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Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102190970
Interest rates were cut, how long for the effects to take place in increased hiring?
devops makes me want to die. trying to deploy my side project and its dying on both aws app runner and gcp cloud runner. logs are useless
8 years
Just got my first paycheck. Posted my resume here two or three months ago and everyone laughed at me. If you're looking for a job ignore this general it's all crab in bucket mentality
have you considered that your resume actually sucked but you got lucky? especially if it's a low-paying job
I have a job I'm here to laugh
do your best not to get laid off. employer's market, go in-person if you can.
I only try to bring in positivity to these threads. I wasn't laughing at you, anon.
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>I only try to bring in positivity
You fucking nigger, get down in the mud with the rest of us
>early thread
>pajeetcode shill op
OOF, that's gonna be a YIKES from me
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>employer's market,
public sector
Damn, nevermind. What role by the way? What languages do you primarily use? Did you prefer them or were you forced? Good shit man.
I will not. Enjoy your mud, [spoiler]friendo[/spoiler]
...am I insane? I thought spoilers worked on all blue boards
>apply to engineering job
>see it slowly increasing number of applicants
>someone applied with an MBA
fucking retard
Sorry anon, the only degree that matters at all anymore is MBA. YOU WILL GET ZEE MBA.
it's an old COBOL mainframe that they're replacing with a Java system. I don't know COBOL yet but they're going to train me in it soon since all the people who knew it retired
based, let me guess. It's some super fucking old version of Java?
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i don't think i could survive that humiliation ritual
>final round interview wednesday
>its a fucking "technical panel interview"
Holy christ I am going to shit myself. My current company is literally collapsing on itself though, HAVE to do well.
you hit the nail on the head
am not pajeet mr.boomer
Years, fucking retard
Why were you posting here if you didn't have a job? Retarded jeet.
the less you care, the better you do
>close to 700 applications
>only wrote a cover letter for one of them
>got that job
Are cover letters actually important or just crazy odds playing out?
I guess they used the letter to filter bot applications and undesirables who are too lazy to write a cover letter or who have shit writing styles
Wrong board
Getting a reference from somebody is worth 1000 applications, at least at small to midsize companies. Boomers do like cover letters though, as humiliating as they feel to write.
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>Studying computer engineer 12 hours a day to become a washed up youtuber

Is it utterly over anons?

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code works
>government job
>not posted on any of the major job boards or even governmentjobs
>only found it via google search being recommended by one of those cesspool ai job aggregator websites
>only accepted applications through email, so that filters out a lot of spam appliers and email-shy zoomers
>cover letter was a hard requirement, so that filters basically every spam applier not using GPT
>Requires a college degree with a certain number of relevant credits for minimum qualification (and it's government so they strictly abide by the qualifications)
>Doesn't sponsor visas, so that filters out a decent bit
>get to interview
>apparently over 1,000 applicants met the minimum qualifications
Jesus fucking christ
Maybe he should have spent those 12 hours actually doing shit. Productivity hacking and studying are just masturbation unless you have a precise goal in mind.
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how do i play "the game" bros?
basically i want to do as little work as possible without looking like a slacker.
i want to appear as if i am going the extra mile while not really putting in the hours.
How to relax while having a job and maybe free 30 minutes daily?

>12 years old:
Play 5 or 30 minutes - games is still fun even if I play it quarterly, forums are easy to catch up
Everything requires you to be terminally online, any online game is a (ne)e(t)-sport, even a mobile game of match 4, treats itself like a 2nd job with FOMO events to collect unique shiny item. Communities don't exist, would have to socialize with college discord addicts (awkward past 25).

I sometimes go for a walk, read a book, etc, but I still miss the whole thing about internet or mmos of early 2000's

t. Millennial
>Boomers do like cover letters though, as humiliating as they feel to write
enjoy your work at a boomer company lmao
If it has to be a multiplayer game then you could pick up Street Fighter 6. Matches go fast so you can just play for a couple minutes at a time. They're being conservative (3+ months) between new characters and balance patches so it's pretty easy to keep an eye on the meta
>got really annoying tickets that require you check some ancient code integration with voip and network teams because a customer is complaining about the calls being slow or some shit
>I am on the software team that made the winform app
>need to convince the problem is on the voip/network side since all we do is requesting and getting the response from an api
>have been procrastinating for 3 days already
how do you anons find the motivation to do this shit its so fucking annoying
I used to watch that done when the pandemic starts

He's actually good, knowing linux and what not. But being able to study 12 hours a day is actually a privilege. I do chores at home and take my siblings to school and pick them up in the afternoon. I only study 4-6 hours max per day and guys like this actually irks me since what He's trying to tell you that if you're not studying 12 hours like him you'll be a loser and a disappointment to your parents. These days i don't bother to study anymore.
have the best of both worlds and do ironman osrs. play it at work.
I also wish I had the time to study what I needed instead of at work and between work. Most people in college worked full time and did school full time often on a swing shift or graveyard shift to make it work.

