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supabase edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102224216
supabase masterrace
neetcode is a stupid nigger jeet shitskin
at the CEO level it's a red queen's race, they can't not hire jeets.
at the very top (ex. Larry Fink) where people actually make decisions, it's dominated by jews that are doing this on purpose to eliminate the only ethnonational groups that pose a threat to them.
First for don't do free work and claim you're amazing for "going above and beyond". Enjoy your pizza party.
If companies want problems solved they would prioritize them and ask for them to be solved. Don't go around solving tech debt thinking it makes you anything but the best wagie.
shutup boomer
stfu you subhuman poopskin
shameless smelly grifter fuck.
=> Advertising or begging
kys nigger early baker
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give me some fagman adjacent companies to apply to. 11 yoe backend
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After 8 years in this industry, I think it's time for a break.
I literally moved my head tracking those titties so I have no idea what you posted
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I'm on call so wanking and playing Xbox
Week after, same as above but day drinking also
Play video games and drink, the same thing I've done every weekend for the last 10 years.
>on call
gay and cancer
biobreak is from eve online zoomzoom
thank god that game is dead
sir i kiss your whole body and chat you on facebook ;)
I've done work with Servicenow for a large hospital for a few years now. (Servicenow is just walmart brand Salesforce for anyone fortunate enough to not know.) As a result my knowledge of C#, PHP, Python or any of the other languages that I spent hours learning in college have more or less faded. Meaning the only real language I'm familiar with now is JS because it's what I do all day at work.

It's time to hop jobs for a number of different reasons, but because I've been shoe-horned into just doing JS with ServiceNow I feel like I'm cornered on options. The only jobs I can seem to find are Senior Level SerivceNow jobs which I'm hardly qualified for, ServiceNow jobs for the government which requires some level of security clearance, or entry level JS jobs.

Should I go work for one of those government contractors I always see listed? Do I bite the bullet and go back to entry level code monkey business? Are certs a meme or is it worth grabbing some?
Why do you not think you're qualified to be a senior?
I don't know if it's impostor syndrome but 3ish years of doing JS for Servicenow doesn't scream 'lead dev' to me. Most of the jobs look for 6-8 years minimum.

Are those numbers stretched to weed out idiots?
Salesforce is jeet tier and Servicenow is even worse. If someone interviewed as a "servicenow dev" I'd laugh them out of the room. If you want to keep doing JS build a website in React or something with JS or Typescript.
Is servicenow a bad place to work? my brother in law has worked there in the sales dept for some time so I might have an in if I feel like there is a good reason to try in the near future. I have 4 years working as a software dev and 2 as an intern for software dev.

not that anon but looking at senior level job listings is really overwhelming. Like I am sure all of it is bullshit so HR can cover bases but then the question is what do you really need in order to be "senior"?
>tough problem to solve comes up on project
>stressed out
>pull through and fix it
>feeling good
>later that day have some super demoralizing meeting about management being upset with our project
>stressed out again

jesus christ this cycle never ends. customer or management is always throwing some crisis at us and we maybe get half a day to breathe before the next thing
good morning, sirs. Is it possible to deserialize a json in jackson that looks like
{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
to something like
...ClassName {  
AB ab // "a" and "b" will be passed to AB
String c

I thought I'll ask here since a lot of you probably use Java at work and I can't quite find the correct keyword when looking up how to do it.
>I thought I'll ask here since a lot of you probably use Java at work
Yeah, there do some to be a lot of people in these threads who fucking hate their jobs and are about ready to kill themselves.
i'm more of an espresso man myself
is AB a new type?
what's the value of ab here?
did you mean AB will have to fields a and b respectively?
AB is a class
Have you try asking chatgpt
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I am taking a canoe to float down a river and shoot any goats, pigs or deer I see because I hate being an IT dweeb but the shekels are ridiculous
yes, it's pretty simple, you only need one annotation
>what is it
go find it yourself you faggot, nobody showed me anything when I was looking
such a fucked up mentality on this thread. bucket of crabs. kill yourself.
there are two other generals tailored to these kinds of questions but you ask it in the one for complaining about jobs. fuck off, retard
pasting the whole code here just in case

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonUnwrapped;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

class ClassName {
AB ab;
int c;

class AB {
int a;
int b;

void readValue() throws JsonProcessingException {
var json = "{\"a\": 1, \"b\":2, \"c\": 3}";
var mapper = new ObjectMapper();
var o = mapper.readValue(json, ClassName.class);

