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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102209391

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
flux-dev: https://huggingface.co/spaces/black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling

>Black Forest Labs: Flux

>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...

>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>ViT-L/14 / CLIP-L Text Encoder finetune for Flux.1

>ComfyUI v0.2.0 Release

>How much is AI hurting the planet? Big tech won't tell us

>CSGO: Content-Style Composition in Text-to-Image Generation

>MiniMax: Text to Video model backed by Alibaba Group and Tencent


>SimpleTuner v1.0 released

>ComfyUI_pose_inter: Create interpolation pose images between two images

>AWPortrait-FL: FLUX.1-dev fashion photography finetune

>Webui Extension for hires-fix after img2img

>HERMES: temporal-coHERent long-forM understanding with Episodes and Semantics

>Look, Compare, Decide: Alleviating Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models via Multi-View Multi-Path Reasoning

>Kalmogorov-Arnold Neural Networks Shake Up How AI Is Done

>Stochastic Layer-Wise Shuffle: A Good Practice to Improve Vision Mamba Training

>AdaptVision: Dynamic Input Scaling in MLLMs for Versatile Scene Understanding

>See or Guess: Counterfactually Regularized Image Captioning


>fastsdcpu v1.0.0-beta.50

>Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art
>mfw Research news


>MSLIQA: Enhancing Learning Representations for Image Quality Assessment through Multi-Scale Learning

>HiTSR: A Hierarchical Transformer for Reference-based Super-Resolution

>VLM-KD: Knowledge Distillation from VLM for Long-Tail Visual Recognition

>From Bias to Balance: Detecting Facial Expression Recognition Biases in Large Multimodal Foundation Models

>Perceive-IR: Learning to Perceive Degradation Better for All-in-One Image Restoration

>DLM-VMTL:A Double Layer Mapper for heterogeneous data video Multi-task prompt learning

>LLaVA-SG: Leveraging Scene Graphs as Visual Semantic Expression in Vision-Language Models


>CinePreGen: Camera Controllable Video Previsualization via Engine-powered Diffusion

>Open-vocabulary Temporal Action Localization using VLMs

>How Knowledge Distillation Mitigates the Synthetic Gap in Fair Face Recognition

>Abstracted Gaussian Prototypes for One-Shot Concept Learning

>Temporal and Interactive Modeling for Efficient Human-Human Motion Generation

>VQ4DiT: Efficient Post-Training Vector Quantization for Diffusion Transformers

>RISSOLE: Parameter-efficient Diffusion Models via Block-wise Generation and Retrieval-Guidance

>FissionVAE: Federated Non-IID Image Generation with Latent Space and Decoder Decomposition

>Instant Adversarial Purification with Adversarial Consistency Distillation
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you've posted this 200 times in a row now
thanks anon! i didn't know flux was supported in auto yet :3 i love the buildings in the bg

can you show me how to recreate this without a LoRA then?
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>i didn't know flux was supported in auto
I don't know if it is. I used Forge. Forge is just a fork of auto, and you can link all your models and loras from auto to forge so you don't have to move them. It tells you how in the cmd window when you launch it.
its not. voldy was blown up on the frontlines by a drone. he's now writing bad code in the grand beyond
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Just a question I stumbled across this chick on X. Am I crazy to think that these photos are AI? Something about them seem off. She's playing it off as they are just regular Pics.
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This one too. Goes by Nadia gear
She looks like AI to me because it's almost got that semi-realistic plastic look. It could just be heavy editing in photoshop I guess. I thought this girl I saw recently Chloe Chuu was AI, but it turned out she's real and they just photoshopped the hell out of her.
the bra strap makes no sense
It started when I saw a model of her on civitai
I thought she was kind of cute and looked her up, then was like, she's not real. But then I found her youtube channel and she talks about how the photoshopped her eyes to be bigger etc.
Cute OP.
Rest in pepperoni
Good catch
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down syndrome double chin big bone retard
what eloquence
these threads have fallen off, very uninspired material here as of late.
still better than the pedo spammer that posts the same 1girl alcohol down syndrome face over and over and over and over and over, top shot with alien horseface and a shit jawline and collarbone all day everyday, just staring, fucking just kill yourself already koff go suck **** off while you're at it, nick fe the absolute faggot cries everyday about no one likes him and will leave """soon""" but never will (he's been crying for attention saying he's going to leave for over a month over and over again), because he's a giant pedo banned from /b/ faggot that just wants attention for his shitty no-life gens
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surely you know critique has no weight when you clearly don't think you can do any better
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why don't you use ai to write a better sentence
just leave already, no one has ever liked you or your down syndrome animorphs tier pedo spam
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optimal level of youthfulness.
wow another shit gen just like the last 500 you've spammed with your 5 year old that looks like she's stuffed 300 cottonballs in her mouth please spam this place more with your down syndrome retarded shit
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you sound kinda mad