Yeah getting 4 hours a day is max for anything your trying to do. Even once you have caught up on the topic your trying to learn you end up doing 1-2 hours of self study at work at most once a week if your brand new.
i probably have one of the shittiest studying habit as a compsci graduate. where all my friends focused on hot shit like react, laravel, machine learning, while also making time to learn Devops, the only thing i cared about is diddling with Unity, but I admit despite making simple things on and off for 2 years i'm still unable to do anything without looking at a tutorial

i'm graduating this november with just a 2.94 GPA and i just finished a bachelor thesis project about a procedural terrain generator. will that help me land a job? i don't know. other projects in my resume are some mobile testing assignments from my technical intern internship. i'm still figuring out what should i learn and build this Q4 other than practicing C# leetcode every morning. I have people who can help me get a tech job, but I don't want to come across as a clueless retard during interviews, you know?
How can I transition from being a cog in the machine to a handful of marbles thrown between the gears intermittently?
kid it beats tarring a roof
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also this is my resume.
other than the udemy garbage the last cert is from my internship, given by the state-owned company.

if it's better to ditch the certification part altogether and add 2 more projects that i can work personally on for the next 4 months, i'll do it.

i did buy a software testing course for cheap that will teach me the basics of using Selenium and Playwright, other than that i dunno if should make a couple more Unity projects, go back doing laravel just like back in 5th semester, or pick up .NET since it uses C#.
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This is why we have logs with timestamps.
PHP is the goat. Cniles and Jscriptkiddies are seething over this fact.
You will never get hired in this Employers Market with the current sea of layoffs. Better pivot to another industry to be honest, you just don't stand a change in this market with no experience.
My work experience is right at the top lol and it was at one of the big national bank here.

Also i don't want to doom on the "nobody is hiring" meme. I try to make myself not scroll linkedin everyday and keeping it only to 1 hour every Wednesday, and there's always new jobs popping up for freshgrads, both internship or fulltime.

I get it, you want less competition. If i can't make it in the private sector, I'm applying for government jobs as well on Q1 and Q2.
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>I still miss the whole thing about internet or mmos of early 2000's

We all do, it's the only reason we're still on this federal honeypot after all these years. Unfortunately, smartphones put the internet in everyone's back pocket and now 75% of the internet is AI-generated.
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>sit next to senior project manager
>she's fuming her Pajeet "contractor" (he literally runs the same Powershell script 500 times) is unavailable for the weekend
>messages Pajeet contractors and engineers for a status update
>radio silence
>tells me not to worry, she's going to get him in the team meeting
>meeting starts, jeet joins no camera no mic
>meeting is active, so only chance to talk to him is right at the end
>everyone logs off, get no response, stays on mute for 15 minutes after the meeting ends
>he logged in then fucked off

I was spellbound, it reminded me of the first time I had a puppy and had to train a borderline retarded different species how to act human.
what is stopping you from playing old games again? Dosbox emulator sites make it incredibly easy as well if you are too lazy to download it. When I'm finished with HOMM3, D2, W3 Dota, CM0102, Magic I will consider slurping some new age basedslop, but probably will dust off MS Hearts instead
Based jeet.
>machine refresh cycle hits
>salve master rolls out macs instead of lenovos
>business class people are so happy they have their status elevated
>saltminer codemonkeys are fuming because all the memes are true and this shit is barely usable for serious work

itoys are suffering lads
Time to start costing the company as much money as possible and blame it on the machines.
Rub the business fags noses in the number so they never do it again.
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Play offline only single player games. Return to tradition. There's a level of comfiness to be had that you maybe don't remember, but it's there waiting for you. Like a warm blanket fresh out of the clothes dryer.
You are a scholar and a gentleman.
Why the fuck would it not be a split eco system. You put excel and out look noobs on MAC crap and put engineers, artists and marketing on gayming PC's.
What kind afterwork activities that would bring more opportunity for a young adult who just started his career?

I'm thinking of making games that can be done in 12-15 months and simply make $10k USD. That amount of money is enough to live for a year. But I realize I'm an awkward pathetic loser so maybe I need to hangout more with anyone and start going to the gym, but that would cost me money since the entry level jobs here only pays minimum wage.

What can I do?
After 2-3 years in the same company I know I can get better job elsewhere that at least has remote policy.
Very based, I’m glad you’re around.
dealing drugs, flipping shit you know. Buy high sell low. LLM generated slop. OF. Anything besides programming. 12-15 months for 10k is pathetic and you won't stick around, will burn out twice as fast.
also, anything you do can be trivially duplicated by a team of 2 in less time and to better quality. Single dev is hard mode.
Might as well try your luck with a ludum dare or js13k challenge, but please don't commit to 12 months of development for nothing, it will be 24 months before you know and no one will buy it either
I'm so tired of few coworkers. I'm always like 10 steps ahead of them when we do something together, so I just end up instructing while they struggle and painfully slowly do whatever. How could I learn patience...
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I live in third-world. $10k usd is like an annual salary of CEOs here

Ludum dare and game jams is pretty good i know, but idk if i can make anything in short time, especially if my job requires constant overtime. A short visual novel that makes 20k in a year would literally feed my parents and siblings, not kidding.