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Study for my TOEFL exam lmao fuck
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>It's been 37 years and there's still no tech that turn us into Kamen Riders
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invented 57 years ago in a government lab
jews kept it to themselves
>customer or management is always throwing some crisis at us and we maybe get half a day to breathe before the next thing
That's by design. It's why these threads are full of people telling you to never be productive because it just invites more work. I don't know if I'd go that far but they're at least partially right.
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just got a 20% raise.
Feels good. Some years ago I got a ~27% raise, the reason was "market adjustment", apparently I was hauling ass and I had no clue they were underpaying me, so they got ahead of it
for me i just got it from an approved 8 extra hours of overtime a week kek. i wfh and it will hardly change anything.
i fake my regular hours all the time but i'm too much of a bitch to fake overtime
100% of the time these emergencies aren't actually real
you can *try* to fix the process ala phoenix project but there's a reason why people consider that book a power fantasy novel
>>pull through and fix it
share that win
They do it on purpose, anon. Scared wagies work harder.
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>tough problem comes up
>if i wasn't on the team they would take months and dozens of meetings to solve it
>solve it in like 8 hours
>nobody cares because it's solved
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Its the same everywhere so you better get used to it or learn to pace yourself at a comfortable level. There is no benefit to burning yourself out.
in my case it was for a new manufacturing process. the MBAs in charge don't give a shit about r&d, only give it bare minimum funding with a "you'd better be profitable within the year you useless leeches" mentality so there's no money there to milk, if i didn't do it the whole thing would likely have petered out. i did the work because i'm a dumb little goyim that still deep down believes the myth of progress.
So what's the point? I did my job so why they purposely making me feel like I'm not good enough?
Anyone else at a company that uses Rippling for payroll? Goddamn their site sucks
to make you keep working harder. it always works on young guys.
They don't love themselves, and as a result of that they will always try to displace their bad feelings onto others. Don't expect positive feedback from narcissists - and especially not self-hating ones.
it's over
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it ended before we were born
MBA's have been the death of company's.
>interview as software dev
>mention I communicated with a customer about an issue
>"oh so you're actually a tier 1 support?"
do roasties really?
She's not wrong. I'm a senior engineer and I don't give a single fuck what the customer has to say. I don't even program most days. Get good.
Stop caring and the problems magically vanish. They never existed in the first place.
Because the market is stagnating and they're under pressure to make line go up. Easiest way is to scare the only people in the company that are profitable to be more profitable. Don't bite. What are they gonna do? Program it themselves? Just do your job at a normal rate and tell them to deprioritize one thing if they want another. simple as.
How bad of an idea is it to quit now that interest rates will go down? I am beyond burned out and came very close to shooting myself in the parking lot last week. I can't take working with jeets and retarded sociopaths to EXTRACT VALUE FROM ACTUALLY PRODUCTIVE LABOR AND REDIRECT IT TO USELESS FUCKING MANAGERS AND PROGRAMMERS THAT MAKE ONE COMMIT A QUARTER.
don't quit until you have a job. just do half your usual work while you interview elsewhere. if they don't notice then halve it again.
>How bad of an idea is it to quit now that interest rates will go down?
Just like quitting a job when you haven't even gotten the contract, signed the contract, and started your first day at a new job.

Wait until you have a job and hope to god or whatever that rate cuts go through and tech start loosening up the purse strings.
I'm doing, genuinely, 1/30th of what I was doing a few months ago. I'm not even trying to be sneaky I just stare at the screen all day and fantasize about dying or winning the lottery. One of the pms is getting annoyed with me already and there's no way this can go on much longer.

I'm just whining at this point but holy shit I hate corporate America
>and there's no way this can go on much longer
are you still doing more than your dumbest colleague? 1/30 might be a bit much but 1/8th should still keep you well above that threshold. some little PM queer getting his panties in a knot is absolutely meaningless, you have no idea of the disdain that middle management has for PMs.
i fucking hate this field, I regret ever majoring in this, I only did it because the money seemed good. Now I'm doomed to be surrounded by fucking jeets, there has to be a way out right? Is the pm grift worth it? Will I escape the jeets and be surrounded by the hot business staceys and tell the codemonkey chuds what to do?
>and tell the codemonkey chuds what to do?
unfortunately it's "you get told to tell the chuds what to do and then yelled at when the chuds blow you off"
>are you still doing more than your dumbest colleague?
Yes, but they're all outsourced from fucking Calcutta and get paid 10k a year. There's some fucking psychopath in upper management that keeps assigning jeet consultants to teams despite the universal feedback from our leads that they're a net negative. I'm probably the lowest performing American on our team but I still do some ass-saving with regards to critical bugs that come up.
20% chance to be born indian
life sucks man
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>you're a spirit in heaven
>time to go to earth
>the Heavenly Chud smirks at you and spins the race wheel
>it lands on Dalit
As long as you think you did good then that’s all that matters. You can never know what others think deep down anyways why bother
Pic is literally the absolute state of software development: mash up lots of expensive cloud products to make some startup-tier frankenstein that is scaleable but nobody needs. Then get fired when the investors' fake money runs out.
Working pretty closely with our PM it seems like my own personal hell. I can't imagine I'd feel good going home after a long day of trying to shake usable work out of remote Pajeets, speaking in transparent dweebspeak ("Let's put a pin and take it offline until we can circle back and speak to the project story", I'd neck myself), and basically having my performance hinge on people with minimal skin in the game.

If you just want to coast and do fuck all, go government.
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I hope i can self employed by 40
That depends, are you the type who does 25,000 lines a day + debugging if it's your own project, or are you the type of guy whose biggest personal project is solving LEETcodes
I just proompt ChatGPT
>25,000 lines a day
25k lines of trash sure
good enough
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NTA but half of those are comments aren't they
any /semiconductor/ anons here?
>tfw working Nvidia hours without Nvidia pay
That's still rewriting Unix 1.0 in a day
>tfw systemd alone has 2 million lines
nobody's asking you to make systemd
>he hasn't memorized unix
not what i was implying
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>User submits ticket
>I ask for extra info
>User never replies back, I close the ticket
>2 weeks later
>"Anon please we really need this, reopen the ticket and action"
What would you do?
Repeat your actions exactly. Your job is to close tickets. You only really take action when people make it convenient for you to do so.
Based. I'll reopen, ask for extra info again, warn this needs to be triaged again and that there is a high workload right now and that's it.
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Imagine you are earning top tier money but there are no raises this year. No other company matches your current salary, but you are naturally mad your efforts aren't being rewarded.
How do you cope?
If comp stays the same, output goes down. Simple as.
>your efforts
jerking off?
Eric Schmidt (ex google ceo) said recently that he believes in a year or two programmers will be obsolete. What do you think, is he right?
>old bitch trying to insist that they know the future and people should heed their irrelevant ass
Probably. Not because they'll be replaced by anything but because innovation in general is dying.
My European agency is opening an office in US to get outsourced work and local tech companies are literally begging us to take projects before jeets destroy the remnants of their organisations.
What's something worth learning over the next year for indie dev purposes?

