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How come there are suddenly so many women in the tech industry?
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satan trips confirms that you have posted the most unholy of all abominations
please see your local priest immediately
Third post with 666 this week. Im scared
How they can look into mirror and think "i look fine"? What kind of mental illness is this? Just...
>How they can look into mirror
They dont, actually
Good old fashioned denial is a hell of a coping mechanism. That's also why once a single tranny infects any group it's over. These creatures can only exist in an echochamber within an echochamber where no one ever questions their delusions. They need constant reinforcement that they're looking fine and no one can tell the difference. I have no hate for trannies, I pity them, the people enabling them need to be gassed.
Holy based
Now post a compilation of all the hot passing ones. Yes they exist, lie to yourselves all you want, but I've seen enough tranny porn to know the truth.
>The one with the Twilight Sparkle mane lol
>The one who seems to be not even trying and just has a full 5 o clock shadow
>The Asian/native American one that might not even be trans and is literally just a man with long hair
>The one that looks like Jaws from the James Bond movies
>The Nikki Minaj
Not one of them is even close to passing, what the fuck
Start your research here:
Most of them would pass in the UK
Women like money. Probably even more than men like money.

It seems that there is money to be made in tech (same thing in law and medicine as well).
imagine being the person who made this image
or the person who saved the image and then made a new thread with it
i hope for their sake, those people are chasers
Endocrine disruption from micro-plastics, chemicals, feralizers, HFCS, hormones in the food, forever chemicals and much worse. This will break their blood line. If they procreate the children will have a myriad of mental illness. This all started in the late 1960's. It will only get worse.
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its weird how those "people" got from sucking dick for $10 in ghetto alleys to working in tech
>how come there are so many "women" in tech.
Most of them are mentally ill faggots dudes, just looking that pic remminded me of the okama in kamabaka oukoku in obe piece.
I think you need to get out more mate.
20 years in the industry
never seen a single trap

maybe is an amerifag thing
These are men who have a weird fetish and are sick with delusion.
Get out more and look at real women, since you haven't seen one in years.
AI will take all the tranny jobs away
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none are passing, you’re just gay
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tfw i'm a cute tech trans girl, and freaks like the OP image are what anons think of whenever we get mentioned
it's honestly so depressing
>but I've seen enough tranny porn to know the truth.
You need Jesus.
>t. bottom row, third from the left
How can AI hang itself?
LMFAO god anon don't jumpscare me like that
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yet your to much of a pussy to show your face and hide behind a screen. if we saw it we would 100% add it to the list faggot. how does it feel knowing your fake vaginia is connected to the bowels permanently smelling like shit
They look like they're trying to replace lot lizards.
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i look fine lol https://litter.catbox.moe/x5b1nj.jpg
it's literally a picrel situation
see above
doesn't matter how you look or how many pills you've taken, you can't change your chromosome, a costume remains a costume
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moving the goalposts i see
they're building an army