Maybe i should start being an indie game youtuber or something, or write blogs on substack, idk man

I should def focus on fixing my people skills first
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>wanted to finish off some stuff this long weekend since I was left with a lot on the friday.
>got lazy and didn't do it
>so stressed out i only slept for like 3 hours
>staring at computer on the login page going oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
Bro I fucking can't, most of the stuff I have to do is just documentations but the really urgent shit is with other people and they've been ghosting me and it's just frustrating playing broken telephone.
I wouldn't be as stressed but it feels like I haven't had a solid win in months and it's frustrating me that I'm seeing no payoffs in any of my efforts. Fuck projects so much. Stakeholder doesn't know what the fuck they want and they won't play ball.
you don't. you learn how to bully them (legally) til they end up quitting. It's literally not worth wasting time on retards and HR and Management won't ever do the needful.
does anyone use LLMs for work? my only experience with them is reviewing junior chatgpt spam
I feel like there has to be something they're good at doing but every time I tried to use them for coding they just generated gibberish
>bully them
I'm not a mean person anon. I think I'll be the one to quit.
I'm sorry. the only other choice is to ignore them and just constantly document their inaction, though no one will action that information at all.
Happy for you, anon. Good job. Try not to give any heed to the negative nancies around ITT.
You use them as a rubber duck and a better Google. You don't ask ChatGPT to generate code for you and then blindly copypaste it into your IDE.
Anon, you're looking at this backwards. You are only ever assessed based on your "peers". I wouldn't want better competition.
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I will NEVER work a weekend for a company I dont own.
It's more "personal development stuff" too but I can't find the energy to fit it in the usual workday.
I use it for examples of implementations of a concept in a language I don't know and then will work with documentation afterwards. It seems to work okay, but there is always something subtly wrong in LLM outputs. I think giving juniors access to LLMs is like giving rope to a suicidal person.
>better Google
Forgive my semantic pedantry, but I'm going to rephrase it as
>lazier Google with fewer clicks
this, imagine not being overemployed or doing your side hustle on the clock
also, imagine having turbo cuck turbo competitive peers, such a wonderful race to the bottom. Just give your employer the middlefinger
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My team is 92% Indian. How about you all?
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>team lead posts a link to his PR saying it's ready for review
>open link
>it's marked as a draft despite being "ready for review"
>start reviewing anyway
>notice he's still pushing commits mid-review
>run code
>shit's broken
>"yeah I haven't committed that fix yet"
I wanna go to work wearing a kamen rider cosplay one day
it's google that comes up with fake stuff that matches your search
basically same.
Indian or Puerto Rican.
It's hilarious.

also, good morning.
Buddy, you haven't done this? You check the box as complete by the deadline and keep working. It's dishonesty, and I'm okay with it.
Sociopath level soft skills and schmoozing
Yeah, this too. I don't like being lied to, but the way I rationalize it is the LLM is probably less wrong than an intern or first year.
People skill maxx
I substituted a perfectly fine subsystem based on actual maths which was too for the average leetcoder with half assed AIAIAIAIAI. My reputation increased tenfold while the performance of the system nosedived. gg would rec
the best thing about "AI" is that LLM trash will kill web search technology
Zero indians in my teams or the ones we work with
I think I saw one during all of my office days at this company
There seems to be an air of racism and nationalism from the managers though this is also a heavily regulated sector so can't issue visas
the inverse peter principle, fail down and shuffle teams until you find yourself among absolute mongs. The insane shit people report on the daily humiliation is baffling, but no one calls out the bullshit because everyone does the same and needs to hold the line.
>I worked on this 10 character commit yesterday for 8 hours
reported like the past two weeks.

Also, you need to play the bikeshedding game, big up trivial problems then take your time with delivering a solution just a bit over the deadline. If someone says your quarterly project could be done in an afternoon just tell them they do not care about muh quality, correctness and testing
>proceed to navalgaze for a couple of more weeks
after layoffs my manager is Indian
I can tell he's just waiting to get approval to sponsor an H1B to replace me
are we allowed to talk about the puerto ricans now? holy shit. look niggers i don't care if you don't want to do work just stop trying to trick me into doing it for you one step at a time as a tutorial.
yea man /twg/ is the thread meant for jeets begging for a job and not people discussing their tech jobs how could I be so foolish!
>how do i play "the game" bros?
>basically i want to do as little work as possible without looking like a slacker.
You already lost "the game".
Quick call?
My team is 0% indian. Every team we work with is 100% indian. My boss wants to hire indians to beef up our team. It's already over for us.
my boss says something takes 2 hours and I do it in 10 minutes that means for 1 hour and 40 minutes I do jack shit then turn it in and look like I completed it 10 minutes early
I would scrape the colleges like FAGMAN did for the past 20 years. But nope that is over, its all over.
Puerto Ricans have the worst culture and work ethic of any Latin race. Their communication skills are abysmal. They can't fluently speak English OR Spanish. They have an island creole that makes them horrible to deal with. I hate them.
Hi! I am currently out of office and will be back [NaaN]. Sorry I missed your message I'll try to get back to you when I return!
Any small Island native from Hawaii, Jamaica to Samoa is full of lazy fucks. You will never find more lazier people then those that live on small Islands.
sounds like envy to me. If I could get away with not being a wage slave I would totally do it. Never been to Hawaii but my Hollywood education tells me they have everything on ez modo, imagine not freezing during the winter and having free food swimming around you. Why would anyone work on Hawaii?
Skill issue
they only exist so defense companies can offload their US tech data bullshit onto them without paying whitey wages. of course they suck.
some retarded executive didn't get the memo and tried to give them real work. my old role. they're drowning and trying to cling to me for dear life. i have an unofficial policy to never respond to their messages the same day.
There lazy because there isn't any work to do. You have 2 working family members working while the rest of the kids and grandparents scrounge around and do odd jobs. You have 3 families living in a 4 bed house in Hawaii its not great. This feeds into the mentality that they can just bum around. Trust me you would hate Hawaii after a few months.
cloud was a mistake
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Sometimes I wish I could just turn my brain off and be a python developer without ever caring for memory usage, response time and so on.