Already have a 250k SRE job.

Bulma CSS?
Elixir w/phoenix framework?
A year is a long time. Pick something ambitious and the tech choices will come naturally from that.
just got accepted into a local computer repairshop job, i start next monday, any tips?
I am a webshitter who wants do become system engineer. How do I achieve that?
>system engineer
Can you be more specific about what "system" means to you
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>believing any CEO tech statement when they have a shareholder responsibility related to that tech
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>system engineer
Made up term.
Cost of Supabase: $9,999 per month plus tip

He also said that Microsoft didn't count as a Big Tech company but this year Microsoft has been the most valuable company on Earth for the last two quarters

When some rich cunt says something, take it with a pinch of salt
>A year is a long time. Pick something ambitious and the tech choices will come naturally from that.
My buddy and I's ambitious project would be a competitor to a foreign dating site like https://www.filipinocupid.com/

The most difficult part conceptually seems to be user to user chat and its associated history. Elixir/phoenix seem to abstract a lot of that.

Aside from that, I just have "companion site/app for [insert TTRPG] or I'd have to go to ideation again.

>I am a webshitter who wants do become system engineer. How do I achieve that?
In university, we started by reading many chapters of "computer systems: a programmer's perspective". That would be a textboox angle for you
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Enjoy the event where some Boomer comes into your store 4 months after a repair and complaining that "whatever you did to my Mac has ruined it" happening way more often than you would believe.
>having to repair macs
Too right, I remember when my father-in-law spent just over $3k on a Mac all-in-one because they "don't get viruses" and "the guy at the shop told me the price is for the quality."

You would not believe how many "David from Microsofts" I've had to coach him into NOT reinstalling TeamViewer for.
I wanna make games.
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>your efforts aren't being rewarded
>that cope and seethe lmao
gonna go up mt fuji
>first chair of the U.S. National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
>co-authored "The Age of AI: And Our Human Future" with Henry Kissinger
>founder of an AI think tank
Of course he is going to tell everyone that AI is the second coming of Christ and that we should invest more into AI think tanks to stay competitive.
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I want the "Make-A-Wish Foundation" to grant some kid's wish of surviving in a zombie apocalypse by taking him to a fentanyl neighborhood and shooting everyone in the street.
>How bad of an idea is it to quit now
Seems pretty bad, but I just quit my job. I have saved up a good amount of money so I don't need to work for at least a year, probably two.
If your job makes you this frustrated and depressed, then if you have the money quit, take a break, play some video games, go to the beach in Thailand, Mexico, Spain or wherever is close and cheap for you. And then find a job or do your own stuff.

I just stopped caring at work, but that made me feel even worse, so I decided to quit instead. A bad decision, but a good one for me.
Yep it’s called inflation.
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>company is slowly dying
>company hinging hopes on an AI that can’t render George Washington unless he’s black
>Needs to keep investors throwing money at his failing company to keep afloat
>”guys we can totally continue making tech without paying those icky programmers guys please believe me guys”
>be googlejew
>be gay software company
>be gay software company compromised largely by gay software developers
>tell gay software engineers that some of the gay products they're working on will replace them
>in my gay cumbrained semen slurping thinking, I somehow didn't realise this doesn't incentivize my cockmad software engineers to suck my dick
>homoplex semen demon fuckman 9000 AI crashes and burns due to AIDS via sabotage

Eric Schmidt is a retarded fag. He and Tim Cook should get together and 69 each other.
this is tech WORKERS general, not UNEMPLOYED jeets general saar
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Sounds like you need to bullshit more on your resume.
Y'all. Live in southeast, stuck in tech support.

Worked at a couple fortune 500s in niche support engineering and skills haven't really transferred.

Now i'm GS-9 Federal tech support making 66k. the fuck do i do. I got a degree in IT, but not sure what path i should take to gtfo of support.
Not support engineering, as a "technical support engineer****"
Service now is... A lame product. It's a database that forces you to customize your front end and workflows. But you have to let service now host all your shit so you pay them forever.

They took over the top 500 and now want to take over government orgs.

They don't respect the technical people in the Data center. They know that they will peak in a few years then it's a slow decline as their systems get replaced by something more modern. (They are not an inventive group)

Anyone working there has a few years to get out.
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Just asked for a bigger than usual raise and got asked to provide competing software jobs with the salary im asking for. I don't know if Indeed is just shit but I can't find much better than what I already have in terms of jobs.
Maybe the industry is just in a bad place and I missed my opportunity? At this rate I'll have to go back and tell the boss I was out of line.
What kind of salary and position did you ask for?
junion assistant fluffer, 600k starting
Get the fuck out of the government. Job security isn't worth that shit pay. Go corporate and at least double your salary.
>Some boomer with investment in the AI meme
>Needs the world to believe that programming is over so his company value goes up in time for his vesting date
AI is a tool that I use as a programmer but until they solve the context window problem they're always going to need humans. So I guess maybe in a decade or two.
can't believe it's already thursday
this week flew by
Time to dust off that cardboard and start living the big life ain't it.

im fucking trying. idk if it's my area, but no where is hiring for above 70k around me.
you are just too much of a connectionlet to know about those jobs
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Its a flip of a coin. If its really important work or scientific then yeah pay is great. However that is not most government jobs. The real shit part is the requirements to get government jobs are much higher then civilian.
Got made redundant last month. A company just offered me a role, which I would take, but, I've been interviewing with another company for a role I would prefer.