>day 516 of seething on sdg. I'm gonna make the poster I don't like leave today, I can feel it. I just need to seethe at him harder
your life is sad. get a better hobby

>inb4 'no u'
cmon lil buddy, say it. it'll be so witty
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this is a time of nostalgia.
△ has agreed. it is △'s fervent wish that you post retro gens.
thread audio themes supplied by ancient history. △ says you do not deserve them, but i say △ is being stupid. and i control the clicking so pthubbb
you're attention starved as well I know, but you're not important to the conversation here, as much as you wish you were and try to be
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it's a slow burn, let it flow over your worthless, corpulent bodies.
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you and pw both have a habit of coming on when I'm going to sleep

sleep is for the weak
just facts, you try to keep yourself relevant by spamming 18 hours a day and inserting yourself into every convo you have no business being in and jumping on every newfag that joins but everyone with half a brain just ignores you and for good reason, not even tranni likes you take a hint man
>everyone with half a brain just ignores you
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i am weak

mad AND dumb
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oh I know you already get off on negative attention, you've been trying to pull heat off your pedo butt buddy this whole time, well guess what his gens are shit and so are yours, koff will never leave this place no matter how much he cries wolf because he is a big attention whore faggot just like yourself, he will keep spamming his 1down syndrome girls and keep saying he wants to quit this place but he never will, just like you he is mentally ill habitual poster, and will keep plaguing this place with shit gens until the universe dies of heat death
so what's the issue
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I bet you're literally shaking rn lmao
seeing the same loli horseface animorph cover 6 year old with cotton balls stuffed in her mouth posted 50 times per thread whenever I make the mistake of checking this place out once in a while
not as shaking as you that someone finally replied to you
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How do I make v-prediction models work on ForgeUI?
>just get the CFGscale fix
I did. It doesn't do anything. Is ForgeUI simply incapable of working with v-prediction models? All I get are outputs like this.
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△ does not approve of this ranting. △ says "put up an image or shut the fuck up". i have omitted several slurs that △ has said. you're welcome
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blame management for not banning me yet.
you've said you've wanted to go away on ur own on several occasions

you just like...can...but you won't

because you are a liar just looking for attention, you never once thought of quitting just wanted to cry for attention, pathetic really and not really fooling anyone
i have both quite often thought of leaving, and enjoy the attention, in some ways, but not others.
△ does not approve>>102225441
I mean its clearly AI
wow imagine being a pedo faggot spamming the same image 40 times a day and your only backup is the thread schizo who has no friends here either
if you were molested it wasn't my fault
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koff come back to the cabal. we can protect you from the cat.
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we want to touch you
all of you, all over.
no way fag
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we are greedy,
we want all of you
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think I'll stick with people that seem like they've moved on past 1.4 looking gens, thx tho
what will i even do with all of you in my hands? it's its simple, i will overcome the jannies. i will fire the mods. i, △, will take over the chans
hmm. yes, that gen was from 2/26/2024. when was your last gen? oh, youre imptent. well that's sad
fun bait. won't make ur gens better tho sadly
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eat shit and die, nigger faggots. lmao
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nite, dream of soft, cute things. same deal tomorrow.
>same deal tomorrow
yea no shit
>open /sdg/ again after half a year
>its still about attentionstarved homos
>close thread
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>debo unironically thinks its one singular schizo anon shitting up the thread for 516 days
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flux eats a shit ton of ram the moment i turn on any loras, is there a way to fix this?
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>solves captcha to post this
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What would you prompt this facial expression? Blowing air? Focused + duck face?
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exhausted exhaling maybe?
blue steel
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good enough

