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What are the implications for tech and privacy?
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it's over
It means you'll be unable to get long term external archives of anything. SAVE SHIT.

Speaking of saving shit, if y'all have any of your favorite doujins on nhentai... you might want to grab them very quick. Like now quick.
its over
how are we going to download old games and versions of windows now?
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The modern internet is so fucking gay.
land of the free
We need to archive the archive.
Please not Pururin all over again
arent there multiple tiers of appellate courts
It's already happening many of my bookmarks are dead now.
Copyright attorneys should be shot, hanged, poisoned, stabbed etc.
Like, they were working yesterday dead? Damn, I should download some ROMs
Guess we gotta be criminals now, fuck
why was book lending ever a thing they thought would go down well?
I wonder if this'll fuck over the AI scraping what so ever
The copy Jew wins again. I love how so much of our lives and culture based on permanent zombie copyrights that will become impossible to get once they're actually expired.
They used to say the Internet never forgets, but they were wrong. It will forget everything before long.
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i dont get it

is it just books or even games
realistically, can copyright ever be fundamentally changed within any of our lifetimes?
Yeah, to enforce it harder. Fuck the pirate trannies. Archival is not an excuse for piracy.
the internet archive is a cancer on the internet and an enemy of whoever loves privacy and freedom. good riddance.
thats a good thing
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Society will collapse and dissolve into mad max hellscapes. Then the copyright jews can do picrel and see where it gets them.
what did the court say and how will this affect the AI scammers?
>nooooo le sharing is communism
lels, now you're going to find out that your mental retardation does indeed have a price, and you're going to pay for it, this is what you wanted after all, based fucking retards the lot of you
You fucking what!?
Did Chuck Wendig actually score a win here?
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So what now?
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All of my IA bookmarks for ROM collections are the same thing. Myrient is still wokring but it's only a matter of time until the copyright jew gets to them.
Do you think SCOTUS is going to save this?
Fuck anyone who doesn't pirate.
There's something sad about this. I think I have everything that I want. Unless all my HDDs die. But there's also the fact that future generations won't ever have access to any of this stuff, which is a bit depressing in a way
You just have to make an account now I guess?
>t. moralfagging murican
Are you trying to fish for good boy points by throwing money to companies? How is that not tranny behavior?
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Just pull a sci-hub and move their server to Romania.
Yes, his seething over people not wanting to buy his shitty Star Wars books is what started all this.
That worked. Thanks!
Maybe they just wanted to prevent scraping
This is a big WIN
Piracy is theft.
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All roms are already in a decentralized site


thank me for spoonfeeding you
Feminists the world over rejoice. One less way they can be proven wrong.
Thank you for spoonfeeding me :>
piracy is aryan. I pirate indie slop like celeste. I steal from big and small. I love taking things for free
Can't have decent screencaps because poopdickers don't want the historical btfo
who made this tarot deck art?
I've been saying this for years. This is why I'm a digital hoarder. Hoarding text data is the easiest. You can download an entire archive of a 4chan board and you only need a few dozen gigabytes for it (even less if it's a small board).
don't let normalfags learn about this.
oh wowee my heckin video games for children got saved!!!

