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Previous thread: >>102192822

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

>New dall-e proxy

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here:

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
Really nice
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call me when it can do realism
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Thanks you.

>90's anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, fine brush gouache painting, ocean blues colors palette, close-up.
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>Simple anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, fine brush gouache painting, vibrant pop colors palette, close-up.
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>Semi-realist anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, broad brush gouache painting, winter frost colors palette, close-up.
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Did something happen that made dalle extra retarded lately?
It seems it likes to forget half the prompt if it's not short and concise.
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I noticed that AIs has been dumbed down recently in general, even Claude Opus. Word is they do this to make their benchmark score better at the launch of new models? Idk, but I noticed the decline as well especially in the past month. New models should launch soon
Sometimes if you get too risque it dumps half the prompt and gives you 4/4 greatly simplified g-rated version,
very cool, that's what I thought I'd look like when I grow up (I was wrong)
Yes. it has been dumbed down.
I haven't used chatbots for a year but I wouldn't be surprised if they were being dumbed down too.
it isn’t dumbed down you faggots are just uncreative and the worst ai general in this website full of 3dslop
I've been noticing this issue too lately. Not sure whether they further dumbed it down (reduced token memory or whatever), making only very short prompt to work as intended, or Bing is actually rewriting prompts even when they're harmless.
After 11 months of putting art style at the end I had to move it to the beginning of a prompt or else DALL-E would simply drop it.
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>*seething weeb noises*
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Thanks and yeah as children and teens we think we will be cool, riding motorbikes, having fun all day then then reality shits us in the face
You are lost. >>>/a/ or /aicg/ would be better for you.
I wish I saved some of my old prompts to test it out how much is dumbed down. But I got that feeling it's token memory or if they trained stuff out, or I'm being a schizo..
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so beautiful! here is my not that good take on it
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>Simple anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, broad brush gouache painting, romantic reds colors palette, close-up.
very nice prompt pls
*retard alert*
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>Semi-realistic anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, broad brush gouache painting, urban grunge palette, close-up.
Didn't save the first two, they are quite old. The bottom one is:
>Low frontal point of view. Black-and-white faded grainy photoscan depicting a skinhead leaning back with a cigarette, knees out to each side, face completely obscured in smoke. He's wearing worn black jeans and military boots, scrawny, rugged, about 30yo. On the floor in a dark dirty room. Lonely melancholic atmosphere
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>80's anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, fine brush gouache painting, tropical vibrance color palette, close-up.
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I just can't make it gen a giant robot cat in my hellplanet prompt, this is the closest I was able to do. I tried robotic domestic cat, feline etc it gives me booba and gore instead
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thanks a lot for sharing this, it makes good results
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do funny camera footage shit idk
reminds me of old cs games
is it watercolor style? very pretty
I recognize your stuff easily
awesome color theory
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you should tard wrangle imagen-3
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thanks! here is the prompt if you want to play with it
>NES game of a fantasy robot ninja is crawling on volcano, high-tech black ninja suit and mask, he is in dynamic motion, mountains erupting in the distance, detailed 16bit NES dithering and pixellation
You're welcome. I think so too
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I'm getting spammed by it right now, hate this stupid dog
This prompt was working, would someone please post a prompt that'll make this prompt work again?

Please post a prompt for Asuka from Evangelion as well, thank you.

Overwatch art, impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, low angle, female character D.Va from Overwatch in running sneakers, seated on chair, in an apartment, smiling, looking down at viewer, front shot, showing the bottoms of her sneakers

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Another day, another bump.
Can this thing do genning from images?
>I recognize your stuff easily
I suppose it is easy.
Apparently not, the website is very barebone, just a window to write your prompt. On the plus side, you don't need to register and it's not as slow as some other video generators.
I guess this is sweet enough to share, albeit both the younger-than-usual age and the surprised look were accidental... I was just running a semi-recent prompt out of boredom.
anyone got "full" list of popular characters dall-e knows?
Nope, but I got this list for Vidya/Animu:
It actually includes the descriptions to make some characters that it doesn't know or that won't work very reliably without getting reinforced. Ignore the OC nonsense and scroll down.
>list for anime
I can't find Spike Spiegel in the list.

Is this list incomplete or it only includes vidya character ?
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She should fix her leaky roof. Her tools are gonna rust.
Sometimes you sweat so hard, you make everything else sweat
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Man, this thread is dead
Lady, stop sweatin' and start forgin'.
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I think you might be right, my bad. There's actually a picture of Broly in the samples, but there's no prompt for it.
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what other AI websites or tools do you guys? to make videos as well, just not images
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Didn't know Vidu or Pika, I'll check those out
Vidu is very new, Pika has been around for a long time but isn't as advanced. A lot of people like Luma but it's very slow unless you want to pay $30. Kling is similar but cheaper

I'm hoping AI animation/filmmaking becomes more popular, it's very easy to animate anything and there's so much you can do with it
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>AI making up a British spelling of the logo
Based and tea-pilled.
Were you lucky with the spear or did it take dozens of re-rolls as usual?
I take dozens of re-rolls. At first I wanted a bow but i changed my mind.
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That was actually my error kek. I always wind up using both UK and US english because I never received a proper english education.
Did they change something with Vidu, now the free version says you get zero credits at least last time I checked
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>80's anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, fine brush gouache painting, sunset hues color palette, close-up.
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>Detailed anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, fine brush gouache painting, autumn warmth color palette, close-up.
Wait for the page to load

Are you ever going to animate these anon? Would be nice to see
I have no idea where to even begin with that. I don't even know what would even happen in such a sequence
Please, prompt them wearing Lederhosen.
He's literally me
If it makes you happy.
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I think it makes them happy.

If you are completely out of ideas, you could honestly just plug in the same prompt that you used in DALL-E or leave it blank and it will animate them in some way
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>Semi-realistic anime movie still in the art style of Yoshitaka Amano, fine brush gouache painting, grayscale elegance color palette, close-up.
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