And it would be so much easier to sell "automation" scripts for more money than they are worth.
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Is this book a meme?
It just creates a hard divide where people live like total shit on no money scrounging and begging for whatever money they can while paying exorbitant prices for goods and food. There is no middle class in Hawaii, and there can't really ever be one.
You have poors and billionaires.
When I ask for review Im looking for reviews of my design. I care what people think about the code structure, design decisions or algorithms. I dont care if theres still trivial bugs that need addressing. QA and further unit test commits will find that, its not necessarily the point of code review.
>wake up feeling productive
>get into a meeting
>motivation gone
>check my group chat and some other retard is suddenly introducing some other requirement they want for a project.
>they're booking a meeting
holy fucking shit. maybe I need to take a vacation soon but it seems like anytime I get work that's not part of my "plan". I'm starting to get fucking annoyed. Like it's starting to go "WHAT NOW?" Is this ADHD or is it burn out or what is it?
is there a fate worse than leading a team of try hard Zoomer juniors?
>simultaneously technical insecure while asserting all your decisions are correct (cause that's what Professor Shlomo did in my undergrad Java class)
>constantly spinning their wheels on side quests and unimportant shit
>trying way too hard to be a corporate archetype in meetings, just speaking to hear themselves talk (they think this is an important thing to do)
all around just terrible working with anymore sub 5 years experience. so many sharp edges that need to be rounded off by the sands of time and cubicles.
Most penetesting books are not that useful, the only one I can recommend is Practical Malware Analysis, but you'll have to get your hands dirty with assembly in order to understand the book
That is still connected via highways to Malaysia. Its inherently alot easier to get jobs and like Hong Kong before the CCP took over they have a far more favorable trading platform for growth. Yeah great example not at all like the disconnected small islands that rely entirely on boats for supplies.
Decline meetings, anon. You can say no.
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>finally start landing interviews
>3 startups, 1 faang, 2 mid-size F500s
>they all want in-person technical rounds
when the fuck did this shit start back up? how the fuck do they expect me to fly to their office, interview, and fly home when i've already got a full time job?

working for other people really is hell, i should start a consulting biz
if the given answer is worked through it last night with your mom, you should know
>1 faang
>finally land interviews
I have no reason not to. I usually just go on my phone during meetings anyways. I just can't find any drive to do any of my projects anymore. They always get roadblocked or scope creep one way or another.
Check the news the economy is broken.
In modern hardware where computation is almost free, memory size is almost unlimited (although programmers' ingenuity in creating bloated software apparently knows no bounds) the principal limit to performance is the cost of communication. For example, one cache miss might take as much time as a hundred add instructions. If it does not noticeably increase the size of the data or program, quite a large amount of extra run-time computation can be added to most programs with no effect on their total running time. This computation can be invested to give the programming language a more rational semantics and to remove common sources of hard-to-find errors.

Today's languages contain far too many features that do almost the same thing but have slightly different performance characteristics, for example regular and virtual functions in C++. This just encourages programmers to waste time on micro-optimization when they could instead invest time understanding the large-scale behavior of their program and optimizing that. Furthermore excess features make programs more complex and harder to understand.
but why would I want to middle class in Hawaii when I already won the geo lottery? I have food, sunshine and the ocean, what else do you need? Forced vaccinations and a university degree so that you can feel smug? You can just make alcohol out of whatever or extract other drugs and you are sorted. Instead we are stuck in this hamster wheel until our heart gives out. NEETs do have a point
>lgtm approved

why would you put anything else on a PR? Is this your codebase? If it is good enough for they/them, it is good enough for me
holy fucking shit lmao this is fucking hilarious. based jeet
>lose lucrative contract to jeets
>jeets don't have experience with the software but are doing it for less than half our ask and training in the software

I'm pissed and coping but we were requested because the contract was apparently high difficulty and needed ASAP I just don't understand how you're willing to risk it with jeets
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The biggest point that NEETS have is that there is a world outside of work. We escape to work because most people have nothing else in there lives. No one kicks back anymore. Everyone is rushing to complete this or that, fix the house, fix the car, errands ect. Zero time to enjoy what you have instead of chasing the next thing that just brings in more work.
they also don't want to pay for relocation either
I don't think that is all too different to being a bum in some paradise like Hawaii or Madeira.
Yeah probably. But the key is balance, you can smoke a little pot and get drunk but do not make it your life.
Found out my team hired an indian guy today.