who cares faggot? what's important are the books and rare software that you can only find on archive.org.
thats a cool site/project. i dont need any roms but glad it exists
What happened to their FTP?
How are they decentralized?
none whatsoever. If they had won it would have meant lib gen but legal and with wait times
Nigger thats where I've been downloading from, thanks for putting it on the glownigger website
Online libraries are retarded anyway, trying to apply physical rules on digital media? Fuck off.
When I look at their operating costs under the donate page, I get the feeling they aren't truly decentralized.
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>Internet Archive lost to this
it's so fucking over
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> Just books.
> Just books!
> It's just books, right? Right?!
> JUST books... I mean, it's only books.
> Books. Just. Books. Only books, right?
> It's... JUST. BOOKS. It's just. Just books.
> Haha, yeah, yeah, it's nothing, it's—just books!
> They're... they're just books. That's all. That's it. Just... books.
> What is it? Books? JUST books? JUST books!!!
> It's books, it's only books, just books, just—it's always just books!
> Booksbooksbooksbooksbooks!
> What do you mean, it's more than books?! It’s JUST BOOKS!
> Just... books
> You don’t get it. It’s only, JUST. BOOKS!
Wait you weren't already scraping everything?
Is that supposed to be surprising?
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Means literally nothing because this only applies to the library portion which offered lending digital copies that exceeded the number of what the publishers offered.
The internet archives right to archival has already superceded copyright. The books will remain for "archival use only" all that's changed is just that now you cannot "legally" read them when you continue to download them.
I hate glowies so much it's unreal
This, but unironically.
Why is he doing a Bill Cosby impersonation?
Do you know if /3/, with pictures preferably, was archived anywhere? It's a really slow board and it was collateral damage in the 4chan janny'cide of 2024
rip wayback machine
>who made this tarot deck art?
>Doesn't know Smith of RWS deck
For what it’s worth, Disney lobbied a few years ago to extend it to 150 years in order to save Steamboat Willie, but Congress told them to pound sand.
>Library of Digital Alexandria burns because this nagger chimped out over THREE (3) borrows of his shitty Depends in Space Star Wars book
Private Torrent trackers don't have this issue.
Okay but in what way is a digital lending library where the lenders bought the books any different from me getting a book at a brick and mortar library?
I can just as easily scan myself a copy of the book I checkout or sub-loan it to a friend as I can with a digital copy.
fwiw that was less “public sentiment was going away from long copyrights” and more “Disney pissed off one of the biggest states and Florida’s representatives would piss on whatever bill they brought forward because they’re petty like that”
>I can just as easily scan myself a copy of the book I checkout or sub-loan it to a friend as I can with a digital copy

Publishers can get bent. Even "legal" libraries/public libraries get reamed by them by having a shitty LIMIT to eBooks/digital copies. Non-IA libraries can only have like THREE copies of a book which is fucking stupid for a digital copy.
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I'm not into tarot, don't know a thing about it aside the fact that it's /x/-pilled, but every now and again I find a pack with great art and I like the aesthetic. I might even have downloaded it already, but thanks for the sauce.

I use this archive. Here's an example (I like shrapnelsoup and I was trying to find his posts here):

It also has images (scroll down for pic rel)
You are a retard, even if every legislator from Florida voted against copyright extension it would still go through if the rest of the reps voted normally. The House is designed such that no state could ever hold a large enough voting block for something like that.
No, your spic governor and his le based (Zionist) platform didn't do shit.
The thing is, IA was basically buying a book for every digital copy they provided right? So it's not like they had some deal with the publishers the way local libraries do and then violated it. They made legal backup copies and hosted them archivally, without profit. There's nothing infringing there, or should we put all libraries out of business because I was able to fill my entire iPod with their CDs in the 2000s?
RWS is the classic Tarot, FYI. It's basically what nearly ever modern Tarot deck/artist bases their stuff on. There are some (El Scarabio's Murder of Crows, for instance) that break the tradition, but a lot of decks follow RWS because of the symbolism is easier to teach to Tarot readers/people that want to learn over non-RWS decks (like the Thoth deck).

It's an interesting rabbit hole to go down even if you don't believe in the whole woo-woo stuff becuase they all do their own things differently.
Publishers fuck over their authors routinely, and most published authors are lucky to see even a third of the money their books are bringing in.
And the publishers abuse their contracts with local libraries by foisting thousands of copies of poor performing books on them, at "wholesale prices" (still enough for the publisher to make bank and hardly kick any to the writer btw).
I don't get it, just host these sites in Russia or somewhere where no one gives a shit about copyright in foreign countries.
>They made legal backup copies and hosted them archivally, without profit.
Yeah, which is why Publishers and Wendig/et. al chimped out. They bought once, "lended everywhere." Which Publishers don't like.

Other non-IA's have to license the books perpetually on a year (or like tri-year)ly basis. Which is fucking stupid if you've ever worked in a library like I have. It's a racket for lending.

