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Why is the wiki not working?
Not even /hsg/ can do shit
Don't they have a discord for the wiki? ask them there.
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it's over
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I unironically fear that social media is dying, ever since the rise of chatGPT and the like, they removed the IP count, they gave up with the blue board red board split, 3 year passes. Zoomers unironically only use tiktok and nothing else, the people hosting sites like this are retiring and getting old and no one passed the torch
This is a good thing.
i hacked it
Wasn't it backed up? There was even a post on datahoarders.
server runs on linux. jesus will you fucks make up your mind about stability
There is this backup but its from 2019
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There is a "discord" but not really; no one will be able to help you as I will explain.
bananafish owns the ig.com domain and the hardware which runs the wiki. However, he's been AWOL since 2014 for somewhat understandable reasons, but NO one has been able to get a hold of him.
Other IG services like mail and the tracker have long died, but IG volunteers + others have been able to maintain the wiki since then. All this time the wiki has still chugged along, likely because he just kept paying the bills for whatever reason. (Just checked and the IRC server is strangely still running, but that has been more or less dead for six years)
Until the past few weeks of course; seems like the wiki has gone offline. Additionally at the root IG.com record you'll see that some gitlab instance is there. The working theory is that he's repurposed the domain for his own use, and based off the wiki error message the database looks inaccessible.
So not only is bfish repurposing his own infrastructure for his own uses, he's outright ignoring or providing no avenue to contact him to fix shit. We think the database is probably purged and there's no hope in contacting him. Even IG jannies cannot locate this flake.
Basically some newfag who isn't a sundowning imageboard-retiree salaryman is going to have to pick up the pieces, and likely from one of the external mirrors (which until today I didn't even realize existed).
tl;dr shit's fucked, don't trust IG, someone else will have to rebuild
what the fuck, and i just thought about archiving installgentoo wiki recently
Maybe they should format the hard drive and install Gentoo
Oh fuck, and all I needed to do is to copy the updated armory links... Fucking spent a month on them.
this is revenge for /lit/
I hope it will come back.
>Since 2014
Oh, cool, seems trustworthy!
>Disappears exactly after 10 years
Hey, do you remember the FUUUU rage comics haha.
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It was ordered closed by the Director of the Science Foundation to make space for the new Maid Wiki which will focus on advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research for maids.
Last year: https://archive.org/details/wiki-wiki.installgentoo.com-20230927
>Director of the Science Foundation
Still down

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