Is this the beginning of the end?
own a domain no one else understands so you can act like it's very complex and important but it's actually pretty simple to manage
How many sprint humiliation rituals do you have to attend?
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3 per day
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just had a jeet recruiter contact me...
what are the chances that I'll be scammed?
Damn 3 a day. Daily standup and what else?
>jobs require Microsoft certs
>certs you can't even get anymore
How's this legal?
It's 3 standups for different teams that I'm on
Not 100 but 100 is within the error bars
Nothing matters but money anon
HR roasties should be illegal.
I’m an intern and my coworkers have directly asked my manager to recruit me once my internship ends, it likely won’t happen cause they’re having budget issues but it feels good to be liked. I’ll remember this.
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Recruiters are useless especially in the technical field. Normies (all recruiters are peak normie) will never truly understand technology so they always reach out to the wrong candidates. I have not had one recruiter that reached out to me that led to a job.
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Just say you're bisexual
Instant job
I'm already hired
Hello I am a retarded transnigger and I would LOVE to work for your company
a scrum whore
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I'm not a (((scrum master))) I'm an architect
oh so the staff route, handling lots of projects you don't understand
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Welcome to the family
Yes. There are so many retards on one team that I'm the only one who knows what's going on though, it's really annoying.
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>coworker now comes to work 1 hour late
>we took a 1 hour long coffee break together
>then we went out for a 1 hour lunch
Feels good to have other slackers in the office
Hi guys, the ceo of my company stepped down and another c-suite got the position, should I be worried and start looking
I despise HR niggers
so fucking
it's unreal.
my condolences, I'm trying to bide my time as a lowly senior (12+yoe) but with modern tech and competent team, not sure which approach is better
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what'd they do now
Missed opportunity to have suicide awareness, suicide prevention and suicide hotlines added in there. Also for the military they should add contact info for local recruiters. Working parents should be given a discount to apple IPads. Women in tech should include discounts to programming and IT books. LGBTQ should include free HIV testing.

It would all be ways the company can directly help the people they claim to care about but giving them jabs at the same time.
And make them waste more money on the initiatives so they cancel them
That's the plan a thousand cuts forever. The hall of cost will be paid in full.
I am bisexual and I hate this junk. I hate inclusivity training, HR training, harassments training, cybersecurity training etc is all just a flimsy checkbox so that when they fire you down the road they are covered legally. Its a joke.
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>friend hooked me up with a director's contact info
>already made an introduction
>they handle hiring
bros...am I going to make it? Is this what firm handshakes are like?
This is what nepotism is
Based eye contact maintainer
I have autism, can barely hold a conversation but I was taught some tricks which helped me pass some HR filters.
It's funny that once the HR vibes filter is passed and I can have a real conversation with my future boss or someone that actually knows what I am talking about it's smooth all the way to the negotiation part, where I also fail miserably due to autism.
>The biggest point that NEETS have is that there is a world outside of work

This is total bullshit. Without money there is no "world". My life fucking sucked when I was a broke NEET. I'd rather be a wagie over being broke any day of the week.
Steadily increasing, from 0 to 10% in less than a year. They boast years of experience (10+) but posses the skill level of a junior.
More like High School CS courses. Junior is a mile ahead of a intern and indian's fail to be even intern level of skills.
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god help you stephen
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>put it in dev
>it’s all completely fucked
>About to close a ticket
>Hey, can we add (unrelated shit)
No, we can not.
Not a team player. Looks like you need a PIP anon.
This is one of the reasons I like ITIL practices. "Sorry we only work one issue at a time, if you have concerns please open another ticket and my team will work it as soon as possible :)"
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have you guys healed your depression? it always comes in waves with me but desu the waves where i'm happy seem to be shorter and shorter...
what sort of strategy should i be adopting for leetcode grinding?
should i try to grind as much as i can even if it means looking up solutions and memorizing them
or should i really be trying to solve them then looking up solutions if im stuck?
any tips for the grind would be appreciated since back to beginning i cant even do simple questions anymore
It sucks because they ask for help all day and it is an uphill battle to talk code with them. They often say some random/wrong shit or get blocked by irrelevant code-dogma they stick to.
You guys rage about jeets but I remember my best coworker friends used to be jeets. We fucked around so much lmao that was the good old days.... desu my current work has a jeet and he's pretty cool as well.
Jeets are a mixed bag for sure. Ive worked with some really great guys and also complete slackers. My problem with them in general is they tend to stick to their processes religiously so when you have an issue that they dont have a process for (which is pretty much all the time in IT) they really struggle.
I'm sick of hearing Hindi in my office
We have to dehumanize them. There are only so many jobs and it's us or them.
I worked with a pair of guys who were from India and had moved to the US on visas. They were great, both really smart and easy to get along with. Then the company started contracting out with offshore workers and both of my coworkers complained about how fucking dumb they were, how Indian colleges were teaching shit and churning out idiots etc.
the only cure is when it's over.
>The biggest point that NEETS have is that there is a world outside of work.
Like what? Consooming stale uninteractive media? Playing competitive video games that act as a substitute for real achievement and get old after a while? Degenerate travelling to consooom in a different culture? Interacting with roasties who are literally cookie cutter clones of one another?