A similar (but not exact) approach would be Steam's "Internet Cafe" option, where IC's are able to buy a "all games enabled" account that they use for cafes, and sub (IIRC) yearly, but that is less restrictive (can have 5+ users on the account) and able to make a profit while the publishers have no say beyond "we get a small cut from the yearly bonus" IIRC.

All the big three-five (forgetting) Publishing houses don't group together so all their terms are different even on shit like Overdrive.
Oh, I don't disagree. The ruling is fucked because the publishers should've gotten bent over the barrel for thier stuff, but This is America, sadly: So Corporations are people and "they gotta eat"/etc.
>videogames are for le heckin' kids!
childish, joyless take
how is this decentralized?
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Thanks for the lore, I didn't know it influenced tarot decks in such a way and that things evolved from it.
I quite like the symbolism even though I don't fully believe in its "magic".
Looks like I already had some high res scans of it on my computer, pic rel.
I split the archive into two parts if you want it, just join them with cat:

./1909 (Pam A)
./1910 (Pam A)
./1920s (Pam B)
./1920s – 1930s (Pam C)
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I mean this was obviously going to happen. It would've been one thing if they stuck to out of print books but they had A LOT of currently available titles on there. They had the entirety of Harry Potter and Twilight on there. How did they think they were going to get away with that? Lmao. Preservation doesn't excuse you from piracy in the eyes of the law.
It wasn't piracy under any definition of the law besides the one you see when your eyes are watering from the fat corporate cock shoved up your rectum, retard.
Did you pay for that book you read? Then how is it any different from pirating a random epub off the internet. You sound like a nigger being for his free gibs.
If you're a fag that doesn't seed, you're making this situation even worse. You're on the kike's side, leeches.
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I'm sure it can't get any worse haha
No, and I didn't pay for jack shit at the county library either. Get fucked schlomo.
NTA, but why would i pay hundreds for digital books? What most publishing niggers do is tantamount to extortion.
copyright already (stopped) changing, Disney didnt attempt to keep extended the length this past time the Mouse was going to expire so now it's set for the amount of time from before, which is sone 70+ years or something
it's a start, now we see where it goes from there
Because he gets his rocks off by giving quaaludes to girls.
Libraries have those books, too.
I hate Americans so goddamn much it's unreal.
>IA removes US legal content from there site & way back machine cause it makes the left look bad
>Private company sweetheart :)
>Publishers go hey you deleted legal stuff, please remove illegal stuff
>No :)
>Get sued, lose
>HoW cOuLd ThIs HaPpen 1!1!1!1!1!.
It's there own fault lmao. Should have been an actual archive and not some curated bullshit
Wasn't Sci-Hub hosted out of Russia before?
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lol sucks to be you
>step by step you become closer and closer to being like my shithole! haha!

thankfully russia wont exist as a nation soon
I call upon all anons to commence a jihad against the forces involved with this heinous act of cruelty.
i pay for good service. i always pirate everything but if the game is really good and the developer isn't some faggot i'll buy his game
>Copyright jews finally made possible again to wipe a book from existence
Mmh yes Russia, well known bastion of copy rights
Yes, quite
So what will happen to the site?
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He's backpedaling now
Right now? Nothing. But don't be surprised as the weeks go by when things that were hosted on the archive for years are either suddenly deleted or locked into needing to register an account to access them. Probably also become much more strict when it comes to uploading software/video games in general (no more free win95/98 and Nintendo games for you son).
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>it'll only be books
>yeah.... it's only gonna be books!!