cheers lads
she looks like a cartoon my man.
i miss schizoanon
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This looks awesome.
Very classy gens anon.
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Thank you :)
How long does an awesome looped animation take to gen and on what sort of hardware?
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That one I split into 4 sections and generated each separately before combining them all. One section usually takes about 5-15 minutes. The batches are 28 frames at 16 steps and I get about 20-60s/it on a 3090. Vae decode and interpolation takes a few minutes as well.
I usually work on one section at a time so I don't queue the entire workflow at once, but the other day I loaded up a previous project and wanted to make a change so I generated the whole thing and got
>Prompt executed in 3471.08 seconds
>schizo general
I dont get why you faggots nigbobump this dead general
Why dont you switch to /ldg/?
>like she's stuffed 300 cottonballs in her mouth
this, why that fag likes that stupid looks style lol
Well in my case, it's because i don't use a local model; I use NovelAI.
You should stay here
how would i go about making something that isnt one woman sitting or standing? like a pillow fight
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>OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free

>"It would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models without using copyrighted materials."

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Digital painting.
Genning complex and original scenes just isn't what this technology does yet.
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I forgot to say thank you, glad you like that animation.
Nice fancy dress in that one.
Openpose controlnet can help with posing subjects.
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clocked in, ready to innovate.
Did you get molested as child?
hello boyos, what have i missed the past two weeks? i got sucked into the LLM rabbithole and lost my mind for a bit but i'm back to training a flux lora now
The most honest journalist wrote that title.
I hope you're doing well, just ignore the schizos
But he's the schizo
Shut the fuck up for once schizo anon
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dynamic composition.
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smoke and die
but not before you live
I'm going to cancel your vote in November
shit thread
when is ani releasing the exe. holy shit I am getting tired of waiting for non-webshit
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is that what he's working on? I heard he is doing something with neggles too
Comrade Kamala will regulate AI. 8 more weeks.
>Julien craving attention again
we are talking about ani not "Julien"
would c++ even be any better?
yes. passing a pointer instead of copies of tensors would be ideal. caching would be more efficient too not to mention real threading
>doxxing yourself to "own the haters"
Then China will just take over.
>butbut muh Nvidia GPU embargo will save-
It won't.
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sadly, i am bored/burnt out of genning females, for now, and will gen other things for a bit.
What is your ethnicity by chance
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antarctican, hope that helps
Makes sense
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i gotchu senpai
Morning anons
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the libs invest in energy infrastructure (IRA), which is desperately needed to support an AI-integrated society.
the libs invest in domestic hi-tech manufacturing and research (CHIPS), which is desperately needed to keep AI domestic.
libs WILL regulate AI, preventing domestic companies from selling tech to china/russia
biden admin established seven national AI research institutes
biden admin published a blueprint for an AI bill of rights

I'm pro-AI so I'm going to vote for the pro-AI party. you can vote however you want but voting against AI just to spite a stranger on the internet seems a bit silly

When he masters the complexities of CMakeLists.txt
>the libs invest
of all the things you've ever said, this has to be the dumbest shit ever
enjoy your country turning into brazil
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haven't genned this character in a long time
Liberals dont invest in anything they preach. They utilize the money of the people they govern to run ridiculous immoral and wasteful schemes that lead to inflation like giving illegals taxpayer funded ebt and cellphones and putting heroin users up in luxury hotels. They regulate electronic communications only because the failures of their policies can only be divulged to a people free to speak their own uncensored thoughts
>le american mindset - politics and racism everywhere
Is this all what goes on in your tiny little mind?
Here is another example of American in action. Nothing but parroting politics even when posting on image genning threads.
>Here is another example of American in action
Here is another example of an ESL obsessed with America
This is a furry DJ wearing Minecraft glasses telling you how to vote.
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we're so back bois
fr fr no cap
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is this ai gen? because its so fuck8ng over if it is
looks like NAI
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Sometimes it's fun to just throw IP-adapters into a blender to see what happens.
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one anon that used to post here was up to 20 ipadapters at one point
Can anyone explain to me what the kohya scripts are? Are they just a bunch of scripts that allow you to do Lora training?
Yes, you're correct! The Kohya SS scripts are a set of Python scripts developed by Kohya_ss for the purpose of training custom LoRAs (Low-Rank Adaptation) on Stable Diffusion models. This is a technique used in machine learning to fine-tune pretrained models without retraining all layers, making it more efficient and resource-friendly.