what moving the goalposts? I said that you will never be a woman, it's a fact, a woman is an adult female, you are born a male and will remain a male till you die, you can wear costumes if you want, but you can't become a costume, if I put feathers on my ass I don't suddently transform into a chicken, that's common sense
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>Tranny thread still up after 7 hours
Col 4, row 4 has the best eyes
You look like an underaged autistic boy.
In other wprds a dude that pretend to be a woman.
You will never pass as a woman, not even belke delphine can hide it anymore and you think you can pass as a woman.
>not even belke delphine can hide it anymore
wait, belle is a troon?
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lmfao you're now arguing semantics when it literally doesn't matter. even if my insides were entirely filled with jello and i was an alien from neptune, that wouldn't change my day to day life or how i interface with society at large
see above
why would it even matter? if you ever have to question it in the first place, doesn't that kind of defeat the majority of arguments screaming about trannies?
>lmfao you're now arguing semantics when it literally doesn't matter.
it does, reality matter, if you want to live in a little fantasy, go ahead, but don't force people to play into your delusion, simple enough right?
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i don't do anything like that? that's kind of my exact point, anon... i just exist in my day to day life and everyone treats me like a woman. i don't request or force anything. it literally just happens. frankly, i think i would get strange looks if i tried to get people to treat me like a man
le troll face, you look like that dream minecraft youtuber
I’d say that it’s a good thing. We need more diversity in tech in my opinion.
>i don't request or force anything. it literally just happens. frankly, i think i would get strange looks if i tried to get people to treat me like a man
if you don't do that then that's fine, but you know that people get fired because they refuse to cater to some troons delusions and shit, that's one of the big reasons companies are weary on hiring troons, because they are a liability and cause so much dramas with their mentally ill pronouns bullshit
He did rock that long hair, all else he needed was to turn water into estrogen.
It became kinda obvious in a pic last year, those huge dude hands, the thing only men have in their throats, small hips with no difference from waist, shoulders getting wider (as normally dudes shoulder get when passing the 25 years).
It became clear is a troon, well signs became clear long ago.
>girls age faster after the 20s.
>dudes take longer to show age signs.
>belle dellphine despite passing the 20s had no signs of aging (as most thots that are same age or younger).
are you sure this actually happens? have you literally ever seen it? are you sure you're not just either a) falling for propaganda or b) inventing things to get mad about?
also, i will add to this: there's a difference between "refusing to cater to delusion" and creating a hostile work environment, and if you're actually discussing this in good faith, i think both of us can understand the difference between these two
Keep playing your phantasy man, still won't change you are a man and no i won't play in your little fantasy.
>there's a difference between "refusing to cater to delusion" and creating a hostile work environment
troons are the one creating a hostile work environment, they force people to disregard reality and cater to fantasies, you're not 4yo anymore, no one is gonna tell you Santa Claus is real so that you won't get your feelings hurt. As an adult, you have to deal with reality and disagreements, if you can't do this simple move, then you don't deserve to work in a team
>falling for propaganda
says the troon failing for fantasies
ah, so we're not interested in good faith, got it. your coworker's gender/sexuality/tranny status/etc. is literally never relevant to the job you're being paid to do, and the fact that you're getting so worked up about it tells me that you've never held a job, are retarded, or both
you're projecting your imagined thoughts of what i feel and believe onto me. you know literally nothing about me other than the fact that i'm a tranny
>your imagined thoughts
says the troon imaginating he's something he's not
>you know literally nothing about me other than the fact that i'm a tranny
that's enough to know that you're mentally ill, I don't want to deal with people who believe Santa Claus is real either, life is complicated enough without having to talk to weirdos like that
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you can't even properly comprehend my post. go take a lap and see if your reading comprehension improves once your blood pressure drops a bit. i promise you won't be jumped by a tranny while you're out
Why wouldn't there be? Half of all people are women.
>go take a lap and see if your reading comprehension improves once your blood pressure drops a bit.
says the troon who has a reality comprehenson issue
>Half of all people are women.
that's not how it works, there's a lot of white people on earth yet only one guy managed to run under 10 sec for the 100 m dash, there's just some specifics on race/gender that can't be beaten, no one is created equal
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>n-no u!!!
i think that's my cue lol
Being in the tech industry is not some great accomplishment. It also doesn't require excessive physical strength.
at least I'm not the one coping about my gender, you will never be a woman, you know it
>Being in the tech industry is not some great accomplishment.
I never said it was, but my point is that men are way more interested in that overall, it's just nature at this point, I don't get the idea of wanting 50/50 everywhere, men usually like their own shit and women like different shit, we are not the same, and the huge disparity in tech reflects that