The preferred company told me during the final round interview that they are still interviewing untill the end of next week. So I won't hear back for two weeks time.
What do I do? I don't want to reject the other companies offer in case the preferred company doesn't end up offering it to me, but at the same time I don't want to miss out at the opportunity to work for the preferred company.
I don't think I can delay the offer for over two weeks while "I think on it", and I doubt the preferred company would make an offer early if I let them know as they are still interviewing others all of next week?
>I don't think I can delay the offer for over two weeks while "I think on it
I've never done this but have you asked them? I doubt they would retract it just for you asking.
Even self hostable LLMs can build usable apps today. Macs ship with wish (TCL REPL that lets you copy and past TCL apps straight in and have an instant GUI.)

Go to your mom/sister/someone uncreative that works at eg starbucks or neats and open wish and chatgpt on their mac. Tell them they can have any app they want that does anything.

Watch them sit in front of the machine and do nothing. It was never about skill, skill was always something we built in order to realize our creative impulse.

They said the same thing about third world retards, stack overflow, java. All these things have only created *more* work for us, not less. LLMs will be the same.
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I got offered a $63k->$68k raise, the standard yearly increase.
I asked for ~$80k, the same I saw being offered last time we recruited to the team a couple years back. Unfortunately I can't find that posting anymore but I'd guess my junior colleague signed on for more than I make. The posting on our website says $52-80.
The position is just software engineer, there are no levels within the division.
I've been here for 5y, and while the work can be boring and stale, it is fully remote and not very demanding.
>Working fast food salary as a software engineer
Europe vs US salaries, don't think too hard about the numbers.
Ah ok that makes sense. Why write them in dollars then?
Partly obfuscation, partly because most people here are used to USD
Sounds decent for euroland. How much does the money take you compared to regular jobs?
The real shit part is that after paying you half of what corporate would pay for the same position they demand to test your piss. Fuck you. I'll get high as fuck on a weekend and do some of the best work you've seen. Meanwhile alcoholics work in the government not doing shit and living off my tax dollars. Bunch of cunts.
You're getting dicked down. Start applying to a new position and don't look back. Connect with recruiters.
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Not doing drugs for you may suck. But would you trust a bunch of heroin addicted contractors with repairing tanks and planes?
Not sure what you mean by regular jobs, but my only frame of reference is my civ-eng pal who makes significantly less. My boomer parents think I can just snap my fingers and get a new job with better pay like the Califags do.
In real terms, I live pretty comfy but buying a home is still going to be a big hurdle for me.

My next move will be to do what I did when I graduated and try and get recruiters on the line (they were buzzing round me like flies back then). I'll see what openings they can find me and show that to my boss.
Heroin? The fuck is this a 90s PSA? I smoke weed from time to time on my weekends or nights. But during work. Maybe shrooms once every couple years. Just don't like the idea of the government sniffing my piss to tell me I've been a bad goy when I out perform any of their employees even if I were high out of my mind.
Make sure you have LinkedIn and connect with anybody you've worked with and people you know from college. If anybody works at a company you're interested in, send them a message to reconnect and then ask for a referral. Cold applications just don't work anymore. The person will get a referral bonus of a couple thousand dollars so they're more than willing to vouch for you.
jews fear the responsible heroin user
Not during work*
See that is where your mistaken I am all for weed legalization that's fine. But the piss test is to get rid of the retards that do hard drugs. In the military at my unit we where kicking 10% of our force out every year and rarely was it ever just weed. Then when I went civilian maybe 1-5 people got fired for drugs and contractors it was about the same every year in a similar sized organization. Its reality your right to state that civilian pays more but it doesn't for the jobs that really matter. Those jobs get pissed tested alot more as a result. Cant even take ephedra for a sickness without having to keep the package in fear of it showing up on a piss test.
I know we all take the piss when wfh but don't spend two days on something that takes an hour because I have to send you a message so my boss doesn't send me a message
I can't make the math work in my head. Check my piss at 60k, get high every day for a month with no drug tests for 300k TC. Drug tests are just cope. People that suck at their job just suck at their jobs regardless of drug use.
Pot heads should be excluded from polite society. You smell bad and you hang around black people.
I typically just take an edible at night before busting a fat load into my wife, and I am black people.
Black people should be excluded as well.
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Too bad for you I'm literally a 1 percenter negro making fat bucks to get high and program easy software at a company everyone's heard of.
Have an interview soon with a hiring manager, how do I ask if there are jeets on the team without coming off racist? Anyway to ask about the team's racial composition?
Just ask general questions about the team. "What is the team like? How many people are on it? Is it a 24/7 team?"
Don't really care and didn't ask.
I already know from the recruiter that it's a US based team, so there aren't international jeets. But ideally no US jeets either.
Sneed, sweetie
cope. I don't have to like you and I never will.
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>have 3 interviews with the company
>all of them go extremely well
>in the last interview the team was already acting like I was on the team
>since the last interview its been a week of silence waiting for the offer
Who asked you to like me? Just know that I'm better than you.
I need to make an on-boarding presentation for admin staff on how to use the new web application my team has developed. I’ve been debating if I should make it a PowerPoint / PDF read-along or make a screen recording video with narration? I don’t work with any admin staff so I have nobody to ask their preference.
Has anyone here done something similar? Do you have any tips/suggestions?
I'm taking over as on-site sysadmin for my client because my company fired a guy who's been here for 5 years.