The scripts provide a user-friendly interface to perform tasks such as extracting the weights of a model, merging and applying LoRAs, and training new ones. They support various features like saving and loading state, regular expressions for filtering images, gradient checkpointing for reducing memory usage, and more.

These scripts are highly beneficial for users who want to customize their Stable Diffusion models without requiring significant computational resources or time. However, it's important to note that they require a good understanding of Python and machine learning concepts to use effectively.
ty chatgpt-4o
>ded schizo general
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>20 ipadapters
kneels in vramlet

IPAdapters kind of capture that earlier AI feeling of different styles getting mixed together whenever you prompt, with slightly less gacha and more control. If segmentation got a little smoother, making a stock gen and selectively segmenting different areas with different styles would be a powerful tool, even if only to make more weird themed 1girls.
sdg - schizo ded general
you had one job
Stop nigbobumping faguette
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you need to be apart of the homosexual breads community to use that word
its so trivial to bait you its not even funny anymore lmao
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>mocks you and mogs your inability to gen
>"y-y-you were baited!!"
I'm not gonna lie, you're having an off week. this is not your A game and I'm honestly a bit disappointed in your performance lately
>and I'm honestly a bit disappointed in your performance lately
Only because you dont realize what the bigger picture looks like, lonely /sdg/ thread schizo ;)
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So I have a wildcard with names that Pony recognizes. Sometimes a name however like "Claire Redfield" produces picrel and then the next run with the same prompt the wildcard pics "D.Va" and renders fine. With a different model this doesn't happen with the same prompt and the name that produced noise previously. Why is this happening?
sdg - subhuman degenerates general
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a few [a|b] and [a|b|c] in prompt
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maybe its not the wildcard but just the seed. try the same prompt with a different seen
>p-please lift your feet or we cant r-rope you
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Nope, same happens with same name + prompt but random seed on every roll.
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maybe the implication is that all nogens are manlets. its adds up, honestly. lacking in gens, lacking in height
Yeah, I made that for last thread. It's indeed NAI.
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its specially designed for midgets like you
>this is what he centers his life around
I'm looking for something to add jiggle to my generated images. Are there any such tools available? Last I checked it seemed like all I could find was an ancient shitty windows program and an old android app (and I don't believe Img2Video is good enough yet locally?)
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Thread is reaching its necrobumping limits.
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This dude
apparently used both deepnegative and easynegative in the positive prompts. Yet the image doesn't seem to be affected at all (don't have the setup right now to try/recreate myself).
How is that possible?
The image itself isn't anything special in the first place. i.e. doesn't matter really.
Please don't use CivitAI for any examples they are all horrible on technical level.
that's a really cute chen
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you guys really need to stop harassing debo
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Newfag here. Do you guys mind if I ask a question regarding ai art training. I want to know more I go regarding its legality.
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just ask the question bro
>failed dj, failed promptist
Training on illegal pictures is illegal because the illegal pictures are illegal anon.
Not talking about "illegal pics" .I'm talking about existing art work
>existing art work
Training on existing art work is not illegal. The most they can do is seethe about it if they see your model. There are some artists currently suing SD, Runway, Midjourney and Deviantart for training on their artwork, but the companies are claiming fair use and there has been no ruling on it.
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How is it fair use? Sorry if you seem like stupid questions but I'm very new to this
The images came from the internet and were saved to their private servers to train AI models, not distributed for commercial purposes. There is no effect upon original work's value by using it for training. You cannot protect an art style from imitation.
the resolution gives it away as being AI
So what if someone trains a Lora but then uploads the dataset they used for all to see. Would that fall under fair use?
You're sharing images that were already being shared on the internet and someone could have downloaded by doing an image search, so I would say yes. What's the difference if I download it from a zip file you uploaded or from Google search?
It would only not be if you hacked them or stole them off a device and they had never been shared publicly before that.
This happened one time and was called the fappening
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so what do I do with all this news if there's no new thread all day
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Only 45-50 away. I'll post old gens. We need PW to show up and increase thread activity.
people typically skirt around this by using only URLs in their public dataset
Any examples of this?
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Never heard of it. What is that?
Yet another archive format but designed for machine learning tasks. There are tools which allow you to take that huggingface URL and scrape all those images fairly quickly. Think of it like a zip you can use for training, it's designed for dataloaders.
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>sloppety slop!
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today i learned trying to post nongirl or more 'creative' gens doesnt deter abuse from obsessed trolls.
You mentioned earlier that people get around restrictions by only posting the links to the images. How would someone who has a zip file of an art style dataset use that method? Would he have to reupload every image somewhere else?
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fr fr. trolling nogens must be purged
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makes one wonder what their goal is, maybe its a weird way to get me to continue girl genning
Huggingface allows you to upload tars if that's how you want to do it. And likely the worst that will happen is they'll get a takedown notice and the dataset gets removed. You can around dance this by having a research only / non-commercial license for the data. This is what hlky is doing for this datasets which do include the images.