i respect the attempt at owning the chuddies but my man you are literally living an eldritch abomination of a life, imagine telling the 6yo self that you'd one day pretend to be a woman in a dress and try to cut your dick off. fucking depressing. i hope you get better
>it's just nature
Are you sure it's not rather nurture? Social reasons like a field being popular with one gender tend to propagate and keep it popular with them and the other out.
>most of them will eventually end up castrating themselves
I think it's beautiful how nature takes out defectives by itself.
this, maybe that troon sees our comments as hurtful and rude, but we're just trying to bring him back to reality, he has to leave this cult, that's not a sane way to live
of course it's nature, men and women aren't the same, so they don't like the same thing overall, would be weird if we acted exactly the same don't you think?
No, I don't think it would.
so for you men and women are the same?
> this Ron Weasley looking little faggot thinks he looks like a woman
LMAO my sides
Ikr, at this point I'm sure god created troons so we can have some quality laugh on this earth kek
I never laughed so much before this thread.
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troon is the new (white) neckbeard.
You could not tell me ten years ago porn addiction and inceldom would lead to a troon epidemic. I wouldn’t have believed you. I still don’t believe it because I cannot wrap my mind around this level of mental illness.
Literal 1984 shit with posts like this. Disgusting parasite
I bet you have a great relationship with your father.
You just reminded me of an experience I had. 14 years ago, Orlando Florida, I was preforming some work at a property for a landlord. All 3(5?) tenants were black transsexuals apart from maybe one of their younger brothers. I'm certain they were all prostitutes and one was probably a drug dealer. There was a constant steam of other "women" through the day and I noticed them in the area in general. Felt like I was in a Dave Chappelle skit. Wild how quickly people forget. Men dressed as women was a comedy skit not too long ago, and I'd say it still is, but now the audience is in set.
adult female, 6 by 6 grid <lora:testosterone:1.5>
So their dysphoria is thinking what everybody else is thinking, that they look like a bunch of freaks in wigs. How is that a mental illness again?
Grid 6x6, man, dysphoria, wig, mental ill.
I suspect most of them are arthoes and don't want anything to do with tech. techfags are so boring they're a pussy AND bussy repellent
Faggot or troon? Kinda hard to tell but one of those.
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> your coworker's gender/sexuality/tranny status/etc. is literally never relevant to the job you're being paid to do
These people wear fetish gear to work and it has to be accepted bc it's part of their "culture" or whatever even though everyone is grossed out by it.
Jewish chess board
not one single of them can pass
the op knows, the digits knows
They're all humans.
80% of them are trans, so it's still a sausagefest, it's just that now some guys play pretend.
Interesting, because I have noticed a marked decline in troonery since covid.
repost this guys mug, i wanna laugh at him >>102234099
And yet they demand everyone else look at them and not see through the deception.
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Languages like rust encourage you to troon out and wear high socks and take it up the butt. Also I blame anime, acceptance culture and the fact programming is not masculine and you can hide at home. I’m desperately single so I can see the trajectory if I had no morals and was retarded. It doesn’t help Jews promote it in media
Trannies are literally biting women out of tech kek
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They are a woMAN you chud
I don't think none of you want to talk about technology
i'm cute
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Anime has nothing to do, anime teach you to hate faggotry and trannies since they are a joke even in anime just like real life, seems like you watched too much yaoi anime.
>in tech
Do your fucking job, retard jannies
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This entire conversation is equal parts a tragedy and hilarious
Not only the part about having to look at the degenerates and see women but also the farce about remaking the entire industry to increase the percentage of real women because number up is good and woman is victim.
Remove this nightmare fuel!!!!!
Narcissism is definitely a factor. In their mind, they are perfect and if you take offense you are like some annoying bug they need to cry to HR about.
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>Social reasons
In the scandinavian countries where the push for equality, no, equity started over 70 years ago - that's 2 and 1/2 generations if you can't count - and where women were vehemently pushed to act and think like men, males still overwhelmingly study and work in STEM fields while females chose social and human sciences. Watch it, it's only 2 minutes 33 seconds:
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I feel bad for you :( you should seek help
When you're losing an argument, saying things like this won't help you suddenly win y'know?
>mentally ill cope, can't even look himself at a mirror.
Read this: >>102248023
The tranny is the one who lost the argument, retard. The tranny accused the anon of having a reading comprehension issue, and the anon replied by accusing the tranny of having a reality comprehension issue. The tranny greentexted this as a "no u," but it was actually a completely different word (reality vs. reading). In doing so, the tranny self-owned itself by showcasing its own reading comprehension failure, thus losing the argument badly.
TLDR: you're a retard and a faggot.
> the okama in kamabaka oukoku in obe piece
You're giving advice to get out more?
every major speed runner with a porn addiction transitioned the same year. 2012 GDQ was totally normal. 2013 GDQ half the runners were wearing wigs.

it's not a mental illness or social contagion by the way.

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