Here's what I have planned:
>finally implement a ticketing system
>streamline on-boarding somehow (ISOs with all the programs we need for users for easier deployment + domain Joining)
>clean up the shit we have - buying storage containers, throwing everything out
>Audit all on-site printers and get them on auto-ship for new ink and have maintenance regularly come out to service (we already work with a company who does this but we need to update our list of printers reporting back to them) and maybe a print server
>teach myself the Backup Cloud and Data Management system the old guy implemented
Any other ideas?
Send an email to the recruiter or your contact point at the company, ask for an update about the application.
Remember this is important for them, it is not that important to the HR person. They might have other stuff to do and decided to deprioritize or forget your application, or they could be sick, etc.
Just send a basic and polite email to ask for an update on the situation.
>Just know that I'm better than you.
Lol you keep thinking that if it keeps you from looting the shops in your neighborhood.
>company is getting rid of bankable PTO and moving towards "unlimited"
it's ogre
Yeah I am going to send an email around lunch today if I dont hear anything.
Doing this absolutely retarded mandatory workshop zoom call where they have a bunch of stupid corporate speak BS slides about how we have to Project Professionalism, Deliver Standard Greeting, Establish Purpose. And of course Personalize and Provide Assurance to the customer. Don't forget the EQ triangle and the Trigger Triad of Look, Listen, and Leverage so you can Influence Other's States of Mind in order to better serve the customer's needs. Holy shit why do we need to sit in this soulless vapid zoom call for 5 hours to help old people reset their password? Fucking kill me please. Modern adult daycare world dystopia is so fucking gay. Only good thing is enough other people just outright ignored them when they demanded we keep our cameras on at all times. They kept bitching about it but I just ignored the request, thankfully at least 15 - 20 others also ignored so they can't really force it. id just walk away and go jerk off or something but they will randomly call names to keep us on our toes. Corporate world is pure suffering i miss my old security guard job where i got paid to take naps and play on my laptop all night in blissful solitude
I need to learn concurrency/distributed stuff for an interview for a BE java job. I don't need to be an expert, just enough to fake it. Where do I start?
My whole team is getting moved to the security department even though we are all programmers. Layoffs happened yesterday and some guy on my very lean team got laid off. This is my first job in IT without a degree in CS. Wish me luck looking for a new job, anons!
They moved programmers to be security guards? Lmao wtf?
Yeah. We will be standing in front of the routers chasing jeets away.
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I'm in a
>I should learn something
>I don't know what
>Guess I'll browse the Internet instead
sort of mood.
Godspeed anon. Bring a noseplug and deodorant spray to protect yourself
I'm always in that sort of mood.
I haven't learned something in years.
>My whole team is getting moved to the security department even though we are all programmers
man, they will suffer... poor of you and your company
you should look for a new job because the people in charge of your company clearly doesn't know what they are doing, and there is a possibility the ones they fired will take action... :^)
I pretty much made and deployed on my VPS a static page for a friend who's a UI/UX designer in like 20 mins, using vite/react/v0.dev and a png of his figma thing
There's a bunch of gay graphics and transforms that will require CSS I'm not sure I want to actually finish this page, I hate CSS
How are frontend monkeys supposed to survive this shit? This is the code monkey holocaust
>How are frontend monkeys supposed to survive this shit
By actually finishing the work
>will take action
What do you mean?
>for a UI/UX designer
these retards will overcomplicate shit so enjoy fiddling around with css and have it not work on all screen sizes
This is what I'm realizing, I think I can finish it but it will be incredibly painful
ANd it's supposed to be his personal page too so it's all wacky... god damn it
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>working as freelancer for dropshipping company
>doing some front end stuff, just overhauling site, writing javascript, the usual
>see rep blatantly lie to customer over phone
>a bit confused
>start seeing them ghost ship items i.e. 'we shipped it, totally, dude"
>look into it
>turns out it's known as the most abysmal online shopping platform for its sector (i knew nothing about said sector, so i wasn't aware)
>considered a scam company by 2 consumer protection agencies
>reviews online are obviously bought
>realize the entire company is a dumpster fire
>realize they straight up do wirefraud
>don't ship out half their orders
>replace other items and do bait and switches
wat do
this always fucking happens. every company i get hired for is a fucking disaster.
This is the most boneheaded management move I've heard about in a while.
Some McKinsey/PWC MBA thinks that IT and programming are the same thing and should be in the same dept.
Run from this company, anon. Run.
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This is a joke right? What am I missing here?
Well if you're 1099 or whatever kind of contractor you are generally less liable than a full time employee, but I would send a legal CYA email all the same.
Someone fat fingered an extra zero
salary is in colombian pesos
Isn't Colombia on East Coast time? Also don't they use a different symbol for pesos?
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She got back to me and it looks like they will make a decision on Monday so now I get to agonize for another weekend.
It's a North Carolina based health organization. What makes you think that?
Why the oddly specific numbers then?
Oh, I know about liability. My contract basically opens with a CYA that I'm not involved with the business, and just write scripts. I'm just very disappointed.