goyim, the talmud clearly states that as a nation of priests, it would be a sin to make jews do actual work. you must pay them a tithe in copyright fees so that they can continue to live their priestly lives.
How do you download in mass?
It means we must develop modernized p2p storage and sharing protocols that properly make detection and tracking impossible. If the law won't ensure consumer rights, we need something that mathematically guarantees them. Megacorps can't successfully sue someone they can't track down.
>secure and private communication
Yes, you can use it to pirate The Little Mermaid too. The proper cartoon one even.
The pandemic brought out the worst in us.
this makes me hate Nu-Males even more now
Intellectual Property isn't real property. This is cronyism
They would have to pay me to consume anything first hand from that garbage franchise. That's another reason to hate it even more.
This. You can't own ideas.
Anyone has a no-intro pack with everything up to ps1?
No intro?
Retard, he was using Jew metaphorically. Half of the Archive's board of directors are Jewish: https://archive.org/about/bios.php
Why can you download them if you can't legally read them?
read nigga read
You know you fags can just ctrl + p save to pdf right
>using nhentai instead of the multiple better alternatives
shiggy diggy
I hate jews so fucking much
At this very moment in time, I'm glad this hurts you because it doesn't change much for me at all.
No. This is my turn to laugh at you out in the open.
Try your hand at script writing, you have potential.
I'm not interested in film industry.
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hoarderbros, we are vindicated YET AGAIN
idiotic mouthbreather dunning-kruger autists on 4chan spreading misinfo once again. reminder not to trust any of the so-called 'facts' you read on this website!
Yes you do, retard, the library uses your taxes to pay for those books.
>implying I pay taxes
Yes, you do.
Prove it.
nigga it got shut down now literally no one uses it
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You have to implement a shadow library in your domestic infrastructure.
I am going to build a website that houses both shitposting material, pirated material (From educational references to games, meme archives, manga/doujin/western hentai. I will dub it the "ark.hive".
Can't they just move to a free country that doesn't give a fuck about copy right like Russia or Cuba?
Basically in Romania copyright is like in the US but you won't be prosecuted unless they can prove you are making money by distributing counterfeit copies. Technically that would mean over the internet too, but in practice this only happens with things on physical media. So torrents are perfectly legal. I think it's because they can't put a number on damages unless they can follow the money, but if you give it away for free there is no money to follow, so no acceptable proof for any claimed prejudice and therefore the case would be thrown out. Don't use a Romanian registrar if you want to do this. Tho I thought SciHub is based in Russia or another ex-soviet country.
Stupid question, why can't they just anonymously dump everything via the lbry protocol and then release a sql db with all the files' location?
It won't because the datasets usually aren't made public, so they aren't redistributing the contents like Internet Archive did. It may make it worse for open source datasets however, like LAION
Uhh there is a limited number that is not that high of windows releases, you could probably fit all of them + SPs + updates on less than 500GB, Why don't you have them already? Also just use TPB and check the checksums against known sources. Who the fuck cares about old windows versions which you can get everywhere without obscure software designed for old windows that is gonna go away.
The weakest link of P2P will always be that you're relying on the kindness of strangers to keep things available. Unless you have the most milquetoast taste there's no way you haven't been disappointed by a dead torrent. All the security and privacy in the world is meaningless if you can't download the files. Distributed P2P networks are not attractive to most people because they don't want to host your CP for you. What you're describing has been tried in various forms, and all of them have met with very limited success.
Good. You aren't entitled to free stuff
You must be trolling. Especially to software I am entitled to get it if I need it. If they stopped supplying it, I have the moral obligation to acquire it through any practical means. Actually it is companies who are not entitled to discontinuing or stopping the distribution of software. They should in fact be legally forced to host free archives of legacy software as soon as they stop marketing those particular versions. For example I should be able to go the the microsoft website and download windows XP for free while costing them hosting and bandwidth. Someone should start an EU petition on this.
I didnt read your blogpost sorry
i concur
Get well soon
>The weakest link of P2P will always be that you're relying on the kindness of strangers to keep things available.
Or you could do something like Freenet where files are broken into encrypted chunks and each chunk is stored on multiple nodes. Each chunk is just that, a chunk, meaningless without the other chunks that go to the file and the keys to decrypt each chunk. Users don't know what files have chunks stored on their node. File rot still happens, but it's random and happens when too many people quit and never come back.
>Or you could do something like Freenet where files are broken into encrypted chunks and each chunk is stored on multiple nodes.
Lol, imagine having to clear up storage so some schizo can have his bloated blog running. If there's merit to something, somebody will have it archived and offer it as a torrent
Unironically, I'd kill you if I heard you say this irl
Fucking pussy
Rot in hell
How will they control history if it's publicly available?
The problem with torrents is that they die, and even if seeders exists they are not always online. So you either have a central organization that always seeds, which is what the internet archive was actually doing, and the torrent protocol saved them bandwidth and not storage, nor it provided reliable redundancy. So you are back at square 1, and by your logic merit=popularity, there are marvel movies torrents out there that don't lack for seeders, but they are shit despite their popularity, and there are obscure books that would maybe interests only a couple thousands people but would quickly run out of seeders, to be fair the smaller the file is the lesser the likelihood of that is but that effect doesn't make up for it.

