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Please give all the weird, out there desktop environments you know of. I want to experiment with all the strangest stuff.
Enlightenment is as weird as it gets unless we are counting mobile shells
MaXX Interactive Desktop
I just realized that I should also mention that NsCDE uses fvwm as its backend, but you can also use fvwm as a standalone
Has anyone tried using these DEs with a different font? Are the fonts hardcided? Is the main thing that dethers me from trying it.
NsCDE has a font selector right in the main settings menu
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Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE)
I've always liked toms window manager
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KDE Liquidshell
there was this nice little page showing off different window managers back in the mid to late 90s
url must have been something like www.domain.tld/~xwin/, iirc. anyone here still remember it?

it's completely impossible to make post-2006 google find anything anymore.. especially for a page that may or may not be alive anymore
Linux already had a standard ui toolkit from cde why didn't we just keep improving on that instead of fragmenting between GTK and Qt?
Motif was closed source until 2012 so they made KDE. But Qt was closed until 2000 so they also made Gnome
how have i never heard of this
Ah I didn't know that. Makes sense.
Not what you're talking about, but I stumbled upon this one some time ago: https://guidebookgallery.org/guis/
neat, thanks anon
one of guidebook's links got me to toastytech's gui site, which in turn had a link to the site I was thinking of among its collection
it seems to be dead since nearly a decade, but the waybackmachine had it archived

I'm just glad there's a bunch of these kind of sites still around. these hyperfocused corners of the world wide web is what made the old internet so great..
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You will be punished for this post
>*makes you're desktop more common*
nothing personnel
wtf this looks amazing. Gonna try it now
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imagine what a nightmare it would be using these together
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>that's not obscure
wdym everyone installs openshell or an equivalent.
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idk if is just indulced nostalgia (even tho i didnt live these times)
but these old looks are amazing.
Any of them that are focused on keyboard first users?
I never hear about it either until I saw a thread here about it just a couple days ago
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around this parts any desktop that isn't slathered with gross trannime is "osbscure"
More here
I've literally never heard anyone talk about this one on /g/
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The reason is that twm was quickly superceded by tvtwm.
Both did the job but were a bit primitive.
window maker
proprietary slop
Trinity is kind of obscure I guess
there's also that KDE 1 fork
also found out there's a KDE 4 fork called Katana
You both are welcome to post some actually obscure ones then. I'm waiting.
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>Trinity is kind of obscure I guess
Perhaps, but still nice.
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What OS?
Symbos. It is written in Z80 assembly.
better than wayland

loonix needs hundreds of megabytes of ram minimum to have a windowing system and a gui toolkit
This is the sort of thing I started this thread to find.
Its from my timeline


In the timeline that bruce3434 and I come from KDE liquid shell is a standard and well more developed; though it does contain bugs still teehee.

how do i change the wallpaper on icewm

I'm not sure if this is pixel art or real

I here about trinity all damn day. it is not obscure just not popular and my xfce setup is meant to give me the trinity feel without using trinity.
In that case I can also offer this 6502 alternative (also in assembly):
It is worth pondering what people can du with 8-bit processors clocked at a few MHz with about 64 KB RAM,
>I'm not sure if this is pixel art or real
It is real:
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There's also fvwm95
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and the MacOS 8 theme
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Also honorable mention for Chicago95 even though it isn't a desktop environment.
Is this the one that uses fltk?
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Looks like absolute shit compared to fvwm95
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Sun's News Hyperlook. So obscure that you can only get dodgy photographs of it.
>I want to experiment with all the strangest stuff
bet you want to experiment with all the strangest porn and different genders as well, freetard tranny
stop wasting time on garbage
Why are you like this?
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>That which is repressed is projected
It has plasma and trinity options, based off plebian, been around for a hot minute, not nearly as popular as some others.

Worth a glance if curious, mainable too.

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