The only thing that is fulfilling in life is work and being productive and creating things.

t. Wasted my 20s NEETing with a trustfund and rich parents, had sex with 60+ women
another day another breakfast burrito.
one per week
we get a new ceo every 2 years on average
I thought I was okay with jeets but since 2022 I've worked for a company that is 100% white Americans and Europeans. I haven't heard an Indian accent in 2 years. Likewise, it's the best project I've ever worked on in terms of code quality, stability, delivery, etc.
Don't worry anon
You'll get poo'd on again soon enough
>Just say you're bisexual
I'm stealing this. Feels good to be part of the lgbtqp
take the kids pill, until you fulfill your obligation to nature you are a shallow husk of a man at best
I want kids but I refuse to have sex until the government gives me a virgin teen tradwife
>dude says that life is meaningless without work
>hey just fill your life with kids instead

fast lane to drug addicted kids who hate their parents
I've heard it from several of my friends and men I respect that having a child opened a whole new gear of motivation for them personally.
No idea how true that is. It could be cope. I'm going to probably need to find out for myself.
I dont doubt that, we have a biological need to pass on genes. I just wont be doing that because I like having a lot of money and time and hate children.
kek this is how I got my current job too. They didn't even give me a technical interview just
>yeah x vouched for you so you're good, when can you start?
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Congrats on your unlocking of The Handshake™, anon. Godspeed to you.
This gives me hope. I didn't mind working with them remote but in office sucks.
working 9-6 is so tiring, the commute is 50mins door to door.

I wish so badly I was rich
a couple minutes
I'm about to quit maybe over a 1-1.5 hour commute. Shit drives me crazy. I'm not rich enough to retire forever but I have a good cushion.
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kek, I know a director, got me an interview
....with a sheboon hiring manager...
did two interviews and she sent a half-retarded rejection email that wasn't clearly a rejection.
I hate that you're basically forced to work until you do have enough to retire otherwise if you take a break you're basically unhireable or you fall down the career ladder all the way to the start.
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>nigress hiring manager
that's a first
don't do it bros, don't commute that long. if it's one way, that amounts to 5-7 hrs per week counting for traffic, if both way then it's 10-14 hrs per week. I did it as a coop back in nyc and my two years was just work work
On public transit? I hate driving in traffic. Public transit seems better but I'd probably dislike it too.