First gig in a year, and pays great (40 an hour, which is amazing in my shithole failed state of a nation, aka Canada, west coast).
I guess I'll finish this job and stop working for them.
They offered me a full time freelance gig paying 6K a month.
I always get fucking scamshit for gigs.
Semi related note, would you keep working for a company if it's this sleazy?
It seems they have a legit side to their business, and they do ship out hundreds of orders a day. But a good 25% are bait and switches, ghost ships, or outright fraud.

The idiots said 'if the customer doesn't ask about it after a week they don't care about the money'.
>They offered me a full time freelance gig paying 6K a month.
If you're covered why not just take the money?
I hate my fucking PO to the point its contributing to me leaving this job
Wonder if there's a place out there where POs are any random retard the company can rustle up
They're indian-level scammers for a good 1/3 of their transactions, anon.
Is it easier to find work in some town in the middle of nowhere where wants to live if you're trying to get an entry level programming job? I don't give a fuck where I live, so I'd be open to moving to Nebraska or something if it meant being able to more easily find a job.
Hard to say. I would try to walk the line if I could. I guess it would depend on if what I was doing was directly contributing to their ability to commit fraud. I would never ever do anything I know to be illegal. I would probably pushback on any request that I considered to in the ethically gray area and make sure that they explicitly ordered me in writing to do whatever it is after my protest. If they didn't explicitly order after my protest I wouldn't do it. If they did order it I might consider it, depending on what I could see the outcome being.
Obviously if it's falsification of record data or something like that I would never do it, because even as a contractor if you are knowingly providing aid to a known illegal activity then you are complicit on some level. I am not a lawyer and doubly not a Canadian lawyer.
Just follow your conscience. No amount of money is worth feeling like an ass hole when your head touches the pillow. I genuinely believe that.
>Is it easier to find work in some town in the middle of nowhere
Not really, no. It IS however easier to find work in large cities that aren't fashionable or stylish places to live. I'll give some random examples in no order:
These are places where demand is appropriately high for a decent size metro area but supply isn't boosted by it being a super desirable place to live.
I took a full remote junior role 2.5 years ago at some tiny east coast company after covid. It pays like 85k. I do 15 minutes of work a day and do stand up on my phone from bed. I've completed 0 projects. I just stall until it gets canceled or some priority shift happens.

I really need to get a new job. I live in the bay area and I want to buy a house. I have like 6 years of exp on paper, but the last 3 years I have literally not learned or done anything. I'm one of the only people on my team who isn't Indian contractor.

I recently got an interview as a contractor at meta also full remote and i realized I have no idea what the current state of the art is anymore and am completely out of touch. I didn't even recognize the fucking acronyms they are using.

How do I unfuck myself?
Thanks for the good advice, fren.
I chatted about it with my wife, and on one hand, I feel like I'm making it easier for them to scam people at a higher volume, but on the other hand, she said helping them out with their site might mean more orders actually get fulfilled, and they stop being so fucking scammy.
Especially because I AM working on fixing their management.

I'm not sure which of the two it is.
You're in a dead end. You need to find something that will force you to grow or you never will.
That's funny because I consider cities like San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles to be the most undesirable places to live in America. Nothing but crime, filth, foreigners, and extreme left politics everywhere.
Anytime, Fren. And only you can decide for yourself. But if it ever does reach that level where you feel like a dirtbag, you know what to do.
I agree with you. You might like OKC. Do not tell anyone. Seriously.
lel similar boat
>stall until priorities change
I was starting to go insane trying to accomplish anything. Much easier to just wait for them to come in with their hair on fire and then pretend to switch.
For sure. I definitely need to think about this.
> be entrycel
> finally got accepted past the first stage of whatever (not even an interview yet, just "considered")
> except I can't even remember applying to this company and can't find any record of it
> their first email even went to my spam folder
Should I be concerned
>security people get fired
>the ones in charge of your systems, who know them intimately, and also know their weaknesses
what do you think might happen when these people get fired? some of them will get mad...
Scam possible.
IBM was super cozy until they fired me outta nowhere
does any of you gamble?
I'm >>102244394 and I work freelance for shitty companies that don't pay me half the time. Does that count?
I have sworn off of gambling after losing $15k at roulette last year.
I'm not a degenerate no
just quit
irl or online?

kinda want to just throw away a few hundred bucks a month just to gamble for food delivery money
Being in this market at all feels like gambling. Leave money out of the market? Might just wake up with it worth less. And same for leaving money in the market. Wish it wasn't like this.
What do I quit, anon?
>canada's tech sector has completely imploded over the past 5 years
>freelance is the only thing I can find work in anymore
>have applied for hundreds of applications with no replies
>all other tech professionals I know have the same stories
>would be lucky to find IT work for even minimum wage in 2024
>they import a million indians with "degrees" in "tech" every year
Yeah watch out if they ask for your SSN.
IRL. Worse, on a cruise (which is dumb because I think cruises just straight rape/rob you at tables). Doubly worse, on a cruise I didn't super want to go on. It was my in-laws big family vacation.
work on your skillset, lie about having experience at a previous job is a pretty good gambit if you're not getting replies
Trust buy treasury securities until it blows over. If there's a recession and the fed cuts you can even make money on the market. https://www.treasurydirect.gov/
Do any of you feel actually unprepared for more serious jobs?
>be me
>graduate college as firmware egineer later due to neet past
>get my first job as firmware engineer jr
>place is pretty shit pay but is cool
>want to get a better job
>feel totally unprepared for better jobs because they actually feel serious
>most of my job can be done with basic C, Python knowledge
>Been working for a year here already and I feel like I'm stuck, also, every ability I have that isn't C, C++ or Python is rusting, BAD
>still, come back from job just wanting to rest
>learn some basic stuff in my job like docker, making UIs, MQTT protocol, etc. Stuff that none asks for in job listings because they just ask for programming languages
>look for job openings and they have insane requirements
>7+ programming languages that would fit like 3 different jobs
>I know they might be BS but it doesn't matter because an AI will filter me out if I don't put them in my CV