Disclaimer: BIG data's activities are conducted for non-commercial research[1] purposes.

Datasets are licensed under `ODC-By` to keep the data open and available for research[2].
Note that per Section 2.3 this license does not apply to the individual Contents which may be covered by other rights.

[1] Research grants are welcome :)
[2] Contact a team member if you find the license to be incompatiable with your Derivative or Collective Database, or require an exception to attribution requirements for Produced Works.

Example: https://huggingface.co/datasets/bigdata-pw/Artsy

I would generally avoid images from major copyright trolls like Disney or Warner Brothers.
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>divine eye-gouge
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>Upload in .tar format
>Use the "Open Data Commons License Attribution family"

One of my friends has several Datasets he used to train LoRAs in zip format and the website automatically makes the contents visible in the data set viewer. Do you recommend he essentially re-uploads them in the .tar format and use that license? He currently uses the CC0 (creative Commons Zero universal) license for all of them.
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I think that license is an attempt to pretend like copyright doesn't matter.
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>Literally just stores a bunch of Spotify songs

How do they even do that?

Also are there ways to extract . parquet files?
Forgot link

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Cozy any nice
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That's just a CSV of songs, not the songs themselves.

You use something like https://github.com/rom1504/img2dataset/tree/main to scrape the images from the parquets.
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random sunglasses
>sloppy diffusion general
are we back?
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So in order to dodge any potential legal trouble they essentially have to compile a giant list of links to the images they used?
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my real oc
only real fans know
Yes and avoid having to move around terabytes of images.
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You have no fans kek
Christ.... I'm going to send him this thread. Guess he has to get to work soon..... Final question. Is there any documentation on how to specifically format and convert an existing data set into whatever you linked? Or did you already link that?
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its better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission

you're my biggest one
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remember the fennec fan era
Hey friends I have a couple questions.
I know a lot of people are making AI girl Instagram profiles and stuff. Have any of you started doing this? Do any of you have simps offering you money if so?

Also. What are the best methods of using AI to nudify images. Thank you.
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you gotta put in a lot of work to be convincing enough to hook the simps
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Vrom vrom
Is it lora over training that causes textures like hair, clothes, etc. to look clumpy sometimes?
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there's some special lore behind this character but no one would believe it
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what is the special lore?
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you wouldn't believe it even if I told you
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Perhaps. I just might be autistic enough to post a years worth of photos on the regular. But I see a lot of people post under obvious AI images thinking they're real that I don't think it matters.
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yeah, it really doesn't matter. social media success is an exercise in marketing rather than content. you can have mid content so long as you know how to market it and get it in front of people
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why the dress tho
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I wonder what bmp is up to
he secretly reads all my messages btw
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how do i run nai on my computer?
damn, all that work just for no bake
*building sounds*
*studs bouncing*

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