I'm about to say fuck it and either I make it trading or I don't care what happens in the future
Literally everybody in my IT department is demotivated, depressed and slacking, I guess it's nice to know everybody feels the same way I do but this shit is worrisome too.
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>sick of current job and coworkers
Do I try to find a new wage slave job or try to do some crypto grift
No wonder. If people can be laid off randomly and at the drop of a hat, why would they be creative and productive? Just do the bare minimum and do something joyful the rest of the time.
literally me when my manager puts on a 4:45pm meeting
same but I also hate looking for a new job
I don't get how people can be effectively productive for more than 6 hours. I'm slacking off at least 1-2 hours each day.
Yup and I have a gnawing feeling it'll be just as gay.
I don't get how people can be effectively productive for more than 1 hour. I'm slacking off at least 7 hours each day.
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After weeks of debate on what the rules should be when merging code, I go away for 2 days and come back to find that my boss (the CEO and part owner of the company) has been pushing commits directly to master because I forgot to disable push permissions on protected branches and he just can't seem to get out of his own way
pretty sure companies are trying to push RTO because WFH gives too much time for affluent white folks to make and care for children
How long after starting a new job should I decide it's clearly not working out? I've been at my new job for 3 months now and I still feel like a fish out of water. This is my third job and I didn't have this much trouble last time I started a new position. I feel like I'm spinning wheels and getting nothing done, in part because any time I get things going my manager shifts priorities and tells me to do something else, and in part because my coworkers seem to know even less about the monolithic mess we're working on then I do.
I fear I've ended up in a dead end career. Any time I read job requirements it's so unattainable. For the past x years I basically fuzz network protocols (proprietary implementation).
>don't know enough to be a full software dev
>don't know enough to be a network engineer
I just got lucky someone was willing to pay me to do this. Kids are graduating college with more practical skills than I picked up my career. All I can do is pick apart a pcap and use tcpdump and scapy.
This makes me very depressed, I'm stuck.
I'm sure your background will carry over more than you think. You're selling yourself short and that is turbo aids for employers. teach yourself something new and sell yourself.
the fuck you mean you're only slacking off 1 hour a day? slave
based 'rito benefit maxxer
i hadn't seen this gif in so long, i just know you're old anon.
currently working as nodejs dev, but I want more money guys, what should I learn? I have time
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What characteristics do you consider essential in competent senior devs? I'm looking to get senior soon, and I want to start performing at that level to show my manager that I'm ready.
Operates independently (leaves me alone)
>the only other choice is to ignore them and just constantly document their inaction, though no one will action that information at all
Man, I did this at my last job. Not only did my manager do nothing despite months of records of people doing literally fucking nothing, but when I told him my ass was leaving he even tried to shame me out of it and say that I should have communicated my frustrations better. In hindsight I'm impressed at the gall of a middle-manager to take no action, take no responsibility, and then try to shame his best IC on their way out. At some point in the ensuing months he was fired (not laid off) so at least someone in that reporting chain wasn't retarded
Above 80 IQ
Independence. Plan proactively so you can sync with your manager (or other stakeholders) and then just leave people alone for a couple days at a time. Have the self-control to actually work during that time instead of jerking off until the last minute.
>Have the self-control to actually work during that time instead of jerking off until the last minute.
kek thank god this isn't actually a requirement
Stayed up until 5 AM gooning.
Didn't log on to my work laptop until 2 PM (when I woke up)
Boss had left me multiple messages. Where are you? Where are you? Threatening to call the police for a "welfare check" if I didn't respond soon. Why are normies like this?
exquisitely based
>you have to be at work because.... YOU JUST HAVE TO OKAY?
t. logs in at 11 and clocks out at 3
Tell him if he ever bothers you again he'll get taught a lesson. Then send him a second text with a gun emoji. They can't legally fire you for this because they can't prove the texts are connected but he'll get the message.
This is why I wake up early. Use my productive hours actually implementing shit, then during normal hours when people pepper their retardation I'm too tired to be shook by it. In exceptional cases I drink to soften it and tell them I'll sleep on it.
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>got called by the company that laid me off about 6 months ago
>quake and shake about the idea of working with them again
>on the other hand i need a job to gain XP and bounce somewhere else afterwards
do I eat the shit sandwich? There's the chances of being in another bootcamp for another consulting agency and even though there is nothing settled yet that seems to have a better prospect.
I love leaving hate comments on youtube. Most of them are filtered by the hate robot but the ones that make it through are always very funny.
>devops makes me want to die. trying to deploy my side project and its dying on both aws app runner and gcp cloud runner. logs are useless
At least the money is worth it right?
Sean & Steve vs The World
>Recruiter tells me unprompted he might take extra time to reply because of how many resumes he got for the position
Fuck it I'm not going to the interview.
don't let the jeets win
Canada was just the beginning
I'm unironically waiting for this situation to happen to me. Old company is trying to fill a senior role for the last 3 months and they're struggling. I'm literally the only one in town that has the experience they're desperately looking for.
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>had a shitty day today where I thought "maybe I should start applying elsewhere
>get home and a guy I know IRL messaged me on linked in asking if I was in the market for a new position (helped me get my first job back in the day)