Anons, I'm fucking overwhelmed by these requirements, what would be the most realistic and possible course of learning something useful for future employment.
I have knowledge on C, C++, Python, which is conflicting because it's been enough to carry me trough my job so far but according to every employee, it's basic baby stuff.
I also learn in college C++ applied for descriptive language (VHDL), Matlab for digital signal analysis, and PLC ladder programming. Which oddly enough, these are well paid careers on their own, but I would have to relearn them and require a bigger investment in relearning them since you need to buy very expensive material.
You're overthinking it and need to calm down. As long as you can retain your motivation and will to actually show up you're already ahead of 90% of your competition.
>Experience writing tests using Cypress-Able
>Strong understanding of SDLC process
>Experience using TestRail

In my entirety of college and the year I've been working, I never heard of these things.
What the fuck is a Cypress-Able test?
And it would be fine if it were one thing I don't know, but every fucking job listing has complete different programs or processes I've never heard of that other listings don't use, at this point I'm starting to think these are just made up words.
>bro just relax bro I can give you free paid time if you want, as much as a week bro
also, boss:
>micromanages me, "quick call?", assigns shit as soon as he has any new data
I fucking hate this faggot. I need to talk to him about this, but I really want to make his life as hard as possible. I need to find ways...
just make a powerpoint, much less effort
unless they're going to pay you more for a pdf or video
PowerPoint with arrows of where to click for the general public. Only go to the effort of a narrated video for people you actually like.
>SDLC process
Just another word for waterfall/agile? I think someone who knew what they were doing typed that listing through someone who didn't and so it ended up with random words that make sense in context.
not like most programmers know infosec or backtrack
it's a retrded move but for the above reason
Most competent programmers should know infosec.What kind of retards are you hiring?

I'd kind of like to work at a place like this. I'd be a giant among midgets and could just relax.
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>it will be incredibly painful
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>absolutely ace two interviews for a senior role
>wait a week to get this email stating consideration (not even an offer) for the role below it

lol. this is with 6+ years of experience in the field and the senior role requiring at least 5. associate role mentioned here requires 3. are these nigs looking for a fucking golden unicorn? what the fuk is wrong with these people
This happened to me before I got my last job. I just ghosted them.
>not like most programmers know infosec or backtrack
if you think it's only that, you are retarded.
I'm not surprised though. you programmers types always think you know it all. yet somehow still write insecure apps/systems. kek
> a randomized controlled trial using the older, less-powerful GPT-3.5 powered Github Copilot for 4,867 coders in Fortune 100 firms.

It finds a 26.08% increase in completed tasks.

if you aren't using AI assistance in your coding you are falling behind.
Guys please help I'm interviewing at a place and finally got to the end after 3 coding rounds but now they want 2 references. What the fuck do I do?
Without a very good LoRA or RAG an AI isn't going to do shit for half the stuff I get hung up on and the other half is just admin bullshit.

I know the language, a general LLM won't help me there.
It's over
lmao that sucks anon
I'm not even sure who I could use as references either. I guess old co-workers I haven't spoken to since they left.
College proffessor/youth pastor/former teacher.

Unless you were homeschooled and literally never talked to anyone your whole life or you lied on your resume this isn't hard.
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i don't care at all.
>It finds a 26.08% increase in completed tasks.
that's what happens when HR focuses on diversity
I graduated 4 years ago so that's out of the question

Yeah I am freaking out about this, no one told me people actually asked for references. I thought that was just a hiring meme
Real sick of these devops niggers. Literally what do they do all day?
Here's the thing, anon. I've got 6YOE, all legit.
I've done networks, cybsec, devops, backend, databases, frontend.
Worked for 5 companies.

I don't even know what to lie about
Wait did you not get your coworkers contacts before you left your last job?

I always get people's contacts when they leave so if I'm stuck in this sort of situation (like if I get scorched earth fired etc) I always have 3 y/o references ready to go. I guess go hunt them down on LinkedIn and hope the answer.
I didn't leave
I don't want them to know that I'm interviewing and I also don't want them to know where I work for now
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>network infrastructure work at work
>don't have/can't do shit all day
make tickets and say they're blocked
Sorry phrase that wrong
*I don't want them to know where I will work in the future
Yeah stalk coworkers who left ~a year ago on LinkedIn then.
Dev the ops
Literally sitting in a bar "working" on some blocked tickets right now.
t. Devops
How basic is "basic C"?
I've become friends with one of the lead devs and it seems like I'm only kept around because the guy would be lonely by himself. This is both a stressful and relaxing at the same time and as I barely do around 3 hours of work a day.
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I don't know man, I haven't talked to those people in like 2 years and we didn't even work that closely together. I'm too autistic to provide references, I don't know how to call these people up and ask if they could give me a reference. For normal people providing a friend or coworker as a reference is the easiest part, but for me the reference is impossible. I looked up a couple old coworkers then when I thought about reaching out I just froze up and got an anxiety attack.
I think I'll just reject their offer and keep looking. Holy shit I'm so autistic
Cheeleaders are underrated in modern society IMO.