Besides, your assumption is plainly wrong. You are overestimating the number of people that would go out of their way to keep obscure torrents alive.
Dead files are a problem on any p2p network and Freenet is a graveyard because of low user adoption. It will always have low user adoption because there's nothing appealing to the average user about dedicating drive space to random data so you can try to download files at glacial speeds.
This, I would literally rather revert humanity to the stone age than have Mr. Shekelstein lose out on one potential dollar.
Political censorship
Copyright censorship

Its all going to shit under the current leftist government which is directly pushing for censorship across the entire world.
crypto micropayments unironically fixes this, isn't arweave getting popular?
Should I trust you?
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Making some personal backups from this, its such a nice site I know it won't be around for much longer its literally way too user friendly and pure of heart
not even.worth downloading redumps from ia, the torrents never work
Gives Nintendo the ammunition to come after emulation even harder.
Fuck neal gaiman that greedy fucking jew

Has the material been absorbed into AI training data?
Are you saying it's time to bring back decentralised stuff like WinMX/Limewire/etc...

Except maybe safer with something like verified MD5summed files or something
>The problem with torrents is that they die, and even if seeders exists they are not always online.
Which is why you should do it from your NAS or have a remote seedbox
>Besides, your assumption is plainly wrong. You are overestimating the number of people that would go out of their way to keep obscure torrents alive.
Yeah because the amount of people who torrent is low and it's most concentrated around specific groups like tech enthusiasts, poor people and gamers. If you want torrent to be stronger, you got to get more people. The same thing applies to hyphanet, but it's even harder to sell.
God what a fucking retard, typical Anya poster.
That's bittorrent...
Doesn't satisfy the 'make detection and tracking impossible' requirements.
Neat. I did not know Freenet was broken.
Delete this, retard
The fuck are you talking about? Gaiman is opposed to the lawsuit: https://www.fightforthefuture.org/news/2022-09-29-neil-gaiman-alok-menon-naomi-klein-saul-williams-and-300-authors-pen-open-letter-supporting-libraries-rights-in-the-digital-age
See you on the dark net, nerds.
it'll come in cycles or waves
every so often we'll have to start anew as we've been doing
archive.org is just one of the few that has managed to stay up for so long that its the hub of archiving
has anyone who's anti-piracy EVER actually contributed a single thing to society?
like jesus this guy will only ever be known for being the obnoxious retard that everyone hates
I think No-Intro is specially cartridge games, whereas Redump concerns optical discs.
internet death threats are mostly bullshit, but someone is definitely gonna assault this guy
This bait is in 16K
the same as they've always been
what did you think the hoarders were hoarding fore
What system are you looking for?

I downloaded a fuckload of ROMs like a year or so ago during my console hyperfixation period. I don't have everything, but I have a lot.

I knew this fucking shit was coming.
Honestly this. I don't really care about Jews or anything. It's more just like saying you were gyped or some shit. It's just Jew is the hotness right now.
I can only use 250 gb each month
I can fix her
I am not paying for your bottom surgery, no matter how much you force everyone else to lick your master's boot, pedo tranny.
>Speaking of saving shit, if y'all have any of your favorite doujins on nhentai... you might want to grab them very quick. Like now quick.
and sankaku, gelbooru, etc.
That's why I said use a storage scheme LIKE Freenet's. Not copy paste all of Freenet and use it as is. I was only saying it has a useful way to handle distributed file storage.

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