a month, i.e. do not make an RPG (because you will get sad and depressed because you can't finish anything)
After doing three 2D projects then try making something simple in 3D using Unity or Unreal using just basic primitives and lights. Then try making something where you use pre-made 3D assets with animations.
Don't get serious about learning how to program or learning how to make 3D models until way later, at least until you have 5 games under your belt. Your priority is to make small and easy games quickly to see what the whole process looks like and what aspects you're naturally interested in. And you can share your games with people which feels good and gives you motivation to continue. And you can find other people to work with, which will be the key to working on larger projects.
You don't need a simple project to learn how to program especially not TWO like in your list (and that's excluding all the udemy tutorials you're going to do).
You can cope & seethe all you want but you remain a nodev.
>do it, but not in the engine you want to use

>don't do it, just jump straight into making a game in the engine you use

you know what, I'm just dumb for asking for tips on learning in the first place, I'll just trust my gut instead.
If "trusting your gut" made you write that list I don't think you should trust it
Tutorial hell.
>>don't do it, just jump straight into making a game in the engine you use

You're getting it! No more procrastination., straight to the point. You want to use unreal, fine. Do a tutorial and you will learn to program at the same time. After that when you're making your game you will have the opportunity to learn more by necessity, that goes for programming and making 3D models (of your game is 3D of course).
You don't need to do a checklist of things before you can actually begin making an actual game.
I love me a boat game. If I wasn't making my current game, I would have made a boat game, I love the age of sail era.
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I've been exploring an idea and iterating on it. So far it has evolved onto pvp/coop 4 player magic wizards. It's still a brand new idea, but I'm glad that multiplayer works.

I plan on making each player a unique color and building PVP and CO-OP maps.

Ship games are always fun. Looks great so far anon
imagine being such a faggot that you make a list instead of actually programming. holy fuck NGMI
>wizard ducks
Very cute and wholesome
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Eh it's not too bad honestly. People will give you shit but I started more or less like that and now I have a 100k+ LoC Unreal Engine project. You gotta start somewhere and if you jump right into a project you're most likely going to be way too confused, I think starting with tutorials and learning the basics is perfectly fine.

C is always useful, it's the Latin of programming. And a lot of APIs will have you deal with C. You can't call yourself a C++ programmer without being able to do low level memory management in C, even if you won't actually do any of that in cpp
Java is the one I would remove. C# already covers those bases
C++ is obviously key

I can't recommend Vim at all. It's a bit outdated, and it has no support for Unreal. You need a special kind of autism to truly use Vim. Visual Studio is also trash, for other reasons. If you're going for Unreal, definitely get Rider.
it's definitely been a lot of fun to work on so far
thanks anon
I will.
what am i even doing?
wasting your youth
Making game and having fun doing it.
43 isn't youth
new bread?
It's not about learning one engine ya ignorant fuck, if you wanna be any good at making games you'll learning a bunch eventually so you might as well start with a light and easy one. It's like insisting you want your first car to be a Porsche 911 Turbo even though you've never driven before and you live on a dirty little island. But whatever good luck
That's a bad comparsion, you really should stick to one engine and get good at it
Terrible advice
How many games have you made?
Off the top of my head I've finished 11, using 4 different engines. Lots more i didn't finish
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Should I go with Allegro or Raylib for my graphics library? I heard Allegro's kinda old, but it might be nice to have the extra compatibility with older shitboxes. On the other hand, Raylib has unofficial Nintendo Switch support and I heard putting your vidya on there can really boost its popularity. My game is 3D, but I'm not planning to have anything fancy like raytracing or whatever, though I might put in a few shaders.
I guess if you have a very fast development cycle then switching engines often isn't an issue but if you're spending a long time on a game like most people you should become familiar with one engine
Allegro is extremely old, don't use it
Raylib has bad 3D support
No, if you want to be good at making games you should learn multiple engines. Each engine has strengths and weaknesses, and you pick the best engine for the project you want to work on. I generally like Unreal because it's powerful and designers I work with like using Blueprint, but I wouldn't make a 2D game or a mobile game using Unreal. You don't just learn one programming language or one tool, because there is no one language or tool that's best at everything
Games normally take years to make
They dont have to. And especially if you're a beginner it would be a huge mistake to work on a game for that long. DOOM was made in about 1 year
Doom was made in a year by a team of experienced game devs
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>switch compiler to msvc to test something
>cmake starts sperging out and infinitely re-running when i try to build
>keeps happening even after i delete the build folder and reconfigure
how can I do this but in godot (specifically building walls)

wait until you find out about the actual good language jai and not their garbage bin half assed buggy copies
i get what you mean but you can make most 'editor stuff' in code and only touch the editor to place things in the level
nope only unreal engine 5 can do this
I thought I was in /agdg/ for a sec, with that seething nocoder kid in the thread
paralives uses unity tho
I disregard any post using that shitty profile and so far I've had no regrets. it only ever seems to be used for screenshares and other inane tech autist garbage anyways so it's not a huge loss at all.

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