is this fate bros? almost a spooky coincidence
Should I take an extended contract as a full stack dev or just decline it with no other job lined up. I hate this fucking job so much. I'm actually vomiting from stress. But if I don't take I will be poor.
just take it and keep job hunting unironically
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L.O.L.! (Laughing Out Loud)
not him but if you're wasting time at work, your coworkers hate you. you're not outsmarting anybody. in all likelihood, your manager has already handed a list with potential layoff candidates to their manager, and your name is at the top of the list. i'm a senior dev at FAANG who actually hits his deadlines and has outlived a dozen people pretending to work like you. you won't last long at a decent job.
didn't happen but if it did, don't respond
Half a point is nothing
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I HATE my stupid life even though I have a lot of money and NOTHING seething poorfags say will stop me from complaining and whining about everything.
I hate this field and my career but I am too lazy to uproot my life
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same but money is enough copium that i don't wish for anything else in my life. laughing at idiots and reviewing my portfolio is enough happiness.
With wages inevitably going down due to AI, outsourcing, and the generally shitty job market, what field should I hop to now before everyone else ditches codemonkey work?
I don't even know what else I'd do.
How certain are you that the contract won't be just as bad as (if not worse than) your current job?
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I'm so blunt and mean I naturally come across as an asshole. E.g.
>your resume sucks dude, why do you have A) B) and C)
>>I worked on this 10 character commit yesterday for 8 hours
That's my job but those mostly happen because finding where to put those 10 characters is a struggle. I had fuck around with our email system to retrieve past emails to figure out the root of some issues man.
Go home and do anything besides computer. Either that or play/listen to atmospheric games/albums, and stare at stuff.
I will find the stupidest things to waste time at work. It isn't even in the sense of me goofing off, I will go off tangents like
>make powershell script that auto creates the postgrse functions I need to setup the test data, such that I only need to type up then enter to get a set of data to test
Coupled that with the issues I have to solve are esoteric, and our system taking a minute to compile, I get little done
But I'm a junior, I get paid to be the retard of the office.
Used to watch this shit back in 6th grade.
nothings happening so software engineering
>been meditating
>Stop worrying about made up deadlines
>Have tons of free time
>Manager comes to ask my help on something
>I already finished it a week ago
>He says thank you and leaves
You love to see it
It's the same job. I am working as a contractor and they asked if I want to extend it (doing the same thing). I have no other job lined up at the moment but I'm dying.
These are what I have looked into. They all seem to suck in their own right
Nurse/paramedic/some other med specialty
Cargo ship worker
Aircraft pilot/mechanic
Could start your own business with your current tech skills but I'm not an ideas person
our company has 1 indian manager in the entire org, and he ONLY has indians working under him
Can asking for an internal transfer be a good thing if I want to move somewhere new and do different work or am I better off job hopping (which I am currently trying but struggling to find anything with a pay bump)
My CEO does this sometimes when I miss stand-up (and usually for that same reason kek). 99% of the time he doesn't so I don't know what's different in those couple cases. My best guess is that he abuses the hell out of stimulants and just usually has something else stealing his vigilance
market is shit now solely due to inflation and interest rate hikes. ai is not a threat at this point except maybe to entry level junior shit, if anything it means every dev is going to be expected to be twice as productive
Godspeed, anon
in my (limited) experience, seniors distinguish themselves in code review of other people's shit than their own PRs. juniors will let anything slide because they don't give a shit about PR review, just trying to get back to their own work. seniors actually read the code and give thoughtful, actionable advice on how to make something better
>Threatening to call the police for a "welfare check" if I didn't respond soon
insane behavior for missing a half day of work unless this was some super important deployment day that you seriously fucked up by missing
demand a raise, half ass the job, and continue looking for other work the entire time
You could request an internal transfer and keep looking for jobs in the meantime. At the very least it'll ease up your work for a couple weeks while you onboard with a new team, and in the meantime you're still getting paid while building up tenure on your resume.
How do I force the dumb boomer corp that does 3% raises to promote me
Not leaving I'm cozy
get an offer from an internal transfer to a higher level position. let your boss match it. did that last year and got a 30% raise.
document your accomplishments and tell your manager you want to advance faster.
>just started 2 months ago
>was told I'd be working on some huge company-wide project when I was hired
>said yeah, that sounds great, I'm up for the challenge
>didn't know I'd be the only dev on this project
>didn't know there was no project manager on this project (i.e. I'm also the project manager)
>didn't know it was due by Thanksgiving until 3 weeks ago
>didn't know managers all over the company are pissed at my manager for under-delivering
>didn't know they'd take their anger out on me
>manager tells me I'm behind pace at every status meeting
>manager messages me every other day saying he's counting on me
I'm pretty sure if this project fails it's not my neck on the line, but if it weren't for the scar it'd leave on my resume, I'd just quit ASAP.
Shit's tough. Working as a warehouse worker right now, and I can't imagine bothering with any amount of job searching in this job market.
What if you get paid extra?
my condolences
one day you will laugh at this situation
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most of those jobs are real jobs that contribute to society so i would never do them. i only grift not work.
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>this is the teams profile pic of a coworker
what compels youngsters to be this impulsive nowadays
josh is that you?
why are you stalking me?
>Could start your own business with your current tech skills but I'm not an ideas person
I'm an ideas person. Ideas are so fucking easy. The hard part about business is sales and marketing, and idk how the fuck you're supposed to learn that and unlearn autism. The alternative to sales skills is nepotism which Id don't have either. Getting pussy didn't help. College didn't help. Sales books all look like useless feelgood scams.
I'm starting to think it's a genetic or deeply ingrained thing. Us goys are not cut out for business.
sorry Tim but your a faggot.
Welp I just got a paper cut, how many ptos should I take?
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take 12 weeks of FMLA for your maternity leave
Knew a crazy overachiever Asian chick who I'm 90% sure floundered for a year at her job and then popped her "I am going to kill myself and it's the company's fault" ult
What do you think happens? 6mo vacation?
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based girl boss earned a 60 year vacation
she burned out 3 years late
burning out in college is a godsend, you can find yourself and earn your place in the world without being disillusioned
I failed my bodyweight OHP attempt tonight so I will take the rest of the week off in shame.
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I think I'm mastering the art of exaggeration
>worked on a few day bug fix for a feature
>say I lead a great effort to architect this feature and gathered a team to accomplish it over the course of months with fake challenges and roadblocks from customers and leadership
I'm growing stronger bros, wagmi
based and architect pilled
Everyone's (literally) built different and got their own challenges, anon. My OHP was higher than my fucking squat and deadlift. I believe in your next attempt.
Just don't go overboard or someone will believe it too much and give you a task from hell
Are you me? I feel like nobody gets this and just nitpicks the most trivial stuff
At my job this shit happens because review comments are one of the performance metrics that managers look at. Everyone just rushes with nitpicks or "+1" comments because managers don't care about the quality of your critique, just the quantity.
Man I did it the otherway around.
>grind 10 years code and IT on the side
>got the wife
>got the house
>got 3 cars
Bored shitless, have MS now so like fuck im gonna breed.
207cm tall so probs dead by 60.
>The only thing that is fulfilling in life is work and being productive and creating things.
facts. nothing more fun than creating software in a team. the itself is interesting
Now you're learning. You have a bright future ahead of you.
this. literally me.
nigga there is a thread
Do Puerto Ricans actually or as coders or some other position?

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