Sometimes people just need someone to stand next to them and say everything is going to be ok. Sometimes that can be the difference between everything working out and it all coming apart.
Invite them out for beer, maybe organize a "game night." When they reject it then you ask them for a reference.
>coworker fucked up the codebase by fucking around with the dependencies instead of doing anything useful... again
>last two features he started work on haven't moved past some half-implemented structs and UI.... again
i wish he'd have another depressive episode so he just stops contributing entirely
Not even needing to do memory manipulation because we use ESPs which have a ton of it.
Just make sure the libraries work together without bugs for whatever the device is needed and every library has an easy example you can just steal.
Why would I loot anything with a household income of 600k a year?
And somehow I'm not even the most unproductive member of our entire team lmao. Not even speaking about our PM who only got hired to fill some diversity quota.
NTA. I feel like having more memory makes (good) C harder rather than easier because people start doing more with the heap.
One of our contractors is retarded to death and keeps pushing bugs to prod, nothing ever happens to him. We have to fix his shit constantly and nothing ever happens because my coworkers like him as a person, I am not fucking joking.
Why would blacks loot anything when we're already paying them to live for free?
What kind of retarded company hires contractors and gives them production access?
sorry there's no way I could do that. I wish I wasn't so autistic
When the recruiter calls me again I'm just going to say that I'm sorry but I can't provide any. Better to get rejected than to have to go through this.
>type up a detailed email to boss summarizing changes and items i made that details everything
>he asks to call me anyway
>spend the next hour going through each item with him for no reason
When you try to avoid pointless meetings, it just comes anyway.
You're never going to see them again and they'll say no anyway. Do you want me to write a template email/text for you?
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<- because
Basically he used to work there as an intern then he left and the company was desperate for anyone printing hello world then so they kept his ass. Our manager is also a contractor btw.
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same except he finally got fired 6 months ago and he never wrote any code.
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>friend has job
>hates it with every fiber of his being
>calls on me whenever he has a problem
>snaps at me for not giving him an answer instantly when asked
>have to keep myself composed the whole time
I don't know how long I can keep this going
Nice. I've had to do a baremetal project from scratch on a target with 4K of memory. Probably the only thing I'm going to have to do like that at my current job, though
>contractor middle management
That's definitely new. What's stopping you guys from fucking off and recreating the product on your own?
Are these a meme, or are they actually useful for backend devs?
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My coworker crush said she thought of me yesterday because she ate a candy she knows I like. That was today's highlight for me, this job is ass.
Because whitoids crave punishment. Ask your ancestors.
>Notably, less experienced developers showed higher adoption rates and greater productivity gains.
Neat. Now we have a citation for how the upcoming generation of devs will be tool-dependent tards.
>god invents trucks
>a man can now carry 1000x his body weight to serve society
kek. NTA but let's see it
>Retard tries to WFH knowing their internet speeds are trash
Tell them you don't feel comfortable telling people at your current workplace that you're looking around
I love WFH other than the fact that my family treats my WFH as if I have no job and am free to do things for them like drive them around or run errands for them.
There's no reason to call me and I'm good enough at vim that I don't need fast internet.
what does vim have to do with internet speed tard
maybe he's saying he doesn't need to use chatgpt to code or something
>I just stare at the screen all day and fantasize about dying or winning the lottery.
Why not do literally anything else that is more productive? Grind jeetcode instead of sitting there blankly. I envy how much free time you have.
Because meetings are how he pretends he's busy. You think he's gonna let you ruin a good thing for him?
We built evidence against one of our guys with the same problem, contractor doing nothing for over a year. Ultimately he was removed because we found a replacement within the company. Overburn/underburn is a common reason why contractors stick around without being fired. 1-to-1 replacement solves the overburn/underburn problem, and it's easier to poach from within the company than hire. I recommend looking around your contracting firm to see if anyone would be a good fit for your team. Our team was lucky because the replacement approached our team looking to join us. You will likely have a more difficult time. But a replacement is the way to go. That useless guy is now somewhere else in the firm being useless for another team and our replacement is shit hot.
Everywhere I've worked they give you mac and then have you ssh into a real computer to do anything. So if your connection is slow you're going to want to do more stuff with motions/substitutions rather than try and interactively edit.
Don't act on this anon. At least not until you switch jobs or she does. Don't shit where you eat. At least not in the same department where you'll see her all day.
God damn, can I have his job?
Sounds like a customer, not a friend. Send him an invoice.
Yeah, the best way to stop this is to tell people you'll charge them at your freelance rate if they keep asking for help.
I'm in IT and she's not, anyway nothing is gonna happen it's really just me daydreaming but this is one of the few things making me happy to go to work. All good.
new thread
Everyone needs a work wife to look at. As long as you don't lose your job over it then this is healthy.
at least he's not a screaming jeet like my first boss
that would be harassment in my country which would allow me to leave my current job and get paid for that.
I wish, I really wish he did that... maybe I should annoy the fuck out of him to get him to that point.
Repeat your question back to them, in a public setting if any leverage could come from that.

You are within your right to close tickets, and work solely on the data within them.

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